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tv   News  RT  June 19, 2023 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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or i know i accidentally ideas with the other plans, the chinese muslims. i realized that they were actually having a happy life, a very prosperous life on a lot of them were on a and running businesses. so just going back to the point of, you know, why just, you know, have this relation what a china is all on these china, china, why china? it's because china is growing rapidly and is providing us with opportunities. yeah, no, i mean you, you are very clear there. and actually i wanted to get on to that fake hoax. news from, from ginger yang that we covered here. i'm going underground as an agent. nation media was reading that propaganda are about circle genocide in as in jack, but either your screen stopping occasionally, i don't know whether that's the sanctions on huawei technology. you know, there's a battle going on. uh frankly, i mean, uh, what's the significance of a m b s meeting with the blinking, blinking go straight there. um to, uh,
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saudi arabia and then cool is page and immediately afterwards, is this a more proof that the 0 sum game is over? but because of these trade dies, if it ever became a 0 sum game, the global south, the built in rhode initiative, the rejuvenation, if we, as you said, the millennial old relationship is, is the 1st choice. i'm not sure whether because there are choices to be made here. i think of the region as a whole. i'm the regional leaders and people they want to be open to all options available. they don't want to restrict their, their options. so you talking about the meetings that recent meetings, and this is also a sign off of the past 2 neutrality of the region of the arts. we don't want to be passive passively neutral. we don't want to be, you know, sit by sitting up by not really contributing to global peace to global prosper and cancer and so forth. so it says something about, you know,
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to us when there was this art summit. the reason the latest, the latest our summit, the president of the ukraine was invited to make his case to the ours. within the next day, or a couple of days later, the minister of law interior from russia arrived, although he was section by, by the west, by us, by some countries. but it was welcome in our region, why it's a signal to the world that we are not really taking size and we don't have to take sides. um, there are really uh for example, like a sofa ukraine, ukraine conflict. if there is a possibility of the arms to contribute to finally, you know, bring in an end to this really tragic, a conflict. why not? we offer our services and we will try to mediate and help us altered um,
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and that's our role. and we don't want to excise because we know that if we pick size, we will be losing, we will be losing whatever we choose to west or china or any other party. so for us, we are really are interested, determined to maintain the 60 strategic autonomy and we have every right to maintain that kind of me. and i think at this point in time, nobody in the world, nothing in the world can actually a stop us from being a strategically autonomy. so in other words, i go, there are people in the west and the united states, or who have had demonic convictions. they want to really come and dominate the region. well, if you asked me over the last 20 years, just as the rack for this is what's been happening here, we have been trying to really dominate the region. we have been trying to really hi jacked the sovereignty of the region and they failed and they failed to, you know,
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measurable in a now at this point in time that the region is actually recovery and the get it out of the misery, football. i really, foreigners, all of them the, the reason the originally there's the original people cannot really give up this strategic i time is all just going back to your point. it looks like there is a classroom visions between what a region wants to. so what the region, all people regional leaders, one for their region and what some people, not everybody, some people in the united states and in the west, i want for the region of this point in time. we are experiencing dramatic transformations normally in our region. and so regional level, it's the amount of changes happening at the global level simply with the levels at this point in time. i don't think anybody has power to stop the
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arms of the drum really developing and pursuing their development programs regardless of what others think about these programs and very much i'll stop you there. more from the age of global fellow at the age of global institute of university of hong kong. after this break, the, the russian states never d as tight as i'm one of the most sense community, best of all sense and up in the system must be the one else calls question about this. even though we will then
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in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz phone, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say it would twist, which is the welcome back to going on the garden. i'm still here would be full of a strategy advisor to the chairman of the i would i be executive office here in the you a never him passion. you're talking about sovereignty for the i will, the re gain sovereignty for this region. but i don't know whether you remember when you know, when you were not in one joe, but where he never diaby advising the executive office in, in the you a here,
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you know, there 5000 maybe us soldiers. it a base it out that for ebay scenario, but gabby, i don't know how many soldiers us soldiers are in saudi arabia, 3000 and print still done air base. so you're saying, yeah, this is great news already. i mean, you think it, any of these meetings people ask why the, why you, why the americans using your countries as a basis will basis. all right, so once you got to keep in mind when, when there is um, a group of troops and one lined we must read and recognize that there is a mutual understanding of mutual interest between the 2 sides. so the region for some time has been trying to develop its own security military capacity and the security agreements or security relations or military relations that, you know, they are tab with united states. i don't think they will end,
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they will stop, but they have been useful, helpful for both sides. so at this point in time, i don't think the arms want to just send everything and just, you know, i say ok, we want to be stopping. we don't want anybody to be involved and our region i go to, i don't know how they are helpful because i want to be with us that did you think there are growing questions about, say, the patriot missile purchasing by the saudi arabian government, when the drone attack happened during the ram goes facilities and failed. i mean, i was here 20 years ago with the defense exhibition where rates dealing with marketing these patriot. and it says, do you think a growing understanding and comprehension in the or will that these multi $1000000000.00 contract? obviously some, i'd say keeping these american homes companies in business. it may not be the wisest way to spend money, and it's better to make deals with china or in the global south and breaks countries and just keep supporting the us defense industry infrastructure, a lease relations. and so the security and military relations are long term
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strategic and they're not really involved one system. they're not about the picture . what uh, defense system. they are really a wide range. are you going to include a lot of saw items and ours on already asking anybody to come on and defend them? uh, the arms i've been getting most of their what for me from, from the west, from united states i'm from your and of course, to have, uh, uh, uh, to be more sent to you in the economist, you will gradually try to diversify the sources across the country so um i do know that recently ive been growing agreements contrast between the our page and so some other uh, some are countries what other uh, nation. so with russia with china, what presented with india and sort of software. and so these are all efforts to really ensure that we have a diverse set of, uh,
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um military um security suppliers so that we are not really beholden by anybody. we are not the mercy of anybody. and this is one major less and i think they are a people and they are about leaders, me blinking and buying the basically i'm not sure these, they officially, they kind of a pussy food around what they think. but you know, they kind of condemn normalization between arab countries and syria or iran. what do you think the higher? well, i mean china are obviously, must just laugh at the fact that united states is condemning what amounts to piece . what do you think are countries think when the that the state department people go what you know, we should know? well, what do you think about normalization and they just go look at shouldn't you shouldn't be normalizing ties. i the radio and the way they shouldn't be normalizing ties with these countries. they should be doing the enemies. i don't know. i think officially, they haven't actually said this. so officially they have been saying,
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okay, this is good and we hope tonight is going to be benefiting the units on. and so for, of course, uh, uh, uh, unofficially, uh, we have, there are some statements made that, you know, this may be going to be determined joel to their position within the region. after all of these decisions are solved and decisions are made based on the interest of the arms of the region, iran as part of the region. and so the most sides of the gulf, historically for a little bit of time, i've had a lot of control diffusion and fusion, a lot of control. and some of my vision all are exchanges and we have really strong trade ties and start and so forth. and now that we are really realize you've got maybe at this point in time to reduce your civility for our region and to grow altogether. maybe we have to really explore options that we both sign. so we just,
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you know, i'll find, i'll come around her back to the truth is difficult in this region because of caesar, sanctions of western european and american sanctions. because you keep talking about sovereignty. but you know, that the united states will start saying will start sanctioning countries in this region if they do business as they please down to the silver and will i'm not sure how many are countries really following the seas are sections. i'm not sure. i'm not sure whether i need money within the region following caesar assumptions. i know you might have to just explain what they are to our audience because they're not given much publicity. the, you know, the unprecedented level of attempts to hurt populations in the arab world. the and the yeah my, my, i think the, the lease option is not a, these are not really are you in um inactive uh, sanctions they are unilaterally put by uh, by united states and,
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and rubbish in washington and brussels and then yeah, yeah, of course. yes. yeah, so so uh, so for us, um we don't have to follow the sanctions. why should we follow sanctions and put in place up by you put them placing and naturally by united states or europe and they are in our opinion. they are really just, you know, harming the people of us. are you not really? are me the government, the government can actually just, you know, work out ways to, to survive. and it has survived more than 10 years. and it's the people that have been really suffering and the regional people, the regional countries. i'm the regional leaders want to really help alleviate the suffering bad happening and, and, and, and syria. i personally think this is a major tragedy. what happened to syria is a major try to strategy and the arms and different parts of the art world. want to
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do whatever they can to really accelerate the process of re, uh, re normalizing the situation in syria. i'm bringing, sorry, i'm back to the global stage actually moving all these tests after actually so i just says, oh, well, what's happened to reconstruction work? what's happened to all the islam is the violence that used to be leading the news before the invasion, the before, the war between russ you're in the us and through you. great. what's happened to it will. why is it suddenly stopped? have you been suspicious of other people been suspicious? the old is a, is list groups seem to just disappeared since the united states focused on one support give i don't. it's no secret who uses these people on terrorism in general, in our region to advise their interest on these people. um, so the islamist and the others, they apply it on the outside,
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the affiliated groups and others that have been used as tools to really do stabilize certain parts of our region to as an attempt to really hijack their sovereignty. and this is why most of the regional countries have been demanding that whoever you know, whether a country has nationals and syria come on, kick them to come back to your countries. just, you know, deal with them. and they don't want to do that. and if you just see where the so i slammed the slide there, so i don't want to call them. i do want to use the word to sign in their name, these really barbaric terrace. a lot of them, a major portion of them actually came from the west and in the region. you know, the last up more than 10 years, the regional agencies are intelligence agencies and now they're in government organizations. i've gathered, you know, mountains and mountains of evidence of intelligence. who are these people are where
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they were changed and who supported them financially, who, which i supported them. and i just wanted to support. so if you know the world things that the region and the regional countries, and i know who these people are and who is behind them, i think they are mistaken. the regional countries already know what's going on. and they say of course, was actually a go us view as denies it in the british intelligence services. you know, i, we wouldn't have time to go into the changing lives. people can watch our program about the so called we were genocide. how do you think the by the administration might be able to sabotage august's brick summit and what hopes and fears do you have for the break summit in august in south africa? or i'm not sure of the brakes countries on the in unlighted countries a little after listen to, you know,
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the non parties to the summit. i think the breaks will have to discern a focus on their agenda and they have a lot of saw items on their agenda. one of which is basically the thinking about how to introduce and you are kind of see and also how to expand breaks as we know that there's a, there's a lot of discussion about bricks plus and you are using the right in egypt and iran aware and by that and, and then the are, i mean this, this already any alrighty or ministers where they're physically underwriting a former so was there physically on the addiction up on mr. connected. yeah, sure, that's true. i think jim or something there actually anyway, so, so base is the us that is actually trying to drive this a global multiple r t. and there are so many countries interested in and joining as you know,
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we have uh now, so in your area, we have a u, a n and egypt and a couple of other countries are interested in naturally by joining. so i'm more than 19, i'm not gonna make some sources around 30 countries are, are interested. and if the oil exports in countries like you, i use or your idea and others i joined, it's going to be really a huge, a huge group, or it will bring the energy producers. i was actually ask humans drivers. i have very much and we'll have to talk about the sabotage after the meeting and see what the united states and nato nations did to the brings countries ever. i'm asking, thank you so much. thank you. thank you. and that's it for the show. what we back on saturday with a brand new episode until the end, you can even judge firewall as social media if it's not sense. so then your country and add to a travel, going on the right on tv and revel. don't come to watch new and old episodes of going on the grads. so you said the
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy on foundation, let it be an arms race and it is often very dramatic. only personally,
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i'm going to resist, i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very unclear to get a time time to sit down and talk the . this is a storm shadow, walk it, but he was produced in france and according to its native classification, it's called kelvin. has a refugee center in the her song region is destroy. my name is a 5 missile leaving 2 jack, including a teenager, one of the survivors were counsel force of the attack. people were screaming and children were crying all around. there were a lot of wounded and injured. no one could think of what to do and where to run. they were very few mental health, mostly women and children lived here. in yeah, proposes the african union is given full membership of the g 20 ahead of his upcoming summit with new dally, striving for
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a better representation of the global south. and the international arena. become the i just board be. oh no, i just put it in the future just next to the united nations. if you look at the with the a voice use it with this kind of cost in like the mission. she got the, the whole us and towns underway. and molly, in a referendum on adopting a new constitution, whose backing it say it will enhance the country sovereignty? after molly expelled the french troops last year, the coming to live for the russian capital. this is our to international. i'm rachel evans here with the top stories of the our welcome to the program. and we begin with the latest from the korean conflict. as a town in russia's border region of belgrade has come under ukrainian,
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showing local authorities say at least 7 people have been injured, including a child residential areas were mostly targeted during the attack with one bill that reported to be on fire. emergency services are at this theme, will be staying across the store and bringing you any updates. meanwhile, the russian ministry of defense has released new footage of another unsuccessful attempt by you for any in forces to break through russian lines. it shows nato supplied bradley and striker armored vehicles being targeted and in a separate development. several civilian areas in the russian controlled part of the her song region came under ukrainian showing on sunday many refugee to evacuated from hers on city are currently house. there are these roman culture of visited, one of the places hit earlier, a refugee center that was totally destroyed by nato supplied missiles. 2 people were killed including a 16 year old girl survivor. so the attacks a,
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they're afraid to show their faces on camera. worried that their relative still a new crane might be in danger to behind me he is a temporary refugee sensor of what remains of it in the here southern region, not far away from crimea. ukrainian nationalist fired the 3 storms, settle rockets at 5 o'clock in the morning. as the result, 2 people were killed and 71. this, most of the refugees here were women and children at one of the victims who was killed by this barbaric ukraine and attacked was a girl. she was only 16 years old, according to doctors, and both of her arms were sore an off and she died as a result of these injuries that most of the victims. those who were, who did were children as well. mcquaid communities. we're refugees. we slip here this morning. children, teenagers,
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161718 years old families lived here in the morning, a missile flew in, we heard a very loud crack. there was the 1st explosion. there was confusion, panic, everyone jump top. i have a small child, he's 4 years old. everybody, graham, the children. first, there was small, then screams horror. i grabbed my baby and ran out into the corridor. at 1st i wanted to carry the child through the emergency exit, but there was a cloud of small ones. the people were screaming and children were crying all around. there were a lot of wounded in injured. no one could think of what to do and where to run the world. very few men to help, but mostly women and children lived here. the child died, a girl who was studying of the local school still below them. at 5 in the morning, we walked through a loud explosion. i got out of bed. i looked out of the window in the balcony, so gone. i saw a multitude of neighboring building and my wife crept all child and ran out into the corridor. sit on the left and i right enough to them,
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hans. i do not know 2 seconds and then an explosion. i felt like i'm flying. i was just 2 seconds behind them and level suits dusty this i can see or hear anything. i called him, but i content to you myself. i couldn't comprehend what was happening, whether of uh or whether there was safe. i ran outside and spotted them. my life was bad, fluids in a nightgown. my child was in pajamas farm insurance. there was gloss and blood everywhere. yes. and you know, according to the officials, ukraine fired for iraq. it's against the said temporary. you refugee center 3 have found their target. now, this is a dining area behind me and it was destroyed as well. officials are saying that one of their rockets was intercepted by a missile defense system and they're saying they were indeed storm shot overall kits. and so the reason they're saying that is because they found show fragments. and this one clearly says it's made in france. so this is
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a storm shadow rocket, but it was produced in france and according to its native classification, it's cold scale. right now. this building, it's not safe to be here because it might collapse. and you can see a lot of children's stories around here. like this does any of the pool, for example? no, of course, obviously whole of the children had been moved to a different location. but the psychological trauma and they have sustained will probably remain with them for the rest of their lives per month call for our g here, san region. and to get more, i want the local population and the dog that has faced and the 9 years since they broke from you for any and control over to our website. that's hard. t dot com, the good. the g 20 become 21.
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well, there might need to be a new place that at the family table, the economic group was there for us. india wants to formally include the african union in the club. pam moody has written to his counterparts and the g 20 proposing for the african union to be given full membership of the grouping at a september somebody to new delhi dominance to learning more. do you have taken a significant step in the hands? the effort goes voice on the global stage, he's which into his g 20 gone to bought that african union to be given full membership at the upcoming g 20 summit, which will be will switch by and you'll jenny, in september, i'll ask you in the middle of who you, did you close or 50 countries in india for you that their voice also should be hard on the g 20 platform? remember india? oh yeah. this your head also hosted the voice of the global self summit in january, but india re shouts to over $120.00 con fees to your bump baby shoes so that india
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can cool lease it and bring it on. the g 20 that falls off the little salt which, which is largely the developing was the under develop load. also the one which is largely under the presented on file for the global platforms for is through the g 20. uh, india wants to be the voice in the being the developing countries of sofa know, also last week and you all had posted an indian african box to ship summit where uh before and it says administered when. yeah, is j shankar highlighted of the goal of fall africa in re shaping the global dot and put india and it's important that african partners appreciate this for india, the rise of africa is key to global prevention using gauge meant was also cause we want to the last few years,
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and this move by simon to sort of the country not being more d, to include know the african union in the g. 20 block is one. you just select to bring the see 20 policy. remember, india has reached out to more than 120 countries us the global solves the funds use up the song being we saw several issues, issues in the a wants to highlight on the g 20 at form issues that are leading to the developing in the developed world, for example, the world prices, the fuel prices, and now she prices. india wants to bring all. what do you this on the platform lead to unzip that? low in the a will be hosting the war, lead to us down in new delhi or so this propose is by the time industry of the country, a really a step forward in e cause it will and includes the global pro to him more on this, my colleague him or at her mom, i spoke with a panel of guests who believes that including african states and the g 20 is fair
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and in line with today's new global reality of multi polarity, we have the people union consumed the hugo jeep, let the people going to benefit you couldn't be as well because then what would happen once we have to walk to the wars going please be, be in the, on the portable you going to be slightly become the law i just for be on. know, i just really, you need me to do sure. just next to the united nations and, you know, to the little is to do should be see the bill. if you go the shuttle, all the rules, the word war, war, the more what do you need to order? these are changing very, very quickly, like not beating by inspectors expense. so the only sense the best kind of help or maybe the other piece from africa. why guns they have the ability to the.


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