tv The Whistleblowers RT June 7, 2023 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT
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part of it, we understand your brain is of probably the dresser, but what is that about us? so we don't have to is like the branch. i said what the of the european union had. you know that they had their own experience of the dresser and they are against the restaurant because of some solvent experience in these germany, it's vice versa. people, it was the but gentlemen that the soviet union dissolved the warsaw pact and went home. okay. i mean, and if you look in germany, year after year, i'm a pull reality of germans want the americans to leave the war is the about the time ago. a man, there's something about the brand real quick before i go to lorenzo. go ahead. yeah . what, what i wanted to say is that, you know, in my opinion, it's really discussing that eastern european republics want to compare and the conflict values. on the one hand, they say the people i've talked to check the visuals, you cannot relatable as accomplishing ukraine by comparing what americans and happiness in iraq. but at the same time, they'll pro 1968 product spring. that means that we know what it's like to be
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oppressed by russian. this is not the same thing. there is in 68 made the conflict a new crane because something is ridiculous to compare these things. and, you know, i discussed the media here with the black web abroad. i have to agree with the service and, you know, russia, the russian federation and the soviet union are 2 different things. okay. and in this broad brush here is very a historical. let me go to lorenzo lorenzo. it was interesting in the last new cycle, the, the new york times article about the nazi problem in ukraine, which of course all of us know about it. but it's such a problem that the new, the new york times had to address it. okay. because it is so you, big to it is in ukraine. and this is, you know, i look in europe and i did graduate studies in european history. what happened to europe worth the destroying your your, your prosperity and, and your isolated and creating isolation on the world stage as i find it, this is one of the most astounding outcomes of this complex lorenza or yeah. other
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than that, that's absolutely true. and i agree with the previous page, the problem, it actually is that we have this time here, the product specially i see here, we need to be completely changed the position comparing the for the work. you have to know that maybe you already know that the 90 percent of the citizens here needs on the role of al over russia. sylvia against the coffee by the government is complete. it is a me to do. we need to add it back to what is happening is that of course be, is what is destroying our economy, but it was a really hard to buy years. so call me go crazy is i'm busy is because easily has been chosen. it has the leader in europe. i'm the nato, to produce weapons and to santa where yeah, the ukraine for the work. so that's a problem because we are investing a lot of money into work and we are carrying about all the social status that we have here to manage. that's a huge problem and people fits these. what happened also needs are the we have,
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after all the boss is we have a huge propaganda against the providence of boss is may not some of these and all but 90 percent of governments up there. we went to where we needed to buy the bottom left. ok. what happened now is that we don't have more of these distinction between the rifle there. and people from left to what we think is this crazy. they are defending the nazi ukraine. it's. it's crazy. it's really crazy how long it's squared. is that the, when you tried to the front office, also the university is as i teach a university base a that b is yes, the found being the defendants and also the termination of a nation. so that's important because these kinds of not see one of these can be saved by the to this of, i'm not his best, completely weird ankle beginning on saturday. he was say, how was this kind of propaganda? i see, you know, he needs to leave because of our defendants by the united states. so which are
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toward the, which i will call you several other ways. the rule as well is that this is the, this isn't magic. the, you know, europe is advocated any kind of responsibility for a job here. it's a really, really disgusting ralph. you know, going back to the new york times piece. you know, it's really interesting. i know you follow american politics. you know, the, the, the, the establishment lee under every single rock. but they will not, they will not recognize that there are nazis walking around in care of it. is it completely insane? it is a world turned upside down. ralph: yeah. and that makes me very sad because we saw that after 1945 really like doctors, fascism and knots. isn't that we know all about a new, totally as well as in germany we are seeing government supporting, obviously, nazi restroom and k f. i mean, really discuss it, but i want to say what lorenzo just said better, rightly be ok. actually last summer in the sense,
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that's all i would say it onto italy is not summer run because the u. s. are still, well they take the lights in italy as well as younger and diamond a is actually really um they bought into that they sold all the language and the media and so on is pushing into that direction against the will of the people. so, i mean, the government initially now has changed a couple of months ago, but you know, it's still, it's the same agenda that we see across here. all of us have on the land. she said, we have the tools, we have the tools and well they use the tools on emily, gentleman, that's all the time we have fascinating discussion. want to thank my guest when prompted by and, and emily, and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here. at ortiz, the next time and remember prospect rules the, the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just how us tied to vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better way. fractured images presented to this 1st. can you see through the round, can the i really thought that we were going to die. and then i hid
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behind the board. and business has to continue to stick with the system. basically we want to make sure that certain regular civilians should be in the hands. those people who are in st that big nowhere the garage of business services to fly proceed with key at the washington state. the rules of the computer system on assume that you
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keep the list of the we're hearing statements from the west and of course key of the whole damn was attacked by russia. the still gets a freemium ross is an void to the un cools, went into the investigation into the destruction of a scene time on the river. it says left homes flooded and surrounding areas and swamp plus goods of cues, teeth of attacking facility during the reset creation of an indian todd la from gemini, we spent 20 minutes in the was wrongly separated from the 5 benchmarks. and one month or 2 was taken out from us. she was with some boys, maybe in 20 months,
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then she was suddenly different up from that and kept in something to do. she's a child and she's not an object in mind. you know, places are like the ones that are filled with is immediate danger. as pricing continues escalate the middle east in the country with a 1000 people i've pulled. what do you think killed that meeting the 5 for most go and this is odd. see, my name's going to allow me in 30 minutes of news and views on now. rushed as a boy to the you as a choose, the west of skipped. so frame you over at times most go was responsible for the destruction. massive dime. and they tried to electric power plant in the fads of region and area at which vi with russia, the breach of the amazon, hundreds of pounds flooded amid catastrophic c. it was
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a video screen. we are already seeing a coordinated information or rather this information campaign is we're hearing statements from the west. and of course key of the whole sky damn was a go calls conclusions. enrique of us gets a frame. yeah. and we proceed from the fact that the criminal key of regime and its western patrons, which stubbornly pump it with weapons. they are full responsibility for the unfolding tragedy. the key of regime has good teachers who accounts for the blown up north stream and the tap condemn in syria. the west is used to doing the dirty work with someone else's heating of the un security council was convened to discuss the destruction of the down and the recent attack that was apparently carried out by ukrainian or russian ambassador. and the danza took to the floor as the 1st council member to address this emergency meeting. he emphasized how the ukrainian forces are becoming more desperate and more ruthless in their operations. and how
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there seems to be a relentless campaign of this information from western countries to cover up the various activities and atrocities the now the united states to, to the floor of the council and proceeded to blame the entire situation on russia and argue that regardless of who destroyed the damn, it would never have happened if the conflict in ukraine were not taking place and blaming the entire conflict in ukraine on russia. and these sentiments were echoed as of the council that are aligned with the united states. however, many different countries did express deep concerns about the destruction of infrastructure. we heard from china and others for cooperation and a possible diplomatic resolution, negotiations to resolve the conflict. so well, don't in case of and you can a catastrophe. no one would avoid consequences. we call from maximum restraint,
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is necessary to prevent what can turn into a catastrophe. 850 of this upper region nuclear power plant. so they can send to the crisis and ukraine has dragged on, and there is a danger of escalation. the policies must show, restrain time, resume peace negotiations as soon as possible, the international community must do everything that is pallet would create favorable conditions for this conflict and challenges to the export of ukrainian green have impacted global food security floods have damage farm land, and there are reports that farm animals, they could not the damage to a productive farming region, puts further spring on an already challenged global foot system. we call for de escalation and dialogue to drive this conflict towards a peaceful, sustainable solution in line with the un charter. and we stand willing to support any serious efforts to this end. it was yet another example of members agreeing in their assessment of world events. we had western countries that seem to be
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insinuating, so how russia is responsible for and at this point, it's pretty clear. did nation security council just don't see eye to eye on recent events as i'm all the coughs guys surrounding areas down stream flooding soon off that the russian defense minister has cooled. it's a terrorist acts by brain while most go i did. the move was also a bit depriving, claim made. this is from the reservoir cave, however, says moscow was responsible for the destruction while cooling for new sanctions and a strong international response west and media outlets with quick to pin the blame. despite this new evidence pointing to the country, which was summarized by one commentator, according to the main stream media, russia won a tank to run pipelines to blew up the crime. a bridge. $310.00 full attack,
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the crime, a bridge. 5 blew out there. i'm dam 6 attacked the kremlin with drones. what do you premium present as well as gate and his allies in need a claim that moscow was launching some kind of word against nature. they neglect to admit the fact that russia is a side most affected by the latest active sabotage, the same across suddenly seem to care about the environmental impact of war. and they are once again accusing russia of sabotaging itself. as reports know that the destruction of the dam, how's the weather in residential areas on the east bank of the never river, and will we premier with. meanwhile, the russian regional administration is opera. she is warning that the attack will make it easier for you. crane to target the nuclear power plant. there i'd be the problem was it's, but the shelving of the neighbor can promote. does the landscape machines desire to repeat its criminal plan to send a landing forest and their guitar just tablets of foothold and then attempt to take control of this upper ocean? even the fact that they've tried to do so several times already. and before the
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destruction of the dam, ukrainian in western media, where it's using russia of draining the co host grow reservoir earlier this year, which is not quite logical, it rushes alleged goal is to cause as much flooding as possible the narrative. there's also is nothing new and it has been used more than a few times over the last year. that includes the attack on the north room pipeline slots september. when the western media was quick to claim that not only was russia responsible, but that didn't have restructure, but we don't know who did it. but there's a question of who has the motive and who has the capability? and a lot of experts say russia, russia has the motivation, it has the doctrine that is developed specifically for this situation. it has the capability, one of the few countries to do is call virtually, it's highly likely in my opinion, that is rough. the good of journalist seymour hersh reported that the united states was behind the attack, and media had changed their to the new york times. now, so that was carried out by a pro ukrainian group,
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and the washington post says the same playbook was used when the crime in bridge was attacked last october, which was celebrated, i both ukrainians in their own lives. then there was the response to the drone as how on the promotion in may. i think this is an attempt to generate public support at home, maybe abroad because it is this an effort by a pre paid or again, justifies for a new credit. there is a, a sequence of events based on, on, on the videos that came out that suggest that this was a, a, a controlled release. at the very least, the new appears to be to blame russia 1st, even if they have to quietly admit that it was really ukraine. later on with those media is talking heads and politicians and never seem to ask why russia would keep destroying its own infrastructure. and ukraine in a proxy war against russia, if russia is still committed to destroying itself, is why the power to unite to install so tight. there's still some voices running
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the country to the main screen full of folks news i was kindergarten because little she's news show on twitter in it the phone does why people on the questioning is possible involvement in the destruction, particularly following the blow you off of the know the pipeline in september, you can read more on other com the several jonas covering you planes. wall are in gaze in their own conflict with the confused government, which is unless it usually is now that's according to a similar for newspaper article by seeing how reports is credentials, have been threatened, revoked or denied over charges. they've broken rules and put this bike feeds of the stores is only allow press doors with press officers where they show up in front of the camera. and they're afraid to show the real situation during the a growth and furiously deleted and invest. screening authorities with residents
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a street piece accreditation. are you ready to read oldest cubic propaganda and it won't cover it is not the only issue is stories mentioning not see i couldn't over for you are also being monitor several football showing you quite a soldiers would not see german symbols on the on pauses. you planning go with, i need to analyze politely, deleted the photon. ukraine has worked for years through legislation and military restructuring to contain a fringe far right movement, whose members proudly were symbols steeped in nazi history and the spouse views hostile to left us l g b t q movements and ethnic minorities been fighting russia and are now part of the broader military structure, some are regarded as national heroes, even as the far right remains marginalized politically. so i'm encouraging able to move to wafaa on the uniforms. the little 4 foot was not c, german, a unit,
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and the training and tillman and blooms are very similar, showing in the angle of holding a swastika or across. and it's collins equally and present by them is of as being meeting with the process and the vice can last month was seen wearing a switch. it with a trident symbol was used by you claim only for naturalist during level 2, who collaborated with nazis and were held responsible for the cards. jonas and also daniel as also as the claimed present, is usually a complex public relations campaign. russia, i'm an assist. the government does not align with jim. the symbology has a long history in the ukraine. time of the showed that was headed by step on band era and and there was forces i used not seen in sydney as a war nazi. i insignia the blacks on ad, especially the swastika. so everyone knows what's going on there. these with these
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forces and he is um and he's clearly like, you know, in alliance with them. and so therefore he tolerates they are, they are not the activities, the growing nazi influence because he's got a well yeah, because he's got to use them and the same time maintain good relations with the american. so it's got a call he's gonna engage in a complicated public relations maneuver in which he plays down this, this uh, these, this nazi imagery wayne's at all on rush to insist that the state is free of any pains. and this is only a small minority and that otherwise everything's ok. but this is just completely contrary to the truth and the new york times, and those are serious cases. now i looked at the set up a new denny's. mom did the re punctuation of a 2 year old and then go from germany. she was taken from her parents and bullying them put into the 1020 months ago. i made concerns about her well being. however,
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the total was that was faint and the child was wrongly separated from the fund. so previously then we took out like a blood in the vapor of the child. we didn't knew what happened then we took her to the hospital at that dying reverse and box a dock. she might have some one other building which is completely fine though, and we don't need any more. uh my other thing is, yeah, everything is fine and they don't explain is what do they get after 3 or 4 days when we do kind of back to the last $3.00 for the followup checkup at that time. this actually has so many judy, they didn't give us the money to go their board for more than deals because they didn't have it done the which i, it sounds great think that you both sexually abused or what, right. so that's why they didn't want to put it on the same last because what it is they supposed to be sure. they had themselves said that like there was no sexual abuse of the child either by the father or by the grandfather the did without that not that had done that. it wasn't a police investigation that also got close. on february 2022. the tyler's been not
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done and we will been forced to go by the psychologist. um, you're good to hear about that. oh, you better been able to do the board for 15, june. good. will you give it to margate? where do we talk? why did they do so really much more valued about our daughter that because eventually say one month or she was taken away from us. she was with some old lady . there's been 2 months then she was suddenly different. she is a child and she's not an object invited to blame the thought lives the case has led to a spots between the united new delhi india. as for ministry is for us, the child must be the last names of those quotes. well being is a top priority. however, the parents of this will re saying then is even limiting diploma. they access to that. those are the engine, the government is trying to get control x as in the trying to get the job back to india because this only indian government gave upside statement that is an indian nation. it's a, in a line. they provide the chief would come to india and
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a government of india singing in the best and best of the time and based right for a long time to get in contact with alex's. but the joe enjoy, the service is not giving, allowing them to have a common thing that exists because it comes to like this is that i don't have to eat every citizen, but it could have been a good call into that access. but i would just not getting and going to the next is from the time they wouldn't, you wouldn't go to them like the change or to be brought up in her social culture and why them and read how to language to could i just go to her life and, and religious rights have been protected and we can help you in doing that. they didn't just wanted anything on that. and still the, i just, wiley thing that i told the child the joe movie in india about the significant, the u. n. c r c. and n u l u n. c, out of the united see is that if the child of what i need these that has to be taken away from the buttons are linguistic. geico and religious life has to be brought to going to because that this all dikes all the time that they are not being protected is that german baby when they uh, in the i like and also on
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a limited so well. gotcha language or other. her family members in st, making the offer and in some alien, please know they would allow the to the african continent, our children, the incident are in immediate danger as the concept between to where infections continues to escalate. that's the latest warning from the u. i, which says people in the north, east, often country all ready in, during immense suffering with over a 1000 killed and less than the little who's displaced modem, 1200000 people inside to don't drove nearly 400 thousands of freight to neighboring countries and severely damaged the capital, where the rest of the population is at the mercy of fighting a strong to and looting. what do you have is the situation to continue the table and particularly so be more pronounced for civilians in sudan. and that has not
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just included the nationals of sudan which have in their drills, been killed in this conflict that started on the 15th of april. and thirdly, in its, in its 8th weekend, continues to be a part of conflict that despite numerous attempts to drive it to with a ceasefire option, in terms of getting at many carriers, suspicious to some of the civilians that are in the country. it still continues to rage on and this is particularly of, of interest for the african continent as they have declared that they want to find this big bonus. conflict on the confidence that solutions then to the for getting unions us. the thing is uh it seems before that then it does seem to close up the functions that are involved in the conflict. we just go through denise army as
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well as the rent to support the floor was, has not been really close to getting any kind of us of a common picture on vision with regards to what the ceasefire assure the tail and what both parties would be accountable. to but the situation continues to be big. i sense that how far in the nationals which has been claimed as part of the big guides and one particularly against big and nationals in the conflicts. and it's something that king size is really pacing, talk to him to task about to see what happens to the national the strikes carried out by the regular army on an area occupied by civilian in on number to populations including foreign nationals, seriously wounded other than to explanation of the advance and measures from the sudanese government allowing the return of the bodies. and that goes further because it includes a lot of the country as well as this is a,
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a leading lights in the central african space. at least that is kenya. kenya has recently announced that it will be shutting down at the embassy in cost tool, which is where most of the hospital if you use, have been focused in the capital offices dance. and they're saying that they are doing this because of this stuff. and this, particularly as a pronounced effectiveness as they kenya, is really, is like i said, see the needing lights in the future products and, and, and it's, it's proven excessive then presented at an option as to how to use like 285 us and any, any person that would be in danger of the conflict as such, and they are the closure of the embassy is really seen as a dim and, and the doctor eviction of the near future at least as the towards to go edits, which is the voice of a genius. of foreign affairs, a picture tree,
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and on the issue we continue to receive disturbing news of photography groups and heart them sit on. can you imagine in heart them, which had remained open to facilitate the evacuation of indicating still in the country is now closed. right now, this all depends on the way the world infections can really hold the line. and with regards to the team, the saudi arabia, the king, the most savvy, just meeting invest regarding the hosting of the 2 affections and trying to get them closer together as they seem to have an influence with. ready policies, but the united states, which is also an interest in our to use for guidance levels of both sides of i'm sick painting, any kind of fees via that would allow for humanitarian assistance. and for people to stop the influx of movement that we have seen into neighboring countries. tab has received the sum of 100 thousands. who denise us,
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these to be the country looking for safety, as well as the central african republic. it's received the some 10000 people who have fled to that country looking for a trying to really save themselves from this war infection. the say that talks continue this by the 1st with regards to how far they can really come. and the value of union is also issued on a statement saying that they fall upon many of the interested parties in many interesting countries to this situation. is that to say this is the time to be taken 5 onto the field side. and this is rather a time when we should be bringing both classes together and of. ready and continued to say that they will, they won't merge on trying to find an oxygen solution to this particular african from cit, celebrations, the day of russian with wage,
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which typically elizabeth the russian poet islands on the plesk in the regions had stated that the russian languages quote, the foundation on which the regions, history, culture and values are built for the past with autism, steve sweeney people of course, getting his nose the father of russian poets and a major contributor to the modem and russian language. his work is known and loved across the country and he is a symbol of prize for many russians. but today, stop choose of the poet and their supporters and to pay to eradicate russian culture. nowhere is this felt more that even bushes don't. yes, republic, looming your poor skin is that for me, pushing is a great man of my country who loved it. was all his hot hots as long as we remember and on a him to the russian language has always been and will be the main language for us . we are a russian speaking population.
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