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tv   Documentary  RT  June 22, 2023 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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says, says that even neo nazis have the right to speak and to assemble the german journalist and phil make a market bucks on my c. c o training and then to us positions differently. that's hopefully i'm like on, on the name i need as to what is the name or game you know is shown darmesh via z ruled and dom and full time invest the zips to the mountain west and wells generally considered as good lives notes as them to be something a typical of european democracies. the field was doctrinal, super area in tennessee area, raises roth repealed out of state and in or in europe due to an unlucky ton of events. prerequisites for it never existed before the but here's the pre world war man. the u. k. ad colonies in africa, india, china. the commonwealth of australia, asia,
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north and south america. from said captain huff of africa are in the house of indo china. the belgium possessed congo. germany had colonies in africa, asia, south america, and see on you get to the established colonies or not, and direct trail and africa. the vote to go lucky bind, calling east several times its own size and population. the usa also kept up with your opinions and so by the 20th century, most of the world was divided between a few colonial nations. the lot was going on in the colonies as well known him, documented millions of ruined lives. slavery ruthless and remorseless. thanks a, a diplomat,
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professor of political ideas and also william melanson has studied units colonial system. and the reason for it to run is only one main thing is important for knox. as an internationally speaking, that is a nation's or that states that are allowed to do anything, all the mazda races. and then you have the mind and agents who are the slaves. fulton, europeans, the slaves were indians, africans hits that they would use gypsies, and sobs naziism is truly inconvenient. it's a cynical justification for wiping out some cold inferior races. i'm shamelessly robbing them at the same time, the loan, i saw the 3rd rice appeared. naziism. that'd been coming in the west the there was only one sane and logical seemed to be done with a ready inferior race. and that is to exterminate at 50 wells english ortho. all
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these racial ideas, an empty jewish ideas were circulating everywhere in europe. this lead will help to so called justify the grabbing of other people's resources around the world, including what is today the united states of america, and has it, has anything altered only the colors. i do not admit, for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the red indians of america a stronger as a higher great race has come in and taken the place. winston churchill, the the 2nd quote refers to the genocide of native americans that continued for around 300 years. about 90 percent of the continents indigenous peoples world wiped out the account of terrorist expo den former us on the analyst. scott bennet,
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investigate crimes against humanity. the american indians were seen as a scourge as a social pariah that needed to be expunged, expelled and exterminated from much of the the eastern seaboard the. the elimination of so called inferior races and extermination camps with typical of the west. peddler had hardly come up with anything new bloom, some time. 19 o one produced concentration camp about housing 1945, pronounced the extermination camps. the wisdom well did say living off exposing its colonies version powers
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extremely profitable for the british. the french tried to copy in his books and articles. paul craig roberts, professor of economics and well known journalist and former us a system secretary of the treasury freakonomics policy analyzes significant on the exact, as destabilizing the world. i don't think that we can attribute your pin colonialism to anything other than the money make the sun never set on the british. i'm par, the colonies were, were everywhere had this, empowers far, far older than the nonsense i liked the british people, the colonial policy was unmistakable federal, federal, the socialism is always actually due to the sun roof without mentioning how the countries contributed to the idea on this team,
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the surface was, starts as all the fresh as most kids of the, in each i. initially, the 5 she had to work muscle, few, the been the toys that as of the bundle, long fun, my little trust michelle employee to saw table. hope out freshest concord in finance, and that i am precious specialist. very tough to guy vol, freshest. this mannion buffers. funk i shot that and the precious fish are caught up over to us. they get one of the sheets. thank you. will torture precious most. v. evans. i not and steal. z a stock of industrial one. house been, was she and she, it product had hipaa by the hippa from natural 9110th, and i turned on coffee thought in his books and to and let's of the history
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professor gives us the analysis of the reasons that brought to you. i'm a need to change your state plan to torture some st. louis the border of good about me paid for the i'm a clinician, one opposed to a lot of elements in britain and france and the united states were pro fascist sympathetic. so he learned to miscellany american business was in bed with the, with the nazis throughout most of the thirties and into the early forty's. the, the stand and oil companies send crude oil to the germans on a monthly basis. and collaborated with. i g 5, been the conglomerate to the produce design, the loan b gas. it was the gains to people sent in to the gas chambers. the about half of the mountain view calls were produced by sofa, which was owned as before. 1940,
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the ford supplied the german army with lo, to cause and crude rubber. the in july 19 says he thinks that his opponent of nazi germany, the american manufacturer and reform the receive just the ranks highest possible award for us on the order of the gem. an eagle, the zip goes off, the north of idol die as you've of thought. it should either have them. if they're off the head and grief up, it's my into is spill out, showed on him the non so the fuel in sun see shore fought. i just, i know the via forest t v system or the guys that ice look for come for the n s d i p. what as a stock seen on see of the horse and it was on, on the and then from the bank of america, door knob and plush uh,
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from the mountain bush. the wall goals, fox, a phone, george bush, owls west pleasanton, inc. assessment from union. and it was on the i need to discuss the job on the hot. that's horrible on, on towels. do yours of it on your own. and i'm truth constructs develop the 20th century, so a confrontation between 2 opposing systems, capitalism and socialism. the example of the soviet union live proclaimed the quality of all nations and all classes of society whose distressed capitalism, the united states and great britain were equally suspicious of the southern union. and was communism saying that as a direct threat to the democratic capitalist systems in the west. and so they were as an easy what service here known as they were with germany.
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1938. the the austrian angeles the petition of czechoslovakia by germany, poland and hungary, the beginning of world war 2, the heading realize the danger in march 1959. the soviet union proposed an anti fascist alliance to west countries. this has been trying to rally the west, make a stand with them against fascism. they opposed new deck. they oppose the allowing hitler into the checklist. vakio. but nobody would do that. so it wasn't just in 1939 when the soviet proposed and elias and britain in france against hitler in a bit actually throughout the late last half of the 1930 is that the soviets were pushing
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for that. had that happen, we could have stopped hitler. we could have preventive the holocaust, they could have preventive world war 2 because hitler was weak and knew he was weak . and he was laughing and assuming that the west was not gonna stand up to him at the west, was hoping him any real elements in the west. we're hoping that he was just going to go east and so in the thirty's, the soviets are the ones who are most strongly opposes to the nazis the
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what else? they just don't have to shape out the kind of thing and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground the the number you need, your visa, stupid loyce law here nancy, nancy no,
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don't look jim's in the book the initial shift, neither it gets to the, the only showcase use the sounds good to the by the ways that the boys, the probably the most new and that'll be for them. imagery of assess florida doesn't want that much extra money. put the notes up under that of the must go negotiations between the us. i saw you ok on from said stalled because at the
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same time london hosted secret anglo german negotiations in exchange for the partition by his integrity. the british greenland gentleman march to the east the despite the options was given to understand that he was free to ask the meetings. i shouldn't worry about the west, the when we speak of new territory and you're up to date. we must principally think of russia. that's kolosso empire in the east is right for the solutions. federal federalist mine come from the hitler makes clear in mind comes in 1925. that the real goal is to take over ukraine and going to the east against the soviet union. that was
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always those real goal. i live, europeans understood that in some ways the total of 2 was preparing to invade. the us as a way of handling the, the dismissal must have rush allies of stuff out of the opponents of policy, mg east. the main goal is to weaken tend to feed the russia from the report by the opponents on the general stuff. intelligence branch that handle. i had other plans that didn't involve poland as or not as well for design and the noise of diet room, the base go graphics. you're now starting a don. it's all going to do besides, on those as a does want to allow the decimal just one gentlest young angle, god is cute rates that are at the museum of polish history. and also his mind to
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the image ships of something that i feel the opposite stopped. yeah. sporting on that, she's not the voice it gets kicking in minutes key reputation, those kinds of things have just a bunch of them. think article paul actually mentioned motto phase. if i was nice photograph yup, upsets 5. you don't know if it doesn't include as part of ski by means you. he started snail bit of about as a result on it and you have to find these 5 not fall. so finally, he's starting book effects. this is now the but the other facts 2 about which the west prefers to keep silence. the most awful ribbon shop to packed was only signed off the leading european powers. the main deals with hensler, the 1933 germany from so you k and skins release, signed the full power back. 1934. poland and germany signed a known aggression declaration. the 1935. you okay. and
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germany signed unable agreements. the 1939. the okay friends, intentionally agreeing to the petition of czechoslovakia between germany, poland, and hungary. 1959 in latvia under stony assigned non aggression ex, with germany. as fox in august. and i'm just from dodge fund thoughts on the vendors of youth on your nutrition to mazda, from echo, from the head, to such as an inside point done via the design for follows. this gives an of the magnum folks, gave me well, and i know, i guess he's on this. now i'm going to run some states on the console. i mean, no offense is what the well known american north as dense poland and hungary invaded cheques. poland because poland and hungary origin
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already with the nazis and france and england basically threw czechoslovakia under the bus. and they don't really want us to remember that part you see, but they just abandon them. and again, they've had been for stolen and coming on the eastern front, they would have been a lot more people in eastern europe as well. however, on september the 19th of 2019, and total events adopted a resolution stating that it was germany under us, i saw the pain, the way for world war 2. as soon as box was think it doesn't offer you the it test i'm hoping get or somebody to come on. the hosp when the guns dock though to be is most of the time i send x p. m. and that's when i left the that not everyone in the you agree is with the official lines, the photos move on yet starting not the she today at
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r e. is it over new vanya and i just giggle gum when using what i just google search of these will see me. it's kim right now is used to buy your stuff struggling in a sponge where she started showing us the go. typical is t as in yellow, e nip of you know, but just to go did not. they got people to jo. i know the for the, the software to new on i in and out foot was i saw a slight and vague change. his thoughts are staying as us national as mine i was, i still understand goal house as tools as complex out owns in united europe seems keen to it rings from history of very unflattering fact. which is that officially was declared on the safety of the union. fine nazi germany, along with easily vc from the governments of slovakia, hungry romania, bow, galleria, and finland unofficially. the war against the us are involved no legions danish and
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swiss. as part of the viking and northland us as divisions, reduction a dilemma, ss village, and s. s. volunteer is the flanders legion, the spanish blue division, the albany, and scandal book. as ask, as well as notoriously vicious assets offices from lithuania, estonia and ukraine. the full nice dollar funeral fled by nazi germany in a small sort of soviet nationalist, 1st and foremost, sonic people by just last day on the 21st the boss, madame on debates and or i'll try and contact the,
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the 2nd french so noted in the west was formed to me at 11 months before victory day, the, when it became clear that the red army could manage on its own the, the, throughout most of the war. the americans and the british were confronting 10 german divisions between us. while the soviets were german divisions by themselves, [000:00:00;00] the and so the addition to fun, license the dodge and to mobile home jo cruz,
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i need this done the so they did try to get them jeffrey decides as well as far as me the when does section on the restaurant in the bed platform done me know what the thing creek came. england turned on me a call that safely i am the band. so life threatening to dodge and albert and creak gave northland. damn for ben, the naked guns from doors to bite off on 40 different busy scroll so far out tomorrow i listen because each team is going to use the phone to gun nice. this pricing ended march 1945 britain. and the us entered into sequence negotiations. with germany to negotiate the surrender of german forces in northern italy is on the, on that estimate because not truly on dr. state tied to name. and there's little doubt bob,
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getting the best semester for let's dom it know for end of this because he had a problem focused on taking the what is of it to him as a leader in me, those over, i don't know as much as on our lead on the guy side, david and find in his letter to president roosevelt, stalling openly accused allies of negotiating a separate piece with jelly. already on his deathbed, roosevelt writes back saying, excuse me, mister star responds with a solomon. so humboldt and honest beef, old casual position is more aggressive. he approaches to us with his plans full authoration, unthinkable. an alliance of anglo saxons and nazis found the method of panic. a survey of cities, the refund on each side,
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but still no longer needs to emergency are just true. i turned in all stuff that i know 9 pretty spun as well. actually showing i have an under apologies over to in your account. going avoid that job. i put in the 2010 honda busi, the show dog died shouldn't be enough just to cut up there is him just a heads and then from then i and the lesson plans a sample and then they get up every morning and pray that's done and is alive as well. so least on it can save the world. winston churchill, the once the world was saved, the churchill changed his mind. any attempt by the soviets to compete against the anglo saxons has to be crushed forever. the u. s . s. a has to be eliminated immediately, the general george,
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as commander of the us, the months that the troops do not stop at the old move on to install it and grabbed the on june 29th. 1945 stone. and who already knows about the operation mode as muscle and fuel costs to move cream to combat positions in the west. the it is now clear to the allies such as appraisal tech is no longer possible. been charged to the conclusion, the dodging. critics go 5 minutes to the automobiles he had taught the deutsch kind of annoyed at the buffer mentioned to them, the dream is to have the most to reach and not the trend wanted to it is to what's coming up on the lines conte starting of rockdale, as you send us, the solo stands and best must be of the on josh's uh yeah,
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i've been anything for me. it was a medium form yet. and he is as dr. fees, nice to that's enough. we're no longer interested in a union with the russians. so we don't have to abide by the agreements with them. we need to make the alter records non existent, rejoining the but the allies need the red army in the fall. it with a one and a half 1000000 strong quantum natalie is waiting for us. and for a hard time, are we taking several islands from japan, welcome some help or the japanese accredited. the most was the idea that the soviets, by convinced that the stiff as war truman understood this talent assurance of the russians are coming in on schedule. truman writes in his diary, test dollar will be in the draft for by august 15th sydney japs. when that occurs,
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the, the and vince of just 20 days, the, the red armies outstanding manchurian operation ended in complete victory. the even the window, admittedly reason storage is not just saki will be. the problem was not actually drawn the soviet union as a warning of what's going to happen to soviet if they interfered with americans post war plants. the the pre, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. a particularly tense situation
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had developed in mozambique the humiliating position, income inequality ramp, and edwards, the gaze for the local traditions, led to a mass unrest. getting 1964, the liberal race in front of mozambie for a limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but the guerrillas inflicted considerable the fighters against the colonial union and china. whereas took the side of the invaders. the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency. however, 3 limos, 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the overthrow of the fascist regime and portugal in 1974. the new authorities are rendered a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie. lots of victory had been gained at a high price during the war, mozambique had lost tens of thousands of his sons and daughters
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the the, the was up. so is this how you, as president biden welcomed indian prime minister, most the white house playing house of loveless and state? did a husband really deadly in her folder, you're going to add an american investment side. it says braces of profiting from the ukraine companies. and even boy painful occasions, let me take
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