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tv   Documentary  RT  June 10, 2023 10:30am-11:01am EDT

10:30 am
the, the, the whole thing she wants to extend its sphere of influence can exploit other nations, was that's always being the case of centuries deductibles, not loading this politician. so a 123 years. so we perfectly aware of what's happening. so that's why we defend ourselves. seals custom. consequence. here was the monthly i'm a photo skin issue isabel, you know, and about the show and stuff. it's nice to go to court people. so i'm gonna go use coupons, give a little so. so we're going to fax them to you and we'll pay if i can frustrated, you send out the cover letter and then you're going to the search engine lights on and just get some photo photos for the photos for you sent in
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a sugar session and pushing the water in the end, so using a change and the form of shingles, man, sorry, but with this one and you want to bind close a bunch of shifting alone there some way. all of those can know what's from not some of the models. my dear store for sure source, i was wondering i think you may have shoes over to the symposium doctor sustan's notebook with our associates skis on use throughout the system. when you switch the points, when unwanted power and dixon, i wanted to comment is why is it increasing military assistance to ukraine? and hastily modernizing its own the
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shell away in the district and used. okay. and they had a seat guns case stood with this good sense of hills play chaper costs for neck. yes. most to go skin because i wish the juvenile stitch state, but i sent them a sending you ship edge to it. i see it, but it's douglas a i know grocer placed on the shall the prize actual to stains of smelling it belong to me, boy, squealing the the other scheme to be drafted. a vision for cause you're going to lose your because of all your to home teacher rooms at home. she's actually pulling up shrink bucks, go to a status approach. next agreement which, which we ship next. she's such a probably a for simple as soon as i terminated it though. yes, it is on the restaurant project. show some of this stuff to this question, the
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physical for the shower, not but you should put simple use trust me, a fortune which to me a chance pablo send me on of is a student and also with the on such a winter, he likes thousands, oppose began to have heating issues. now pabo must choose between a warm flood or a hot you do not a cabinet for that. um, but from what see uh, so shaun was the machine on the lead. it was on there. um uh for the set up and i didn't usually uh as nice that you were just to confirm. vintage percentage, also shown what contributes main gate. and we'll just be shown on things shape and then getting back to cushions the push for the youngest in may or discuss that might be why age i thought in their school they can use that that will spell that say yeah, we don't have the thought of 2 guys, ok to update a it does it parts covers,
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can do that. you have this basic kind of thing that i thinking of hours. you can call it a tiny sort of another. the thing to email is a little bicycle guy yesterday. nations jaime, a that, and then get the input of our if bonus to show cause that and that doesn't make like in my, i'm just saying i have is that i slept secrets. and in a he says it is caught a key to think of the guy that's about to go out and go to just to kindly exclaim, i got to say last night, a coup with all the things that sort of do not snatch any of the nice of and get that again, you had a safety pump, numbers, detectives, community. our 2 is off. the start, they will of course, gave us pulled out a key be actually a boy. you invest in caesar gardens now to, to start with where she is. extra models was a x one, cuz this, and i don't want to go cuz this is all sides ballpark. and i found the best thing to ask because of the something and around the world going to play those kinds of asian
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bridges is discharge the bunk. we have some of the treasury years andre, the budget. we would have something to then you more? sure. yeah. there's some of the, the quite, you know, there's no money again. so i need to pause. i gotta send this off just getting the problem. okay. well inside of the box to the next provider, so there's a lot of sending that a click on and off of your fee and gas prices again reach. annette record highs on monday and russia is solely responsible for these foods, cries, brush, shop loan. does that mean the remote so i'm done with that. we cannot have the grocery shop with the new york to shake the call from the board. change on that. so i'll finish my shower less than the rest of all your daughter. lots of june and just show this to you. but also, as i said,
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just jumping up on a scale of one year. what are you shipping? it be what they use. so for the email, you'll notice it's and the date. so january and you'll probably be almost as good as a fellow, jim is attorneys, as i said, to target. let's go and you quickly, i'm a little chunky and i need to go guys or it say it all based it the call of this, but of us, i'm a, is a style of the of the top is it probably is got that on the my tail should be schools, k is a published politician for my deputy and the published parliament, communist journalist and political ex, but this convictions which when countries of also is the official policy, saw him child the pay of oh i'm is that some of them says both companies are 40 different states, so let's pick about us going to sort of the little bit. i'm not sure there's just
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often. ok. and that to me after act was coming. i'm sure. fernando, some of those get a little bit of the push, the most interesting and my child, she lives numbers are most of the last 2 items are about giving to the giving slot . explain to you, but i just took a site visit on the printer. so i, that was my phone, you told me what you're going to try cool much aviation of scale is a journalist, but he's the chief editor of the strike web portal, the,
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the spice and the compatibility to not those uh, advice from you, bundle you bundle money from the volume or you mean everybody's always participants so much of them, you know, they're just not getting those singles. when you come on the new car for you to the $1620.00 of us, the budget goes, you must push a new model. mr. changed the systems up or we need you to devise inform you that for started for me just schedule sure. is there something else? no, to fix it. all right, sorry. so can you spell you on the
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oh, i'm sure you actually go to the store, which is always have tournament, think you may have surely so, but that's how the all new this guy lives interest in the republic of federal rules, the she decided to go deposed on to salvage on symbols remain to think to me of fascism, the better for me to take a listen, it is due to the rest of the uh, ford escape. so it is cuz hold up. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready you can use uh services to your new years. it has viewed the
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business rules. there's no the rules you. ready ready ready usually have to push when the pirates, oh you see why it was so good was surplus soonest of and now you said badly after that and there's because i know how to sure. oh, i submitted on several different batteries to sort of the ship my, my best direction where they do the south is generally strong. you broke where i thought of the town there are ships. i know there's a, a just the most casual network sto design, you know, people each way and that cause each hope i go for that i have 0 faith does not
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the practical for both of them even though based on cry. oh, i asked that are still right now, so can you try them back to go? yeah, cuz pause someone concerning a statistically nobody's been the most k as both of them are having them gives us an answer back to the the uses triggered the the she knew she didn't know about the future things because i've been just for one of the parties for sure, there's another check up and looked at a new came up and i thought was making sure it'll change the menu 2nd call you i think there's a windshield so you'll know. yeah. cool. record your wellness, your critical illness to go based on thursday, i'm expecting that again, you know, piece by called frustrating and you found out the cover letter and then you'll go as well. the assumption on them is uh articles. no more info on the is does recognize ions
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a me not see for them not to the solution. include familiar on, so rather not for my epilepsy. you can use the search them correct stuff now as menu was payable on the and the 1934 france invaded algeria and straight away the french started in, habiting it to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new art to the best land. from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited.
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this caused them as discontent. the people of algeria began their long term fight for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of georgia and executions of civil people including pregnant women, children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriot managed to induce france besides these negotiations. in 1962 heavy and the cords were assigned 14 l. jerry on the bass towards the independence . but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be
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a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonist are responsible for the debts of one and a half 1000000 algerians, the, or the city. on september, the 14th the was a suburb of krug, that was taken the read all me for, with thoughts of the opponent, show me along with the polls. i also just wasted the pony flag of a product the night, but he says, intrigues, worshipful support and position to him. uh you don't think i might have. okay. anything else from what was on that one, jack or it should come up at all?
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no problem, but you know, they just have some phone calls and i chose him for me is compliment on the road, is that those are doing a search engine where it's on disappeared from vocal folds of the storms for you choose or sports or sugars remember, provides which follow hyphen, i'm gonna put you on as a useful tool. i'm trying okay, well it should look continues to be implemented. federal she's, she's just saying always have the, you're going to maya, move posts or attrition images or concerning of what we need them to be changed. and in the transfer postcard i just can't go forward nimble division of ours or
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folks at the shelter near step. i mean, for sure when we finish it up for me, you know? sure. oh scott, i'm your picture on your voice couples, jacob. well, you didn't know. i don't, you shall talk to that. i was, i'm sorry, i just convers window, but really not a looks like i just use those. so as you post in the how does the region of good on scrubbing the boat as cut and dried region ammonia month to soviet soldiers who fell in the battles for the liberation of polish land, was and failed to oppose. people will never forget the soviet soldiers feet and a truly friendly assistance and provided to the country by the soviet union. there was the soviet union, the liberated poem from the non se, some help rebuild the country from ruins in response to days. oh, they should lead so ready to strangle rochelle, measure the seas can do some promotion. was it was a manual to go? yeah. you gotta figure that out,
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which is on die on special. don't you post conversation. just same way though, it's out on the to just to round it. ok sure there's no answers. i'll talk about way was because that's your washer. i'm not sure. why should the the is on you mentioned actually the short list. i don't know boesky most, don't you should them no subjects, you know, the voice cut. i just can't of actually now 3030 them 3030 on boesky of how do we always just for you all each and when we can just himself to different color point a box show not clayton. no, joe, but i just can't go back to the square footage windows out style we, it's all, most of us for you go. lucia's wonderful. it. can you go a set of you know, did you want to show them after come ok. push comes most of the money. no, over on the i'd be this last night. it's a new i'm saying that
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a couple of and if you generally push cable stuff the service beside it was couple of the spots, etc. but you can, you can put them as don't feel we're just going to try to stop destroying your intake. so just take a picture. good. ok. noon is novel age of stones. before he moistened shirts tripped over some of our party and not at all zip subject. dillman shrivelled, i'll wash and fellowship to show our exist awful logic projects of georgia cottage since february. no, that's hope it'll get us about. chose a logistically enough to go to the chief then we'll know toby shuttle old joe my way osh meals. so what we should know so, but i just usually ask about the on the on yesterday that with me on the not as out . i'm yeah, whoever they are calling is about to leave it. and you should them also come by the
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notion years, but to bring your bill, people are sure to bring your little total more job equation. what am i going to hold? i'll shoot that over, you know, check out the news . go down the low on groceries gift focus on size control. that's why the, that football pulling while i do sports goes out. but that was not old, that old. the for just b as a full and they start each is going to for i'm sure the boy should have 6. why? like you wish them all, you'd be support option for me on that or the science course. i use i can that is cuz i wish as particularly from us she is, i was told the spanish of school records beauty for much the
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dish, us the chest of best, the labs, the east provides. all that back up. i've gotten that shadows. yeah. and the, all the, the stuff that they call is that guy means that aside, needs to be able to, should i mean the menu, okay. that needs to be in the sky or even unity schmidt. and is that also he needs this one that we measure in your music? is it the most curious donald from you room usually follows keith because it was, it was really it's converting especially the luxury division commissioners. a bit of a role sheet comes to the cushion cushion of washington to the washes, definitely goes on with some folks, cool little things, joseph guest, and i'll go with a financial piece of produce extremity of to discuss points,
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post your price when you took from you in touch, so she's good price for me and those voices think, i'm sure if there's bugs on the memory out. and the roost received its 1st visitors in 2021. within a year, the memorial had been visited by more than 5000 people from such a countries the chase for that show. so it does have luck on using. i shut the flap. i did. so that's have, it's gonna say it was a fusion, you know, could 3rd, so which includes, under the initial or they, you choose to walk to do to us cause of a slave deer that's, cried you, that's the end of the nation. and there's a flash of good news, a shell for there's louder. sure. let's just literally towards the ring a, there are those covered you for, for sure was a major juniors rate. you're finally think of a solid and you'll see the ship. i think it will to settle it is
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a should to should you need the here 30 near below 0. you will a vision vogue some should to include in new to children new just a quick is this who more sure there's been a pleasure. useful to toys, toys to go go to sure. i would if i just keep post k s h j, i can call you, i just didn't give somebody the one that's a to for if you go use this one is merely to motor the periods from for the show photos or will it resolution way? well, what's the level of ally which to someone yeah, the cost to have $1.00. you hear me now you're which is not your, me
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a for don't there and what we're dealing with those pharmaceutical shown what i hear you and your set window style mode and associates can so that them a give sion as a fully from 5 to 10. you're shipping them your what your version of the solutions i guess could flush a little avoided because focusing on the pets we showed. the really quite interesting way that we can ask somebody with an estimate was covered only just be just as quick as possible in that to go suspend the slow do you have to associates these all throughout the system? when you switch to the point, when you're just competing, you mean it's not a soviet sympathetic that has been put in more detail about the consortium, additional federal. you're going to go to not that good will talk you soon for you hear me stuff voted maples off boy show. i'm sure you saw the night and i by the to
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coach saturday. you know, by me, single say a story, but i think of boss from site is can void. i'm sure not some that do both putting in a piece of property patient. so i'm just curious, probably care age about perhaps can not probably in a part of my it's not bloody boost. can we use gigi skim pulse from the stuff down to simple? doesn't that provides traditional important incoming shamile installed so much to find me poster that i'm gonna actually study for the month of all. but you know g dog will go. she's on the transmission on the titles who doesn't personally, not all felt free, and she started actually causing this federal to see so that she had associates. so just a quarter of a century ago, you destroyed nazi slavery in a deadly battle. you have under the statute was bronze and the granite and the flowers, 5 minutes to do and the tunnel memory. the of hops on your soil. we have low
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cost which unfortunately the equipment, if it develops, again are less someplace on and you love it so. so you can get is that, so that's as much as i know civil upper and lower than that, i seem to cover it and thoughts of federal good still, deluxe. it's that on for those. so on the side is that you choose not to discuss to a to at the special car in the lot of a vice 20, i'll get through the birth date of pneumonia. felicia thoughtful goes of all approaches, or it's even a portion of it in a startling then avoid the loud noise, stiff bunk. i thought it was she seen up stairs. i let not says the picture wish list. if you look, go to the arctic sound, the orange shift is a professor of history and holes of the book, black communications, don't like control mass consciousness. according to him. manipulations with mass consciousness now taking place in europe generally, and specifically, imposed on got to be sure to the solution and do the it's
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a lot of aging, just fine. see what i see. steve passed away any on the bush and it was most of us did i say stupid, i've done it by the kids are created. the secret i need some points show up shift. so after the spring sippy view, you're still pretty just probably coupon. tell us who has not ceiling took it off, say look, push as much as a group of chairs. are you able to say it was due back when i get an assist? i thought to for sure. i didn't do it. so let's say you want me stuff, i'm ready to read them. switch to another, still quite catch to try. yes, cool, kindly i need to console people to revise your saves you many. don't see those sheets of the go. there's a little see a years ago just now there's a pointing for some of you. what's closer, 2 bedrooms. well, that's
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a good luck with funds for associates get the issue putting, putting the could i you can use up some issue. could you validate the cam dice? you wish to when you need any blunt key pretty leading. yeah. the certainly to bring up the door. it was a for the alarm, that's what i'm giving you. there's a lot more to get the but you have to was the moving industry. it, i know suggests, are system well, extra vices story i use for, for the, for the to a video to not be opening the shoes of a car called barsky started the, the book not explanation to actually use and are not on the got more than the shows even though still got off the show in the near the boy shakespeare actually see it as a whole box. at any point, you will gratian notify someone to go to age,
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and we're going to be on the darling kindly, the subjects know why so. so to me and they, for sure that group, i mean, you know, she 3 pretty goes, gushing you should you go to a clubs fortunately, the shame excruciating them on them in 3rd year. because of course, the case of china, it's the, the us elevate to tie one's international status. you see, you know, see lucy's visit, which i already the credit crisis and the clinton, i'm short, china wills thoughts, a military operation there is i haven't even have those. i don't have even doubts about the
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willing of the soul body to the door. you know cranium doria, sonia or g. she shipped a dr. meano's report. the control room for 2 of our solutions. you get them awarded by actually system really being you have enough not to sing websites that's in pennsylvania where we can boom up our cloud. so it's actually it's streams uh, fox news, but i'll let you drive both on the on it. okay. that's what we're used to motivate my software, but just to do you still know? sadly, if she ever always get a switch every shipper, instead of just stick with the frontier agent, of course it will take you more. but of them i need deals that says that you train school, so that's good news. i used to move on when they finished over the course of where
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i need to buy useful stuff. but i'm saying, yes, i see the best way to take a picture of i'll go and dump it over the place so that i'm not. is it the headlines of this? how russia repels the quinet encounter offensive add to the southern front line, display, and least pull adjustments that look things and getting more than 500 between. so the president puts, in, concludes, easily any population has failed. it can be stated with absolute certainty that this offensive has begun. and furthermore, the printing troops did not achieve the objectives assigned to them in any of the combat areas. because every cell of people evacuated from the massive flooding.


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