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tv   News  RT  June 19, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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here is because if the united states were paying a heavy price and by price it spins human lives, america can just simply write any check. that's all i mean, it's a, it's all on credit. so it doesn't matter. and i know none of it. i've already to accounts, so as long as it, that's all it is with united states, it can go on doing so. but um, but, but if this were losing american lives, then the pressure would mound for a change in boston. the problem arises, is an nato is now and, and that means that with the united states, they are going on in this a relentless, only 5 way irrespective of any damages that arise. because they have now convinced themselves that russia is afraid of us. and we can go on doing what we're doing because russian will not escalate a so we have um, you know, show them but declaring that, um, well, you know, we will continue doing everything that we're doing. but to bolton,
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when he talks about nuclear weapons, you know, that's, that's just a reckless tool. but wait, you know, we see no change in the rough as new pay foster policies lying. if it goes roster. how strange this new grandma state smells like ceiling to go massage in the bellows . it's uh, walked away from pop dissipation in the new style treating boots and has said that he's now good to use nuclear forces on the highest stage of a lot of these things. russia has none, and there are there. and there are basically no nuclear talks going on at any level of the today, you know, and by the strategic level and immediate level, tactical level. so shock number just says, oh, there's nothing to worry about except were built in these engaging in reckless thoughts. so this is when they do is go to and then, but this to be no change in policy of nato, even though the world gets ever more dangerous. well, you know, when they make to us the global ask for patients obviously has already been pointed
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out where they want to start at an office in japan. i thought it was the north atlantic treaty organization would mean the but the me with the inability to achieve a victory as they define it in your brain does send the signal to like, you know, a molto, but in georgia in other countries is that it's, it's not, you know, it's not this as a super hero, a lot of hands, you know, that it likes to make itself out to be remember a couple years ago. you know, we're just using twitter of what it says in nature, on twitter or something. you're given a lot of trouble where because we're supposed to venerate, can, are supposed to respect me. so, okay. a military lines of all things, but that makes, that's the challenge to, i mean, we'll finally give you a grain in the run state of what i don't know the people's republic of k of that, that's not a good calling card as well. whether it's small doraville, whether it's other countries in the region that are looking and they so in considering their options of the next few years, you know nothing. that's good,
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nothing. i mean, when you will, nature has not loved the lesson. the different union has a lot i the when, when i was in brussels in 2000 and the full year been you and expanded it had the mother of 10 members. and now it's a nice, this one beginning since the end of the argument was always been, we get more credibility. we have more power, we have the wrong, the world, but it's not true. it's just not the case. you know, the bigger you will more members you have who can impose your views out or is to get a unified a. i do agree, don't you know, i'm looking to europe in union, all the big stuff will the big international firm policy stuff, expiration and defense. they can't get any agreement on, you know, so that's why they've been marketing. they have kind of been a way, gotten around that, and again, you know, it's something that george has pointed out to me. a number of times is over. in the, in, in rapid succession video, it's essentially just the rented sport in defense and security policies to nato, which of course means it's a reading it to washington. so you don't have to worry about so much about this sense is doing here because is already decided in some air conditioned office in
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virginia. yep. but they think they keep doing all that because i realize i can't do it. you know, so it's much more simpler to make it america's problem with all the americans. that is more of the way, the default position of the institutions that have an international division of instructional when america went into for america. but what's happening with nature now is really issue, i mean, what we really need to, to put night. so in check is east of defense organization which can hold it to account because of the moment of the drum of this on really doing anything remotely objective. and they're approaching because nobody's actually feeding them with any different ideas to oppose the cardinality. but if you look on the ground, what's happening, there's a lot of times going on of this comb bode well later you put in the word panic. let's say they can show or craig, generally mega ticket tour break and we're going to be turned in discuss, continue our discussion of native state without the
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the, the max across stock where all things are considered either lavelle, this is the home addition to remind you,
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we're discussing some wellness, the let's go back to marvin merit casually. you feel you um a made me um, by the way of the word panic in the 1st part of the program. continue. why? first of all us to explain the situation. you know, if the west on the nature's guidance material was making any products, any progress, a tool on the battlefield, why do you suddenly have you put a leader who is bang, especially on the table, guessing switch it and switch you in these youtube, my minutes and demanding more and more that you can guess fall struck into a nice a memory of what you need to do. that if you wouldn't, you don't need that. you know, what is up become such a, such a preschool point, but we have to do this. now we have to get in because you lose that. and you know, one of the conditions of phone jonas operating the brain is that you have to sign up for an imbedded situation with the press colored. you have to get
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a school that every way you have to get permission to visit places. and then one of the unwritten rules of gymnast operating when you tried this account, reports on numbers account report on kind of is not told color please. so we have to make estimations. it's very difficult to make estimations when you're in one of the battlefield and somebody's going on elsewhere. you know, you have a front line of something like 700 columbus. i'm sure someone will correctly. so the, you're kind of punched a couple of holes. i've taken a few villages in the last couple of weeks, you know, big deal. i read the amount to any, say, i mean what the real debate is now, is we're have to move away from the bus and failed scenario because i'm not winning . what are the other options? you know, we keep hearing a little song about f sixteens, but it still has no credibility to it, and there's no time left. you know, the, the experts will tell you the training points for f sixteens. realistically, you're looking at 9 launch this report to 3 months ridiculous, because train any pilot and that's 16. and what do you want to do? well, if we think about, if we think over the last 30 years, the,
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in the end of the, of the global war on terror. okay. f sixteens, f fifteens. well, you know, they work with the americans won't worry that the afghans with alabama is gonna shoot down their planes. okay. the same thing happened in a rack, okay? now you send it in, and remember f fifteens are from 1979. okay. i mean, they're not new. okay. i mean, you know, they didn't. if there's no some magic bullets here. i mean, i've seen german tanks, american tags just met. oh, okay. oh, did they never like any other take me to i think people are devoting themselves. if there's something you know, we just set up succeeds the, it'll be over the phone for the final doesn't make any sense. and i think this is contributing to some of the public was seeing a nature best of really the best the most the west can do, we'll be talking about results is in 9 to 12 months time at best. so what are you
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doing up here? what do you do that? here's the end. so mean, if you haven't got the soldiers, you haven't got the numbers. you know, your pumps, the single holes in the front line. but what's not getting reported is a lot of the tactics on the russian side. american majors and colonels, there's one or 2 of them, whoever. and one of the phones who were telling us about this line of the minds of the russians are lying on the other side. so that drawing the new troops in sort of college, all they took the time, she was maybe taking a few, but they're just, you know, the and it's like come on to of fissile tech. they're gonna want to scarf up, then you turn around, or you find that you called scott, but because in the meantime, the russians are late. this line i'm from pickups is on these super minds, which you can see, but not even hidden. you know, so i think this is part of the strip type to which the residency, which was the puts in his taking his time. and that is his winning strategy. he's not rushing into type odessa. you're not rushing into think about now result. he's taking his time because he knows every single day the policies he went adjusted up to the press conference both 3 of us off and i was just skipped. yeah.
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yeah, i can go find those lines of autonomy if i don't even bother straight out of minutes without losing his place on the stage and then say don't save the grima what the back to what kind of back to who's got whose grandfather clocks and who's got the time george, this with the, it's already been mentioned, they being and they tell somebody in build, this is a just around the corner here. and there's a word panic that comes up again here because of how do you get the, the ukraine into nato. they've made their promise, you know, they don't have to keep its promise here. but it's not so simple obviously, because if they induct, induct ukraine into nato now against its own rules because there are pathways so, and well known and very well documented. but then they would be inheriting a war of with russia. and that's something maybe split poles in the baltic states
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sort of, you know, crazily interested in but, but not everybody in the alliance is even washington feels that way, george, that's of a, that is right. and not pursue it may happen that the goals do get themselves involved. i mean, is obviously a lot of talk about the boat is much sooner is already fighting in ukraine. so the eps sixteens could well be based in poland. so in other words, that the, they could be uh, take off and land on, publish a basis which a game me could mean that publish and base as good come on the russian attack. another game may well be part of the tactic of how to get made so in, on the article 5 the, at the moment as, as well goes on from may, so they end up losing any rights. so this thing a gate is the russians who are suffering, i mean you, your brain is obviously a suffering great, even made. it doesn't really care about that. so they can keep this rule going
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because i haven't been any great crises within the so that hasn't yet been any major economic crisis. but let's say you know that because it hasn't even been the a great energy crisis happen, but it has the hasn't been so is they, they think that hey we, we are sitting prototype online, so very nice. they are suffering and they can basically think we can go on like this, but 2 or 3 years. and then let's see what happens in russia that may be a foolish calculation, but that is how nato is, is thinking. so, i mean, just the judge and view part of the ukrainian, but the leads whatever that our, our guard military political, that's what i'm pretty, but somebody basically couldn't calculation isn't. no, it's not at all good calculation, but they have allowed themselves to be pushed by made. so, i mean we, we get it with the other day routine. revealed this, this agreement that have
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a green and sign. he showed the documents to the african because the ukraine, signing this agreement was a good deal. i mean, it's even now amazing that ukraine's uh, they down why they do great on it though, because it was told to turn it up to. so there is ukraine, as no agency. it has no software into it. does what nato does it to the contrary to its own interest. this is a very good deal. amazing. i don't think the russians should have given them that deal, but they, they didn't get that they, well, george, you know, i've said that, you know, we, we don't have to rely upon future historians will be relying upon future psychologists and help a country as leadership with a bind was martin done by the judge brought this up because the essence of the deal that when sam are not in the 1st weeks of the conflict with zalinski was essentially being as number one. the, the brain must be neutral, certain limitations on its military. but most importantly, and this is why we'll need psychologist,
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he was asked to give up what he already did not cast. and that's what that what, that's what made it such a good deal. give it up on the dumbass, give up front of me. he had neither and that's why it isn't. it didn't seem to think about how that deal was turned down or did i think that's those are contributing to was now the situation that person find himself in? because now all the great country analysts are, i think that the big newspapers now, none of them now of painting scenarios of abuse. still the pitching will make because these are the roles to saw. you know, there's the point now where we need to do is just keep on with this very cool head and not do anything to, i'm vicious, i'm just keep on draining and the other side, you know, like, is there a tell them to the long distance folks who takes it really does droll the energy out of your opponent, let's say, by around 10 or 11. you know, somebody is very weak on the news. i think that's the strategy that he's doing. and he's winning because denial is when you look at the system statistics,
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one of the figures, you know, look at the amount of alpha, bradley on the vehicles, the distorted one day 16. you know, look at, look at what america are sending. there is a huge difference between what they need on the bus will fit on what's available. going back to the 16. but what i didn't finish by toys and making is that we can talk about if 16 days. but the truth is, it's new york things don't have the they don't actually have them. so what, what, what are we wasting all this newspaper prints on the subject of actually getting to the doctor about maybe 40 and so to the bills is about 20, the bills and the old generation. that's 6 things. but every now and again, they might put one into into as, as a span that they could give to another country. so they're all the numbers that were a 16. so, you know, people are talking about the swedish flight to now, but it seems, well, even though it's not possible to do that in such a short space of time, but i think now, you know, the older focus now is going to be on bytes. and because you know, he has to justify all that, you know, george said before that the americans don't really care because i'm not losing
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people on the ground. no, but the buttons is gonna stop losing boats. and you know, as the most go pulse, you know, i think she knows that he knows that as more of these things that, that, that, that take place to abide is dementia. you know, try to transpire on, on the internet and it becomes to let them know more more fullness. i think there was a real danger of a division within nature division could be europe versus america. so, but the, that, the, that's assuming that biden is, this is by who's policy, it's the people around table a, they have a very, very failed vessel as their spokesperson. but i don't think, but they, i mean, that we will see how much that plays a role. i mean, i don't understand why it is in pain. it is by who's wor, because that's, that is what and then trump is essentially done, the boys move and you're going to go to look at the coverage for the last week or so on the some of these f, b i don't to minutes which you've been pointing the finger at bivens involvement in
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ukraine, the $5000000.00 bribes from the energy companies we've known above this for months and the next. finally, it gets to the feel and what do you find you find to produce during this award winning performance of some of the believe so budget in democracy it's are trying to tear apart this f b like guy has not been actually reviewed anything above these documents but there is a conspiracy within the f b, i certainly amongst them across to not get this guy get this present dale, i'm not, i'm not convinced that they are the corruption of the binding family is going to be a point of inflection when it comes to you trained, george, we're rapidly running out of time. i know you want to jump in. yeah, i think so. i am the, the buying lodge. there is a consensus among both political bodies and i'm a of america's the leads to keep this little guy. chrome is going against the consensus, but as we know with trump, it is always very difficult to know which way he's going to do is he, i think he's going to end the war in 24 hours. but remember 2016. he was promising to have good relations with russia, and then he just quickly is both. well, hey,
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i'm sending lethal weapons the ukraine which might breed as obama was too scared to do. so we just don't know which way the trump will go, but i don't see any break within the american foreign policy of us and they will be a great listener for us to break. okay. and that, that's, that it should be a bed of the coming all the time. we have one a think, my guess americans and in budapest what look like our viewers for watching us here in our team. so you next, remember, last step was the who, what else seemed wrong? just don't you have to shape house after kids and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will
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support. we choose to look so common ground the the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best most i'll send send the same assistance to father speed. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz vote net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say? even twist, which is the
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breaking news. any 20 people have been in good, also a town and a don't boss comes on the grant. and in fact with us supply time of the last 55 between is a soldier. them. processing is in the west by the city of gin and leaves brain dead and $4.00 to $5.00 wounded cuts out and to the united. i am a restore the diplomatic ties to pull a boyfriend, and so i need to do this aging thing. so i says that the united states most respect signups and not com is the did the right interest as us said, the real estate and the big visit the mainland,
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the hello, and welcome to us the international. because the live for i must go i'm, let's allow me, let's take a look at, let's stop. so is this our, how we start with breaking news from the town? the file in the dorm bus, where at least 20 people have been injured? some of them severely off of the area was fit in a crating attack using us supplied high mas massages. local media says the strike consisted of several rockets, which targeted residential areas and infrastructure as well as a road towards the neighboring city of mount people. local police also report a 6 year old girl was killed by a design lined in a separate into the will state across the story and in a separate development. several civilian areas in the russian control part of the has on region came under you planning, shutting on sunday,
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many refugees who evacuated from has of so the all currently have the all the enrollment costs that i've visited. one of the places earlier, a refugee center that was totally destroyed by nature, the supplied misses. 2 people were killed including a 16 year old. the survivors of the, as i say, they are afraid to show their faces on camera worried that their relatives still in ukraine might be in danger to behind me he is a temporary refugee sensor of what remains of it in the here southern region, not far away from crimea, ukrainian nationalist fired the 3 storms, settle rockets at 5 o'clock in the morning. as the result, 2 people were killed and 17 were wounded. most of the refugees here were women and children at one of the victims who was killed by this barbaric ukraine and attacked was a girl. she was only 16 years old, according to the officers,
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and both of her arms were sore an off and she died as a result of these injuries that most of the victims. those who were, who did were children as well. mcquaid. i'm unable to move this. we're refugees. we slip here this morning. children, teenagers, 161718 years old families lived here in the morning, a missile flew in, we heard a very loud crack. there was the 1st explosion. there was confusion, panic, everyone jump top. i have a small child, he's 4 years old. everybody, graham, the children. first, there was small, then screams horror. i grabbed my baby and ran out into the corridor. at 1st i wanted to carry the child through the emergency exit, but there was a cloud of smoke. people were screaming and children were crying all around. there were a lot of wounded and injured. no one could think of what to do and where to run. they were very few men to help,
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but mostly women and children lived here. the child died, a girl who was studying of the local school still below them at 5 in the morning we walked through a loud explosion. i got out of bed. i looked out of the window and the balconies will gone. i saw we will continue to neighboring building, and my wife grabbed all child and ran out into the corridor. sit on the left and i right enough to them, hans. i do not know 2 seconds and then an explosion. i felt like i'm flying. i was just 2 seconds behind them and level suits, dust. i can see or hear anything. i called him but i content to you myself. i couldn't comprehend what was happening, whether the, whether there was safe. i ran outside and spotted them. my life was bad foods in the nightgown. my child was in pajamas farming shots. there was a gloss and blood everywhere. movie, as i mean, according to the officials, ukraine fired for iraq. it's against the said temporary. you refugee center 3 have
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found their target. now, this is a dining area behind me and it was destroyed as well. officials are saying that one of your rockets was intercepted by a missile defense system and they're saying they were indeed storm shot overall kits. and so the reason they're saying that is because they found show fragments. and this one clearly says it's made in france. so this is a storm shadow rocket, but it was produced in france and according to its native classification, is called calbee. right now, this building it's thought safe to be here because it might collapse. and you can see a lot of children's stories around here. like this video of the pool for example. and of course obviously whole of the children have been moved to a different location. but the psychological trauma they have sustained will
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probably remain with them for the rest of their lives. for my call for of ortiz here, san region to incline may have called karen the assistance of the deference employment . as of the rose, your region has been hit by an explosion. the secretary and the body dog would also in the very, for all 3 of it pulls of the been taken to a house and it was suffering from buns just to remind of those that for rose, your region voted last year to become positive. russia at least 3 policies have been killed, including a 15 year old boy during a raid by is very troops in the west bank. another 45 people were wounded unless firefighters have upset, as is ready for this. you didn't video footage, so is there any handicap, the gunship psyching at targets locally based minutes in group of the didn't brigade claimed it slides is had fine to one of the heavy clubs as forcing it to retreat as well as i'm pushing vehicles the palestinian prime minister it hits out
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at the is what the rate a wash dummy. it was a bloody morning in janine due to the occupational me storming of the city, which continues until this moment. the international finance and double standards encourage this extreme is government to practice more killings, destruction, and intimidation against all people were we and all people will confront these attacks. and this alter patients must become costs me for is right. um, what we're is okay, is this, right? and yet, and it was a that detaining processing is as much as the retail have times on, is read or 3. according to the un office full, the coordination of meditating effects, a $112.00 policy is, have been killed by his valuables is in the west bank, including eastern ism, since january to the end of may this year, and the number of casualties is rising daily. that's plus live to the meat feed them. yeah, i mean, the revolutionary council member as was present for the reform is democratic
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function of fairfax. thank you so much for joining us here today. so now is ready, so i'll just continue to conduct these rays. and one slides opperation as we know, claimed the lives of 3 policies, including a 15 year old job. in your opinion. i mean, why do these raids keep taking place and why isn't there a more dialogue solution to this? to thanks for having me. these really government insist on having these incursions into the past to be in series. for 2 reasons. one of them is ideological based on quite annexation and, and keeping bouncing population under control. you see fit. a quiet annexation comes through increase increasing the settlement legal settlement activities in the us bank and keeping the bouncing in population wyatt to violence there and oppression a. this is one part of the 2nd part of it is to keep the it is rarely call ition. i
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told and, and cohesive as through ix ix cannot exporting its internal problems into the past in you, a region is past and you know, q 5 territory. so instead of having great discussions about the and the judicial system, cool, we are moving, they trying to drag these rarely population into giving up on that idea, giving up on that discussion and focus on what's going on in occupied bounced a new territory. and with the book, there's the morally corrupt government, which is many of its members like big peer and the ukrainian original uh, smart bridge. there are uh, in this a government to were previously the trucks were uh there was really a really good charges. i believe that this government was not stuck anything and
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its blood the past 2 words manifestation. all i do, you all are to death is based on 3000 year old script, which is in its simplest form, is as racist. and especially as you can get in the 21st century and domain 3. um, i, i know a lot of time, that's why some of the come in there is, seems like the, the s and i mean the attacks have been ramping up. and even a little bit more, i call to say more serious a more dangerous. but this use of the heavy cops is, i mean is it, is this to taking the.


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