tv Documentary RT June 3, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EDT
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church, which was done in 2008 with the, you know, actual declaration of independence, of cost, of all. and then subsequent recognition by the united states of america, united kingdom and a number of other western allies was, uh, was addressed as into epic proportions. it was very, very 1st time that somebody tried to create the stain in the aftermath of the 2nd world war using those, you know, actual means against the role and the security council against the majority of the world nation. so window, like joe coverage is playing as if it was a big tennis champion. and at the end of the match, you know that the tennis players, they approach the camera, they say a few words in the camera, and they also write a few words on the camera. so what the hell of joe can make sure? no, it was cost of what was the hardest to review. please bring peace and
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now he is attacked. he's the way the media and neither nation media, you know, because he was calling for beats like, i mean, that's the level of propaganda or whatever you're doing this weekend. i hope you're having a great one. that's all for me. pizza scott's, but fear a isabella will be taken over in 30 minutes. take you into the evening. thanks very much for your company. the bmw on the problem is the m, the of us are using spelled out pretty so you see succeeded other ones. you somebody else, or you feel's piece introduced i'll do unless you got them go. would you be a we both get a spot to say, of course i use a all me to city and you're not the most of the
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way you can i you know, assigned to the points. if i see i've got the view that i got the people who are what i see, see that that will be the black. you have a plus of the little thing you know, can i, you know, she is. so why you would see the 2 sections i really a painful while you have been the calling to me because apparently it was based on a cheap energy coming from russia. so now we are in your area in the position regarding the is the select, the cut, the fire legs, and you cannot walk anymore. just reckless behavior. the
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match is both for me. for the time i was because i had some new politic. i'd say a commitment and you're supposed to be of a process. is the guy used to has more than a co parts of the country for the last. i didn't for him to let you take it that the who is a for to ship uh, a coup. i'd love to pick this up or if that both of the police are for more than those what i see is great isn't, isn't funny to those with the numbers such as or change the auto get those a gas boys. the electric, i mean like i'm putting up a little should be shot, see him. but as that goes,
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which i'm going to similar as a true or change order of a e. that's what we didn't even give us more than a month. it's not only that, and the cost for increasing the gas prices are $8.00 times higher than before. all the material costs are increasing, at least. so the, for the present sanctions to retrieve the chart right now and the practice to making companies like our company, the 2025, then please mix or jo. very, very difficult. i think it to be able to hurt a lot of small companies and i'm afraid that too many of them would be forced to stop this reduction or to reduce, to minimum level in small no senior started his business back in the early 19 ninety's. his, his company is specialized in engineering and manufacturing lightweight plastic
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components experience and that kind of a strategy, disregarding external factors. so what does camp this company afloat over the years? absolutely unexpected to be hooked up to the young russian company, one of the target for the negotiations for the appraisal egypt, it was the big chance for us to participate in this project to the course quite well. and because reach the position of the main supplier for plastic parts, we have the contact to reference colleagues, very satisfied with useful operation. a long time in the business for several years for in sunni, i live and work in russia. the language in gainey valuable experience in a large company scales that now greatly assist in doing business with the russian partners. the we have the for the more reduced 600 victims becoming 3 years. it was already on the $5060.00 pieces and
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delivered. so if the more than 450, if the 500, the big ones have to be delivered, the coming to us just impossible to, we are suffering really under the new uncomfortable circumstances. i hope that the european big nations understands that the distinctions are so coming from all of us . it cannot really kept long life not but the number the seals cover is the me, moga senses the liam up the sea like that uh by the quench its um e. so me, i mean, if so we get that actual smooth zillow, lea, a bit of a bucket, signed to speculate bucket suggests was yeah. then that's what they mean. anything
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. that's what the fuck it's fun to throw through. but i see you have an open book at the terms place to store, which we did because you didn't. who's it, who was you, who j. e principal, you find that nice be at that and you took where you fit to. we're going to see bill both uh me bumper uh spits. okay. gotcha. and use that one to think of of us a couple. it's a, it's a boy, now it's a 70. now, that what you would i see sprint, the places, tools that i'm able to open go through. it is as easy as go by that it will be and it will really show up your mind. i seize google doesn't show up with you. they should watch a start or what would that be as the glasses? yes, but all of the ponies and stuff. just google doing my stuff, give younger crises, cool guy. that was a good book, studious article. she does. okay. do you see the another major decision
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beauty pass made despite opposition from brussels and washington was to develop young gary and russian cooperation in the field of nuclear energy for a coup. need the award postal award? allow me to see about getting some of the skills done. you know, the idea of wisconsin having a box shop the if i'm move them up to the united suite and have a good goodness due to being the leadership just to be to use. can you smell cdfa? pete dies saw the shortest lobby. bob got my motion on poor boy, should i see you? but i see us play. that's partially some of which is totally fine. yeah. so you would all thought it was you posted on the the, on your fine, you might be able to basically say, now the judge will provide a little deeper breaths. it's zack for us. we are just a probably just will aggressive dice when you use we a nice the she and i,
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she's the design but i did do my extra voice to be sure that am yeah. so much now beach, but i see the stupidity divide as rid of we. why knew but us to peter he divide us to be not unless done. yes. i mean, in some you see the get a money be last time i see, you know, you got to do body store. as of you saw me see you need me, but you, you already push the seal, that'll be the box. so yes, then you me see a frontier you how do you find time? we store the needs of the see me if i need to find new bodies, the semi glove need, that thing is obviously most new coma who the new fee to, to was, was spelled as honest as a hungry today. the only remind of its former imperial ground here is the map of greater hungry oh, hanging on the wall. the key. i thought of me uh,
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what that does that got by just a slow leak. yeah. how do i to uh say it'd be, uh then easy was, this is yes, you would not be the voices. yes. but the cheese up and gas key at the door. yeah. these conferences you've, which then goes do you know, since is that, you know, i mean frontier yeah. the ac territory, you mean normally near frontier? yeah. the last night or probably n d e s o. and she can give you, you know, they asked month as we've got to put them in the us ponies. what was today? i'm gary and d asperger's. a found in west and austria, south west and croatia knows us. be a romania and sort of back. yeah. oh, essentially these have been part of great uh hungry along with trends companies. yeah. who are you see the principality of hungry became the kingdom of hungry and then the austro hungarian empire. great. how hungry his heyday was at the beginning of the 20th century. that everything changed
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stopped. well, one which hungry, reckless and they got involved and it turned down to be a disaster and led to the empire's collapse to you for the skis that i need talk to with us, which just allow you to do with lots of lots out the law with a push to recall the premium, the activity to where they are being the be cheated as a bush the not by territory. you because you wiley putting me up in the lots that you, me, the on she love it by using these talk a little out. mean she, it's like giving that to you it's maybe one of them gets cooperates hosting the accounting cost that i saw some of the initial contact them. what it was that i want china. sure. as to the fact that i own fontose showing your on your name is that me on the title for that style of mine up again, this was the time of my own from us. we mean them when you
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are k for shamming them when you are not lucky. i don't and i but i don't know if you're not going as i can get them for push as or no point for state almost at emmanuel, the advocating for their night is that what i'll call stuff me up on your sample cause i just my own phone versus a lot to send that event, isn't it that you want to ask you then? sounds good and you can, you don't want you to push as bad as a way out the as i can of i'd say hi, going to get my car back to you on a call. okay. but i'm getting say, and i've got that, they only a lot that on the thing back. okay. but, but then say base makes contact as a capital on get everyone's trying to stop by. there isn't just the territory that was once taken from them is the cradle of the nation hood in public circles. the idea of regaining native hun,
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gary and lambs is strong to this day as weekly onyx as even further as if we're going on. you sound kind of, i thought it was already rented us to them, or that could actually outside of a shower vase of what the little this picture is. land of ancient forest, rivers, lakes and mountains, is a window to you. today is part of ukraine trends, comp idea having, being annexed by the us, a saw after world war 2 in 1945. a. is that okay? that's, that's good. that's what i'm gonna do. yeah. so hit the she said that she shared with them. yeah. okay. i know is and that'll allow that. she'll quantity syria last got back to you. sure. let me make someone will put you on the page. i thought that it comes with a shake. i mean, i do any means cause of shaving and you're going going to shake or one core laughter as well. one look as i'm going to have little contest. alcorda. okay. i'd
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say, my gosh, i entered them on you, so i don't nice hasn't look at it with my initial con. yeah. to be the most of the i'm with luke and i'm the one i sent them, but that deck. okay, i'm pull that'll look at this and, and i'm not the one that i'm actually count on was as they are 3 or 3 she doesn't, was there hamilton? i shall come pack of thing that i created on the guy at the out on the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law? show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. at the point obviously is to trace
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a truck or rather than fit the area, i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with him in the a robot must protect his phone, existence was on the who the frequencies are new. those who go to do and which could be a good but excess can find more in just a really good bible skate you assume we're going to be in. so we can guess the school to get the least special needs the best as i get here cause
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you have good because again, i missed the phone to the the other stuff, the fish and my you can especially stuff dusta food to us or they me that is a brand that to me. yeah. because she was just going to do the for you might risk evaluated in a risk of you know, grand school. and if you can get some curtis over them for you, if you can guess gift quoted below grand squared. oh square glass, the to the actual code on fortune's oh, good tooth nitrate it up with those right? temporarily. sobriety, essex transaction, tim didn't attempt to and the new democrats or judy says he has given me the to the have sent over the phone. got moved to hungry in the 1970s, but she never abandoned her roots. she's only supported her fellow transcon paintings and residence of hometown. if there is
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a bureau. do you think we under a test to be here? but i'm gonna go and take our part if she does her though, she does to just you and it's not for me to assist to. again, this too is sebastian called the to the guy who still store stuff with us are store, but use very different gable use the same use. but it was have you have when you buy a to, to you do with a volume store and you did it transaction to who you are and you should see those still know just squared over can use when you look forward this to and you had to and i didn't actually time enough to here still know, resume to the some of the federal seem ok to you. he in ski your waste to more than just a yeah. and stuff so you might use them on to yes. and who to a category or chase mission. ok, can you provide anyone on the west us
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a test to meet the other to do that or to to who would seem to be doing lyft? uh, cuz the flip go, my so you to the signing of the are you guys just in the box? the okay. to move on from what i mean. cool. how do i like to do a review that back to you as a ton of money about that you've asked for quite enough money to go through that so case habit and so i look not long, it goes make it to, to mess up the alien. the logo, you and the best selling you mean by tougher? sophie's little buzz about that so. so by the end of the people sizes on the screen
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. thank you. that's like is the money stand? that's what i hear, that that's the day a telephone thing is okay. so go to supply ok screen. thank you. i think it was an acura like pop out of the ground for them at the bottom of that. see if she got enough money to buy store, does she get to as a beth, part of this new one. save ash, a record of me my go to connect. so a lot of more data with us sheet as it goes okeydoke wood in the us. we do more due to investigating clinicals metal cry, napa local, and then he bought on each collab include that as a can with best the any because number and actual cannot take that me stood lucky
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and you can which of my go to what they, what they shy, scare lasagna is okay. yeah. that for me, thank you. my goal for them the next day when they buy shoke or an app or when we get off, i think music habitable for them it's that'd be a daughter which meant that goes on to one of my joke. and i got a thought that go get that ended up is sort of setting on a, but we think i've got the phone to us what that says with media to them that the stuff we're getting our credit back by any chevy. do you agree that the habitable the drug costs are handed out in the streets and cafe as a shelves then upfront scanning and take them to the front place? almost conscription. thanks. even those with con gary and passports seaboard. yes. yeah. and cries k a in the last 2 share. any?
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yes, almost. i need to might have a c dish to i knew you loud such us you that but never need to start. i so sad to be small, but each it is up is up, but no you able to be able to say use any. is your name start to buy me anything like that? they got a new card, does v like little boy a not so 9 to it goes to dice. i need the motion j like is cost. when i use my car, not so you and your brand new mileage to cause i you know the see cuz i studied, i belive sage is that i knew my link use of its kids. so he was, he is living. but are you gonna buy new my year? uh, new sway may only do at the food think we may add just the lead up. this post. it's gave me a more more decor. totally. i did. the work is just you have it all up and you're fine. you might have the near catch up by the month stuff and then i will call you monday or so i got, i got that or you know, come with
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a no show caught the thing when it was sent out that i want that a big it didn't get the guy right, but then say, but i guess that must have to go and try to fit the don't go with the initial contact and contact back at the a deck, but i'll make that. well man, i'm ready to set up as much shakira ship as a state of mind because of shame. that's funny. so my goal is click on after she wants to go as easy as one looking for another couple say i think okay, yeah, you run the medication pest control and i'm going to be sure kind of thing is i mean maybe for science, the variable side you spend on your phone so it's like you said, you some mean? oh sorry. yeah, i think, i mean i'm yeah. so do you mean for saw your phone or horse or j e? you can still point towards agency. they shadow easiest. lots of good expect you to be somewhere, so that's gonna be sort of 4 to avoid a 5th wheel on it or the other side is nichols 2 police next st. paul. yeah. and because of getting that was the last, i do intend to kill him to the surface,
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tender these and then with that and then with excess keeps as event. he said about a hot on them on i'm actually if you not, i wouldn't, i'm not gonna put up with something that's on have them get an idea with why there was silence with man for you on a photo. but you can catch quite a solution that might cause right hold on because my go to a side what is easily know for sure, for those for, for me as nice. so you can see if they can get the chance to give you, show them come in, i don't feel it. i one because i do, could you all right. and then significant damage occurred isn't going to come down with a passion that there was no more do a single job relaxed and ended tonight or single man a call. then you want that as a good investment. ok, by book had children sitting in a call on getting sailor, she hasn't got the new dentist as it gets identified. and then with i think i'm actually belittle initially on ground level on as, as a day of ash whom i did or saginaw as any of us out home was a look. oh yeah she,
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if she go to she can check. i mean, isn't gonna, because i think it makes a lot of people going to look at them from a crush to come out and get the gate because that option to get the control panel. com and the paid somebody out there is that on the call or yeah, she shouldn't a sorry about that because it kind of show harmony. but i like fun to shop later and i'm the shown us, but he wasn't going to show them what you are, cuz they're sure you're going to take any bicycle keys to get their shake as that is. as long as i can, i ask, i'm sure you're still in a bad session with that kind of because adult ed or simply because the dental without uh, digging out on the car. now, bush, i would, i would like a more than happy to meet sadly about it. yeah. the only because with that might not be able to talk to them without it can post 2nd advocate as a thought she meant for my look at the lab, danny, showing that she's just transferred. you can want y'all can, the
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is i'm looking to run the bill through the window and i see it is nice natured, say that to there's one other place where i like to leave more than here. and i enjoyed it every day for several 100 years. in my family there is a very or for the vacant wise my grandparents and parent conference coming from. so i was in germany from the place where i go to meeting why and i said ok i, i try to put that the piece a long time onto the wind. myself and the white one is. ready 2 years, it took the federals direct line at least 3 years. i'm very lucky to be able to make it. and i'm also very lucky that i found the unique place or am i in minus drawings. it's actually drank, replaced, and the i think that's the for your a,
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then i tried to utilize to being able, oddly stops where she was not doing this, but nothing you could i see as good as the space key. and my goal is to desktop seats, it less news to save you as couple. so you will see what you say again given, is that why he's waiting you some, i'm not yours, but i don't know what i see if even with you, with a sense of genial will that just seen enough, but only body to keep the other. but what do you mean? you talk about what lashing in you able to say use. that sounds good and you've got cool. somebody doesn't. yesterday it's christy to the she's you know, some of the things you yourself like i don't even like you through your business on the go to. so don't know that we do our premium. would that be a step that goes away through before i show the goodness usage of, of symbol on us somewhere in that yours
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there showing that the answer of the thing is the most form. when you see your shift, don't cry and skim. funny magazine. let's see what was the g e o you follow up with them. so if i chose for cvt slash the, the western expectation was that pressure will be disassembled, lies by extreme sanctions. and the military losses. uh,
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there was an expectation that the pressure wouldn't be able to continue the war flight longer than a for a period of time longer than probably a couple of months. the india suffers this worst trained disaster in decades with the death toll rising to 261 people with almost 1000 in during ukraine shelves, a village in the russian region of belgrade, killing 3 civilians and routing 6. this comes as a tax in the area intensify also ahead the .
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