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tv   News  RT  June 16, 2023 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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new moffatt as much good by the supplies that supplies away from wes moffatts pocket. sorry, upon message. i hate to come up. basi says that buying oil for me. russia beneficial is lemme by becoming a attorney. purchasing the oil from russia. he's good. we must have trade relations with old countries, and we can explode competitive prices, whatever we can find them on the wealth markets. i don't see why we can't enhanced by electrical trade with russia. of course, one must prefer better prices, well, importing products, no matter which country one chooses for that there should not be any restrictions. the whole world is doing that. you know, the biggest and bodies, millions of tons of oil each year, each month. and russian oil is a part of that. the oil trade between moscow in the summer that is beneficial for pakistan. all these things are done by the private sector. if it's suitable for
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them, the government just facilitates them, especially in straight but they paid in, paid for and tiny is one, comes as an energy hungry apartments. all searches for mobile i will pause button is microsoft is facing an economic price, is i'm a shortage of foreign exchange reserves. the payment in times $1.00 month's practice alonza shift away from the us dollar earlier this month is on, but also outlined as planned to open a ball to trade with russia, afghanistan, and iran. another sign of the south asian economies seeking avenues to buy and sell goods without using dollars. the part of that is really the of the gemma. it is allow me parts. he says, focused on it should embrace trade in local currencies in order to boost the practice, the economy or near me. they have had insurance. in my opinion,
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disagreement is just the beginning. we should go for a free trade with i've gotten this done. russia, china, and the wrong. if this trade is to be conducted in local currencies, it will be a great the treatment for pakistan and we must enhanced this kind of trade. all efforts must be done to withdraw a country from the american block. the us acts like an international ross co with their actions they want to destroy us pakistan. his pain rushing chinese currency ended. so why this isn't just compare with, with the us dollar. it is beyond our reach. in normal trade, you have to convert your rubies into the american dollars. there is a deficit. many problems come with that trade and local currency is a better option that will make a big difference are occurring so it will gradually improve to win your trade in local currency with $5.00 to $6.00 countries as voice, billions of dollars, it will make your currencies value stronger if your pin authorities have devoted into you, candid worshippers who jumped into pods and with that money in exchange for the
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purpose of meeting jesus. because data has been charged with money solution that is currently on the run. the return ease of said by start up blogs kind of it's them to fall for 40 days so that they can meet jesus on the 41st day. the condition was that to meet jesus, they needed to be in ethiopia. and according to him, the world would immediately and as the garden disciples of sold all they owed and gave the proceeds pos, assignment of the clever, told them he had a vision and then which jesus chose. people say the power dice, but they have to travel to ethiopia. officials either that if easier, but no thought he had not found the goose members, they would have died off and not eating for so long. the past the pastors, i say it has now been placed on a wanted list to try to get a cause of death leaks off the several 100 people diving 10. yeah,
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went up pasta the sway and his followers to foss until they died in order to enter power dice. the desktop was supposed to be 100 with for the exemptions expected. over $600.00 individuals on the chancellor into the region. officials find them relating the call. so and facilitate to all these these coats have nothing to do with christ, yet it has nothing to do with christianity and allow that it has everything to do with a devil economy. and that people use at least say that is good for all people. and especially when people cannot descend and do not know golf for themselves. and there's no way to there by the way we are told to so i won't be long things and give them to a leader and fast for for 2 days. in order for us to see jesus,
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there's nothing like that in the bible is just people who told me to disability try to be as yet they know fast. they are bad to destroy people's lives, their families, their future, accept it. i accept the law and this is nothing else. by the devil, you tell me a list of items supplies including showing no sign of a beating. russia is increasingly charging the need to weapons on the bible with, with his own innovations. i'd say is, is on of thanks and look at the russian equipment heading to the front lines from challenges and let the tanks to be top. no chair defense systems and smaller rooms in the pos g craney and austin over heritage from the so you'd be a good upgraded to nature of standards for russia a trial with so much but also an opportunity to see how its newest minute sheet
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hardware fast as against a potent adversary rushes newest t 92 tanks are already pouring onto the front line. right now the crew is attaching the so called active um, basically each bag here it contains some explosives, so they go on contact with the say a anti tank this up so that it doesn't bounce through the still calm on the tank and the cruise the vibes this is the final step before this machine is ready to be used in battle. the . this unit will tell me what has already proved. it sweats on by some field with an older tank model. 8 see 72. now that i can pony is hide machines that receive
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the highest praise from the commander in chief himself. no good with more than the efforts of entrance and will fare needed more than tanks. now we can say that g 90 progress is the best dank in the world as soon as it enters the battlefield. that's it. there is nothing anyone can do. it goes further, it's more accurate and provides better protection. here on the phone line gunners can to all day about the 2nd power these beast back jim low. the tank has a target lock system. there are specialized sensors that catch lasers that tank automatically picks up and then to turn guided miss oil tank or any other equipment that to me it's the laser and the target moves in the right direction with the range measurements and target acquisition. all you have to do is to see that targets and may be adjusted a bit to get the tank to open for you. while russia still relies on the soviet
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minutes you legacy does not shy away from reinforcing its garrisons with the new hardware and personnel. carriers in the infantry fighting vehicles guided angie tank myself and sniper rifles. and with the introduction of company kazi, drones, a whole new industry was born. when a full size to a v was a few $1000.00, easily felt for a vehicle that costs millions, smart evolution. but a revolution minutes, univision and coming, i have to move in strides because it's a conflict the world has never seen and whoever adapts to the pace better will walk away with the victory. i'm gonna use don and reporting from the dumbass oxy of the size of this national assembly as part of the controversial bills and it is
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universal health coverage in the country. so a health insurance will cover all south africans employed or unemployed no matter what their income, according to law, every citizen will have the right to have access to medical treatment. however, the new bill has faced the criticism from the opposition, which visit the already overburdened public l system, will collapse to the n h. you come to pass health services would collapse. does this day visit? baldwin has never made it clear which health services would be available on the n h i, and which would be out of pocket expenses for patients. v a n c seems to be laboring under the illusion itself. africans would happily fill out extra money for an already crumbling public health system to be further overburdened with nearly 9000000 individuals with medical aides will have to compete for services under
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universal health care. who's done so i'm a former president of the health professions council of south africa explains why this bill has cool such as the i think the major problem with the bill is that it says raise more questions than answers is quite confusing when the same problem is coming up with another form of health insurance without repeating the existing for from the factory sort of. so people that are already insured are confused as to what happens with us. other questions arise is this. the other thing shortens the same as the other one? sues the public health care system with us says for non payment our you know, asking us of africa's to pay for what these been accessing for free. but more importantly,
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our public health care system is in crisis. this dissatisfaction about drug, the public health care system. so that those challenges were the same. people that i've missed minutes by system, but it's becky, i know we're looking to force people to go to that system. the speed of the fed, bad ones, they have this insurance. people can go for the services either to the public sector or the private sector, but people are not too sure about their materializing. so part of the problem is lack of trust. the russian and cues also blame for the max that the feeling is doing. the 2nd will, well, that's according to a, this elaine m p who slammed the comes as prime minister during a visit to israel for speaking of historical ties of thing. let's see what happens and just it is disgusting that sydney not speaks such nonsense. when on the 3rd of
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june 1944, let's do a new jews together with the russians massacres. the vintage apostrophe i and the people who lived uh the show is once again that government is completely indifferent to the kings of list the way means by jews in lithuania, in 1941, to 1944. the everything is already on the investigation due to his previous statements, suggesting that jews were responsible for the coming of the few. and you during level to the hollow, close, including of 12 of these against the do any jews remains a painful chapter. the company's history as a 90 percent of the few any of the jewish population was, must have good with the help of collaborators in the 3 in nazi occupation. yeah m. p is also a huge rush of being responsible for the atrocities. although it was of the soviet union, the for the gates, the nazi regime is really the for
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a news reporter says that western governments today a silver doing enough to stop anti semitism
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while it's been a very busy, i was going to take a 5 minute break we'll be right back, the
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needs to come to the rushing state. never as tight as i'm one of the most on screen and the best most all sense of the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the rush to day and split the ortiz food next. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say stephen twist, which is the,
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can there ever be a lasting peace in ukraine and europe as long as keeps backers only want continued conflict? the west has the wrong priorities, is looking to inflict a strategic defeat on russia. instead, peace will return when security is guaranteed for all all the way the end of world war one. the move in for an indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal, violent repression cause active resistance. in march. 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi, a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with
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a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people on the day of the sea bass at key festivals, a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm gonna start the northern india, seeing bass as outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms people. the barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least 379 indians, including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announced the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous dar massacre went down in
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history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial yoke. the take of a look around this life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion. but how us to do vision with no real opinions pictures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills and then it just does a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions, going underground? can the
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control space slid out of as low as before, the voice of the you know, there's no comments for them for, for the service people's orders but, but somebody's boards and visitors. that's what i just need the lawyer to do before the categories and you have to wait, we'll put that, but i would just leave you by with leisure when you don't been removed from the truth. because look over the distortion. a really quick question and it was more
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than the headlines of this our, the south african delegations. f minus started by, posted to people's as i had of the president fell off his visit to the right, fax. while he goes a, it's a piece by piece and rather than the 14th that i know some petersburg international economic store has kicked off, it's the day with the russian president expected just to begin the plenary session later today will be bringing you exclusive coverage here on oxy, saying that i should a public entity agencies become void is obstructed by you put in shillings during this special emission. this by to the example wrote in nuclear power box. as the official preliminary report following the visit says,
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a still serious tons butler station is big on the west that occasions of the o. s. c. for them in the, in the refuse to see the new world problems and then come back with some intelligence later. and went into a car and so forth, rushed to openly about so good in the head of the blue russian commission. they left the room, demonstrating the patent guns in there as to what we have seen in to us privately. my, some of my colleagues will say, come on, don't please, what we're seeing. told them to stand for this thing, but i can say openly to support you. that's the right that your company did. they pull the latest global news roundup. i'm good. how me this is odd c that i should start with the part of the program with
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breaking news as the south african delegations airplane has been stopped by products of thirty's, who reportedly not allowing the groups security team to fly to russia ahead of serial, rubber hoses, upcoming visit to some pieces, but this covers just off of the south african lead, the wraps up piece tools and the gwinnett capital grove. i'm with one of the journalist in the play and right now says published police didn't give any reason for his actions. even ship searching an official with a date for the mc possible. and there was the struggle to outside the cost of the windows and the produce police were using to allow the addition to the some bought uh with us we have at least a $100.00 members of the security personnel. some of them special task force, others, a members of the 50 s who was supposed to go ahead of the president. you. busy and others center russia for pay for the african submission,
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the published direct them to confiscate the width instead of being carried by the securities. yeah, they also strip searched a member of the presidential protection services. someone who holds a different. busy if possible, that's a never happened before in all the years of several by the people as this is now a different method route. you'll see some of the, of the contingent get into play and we'll try to show you some of the other seats just behind, you know, since some of the security forces were obviously not allowed to show their faces. they've agreed to, to cover that up. but this is where we've been stuck for the last 3 days. they can look up the window. you'll see that the, we're actually in the condo section of the airport terminal. this is where we've been stuck in the clint. if we wrote this in bucket, we made this in bar, stay over here or we may didn't find a way to rush. i need to do so with a commercial flight perhaps. but as things stand right now,
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we're waiting to hear from our government about whether they'll be consequences or what's happened overnight. and so the fact that was not spend 3 days on board display the, one of the representatives of the 50 s of the strip search they, they took 4 hours to actually reach the place because of the bureaucracy that was in for force really by default. and the cost of cost carry over a 100 security personnel about 20 journalist, the american way stuff which has been which i've been working since the part in south africa 3 days ago. still try say service not open the doors to allow some fresh air in the course. we've been stuck inside this metal to for so long, many people getting close to probably days of view of the points here in the problem. and this is really all that we can show you, and this is all that we've been able to see. um, you'll see that we're flying on an official, so that becomes a waste. yes. the consequences for what happened. the head on the presidential
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protection services, a major general was telling us that his representative was a member of the for the presidential protection services who carries diplomatic passport was stripped search by the phone is the news. she's a woman with strip searched by before this police passport that has never happened before to the presidential protection service. that appears to be one of the most serious incidents on this trip, which is really become a nightmare. the number of people that are stuck from this place. and what is interesting is that the head of the presidential protection services has said the components of parties are trying to sabotage. the security of the south african president is also describes the script searching of his representative who holds a different message possible as races by the pro. this is all the black women with
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such a force in voice. so skip such, despite being able to show that she's the representative of this, you could impose implementing possible and at this point we are waiting for. i'm coming to you from our president and all minute stuff international relations of the day. all the 26 articles in petersburg, if, as a eagle out for them has begun in buses, northern capitol. today's preliminary session will be affected by a russian president. let a man person throughout the week's policy provides exclusive coverage. rushes biggest is select the the, the view is working in the face of the action of the for them, for us the union. how are you and how the things in a rush is nolan capital?
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i believe rushes president is due later on today, but i got a hold on a guest with you now. i believe i good afternoon, rob. indeed, we are in day 3 of steve 2023 at opposite hive of activity here. us at deals are inc. agreements that puts pen to paper. it's all going on today. a lot happening, but the focus is not plenary session, which is attended by vladimir putin on old. so at the, i'll jerry and president as well. i'm doing the ged to boone who will be there. i need to the kremlin, said that it will be an extensive speech by at the law, the mere putting so a lot is expected. of course, the focus being up to for them via colony. the state of russia is economy for at 2023. i'm going forward a lot to be discussed that will be a discussion panel at there and also a q and a afterwards. we expect
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a lot from the other by 2 pm at local time. so just over 2 hours from now, that's expected to get on the way just before that i know you've been going through that big news of the at site the african presidents plain and delegation being stopped in poland also today the president of the u. e. ship mohammed bins, i had all the young at health talks with vladimir putin as a guest here. the u. e. in fact, is the at special guest participant of this year's form back huge at covering here by the country at lots of different stalls at dedicated to the relationship between the me and russia at russia, india, the focus as well today. so a lot happening. but as you rightly said, we do indeed have a special guest, and i'm very happy to welcome gong, young professor of economics and vice president for research and at
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strategic studies to give you the proper title at the university of instructional business on the economics in beijing at your most welcome to the program, sir. thank you. if we can just start perhaps with our breaking news, the am, i'm not sure if you may have heard in your ear that of the, at source africans at presidents delegation on way to key. as for those africa piece, talk 6, come 3 is going to south africa, lead at his plane, stopped in poland on the way held for 11 hours on the tarmac and a number of accusations about at female members of stuff being stripped. search at weapons being taken issues over whether or not they had the right paper work for at the protection of the president. and what does that do to the, the authenticity of what's happening in terms of the, of the potential piece pack being put in place. it's unbelievable. that's bizarre.
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what we've never seen, something like this. i mean, for state digging a trait to have a visit like this, the logistics trip. it should shut up forward and it worked out before the place to call or from south africa. but it's happening right now. important. something's going lani point in my view and i think i've read that the the, the applicant side, the people are the applicant size st. claiming that. busy the racist behavior unpublished started so i think that's a very, very serious acquisition. something's going on, i think the polish authority, almost a world of explanation as to what would happen. and i think, you know, part of just what's, what's being spoken about just to give an overview, perhaps the audience at today, friday at serial realm. a post dated beside the african president was to meet with a at the key of the government, including the president of ukraine at talking about a piece talk then come here to send peters.


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