tv Going Underground RT June 18, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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so it's interesting, i was thinking about this question and i would say that the biggest challenge to getting as a country to reduce food waste is starts with education and really realizing how much food is being thrown away. and then developing strategies to and programs to both reduce the amount of, of food that's wasted, introduced smart or buying habits and cooking habits and, and then also re purposing, you know, in other words, let's just say what we see in the catering business. the food service is not putting out all the food you've made, but keeping some of it back because if it's not, sir, then it has to be that it can be donated even if it's prepared. so it's really in kitchen practices at food service businesses to reduce and,
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but really at the end of the day, it's just building that awareness and somehow putting in price, you know, making the cost of throwing in a way higher. you know where the penalties for throw it, you know that it encourages you because what we've seen is when stores with a, a city or state past has a mandate. you have to separate your food ways for grocery stores. um, and they'll offer a, a lower price. they realize when they start separating it, how much eligible food they're throwing away. so sometimes when you either push them to force them to recycle it in separate it, it very quickly becomes evident how much is being, you know, how much money they're wasting. now, billions of dollars are lost in food waste. how can this figure be reduced or were cooked so that it can go back into the economy or the producers?
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i would say it really has to do with this awareness of, of the amount of food that gets wasted. taking the example of the farm with, you know, they, they only pick their highest quality and then leave the rest on the farm. is, is creating a market for that secondary, the 2nd best food and making it so that there's the farmers getting value for that to make it worth the effort of taking it. and so i think that's a big piece of it. and uh, i just, i think i, the working really working hard to spend money on the education where the purse, where people are buying their food in some fashion. just to make that awareness, you know that,
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that we just can't be spending all this money in wasting all this food. and we're seeing some of this where there's value in the food that that's being thrown away. if you can capture it, you can turn it in, keep it in the food supply chain by turning it into the feed or using it as a raul and gradient to make your new food products. it takes a lot of, uh, creative energy and a, just a lot of awareness and education. is there any way to reallocate food, ways to countries, and people who do not have enough to eat? or does it cost too much to redistribute food waste? i would say it probably cost too much money to ship food, long distances that have already been shipped from the point of production. you start to get it, whether it's due to the weight, you're moving a lot of pounds. and then the whole part of the, you know,
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the perishable food has to be consumed within a certain amount of time. it can be frozen. in some cases. i think there's is one of the key things with, with that leads to the waste is the dates they put on packaged products to say, you know, best buy, use buy, and really understanding what those labels are. so if it says best buy the food is still good to eat after that date, it's just over the years. if they lose some of its flavor, for example, but it's still safe, you can eat it. and so i think there'd be more export, you know, are transport of food that has to be pulled off the shelf in the country where they're going by those, those dates of the products where you could still still available. and we're seeing, we see a lot of that food ending up through, you know, donation change or, or um,
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but were you really running to the heck up isn't the weight, the cost of transport. thank you so much, nora, but please, big around. nora will be joining us right after the break and when we come back, believe it or not, china and india produced more household food waste than any other country. and i bet you thought it was the united states will have more after the break. the
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largest populations. and while food waste has often been thought of to be correlated to wealthier countries, there are similarities between developed and developing countries. it is estimated that food was per capita is actually the highest in western asia and sub saharan africa. this is because, as we mentioned earlier, a huge portion of food is wasted before even hits the shelves for retail drew and production or distribution. the biggest food ex borders are typically responsible for producing the most food waste. and in asia, there's a cultural dimension. when it comes to food waste, while the chinese people traditionally value frugality and have a long history with them and then shortages, a deeply rooted value is that of expressing hospitality and showing face in doing so, an important standard is the amounts of leftovers in chinese culture when eating out, the hosts traditionally order more food rather than less to show hospitality to his
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guests. the more food left on either the more hospitable and generous the host is seen as if the food is all eaten, then it symbolizes a stingy host and the guests are left hungry because they've cleaned up their plates. it is estimated that 12 percent of food that is served as wasted in chinese cities and for large banquets, even more severe or more than one 3rd of the food is dumped. in south korea must bonds or finish eating sessions are extremely popular across all social media platforms. these champions of mock phones are crowns. big stomachs, king, which are seen as a symbol of wealth, luck, and prosperity in france has now emerged as a leader when it comes to attacking food waste. at the legislative level. in 2016 franz made it illegal for retailers to throw food away, and instead they must redistribute the food to those in need. the law is punitive with fines of up to $3000.00 euro is part each infraction. china is also tackling
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its food waste problem with a lot in 2021 that has band competitive eating and binge eating mustang videos. presidents using paying also launch a clean plate campaign end up finding food waste, though that has not been as popular with citizens on social media south for you has also managed to reduce food waste in recent years, when the government made residents for sol pay for recycling depending on how much food waste they were creating, now let's bring back nor a goldstein editor and publisher of bio cycle. so nora, they say that america has an obesity problem. so what's causing that? is it simply more consumption of packaged food? or does it have to do with the over indulgence and just having too many calories from the food available? i would say the obesity challenge is attributed
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in some ways to, to the food waste challenge. but i really think it has to do with a what people who it's, it's, it's actually it's, it's all socio economic classes. it's not just for people, it's not just rich people. so so much of that is just so much of the food that it's convenient to eat is not healthy for you. it's caloric. i also i, b, c, that food companies keep introducing the latest and greatest a fast food or, or dessert or something and, and when you look at the calories and it smooth these different things, you're just there. cooper, consuming so many more calories and they're, they're empty calories, so they're not necessarily added to it a good way to our bodies of maybe to a certain extent. you know,
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if you get the extra large meal at the, at the fast food restaurant with the biggest soda possible, you know that you what it goes to that bargain mentality. and so we are over consuming, but i don't think it's really directly related to just wage the wasting of food. now is food waste, a scientific problem or a societal problem where we have normalized discarding food that we don't want to eat? and how do you change a habit of basically an entire society? it's very good question. um, i would say that it's a combination of, of a weird is a, it's a social, it's a, uh educational combined with the innovation and technology. so if we can,
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and we're seeing this in the whole plan base for arena, where if you can get really high protein in a much smaller carbon footprint for example. um, is that, you know, would, is that a way to go? so we're, the food that we do consume can last longer, have less carbon footprint. but i think at this point in the game, we know all the facts about how much food we're wasting and why and, and where it goes in the harm it does. and what the, the biggest for known the area is and how do we affect the behavior change around it? what is really weird, where is the point of intervention, where you can really create the behavior change. and i think to a certain extent, those in do industries from, from a farm to table. you know,
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i just have to somehow be part of this joint effort to use the food we grow and we buy and, and put they always put it towards highest and best and use so i think that tends to fall more on social and social fact. yeah. and behavioral psychological factors that actual technology and how can reducing food ways help to fight climate change. there's a, a fact that's been around now for a lot of years and nobody's disapproved. it is that if food waste were its own country, that would be the 3rd largest, largest emitter of greenhouse gases after china in united states. so it's well known, it's documented by putting some waste in the landfill. the uh,
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is the image greenhouse gases, the trends growing and transport of, of food, you know, to the markets, the image greenhouse gases, so by reducing and be reducing food waste using the food, we got to grow it well and, and absolutely reducing the amount we throw away is, is paramount, fish, you know, when you're looking at a lot of issues related to climate change, taking care of the wage problem and from the one would think that would be one of the easier challenges to solve. but we're still throwing away millions and millions of millions of tons is food was actually causing hunger or are they not necessarily related? yeah, well yes, actually i'll tell you why. we find that when you capture food
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that still edible and you make a can use it to make meals, we have a huge hunger problem. food security problem in, in the united states. and i not as familiar with the challenge is elsewhere around the globe. but if we seen when you can rescue food, prepare it and put it in in a lot of times people don't want it as a handout. so you make it in a retail situation where it's that they buy people, buy it, it, it, it's, it's preserves dignity and you're getting a healthy meal from food that otherwise would be thrown away. so one of the ways to approach it is you really look at what we call the meal gaps at, you know, let's just say in a, in a city or a j,
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a regional area and determine where the populations are. that are the most viewed in the secure and then look into how you can capture and re distribute food as well was put in community gardens and irving farms in neighborhoods that have very little access to fresh food. and that's another excellent way to use. you start to create this connection to the swell and this independence in neighborhoods that are very disadvantage. and what are the obstacles that prevent food donations to countries that suffer from food scare? so these are their incentives to encourage these donations. and so i think where i see that i'm not, that's an area i'm not super familiar with, but i know where we're seeing so much to get wasted. i'm sitting in porch or you know, a tinge in, in my mind what i would, i think i, i,
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and it's mostly just from reading, it's more grains and, and essentially, you know, the, so we're, but i'll just say dietary essentials is that that can get hung up in international trade, commodities, trading as far as the edible food. i think that's another and high protein plant, base foods that are little more shell stable i, i would imagine that would be better fit for exporting. then you know, millions of pounds of state that didn't get it and then that kind of thing because you have to consider that in a lot of countries. they don't have access to refrigeration. like we do. so it's kind of taking nutrient rich drawn gradients and preserving them and then putting them, you know,
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in an export import situation. thank you so much more for joining us today. now there is no winter when it comes to food waste as it comes as an economic loss on the society with 0 benefits to anyone. and this is a serious problem globally. but luckily there's a growing awareness and a push for change to mitigate food waste. much of food waste originates at the grocery store, a level with surplus groceries or products are nearing the end of itself, life or damaged or the produce that just doesn't look pretty. instead of causing the surplus. grocery stores can often partner with food, kitchens or other travel organizations to facilitate the redistribution process to those who need it. other solutions include processing the surplus, grocery to use as part of the feed for poultry farms. in france, the grocery stores, inter marsh has found a huge success by offering reduced prices on miss fitz fruits and vegetables that usually get thrown out and re educating consumers that they are actually perfectly
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the most adult after we withdrew truth from t f, as promised the key of authorities as their patrons usually do, through it all into the waste basket of history were of the guarantees that they will not continue to abandon such agreements, showing it up for the whole world to see a slight improvement reveals a treaty, ensuring ukraine's neutrality saying he have signed and then wrapped it under pressure from western sponsors. and that happens as russia hosts an african peacekeeping. delegation fresh from youth body holds a vote to revise its constitution in favor of civilian the rule of the use of military governance on a difficult unrest. as the multi fold of world continues to flourish,
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indians department is to propose as the african union to be given full membership to the d. 20 the, i'm sorry with us. so many developments in the world of news this week. let's highlight the top stories and today's main head. the russian president vladimir putin unveiling a treaty, insuring ukraine's neutrality, which he says, he has agreed to last year in the early stages of the conflict, but then scrapped it under pressure from western back cuz the russian president's comments came well. hosting an african peacekeeping delegation. in some cases, we did not agree with the ukrainian side that the steel would be confidential, but we also never disclosed it or commented on it. as the draft of disagreement was initialed by representative of the head of the negotiating group from t of he put his signature there. here it is
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on here. it's called the treaty on permanent neutrality and guarantees for the security of ukraine. it contains 18 articles and there was also an appendix gets provisions confirmed the armed forces and many other things. everything is written there down to units of military equipment and personnel of the armed forces. here's the document, it is initial, but after we withdrew troops from t of as promised, the key of authorities as their patrons usually do, through it all into the waste basket of history. were of the guarantees that they will not continue to abandon such agreements. so the trinity document revealed by president food and it shows ukraine agreed to reduce its army military equipment and confirm its permanent neutrality with russia, america, the u. k. china and france, old listed as guarantors. but of course, as we all know, it was the case bars, johnson in the, by the white house that scuffled those piece towards. i was talking about this with
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international consulting to url ross musing, who believes that oftentimes all and london did have a hand in the neutrality deal being rejected as they want to defeat russia by using ukraine. as we see from the, the draft agreement that president clinton showed in the african leaders, there was agreement going on early on in the sense like the early stages. it was a settlement that basically was approved. it just had to be finalized the wording and final signature. but uh, but then again, we had uh, the un unannounced surprises inside mr. johnson's lexia. and i'm sure we had phone calls coming from washington. and lo and behold, overnight, the agreement with withdrawn. and there's a no real real serious discussion that so i think uh, unless you have the us, uh,
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maybe lender to some degree unless those 2 are in agreement with the settlement. and nothing's gonna happen. and if you listen to nestor, blinking, whatever they are proposing is unrealistic, it's a non starter. it provides too many recei conditions. it basically is a laying out a plan that russia has to surrender. and it does not provide any type of us address any of russia's needs, and that's why it's got us into this to begin with. well, meanwhile, 24 hours ago, african leaders express depositions on ukraine. the south african president quoting on both sides to de escalate and the peace plan to put forward by the south african president. it was given a warm reception from russia's foreign minister, the president of my, for the president, from a photos and now and then close. this article makes identified among the well known 12 points of the chinese proposal. those bars that are close to their position. they include guaranteeing that there are no double standards that
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o u. n. principal. so i respected that there are no unilateral sanctions or attempts to ensure one social security at the expense of the security of others. those are the fundamental approaches that we share. elberton is from the african union, have shown an understanding of the true causes of the crisis created by the west. it is necessary to get out of this situation by dressing. these causes who development of concrete actions to eliminate them. these are what has been undermining justifiable security on the european counts and for many years, ukraine, in contrast, says african states don't have the palo or even the capability to resolve the conflict. and they're using these visits to pursue their own. well, geo political goals have a listen for ya. so if it comes from the law to the african delegation, had no goal for selling the conflict or finding a solution. obviously this is not, their task is not on their level or their competency. they just want to be on the
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information agenda and resolve their own issues like increasing the amount of resources they receive primarily from russia, including food supplies. the most important thing that they have to do was that the information task in favor of russia by saying they don't see any me. so i on the air that it was an obstruction fabrication. this was a primitive attempt to win at information warfare that friday we were speaking throughout j a political analyst drum, along who suggested why continues to reject various peace plants, whether they come from africa, china, or even the pope. jonathan beacon printed glen says, and we are not in favor of peace, why not in favor of these, these fire that shouldn't be happening in the okay. so that should be, that is a senior sports person for principal. you don't want to do anything that is good to do. we a piece as far as i should ask on said the west west say this is what we've been waiting for. we'll be putting money. we've been popping the we looked at hardwick
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benefit, the industrial companies, so it's good. nothing to do with you. great. everything is good to do with what washington, landa, brussels, whatever that they want to achieve, but is not listening to help be the actual citizens of euclid. that's the unfortunate part of this country. and so the votes of being counted in the west african nation of molly to decide whether the country would adopt a new constitution just ahead of next year's presidential election. molly has undergone a couple of crews in the past 3 years, support himself the new constitution say it will help to pave the way for a transition to civilian rule. a political on rest as a plague of the country and that an ongoing jihadist insurgency in the north. critics say the french military forces deployed, they have done very little to actually quail the violence. in fact, molly even expelled the french ambassador last year. both city,
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i mean the fact that your co original ex but now can join us here on out to you to national and associate professor at the university. obama co. a very well welcome to you today. so thank you very much for joining us here on the international. what do you think the votes of being counting to do you think the referendum has pause to have people voted in favor? do you think? yes. busy of course, the people will flip a flip each way and that's what the symbol of data and them, because the is the kind of a 5 that in mind the, almost the population is of a kind of a laugh. happy to have a new constitution because of the population. the majority of people of nation do all that. i mean, majority of people visual, believe this, we found them with the do the know full of the money is like a kind of renew your data foundation of the day. monday, when you have
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a new model with this falls, with a big, with this whole dish on for that's the reason the over at has been budgeted d. i've been to the for today before, for the yes. and of course what the, the for them to sit up and put the visual width immediately to the putting stations and the, the, the world. and it kind of full of the be used to see the normal data from like the next one, or add a member of the fundamental like some. then they might do to be able to put visual with the 1st results. we are getting the you don't pay you don't we have quite sure . does the yes we pass with the other hosting majority. but this um plan is that the vehicle went to
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the holding stations timidly there with lots of things just to go to your desk. but before the day wed, like sure that the yes is a problem with the bus. i see i wouldn't have missed it, but i got you all started. so basically i'm, but i'm glad to see you optimistic about this. you said the people happy in going out to the poles, as you said in a slightly timid fashion. however, it does say that all submitted, some is a valid thing, right? let me ask you this if i may. okay, so it looks good. it sounds good. you're talking about essentially a reformation of the country, but what changes would the people of molly see if the new constitution is adopted? yeah, if the new boss do something about it because. busy people have been always thinking that the and the form and policies on i can say like that's because each one of 1992 was like a copy of the because the some of.
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