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tv   News  RT  June 23, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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us, but beyond that we, we've seen this is just the tip of the iceberg of some of the less serious crimes that he could have been charged with. marco polo didn't impart entire report. garrett ziegler did an entire report related it over $450.00 crimes. and he was charged with the felony gun possession because he was a drug addict and to misdemeanor tax offenses, that frankly are rarely charged. and so i think this is just window dressing on again, not holding anyone accountable. i think it'll ultimately end up in joe biden. partner it, pardon, pardon me, and your son. and no matter how many people come forward with the other 17 recorded messages, you have the information about what they did in ukraine. what they did with china, the, you name it, the, the legal prostitution. you go all the way down the line that the bribery, the, the $10000000000.00 arisen. uh, i mean we, we, we literally could build a mountain of evidence against this entire family. it probably implicate a lot of people next to him. but frankly, there is a lack of accountability, the wheels are off the bus, they're off the train in the united states,
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the d o j is become the laughing stock of the world and the, the justice department and the judiciary is a, frankly, is a been captured by, by elements that i don't even think i feel comfortable talking here on about. no, absolutely. i mean, i totally understand what you're saying. i mean, a lot of the, even the f b i been implicated. but what i have an interesting question about this know, many people are asking about is but isn't stone molding a crime as well? i mean, slowing in the process down. isn't that in itself a problem? if you have a, what we're dealing with in the, in the, in the apparatus, a government that frankly, most people in the united states have never seen it. so pulling back the veil of what the united states has done to countries around the world, not respecting their sovereignty is finally coming home to roost. but you know, this is like this organized crime. this is a rico violation. this is obviously a large group of people that are in positions of power and trust across the nation that are pulling the same strings as they would if you were in 19 twenties and were
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talking about. they can be nose or the small down just some of those families. so, you know, in pairs of mainstream media in the united states is significantly more willing to reach definitive judgment about form, present funds, legal problems, while maybe totally disregarding biden's difficulties. what's the reason for this? well, i mean it's, it's, we're, we're dealing with a non legitimate group of people that are grasping at straws. we have evidence of the election fraud in 20202022. we have like we have evidence of the crimes committed by hillary clinton, bill clinton, brock obama, all the way down well down the line. but they're going after trump for things that don't even have a good a to run the statute. limitations of even believe the crime has been committed or they're just grasping at straws of things. the previous presidents have written into executive orders that allow for them to do exactly the president trump did. so, you know, the american people were being followed by the mainstream media and the rest of the
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world is actually smart enough. i talk to people all over the world and they all tell me the same thing then your, your government is just, it's a, it's, it's a, it's a cloud world that these are not serious people and they're not wrong. but in the united states is the main stream media tries to prop up all these falls, propagated statements, the st. they have been feeding people around the world. and now we're being fed ourselves here in united states. so it's just a matter of time before the, the, you know, the, the danverse and they are held accountable. but unfortunately, there for that to happen. it's good that there's gonna it, there's gonna be a lot of pain that the united states goes through in order to restore order in our country. well, we're talking about all these. so i know charges put a guarantee on to bind all the bite and family. this will be additional testimony we believe. will this affect come to bite, is prevail or is it done and dusted? slap on the wrist. was good for the goose is not good for the gun and you can get
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away with it. well, you know, i don't, i don't believe it. i think this will be a final settlement and what it will be in that settlement is this will settle up any other pending or possible charges to come up in the future during a future investigation. my guess is that's what's going to wrap it all in a, in a tight little bow. but, you know, the thing is, think about what, what's happening with, with bite. and if we just look at on its face, is it, it flies in the face about how other americans have been treated. and you can say what you want about, you know, rappers in the united states. but you had a couple of never charged with similar crimes for, for gun possession with drugs present. and they got, you know, somewhere between 3 and 10 years. and so there's a 2 tier justice system is happening in the united states and the lack of accountability across the board for biden, or anyone in his regime all the way down the line to uh, uh, milly, who frankly is a general that was having conversations with china, well,
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behind trump's back when he was still the present united states back in january of 2021. so it is a, you know, we're in a very, very precarious place as a country. because now the, the emperor has no clothes. we can all see what is happening in our country and as disappointed as i am. i'm actually happy about it because this is going to allow other countries to start talking about what the united states has been doing for, for decades to other people around the world. the cost of death and destruction, and frankly, that's what we have to do in order to restore order in the united states. we're going to have to buck up to some of the things that we've been doing for decades in the intelligence apparatus around the world. going to that kind of leads me to my last question. do you anticipate hearing about future incidents of the day, intervening in politically sensitive cases to well, i mean, look at how many employees look at how much of an impact they've had on cases. not even related to a 100 bytes or to joe,
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but they've interfered with and put people in positions of trust and authority that are interfering with what's happening at the border and prosecutions related to terrorists that are being apprehended. they've interfered with state cases related to election fraud, even though the states and united states based on the constitution elections are left to the states to actually run so. so they're interfering everywhere that they can and they're altering the pathway of the judiciary in basically doing what most people thought was impossible notifying the constitution and applying rules that allow for them to act with impunity. so i think that there's going to be a whole lot more interference, a whole lot more personal or a political prosecutions persecutions. and frankly, i wouldn't be surprised if i came up on the radar and they came after me. they certainly don't like me for standing up and speaking truth, and i do so every day, twice a day, 5 days a week, all jeremy, you're always welcome here in las vegas so much for joining us here about the
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budget. so we're going to do all the most of the conservative day before because i figured i should. now, despite the tremendous political weight of these latest accusations, as president biden refused to answer any questions on the topic of enjoyment, press conference with indian p. m, and remotely the well, the sky looms of a honda by the present sun and didn't look fav by the developments and thursday night hunt dividing. participated in the state did not honoring the indian prime misses visit to the us. us present son was seen talking to the high ranking guess ahead of the events and in the us congress in the environment suddenly randomly was given a standing evasion several times while delivering almost an hour long speech,
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it raised the dead $100.00 pillars of india's independence and economic boom and the country attorneys in the, in the correspondent women and shawna. as more details on the 2nd day of movies visit to the us in june, i'm going to send her into more the address the us going was for the 2nd time incident, the he's the 6th in didn't need to have done so. this time, it was a deeply divided house, no nearly and an hour long speech, not even the more the touched on different topics from economy to tech, to terrorism. sh. * not to the russia ukraine conflict, he mentioned how the war in europe is causing great being a to the global south, how that region is being deeply affected, how there are issues of the food energy of fuel that are causing great being off
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to the global south he also went on to see that the only solution to the conflict is a through dialogue and diplomacy, which india has repeatedly spoken about when they have been precious on india from the west, led by the us to condemn russia, florida it's conflict, a new clean india has maintained and independent stand on the lines is exploring policy, but india has repeatedly said that the way out of the conflict is only to dialogue and diplomacy. and that's why he's repeated it when he was addressing the american lawmakers. in fact, uh after his, our long speech of there was a laws on uh, there was several on the on because we reached out to during the movie to get his also not really again a fun boy movement of sold. so for mr. moody, the bus yesterday was also important in terms of the bilateral of that took place
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between by doing and movie they were suppose the number of issues that was again, discussed, despite specialists from the west. india has maintained an independent does stand on the russia, ukraine conflict as well. now, as far as this particular wizard of knowing the movie is concerned, we can see that the us has really gone all out to reach out to india. it has a lot to gain from india, and that is one reason where we seeing the kind of red carpet treatment that mr movie has been given on this slip. but he will also be meeting the of the secretary of state and to the blinking. we keep an eye on all of those up to. ready that are developing in the us during the joint press briefing with miranda emotive, present bite. and it was also question on his recent remarks in which he branded
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the try as president seizing thing that the data is. what do you have to say on the matter? your comments at a fundraiser this week appear to be the 1st time in recent memory that are sitting us president has called the chinese leader a dictator. the idea of my choosing and avoiding saying what i think is the facts with regard to the relationship with india with the china is, is just not something i'm going to change very much, but to present it. but the sector and blanket had a great trip to china. i expect to be meeting with president she sometime in the future near term. and i don't think it's had any real consequence of present vitamin risk sending relation to the china into a tailspin office comments other countries also ins and charles losing fame deals and they using new z as prime is a,
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has made it clear who actually has the right to pass judgment on time is present the, the form of government, the china has, is a master for the chinese people. if they wanted to change a system of governance, that would be a must have for them. the american president amazes job, but finally comes just days off of the usa, real estate file to beijing in the hope of repairing relations. but us officials were forced to clear the athens by them, comment with treasury science. they've done it yet and saying that it's crucial washington. i'm these and continue to work together for the us senate stuff. that's how i read takes and look at how the us media is covered by dues various missteps in the us to such a propagandized nation. at this point, it seems like the media has a lot of control of the narrative. you may have severe gas and 2020 that were overlooked or subdued or ignored. and then of course, because it helped him stay in the basement as a say, and not really have to be out and campaigning. but he doesn't have that excuse now
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. and this was a major diplomatic blunder that he just made that's having a big effect. and for treasury yelling, she came out and she tried to smooth it over. but even so she still sounded a bit hawkish, didn't she? she didn't apologize. she kept talking about her, china and us have big differences, wouldn't quite apologize for the remark. i imagine, you know, calling another leader a dictator but, but you know, when i worked for joe biden, even before his cognitive difficulties, it'd be back in the ninety's press. secretaries used to be really fearful when he would take the air alive because they didn't know what he was gonna say. i remember them, you know, biting their males because he would go off script. and this is another example, except in this case instead of crucial time and causes really diplomatic damage. aside from that, in bold statements like coding presidency, jim pain dictate so there's always a bit smaller things as well. you know, he referred to uh the ends in 5 minutes and the regular movie as a president for this or from mr. president's department motors. i minister, thank you for being here. welcome back to the white house. able going to be
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forgiving of such mistakes. so all the going to start thinking, if this isn't good enough, you bring up such a good point. i mean, just the other day when i think he's a god, save the queen at the end of this other speech and she's been dead for a bit now and, and passed along. and there's a king. and why would he say that after a speech anyway? like just to make any sense. so he's making yeah, it's really pointing to science that he's just not mentally fits. and i think more and more americans are saying that, i mean, his approval rating even a few 3 months ago was 36 percent, which was the lowest approval rating for us president in 80 years now and updates on a story. but he had lies in recent days. the us co scott say they bring from a missing some muscle with 5 people on board have been located in the type 10 extra brick is believe that all those on board died instantly when the best of imploded. to this of mazda, of all was carrying 1000000000 that service to an expedition to the wreck of that
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scientific. it was reported. soon off of the fip, stop is that the best of what had gone missing in the atlantic ocean. and that communication had been lost according to the post office as a result with jude to run out today. while less the media has given round the clock coverage to the treasure the summer saying the cap size of a might would. but of the big coast leave, which resulted in hundreds of tests, has received less attention, body, assign locals as expressed anger and sadness over the different responses to the tragedies to begin on that thing. so, but the 350 people have been ignored. but for the search operation of these 5 rich people, the europeans and americans will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to find that submarine. and i don't have a few $1000.00 to find a bodies of $350.00 people. i would like to say this is double standards, this is how our system works. no one raises their voices for the pool,
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no one rises up for the rights. the world is for rich people on the door, but knew the judge of the 2 people. it is said they have rights to and the world is raising its voice for now, especially the western media, which is covering the issue of the highest level. but what about those port bucket studies? where on the way to earn money and feed their families will save every penny to meet the travel expenses. no one has spoken about them. i have not seen many raising their voices for them. this is really so said someone coming to your toilet in the old tv channels, including electronic media and social media, must raise their voices for our own for people. we should also financially help the families. of course, this is not enough to help reduce the pain and grief, but at least we can do this in swede deputy or with them that's going to care about 300 pocket st. nachos with a sense of being killed when an oval crowded my boom, but sank and little to the grief. these words,
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the generous and editing chief of the is 11 by a kind of rough is all about the western media that will stand is it is only about duality. our 1st our media. you know, the hype had been created on the missing golf. the end of the irish, they are a light, some of the a x off the short as well. but they have a full size to image to decide to actually export the best for media as well on the other, on the one ahead. 5000000000 of the house being drawn and the method is, you know, the soft operation have been lost on the bus of scale for them. but on the other hand, you know, 5 to 600, get it done off, put the left side, got power being died in the middle of seat. and what is more importantly that they have or they have been then on the board scared about the 4th that the the immigrants have been calling for. busy the, the test team is going to have been calling for the fresh water,
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but the degree that you've been, you know, did not pay attention to them. i don't know. so the people who died in northern india as a country and grappled with us to the heat where over the past week, temperatures have consistently sort of the average. many hospitals being overwhelmed. most of the decimal re quoted and 2 indian stains with the majority and what type of the states, the state health minister said, and then investigate investigation into the cause of the excess death has been lost to prevent further casualties. according to as well as heat waves in india have grown increasingly severe in recent years due to the influence of climate change. so i for the malware classes have resumed between suit as mid fee, and the power moved treat rapid support forces r s f off the a failed 3 days. these wire creating new hot spots of violence. i'm forcing locals
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. the fleet, the problem is the r s f have sue's the all me carry out s bikes on thursday morning responding with empty as well. weapons is comes as a 3 day supply failed with reports of violations on both sides. the us delaying. i'm successful folks between the parties local jealous, i believe so into this. so they just and unfortunately the classes which took place in under my city, it's a marriage or city that covers the hospital. didn't wind down this class just to place i guarantee date, an intensive for the most intensive form of by using heavy, auditory, heavy, unlikely event. the for a see was the workplace striking several locations in, under my city on also it is not a region, of course, the rental. she was there until our cross muscles, the timings and they shut down and i make
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a profit which is affiliated with the army. celebrating this, the nano official assessment, which was published by the artist of themselves. most of the army has implemented yet on this incident. a few mature and situation of the country there was uh, some uh, few mentors and aids coming to sit down for them to grow a country spot. so there must be some use some disturbing news that each a issue in trent in which is supposed to get to the people who need any stairs or specifically talking stuff, which is the pumping all the time. these have been switched to any somebody to us. so i need to mention about 70 to 50 percent on this international mature it is you didn't get to the people to meet so that people in the hospital city right. don't talk to him. he says, oh, that's a good uh, speaking general people in the entire country horribly, having a difficult time with the with for finding the basic dental needs with providing for their family. so there was some people who want to break into source to get
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what that it would have for their families to feed up children. so it's a dire boom, enjoying it, process correctly so that meanwhile the u. k. foreign office has been a fuse of ignoring multiple warnings from various cities, groups about the situation in the country spiraling out of control, the u. k. it forces he prevention working group says an over the up to missing policy was adoptive. this is that this letter raises in the strongest possible terms of dismay, that repeated place to his majesty's government and the police towards h n g that came from su, denise citizens into dawn, and here in the u. k. with time and again, never prioritized or taken seriously. and i've learned to these, hey, it's all supervising, was it more than half of the student is population is in dire need of humanitarian aid, civilian space they be by the vulnerable segments of the population, including children. i'm the elderly facing starvation,
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that's also points out that over 1800 people have been killed since the beginning of the last. we spoke to an analyst and says that the international community shouldn't closes eyes to see these prices as many countries suffer from the consequences. i think that you can festival looked at what does that 80 we did interests and i don't think so. down is one of these priorities and then many it isn't into play, is i need to play or by the flux of that, the interest for them. the interest is actually in the conflict. maturing into done, for example, the tubing buttons and this combatants. look, the a p a, what kind of a, a small net, whatever mutation that using his own wisdom of substitute for me. i think it's important that the beginning to con thing. i said that when he focuses, you can talk about democracy in general, mental, total energy, democracy,
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assessing structures of the structure of that of to be constructed. so that those are the p less that was up for that democracy. the international community kind of close. it's eyes, what would be the big problem that is going to cost you many of the countries in the world. oh, so the interesting story is, i'm not seeing the com brayden's that the, as an economic does off. so you can read about that, that will be back the top of them, the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the good to go to the yeah. or share was going on one, so please go or to release book. now us off going to do here is only a dorski until play the yellow unless it gets butcher's. nobody has called me,
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but i didn't even know so many definitely deal is really against the despite the concept of the thing is because the last for the one you mean do you spell your last name for me? is there still, you know, you follow up with them or stuff but us posted it to the students cuz a lot those are gifts come to me even though my mom and i both are and what that like in the listing. the little bit of a model that you see from which sam due to given us and to be given the little bit of a must be a so valid just because i'm assuming though i see, but for some period that is not i'm going to email the only probably, right, and that's of the all i guess give the,
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unless you mean the coupon. what that will not change it by the number if i do i, but let me put you would do simple, lenient for what you listed as what is the 3 of the way that the one bed do i put your point of like a point 5. that's as low as possible. i still for them. that's like what i see and what's on hold of plus 3 them, which i don't think i've done that. your last fair view. there's still weakness to plan. yeah. and that's what was the least you said yes. give them a new february 2020 to lead the kobe over home on the does the kids go along with her daughter natalia, to both the own and the 23 foster children from dun, that's to know what your task they said save their lives. the look of the way is running a step, but when you look, see him some sim for monthly reflect that that's come with new new voice media. and
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you could our field rep conclusive for the so depending on the so most of the sites. so i guess usability of the literature, but also the key for me to use my photoshop machine as formerly the human that which is the least appeal is a voice the voice of most the producer who was looking will you for 3? i believe in detroit from thinking but the more just just, i mean with the judge that the person you had sent me about. it was just because of the ending of the no media associates. yeah, it was just video models and we'll see, you know, as this will glitch, personal knowledge of cost combustion level from english. so the pre, if i can use like this 3 kimball,
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i'm scottish yeah. what she really bothering me. sounds like the last bullet. the police phone, you know, somebody may have done a video so as of so that you take the cc me that i have it on your site to fit in this bullshit effects. the deal which case renewal is something new or getting it on the seller. um, once you get the renewal, so will do it. they must wait till the 1st but and this needs to go up before the warranty. there was nothing is no one is gone while i guess on the um is there like these plots and the disney channel?
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the yeah. we do. uh, what is, um uh so it's got a noise deal to go into the even telephone line guys. yup. was when you are, you go to what cause the details to the store was not gonna miss me. this is that stuff with the most thought. so, but the nature of the bases are the, the do for kind of deep knobs and these numbers lovely for florida. so by using the wireless concept the i know is there any way i found somebody or somebody else that i was working with with a concert company home with him? don't know, like i gave him a little bit of caustic, if 1000, from both books from the beginning funds. not always nice, of course of what you want them. their voices opened. i always
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the media of the doors to clean units. uh, yeah. the myers are for sale, thompson is berkeley or from the yeah. for you. the full. um. uh so you know, one nipple, one samsung reduced losing them filtering stuff. tom said, i seem to get that credit. they would provide you through the 30th and go was sitting on the line. yeah. as far as the magic on the beautiful, the field, the ship was the one that was the key out of the street to ya. do much to any of those windows took me to richmond cutter from


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