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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 6, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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to defray, show the sites you see their friends am going faster, no. have that one level of depression or not wanting to be able to like, well enough courses for everybody, but just for me, mean that's like the minimum i'm of pre does this for the most one reason when it comes to the issues that we mentioned before because 1st of all, the women who are the ones who are looking at this. and finally, i'm really good shape. it's from, i'm trying to show you on that goes. my problem is the, when they see they each weighs the quote. no driving because leaving the possibly they to ones the dates and the end up, you know, finding themselves interesting that the ministry like for no galaxy, will find themselves no dating the guy returning to afford to speed on finding themselves seized by, uh, people on the phone so many things, there was a 2nd number that you said on ex green, my company called the magic,
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well it's this one of, it's mostly the young guys, web i, as in mary, oh, it's quite my company and see i'm from from miss you. a lot of money, if you contact somebody, it might be 11 of them, one of the one didn't want to apply for one night. that one is and so many young when i would that be for these are the start lift. so men in life, no mental health issues, something good wouldn't matter. it's rarely because of these. so young man and women in different ways. but generally i would say more women are more vulnerable to sign lovely to date speech. and also to that more expos, i've done that, it was easily i was that global easily believes things i have that is see here this, it doesn't show me there. at the end of it, did they find themselves in the said mentor self prizes? do you find the parents and governments trying to react to this problem? let's say an advocate for example. yeah, in my country right now, the government,
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the government is picking a lot of options to use 2020 windows cool. be and see if there was like this influx of information on that. he doesn't, everybody was home. there was a government community key that came from him and he still wasn't coming from education. i didn't really shift communication to inform the police or the that 5 shows that i've been pushing please. anybody who's that? the treatment in crime side, about bullying? speech, whatever anybody is doing that. now that's a law and come to read the good ones that bus in the past we didn't have that is a law that you know government power. so shut me days be used. so as to beach, use all of this as a showing me the advice of the nation at the beginning. also there is a agency, isaac, that the jesse, i can see it as a to do you have come in with us, not licensed agency, which actually checks what people are getting on social media and the your phone.
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do you have that for, for many insurance? i believe it's page is all of those things you are going to be sanction sort of where now that they need to be careful information part where they need to be careful with how to use a lot of people. i talked to people on on. so show me the name calling of people from different types of different expressions because my crunching of this branch, we've been in fact so he needs to be careful how you address people. okay. how you identify the groups? because i think is what it's already to the timelines mean one. so we devices and also ways to track down those who treats us of these crimes on social, meet them and the level of the family current stuff. just ignore and we, we are the parents. we are easy chasing money and trying to pay for the table. and sometimes you kind of leave your as of what is happening. so what you're going
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because we out of the home, down that tablets and sometimes just the way for us to get rid of them. because when you come back from work and you're trying to say more, me these more me that it just wanted to know partially give them the find a bit to, to down and they are me. so i'm thinking that in the lower scripts have i versus big because right now the parents and the legion so much my job to, to, to crap the use of us to show me that by phone. but uh, if we do not a reason why we did that so many organizations around the country and the government. and so now what is the use of social media? you're gonna have to show me that i'm calling on parents to take actions need to charge you can wanting to know roughly she can have, want to depression over exposure can lead to section issues. and also there's a culture of aspects with to the community like sports or that quote or. and it can find themselves to know, trying to coffee or trying to move out of the numbers on record for everybody that
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we have. and so perhaps need to speak up needs to be aware of these and you know, try to check what your child is doing, try to be present and also they are the kinds of techniques and sections on this um, but from so you can really relate what a child has access to like for example, youtube t o next, the kids and so on. so what has not been done? the front of you right now just was enlightened by me, but there was too much to be done in terms of uh, i mean children, we use that as, as a shelby's. yeah. so that they can also find themselves way through these mental health issues. number one that like we've mentioned before, thank you so much. i was saying mark way and again, journalist and mental health act this. and now after the break we will continue our discussion and look at how a social media is having an impact on the youth. and india stay tuned to 360 view with me. got
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e mails the most affordable, cuz it all the business. and you put in the 3 of the, of the daily news. i know mary comes green. we'll just go through with this discussion of curriculum. and i'll see what i can provide you with stuff such and sure. ruckel was manager of the different student and for which i'm working. it usually is their own. the wisdom of the probably just a moment that was curious if it was good year that was sent to us just to be as good as the top 3 yours man. i'm both and that'd be studies for civilian forge of place to for me to on, on, on the tutor which originally it was just pushed. it just won't because of
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this new way to go to school culture. was there any don't know which teacher i know for the don't or that can exist to do given me other than that we're going to use best opinion pronounce has come all the the the welcome back. we're talking about social media is impact on mental health and the 3rd world today. try me now is upon us and you all managing director, mixed media productions and founder of the red door, a well known mental health initiative in india. thanks for joining me. you know, according to data, more than 80 percent of people do not access mental health care in india for a multitude of reasons. so that mental health we given the proper attention by society and those in power in india. middle scottie, if you ask me yes, the large number of people who suffer, you have who have mental health problems,
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but they do not exist. a mental health facility is because there is a stigma. i do not know how much stigma is there in that part of the road, but what i would research i have done and what, what i know the stigma is globally, but yes, in india it is slightly more because we have a defense at the, from the set up and a sofa set up. so a lot of people just to their backtrack or they do not 1st or for the it fixed lot of time for them to realize that it is a mental health issue. and once, when did you realize it via the avoid going to a psychiatrist? that's the tragedy. dusty, i really know the most common and mental health illness and india includes depression, anxiety, eating disorders and stress. do you think the rise in social media has caused a number of these cases to rise in india as well?
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definitively use social media as well as during the course of times. and it happened all over the world, but it happened mostly in india because of the society structured as such. and uh, people generally people did suffer from didn't go with them, did suffer from but a lot of anxiety and depression. with the look, i'm the offices and the salaries going away. there was more so in india, a lot of domestic violence case, it also came up during that time if i'm not mistaken. so there is a lot of for so social stigma on to because of social media as such. because when you see the other person, you see if you're talking about some she media and its impact on even the younger people. what is happening is when you see a friend president because he learned in stuff already on facebook, what happens?
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do you feel? well, i'm not doing anything. and what happens to consequences is that gradually it develops into an anxiety or depression. and once it develops into depression and anxiety, it impacts all your life late in the spirit of your life, at the facts like you look what was your relationship goes for the 6 and your multiple for the 6. so that is all and that's the impact off social media and listening v i feel that the people have to monitor them since people have to gauge themselves. people have to uh don't have to compare them citizens. other people like if somebody is doing great fine, or he may be doing great and fine for his own book, but it's not, it's not a good thing to compare and go and good dive into depression or something like that, right? what should be done, especially with you to help combat? first of all, we have to accept score
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d i c. i post do for you and in all my and there was, it is always there be have to be stigmatized that we have to talk openly about when do you have to be things id be to spotsylvania, be it's bipolar, be it to a stress or anything we have to talk but yeah, i do agree that people have started talking about depression, anxiety and distress, but it's still not about the. it's gets opinion, not about bipolar or anything major. so you see we have to come out and open me except yes, i have a mental health issue. dubia was shy away from saying that i have diabetes. i'm a, i'm a person living with diabetes, be told. then why do we shy away from seeing such things that yeah, i haven't meant little issue. i'm there a lot of be gone said because i'm working in an office you see and i
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see pronounced that through i have the bipolar or i'm suffering from depression. cdl clinical depression, the next thing would be that my placing office would be due to the i do not know whether i would be accepted there or not. if not, then where it is my source of likelihood. so a lot of things are interconnected in accepting and di, stigmatizing, a mental health issues. so social media, as such, the movie come out the low to mental health issues. i think it, they do good to youngsters to accepted. if you do, would like us to do only i shared my story with somebody, some young guy and he said it's good that people have started talking about it. so you see, this is a very strong statement to see the people who started talking about it as the, the primary thing is that you have to accept really,
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except if somebody in his family is down with bipolar orbits, female or with the clinical depression onto this you know, even not even not, they will not come out. it's very andrea, that a person who who, who struggles in from photo and see is it overly so i'm always but be stigmatized and it can only be done by social media. scotty, is the government enacting more regulations? the best dancer government is doing a lot like the simply the launched also the w minus which is a headline thing. they are doing a lot. but um, maybe it is because of the society may be because of the labels. do you have been put into mental note that dick's time to go away? maybe next 10 years the might see a change around, but right now it is. despite the good government can only pause rules and
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regulations be gone for the person, right. they've gone for the society to accepted and do society accepted the people they might be able to accept that? to be honest, i like, i wonder if i can go, what do i me wouldn't say that i'm suffering from depression. know every now to so because you can not understand what it is. so how, how, how do i make him understand making people like them understand what the vision is or rather accept when people say that i am, i won't be coming to office because i'm having some of these issues. can anybody see that? no, they say i'm having fever, i mean not to come to office. they never say i'm having a, i'm facing some mental health issue right now. i'm depressed so i wouldn't be able to attend office. they would not say so. so tell me that dime and that can only happen. i thing code to the more we talk about it, the more we have, the conference is about it. the more encouragement free gifts that us and the book
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culture also changes. i mean my, i, i'm all for this that these are being some seats for see this might be an issue of people like they are working under. it's a feasible thing. like if you take medicines properly, you can bookkeeping and leave a productive life. that's a, that's a fact which psychiatrist all over the world said. so why not just will be see that is i haven't been to the shoe, but i am, i'm, i am on the medication and i can book that happens because life is always linked with the uh, where you are working, how much money you a drawing. so life if life is linked with that, i know the person says that i'm unable to attend office because of my mental health issue and his job was then very i be the experts one with him. so it's lot of things that are interconnected with mental health issues which and which we have
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to overcome, which we have before i do, don't i think so. thank you so much a part of send you all managing director at mixed media productions and a founder of the red door and mental health interested in india. and like almost anything which exist today. social media can be used for the good. and the bad platforms like snapshot twitter, instagram, it took talk to those teams who feel isolated and marginalized and give them an outlet, they feel safe to socialize with others. and however, at the same time, it can also got a plethora of opportunities for bullying as well. as body image issues, social media usage has been directly linked through teen depression, which is a leading factor in the escalating number of teen suicides globally. so with all of these drawbacks the celebration of expansion and to new territories seems like a celebration of one's own decline and globally social media platforms and
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$22153000000000.00. and the key to increasing profits for these platforms is increased users. therefore, undeveloped countries who might not have access to clean running water might find themselves with a cell tower before a water filter pump. and it's not just the social media platforms which confided to their advantage as expanded governments can also find the new technology profitable, but also to their advantage as they control the information which is allowed to be access. now i'm sure, with the introduction of the radio, the television video, games, etc, there were cries regarding the negative impact on youth. and yet here we all still are living our best lives. many, those societies which have been untouched by any of the modern technologies of the 21st century will handle better. and those considered most advanced, if not what they're being told as a step forward, might be in reality a step back, the sky. now here's,
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and this has been your 360 view of the news affecting you. thanks for watching the 1834 france invaded algeria and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new wires to the best land. from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited this cause and as discontent. the people of l. g area began their long term fight for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war
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against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women, children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriots managed to induce france. besides these negotiations. in 1962 heavy and the cords were assigned 14 l. jerry on the bass towards independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights, is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the debts of one and a half 1000000 algerians. of
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the hundreds of homes and russians canceling region of flooded onto the destruction of a teeth dumb with most skill, accusing t as of attempting. lisa selecting a road. we are putting this embassy in saudi arabia. i think 7 years a diplomatic fallout, thanks to mediation from china, to the dismay of the united states and the us government cox down on crypto exchange platform misapplied in charge of the gangs. 2 of 12 biggest tires on the 20 in solar market. the, the very well welcome. this is also you international. with the latest world news
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update, just good to happy with most go has called for an international investigation of the called sky hydro electric power plants, destruction this flooded hundreds of russian homes. the appeal was made by the country's ambassador to the u. n, who also slammed what he called a skits of frederick, approached by wisdom officials and their attempts to play most go instead of 10 for the attack. it was the original screen. we are already seeing a coordinated information or rather this information campaigns list of we're hearing statements from the west with them. and of course key of the whole sky damn was attacked by russia. the so called conclusions on the ranking of us gets a frame. yeah. and we proceed from the fact that the criminal key of regime and its western patrons stubbornly pumping weapons. we are full responsibility for being folded the tragedy of this act can be considered a continuation of the systematic tactics of the key of regime. since the 2014,
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the use of terrorist methods has already become key. it was a calling card for the key of regime has goods and teachers or school counts for the blown up north stream of this and the tab condemn in syria. west is used to doing the dirty work with someone else's hands. this is what it shows the off the mazda of the downs destruction the city of the via the whole sky. it is one of the a call around the is one of the residential areas. the city flooded hundreds of houses from surrounding specimens. so also as of much interest in the back to a system is set to go on the east gym and tunnel correspondence brings us the details from the center of the catastrophe. well, no, i don't read them off here. if you're looking for a station most effective night, there's over here for them on the other part of the dumb or before the flooding or the arrows pointing to the main for the 2 hours and through the fall. and it's possible fault
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subdivision of your face of the system. the sound of things have to hold and we still have to fix reason people will not be for funding for key if it was russian come know up again what see here this is no, yes. this is, it is may i say is the situation is currently under control and or less, it's a being made to prevent civilian casualties as well. the what the, what was it keeps coming? civilians are being evacuated from father, coastal areas in order to save lives. an operational headquarters has been established. the ministry of emergency situations, the governor and the head of the local government, working together, there was no panic in the city. then what was it has no reason by 10 meters and the
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level is 2 rising. there was no panic. there was 2 electricity and lights in the city or the local man has described this as a terrorist act committed by ukraine, new forces, and the ukranian president for a lot of them is a landscape with just having has blamed russia for the attack. and he's made a referral to the united nations security council, so conflicting reports and not just to give some kind of idea of, of the scale of this hydro electric go down. it was built in 1956. it's a soviet era. so it's incredibly robust for these 30 meters high on to miles long on these contains water, roughly equivalent to great. so like in utah is always a pretty big start on monday. surprised not only the local population but also the people of crimea, but by have smoke pollution a. this applies cooling water, photos, that photos your nuclear power plant. now russian official, is there
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a site that there is no risk in this situation? the control, the local areas are imminent, risk of flooding, evacuation operations or underway. if it's something like a 2 settlements, we know that 30 homes in the immediate region already risk and have been back to right to the emergency services on the scene, trying to fix the problem and to ensure the people in the area all safe. now, a cool face comes off this sunday is attacked for ukraine in full seats. i tried to briggs motion to put it in 5 babies in the region. by what unsuccessful, they were. 5 russian forces with huge losses of coffee as i'm 16 up to 300 ukrainian soldier than you for all wood fighting vehicles, including these 3 bradley vehicles supplied by the united states. now, of course, there's been a lot of room or not speculation. so this could be the start of the long awaited spring. what was the spring offensive by the ukranian a full seas on it. let's say the situation could potentially be beneficial for you
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quite in forces in his why. the potential flooding on the lower left bank and the kill phone region where russian on forces a station would eventually solar the, the new per river, which would that enable ukraine salon forces in america. and carry out accounts were offensive. and other officials those days that the shallow end of the river creates a risk of ukraine spending a lot of being forced to take control of this uh, photos. the a nuclear power plant. i really need the problem, was it split up the shelving of the leap or can promote? does the landscape machines desired to repeat its criminal plan to send a landing forest? and never godard to establish a foothold and then attempt to take control of this upper ocean nuclear power plant . especially given the fact that they've tried to do so several times already, and the shelving of the need for it will make the river easier to navigate. and can facilitate such actions from this alaska regime. the risk is there and we should evaluated carefully and acknowledge its existence. meanwhile,
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the targeting of the down doesn't exactly come out of no. where is the last day of the washington post reported? the top ukrainian general was considering sledging the river by hitting the down with high miles well kits. and october of 2022. they come on. the rushes to enforce these groups. day to the cave was preparing for the tax on hydro, electric, and infrastructure in order to flush the areas a lot so near. so we have intelligence that the key re, she may use prohibited methods of war in the area of the city of care. so, so they are also preparing for a method for me solves right on the called sca hydro electric them to do an aim to conduct wide scale of indiscriminate rocket and artillery strike on the city. such actions could lead to the destruction of the infrastructure of a large industrial center and lead to great amounts of civilian casualties. meanwhile, west and mainstream media are reporting a very different version of events with nato secretary general against those. and by claiming that the power upon destruction isn't that way just acts of russian
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aggression the destruction of the gulf gone dom today, pitts house and so civilians at the risk and coal. so severe environmental damage. this is a great just act which should demonstrate. so once again, the brutality of rush, also war in ukraine, press, the correspondent joining miller sites. the western as ukrainian allegations against the washer of the down dissolves to are observed. as a situation, kelly seems more with a ts advantage to put the major events in this conflict. so as far as being the immediate death of the instructions, the people's pieces live is going to be severe. tens of thousands of people, we affect the cost on the city and the city and the name. yeah, well both sides of leaving each other across and not gone for a long time. so when it is on the ground, once the, what at this time instead of 2 years
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and he's us is doing a lot of dollars to so right now pulling up the properties of goods on most go on. yes. so we have to wait. the more evidence comes out or investigation, but it does seem like there is more crazy right now. ukrainian troops have failed in the towns where a sense of attempts on the front lines over the course of the past 3 days was, according to russian defense minister, such a soldier who stays kids, forces of stuff with massive losses for choosing ethical suits are over the course of 3 days, the ukrainian regime has undertaken a long promised defensive in different parts of the front line. concentrating many units of equipment and much manpower for the purpose. on june, 4th, the 23rd and 31st mobile brigades of the ukrainian troops attempted and offensive
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in 5 directions. the enemy did not succeed in any of them and suffered significant losses. 300 soldiers, 16 tanks, 26 armoured combat vehicles and 14 vehicles. let me tell you, it is not ferrying well for the k of combined is at least according to the rush is top military official basically in the course, over the course of the past 3 days, k of forces have been trying to bridge brushes, defenses, but the sofa, they have a fail, they have completely failed and also the russian defense minister, he is shed some light on the cost that the ukrainian side has suffered and has really paid uh over the course of these past 3 days. also, what's really peculiar about this late, his statement by the russian men is still defense. he has provided details in a very rare instance. he has provided details as to the law says that the russians
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