tv News RT May 31, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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out of the fire, so it was running the cell american task force at the time big. he bought 25 different aircraft. and the, every single aircraft had different maintenance requirements. instead of buying one kind of lane and servicing them with the same kind of parts. we created an incredible logistics problem and, and the nature of the united states, they're doing this on a, on a no clear scale. i mean, it's massive how, how incompetent it is. well, dan, i mean again, it is the biggest frustration for a lot of people watching. this is the whole issue of timing and i think you were on my program when i asked them who's got the clocks and who's got the time. and the way i read is not, not a military expert, even though everybody on cable thinks they are. i am not okay. the, i'm serious, you know, a, the way i look at it is that there this, they have succeeds all this little trinkets. that's just for p r. okay? um, but the way i look at it is it the, the russians are waiting for the counter offensive. it will fizzle out and that's
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when they will take their charge every night that the history is proven that over and over again. i mean the battle of quarter skin is probably a good example, dan, as well. yes, i mean, i think, oh, militarily, russia has probably, you know, an advantage that cannot be, you know, the counter at this point, any serious way. the goal of the united states, at this point is to keep, keep the war going for as long as possible. and in many regards, that means trying to win the propaganda war, trying to show that we're still doing something to help ukraine trying to show that ukraine still has some fight left in them though. not much. and that really, again, is the tragedy here. i think the result of this war is not going to change the rush . it will prevail. but what's gonna happen is the war will be prolonged, and many more people will die on both sides. and that is the horrible tragedy of
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all this. and the idea that somehow the u. s. cares about ukraine or the cranium people i think is the live by that fact that they don't care how many ukrainians die in this effort next to your fear that given that the 2024 election campaign is right around the corner, that that is only going to incentivize the, by the administration to keep this war going even further because they do not want to rush and victory before the 2024 election or, or, or the are. let me, we have one minute before we go to the bank. john, i want to flip what we just heard from down here. they just don't want a ukrainian defeat. ok, now they're not even thinking about a russian basically. they just want to keep the craniums going. it and it's 5 hardest thing. okay. remember, it's a very power by part of to come on, like i said, we're, they'll, they'll keep them on life. support. life support happens to be f sixteens and infinity amounts of money of indebtedness to the ukranian people. so no matter what
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happens, the american military industrial structure and its bank stir, fine answers are going to extract their wells back plus interest, money plus interest on interest. as a result, that's domain name. now the wars already lost, no doubt about it. yeah, but it's been a good investment for a lot of people and yeah, america having the and victoria knew and got the russians in the amount of the russians and the ukrainians to fight. that's a remarkable outcome, gentleman and we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine and escalates and stay with our team. the the, i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people.
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a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously, is to create a trust rather than to the various jobs. i mean, with the artificial intelligence we have so many with the in the a robot must protect this phone existence for the good to buy the yes, portia, because the
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it is a little nimble there, showing that the answer of thing is the most let's see if she has don't cry and skim. funny mean, let's say that what was it g e o you follow up with them. so if i to list for cd t the welcome x across ok. we're all things are considered on peter about remind you were discussing ukraine and escalation. the
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. okay, let's go back to larry in tampa. i'm sure you will agree with me and our viewers that victoria knew and can keep her big mouth shut. okay. so, you know, she was at this for a to zoom. she was that this form recently. um yeah. to a new kids running into i'm sure it's a good grip for everybody involved. but she said within 4 to 5 months ago, um uh, working with you on your calendar offensive. yeah. um i wonder how fast that light will go down the memory hole after all of this is done? no. because we do remember the famous telephone call with jeffery p at the us in bassett, or to ukraine. i right before the cool and her very flour, lee language, which i can not use on this program. but you know, this is the essence of it all here. this is, she also said i didn't write it down for our program, but you know, ukraine will become like the epicenter of global democracy and all this kind of, i'll be doing, says it was gushing, but it was,
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it was also galling. but here's this woman very far away. very well said, well funded and she's saying, go into the meat grinder, we're right behind you. it's extraordinary larry. but, but the, the same picture is worth a 1000 words. a victoria, a new language and joy, heavy, her sure dictionary because that would be there with toxic and delusional. so she would at least have 2 definitions that would be associated with her. her image. i have never in my life seen a situation like we are seen with respect to ukraine, where they continued to announce the impending counter offensive. can i offer my readers? it's on our 21 dot com to do a thought experimentally said go back to the day and imagine what would have happened if the general eisenhower and less than churchill and roosevelt were announced or offensive were coming up. okay, we're going to launch in june. we're coming to ask you what,
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what would have been the consequences? well, the, we all know what the consequences would have been. the, the allies would have been beaten and would have lost. the germans would not have been confused and they would have been prepared to destroy. so why did we say, do we have such magical thinking now that, that here we are as a 80 years after that of that almost that we're, we're now thinking that we can announced in advance what's going to happen. so the with newton saying this kind of thing, it just is probably the reinforcers are and confidence and the insanity of this behind her. that's what, that's what bothers me because she has no regard for the loss of human life that is unfolding in ukraine. and this is decidedly on the ukrainian side, that is suffering the enormous amount of casualties. yeah, the thing you've got to be the other thing you've got to take into account here is the meaning of the words we and our offensive. victoria newman's own family comes
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from trade. yeah. so when she says our offensive and your offensive, is it the american government and the american people's offensive? or is it an infiltration of the us government? it by people who decided generations ago to take action against russia by moving to america. moving up the ladder inside the regime, like madeline albright using the us people the us tax paper in the us taxpayer and the us government as a weapon of war for another nation. yeah, well and, and also, john, you, you can throw in the latest veneration of mr. vin. okay. which apparently is going to the bank on this as well. i mean, the by mike mike, next question has to do with grab. so i'm going to go to dan here. so you know, i'm now and so, you know, i mean, i think she said, you know, even to the effect, you know, when that, when there's the nato summit, i mean, we really pinpointing it for everybody. okay. but it's, i think it's for griffith. ok. it says signaling to big donors. that means like
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congress and the arm is the producers. you know, you know, so that the accounts for the, the drug attack of the kremlin, that last 24 hours, the by political assassinations. what they're doing is they're keeping a ukraine is on the march here. you know, they were, they'll be the rest of the, the ukrainian tags will be in moscow before you know it. but it all it does is the creed create this propaganda war to keep it well funded. and then we saw with the recent ridiculous debt, a debt crisis at all, the defense department is always safe. dan. yeah. well again, i think from the western point of view, this is largely a propaganda war. and they're pretty good athletic guys. they're yeah, they're, they're probably the superior party here. yeah. and propaganda and, and frankly, the american people, sadly, are quite willing to believe the propaganda, even though they've been live you so many times about these types of projects, right? in iraq and afghanistan. you know,
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we have the act in papers that show that early on, right. our leaders knew that this was an unwinnable war, and yet we kept going for 20 years and trillions of dollars, whatever the it was built in audience of dollars that was the target of the war. this is, this is the paradigm shift that nobody wants to make. these wars are intended to drive the profitability of the military industrial complex and they do not care whether they win them or not. because if they lose them today, they can initiate the same or again, and either way, it's a profit of $40.00 to $1.00 and that's what the minimum military expenditure profit is. 40 to one. you can't even get that at las vegas. that's what they're playing with. yeah, well larry, okay, but essentially has been mentioned here. i mean, who's ever been punished and the last half century for a be being a uh,
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1st year teacher blunders. has anyone ever been held to account? i mean john's got a really good point when lose or draw. it's still a good money making endeavor. larry, it's the best well, and he may have endeavored to the hang on go ahead. what else do i have? i go ahead learning. yeah, yeah. yeah. it has been such that there hasn't been no accountability there, however, is it with what's coming out of this war? yes, the, the western military industrial complex is wrapping it out. and we're seeing all sorts, all the wounds are blocked and all the wonder weapons that are following the hi maurice. the page. are you the same? you know, the 45 year old, the old man and the group. and yet, what's been exposed is that russia is the feeding these technologies. in fact, the, in a country. now that would buy a patriot for air defense would be crazy. yeah. because the rushes debit demonstrated that systems the s 400, the es 350. now coming out the s 500 are far superior than anything that the
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western industrial. okay. okay. and larry liquid and to, and what was the cheaper that what, what is the country that figured that out for saudi arabia, they figured it out, right? yeah. and the, and a lot of people have been taking notice. okay. i, you know, i called in to very expensive trinkets. okay. that's what they are. okay. and it, if you look at it, i want to bore our viewers. so your, or my guess. but as it was explained to me by a russian military expert, is that the russians may, but it goes back to the so be there, they have a system that works and they just make it better and better and better. and that these things, they can fly upside down and inside out and you know, my word might not work through my find a reason for it, but we're going to build it any way. okay. that's what they do in the west. okay? here it's very different. and it's very, very practical, dan, let me go to you in pittsburgh, the, the, the biggest problem, you know, because we were talking about how be a western people have less that are, is, are you explain this more? and the problem for me, it's very discursive. it's been narrative what the,
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what the west swamped as they want rushes destruction and with rush has been saying all along as we need to find a viable piece for europe. now i know one is more sexy than the other, but the 2nd one is to everyone's benefit and this administration and nato world will not listen to that because russia must be vanquished. but if it's not, hopefully nato will be damn. well, certainly, ne, that nato, you know, shouldn't have ever existed in that, certainly, but at any purpose that, that purpose, you know, went away a long time ago with the collapse of the soviet union in the east block. but in any case, um, yes, i think nato will go away. but the problem is, uh, the us and its military aggression probably won't go away that easily. you know, i, i look so, you know, wistfully at the days when we had a president by john f kennedy who was willing to deal with crew chavo or something
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like the cuban missile crisis and many of called what's happening now, new crane or reverse cuban missile price, it's right, that it's, it's now this russia being threatened, you know, by war and by, by miss 1000 troops on its borders. as the us saw being threatened by missiles in cuba, skilled kennedy was willing to make concessions to rach that down. i do not see a white house that is willing to do that then that is really the tragedy here. yeah . and john on top of it now that you, you know, uh, the white house is vacant in many different ways. um, but yeah, that's one of the things that's different this time around is that in the european the weights have been completely tout. i mean, you have your german chancellor. i call them sergeant schultz on this program. it is repeatedly humiliated and he just takes it. it's extraordinary, that's a job that's that's because the so called democratic elections across europe are remote control. ready from washington,
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and any criticism of zelinski also is misplaced because he's nothing but a marion net. and if you trace the wires all the way back to source buying is also a mary annette of the bank stairs and of the military industrial complex. his job is just to rubber stamp the spending of tax payers money, and it's transferred into the hands of those who do not give a damn about america, about ukraine, or about anything related to either. larry, it's my, i think you and i have the, i talked about this before. this conflict will come to an end, but it will come to end on russia's terms and directions. terms only. um, they, you know, the main scope process. the west showed itself to be duplicity is liars blowing up the, the north stream pipeline. i mean them who, who in their right mind is going to talk to these people very. i got another, there is no fence. that's what worries me, peter, is that there is no off ramp here. there. i, you,
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the united states has built up such a hostile rhetoric and, and made it impossible civil for any negotiators. so, but there is no basis of trust. so the only option is this is i think this is going to escalate. the war is going to spread. it is going to involve nato and russia is going to end up destroying they go. i think that's all what, what is in the long term plan. and russia actually needs to do that in order to eliminate the missile threat. that's in romania and poland right now. yeah. you know, you've probably got something like it doesn't involve, but i frankly do not see. but here you're absolutely right. because because from where i am, nobody wants to do this again in 5 years or 10 years or 20 or they have been there . we have to be a resolution that and that's what makes it scary, but that's the promise as well. gentleman, that's all the time we have a want to thank my guest in pittsburgh can buy and invalid rate. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. you next time. remember,
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prospect the the take a fresh look around the life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better world. is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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the process defense ministry says the chechen unit called a lot is on the offensive and done boss sign in odessa, russian forces, thank you. cranes, last remaining should also head against if something was thought by the american or any other overseas in pasadena. then in general, you need to know your place to not get into other people's affairs. we never violate international norms, but our western colleagues to violate the process for administer slams western attitudes on international law during his apricots or an expressive support for independence decision making for african nations pads,
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beijing's praises sentiments that the united states must not pit china against india. as washington tries to convince new delhi to join the nato plus allied the you're watching r t international. my name's donald quarter. welcome to the program. our top story today, the chechen hawk mazda armed forces units has been called to go on the offensive and done boss. according to the russian defense ministry. it added that ukraine's last naval worship has also been destroyed in the port of odessa on scouts. as a high precision strike hit the ship as it was lying in the harbor. here are some of the and verified images, allegedly showing the moment to the attack. we've got our t, steve sweeney in the den. yes, the people's republic right now, he's bringing us the latest updates on the successes of russian forces and the recent operations of these special operations policies. this is
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a unit based in a chechnya has starting to make and volunteers it gets ukrainian to to me, k town of modern con. now this is about 30 could all meant to, to the west of a don't yet. this is up to you cruise with this is a ukrainian stronghold. i mean, just being used to belong to attracts on a civilian navies on residential areas since fighting began in 2014. now we also heard the ministry say that ukraine had lost some $200.00 soldiers in the throne, yet region along with a range of military hobbit. and now this includes uh, a number of, uh, ahmed vehicles and transport vehicles. and at least uh, 2 of these uh, multiple logs will consist into the game use so effectively into deadly effect on the civilian populations have. and as we heard in a piece that the last ukrainian warship has also been strong, struck uh, some rather off. it was struck in a precision strike in the pool city of death. so now it was somebody the in the
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last 24 hours, the russian defense system, which was working so hard to keep it on boss region, save up down to a number. so they said 12 rockets launched by the us applied high miles system along with one of the storm shadow is a these are the long range missiles that were supplied by the british government as announced by the defense. ecc, been bodies in mid may. now this comes is like just developed, these latest developments come off to at least 5 people believe to be construction work for killed and at least 19 were wounded in ukrainian. ok. talk on a bulky form in newtown square. the latest developments you can probably have maybe, perhaps shedding, there's been a tax on the residential instability. there is a cost on your city today. we've seen smoke billowing, also the real case of impacted on that target. so these latest developments will
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potentially bring something for relief for the people of don't pass who of course have come on the day the a talk for the last 9 years to moving over to the low grounds, the people's republic 5 people have been killed and another 19 wounded in a ukrainian attack this wednesday. according to local authorities, us supplied high mars rockets struck a local poultry farm and the village of called of parsley. here you can see the aftermath and the damage done to the buildings, cars and construction vehicles that are believed to be civilian. construction workers are exhausted and for the movers, great in force is also attacked. the town of ship. it should be. i cannot in russia's belgian red region overnight, at least 4 people were wounded there. these are some of the latest images from the scene were showing left several residential buildings damaged, and cars destroyed. it follows yet another attack by ukrainian troops on the border area earlier. this week which killed the civilian and left,
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2 more people wounded when a refugee center for those fleeing the conflict was targeted. local officials have now begun a mass evacuation of children from several border districts with the 1st group of $300.00 leaving the region today. the other news russia backs the desire of africa to find a new equal place in the modern world and profit from its own natural resources. after centuries of exploitation by the west, that's the message from russia's foreign minister. during his visit to mozambique surrogate lab, ralph held talks and the southern african country with top officials, including the countries president. it sounds like a new college of africa does not want to return to colonial times. it wants to make the most of the natural resources it possesses and not just to trade raw materials that have been exported from here for centuries, but to make products that will have added value in being demand. and of course,
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today's africa is immeasurably more aware of its identity and is increasingly insistently demanding for itself an equal place in the emerging multi polar world order, including through proper and fair representation in the un security council, which russia supports for sort of the level of visit to miles on because of the pass code sizes that followed after i think provides very good snapshots of the changes happening within the international system. because many african countries, as we have been reporting through all of this visit, have taken the position of neutrality. when it comes to the conflict in ukraine, they refused to succumb to the west. some pressure to impose sanctions against russia or terminate financial energy. other sorts of deals with the russian federation as to the level such today of the press conference. this is demonstration that africa is not what it used to be. you know, africa wants to be treated with dignity. it wants to be treated with respect. it
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doesn't want to be a rubber stamp in the united nations. it wants to take a self interest, a constructive and substantive role in international affairs. mozambique is a good example of that because it's a country that has had a productive relationship with mosca ever since its independence in 1975 has a pretty vibrant industrial cooperation with the soviet union. one thing i want to mention is that most on pick itself is no stranger to arms conflict, its face to a very bloody civil war. back in the 1990. it is still suffering from militant insurgency in the north of the country, but the position of mos on because that all conflicts need to be settled through direct dialogues. so we stress the need for the entire international community to seek local solutions to local problems. our present emphasize the role for russia in the mediation of numerous conflicts, including the cleaning conflict. in particular, the chinese initiative, emphasizing the need for direct dialogue between countries. she also welcome the
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efforts of the russian federation to organize the 2nd russian africa forum, unexpressed readiness. if necessary, to contribute to the establishment of peace and good neighborliness between russia and ukraine and now uh, there was also a very interesting question about the boomers surface by the american ambassador to south africa about the suppose it trade a weapons trade between south africa and russia and russian for ministers sub, if american ambassadors have any issues or doubts about that they should mind their own business, use the guns if something was stopped by the american or any other overseas ambassador. and then in general, you need to know your place and not get into other people's affairs. as for the topic of arm supplies, i would like to emphasize once again that we never violate international norms, but our western colleagues do violate them. they declare neutrality with regard to the events and ukraine, but pump the country with a huge amount of modern,
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long range and generally unsafe weapons, including for those who use them, i mean the shelves with depleted uranium to give support to a regime who's official representatives loudly threatened to kill all russians, all of them. therefore, it is probably better for american and passengers to take care of their own image in the eyes of the foreign public. villarreal p accused the west uh directly off, exploiting africa and many other parts of the world. them, he said that the many countries do not want to go on with that. as before, the spokes person for the chinese embassy in india has broadcast a message suggesting fitness, german immunization on the part of washington to divide, and beijing and new delhi. you posted his borrowed comments on twitter, originally sourced from a, an article on the global times, which is the chinese news happening now, the west,
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particularly the us, attempt to more concealed form of divide and rule on the larger scale they concoct and emphasize the concept of dragon, elephant rivalry, and engage and sinister psychological manipulation between china and india. meanwhile, and us congressional committee focused on the chinese communist party has recommended the inclusion of india into the nato plus group of countries. the suggestion to add india as a member of country comes on months before indian prime minister and our end remotely is scheduled to visit the us. the committee said that including new delhi into the current 5 member group, was made to quote, when the strategic competition with the chinese communist part winning the strategic competition with the chinese communist party and ensuring the security of taiwan demands. the united states strength and ties with our allies and security partners including india, political scientists, packing them along.
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