tv Documentary RT June 9, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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more people died at our school decided calling on think about the we just accept the y over things and show that they standardized and they tried to do that. and then they did exactly what i do. why do we allow these things to continue to happen? is my question, and they have seen multiple, fulfilling a sense that's why we're new to this business. it's all different. it's one of the things or anything can happen at any time. so i'm looking at their hands. i'm waiting for one of these idiots to pull a life or a gun out or something. i don't consider this a big group. and i know probably half of them are. i've seen them so i'm not
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worried about half of them, but the other ones that are reporters are posing as reporters or media. those are the guys i'm worried about ones i've never seen always looking at the hands the sidewalk. you want to talk to all these people accountable. we went here and body and flowers. we are going inside for 12 minutes. we're going to lie down exactly at 4. and if they ask us to leave, we will leave. we're going to be peaceful. we're going to be kind of we're going to be considering if they ask us to leave, leave ok on
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the go inside for 12 minutes starting right now. the 14 bought his flowers here. the next day he was slaughtered at school. when i take $670000.00 from what we call the sisters brothers uncle's dad and mom is in stand against us. we call the united states of america against the national rifle association who have to continue to put their own agenda
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news . the good morning, we are here today to announce large for our lives route to change a 2 month summer tour around the country where we will go from city to city, state to state, and connect with community and community thinking sure we are going to harness and energy, the passion we witnessed on march 24th and turn it into action. we're going to be making more than 75 stops nationwide, because 4000000 people turn 18 this year and have every single one of those people votes encourages their friends to vote and make sure their family is getting to the polls. we can make real changes in this country. thank you. i'll be taking questions. what's your name? i'm cameron kaski. how's it going?
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all together represent our home. so we need to be with them. they're looking for votes. we've joined and we become part of what they're doing. business wise words are all the way many the com. okay. he's one of the parents that we trust the most. and when he walks in the room, you know, he's there and it's not just because he looks like a pirate. he's here to get done. excuse the language. yeah, we do. okay. the, the, the utah. i don't see skit see the season get out of the go with the that you
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said those are style was movie on is zacko going that they're not showing in of each and put up and you're not you should have full state taxation. you folks have shut off the shut off. she's the instructional you have about john long would love to go. just talk a little. you should see those sheets of those a go. there's a little c, a years ago. sales custom goes like friends. here was the monthly, i'm a photo skin, she was a but all, you know and about the show and circuit most to go to court order for students that go out. and so usually it comes to from getting into to 30 year old. but when you get a mind for sure, most of my coaches to try ya scroll academy, i need to con. so you put the device, you're saves the car acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. do not watch my new show . search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he
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won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do they have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do, don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you of the, in 1884, the german empire began its colonial invasion into anatomy. the, from the very start. berlin encouraged the white colonists to settle in south west africa and take away the best land from the local drive. the germans were actively draining natural resources and using the local population as
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a cheap labor source. this was causing major protests and led to rebuild your in 19 o 4 here, aero. and now my drive is rebuild against german colonial rule. kaiser wilhelm the 2nd was fully determined and ordered to suppress the rebellion with the up most of every day against the inhabitants of nan, maybe a germany through is 15000 well equipped army all around the country. concentration camps were built in humane medical experiments over citizens were conducted within the period of 4 years. the german scaled up to 60000 people, among which there were 80 percent of the here railroad tried and 50 percent of the number dried. the events in south west africa are called the 1st genocide of the 20th century, and not without reason are compared to the holocaust just 2 decades later after the
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massacre in nam may be a hitler's the solve unit boat on the same brown colonial uniform which puts the world into the chasm of the 2nd world war, the in the past decade, the global refugee crisis has more than doubled, surpassing the 100000000 markets for total displacement. this means that over 1.2 percent of the global populations has been forced to leave their homes. and these include refugees internally displaced people and asylum seekers. but is life better after fleeing their home country and what happens to the whole country that opens the stores, refugee? i'm christy, i'm, you're watching the cost of everything we're today. we're going to be looking at the movement of this place, refugees, world wide, and how this affects them as well as the local population. the
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never in history have we ever witnessed there being 100000000 displays people and there is absolutely no a system that will ever be able to support 100000000 people in need without more resources. and unfortunately, the current system is extremely inefficient as it cost far more to settle refugees in a western nation then, and does to support accommodations and camps for refugees as close as possible to their homes. because by settling refugees in the west, we are using the limited funds in the least efficient way so that many who cannot immigrate, suffer in under funded and underserved camps. over 600000 people apply for asylum in the u and 2021. syrians, afghans and iraqis logged the most applications for asylum together, accounting for almost 40 percent of all applications and the member states with
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syria being the biggest. in 2021, germany received over 30 percent of asylum applicants in the u, followed by france, spain, italy, and australia. together these 5 number stays received almost 3 quarters of all asylum applications in the u. a. jeremy is the 2nd largest host community in the world, nearly doubling its refugee population in less than a year with the escalation of the conflict and ukraine. it now hosts over 2200000 refugees, including over 875000 ukraine refugees, 665000 syrian refugees. as well as over a 183000 refugees from afghanistan at a 151000 from iraq. in the past decade, the global refugee population has more than doubled. in 2022, we exceeded 30000000 refugees. germany has maintain high levels of support for
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accepting refugees, despite the concerns about immigration. and jeremy does not have the law enforcement necessary to keep german or refugee space. many would argue that germany has reached the breaking point with the amount of stress refugees and migrants have placed on society. jeremy needs to cross laws to cope with the situation and find additional enforcement, social workers and staff to be able to sort out economic migrants from the refugees and process asylum claims before accepting more refugees. in the u. k. asylum seekers are generally barred from work until they have attained refugee status. if they do not receive an initial decision on their asylum claims within 12 months, they can only apply to certain jobs like nurses, social workers, and engineers. the food poverty is a big consequence as prices rise to run a basic household and the burden of taking refugees is draining the european economies. crime rate is up drug usage as up and many citizens are getting
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frustrated. refugees also have impacts and pressure is on clean water energy and the environment. and the situation is turning into a permanent reality and has produced a negative attitude in many ordinary europeans seeing them as a burden on the local economy. many syrian refugees failed to stimulate into european societies. no, it is no fault of their own how our syrian supposed to integrate with the population that lives there when they can't work, because they don't know language or the customs. and they don't know anyone. the only way to survive and their new environment is to turn to crime, to survive and support their families. another essential problem that refugees, space is housing. most refugees are sent to live in places far away from cities or in the country side. medical services and health care are generally an affordable to many who fall sick. and cultural differences is perhaps one of the most
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complicated challenges that refugee space, as they must learn, to submit to it, and accept it in order to become a genuine part of the refugee hosting country that they now live in racism and prejudice. our normal outcomes of the language barrier and cultural differences between the local population and the refugee families. the worst happens in schools, medical facilities, health care centers, and social service centers. when a refugee applies to work, even when they have all the experiences and abilities, refugees are also exempted from the rights that are given by the state to with people like enjoying the rights of minimum standard of living and security and their unfortunately often exploit it. so now let's bring in the bill out to q 3, professor of middle east history at university of mary washington. so net bill, what is the most challenging thing for refugees to face? what about for the host country as well? sometimes the, the, the biggest issue is numbers,
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but otherwise i think the biggest issue for refugees would be acclimating to a new society and getting used to the positive or the, the reality that they have to reinvent their lives entirely from the ground up. the moment they arrive in a very strange and alien culture to their own. and for the whole societies it's, it's sort of the similar. but in reverse, it can be very hard to successfully seamlessly integrate the refugees into the culture. especially if the culture is not historically welcoming or unsure what to do with them. so that, and that varies from country to country though and are, there are things that can be done to alleviate this refugee crisis, as it seems like this is a problem with no viable solution. well, this is the areas that i knew best, namely iraq, later on in the middle east. what are the most vulnerable, the climate change, there's some list of the most vulnerable countries and of the top 5 iraq and either
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on or 2 out of the top 5 and. and they've already experienced something like $55.00 degree summers and $55.00 degree celsius summers, which in fahrenheit is, is i don't know something like a $110.00 plus degrees. and humanity cannot exist in a 110 degrees without being indoors, without being in the water. you know, all kinds of temporary situations. but you cannot, you cannot exist like that long term. and even if you're indoors with the air conditioning, it's not really a long term solution because air conditioning itself is driven by energy and driven by a and is itself driving climate change. so in those 2 examples, it's getting much worse, but they're not the only 2. and i would also observe or argue that the saw held in central africa centric between central and northern africa has been dealing with
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sort of an agricultural crisis for as long as i can remember. and they're not likely to bode well with climate change. meaning that it's probably gonna accelerate the desert application unless there's something i haven't heard of because i have heard that there is a potential possible positive impact of climate change for some of the middle east that is tied to together with the shifting of the jet. the jet stream in the atlantic so that it may happen that it actually starts to rain in the middle east through to the shifting jet stream. but aside from that one potential positive which i'm not sure is even going to be true. and i'm not sure i understood it correctly, but it seems like it's mostly very negative. it's certainly negative for iraq, iran, and probably for the saw him as well. as i say, really goes, one rotten apples boils to bunch and refugees are now being looked down on because
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they bring crime and violence to ones peaceful neighborhoods. so is there any truth to this and how much more crime has there been since countries have opened their doors to refugees? are there stats on this? i do not know the exact statistics and i am very skeptical that the statistics are accurate. because when those statistics like that data point are measured, they're almost always measured in the context of trying to approve anti refugee policies, anti migration policies. so i don't actually trust them. i think they're, they're, um, they're, they're sometimes inaccurate. and maybe sometimes they are accurate. now the idea of one rotten apples boiling the whole barrel. there is something to that idea, at least in terms of perception, in that a lot of the refugee populations will have something go wrong. either visa be between them and the state, you know, the host, the host country state,
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