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tv   News  RT  June 23, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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it is, frankly, is a been captured by, by elements that i don't even think i feel comfortable talking here on the about. do you anticipate hearing about future incidents of the day, intervening in politically sensitive cases? look at how much of an impact they've had on cases, not even related to a 100 by and or to joe, but they've interfered with and put people in positions of trust and authority that are interfering with what's happening at the border and prosecutions related to terrorists that are being apprehended, they've interfered with state cases related to election fraud. even though states in the united states based on the constitution of elections are left to the states to actually run so. so they are interfering everywhere that they can and they're altering in the hands of the pathway. ready of the judiciary and basically doing what most people thought was impossible notifying the constitution and applying rules that allow for them to act with impunity. so i think that there's really
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a whole lot more interference, a lot more personal or a political prosecutions. the slightly tremendous spiritual weight of these accusations present by and refused to answer any question on the topic of the joint press conference with indian pm, lorenzo moody, the while the sky looms over onto it by the present sun looks they use the island developments on thursday. night hun dividing, participated in the state, and then honoring the indian prime minister visit to the us. the us for the sun will see folding to the high ranking guess ahead of the events and i'm in the us car was in the in 5 minutes and the movie was giving us a standing ovation several times the almost an hour long speech. he plays
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a democratic pillars of in his independence and independence ink on a boom in the country. all these indian cars from the ruins sharma as more details on the 2nd day of mary's visit to the us, a dramatist under into more the address the us going was for the 2nd time incident . the, he's a 6th in didn't need to have done so. this time it was a deeply divided house. no nearly, and an hour long speech, nothing more detached on different topics, from economy to tech, to terrorism, china, to the russia, ukraine conflict. he mentioned how the war in europe is causing great being a to the global south, how the region is being deeply affected, how there are issues of a food energy of fuel that are causing great being off to the global south. he also
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went on to see that the only solution to the conflict is a through dialogue and diplomacy, which india has repeatedly spoken about when they have been pressures on india, from the west, led by the us to condemn russia for it's conflict. a new clean india has maintained and independence stand on the lines is exploring policy about india has repeatedly said that the way out of the conflict is only to dialogue and diplomacy. and that's what he's repeated it when he was addressing the american lawmakers. in fact, after his, our long speech of there was a lot of the, uh, there was several on the on because we reached out to during the movie to get his also not really again a fun boy movement of sold. so for mr. moody, the bus yesterday was also important in terms of the bilateral of that took place
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between by doing and moody. they were of course, a number of issues that was again, discussed, despite specialists from the west. india has maintained an independent does stand on the russia, ukraine conflict as well. now, as far as this particular wizard of knowing the movie is concerned, we can see that the us has really gone on out to reach out to india. it has a lot to gain from india and um, that is one reason where we seeing the kind of red carpet treatment that mr movie has been given on the slip box. he will also be meeting the of the secretary of state and to be blinking. we'll keep an eye on all of those up to. ready that are developing in the us, any advice, just money shopping. so as us really realizes in as important as a release on pile, i is making an effort to build solar ties will need to be like no other in the
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sense that the small, the himself was bod, denied. are you with these up to now there's a load of historic speech in the us close to regarding the reception that he has received. the entire red carpet. the lead out to welcome to a new private list of the for the countries have problems or don't we don't buy them socially realizing that the india seem to that's what it is about best to see our biggest things that the world see in the new world. the wonderful school we on this movie, i can do as being a way, decisive shingle. however, modi's reception did not go without some confusion, and joe biden put his hand over his chest while the engine anthem was bang. sign into attention for around 15 seconds before realizing his era. during the
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giant press briefing with never end, remote in prison by the will also crushed on his recent loss in which he branded the chinese present and seizing thing didn't take up his. what do you have to say on the matter? your comments at a fundraiser this week appear to be the 1st time in recent memory that are sitting us president has called the chinese leader a dictator. the idea of my choosing and avoiding saying what i think is the facts with regard to the relationship with india with the china is a, is just not something i'm going to change very much, but to present it. but the sector blanket had a great trip to china. i expect to be meeting with president she sometime in the future near term. and i don't think it's had any real consequence saying that having prizes right. is javan trying to tell me just days off of the us,
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tennessee will state travel to beijing in the hope of repairing relations. the last of the hills were full so clear. the ad also biden's coleman with trinity says he john e as in saying that is crucial. but washington, the amazing continue to work together for us set itself with our read takes a little bit of how the us media is covered by the various missteps to the us to such a propagandized nation. at this point, it seems like the media has a lot of control of the narrative. you may have severe gas and 2020 that were overlooked or subdued or ignored. and then of course, because it helped him stay in the basement as they say, and not really have to be out and campaigning. but he doesn't have that excuse now . and this was a major diplomatic blunder that he just made that's having a big effect. and for the treasury yelling, she came out and she tried to smooth it over. but even so she still sounded a bit hawkish, didn't she? she didn't apologize. she kept talking about how china and us, how big differences wouldn't quite apologize for them remark. imagine, you know,
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calling another leader a dictator, but, but you know, when i worked for joe biden, even before his cognitive difficulties in the back, in the ninety's press, secretaries used to be really fearful when he would take the air alive because they didn't know what he was gonna say, i remember them, you know, biting their males because he would go off script. and this is another example, except in this case, it's at a crucial time and causes really diplomatic damage. aside from that and bold statement is like cooling presidency, didn't pain a dictate. so this was a bit smaller things as well. you know, he referred to uh, the uh, ends in 5 minutes and the regular movie as a president for mr. from mr. prison. mr. bremond this assignment. thank you for a senior. welcome back to the white house, able going to be forgiving of such mistakes. so all the going to start thinking if this isn't good enough, you bring up such a good point. i mean, just the other day what i think he's a god, save the queen at the end of this of a speech and she's been dead for a bit now and, and passed along. and there's
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a king. and why would he say that after a speech anyway? like to make any sense a suit he's making. yeah. it's really pointing to science that he's just not mentally fits. and i think more and more americans are saying that, i mean, his approval rating even a few 3 months ago was 36 percent, which was the lowest approval rating for us president and 80 years. so as i said is down to the afternoon content because classes have jim, this is as mid see i have the power emergency rep is full, full is is off of failed 3 days seats. 5, creating new hot spots of bottles and fulton levels. definitely in the power of my v r s f has a to the all move carry out as so i was on thursday morning was supposedly we've, i'm t, i 12 weapons. this comes as a 3 day season. i failed with the reports of violations on both sides. for the us today, i'm successful. focus on filling the policies. so good job as of the saying to this is the nicest. unfortunately, the closest which took place in under my city. it's
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a major city in the covers of hospital isn't lying down this class just to place i guarantee a date, an intensive form in motion testing form of by using heavy, auditory, heavy online events. uh, there are no for a see what's the word findings striking several locations in under my city. also, it is not a region, of course, the ripple she was there until our cross muscles of the timing is that they still don't make a profit which is affiliated with the army. celebrating this and not officially statement, which was published by the artist of themselves. most of the army has implemented yet on this incident. how's the view mature and situation of the country? there was uh, some uh, few mentors and aids coming to sit down for them to grow a country spot. so there must be some of the will some disturbing to use that each a issue and trend interest of us to get to the people who need any steps or
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specifically just the pumping all the time. these have been switched to any somebody to us. so just to mention about 7 to 50 percent on this international premature it is you didn't get to the people in it so that people in the hospital city was don't talk to him. he says, oh, that's a good uh, speaking to the people in the entire country, horribly, having a difficult time with the with for finding the physic, denny needs with providing for their families. there were some people who had to break into stores to get what bidick would have for their families to conduct children. so it's a dire room enjoying it, process correctly so that meanwhile, the k for an office hasn't been accused of ignoring multiple morning or from very soon is clues about the situation in the country spiraling out of control the u. k . as a supervisor and working group of says and over the optimistic policy, it was adopted of a sedan dyslexia races in the strongest possible terms of dismay that repeated
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place to his majesty's government and the police towards h n. g that came from su, denise citizens into dawn, and here in the u. k. with time and again, never prioritized or taken seriously. to clear into the group. more than half of the students population is in dire need of humanitarian aid. civilians face daily violence with vulnerable segments of the population, including children. i'm the elderly facing starvation. let's also point out that over 1800 people have been killed since the beginning of the, unless we split into an out, as it says, the international community shouldn't close his eyes to the sit in these prices. as many countries could suffer from the consequences, i think that you have to go looks at what does that 80 we did exist, and i don't think so done is one of these priorities and then many it isn't into
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play. is that need to play or by the flux of that the interest for them? the interest is actually in the conflict. maturing into done, for example, that to be buttons. and this combined them look the a p a what kind of a, a small net, whatever, i mean, nation these, and he's always been my substitute for me. i think it's important that the beginning to find the thing i said there was focusing to kind of talk about democracy in general, mental total energy. democracy as such, instructions the structures that of to be constructed so that those are the pieces with up for that democracy, the international community kind of close its eyes, which would be the big problem that is going to cause you many of the countries in the was the incumbent and in by william president has filed his type of supports. but in the upcoming election campaign with poll schedules the oldest this year level, john is married. when dampens us more. the numerous candidates vying for zoom up
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with the general election selected for the 23rd of august. investigate and filed their newman nation papers at different centers across the country, addressing the media to the current president. emerson, and when i got in college, this opened up again country to observe peace. i had the fulls, i'm in that somebody's now and much sure do more because you'll with sticker throat . so that brings what now he makes into the product to say to them this process. so this is what we want is to continue. are now shooting the buses will continue to be let just posted election as much as a lot of candidates have come out in their number as to file their papers and to make sure that they guarantee their support. come, oh, got to 23rd. these are general outcry of the exorbitant nomination fees, but also my team is just to complete it. i do know munition and processes
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and i was one of the fist picked out the fist kind to get to filed the pickups. it is bed festal for the munition fees are prohibited into this. is it transforming the election system into it for less each of those to, to not give means what would be kind of disc even if they are capable to manage to a fellow munition paper successfully? anderson's pay the nomination fees, which means that all candidate is good to go for the 23rd of august was the story elections. now that he has filed his people as successfully as nominating people successfully. we should expect that they should keep the long run running and go around so that 12 inches between 12 inches of the country to seek to convince the image which to watch for him. and um, that can not happen west is not here. so we should expect, but he should be very much present in the country. and then this coming days with managed to find out because we have confidence around setting of the issues,
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particularly what testable issue is going to be. result was the country in the next head and the issue of making sure that all of those who participated between the 2 full screen day team is weeks that they have names that to be reflected with less than 2 months before was in public goals for each how many nice elections the current president, emerson wouldn't grab a little bit late out with for my local government administered. so if you a customer with nelson, tell me so of the citizens coordination for change parties among other aspiring confidence which we will be announced in due course. i don't know. the tv little died in northern india as a country grapples with the, with a severe heat way over the possibly temperatures have consistently sold over the average. many hospitals being overwhelmed. most of the desk literally quoted in 2
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indian states with them majority in full time for the states. the state health may have said that an investigation into the cause of the accept this has been lost to prevent further casualties. according to experts, the heat waves in india have grown increasingly severe in recent years due the influence of climate change now and update on a story may he had lies in recent days. the u. s. coast cause says the some possible caring service on an expedition to the rec, all the titanic, imploded cooling all 5 passengers on board. now this of most of the was a karen bill you that so it was an ocean and was on an expedition to the wreck over the titanic. it was repose ensued off of the trips still under the vessel, had gone missing in the atlantic ocean. and that communication had been lost was on the senses, reports in explosion,
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often the vital defended knit the ship break while listen, media has given round of the coverage to the tragedy. some a saying that the cap sizing of a migrant, both of the greek coast loved legally resulted in hundreds of deaths, has received less attention. partner sign levels expressed their anger and sadness over the different responses to the countries. to begin on that the ends up with the 350 people have been ignored. but for the search operation of these 5 rich people, the europeans and americans will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to find that submarine. and i don't have a few $1000.00 to find the bodies of $350.00 people. i would like to say this is double standards. this is how our system works. no one raises the voices for the pool, no one rises up to the rights. the world is for rich people on the door by new battalion, the 2 people it is said they have rights to and the world is raising its voice for
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them, especially the western media. we just cover and there you should the highest level . but what about those port bucket studies? where on the way to earn money and feed their families will save every penny to meet the travel expenses? no one has spoken about them. i have not seen many raising their voices for them. this is really so set. i'm a product here totally channels, all tv channels, including electronic media and social media, must raise their voices for our own. for people. we should also financially help the families. of course, this is not enough to help reduce the pain and grief, but at least we can do this in swede deputy or with them around $300.00 per year. so i am not sure who has said so being killed when an overcrowded my, them both sides in was of the britain coast research, a jobs and as and see that the is i've kind of office said west to meet his coverage of such events is impacted by double standards, it is only about duality. our 1st on media you don't do hype has been created on
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the missing golf. the end of the irish, they are a light. somebody is called the sort of drugs, but they have a full size to a man to decide to actually explore the best the media as well on the other high on the one ahead. 5000000000 of how being drawn. and the method, you know, are these soft operation have been lost on the bus of scale for them? by the, on the other hand, you know, $5.00 to $600.00, get it done off for the less are gone, have been died in the middle of see, and what is more important is that they have what they have been then on the board scared about the 4th that the, the immigrants have been calling for. busy the, the test team is going to have been calling for the fresh water, but the degree that you've been, you know, did not pay attention then as far italian fly, well that's cool. fly on
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a major highway in the most of the region, no casualties have been repulsive. the, the court fly around the early hours when the trailer disconnected from the trucks window, it is a fly. last of the round off in our vision say the cause of the fly has yet to be determined. while, while rob solve this of news visuals, and check out all to the phone for lots of interesting. so it will be back to the top of the, the more expensive and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that
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he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department to see i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say, oh what i want. so they just don't have to shape house and engagement. they close the trail. when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look for common ground, the
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as the size of a cps, because they kept the store i visited and then use familiar email fuel just for the degree to offend them, to the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10 prisons daily. well, you know, thing to do is go level. she's going to be in your venue. so i'm assuming you're putting you need in the chest really to get all that. i could tell if it's going to send me people's gonna send me an approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. this move stuff dumbly level if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the snider stuff. so yeah. the congress that, i mean yeah. what the found in disease forced labor to which it by the
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word and so for me was what was the last it also need you to do was to take that to you that, that it's, it's even almost human off with those who put in his name portion of things up to give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. nothing more. when you look on here, you know, order to do to speeds 90 and the did actually a year for the good. i see it are released upon me. they decided to do it. but this is danielle. i was booked at the middle of the year. the the
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tomato bisque is one of the most beautiful cities in russia's factories to the it's, it's on the, on the river, russia, china, bona and was for many years the far eastern capital. the, there's no shortage of historical sites in the officers club is one of the, the, this is where in december 19, 4912 members of japan's quantum me store trial. the that was the only time was criminals have been tried for creating a biological weapon. and testing it don't meet the
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way that no one mesh said no, no, no, no, no, no. but all, most of the things you end up doing that's going to go that's activated and the domain to know. so i knew you don't know what else and go for the nice little book in a feel. who did the motion by one member of japan's top secret unit 731 and his colleagues killed thousands of victims. well, developing biological weapons. he's the guy who um had been in unit 73. 1 soldier, one is a young man and 2 people, a full johnson, an american director has studied unit 731 documents at length knows its history well. unit 731 was
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a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had. every now the young man had a longstanding interest in biological weapons and pro, here a he to who had a degree in marine biology. believe that biological weapons would help to conquer the world. as a descent into the some goddess about the russell, he saw it as his calling in the 19 thirty's, the concept of japan's exceptional role in the world coming into the country society. so to go to june. good. so shoot me a new, i'm ready. go on the you who sucking you on or not. she's only done the japanese generalist children condo,
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the author of the evidence of unit 731 crimes, a book that goes quite a stuff is one of the few people who trauma is to give an impartial account of factors that brought japan to was tired. so we look at the law schedule, so let's say to, to get to cope got the sense so to, so you sold and what the windows but the stuff. so going to schedule for them. no, on that to me know, what do i need to develop fixed on in the 1950s, the japanese military carefully study to report by micro biologist shuttle biological weapons effects. the human body sign into is causing a slow but painful death. there is no need to manufacture missiles instead, you can infect clothing, food, or want to display aspect area from across the table from the for,
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right. and in fact, humans, the general easy wasn't just a biologist, but also a military man with the rank of colonel. he was very smart, intelligent, capable person of high status in japan. he was a medical doctor who was also a pilot, and a military commander. he had all of these great talents and skills, but sadly, instead of being used for a good purpose, he took his great prodigious skills and took it in the opposite direction to the dark side. as a forest for japan's general stuff, allocated enormous resources to help the biologist establish a secret facility to develop biological weapons. the china is manchuria region occupied by japan. in 1932 cents turned into the puppet state of men to cool became the testing ground. the
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interior is very handy because of its location close to the us as on. it also has plenty of test subjects. test subjects. you mean people brought to the units, the test? exactly. those people limits to die. that's right. from tribunal class students to question him a kiyoshi, a medical service major general in 1938 several secret facilities were stablished in the hills of mount juliet unit 100 in san john worked on life, still contamination. unit 516 into to come manufactured, chemical weapons and unit 731 now hub in developed biological weapons and tested them on civilians the in and.


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