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tv   News  RT  June 5, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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sending more, those jobs are taken to low pay countries with few ecological constraints re um to the mental health as you know, as advertising. i know you, you talk about this is a fitness victim in big pharma. now your thing is that none of these get to the root of mental health problems in not just the united states, arguably in, in uh, western europe, i suppose, as well. yeah, that's the basis of, you know, i've been in practice for 47 years. the basis of mental health that is truly empowering to me and many others who are not foreigner, big pharma in the united states is connection intimate connection with a special partner or primary connection with a relative or a deep friendship. a 2nd is a secondary level of friends that you can talk to maybe once or twice a year, but you can communicate with and connect with us or use connection in teams
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or things you believe in whether it's, you know, planned parenthood or a vote, a public and democrats, socialist, or a volleyball team, and the 4th is connection to the world, feeling the things that go on around you affect you. americans are highly disconnected. they're sitting in front of their individual televisions or their individual computers. wayne games and the marriage is breaking down a 51 percent of marriages and informal separation for divorce and another 15 to 20 percent. and because there's, they don't have kids to fight over or assets the fight over, people just slip and marriage rates are down. any way family is
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one, it was relationships don't last the way they did. the basis of the us family was a dependent wife and children and a wager and e mail. well, that's over and women and for the 1st time in our history, majority of american women are single because they don't want to go out and work and then come home and do a 2nd shift of taking care of a man's demands are greater because he's not getting enough money, so he wants to man himself by bossing around his wife, while taking care of the house, the management of whatever children there are, their social life, his emotional lives, and sex. that's too much. or, you know, by one said to my daughter that when i was younger, they had this old, stupid saw trying to get him into the virginal, which was why, by the child, if you could get the milk for free, right. times of changed. birth control is available,
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women don't have to sign up for domestic labor and they're signing off. this is very frightening for module ma'am. dr. gary fraud. i'll stop you that more from the host of the capitalism, its own bulk us after this break the, [000:00:00;00] the oh,
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now it shows the wrong just don't have to shape out and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the welcome back to going on the ground. i'm still here with the host of the capitalism hits home bulk of dr. harriet front. how important and you talk about at links, personal, intimate, but presumably community as well, was the amazon union victory and stuff in the island and why, though, was it not then repeated is excited. optimus said of to the workers at the, um, amazon plant got what they wanted when it came to work, right? i mean,
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i exam is on because we go out globally and it's the 2nd largest company on the 470000000000 by revenue 1600000 workers in 2021 don't have a contract. one of the reasons is that amazon has sold them so much that they don't even have a contract yet. even though they want a long time ago. there are a lot of ways that they can start them out. and they're trying to amazon, as you said, it's an international, multi $1000000000.00 corporation that added another 4 point. 5000000000 just recently in the recession keeps getting richer. and they can store the actual contract negotiations to the point where a year later or so they still don't have a contract. yes, there's a barrage of end to union propaganda that floods the warehouse as well. those things, eta,
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i presume we're not talking about the 1950s. we really are talking about the 20 the 21st century. now. yes, now we're high price union bussey firms come in and work because they willing to pay them very well. and they can store loss negotiations. so even if you, when you don't get the contract, you need to which of course, the jeff bezos is of the world. and amazon, i obviously admit no liability for doing anything. anything wrong to do. i would say you see your uh, id, or about the destruction of capitalism would uh, destroy innovation. and the great cause of business was to create a bookstore online. and that could never have happened in a system uh, organized under more community policies that would benefit mental health perhaps. but we wouldn't have the innovation that one day may help mental health for everyone. well, there's a lot of innovations that don't fit into profit for people and are put in practice
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because people want things to be better. you know, when the slopes developed polio vaccine, they were doing it for the money. they were doing it because they believed in it, and that's what people have done through the ages. often a profit motive deters people because they're doing so well with the drugs. they don't want to have another one that's cheaper and more effective. so that's just not true, that's what they say. and most innovations that have really helped human kind have not been for money. people are motivated because they are interested in science because they want it to or disease because they want to change building methods because they want to do whatever it is and they're trying to use have made innovations. they're a combination of capitalism and state. well, state socialism,
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control capitalism, the russians made innovation. so cubans just made an amazing innovation. they have the most advanced family policy in the world, which they got from having meetings in every little low cow of men and women trying to figure out a more humane family policy. although that is an advertise much in the united states for sure. yeah, people, amazing people can watch on tv with progressive, that means rolling and walks reduce that innovation actually has declined in capitalist economies. so fundamental or innovation. i mean, war obviously is a good way to unite populations around leaders. that's what presidents historically, of the united states of done it. how successful has joe biden being in managing to corolla, the american population, who clearly is suffering desperate poverty, desperate them by decline at home,
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and to get some kind of a unity behind this war in europe, which is taking the lives of the so many sons and daughters of ukraine and russia. well, i think americans basically don't care. i mean, they've given up, they don't even look with a $120000000000.00 have gone. they know it's not going to them. and part of the reason is we don't have an alternative party. we don't have what middle of saw has in falls as you knees in france. an alternative, an alternative way of looking at things, a socialist party or even the fastest parties, outbreaks, ashes, not like the republican slopes fascism. we don't have a choice. america is so democratic and it's advertising all these choices. well, that's true of toothpaste brands. that's true. it's certainly not true of economic systems. and so americans, by and large,
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don't care. they don't care if their kids were dying and they care. that's why we're sacrificing other people's kids. but you expect the usa to lose the war in ukraine? yes, i do with last the other 4. and i expect that eventually the whoever is the president will say, we have to stop human suffering or some other excuse because they last mean it's unwinnable. russia is a colossus. and professors like we're shower at the university of chicago. we can say that we really, of course, the russians are winning huge, wealthy nation, and even american arms and the arms of other europeans. ukraine doesn't have the force. of course, the lose. the point is to exhaust russia and thereby exhaust the alliance. the directness of us empire, which is crumbling,
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and that is the up and coming china, russia alliance. so then all these nations, even like argentine, nicaragua, and saudi arabia wanna join bricks and not me because they see that is for the future. and also because they're not getting, i am the loans that will impoverish their populations to pay them back. they liked the balance and roads policies of china. and they looked to china, which took those different estimates, but the lowest estimate is 700000000 people out of poverty words united states said 8000000 people into poverty just in the last couple of years. so it's not looking good for us. plus they have 12 high speed trains rushing across china. we don't have one there inflation rate is point 7 percent. ours is
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5 percent. that doesn't look good. so that when the u. s. tells of uranium used to be our enormous al. i stop producing so much when we need the price to go down. savvy readings can say, hey, go pounds and forget it. we're doing what we want. fully 90 percent of the world's resources used to be held in american dollars. and in treasury notes. now it's half. it's a little less than 45 percent. this is not a good sign. and to get back to your previous point, it's not a good sign that the, that they're threatening default either. well as all, wow, people can watch our interviews with people who sympathize with the washington consensus, who are gonna be awesome to recognize the multiple of will that i know you talk about a lot. how do you think it'll affect the mental health the relates? uh people my, i'll give you say that is affecting,
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affecting it if you watch their faces, when they hear about treasury bill unwinding and the increasing number of bricks. members, how do you think they will cope with the new multiple as well as what we just added for breaks summit and shanghai cooperation organizations, some of the ones in st. petersburg. how are they going to mentally cope with not being number one and top dog the washington consensus? people will do you know, well the washington consensus, people will have a hard time and what they're doing is the classical psychological strategy of denial. you know, we are the strongest and you have trump, people, you know, we're the greatest the greatest, the greatest. and there is no requisition. it's a failing empire. how about cutting the 850000000000 dollar budget for the arguments and start creating a piece time economy that works for the american people that they're not doing?
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not because the leaks are very involved in that more time economy. and i think for leaks, they don't care, they're not patriotic, don't make money wherever they can and take their billions wherever they want. but could their response via some psychological epiphany where they say, oh, the money is that we just need to change our priorities. well, they might then they might then align with china because they're not with it to the united states or when it does their money. they are not patriotic. they're just making money. if they were patriotic, they might care the almost half the countries in terrible trouble. they're not only living paycheck to paycheck, their living emergency to emergency room for one and for american kids goes hungry. the country is changing. i think they've given up on the mass of people. and why does, why does democracy need socialism?
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i mean clearly that one in for sophistic is not the headline every day. every hour on uh, what you often talk about is broke again, the media system. what, why does it need socialism as opposed to capitalism? to function a tool let alone the idea of the voted and needing to be aware of about the surroundings before they can cost of oh to for a country to call it democracy? well, i think they need socialism because if your point is profit, that's what you get to come see, you don't get, let's, let's take the health care system of which i'm a part. it's the point is to make money in the for profit health system. that's what you get, a lot of profit and allows the health system. we spend the most money in the world of health and we're 7. and the top, we're not the time. we have an inferior health care system that leaves out huge lots of people. because if you're the point of scrap it not helps, of course,
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that's what you get. plus, if you have to go through an insurance company that's trying to deny you whatever you need and cut the cost, you're in trouble. you know, you profit interviews with everything in it induces immortality. when you walk into an expensive store, let's say you walk into the tesla lot because you want to buy a task where they don't say where to get the money. what you do is you create a, a group of people and you reducing them, no compassion for other people. even if you're not on that level but a lowly form and you you can't worry that the person who's a little slow, his wife just had a nervous breakdown, or kid was injured or month. you care that the production is up. and that's
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what you're paid for. and so you have to suspend compassion. yeah, it's a very interesting thing that i saw when i lived in france for a while. there was a strike at the university at the so one and what the workers did is not stay out where they would lose the money. they just is only what was on their job description. what they were supposed to be paid for and nothing worked. because you need the extra, you need the care, right. hired fraud, that obviously uh, all the, all the god can eats, deny any wrong doing, you know, must gave my twitter account back actually, but that thank you so much. i a sure and that's it for the show will be back on saturday. 60, as of the day you as president john f. kennedy later assassinated, signed into legal pay actors promised equal pay for equal work. if you'll then you can give it. that's why i was social media. if it's not sense that in your country and had to our channel going underground team, you, hon. don't come to watch new and old episodes of going underground. so you say
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the probably the most dangerous at the mention of nato's you point, proxy, wind rush. it is the issue of escalation, washington, it's always more in moscow not to escalate while the west, because repeatedly done so. nato's indifference to escalation for, to solve the problem is the cost of housing keeps on going on. cost of living keeps on going up and place and keeps on going up. gas keeps on going off. so all the costs of living keeps on rising. over the summer and i still wasn't able to find housing to there's no former housing in lakewood, i've seen an increase and people calling me asking me for
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a place to stay. i need to get 10 that we've had people that have been millionaires in the past, you know, had big businesses, different things can throw you over the age. so people shouldn't be so judge mental about the homeless because it can happen. we can have them as anybody i think the government needs to help all these homeless instead of sending money over to ukraine and all those other countries worry about your own country. i just wish we had a positive daycare. we don't have a president. thank. there's always people would wake up to see what jo, by it is doing to us people don't realize and the end of the deep memory goes in the like all
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the the cranes military stuff like a defeat, the nfl defense developed on yes. front with the russian official, thank you. have last at least 300 soldiers and thousands of military vehicles. with an official stop waking up to the reality, that was the same thing to ukraine or anything else in the hands of low militants and johns, contrary to keeps pledges were receiving the expensive fonts in here attempts to move forward. also, one of the deadlines train crushes in its history, which leaves at least 275 dead. and
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a 1000 injured operations with the women now with head tracks all teeth, but with people still struggling to find that let us have look so much sweet brother in at least 20 hospitals for 3 months who are having found what do i do? the last thing i remember was thing on the train, again consciousness a while ago. but i don't know where my friends and family are. no one here knows these are the 2 year old palestinian boy died from wounds. this thanks to one, it is really on the race and the time with the 8, 10 pm here in most going, this is all to international with the very latest world news on the date is great to happy with. the enemy has failed to break smooth as, according to russia's defense ministry, which size is full? is this successfully repelled a large scale ukrainian offensive? which keeps house the night on sunday. along 5 parts of the southern dawn. yes.
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confront, it's just the june force. so the enemy made an unsuccessful attempt at a large scale, offensive, or less southern don't ask 6 mobile units. so you're creating an armed forces. it'll 2 tank battalions were involved in the settlements of an a script. you know, you don't ask republic and nobody of custody of these operators you reach ended on the list of cards, military forces, their strikes and artillery fire inflicted a heavy loss as on the inability, just as we've heard from the defense ministry, ukrainian forces tried to reach russian defenses in 5 areas of don't boss now. they made some temporary volunteers in those areas, but ultimately they will repelled by the russian forces on the offensive. what has been a failure they it's failed to achieve. its goal was this is from the defense ministry . now we've seen footage, uh, so it could,
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i think of the russian destruction of ukrainian military hold wherever and according to the ministry of defense this, the most is have being fairly significant. they say the up to, to uh, sorry, up to 300 soldiers have been killed. 16 times destroyed a $24.00 on with vehicles including 3 of the bradley fighting vehicles. these are, of course, the vehicles that are being supplied by the united states. now skirmishes, or continuing in some of those areas and there's heavy fighting in uh, in this key city of a key town of mount in co which is about 30 kilometers to the west of don't yet. so this is a strategically important city. this is where the data attracts, a, a being lost against the population of civilian population of the city of don't yet . so cause a defense and helping working a very hard to keep the civilian population a save some of those the all being breaks to close. those uh we, we know that there was a teenager that ended in one of the front line to avi,
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is today, but this is that you have to go back to the uh, the ukrainian attack. this room has been circulating. this is the start of the longer way to be alone anticipated when it was a spring offensive that's been pushed back. now, this is off the ukranian president zalinski said that he was ready. the kid was ready to launch the discounts or offensive look as being some contradictory statements. one of his deck, he said that they didn't have a the, i'm the addition to uh to lose the offensive. so uh, but this is a significant loss. uh, full, full ukrainian, full of his. of course, this is a developing so we will bring you more and keep you updated as we have more. the use of nato supply lessons by the ukranian military, ongoing groups and to attack russia has finally started to raise questions from k ups, western sponsors, the belgian prime minister is now talking about strict controls on where the arms are ending up. my colleagues, fear relatives about dug deep into the issue with aunty corresponding to my issue
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a hey, in the studio, the washington post has reported on saturday that and the antique crumbling fighters that are using tactical vehicles originally given to claim by the us and poland. now we have belgium that is currently doing an investigation after belgian rifles were reported to be used by pro ukrainian forces that are fighting against russian forces within the russian territory. european weapons, so to leave it to ukraine, under the condition that they all use and ukraine territory with the purpose of defending that territory. we have treat controls in place to see that this is the case. now this has been a focus of western media for months. has there been any re action from the west on the tf botched offensive attempt. now war so has also the night connection with the polish ball into 4, which has also taken parking, the effects and the boulder of the region. while the worries that the weapon
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supplied to framed by the west might go into the wrong hands and these worries were ignored. eventually that's exactly what happened. and according to some reports, us made antique text. mr. launchers were found in the hands of mexican drug cartel, which they have allegedly bought from ukraine. we want to do a support ukraine to make as much progress as possible on the battlefield. so that it is in the strongest possible position at the negotiating table. and we do believe that this counter offensive will allow ukraine to take strategically significant territory back from russia areas occupied by russia that are rightfully suffering ukrainian territory. now, dozens of us, 84 weapons, as systems were originally shaped ships to ukraine, but they have been purchased by the mexican cartel. ben, let's not the also, let's not forget that it has been proved in 2022. that was just supplied weapons
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were found in the, on the web for sale man, according to the press secretary, demetrius desktop. what since the french keep on increasing and the supply from germany and france of missiles with 500 kilometer upfront, it's even more, it's ongoing. it's only the economist on those julia polano saves the west, also wants to find a pretext for more sanctions against russia won't triggering key as attempts to finally launch is promised council offensive, or the conflict is in europe. the cause which is the conflict isn't, isn't ukraine, but uh, or the app and the code on the call the before even meet the reaction started. i'm not talking about the, the special uh me to tell you extra refresh. i'm talking about the dial 2014, even before or the moment where to isolate, to isolate the rational, basically. so the idea of the strategy that you did united states strategy in europe seems a long time since the default of soviet union was to expand to the,
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to the east. and to put the russia in condition of the force to uh, break old the, the economically that he, that established with the, with jeer money. and we believe you will be in the countries. so nice, easiest is that these are the tax using that, that coming actually from united states, we flew different conditions for, for see to you to apply sanctions against russian, which actually is a kind of suicide for the, for the european union like on. meanwhile, and russians belgrade to agent on the ukrainian border has reportedly come on to fight again off the days of successive raids by key ups forces. and the last 2 days, while the 6 people have been transferred from a time to villages to the region. central city of belgrade, we heard the story of one of the victims. i'm a doctor myself. i was me, is the village of this load of comments there were people still there, but with no electricity for 3 days? i don't know about 15 minutes after i arrived,
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an explosion happened right near me. it's impossible to say what exactly it was. then i got into the car and drove to the highway, basically passed out. the police came and brought me here. so yes, i was wounded, we made it out of there on my own. then they moved me and brought me here. i'll go responding to it goes down of exemption back and, and now incentives his exclusive report from the sensor of the, of that to ation as this used to be a prosperous, flourishing city of some 40000 people. now it's
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a ghost town. the this place here is a typical soviet era apartment block building. it would have taken more than just one round to deal this type of damage. if you were to pick just around the corner, you can see that the fire is still raging on the ruins of what used to be someone's home. it's streets deserted every once in a while an old ca speeds past us. while some civilians have stayed an overwhelming majority of the locals have chosen to escape to safe places and much on the to the street. the house shakes at night. every thing shakes. and that's why everyone here is trying to leave. people are scared children, and elderly people. there's nothing else to say other than were frightened. i left last sunday. we made it out in time,


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