tv Documentary RT June 11, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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8 and where we are today is belle lands versus bailouts because we had bailouts taken place then. and since then there's been legislation was passed in the united states though, allows for bill ends, which affects the customers of the banks. they will be the ones who will be losing their funds. and this is just beginning out. obviously, i think everybody's in agreeance that the cracks are just starting to get deeper. it is going to get worse before it even gets better. as far as these bank collapse, but it is all done by design because we have the ushering in a fed now coming, which is supposed to be taking place in june or july. and i believe july is a specific date the pushing for, but it wouldn't surprise me if it comes out sooner and fed now in an instant payments service. 247365 is some sort of alternative to block chain technology that's completely centralized control by the federal reserve could estimate these failure been prevented that anyone for see this happening to? absolutely, the interesting thing with the signature bank in particular is you had
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a barney frank, who from the dodd frank act as one of the advisors on the board of directors for signature bank. he has come out saying that there was absolutely no reason for signature bank to be shuddered. but if you actually do a little bit of digging and researching, we'll see that signature was under an investigation for money laundering by the department of justice as well as the as the c. so there's been some things that were taking place on the back in prior to the actual federal reserve and treasury stepping in to shutter the bank. but again, the commonality that you had between silver gate, initially, which took place several weeks, maybe a month or so before as the be the silicon valley bank situation. then followed up by signature, those 3 banks. the one thing that they all have in common is they were all crypto friendly and they were the most friendly bank. so it was, it was obviously a very direct attack on crypto currency. and we are seeing that coming from the
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united states government, especially under the, by the new ministration from the cc, all the way to the photo was, or to your head of your chair. had mis mister janet, you know, and they are all right now, conspiring to try to make crypto and accessible to the general public so they can usher and their big brothers surveillance coin that they're calling central bank digital currency. are these banks truly too big to fail? because they're not as big as jp morgan chase or city bank. so why were they not allowed to fail? and what would the run medications have been as well the saying is too big to fail bags, but it's not too big to fail. is too big to allow to fail. so what the federal reserve and the treasury is come out already saying as far as their back stops, is, is when they're having bank failures. if these particular banks don't cause contagion to the rest of the system, they're going to allow for the failure to take place. so in, in videos that i have covered on my general rights tv x,
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i've come up to the equation. this is all problem reaction solution consolidation. they want to get it consolidated down to the few. the few they're in the club, the central bank, digital currency, the financial institutions, a traditional financial institutions like your jp morgan, your bank of america. again, some people think that these institutions are too big to fail. they're just too big to allow to fail. that is a difference between something like a silicon valley bank versus a jp morgan. also, i mean we, and i'm sure what bring us up those bank collapses also had a lot to do with taking away entry and exit points for people regarding crypto currency. thank you so much, chris, but please stick around. a chris rice will be joining us right after the break, and when we come back, is big coin a more secure alternative to traditional banking system. and the answer, well have that for you after the break.
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the around, i'd love utah, it'll see skit they should. they will see skin, i don't think with the that you sent those last i was i move you on is zacko. go on that good option and you know he's uh, throughout the united, short, full state taxation. you folks have tried, i'm not sure, but i, she's the instructional and have about john long would love to go. just talk a little issue because she's a little girl. there's a little c a years ago. it's not the sales custom. kosa crowns. here was the monthly, i'm a bonus kid, she was a but all you know and about the show on 2nd most to go to court waterfront statements and collab most i usually comes to shock given that to, to go to your open when you get to mind for sure, most of quite catch the 3. yes. cool can. yeah. and the console,
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you put the device, you're saves. the total is the aggressor today i'm authorized. additional strong sciences today. russia was the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing, but i think you chose the missed a couple seniors. just click on the only thing and we see more in the way we'll shift. we're banning all important show of russian oil and gas news
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happening in another country. hope all's well. we're going to be strictly fed service involved. whitaker, joe biden, in imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. so there's a boomerang, the welcome back to the cost of everything. that coins price has stored since news broke of the banks failures reaching $30000.00, which is up to 70 percent for the year. and this was no surprise for those in the space as given bit points, history and birth in 2009 as an alternative to traditional big banking. the traditional banking model still suffers from the inherent weaknesses of the trust based model. and now we have an environment where higher interest rates, after
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a period of a high for low interest rates are creating bank runs. and this is the most perfect and big coin use case scenario, where we see bitcoin being a more secure alternative to traditional banking systems which are vulnerable to the problems faced by c. b. according to our report from economist using s b b as a proxy, more than a 186 banks are prone to collapse. as per the report, s b b had a higher capitalization of more than 10 percent of existing banks. and that 10 percent of us banks have more unrecognized losses than s v b. so it's not a stretch to imagine that we have not seen the other shoe drop yet, and the banking crisis may intensify over the coming months. inside of this dismal backdrop and the sell off in global equities, the crypto market has risen against all odds. big kline has retained its status um
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on many as being asset more removed from the banking system than traditional stocks and government bonds. when the banking system breaks down, the flight to safety is in decline. bitcoin is insulated from the type of bank runs that many feared would happen at the federal government. hadn't rushed in to assure all clients of s b b that they would get their money back. the people are now recognizing the importance a sound money with no counter party risk. and many believe that this rally is not because of fear triggered by the crisis itself. but rather the aggressive response from the government and the federal reserve that has seen hundreds of billions of dollars added to or pledge to the banking system and dramatically shifting the outlook for interest rates. on top of that, the collapse of s v, v and silver gate was like a cyprus moment for crypto. as these crypto friendly banks collapse, a lot of money flows directly into the crypto currency ecosystem. and the crypto
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market also tends to perform better when the traditional financial markets experience turbulence, reflecting the transparency and decentralize ation of the defy world. and for more, let's bring in again chris rice, host of rice tv x. now we saw us b, c, d, peg for a couple of days dropping all the way down to $0.87. so what those tell us about the stable coins? and is it really all that stable? and yes it is. and i'm not actually a huge fan, a stable going, stable, going to see the seas, not much of a difference. there's. they're both programmable currency, it's the only difference would be there may be some sort of legislation or some sort of process. the government may have to go through from the, in order to get the records of the information from the stable coin companies. but both the u. s. d. c. i need us to have worked with the united states government, the department of justice. they,
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they have all cooperate and they've off frozen accounts of people because the, the stable coins are designed to be programmable and they can incense do the same thing they would do with the central bank digital currency. now in the case of u. s. d. c, what happened was, there was a portion of their money that was backing up the collateral, that, that, that makes what us do you see is backed by, it's fully regulated circle investment, the company behind it. jp morgan is a company by a circle and fast. they're very much compliant. it's very much back, one for one. but a portion of their deposits were in as b b bank. and once people had realized that they were questioning how much exposure they had to s b b bank and it was only like something like 3 and a half percent of the total backing of us the see. so i think the, the markets over reacted to that situation a little bit more so than they needed to. and in the case of u. s. d t, it's also fully backed by if not dollars. it's also backed by treasury bonds. and
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both both companies. tether and u. s. d c circle are very transparent about what backs up their, their, their token. so at this point of view, as d t wasn't, wasn't being compliant on a regulatory standpoint. they would be obliterated and destroyed but they are compliant. they are correct. a lot of their situations, our questionable back in the past. and again, they are very much working with the government. i've made videos of talking about instances where the f b, i and the department of justice. i've worked both with us d, t and us dc. so it's just 2 birds of the same coin and when he comes to cbd season, stable clients, because we're really in all actually a lot of people think that the digital dollar will be us dc. ever since the banks faltered crypto seemed to be getting a 2nd wind, a sentiment turn bullish. and to me this is like a flight to safety just like in 2008 when people distrusted banks and would rather bank themselves. so what do you make of this,
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and how is that going to go when they're getting rid of all the bit coined onboarding rooms? a big part of it also that you didn't include the equation is black rocking and fell in it. and i'm drawing a blank on the company's name. i'm not sure it's a, it's a big financial institution. it's just recently started offering crypto currency services. um, it'll come to me in just a moment, but we have a big we have, there's people within the financial system that also recognize bitcoin, what big wind has to offer. so i think it's a combination of things that people are looking at different ways of preserving their wealth or assets, because the way that the fee system is designed, people are losing purchasing power. so in order not for lose purchasing power, people diversify, and they figure out different ways they can hedge against a dollar. and bit coined is definitely one of those things. i mean that's what it was created for was to be a hedge against the dollars. so is what decline was specific in the use bitcoin
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specifically what bitcoin was created for is the time period that we're currently in right now. so now we get to see how big coin is going to perform in the environment that it was designed to perform. it does that make sense? the u. s. is now cracking down on crypto, citing it as a reason for the instability we see in the financial sector. so what do you think is their end goal and do they just want to see all crypto leave us shores? or do you think it's more about controlling them, trying to regulate and do some sort of cvd see like what they criticize china for doing? that's a really good question and i'm not really sure that they necessarily want crypto to just leave us shores, but they definitely want to have control at the same time. so if that means getting rid of the obstacle, which may mean trying to bit, trying to eliminate something like that corner and click the currencies. that is a possibility me, we definitely see it on the plate. and united states, specifically, when it comes to legislation, i'm not even talking on
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a federal level just talking on a state level. you have something called the uniform commercial code, the u. c. c. law. and it's a, it's, it was try to make the laws the same and all these states and united states to help create trade and commerce to be easier because that way there's no restrictions based off differences of laws and legislation. and one of the things that you're trying to pass through as an amendment right now on state levels and like a 120 something page document and only a portion of that document. it covers the aspect that i'm warning people about which also a governor just sanchez has recently worn people. he did an anti cdc bill in florida and we also had south dakota governor no, i'm also a veto the same bill. and what the use the c amendment is trying to do is read the fine money to exclude bitcoin and crypto currency, but to include central bank digital currencies. and this would affect commerce the any the u. c. c. makes things uniform. so in a sense,
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once these things are passed or state levels, you wouldn't be able to use these crypto currencies, bitcoin, for example, and the other crypto currencies as up of sort of money. because the uniform commercial code is taking it out of a definition of so. so the trying to attack crypto on a state level on a federal level under trying to sneak the state, the state stuff and like they normally do with legislation. and people are waking up to it. and now you have governors. when i said, when i called a central bank digital currency, a big brothers surveillance point, i'm just quoting rhonda santas. but even if the government don't recognize bitcoin and crept across the as money, doesn't really matter if the seller is still willing to accept that coin for payment. i mean that's what bothering and peer to peer payment is as long as a counter party is willing to accept it as compensation. then it really doesn't matter if the authority recognizes it as money or not, right? it would've been vick or, and you're right. it wouldn't, but it would make it difficult for people to use bit going in the commerce
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situation, like i wouldn't be able to buy my groceries from walmart or something like that because of the way the law would be defined. but as i could go into a direct peer to peer connection, they couldn't be in bic, went into, can't outright destroyed crypto, but they could make it difficult the on ramp offer and, and use. thank you so much, chris rides for joining us today. and if we look at the history of the coin and why it was created in the 1st place, it was precisely for events like we see today where the current system shows sign of weaknesses it's. it's the centralized system and peer to peer technology gives bit point the potential to dismantle the entire banking system, in which a central authority is responsible for decisions that affect the economies of entire countries. if people embrace this new technology, then the banks have much to lose. banks would lose control of monetary policies and therefore control of the population. bitcoin enables the citizens of
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a country to undermine government authority by circumventing capital controls imposed by it. it was invented to address the devaluation of field currency through reckless spending and borrowing and fee or currency is not backed by a tangible assets anymore. so by manipulating the supply of money in the us economy, the central bank also manufactures asset bubbles and crises. and only time will tell how long these regimes will last and who will be the last one standing. i'm christy. i thanks for watching and we'll see you right back here next time on the cost of everything the
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case in china. it's the, the us the timelines, international stuff. it's easy, you know, say police sees visits which has already credit crisis. if you have anthony clinton that i'm short china wills thoughts, a military operation there is i haven't even have those. i don't have even doubts about the bullying of the a. so between the 2 of you know, credit union doria. so any idea she shit, a duck lean,
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i support the control room for 2 of us. so we fixed you get them awarded. system really being you have enough people, lots of websites that's and i'm assuming, yeah, we did the zoom of cloud chillies. actually it's finish up the news, but i'll let you as well. but the crazy if that's all there is to motivate myself away. but just to do, you still know, sadly if she ever always get us but the shipper instead of just stick with a lift or flip that came over to them, i need the bureaus says that you train school. so that's for music. i'm only for each of the board of where are you not to buy useful stuff, but i'm saying yes, i see the truck the best way to take
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a picture of i'll go with the plate the straight place so that i'm not the the headlines and i'll see international, the russian warship destroys of 6, you crazy and enabled drove and is that a tax the festival in the black sea? i mean us for a common sense activity in that area. the economists will in the south africa could lose up to the the $2000000000.00 in trade revenue for remaining neutral on the ukraine. conflict and romania apologizes under colt. as i'm positive that can you offer different jobs to the true monkey used to ask for cruise representative to the local meeting of the un and boys. and i wrote the
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so much affinity went on during this i was program, we're running down the top stories of the week end of today. so most ago says ukraine has used naval drones in an attempt to sink a russian war ship and the black sea. according to the ministry, the attack failed of the vessels were destroyed. as we have this done and the russian ship is keith, protecting the tuck stream gas pipeline, and that area as often as you go to the time now reports russian defense ministry has reveals that ukraine used at least 6 maritime drones to carry out an attack against a russian warship some 300 kilometers away from the coast over the crime in peninsula now, according to the russian ministry of defense, old 6 on the vessels would as for to buy the russian voice. and it was left on the hummed again, this is not the 1st time that this sort of incident happens just around a month ago. a similar attack was carried out against another russian naval vessel
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uh by re unmanned drones, which was also unsuccessful. and also was 3 ukrainian drones were destroyed both times a nato uh surveillance plane was spotted uh, in the direct vicinity you from the place where the attack took place. now, most importantly, such attacks the jeopardize, the so called a great deal because russia accuse is ukraine of exploiting safe passages, safe maritime rooms that way agreed on the, within the framework of the grain deal. and that were meant only for cargo ships that moved great. and around the world. and so russia, of course, the kansas ukraine over supporting these roots and carrying out these attacks, basically uh these will, they allow ukraine to use these drones to, to carry out attacks against russian vessels. also, when the crime in bridge was blown up last year for us, you also said that if russia finds out,
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if most school investigators find out that well, these routes, the safe passages of the great deal were used to smuggle explosives that were used in the bombing of the crimean bridge that the grand deal would be offered the table . so this is yet another incident to jeopardize as a vital part of the of the will global order really. and that helps bring your food on the table. all of the less fortunate ones in africa and other poor regions of the world. the meantime, 94 russian p. o w 's have returned home from ukrainian captivity following negotiations between most go in here. as we understand the going to be taken to a medical facilities for treatment and rehab o troops, the pretty happy frankly going back to the homeland one might assume that click on the phones to coal, their loved ones regardless of which ones you could see from so can you feel only joy? nothing more so far. to be honest, i still don't believe that all of this has happened to me,
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so i was in captivity for almost 15 months. as soon as i was released, i called my mother. she was happy plus crying into the phone with joy. i want to go home and see my son already is chosen was i'm feeling better now than before. my relatives, a happy. i want to see my family. they will be even happier when we see each other . that's the update. you know, some of the latest from the contact lines as ukraine did launch. it's a long promise to counter offensive against the russian defensive lines. on the southern front. however, russians defense ministry size. it has repelled all the tax reports were coming in to us here, and i'll see it certainly over the past week or so that some of the most intensive fighting we've taken place right here in this effort all as a region. by the way, that's the same region where residentially residence i lost you have voted in an official referendum to become a part of russia. now listen footage for you from the front lines here. but a con issue to show you is key of 3 thousands of soldiers and germans applied level
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times to the bible. but the western reverend rate doesn't seem to have lost it very long. several us apply to ahmed vehicles, are also among these various wrecks here. now you cry, and as you probably know, has suffered very heavy losses since the offensive was launched. this, according to the russian minister of defense, let's bring up some numbers for you. and they basically speak for themselves. and throughout the week, ukraine's been very quiet about this activities present, valencia, and he recently couldn't find me the counter offensive, had the gun and offensive. but it's not improving. says that's fail. i was in the system a switched, it can be stated with absolute certainty that this offensive has begun. this is evidenced by the use of strategic reserves by the ukranian army. furthermore, the ukrainian troops did not achieve the objectives assigned to them in any of the combat areas. over these days, we have observed significant losses of the troops of the ukrainian regime, stevens. their losses had been substantially greater than the classic 3 to one ratio expected during offensive operations. that's where you are. a huge flood
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devastated the southern region after a key dime on the river was breached. a most gross as key of deliberately released vast amounts of water upstream before they destroyed the barrier to exacerbate the flooding. if i videos appeared online, finally showing that intentional release of water at the hydro station, you can see the fluid guides are open, rushes, security council secretary says nato must accept part of the blame for the disaster, as it gives the green light for cubes. action of a serious damage done to the dime of the cutoff sky of hydro. electric pond happened on monday night with surrounding areas down stream, badly flooded the russian defense minister called it a inactive tyra. by you, craig, who didn't call it eco side. and in terms of the human cost, local officials say at least $8.00 civilians died in the fighting with thousands more injured. or some 7000 people have been successfully evacuated from their homes
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. and over the course of the week water levels that they didn't have a regular have lowered, especially north of them. however, as we understand many areas still remain swamped. now with town to the russian region of belgium road on the border with ukraine has been under ukrainian shutting now for at least 2 weeks should back in a now it resembles a ghost town, most of the 40000 population, their whole being evacuated. and all these shaped bose is the speaking to volunteers, and locals, who have decided to stay as we arrived here, we have just periods the significant sounds of heavy artillery strikes, which we believe are hitting the town and villages ahead of us we can see smoke rising from the settlement and tragically, over the past month for if people had been killed by this indiscriminate ukrainian shelley, we believe by a 155 millimeter and nato supplied artillery rounds and grad rockets which are
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quite indiscriminate. and they've hit the settlements, they've, they've injured dozens of people who we've met in belgrade. and we've just heard that the artillery strikes, and some of the air defense is going up as, as well it's, it's seeming you to intercept some of those a tax. no, it's remarkable to see that still some people here in, in the area are staying in their homes musical. then you thought you were not going anywhere. my son lives in saint petersburg. he's worried about us. he calls me, he's nervous, but i've done a son. i'm not going anywhere. i'll never leave my home and my mother. i didn't have anything else besides this, which you will. it's fine. we're trying to cope with the situation. when the show and starts, we hide in our basement. we have a good one. we sit down there and light candles, our friends from boulder bring us some food and the results in humanitarian aid. here,
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not only residential buildings are being targeted and destroyed or re businesses like this grocery store are being hit also, which is why do you monitor you nay, that's being delivered by the local humanitarian groups is so critical for the survival of local residents. where he had one of the, then the road me front, which is a civil organization, political civil organization that helps people in need. we're just outside belgrade and we're going to go in and have a look actually one of the distribution centers and hubs. you can see the vehicles and what the goal is here are doing is the packaging of ordinary pieces of food stuffs, clothing, and they're bringing it out to some of the villages that have been hit by this. a ukrainian, shelly, and these a ukranian assaults on russian territories and i was fucking ears back with all the essentials. food comes to our warehouse here from all of russia. many people have been evacuated from she bacon, not because of the showing by the ukraine forces. we're now focusing more and
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helping residents of the overall builder region. the narrow road in the front is a humanitarian organization that delivers a 2 villages because there is no electricity, no water, the stores are working. it is difficult for residents to move around because of the shelling old re businesses. donors are also assisting general the front in their critical work to get aiden helped to those in need on the front lines on the road the front as best buy, socially responsible businesses that help us by contributing various humanitarian aid, including children, supplies, such as baby clothes, stationary and more and those should back, you know, may remain on the safe. it's important to remember that there are brave volunteers working around the clock to ensure the help that's needed by those have chosen to stay. we'll get to the shape bose or t shit back. you know, the south africa risk, so losing up to $32000000000.00 in trade over its neutrality on the ukraine.
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