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tv   News  RT  June 6, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the costs of housing with inflation going up. everything is very expensive and there's just a lot of people can't afford the cost of housing and the costs of necessities on top of that food, clothing, and whatever. very, very difficult for a lot of people. how many you usually wash? good. god bless you for everything that you do for the really the grades your name and where we are talking. i'm not the camera to raise the grade is great and you will have to know, you know, the cost of living going up this year, inflation and i've seen an increase and people calling me asking me for a place to stay. i need to get tense. i've seen an increase in that i've seen an increase in people coming out of the town square here to see if they can get something that they need. yeah, it's really wonderful how the broader community is,
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you know, contributing to this program here. oh this uh, hold on. i tried to call you yesterday. i couldn't get ahold of. you guys have no money down really. that's yours. yours. oh, wow. good. like the past, what did you say? how did you go to the car dealing with no one the little guy, let me show you what i have with them about through my housing. oh, okay. i'm fixing a 1000 s l type. yeah. yeah. see the problem. this will give this and they'll put you on the list, but it's almost impossible to try the house. so you're good. i you bet i'm good to go over the summer that was unable to find housing. so there's no formality in lakewood. oh, i know the rate that we're going now or in a few years. i can't imagine what's gonna happen. let me just look at the court
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records of how many people are going through. there's been evicted last year. if you remember the 1000 vouchers just just for the heading was throughout the state in new jersey, we got 9 of those vouchers here. the problem comes in is that, i mean, big place for them at the rate that the vouchers are and that, that's, that's a crime. you know, might, as far as the rent is in a vouchers, a way down here. and it doesn't match. so it looks like you're doing a great job by putting out boucher's book. the people can't get in the houses because the vouchers going around to get there. they. this is sort of the united states of america. i renamed them the divided states of america like and unfortunately the united states is still segregated. racism the, the african american population was 12 percent. and i went to go to sort of, yeah. and that was supposed to represent great 20 years later because of the government funded gentrification. you know,
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illegal government funded to get us the politicians that are allowing this and the government agencies that are allowing this. and this is a major uh legal, you know, it's, you know, it's up, it's a major problem in america. it's it's, it's at times and um it's going to get it's going to get worse unless the governor, you know, steps in and put a moratorium on his high raising rent. because this is steve right now. you know, later you've got to start dealing with the, with the families and they're coming. the rushing states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community. all sense and the,
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the assistance of the keys on that is the speed. the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on russia to de escalate the ortiz full neck, even our video agency to the question, did you put a request for check the the i really thought that we were going to die and i crawled all
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the way to the right. and then i hid behind the 2 years before i was even born. and this is basically taking away the people say there's givers and there's tigers in this, you know, pretty true. some people are just natural givers and want to give and go the extra mile and we don't want to help and feel good about it. and there are some people that are, you know, takers that you would like to take advantage or whatever, and getting the lives of balance. you know, there's, makes,
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takes all kinds of make the world go around. yeah, it's going to be nice for sure. thing it's gonna rain all night. it says a 100 percent service at all night. the winds are going to pick up. it's about 15 miles an hour. now it's going to pick up to about 50 support. this is so you really gotta get this thing ready for this new fellow coming down into the camp tonight. i called from the hospital. he's got to leave the hospital tonight, and so he is name is angela. and so we're going to be picking them up in about an hour from the hospital in an order of neighboring towns where somebody, zillow, did you have some of the yes, of your stuff or something burger gave or what? so good. yeah. all right. what's the version here?
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here. all right, thank you. like 0. you know, she went to the hospital. you heard. right. yeah, i heard to trace alone. yeah. to her hips. i haven't. yeah, i haven't seen or heard from her since then. so you the, the, the, the,
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the new fellow angelo, he says that he's cold or his goals are with the best that it was relatively warm, but the temperature dropping and so he's getting cold. so we'll hook up our propane heater for all this. going to be our thinking, so they say 8 degrees to them with the windshield factor. like 10 below 0 windshield. so yeah, yeah, angela will definitely need he tonight or he'll just breeze today. i think in some ways the world is getting colder people colder towards each other. in some ways people are more distracted with all the distractions we have of the age these days. um. but i think as things get worse with our economy and everything, i think maybe people will start getting closer. sometimes it takes a crisis to bring people closer together. because people are like, well,
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it's not in my backyard, it's not happening to me. so they may be sometimes are short sighted and only think of themselves if you're rich people, a lot of people will catch your bus. but if you're for people, some people will stamp old for you. i think people do things sometimes only if it benefits them with something, not everybody. i mean, you're some wonderful people out there that will surprise you, you know, but there's no greater satisfaction than helping out to draw their healthy out. so on, man, hard times reveal people's true character. sometimes i say this is just like clothing. the best way to stay warm is the layer. so we layer the 10s over a couple of times with times and the really holds and the heat nice to angelo. all
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right, so many for you. right? yeah. just a lot of goodies in there. yeah, i think that might even be a gift card in there for $30.00 for awhile. why? oh, why that's the beauty of your name. here's the head for, you know, all yeah, sure. the, the other guys, this is great, you know, you really don't need a lot in life. it's a shame that they try to force people into this expensive box, you know. busy people got to pay all kind of money. this is iris and all of that. yeah. just making somebody, well the but is that the freedom of america? you know, well, you know, if you're really, really rich, are you really free? because you've got to watch who your friends are. you got to watch who's going to assume you. right, exactly. you know, the, you know, the bible says don't ask for too much and that you know, and pray for me is that you don't have to live. you know, just have enough to survive and you know, that's the best the best the best place to be a good man. yeah. beautiful. sorry. there's also a prophecy,
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a little later on today. okay. okay. yep. okay. so yeah, this is where steve and mirror had been camp. they were closing this camp over here. the township was stephen of here as for attend, i gave them a small test that they could hide back here because the visit they have tried just came back here before and they've been kicked out of these woods so by the county is public property. steven vera weren't doing anything wrong. they're very clean, very nice. you know, was there, can they? they were kicked out so i don't, they weren't discovered, but it looks like a tree. maybe the last storm that we had a few days ago fell on their tents and a branch hit 0 while she was in the 10th and fractured her hip.
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so she's in the uh, in the hospital right now. yeah, i know she must be in pain and it's a shame, you know, it's terrible shame the crime that there is no shelter for them to go to, you know, is that they have to sleep out in the woods. can kind of stuff that can happen when you sleep out in the woods that drug or get a repeat. yeah, she is either tray. yes, we were sleeping me, my girlfriend mirror. and 3 in the morning. treat she's way right here under his face network. and i base that with the trees boy came right out of the brown room. all thinking of that when i came over, what are you able to tell? yeah. not any any. it came down. hit right here right here. and there's a whole right here. that's old is a hit there when that went down and it pressure made it snap on or what has not been in the front like that or if anyways, would come through,
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what would be a top? well right now, very well. oh, really dear. yes. well, thank you to her. beautiful. so you guys are there? yeah, there's me. that's beautiful. thanks guys, and i have cuz there's a merry christmas eve. that's what god bless you. is for sure this is a for somebody else that's beautiful. right? that's, that's nice isn't good as you know when you want some somebody else to be less like yourself. that's beautiful as to what's left of it all away down the corner to the flowers. yeah, so there was a homeless couple as, as adam and kathy, they were staying in this whole hotel here. i put them up in this hotel. it was a fire and a set of wooded area where they were living. they were living in the woods and it was in spring time and the wind was blowing hard and what's going on fire that
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anybody staying bags that would have been killed and that are so i put adam and kathy up in this hotel for a little bit after the fire, since their stuff is all burned up. and jesse had gone out to the store and she was coming back. and some lady in a mercedes didn't see her crossing the road and hit her in killed her. so i'm very sad, very a sweet trouble. adam was a hard worker working almost every day to try to make ends meet, you know, try to feed them and you know, give them the basic necessities. uh yeah, but that's, you know, it's one of the tragic situations of the homeless know the way most of the diet early there. hi, how are you? good. we met a long time ago. it's already a done oh, here's the 20 years. i'm
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doing good. so good evening, my name is angelica, i'm an advocate and social worker here in ocean county. and i'm very happy to be here tonight. this is a very important thing to honor those homeless lives that had been lost over the years. like you and jessica salon are to be here to represent the homeless of ocean county. have a nice father. we thank you again for all that that was done for us. father, we thank you, but this time tonight where we have gathered together to honor the lives of those that of the past in ocean county. this year, i was homeless for 2 years, beginning in the pen damaged. when i was forced out my mom's house for my older cousins. i had jobs that were hard to get to. i worked for financial services company while being homes and pretty much paid $800.00 an old. there's
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a month just to get it. they ended up helping me by my 1st car. the one i slept. i ended up losing that same job because i was falling asleep at my desk because of a lack of sleep. i was getting the clock. we're heading over to the cold blue. that's something that governor christie instituted this code blue, which means that when the temperatures dropped below a certain temperature, which is 35 people that are homeless, couldn't go into these warming centers. so right now in ocean county, we have 3 of these warming centers. so we're, we're heading over there now to yeah, i've never been inside of the one the center yet. you know, i know the people that go there, but i haven't been inside myself. so we're going to check it out. so let's check in here. ok,
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but you know the hey how you doing good. how you doing this stuff? the drop off. is there sleeping all ready? ah. okay. all right. doing all right, let's go. yeah. as long as you got a warm place to sleep as a big one. ok. yeah, i don't know if i've got one with me. i'll check. okay. yes sir. okay. what it will be a square mile from chicago to to i guess, let me check if i get some blankets. yeah. great. i think i might have some, you know, given these presence here, let me open up this and we'll give them the bags and see if we can find some blankets back here. let's do one more for
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the before. so the what happened in libya and in human, specifically told at least a segment of the syrian people that this is not going to need to any, any weird. because we could see that there was going to be on our,
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in both places. so this is the piece, some syrians to stand by their state and keep it the field, the nuclear love. she needs a little more close the loop on the initial do want a plumber significantly post on zillow already be almost getting used to the origin, but he also has to be done. the newest frame only begins sisters to good ludy. what i see these the buses,
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the little cute little dyson says this to the, to the boss of the section of dogma, the can whole sky a hydro power station is damaged, following ukrainian strikes. and it gets on the beach and also the solid piece in the middle east put on washington's tubs, us that jail states of sets out demand re added to regional implies emphasizing us national security interests or blocks thing you run for. it's a legit one. so thing you for weapons and a 3 year old palestinian boy dies after being shots by he's very forces in the occupied west by his father who is also a victim of the attack. says there is no justification for the coming looming over the rudely and thoroughly conflict lane. they were fired at ball. i'm a witness that these claims are false. the victims were me and my son
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the for must go to the best of the world. you'll watching all the international with one story dominating the headlines today. my name is peter scott and welcome to the program. and the story is, of course, the big news on the whole sky out hydro power plants, a section of which has collapsed up to ukranian, shutting kit, the caps on region. now the may of know, via holcombe says, the disaster was caused by you. plenty of forces, the guidance of the western boxes as well. yes. which is the model as the old daughter at 2 am, multiple strikes hit the cost of the hydro electric power station. as a result of the whole structure of the station were destroyed and wants to begin to uncontrollably flow down in the upper river. fortunately, the hydro electric power station was built during the highs of the nuclear threats, meaning it was built well. so the dam is intact. the level of what's the rise now is from 2 to 4 meters. well, the largest rise of what could have reached 12 meters,
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which did not happen cuz the destruction of the hydro electric power station is a catastrophe created by the ukraine and authorities. and those who manage them are the local mat, has described this as a terrorist act. committed by you create new policies and the ukranian president vladimir is a landscape with just having his blank russia for the attack. and he's made a referral to the united nations security council. so conflicting reports and not just to give some kind of idea of, of the scale of this hardware. let's go down. it was built in 1956. it's a soviet era time. so it's incredibly low cost, but it's 30 meters high on 2 miles long. and it contains water roughly equivalent to great. so like in utah it's always a pretty big turn on monday supplies not only the local population but also the people of crimea, but my hot smoke solution a. this applies cooling water, photos,
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that photos you a nuclear power plant. now russian officials that say that there is no risk in this situation under control. but for the local population, the water levels have risen. fi somewhere like 2 between 2 and a half meters on 4 meters and there's the local areas are imminent. risk of flooding, evacuation operations all underway. if it's something like a 2 settlements, we know that 30 homes in the immediate region already risk and have the invite to wait to the emergency services on the scene trying to fix the problem and to ensure that people in the area all safe. now, a cool state comes off the sundays, attached par, ukrainian, full see if they tried to break russian to put it in 5 babies in the don't yet. region, by what unsuccessful, they were repelled by russian forces with huge losses. of course, these some 16 turns up to $300.00 ukranian soldiers and $24.00 almost fighting vehicles, including these 3 bradley vehicles supplied by the united states. now,
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of course, there's been a lot of room or no speculation. so this could be the start of the long awaited spring. what was the spring offensive by the ukranian? a full series of mon this i'm going to live now bought by a blog up mike jones. mike, thanks so much for joining us this morning. now look, is all reporting that the water levels are rising in the vicinity and they are being encouraged to evacuate a serious and the situation. currently we've been insured by the authorities that it's all under control and that the water level and the rising of it is not a huge threat. however, there is a close consent we have also, and this concern about these approach and usually fall upon this just been mentioned and authorities of it showed us that that's a closed circuit that's not dependent upon the water levels of them. so the major concerns appeared to be under control, and therefore, despite the ukrainian intentions to close that catastrophe, that is at this point in time to have been avoided. or not both sides have pointed
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to the finger at each other for the destruction of this done, it would gain from its destruction of absolutely the training forces woods. so this obligation that russia would do this, the apps, the preposterous indeed in the moscow times they said that to destroy the dam would be the equipment of russia blowing its own, foots off. this is the words of their on the list. and this would threaten mine fields and other thoughts of occasions on the russian sides of the demand for the river and cancel. so this makes no logical sense whatsoever. it's consistent with the shelling of this approach and usually a power plant. the, the west was again, blaming on russia, so we're seeing the same playbook being rolled out by the west. the same propaganda tool is being used. and this action by the lensky to refer to the un security council is the core of something that they've done before. to try and cover their own tracts, and this is as has been described, a terrorist act. it effect civilians also. and i believe that's the main aim of
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this. and given the increased activity as the corresponding just reported is or consistent with the actions to put as much pressure on the russian forces in that area. in my opinion, do you know how serious the damage to this dumb is? is it the gates of the pot, the dummy itself, the the like to hydrologic infrastructure that can you tell us anything about what exactly is being affected? as i understand, is it just the top part of the structure? this was struck by uh, its been claimed by m a r s b. okay. 5. ramin member that correctly. so these are multiple loans, rocket systems. it would be incredibly difficult, i believe, to breach the entire time, given its construction given year. it was built in with just m l r s. and we have to remember that ukraine is chronically short on the sorts of weapons and especially weapons with the power to destroy a dime this bill, so solidly. so as i understand most, that has been some what's been described, uncontrollable water flow over this i've, i've not seen any reports that would say that the dam itself has been breached and
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would result in further collapse or flooding at this point in time. let's hope it doesn't come to that blog at my jones. thanks very much for talking to us through the situation surrounding the cold sky. hydro power plant. thank you. thank you. well, meanwhile you creating forces have continued. so it's like the rushing the border region of bill go ahead with the local governance thing, at least 25 people lost their lives in the lights, a shilling. several humanitarian points have been opened by local authorities to help distribute food and medicine among the civilians. that's according to the governor sees it goes down, haven't reports from one of the board. accounts recently has a half a 1000000 people live along the border of rushes belgrade region with ukraine. there's no panic, but none of them can truly sleep soundly at night. the family that used to live here, they were about to go to bed when just around midnight, more than a dozen ukrainian rockets hit this area. now all that remains of their home are
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these chart ruins. and this woman was widowed by the strike, which was the the pros, the person who was car, cuz the was the car. i'm deal. it's the more the disclosures closer for you so that it was i pulled up your 1st floor, but the more you still need to see services this village is more than 10 kilometers away from the ukranian border. habits. no soldiers yet somehow it got on the radar of chief commodities in phil visionaire at 7 pm, i left for work and then i got a call. i was told that my house had been destroyed in the morning. i came to take a look at what was left. the roof was hit with a blast waist travel into the garage wreck in my car to more courageous in the
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garden. a lot across the board, the emergency services, all in highlights. it's not enough to evacuate and provide shelter to everyone who found themselves homeless, as many are defined to leave, will simply have no other place to go. the damage has to be fixed and fixed quickly . because i knew others were helping everyone who was affected. we have a complete list of the damage households were clearing debris covering houses with tarp, so that the weather conditions don't cost more harmful. we're also working on replacing windows thanks to electric services, power was quickly restored. hopefully, all the houses that come to restore it will be put back in order soon. in the scare tactics, campaign tube spares no resources. it weighs um own oprah operations, which yield no feasible results from the battle field. it's since small diversion groups across the border and even signing of groups written as it seems,
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ukraine is trying, it's luck in a mass mind control effort rather than the military one. how many gets done of reporting from the bell? good region oxy. leave us in 5 minutes to sort of get our problem is in subject is done on unofficial visits and the speech to personality of russian military base. the you spoke about russia stunned off with the west. you all know about the plans that the west is not just preparing, but his openly declared with regard store country. the same happened during the times of napoleon and fiddler. they put the whole appear of onto the gun res, nonsense banners, and adopted knots as logans. this time, they put forwards the landscape regime that was nurtured and raised by the united states. and then exclusively. russo felt the quite following conditions of infamous american political analysts. who said that everything must be done to prevent you print from being with russia ever again.


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