tv News RT June 11, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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the smaller banks and prevent further knock on effects, but do the bigger banks have a healthy enough balance sheet to continue this and fail out the smaller, weaker banks? the contagion affected how many people have investments, people's like the retirement people's different uh, wall street investments. i mean, they're tied into a lot of people's lives, so i understand why they're trying to keep these things float and keep them active . but the one thing that we've got to take in consideration is prior to in 2020, there was a 10 percent reserve requirement that the banks were required to have on hand at all times, which meant they had to have 10 percent of their funds at one hand since 2020, that reserve requirement has been taken away. banks aren't required to have any reserve requirement at all anymore. so i've even told people now what the weight banking is. we really need to look at banking as how we would look at it as an investment. don't deposit more than you're willing to lose. because the other thing i would have mentioned with the difference between the 2008 and where we are today
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is bail ends versus bailouts. because we had bailouts taken place then. and since then there's been, legislation was passed in the united states. the allows for bill ends, which affects the customers of the banks. they will be the ones who will be losing their funds. and this is just beginning out. obviously, i think everybody's in agreeance that the cracks are just starting to get deeper. it is going to get worse before it even gets better, as far as these bank collapse. but it is all done by design because we have the ushering and of fed now coming, which is supposed to be taking place in june or july. and i believe july is a specific date the pushing for, but it wouldn't surprise me if it comes out sooner and fed now is an instant payment service. $247365.00 is some sort of alternative to block chain technology that is completely centralized. control by the federal reserve could estimate these failure been prevented. did anyone foresee this happening? absolutely. the interesting thing with the signature bank in particular is you had
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a barney frank, who from the dodd frank act as one of the advisors on the board of directors for signature bank. he has come out saying that there was absolutely no reason for signature bank to be shuddered. but if you actually do a little bit of digging and researching, we'll see that signature was under an investigation for money laundering by the department of justice as well as the as the c. so there's been some things that were taking place on the back end prior to the actual federal reserve and treasury stepping in to shutter the bank. but again, the commonality that you had between silver gate, initially, which took place several weeks, maybe a month or so before as be the silicon valley bank situation and followed up by signature. those 3 banks. the one thing that they all have in common is they were all crypto friendly and they were the most friendly bank. so it was a, it was obviously a very direct attack on crypto currency. and we are seeing that coming from the united states government, especially under the,
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by the new ministration from the fcc. all the way to the photo was, or to your head of your chair. had miss miss janet, you know, and they are all right now, conspiring to try to make crypto and accessible to the general public so they can assure, and they're big brother surveillance client, they're calling central bank digital currency. are these banks truly too big to fail? because they're not as big as jp morgan chase or city bank. so why were they not allowed to fail? and what would the run medications have been with the saying is too big to fail bags, but it's not too big to fail, is too big to allow to fail. so what the federal reserve and the treasury is come out already saying as far as their back stops, is, is when they're having bank failures. if these particular banks don't cause contagion to the rest of the system, they're going to allow for the failure to take place. so in, in videos that i've covered on my general rice t, v x, i've come up to the equation. this is all problem reactions,
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solution consolidation. you want to get it consolidated down to the few, the few there in the club, the central bank, digital currency. the financial institution has a traditional financial institutions like your jp morgan and your bank of america. again, some people think that these institutions are too big to fail. they're just too big to allow to fail. that is the difference between something like a silicon valley bank versus a jp morgan also. i mean, we, and i'm sure will bring us up. those bank collapse is also had a lot to do with taking away entry and exit points for people regarding crypto currency. thank you so much, chris, but please stick around. chris rice will be joining us right after the break, and when we come back, is big klein a more secure alternative to traditional banking system. and the answer will have that for you after the break.
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the the case of china is the, the us for the elevator tie. one's international status. you see, you have no say lucy's visits, which already create crisis. and the lincoln, i'm short china wills thoughts, a military operation. there was i haven't even have notes. i don't have even down to about the, the problem is the cost of housing keeps on going off. the cost of living keeps on going up and place and keeps on going ups. gas keeps on going off. so all the costs of living, the funds rising over the summer and i still wasn't able to find
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housing to there's no formal housing in lakewood, i've seen an increase and people calling me asking me for a place to stay. i need to get 10 that we've had people that have been millionaires in the past, you know, had big businesses, different things to throw you over the age. so people shouldn't be so judge mental about the homeless because it can happen. you can have it done was anybody i'd say government needs to help all these homeless instead of sending money over to ukraine and all those other countries worried about your own country. i just wish we had a president's daycare. we don't have a president. thank. there's always people would wake up to see what jo,
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by it is doing to us and the end of the deed for the americas in the bug like all of the welcome back to the cost of everything that coins price has stored since news broke of the banks failures bleaching $30000.00, which is up to 70 percent for the year. and this is no surprise for those and the space as given bit points, history and birth in 2009 as an alternative to traditional big banking. the traditional banking model still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model. and now we have an environment where higher interest rates, after a period of a high for low interest rates are creating bank runs. and this is the most perfect
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and big coin use case scenario, where we see bitcoin being a more secure alternative to traditional banking systems which are vulnerable to the problems faced by a c. b. according to a report from economist using s b b as a proxy, more than a 186 banks are prone to collapse. per the report, s b b had a higher capitalization of more than 10 percent of existing banks. and that 10 percent of us banks have more on recognized losses than a c b. so it's not a stretch to imagine that we have not seen the other issue dropped yet, and the bank and crisis may intensify over the coming months. inside of this dismal backdrop and the sell off in global equities, the crypto market has risen against all odds. big kline has retain its status among many as being asset more removed from the banking system than traditional stocks
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and government bonds. when the banking system breaks down, the flight to safety is in decline. a big coin is insulated from the type of bank runs that many feared would happen if the federal government hadn't rushed in to assure all clients of s b b that they would get their money back. people are now recognizing the importance of sound money with no counter party risk. and many believe that this riley is not because of fear triggered by the crisis itself. but rather the aggressive response from the government and the federal reserve that has seen hundreds of billions of dollars added to or pledge to the banking system and dramatically shifting the outlook for interest rates. on top of that, the collapse of s v, v and silver gate was like a cyprus moment for crypto. as these crypto friendly banks collapsed, a lot of money flows directly into the crypto currency eco system. the crypto market also tends to perform better when the traditional financial markets
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experience turbulence, reflecting the transparency and the centralization of the defy world. and for more, let's bring in again chris rice, post of rice tv x. now we saw us b, c, d, peg for a couple of days dropping all the way down to $0.87. so what those tell us about the stable coins? and is it really all that stable a? yes it is. and i'm not actually a huge fan, a stable, going, stable, going to cbd, caesar's not much of a difference. there's, they're both programmable currencies. the only difference would be there may be some sort of legislation or some sort of process. the government may have to go through from the, in order to get the records of the information from the stable coin companies. but both you as the see, i need you as the to you have worked with the united states government, the department of justice. they, they have all cooperate and they've all frozen accounts of people because the, the stable coins are designed to be programmable and they can incense do the same
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thing they would do with the central bank digital currency. now in the case of u. s. d. c, what happened was, there was a portion of their money that was backing up the collateral, that, that, that makes up. what us do you see is backed by, it's fully regulated circle investment, the company behind it. jp morgan is a company by a circle invest. they're very much compliant, very much back, one for one. but a portion of their deposits were in as b b bank. and once people had realized that they were questioning how much exposure they had to s b b bank and it was only like something like 3 and a half percent of the total backing of us d. c. so i think the, the markets over reacted to that situation a little bit more so than they needed to. and in the case of u. s. d t, it's also fully backed by if not dollars. it's also backed by treasury bonds. and both both companies. tether and u. s. d c circle are very transparent about what backs up their, their,
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their token. so at this point of view, as d t wasn't, wasn't being compliant on a regulatory standpoint. they would be obliterated and destroyed but they are compliant. they are correct about other situations, our questionable back in the past. and again, they are very much working with the government. i've made videos of talking about instances where the f b, i and the department of justice. i've worked both with us d, t and us dc, so it's just 2 birds of the same coin. and when he comes to cbd c's unstable clients, because we're really in all actually a lot of people think that the digital dollar will be us dc. ever since the banks faltered crypto seemed to be getting a 2nd wind, a sentiment turned bullish. and to me, this is like a flight to safety, just like in 2008, when people distrusted banks and would rather bank themselves. so what do you make of this? and how is that going to go when they're getting rid of all the bit coin onboarding rooms?
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a big part of it also that you didn't include the equation is black rocking and fell in it. and i'm drawing a blank on the company's name. i'm not sure it's a, it's a big financial institution. it's just recently started offering crypto currency services. um it'll come to me in just a moment, but we have a big we have, there's people within the financial system that also recognize bitcoin. what big coin has to offer? so i think it's a combination of things that people are looking at different ways of preserving their wealth or assets. because the way that the, the system is designed, people are losing purchasing power. so in order not for lose purchasing power, people diversify and you figure out different ways they can hedge against a dollar. and that coined is definitely one of those things. i mean that's what it was created for was to be a hedge against the dollars. so is what bitcoin was specific in a huge big coin specifically what bitcoin was created for is the time period that we're currently in right now. so now we get to see how big corner is going to
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perform in the environment that it was designed to perform it. does that make sense? the u. s. has now cracking down on crypto, citing it as a reason for the instability we see in the financial sector. so what do you think is their end goal and do they just want to see all crypto leave us shores? or do you think it's more about controlling them, trying to regulate and do some sort of cvd see like what they criticize china for doing? that's a really good question and i'm not really sure that they necessarily want crypto to just leave us shores, but they definitely want to have control at the same time. so if that means getting rid of the obstacle, which may mean trying to get, trying to eliminate something like that going and cut their currencies. that is a possibility me, we definitely see it on the plate. and united states, specifically, when it comes to legislation, not even talking on a federal level, just talking on a state level. you have something called the uniform commercial code,
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the u. c. c. law. and it's a, it's, it was try to make the laws the same and all the states and united states to help create trade and commerce to be easier because that way there's no restrictions based off differences, applause and legislation. and one of the things that you're trying to pass through as an amendment right now on state levels and like a 120 something page documented and only a portion of that document. it covers the aspect that i'm warning people about which also a governor just sanchez has recently worn people. he did an anti cdc bill in florida and we also had south dakota governor no one will also veto the same bill. and what the u. c. c. amendment is trying to do is read the fine money to exclude bitcoin in crypto currency, but to include central bank digital currencies. and this would affect commerce the any the u. c. c. makes things uniform. so in a sense, once these things are passed or state levels, you wouldn't be able to use these crypto currencies, bitcoin, for example, and the other crypto currencies as up of sort of money. because the uniform
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commercial code is taking it out of a definition of so. so the trying to attack crypto on a state level on a federal level under trying to sneak the state, the state stuff and like they normally do with legislation. and people are waking up to it. and now you have governors. when i said, when i called a central bank digital currency, a big brothers surveillance point, i'm just quoting rhonda santas. but even if the government don't recognize bitcoin and crept across the as money, doesn't really matter if the seller is still willing to accept that coin for payment. i mean that's what bothering and peer to peer payment is as long as a counter party is willing to accept it as compensation. then it really doesn't matter if the authority recognizes it as money or not, right? it would've been vick or, and you're right. it wouldn't, but it would make it difficult for people to use between in the commerce situation like i wouldn't be able to buy my groceries from walmart or something like that because of the way the law would be defined. but as i could go into
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a direct peer to peer connection, they couldn't be in bic, went into, can't outright destroy crypto, but they can make it difficult the on ramp offer and, and use. thank you so much, chris, rise for joining us today. and if we look at the history of the coin and why it was created in the 1st place, it was precisely for events like we see today where the current system shows sign of weaknesses. it's the centralized system and peer to peer technology gives bit point the potential to dismantle the entire banking system, in which a central authority is responsible for decisions that affect the economies of entire countries. if people embrace this new technology, then the banks have much to lose. banks would lose control of monetary policies and therefore control of the population. bitcoin enables the citizens of a country to undermine government authority by circumventing capital controls imposed by it. it was invented to address the devaluation of field currency through
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reckless spending and borrowing. and currency is not backed by a tangible assets anymore. so by manipulating the supply of money in the us economy, the central bank also manufactures asset bubbles and crises. and only time will tell how long these regimes will last and who will be the last one standing. i'm christy. i thanks for watching. and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything, the
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of the toner and it will see skit 3 feet and they will see skid out of the cool with the feed that you sent those last i was i'm only on is zacko go on that get option and you know, he's uh, filled up and, you know, obviously what full state taxation you folks have tried. i'm not sure, but i, she's the instructional give about john long would love to go just talk a little issue. i don't see those sheets of those i go, there's a little c, a years ago. sales, custom ghost like friends here was the monthly. i'm a photo scared. she was a but all you know and about the show on 2nd most to go to court or statements and go out. and so usually it comes to from getting into to go to your open when you
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get a mind porsha justified crutches. to tell you, scroll kindly, i need to console people to invite you to saves the initial purchase. it can be stated with absolute certainty that this offensive has begun. furthermore, the ukrainian troops did not achieve the objectives assigned to them in any of the combat areas. a lot of them are safe and much tied, said ukrainian culture offensive is under way, but it's dealing with scores of western supplied vehicles including advanced german leopard tags, destroy romania apologizes after it. some officers took tenure and make the reason of placing an african and delegation foot 5th of money to tell the king of the united nations the fall from grace. this truly is most decorated soldiers find complicit,
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murder of civil minister and the gun, shedding further lights and exile. cities committed by the western coalition. the the very dark side of the man. so report finds instead from husband connecting a virus network of p to files, allowing access to approve of child sex material about bringing together from buyers and sellers. realistic bring up the top 2 rates for the past 7 days and right up to the moment developments as well. this is the weekly, on our team to national hello and welcome. we begin and rushes calliger regions located to the southwest of moscow, where a local authorities say this sunday, a droll has crushed in woodland there. no one was injured in the incident when it
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comes as border regions in russia have been in during a slew of throwing attacks, including on residential apartment blocks must go saves the you a, these were launch from you for the entire tree. meanwhile, as you can see here, you cream is suffering, big loss is on the buffalo feel. according to rushes, defense ministry with keeps troops, force direct freights during an attempted defensive for multiple directions. this week, some of the most intensive fighting happened in this operator was your region which last year voted to become part of russia. lee, i moved the police 30 buffalo tanks were destroyed, including advanced leopard tanks. those were supplied by germany. these images show one of the ukrainian columns taken off by mines, our total re fire and drones equipped with empty tank rods. several us supplied on the vehicles are reported to be among the wreckage ukraine, and been keeping silence all its operations throughout the week until president. so
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and ski finally admitted on saturday that to you have had become it's comforter offensive. earlier in the week, vladimir putin said, key of had deployed its western train, reserved troops, but had failed to meet its military objectives. it was an official switched. it can be stated with absolute certainty that this offensive has begun. this is evidenced by the use of strategic reserves by the ukranian army. furthermore, the ukrainian troops did not achieve the objectives assigned to them in any of the combat areas. over these days, we have observed significant losses of the troops of the ukrainian regime. their losses had been substantially greater than the classic 3 to one ratio expected during offensive operations. with this week, a huge flood devastated the southern region after a key moment in the upper river was breached school safety. ever released the boss to a bunch of water up stream prior to destroying the party a to exacerbate the flooding. live video is also emerged appearing to show the
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intentional release of at dr. huge amount of water, if they didn't. yeah, for a hydro electric station north will be destroyed. you can see sluice gates opens, forcing water to funder into the river rushes security council secretary then nieto must accept blame for the disaster. also it gives the green light for keeps actions . well, the top of the can hold sky a, hydro electric pump was seriously damaged on monday night with surrounding areas down stream flooding soon after the russian defense ministers call that a terrorist attack by you for standing. the move was also in, but they're probably being trying mia of the fresh water. it proceeds from the rest of more local officials say at least 8 civilians died in the flooding, but dozens more bodily injured from around $7000.00 people. i've been and fuck you with it from their homes as well. well, in terms of the dom destruction on the, let's say, keeps forces stumped to benefit potentially. that is because the flooding sold the
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level of that in the upper river, north of the rectum lowered significantly. now that could potentially enable you frames and electric across the river more easily for a country offensive. operations must go on turkey as president has called for an international investigation into the incident. well, western media outlets were quick to pin the blame and rush over them, a tuck. what's a pattern that's being consistently repeated for the conflict? according to the main stream media, russia won a tank to run pipelines to blew up the crime. a bridge 3 attacks around nuclear power plant, full attack, the crime, a bridge 5 blew up there. i am. damn 6, attack the kremlin with drones. what are you, premium presidents will escape and his allies in need a claim that moscow is launching some kind of work against nature. they neglect to admit the fact that russia is aside most affected by the latest active sabotage.
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the same officials who continued to refuse peace talk suddenly seemed to care about the environmental impact of war. and they are once again accusing russia of sabotaging itself as reports. note that the destruction of the dam. i was led to flooded in residential areas on the east bank of the never river. and will we premiere with less fresh water supply? meanwhile, the russian regional administration is opera. she is warning that the attack will make it easier for you crane to target the nuclear power plant there. i believe you do, but i'm, was it split up the shelving of the neighbor or can promote? does the landscape machines desire to repeat its criminal plan to send a landing forest in their guitar to establish a foothold and then attempt to take control of this upper ocean nuclear power plant? especially given the fact that they've tried to do so several times already. and before the destruction of the dam, ukrainian in western media, where it's using russia of draining, make a host of reservoir earlier this year, which is not quite logical. it brushes alleged goal is to cause as much warning as
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possible. the narrative, the russia is waging war against itself is nothing new. and it has been used more than a few times over the last year. that includes the attack on the north room pipeline slots september. when the western media was equipped to claim that not only was russia responsible, but that it had to move it to destroy its own infrastructure, but we don't know who did it. but there's a question of who has the modem and who has the capability? and a lot of experts say russia, russia has the motivation, it, it has the doctrine that is developed specifically for the situation. it has the capability. one of the few countries to do is call virtually, it's highly likely in my opinion, that is russia, of course. now that investigative journalist seymour hersh reported that the united states was behind the attack. the media had changed their to the new york times now, so that was carried out by a pro ukrainian group. and the washington post says, the u. s. was aware of the plans,
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the same playbook was used when the crime in bridge was attacked last october, which was celebrated i both ukrainians in their own lives. then there was the response to the drone attack on the promotion in may. i think this is an attempt to generate public support at home, maybe abroad because it is this an effort by a pretty soon. so try to find some way to escalate oregon justifies more in ukraine . there is a, a sequence of events based on, on, on the videos that came out that suggest that this was a, a, a controlled release. at the very least, the new appears to be, to blame russia 1st, even if they have to quietly admit that it was really you crime later on with those media talking heads and politicians never seem to ask why russia would keep destroying its own infrastructure. or why the wes needs to continue funding? ukraine in a proxy were a guess russia, if russia is still committed to destroying itself, the no,
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no the story to bring you today. romania has recalls that some bust or from kenya after the diploma made a racist joke. at a u. n. meeting in nairobi, when a monkey appeared i'd side the window, the young boy mockingly said, quote, the african group has joined us with more of the full lights years. john, this bird base reporter cut out the top 10. it will be the 21st century, but then you know, we still, we are still not seeing as individuals as people and s equals that's only when they usually of the courses. are they obviously these common, especially coming from a european diplomats of the really disappointing of the data, but simple as it's call it all the minutes as opposed to actually and supposed to combine the language which they use. and i suppose to be very careful around how to
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use as language, but methods ego has made in these commons which are not necessarily human cells that were made on the 26th of april in the u. n. building in my role, there was the operations department in attendance, but some of the attendees where they found it very important to report on the made by mister t dot saying that they follow them insensitive. and the very least now the geology . yes. as been already uh, been in the process of uh, catch creation back. julie is homeland in romania following the media. now, part of that is the statement in which they apologized to anyone who is affected is saying that they do not come to any such behavior. particularly statements of the race to the nature of the g houses or.
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