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tv   News  RT  June 16, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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with this 20 seconds before we go to the break, michael, go ahead sir. yeah, that this has been long standing distance right? the, the, the, this, this was brought on, it was backed by neo nazi efforts and initiatives by the need. a cons within the united states to actually oppose the crew in, in ukraine, in 2014. and now we're seeing their influence was extending all the way into the united states to this day. so it's not surprising. yeah. what i called to you cleaning is ation of the west, but something that will be a topic of a separate program. we're going to go to a short break right now. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the search for peace. stay with our team, the the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a
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robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is it conflict with the 1st law? should we live in justification? we should be very careful about our professional intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust, rather than ship the various jobs. i mean, with the artificial intelligence, we have so many with team in the most protect this phone existence was alexis, the the,
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or the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. i mean, it just does. it shows you few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground can in
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the 1934 prance invaded algeria and straight away, the french started in, habiting it to strengthen their position. the columnist, known as the new arts, took the best land from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was the exploited this cause and as discontent. the people of algeria began their long term fight for independence. 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women, children,
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and old people took place more than 2000000 people were born into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriots managed to induce france the start seize negotiations in 1962 heavy and the cords were assigned 40 l. jerry on the bass warrants independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the debts of one and a half 1000000 algerians. the welcome act across stock were all things are considered non peter lavelle to mind you were discussing the search for peace, the
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the okay, let's go back to the big 4th general. you know, the, i agree with you said earlier in the program that you know, all conflicts come to an end. yes, absolutely. there are different variations and we can go our call history. but in the way you look at this conflict in the way we, again, it's unclear how it will end, but it will. and how will the world have changed then? because i don't see the sanctions being dropped against russia at all. i, i, i think they'd be economic relationship, but europe had, with russia will not come back. and that will affect europe, an immensely higher cost of living, probably the industrialization, poor, sand of link living. i mean, it's a really big change is going on right now. and, and after the russians had a 300 year of flirtation with the west, that is over now. okay. they, the west, through the united states, britain to rate expand does not want russia part of the european architecture of
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security. that's a big, big change. and it has implications for africa, latin america, china, india, etc. go ahead general as well. the just florida is the change. they're completely here just in the 2 to 3 years. and i remember, i don't know whether you will remember the 2017 lifeline. the foreign ministry set up the 1st meeting between the truck. uh now we have an election coming up uh next year. we're not sure what's gonna happen. uh, we have many brands in the united states. the default just for me. when you no new, the new institutional connections and that were uh the, what i call you a ration for the eastern alliance. all these categories now are line very up to 40 bill control to 30 the gross national product the next year. so we have to look at this, we are looking at
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a weakening of the european nations of this massive america. we have these alignments, wireless, you know, i think that's what we have to focus on. and that's what the some of the coverage will do with our delegates and talk about that. talk about the future. robotics on saturday and people that can really older countries can gather and be very, very important in the future of those countries. you're looking at itself, right? now, new construction going on in germany and france in italy and certainly within the united states in great britain. so it's just for what we have to focus on the future of theater. yeah, i, i agree. i mean them of the multi polar world that so many of us have during, for, is actually being dropped into our laps. unfortunately, at the great loss of life in, in ukraine. it's dr. bush and mccain in cambridge here. we had in the last new cycle, the head of nato, spelt and burg, you're saying russia needs to be defeated because of china. i mean,
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this has something that there, once you claim, i mean this is extraordinary. what they're trying to do is we shuffle the chessboard and they keep losing pieces and went ahead to mon is or out on its luck . it lashes out, and that's what i worry a lot about. you know, it's talking about taiwan right now. i mean, how many complex do they want to get going here? it's extraordinary to be honest. why is that? i think we need psychologists now, not historians go ahead and cambridge you are at the right when 11 began limits as to what's happening right now. it's actually, and it's, it's really important is the optic front. so one, yeah, you know, that's, that's one front, which is which not being discussed at the moment. but it's what it is, an adverb back with this conflict as well. so this is a conflict between east and west trying to get to bu, units of picked supremacy essentially. so, and you can just use just a proxy time constraint. it's just um, just a way to,
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to initiate these conflicts and the power out and, and, and, and in all honesty, i think the world today is in the hands of the units step. no, it is far i, i completely agree with you. i complete and then you have a president the united states. it's out to lunch. okay. i mean, i know that my goal is to be, go to you. i mean, it looks like you have a little problem there with your picture, but your backend. that's good. um, i have a theory you worked in the belly of the beast, or is it because the donnell, because joe biden is out to lunch that people liked victoria knew and, and jake sullivan and anthony blake and have so much power. do you think that's true? that's the problem. oh yeah, absolutely. the in fact, if it weren't for their push and the us pushed on europeans, this problem with your crew would not be existing today as far as i personally concerned. this does not, this what have never of happened. they have an agenda, as you pointed out, to isolate russia, contain it like a cold war or,
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and have redeemed change. that's our, that's our ultimate goal. excuse me. the, the, the other problem that i'm seeing here now is where, where we're at the, the, the, the world has expanded over into a multi paula world. and that's probably for the good. but on the other hand, it's, it, you're going to see a tremendous change, not only in europe, but in the united states. this, as i said, this war would never have happened. now in recent days, they end up another development to get back into the how do we establish peace in this mess? the, the african nations now have come together some 7 of them, including egypt. and the general is personal friends with the pro egypt, sion president llc, easy. they are going to be talking in, in, in coming days to zalesky, to put in. and while they're hitting,
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the leadership are jobs through the patriots. international alliance combine which includes unit from dr. beach is is to try to get a ground swell of popular support for, for to see spar to put pressure on our governments to achieve that. that goal. it's going to take time. yeah. like, well i'm the, i'm sorry michael button tucker carlson. did that any god silence. okay. and fox news is trying to muscle him. i mean, if you speak up against the of the war party, they punish you. so i, i, i think you're right. i, i think your endeavor is admirable. i really do. and that's why, you know, we will advertise that on this program and on this channel, but it's an uphill struggle. let me go back to the general and big for it here. it's, it's, it's quite patently obvious. it'd be us administrator position with me. the u. k. shamefully following along is or maybe get, we don't know what their intent is to keep this one going on as long as possible.
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they have no intention of ending this thing any time soon. i the run out. but again, the focus on this other conference, peter, you know, any upright care like this stage of leadership is day structure takes funding. we want us to work for this and uh we have a location picked out for the summer, but it's very important and saying mind me sooner rather than later. and that's what we're focused on. get to bed on the and that and as of, of these governors, they want to continue to purge and try and take the office and to change the regime and rush, it just goes in solar. so the chessboard remarks show that, but uh that's why the summer conference should be right. thank you. brandy is on zillow roll loser. there are c mines. they're attempting to bring a c, r o lyrics up to doing what that's fiction in, in, in cambridge, ohio. one of the things i really worry about is that, you know, when i think of,
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you know, i hear all these uh, conferences about rebuilding ukraine after the conflict and, you know, getting donors together and all of business, very reminiscent of afghanistan interact. and we all know how that ended up. ok, but what, what is really troubling is that because they, their concern really is not the ukraine. i'm not sure much of ukraine is going to be left when this is all over and, and, and on top of that, if the ending of this conflict, the complet can in militarily, but politically, it may not. they will have her revenge. and this ukraine, full of nazi, supported by nature of the nato, b, e u, in the united states, i can think of a worse outcome than that, because these people will continue a guerrilla warfare the, you know, blowing up uh, pipelines, etc, etc. because i'm glad that you mentioned what you said earlier is because this is also a huge political problem. go ahead. yes, it is and done. and you know,
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you asked for a day to self interested in seeking any to pronounce a resolution to do thanks. and it's, it's pretty pat how you and it's like this. all right, any agent actually party county existing is complete. the hope this once with an estimate isn't actually genuine copies of recognition that there is there is now to use, uh, not to probably enhance the best who is very guessing international community coming together as good people not, not know the crazy. if you want us, how good, good people who are seriously interested in resolving this and it has to be done to it through recognition so, so you get these hosts of entities and, and they are very good and leaders around and, and what really seriously interested in resolving to monitor their, their presence and united states, and then in, within nato countries themselves. so, you know, if you get these really genuine guys together, you know, and, and get the dial avoid of actually recognizing that there is this problem. there has to be a resolution that has been a resolution for this. you know, we,
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history is that teacher. so a post world war 2, we know how, thanks for the results. and the biggest element is actually to be able to get the message out to the people. so once you have the support, you have to pay for it and the people in the rest will not support this. no, right now we have a media that you need to back out in the west. so the common person here in bridge and i can tell you is not aware of the audio. so once, once they are aware of the problem, i can vouch for it, they would not stand for it, they would really take the government, take the defense department to task and, and, and really awesome for answers. so so i think we've got to overcome this media, jack house and c h and, and that's kind of only be done gradually, honeywell, okay, now we're rapidly running on time. we have one minute left here. i'll give it to mike. oh, you know, you and i are children of the cold war. i would imagine the general as to it was the other guys that blacked everything out, they blocked everything. but now the west is that the west is now the land of
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censorship. i think you find that ironic sorted. why last 50 seconds? go to you, my friend the. yeah, that's what so much for democracy and. and that illusion that they try to perpetuate it doesn't exist even a year. i mean, you have r t blacked out in, in, in the u. k. for example, what nonsense throughout europe, this is not democracy. and, and, and americans, americans particularly have no clue on how 8 for 8 years. ukraine has been bombing, is showing the eastern part of ukraine that led to this crisis. they, they finally asked for help. and that's why rush, i had to take some initiative because of us getting to be too much, especially then when they saw us and nato pylon coming, coming in 2 weeks after our disasters withdraw from the half gotta stand. well, i have you all 3 of you have convinced me that the end of this conflict will come about when people of good will come together and you certainly all 3 are. thank you
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very much. i want to thank my guess and big for the rest and, and in cambridge, and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t. so you next time and remember across top of the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what kind of plans are due to have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
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it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the we are in the darkest, on one of the most ethnically and culturally diverse regions on the entire planet. as you make your way through the start, you will discover each region is known for its own unique arts and traditions the because they already see here because they kept the store for ideas and then use familiar email. few are just going to fit into the roles. the non c theory of racial superiority finish style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes
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10. prisons, a well, you know, thing to do a new school level. she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the, the chest, the leading enrollment, academic fields. i'm assuming people's going to be in approximately 25000 people. went through the kind of go finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley level. it's a shift utility and i give you an idea. i'm not sure it's just the size of the stuff. so the youngest, i'm in your world found in disease, forced labor to achieve by the word some formulas. what was the last it also need you to do was to take it to you that it's available. if you're off with those who put in these 9, push that things up to give you what you want to do to create the thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more. when you look, i hear, you know, one or 2. so you to speak, it's not even a good idea of yeah, for the good i see it or released upon me. they decided to do it,
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but it was being yet that was put in the mood along the it's the, it's off. so is this the, our, the international atomic energy agency conroy is obstructed, evaluating, shutting during a special mission is but the good news, the about bus. as the official preliminary report, the phone, the visitor says, are still serious concerns about the space and safety class and delegations, as in the o. s. c. e. for them in vienna refused to see credit while to that on bus. with some delegates of nathan mentioned, they called support russia openly possible into the head of a little russian commission. they left the rule of demonstrating the
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pat again soon they added to what we have seen in pool of the private lead. my samo, my colleagues, say come on, don't please look the same voltage, this fairly simple thing, but i cannot say openly to support you. that's in roches nolan capital. the 20, since i knew some feet is the international economic 4 of us kicked off. it's the day when the russian president explains it is we get the plenary session late today . delivery you exclusive coverage here on our team. also it is the world's 2nd largest and the middle east, largest open, 5th compromise containing 5 percent of it was total copper deposits. the biggest compound deposit in the militia spot us sanctions and the crippling countries mining industry. the
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11 am here in the russian capital. welcome, whatever you'll catch in the news hour from today across the globe. this is oxy or miss always. the program was breaking news and 5 as a south africans delegations airplane as we still on the slide publish authorities, which are ripples. the not allowing livingston could feed into flights of russia and had a civil rubber hoses, upcoming visits, a mazda. now this comes just off of the south. i've been lead the wraps up these folks in the ukrainian capital that's cause live now to uh to set to the south. i'm going to just go by elizabeth is actually on the plane right now. go on. what's happening? yeah. alamo area houses, situation looking inside the i grew up, i'm at the airport. the money from the international. what the situation on the quite is that the at the moment
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we still don't have any clarity terms of what's going to happen. yeah. last night the it says it was really rose and there was the stand outside the call of the windows and the police police were using to allow the addition to this, the bulk uh with us we have at least a 100 members of the security personnel. uh, some of them special task force. uh others, a members of the p p. s who was supposed to go ahead of the president, ukraine and others sent for russia to prepare for the applicant submission, the published threats and to confiscate the weapons that are being carried by the securities. yet they also strip searched a member of the presidential protection services. uh someone who holds a different. busy passport that's the never happened before in all the years of several by the people as this is now a diplomatic role and of the actions of the polish police of the polish authorities
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court. everyone by surprise. it was an advice you, sir. busy um, days in advance to prepare the way they had been in negotiations with a number of authorities from poland. and you certainly didn't expect this hostile welcome by the post when we arrived here at the chauffeur international airport in warsaw. where the plan is still currently grounded as a charge of. busy 5 south african airways. it was specific if you booked to get us this far before you were meant to change planes and continue the rest of the journey eventually making no way to russia for the east mission. right now president is in queue is minutes to meet with the premium presidents before making this way. that's a rush and we're not part of the delegation anymore. that security on the strain was made positive, not positive with either. so you'll see some of the other media contingent get into play and we'll try to show you some of the other seats just behind, you know,
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since some of the security forces were obviously not allowed to show their faces. they've agreed to, to cover that up. but this is where we've been stuck for the last 3 days. that can look up the window. we'll see the, it's a, we're actually in the cargo section of the airport terminal. this is where we've been stuck in the clint. if we wrote this in bucket, we made this in bar, stay over here or we made the find a way to rush like we could do so with the commercial flights perhaps. but as things stand right now, we're waiting to hear from our government about whether they'll be consequences or what's happened overnight. and so the fact that we've now spent 3 days on board display go on, you say you've been that 3 days. i've had no explanations been given to you whatsoever. we will see that they have claimed that the problem was claimed at the permits for the weapons that will be carried by on
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security forces here on nothing or the presidential protection services insist that those permits were approved. before we go, i will see that i think i will try and get back to shortly. thanks for the update. the so i will get back to the alarm shortly and give you an update on what's going on the input a. now let's move on to, i'll talk to sort of the international atomic energy agencies return from the mission to those f o. rogia and nuclear found was delayed as being paid in full of his broken crews and shelves. the area mount insights that have to wait to come back to the cleaning controlled territory. the team led by rafael and we'll see has the so in that the safety situation of is that the nuclear power remains serious is
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comes off the cube strike on the health sky at that which is nearby. and it's res. fee is about to the power station in security. in a preliminary assessment of the i, a e, a team included the reservoir providing cooling water to the router, is currently stable. there also shown on the infrastructure damage caused by a showing at the site. a real fast and cool foot advise us say, that is impossible for mazda to attack the station as moscow is responsible for the sites protection times emotional hasn't showed at the power station from the station, nor has anyone turned the station into a military base. we've already been complying with such principles without any prior agreements and without any direction from the un. these a basic principles from which that can be no deviation. it is impossible to argue with the idea of the voice by mister, go see. so the agreement, a representative to remain silent again,
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we hear the same old song about me with the rise in the station. however, they refuse to understand that we are the posse responsible for the sick. you were to add the facility, and we are obliged to defend themselves against the costs of the tax from ukraine. there are exactly as many russian forces as our need is to protect the nuclear power plant. is that our goal is that robot and cost would have joined to, let's see, and visiting this example version nuclear power plant. let's take a listen after 2 days delay ref l draw. see the general direct sir on the i a has finally arrived here and this up a real shit. usually a power plants along with the rough l. draw. see another team of a i a monitors have arrived so they will spend some time here as well. and rotate with the team has been here for 3 months already. and we are not here talking about a treaty or a convention or a legal agreement. or do we have is faith? 5 basic principles don't attack the plant. so that back from the plant to make the
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plant and military bases don't it because the extent of power supply, etc, etc. so these things are things that must be done. this is the cost reserve, or as you can see, the water level has dropped significantly. hands of this was the main concern for the safety, oldest upper ocean nuclear power plant. however, this reserve, or behind me, the water level level here is absolutely fine. if that's a normal level hands, this is the actual cooling pond that supplies water for the for this up or, or you nuclear power plant. i was able to see the quality phones. i was able to see the contention and the retention dates, root canals and the list. we check go see to the system, which is indispensable for the according function. so we can see,
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i would say there are 2 elements. basically the one hand, we can see that visitation is serious, the consequences are there and they are real stuff at the same time, the majors that are being taken to stabilize the situation. now this facility is another part of this of our ocean nuclear power plant, but it's a little bit away from the plant itself. now this is a pumping station for a cooling on, so that is used for the spence, a few of the nuclear power station. as you can see, it is also constantly under shedding by the korean military. see it's full of shrapnel holes. now this is just a, one of the flights inside of the sprinkling basing here this operation nuclear power plant that was damaged by the american may.


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