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tv   News  RT  June 16, 2023 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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all says, do i by doing this phase, been undermining confidence and the dollar for many years. and now the us national debt has reached $32.00 trillion dollars. it's clear to everyone, this is the one that the united states will never be able to pay off this debt. when a state cannot pay its debts and its level of domestic production is less than it's federal debt that countries bankrupt, meaning it's currency is not backed by anything but its own debt obligations. the dollar can no longer would stand the burden of being a world currency and being a financial guarantor. this is where we start talking about other countries attempts to switch to their national currencies, both to avoid the, unless surveillance by the us, which puts their transactions at risk. and to have a chance that forming regional associations like rex to develop its own currency. this issue is currently being actively studied and discussed. these are all the
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prerequisites that have led to this new interest and national currencies. it doesn't stem from some desire to destroy global economic ties. of course. now, this is a problem that was created exclusively by the us administration through undermining the world's communities, confidence and the dollar as the world's premier currency, the little government, our values. one of the big contingents of the 4 and this year are from africa. and when we have african guess on the program, over talking about russia, they educate me. they know so much about soviet african relations and ties. their memory goes back a long time in terms of, of russia, africa. because the circle of ralph has gone there a number of times this year already. what's the main goal? and all of must go on the confidence and where, where does that lead going forward? is always shooting for us for a while, but us for that. well, this is
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a very simple question because the short answer is collaboration is our main goal is to cooperate with the african continent within the context of our economic, financial and investment relations. we're also talking about the exploration of natural resources and exchange of experience in these fields, issues of security, countering terrorism, and cooperation on international platforms, humanitarian ties, tourism and education. when it comes to education, we have a long and very successful history of joint projects. there's also the exchange of information that we have cooperation in all cedars. yeah, i want to draw your attention to the fact that just in a couple of weeks, the russia, africa summit will take place here in saint petersburg. but it is very important to remember that this is the 2nd summit. this is not an answer to the questions and problems that the west has created over the past year. the 1st russia,
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africa summit was held in 2019. then the idea of the summit had appeared even long before that we're simply developing cooperation with the african continent and spheres where there is mutual benefit. why? well, we have historical ties. we have the potential, we're interested in each other. and the most important thing that guarantees the effectiveness of this cooperation is a common view of how this relationship needs to be implemented. you know, colonialism or colonial logic. no segregation of those were higher or lower, better or worse. no one wants to build relations between the metropolis and the colonies, relations of new colonialism or neo imperialism, and nothing like this. even though we have never practiced such an approach either on the african continent or in our own country. because in many ways, this is now guarantee of trusting bottle today and in the future,
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such as he lets us all of them. not that you may need to evaluate at level the sure . just a few more questions because you've been very good with your time. but the are important ones, china, the african states you just mentioned as well. so it's out for can lead. they've put forward initiatives for a piece resolution of the ukrainian conflict. so doctor, can president this around the pose that he's sending a delegation to russia and ukraine at to provide assistance on that? what are the pre requisites for such an initiative for the chinese or off for can delegation to be acknowledged by the collective west? i'm for something substantive to come from it. it wasn't just putting the law in total there now about 20 initiatives that have been put forward either by states or by individual political figures to resolve these cranium crisis. they are all completely different with different aspects,
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with different nuances. they all have the same goal, which is to promote this is not just a local crisis, and not even a regional one. we're talking about a global situation that affects food and security, strategic stability, and international security. all aspects of international relations has been effective. there is no part on our planet that was not in one way or another, received some sort of impact from this devastating crisis. directly or indirectly, therefore, many people want to invest their potential and their capabilities to settle it. i think these are not the last 20 projects. i think there will be more, we can say that the chinese proposals are closest to or coincide with our vision of the situation. because they contain basic concepts that are also extremely important for us. the talk is about association of founding, the fire of this comp act, the sky. there is
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a return to international legal foundations. this has an understanding of the at i'm all a g that is the development of the crisis and so on. ease, therefore, it is indeed a comprehensive document. both the chinese proposals and the proposals of mr. rum, oppose on behalf of south africa and many others. unfortunately, faced the same obstacle. this is that the key of regime has forbidden itself to negotiate with russia. thus, unfortunately, all the most brilliant ideas are shattered by this strange, wild unwillingness of kids to talk about peace in general. why does the key of regime not want to talk about peace? well, there's one simple reason, because they don't want peace. they don't need police, they need war, but not the people of ukraine. it's those who stand or who set up this key of regime on the territory of ukraine. and this is the collective west. it's the
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united states, which is now simply earning. let's see, i don't know, billions, maybe trillions already in this bloody tragedy. they keep earning earning and earning. it's the only thing they care about to is that i bought the answer. therefore, they banned the cube regime from conducting any negotiations with moscow at all. the cube regime has a law that bands any encounter between zelinski and his gang was to come up with anything that would generally reflect on the topic of peace. you've heard senator graham statement, you've heard george w bush's statement. they've all said that their task is to kill as many russians as possible. it's the best investment today's ever made. this isn't the logic of peace . it's the logic of destruction, destruction on a global scale. that's all you've got those australia, global know much stop. most of so the flock c green deals of par, large,
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important. so a lot of people here at the sport in fort worth, where people are represented from how long will will rush. and i suppose stand by is one way to putting if the, if the agreement is being continually violated with a tax on those ships, leaving with green for the poor as parts of the world, such as africa and asia, with russia eternally agreed to it. or will it come to a head where something has to be done? like yeah, i wish it's a $2.00 financial the other day. you quoted the meeting of the president of russia with military officers. he mentioned this topic to saying that we were thinking about the expediency and participating in the steel experiences. all russian experts spoke about the city our demands were made, but these are not our individual personal demand. this is a requirement to comply with what is laid down in the very deals in the very agreement. these were 5 principals that we insisted on observing that firstly and
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blocking counts for the possibility of payment and locking assets. so on the now the key over gene has destroyed the ammonia pipelines. do you think it's possible to implement the steel on all our terms? the key every gene answered for every one know 4 that david will not allow the steel to be carried out. therefore, this is a blow to the reputation to the authority of the secretary general of the united nations. it's unfortunately, a blow to suit security and so on. new therefore, as the management is already said, we're considering whether we should participate wearables because of allison russ. mother, i'm so supplements which i 70 on june 8th, romania, a 9 since plans suit to drastically cut the staff of russia's foreign ministry in that country. it's something of a theme that's happening. where does that leave russians by law for relations?
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i got here so i will read it to them. when you weaving. of course you see romania, lucy, germany, you see finland. now in my opinion, iceland have taken similar measures to close consulates, expelled diplomats place restrictions on the activities of our employees, our embassies, our conflicts in general. so why is this happening? this is the position of washington which wants to completely separate relations between the european and william and russia, and not to separate them, but make sure that these relations are not restored for many years. unfortunately, the european union has long lost the independence or decision making it once had. you can see how many leaders of the european countries were brought in by the united states through election interference, or simply by directly appointing them to some positions. the same applies to europe and institutions, european commissions,
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and so on. many people are just direct henchmen of the united states. the task is very simple. to preserve this dividing line, which will not allow the european continent to remain united. we're euro, russia is you're good. so to speak, the west of russia should be called in the western europe. we preserve the fundamental principles. the traditional european and culturally, were geographically in europe. and the united states is not satisfied with this. they want to see europe, pride meant to they want to see europe the weekend. they strike both at us and china through economic sanctions, through endless political pressure. but this flow also falls in many ways, and for the most part, it's on the european union and see how they did not get cheap energy. they get a huge number of problems due to the flow of refugees, migrants displaced persons there. we can do to such an extent that is that many
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businesses are forced to move from the european union to the united states, which creates favorable ground for economic growth. in fact, for the united states, which is truly financially bankrupt. this is a real opportunity to restart itself, restarted to economy, get not just bonuses, but arrest spite from total collapse. they're increasing their energy sales. they dictate everything in the european union and may even belittle being part of the european union, the eliminate the competition. and why? because the economy of the european union is based on real production. the euro has been backed for many years by real industrial production with real goods. and the dollar is based on a printing press this page. and let's talk about emissions inflation. an increase in government debt, stocks, bonds bubbles and so on. and that doesn't go as
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a matter of fact, the world crisis mainly began which them that so therefore the issue of expelling diplomats is just the tip of the iceberg. that their task is to tear europe into different parts and endlessly put countries against one another when it comes to the usa. neither romania nor germany, nor unfortunately, finland can say any because otherwise they will suffer the fate of those politicians and the european union who defended their points of view and tried to be independent. they were simply demolished through scandals through some political conspiracies or intrigues. and so on each one. now the whole world has to say good bye to barely scone the prime minister of italy who made the country a truly major plight rise. you will remember a man who created his own financial empire, a man who entered politics with his own party. you remember how the us dealt with him. how much effort was directed to ensure that the prime minister of italy was
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removed the label. and this is a nato allied a nato countries. one of the closest allies of the united states. for how much effort did it cost to remove him from the political picture to remove him from the political arena? got why? why did they need to do that? because he developed relations with both nato and russia because he advocated for the development of ties with russia, including energy, or whatever. he said that cheap energy referral to the european union because he was trying to really see this map of the united europe. that's why he largely got all these problems from the u. s. that were organized in washington. the problem is, and there is no doubt that they were behind the many ways. yet european politicians is also understand this fate can become their own. therefore, they simply refuse any actions to protect their own sovereignty in favor of their
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own personal security. so that it was for the nation if it's on my leg, which assures on final question, just on what you're seeing there. if i the united states next to your presidential election, is there someone or some party i knew just i'm not on the ballot. is law school, would they prefer in terms of normalize 18 relations? normalizing relations is, is there a hopeful like come from all school next year? no. but listen, i won't even try to answer this question because the normalization of relations in general, even in theory with anyone from the western can, can be considered. and i say this again in theory, only one and after they stop supplying weapons with which they count our citizens,
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my brothers and sisters, and our compatriot last year. only after that, someone will reflect on how relations can develop in principle in the futures. but in the meantime, they're killing us. well, they're supplying weapons in order as they say, to inflict at strategic to see to and yeah, they're in fact killing as many russians as possible. no one's even going to think about it for and so that as well. thanks for delving into all those topics with us today. you give so much of your time at re as a heart of the russian foreign ministry spokesman. enjoy the rest of the forum. i know you're going to be busy, but to we do appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. the the
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no, no, no. that's nonsense. we need some fresh ideas. betters stronger and effective. the
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oh god, i'm so tired the, the international, the most affordable cuz it all the business and you clean the daily those tools. i am very cons graham, we'll just go through with this discussion of clipping and i'll see if i can provide you with stuff such and sure. ruckel even was not as if author of the different student and for which of course, and yet you throw in the probably just a moment. that was curious if it was good deal that i sent you yesterday, isaac care to tap through yours. man. i'm guilty and that'd be studies for
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civilian forge of flourish to for me to on, on, on thursday, the tutor which, which is a little bit it, was it just some of the posted, sustainable play won't because of this new or your boss, or do school culture was there any don't know which these are i know for doesn't know is that you suggested the mucus, as a sort of these best opinion, pronounced has come all the, the release of the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community . most all sense i'm at the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will van in the european union,
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the kremlin media mission, the state on rochester routing and split the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the question, did you say stephen twist, which is the the, i'm so sorry, is this all the international atomic energy agency is mission of the rosie and power plants, the states. but they're all still serious concerns about the space and safety. fast as emissions on the way i just talked to you for showing in the region
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the parts of the oceans and o. s. c, for them in vienna refused to see when the world crimes and the dunbar some, some of the later admitting the com support. russia openly. according the head of the lesson commission. the do not forget, since we're beginning to live in the era of multiplayer and both the s c o in bricks are visit examples of proof that multi polarity is common, exclusive coverage. all the sudden, petersburg, economic forum, rushes, pharmacies,
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problem solving losses, and the benefits of the multiple of the world. and the russian president is discrete at the present recession today. also, i gotcha is the world's 2nd largest and the middle east, largest open for a compromise containing 5 percent of that was total cost. our deposit here on the biggest comp of deposit in amenities as part us sanctions, a crippling countries mining and the almost to the world of this is the, the way that's great to have your company today names what's among the international atomic energy agency team lead by raphael go see has it. so in the safety situation, at the whole rose a nuclear power plant remains serious. this comes off, the kids strike on the cob,
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scoffs the die. them a big about matters close by. and this is raise the phase about the power station safety and a preliminary assessment of the i, a 8 seen concluded the rest of all providing cooling was to the, the, as, as was safe at this time. they were also in the info. so some damage caused by you showing at the site. a loss of tom. cool, put invito say that you created and sold the roots emissions 1st shelves, the area of these comb. why was it something i a, is what it says, have to wait for the emission to come back to the cleaning controlled area. they also emphasize it's impossible for most of that to attack this agent as moscow is responsible for the sites protection. a lot of times or less, much a hasn't showed at the power station, not from the station,
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nor has anyone turned the station into a military base. we've already been complying with such principles without any prior agreement and without any direction from the un visa, basic principles from which there can be no deviation. it is impossible to argue with the idea of the voice by mister grossi. so the cleaning of representatives have remained silent again. we hear the same old song about me with the rise in the station. however, they refuse to understand that we are the pots are responsible for the sick. you were to add the facility, and we are obliged to defend themselves against the cost of the tax from ukraine. the exactly as many russian forces as our need is to protect the nuclear power plant. all 0 hotel rolled on cost of ass or $2.00 days delay ref l. draw. see the general direct sir on the i a as a finally arrived here and stuff. a real shit nuclear power plants along with the rough l grossey. another team of a i, a, a monitors have arrived so they will spend some time here as well. and a real estate agent with the team who have been here for 3 months already. and we
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are not here talking about a t t or a convention or a legal agreement, or do we have is faith? 5 basic principles don't attack the plant. so that back from the plant to make the plant and military bases don't it because the extend the power supply, etc, etc. so these things are things that must be done. this is the cost reserve or as you can see, the water level has dropped significantly. hands of this was the main concern for the safety, oldest upper ocean nuclear power plant. however, this reserve, or behind me, the water level level here, is absolutely fine. if that's a normal level hand. this is the actual cooling pond that supplies water for the for this upper rose you nuclear power plants. i was able to see the quality
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phones. i was able to see the contention and the retention dates, root canals and the list. we check posted to the system which is indispensable for the according function. so we can see, i would say there are 2 elements. basically, on the one hand, we can see that visitation is serious, the consequences are there and they are real stuff at the same time that i'm majors that i've been taken to stabilize the situation. now this facility is another part of this of our ocean nuclear power plant, but it's a little bit away from the plant itself. now this is a pumping station for a cooling on, so that is used for the spence, a few of the nuclear power station. as you can see, it is also constantly under shutting by the you create in military see it's full of shrapnel holes. now this is just a,
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one of the flights inside of the sprinkling basing here this operation nuclear power plant that was damaged by the american maids and triple 7. uh, hold it sir. now russell, draw. see just to inspected uh this 5 and the, he was assured that at the moment, uh uh, all of the equipment that was damaged inside of these a sprinkling basins were changed and, and now there's absolutely no threat to the functioning of this particular basin behind me. are the 6 energy blocks of this up are always you nuclear power plant. however, the plant itself and general, due to constant bombardment of the ukrainian nationalist, according to rule, saw some officials, these upper origin nuclear power plants is now functioning at sets wency. so 30 percent capacity more over the employees of this plants are under constant psychological pressure from the steve crating authorities. also,
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as i've heard from the real side, some officials, the art cyber threats constantly here as upper ocean nuclear power plants. apart from this cost and drawing a tax and artillery shipping take place all the time. so there's always a threat of a nuclear disaster. vermont calls for emergency supper origin, nuclear power plant. meanwhile, list and governments continue to turn a blind eye to plenty of science on civilians in the dumb us as part of the organization for security and cooperation in years event in vienna, russell provided proof of ukrainians us back for crimes in the region. also is it provides presented remnants of munitions launched by you finding fulls in the dumbass using us supplied i mazda systems to the o. s. c. e delegates, russian service one and the comfort zone had collected. would that be joining the presentation to some lesson delegations left the room with the others needs
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a saying in private, the understanding of this position, but cannot openly offer support. but according to the russian head of the o. s. c. emigration express uh on them. uh and that it should know the so hold our human rights depend as you are being an american. so human rights defenders was the, you know, eric, i'm seeing this is my when i told the the know read use of the will tell most of the fuse, the child tears. and like those, they ask you said the and the, these, these, the white gloves are you teaching codes, how to defend the human rights? they left the rule of demonstrating the guns in there if you. so
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what we are saying includes the privately, my, some of my colleagues say come on, don't please look. the same property should be fairly simple, the same, but i cannot say openly to support you. it was interesting that nothing ridiculous is shameful thing for them. and the power to speak about the defense human rights and those back the law. so more vis them. i think that the stage is useless. maybe the his, they failed the plan, that bio uh, demonstration about that. so tools these, these, the killing units and sometimes kind of be guided is out to gps system. and these a very common sense the information is given by the centralized, civilized, managed by.


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