tv News RT June 24, 2023 4:00am-4:30am EDT
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said so, conflict, i mean, they generated itself me, russian can listen to all the demon ization. it's gotten used to it and nobody cares here anymore. okay. but i mean, for the west, they've turned this into some kind of pipe dream. and you know, it's not going to happen what, how, when they get to walk away from this, well, they get to say, well, but at least the russians didn't make it to paris, is that what they're going to say? well, who knows what they're going to say, because they don't even know what they're going to say. and then after they say it, they don't even remember what they've said to your point. this is a contrived conflict. there is no, there's no uh, argument in that point the united states started this fight. but this time, what i think is, is happening is internationally. the united states is losing the argument if not lost the argument. so when you look at the relationships now between the saudis and the iranians, when you look at the relationship now between the iranians and the global. so when
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you look at the number of countries that are trying to join the brits, when you look at what's happening with china and, and look in a number of african countries, the united states has created this scenario where i wrote a piece months ago called the non a line nation's have real line and the united states is losing on the international front. and therefore, the domestic us politics has not caught up with that reality. but the rest of the world is, even when you look at me, krohn going to china and show going to china. and they're understanding who they are, who they are to trading partners are in china, is divesting of it's us investments. so the world is going to bring this to a different result than united states has had intended even have tony blanking and
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samantha power and the rest of that crew don't get it. the rest of the world is gonna force them to. yeah, but on that i, these people in power, they don't care what the rest of the world say, the cares. i mean, look at burrell, you know, but burrell says a year, you know, the west is a garden and everyone else has the jungle. these people don't get it on the right. you've got 30 seconds before we go to the break. i mean, i'm on the record for many years, those people argue phone, but then you know, and you guys the resolved, you're going to, the shouldn't be a rough job 2 days ago. you cannot get hired on this one. so basically your goals there, i have you as blogs and says, you know, watch, start fighting, defining your offices. if you want a flight comedy flight off, like i said, she go, you know, so basically matters goosgo being fault. you're going to be in the world around those the 30 day tional laws are by best off for the 90 states that have to you if
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you want to fight fight it. so it's perfectly pull it. okay, gentlemen, we're going to go to a short break, and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the nature of nato state with our to the willing to do you know, credit union. dorian show any idea she shit, a duck lean that report the control room for 2 of us. so we fixed you get the move onto the system. really? mean you have enough. lots and lots it's. uh, let's see. mean, yeah, we can talk loud. so essentially it's streams of dark news, but i'll let you drive, but the crazy if that's all there is to motivate myself away. but just to do you
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still know? sadly, if she ever we get a split the shipper of just stick with a lift or flip that came over to them. i need deals says that you train school, so that's good news. i used to move on when they each of the board couple are you not to go to rescue what i'm saying? yes, i see the. busy business waiting for you to recreate your staple feature that would dump it on the straight guy so that i'm not the the time i'm rick sanchez. and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do. do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do the have the state department c i a weapons, bankers,
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multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't watch my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way and say take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality. distortion by power to vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the welcome ex, across stock, where all things are considered computer level to manually discussing the nature of nato, the okay. belatedly were joined by our exists in new york. he is an investigative historian, whose latest book is america's empire of evil. and welcome to the program, eric um the started off with you know, in the 1st part of the program. uh, wilbur, well, pointed out very clearly and i agree with them completely. is that america's cache around the world when it comes to ukraine is fading in very quickly, which but it brings up, the issue is that we've had a number of countries. we've had china, we've had an african delegation lula in brazil, is coming up with his ideas. a lot of people talking about negotiation ceasefire. pros and cons. like all, i'm sorry, it's all nonsense because russia is not going to get to negotiate with anyone in
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the west. why should they, eric? you know, of course not, but you know, i really disagree with the general rushed of what i heard earlier on the show ahead. go ahead. yeah, she said world public opinion is driving this matter or could prevent a world war from occurring. i look at the bills that are being considered in congress and all i'm talking about bills, but you are coming out of the senate foreign relations committee in the house with foreign affairs committee and so forth and so on. and bills that are generally considered to be virtually sure to pass probably with overwhelming majorities. and what i'm seeing is that the congress person can, you know, in the united states are dead set on demanding that
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the president released. all bull limitations that now exist on the supply of weaponry to ukraine. and i'm not talking about the quantitative limitations which are basically, you know, financial which are at this stage of the game. relatively unimportant. i'm talking about the, the, the, the introduction of extra exchange, the kind of kind of work and that would change in the military calculus. okay. well, let, let's, let's hold that, thought there on today. you know, something about the military, the f sixteens. all this is that going to change the middle of the calculation on the battlefield, in your opinion, go ahead on today. are you ready? serious guys? no weapons be, give them full. if you want to do which can make any significant change in the
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outcome, including the principal and to basically supply every existing lane in the us air force there. so no, we're talking about at 2 different dikes, weapon systems. and we're talking about generation because most of the united states supplies do the same goals for me. go to your brain, it turned out to be what it actually, you know, i wrote 3 weeks about that against a doc. basically, it's not designed for flights more. there are more yeah, it will make no difference. what's right. any of the delay while it's loading it back to direct and shut down. so you're just not my phone. okay, eric, go ahead. go ahead reply. there's not my point. my point is that the objective of the overwhelming majority of the congress person is for the united stage, immediately discharge applying missiles that are sufficient to be able to reach
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while scale and to be launched by the ukrainians against whatever they want. and in other words, against the kremlin and to release all of the other bite and administration, announced limitations on what america will and will not supply to ukraine and the kinds of issues each other will and will watch reply to you. great. there is also legislation to introduce us troops to ukraine to join in the war. again. structure. ok, well, but here, but eric, you know, you can tell the difference. you could talk all you want about congressional bills, but i mean there is, the executive branch still does exist here. i'm not really sure the buying administration wants to do that. if they were going in that direction, they would probably be a lot more gung ho about getting the ukraine in today to in the 1st place since the
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by the administration is backing up because they realize the message they've created for themselves. they can make it, you know, the congress can double down on stupid all it wants and they couldn't waste all the money it wants. i don't say well, and then if this kind of weaponry interest theater, a rustle will react. ok, haven't we realize that after what 15 months of complex wilbur, go ahead and washington react. it's wilmer, but there's the, there's a difference between selling weapons and using weapons. and that's why i keep referring to this as a money laundering scheme and a ponzi scheme. dave calhoun, the see, the former ceo of boeing said back in 2020. i don't care who wins the election because we're going to get paid any way the, the, the and we also have to look at the difference between the mindset and the pentagon . versus the mindset in the, in the white house. and one thing the generals know,
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they do not want to get, you know, full blown conflict with, with russia. because that will also bring china into the equation. and they, so they can't be russia. they can't be china, and they damn sure. can't be russia and china. so yes, the, the congress is authorizing the sale of weaponry because that's what the interest of boeing and lockheed martin in all of those lobbyist are filling the pocket surprisingly of democrats for championing this foolishness. but there is a big difference between selling weapons and using weapons on today. there's a, there's been a lot of talk in the media about the use of nuclear weapons and the conditions in which they would be use. and it's very interesting if we're talking about what we, we used to think was on, talked about and speak a little about going up the escalation ladder. i mean, in, in the,
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in the talk of it in the west is because, well, there's the perception if you want to live yourself or not admitted, but new crane is losing. and this is a, and this is what that will be the russians watch. because the russians have been watching the escalation ladder and they have reacted to it, they have not gone over what the west has not been. they've matched it. your thoughts on that, andre? oh such that this nuclear weapons directory in the west east, but i thought i knew from brian is spelled what is the murphy show? because our, actually a russian has a very strange right here for use and then you know where, awesome, why would you use any of the work on them? you can do it by conventional needs. yeah, that is primarily via our age, but i mean, i get so many delaying the probably by the end of course nobody will actually give your brain give you credit on the american warehouse. and roger is not going to use nuclear weapons. it is all dogs loving keeping their public opinion, even straightforward on ward's shoulders be that, you know,
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russians like you all have the week drink. and yes, i agree with you. it's all evolved basically trying to shape them that are g of which completed to go lobster. and again, i believe you are in moscow your, you, you see yourself the you where you know, just don't give them about anything. well there's in my mind you can all of days out from washington and again, it's good to go annual. oh wow. yeah, anymore. sure. long if you wish the few days ago again, i roll back it off level will stay the common for dollars. this is the, i mean it. so the medium all of us, you know, and so they know, and they, so already brought to the old russian law, but basically didn't speak about the, you know, fighting behind the rocky. yeah, this is calling united, chico. that's what it is. well eric, i would take, i would take just a little issue with that. this is p r, because i think there's
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a practical deterrent effect here as well. it's my dad used to say, you know, when you're in a negotiation, sometimes you've got to put the pistol on the table just to let them know you have one. so this i think is yes, there is a p r effect intended here. but i also think there's a practical deterrent effect here as well. this is russia is saying, i'm letting you guys know. we aren't joking, we are playing and you push this too far and we have something for you. it's good to arrow back to erica, new york. eric, i mean, they, the, it seems to me that nato cannot accept the defeat here. i mean, it's all predicated on where the good guys, the russians are, the bad guys. you can't negotiate with bad people. it's a more morality play. it's a, it's a purity test here. i mean, how does nato get out of this quagmire that it's gotten itself into the only way it can happen to ship nato breaks up because of nato holds together,
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appear stays with united states, all the way up to a nuclear war. and i can see several possible ways that we can get to nuclear or nato holds together. busy throughout that entire pathway, any of the routes, and there are several, we've got to recognize that why she is going to have to change its policies. which announce policies that is to say, it's really not going to be having a conversions on the other side. the collective west is right now determined to defeat russia, right? one. okay, well what? but under the andre rug, rushes to turn or russia is determined not to be defeated. we have the, you have the last minute on the right, go ahead. that means whatsoever. so involve the all political team with the jump on the whole house if you wish, of being properly planned for. ya know, now that you wish out basically are awfully our strategy and need
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a new strategies offer after each component. this will work in the, on the developed strategy while you go see the south euro was property that you come over to me and, and again, i have to vote and most of the people included all my brother or john some of the boys. we share a are how long has been, well, you'll get to the process of more goals, while professional people major is at their level walking along the additional way . what's your house? they're almost guaranteed now issue of georgie joining briggs at some point of time, get a little radius out there. basically the cracks in may not get solved. okay, well i, i liked, i move it out of time, but i like a dead man walking. i think that kind of puts a ball on it here. it's all the time we have gentlemen and one a think my guess in washington state new york and, and watch it in. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at ortiz. so you next time? remember across on the
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the, the english reason is munoz curtis. imagine if you speak russian, keep your voice down while else in about. so we talk about the kinds of products perspective, so don't put your human symbols on display especially on stage these guys. so you guys don't talk to strangers. 7 void, noisy gatherings and was wondering why she didn't rely on get them in and what actually these new colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because your russian let you know the phone. so what can i do?
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i'm that was mindset from it. so i'd be glad to which is the team that does the styles who did use be quicker, just reaching out a bunch of blankets. so the exception to parties specific social concerning the the kind of situation that you find. although i think it's a great political opportunity to all for kids, for the 1st time to articulate the words, to say, listen, we have a multi, a whole lot of relationships with all the powers of the, of the world. and what would dictate relationships between african countries and those black ones? he's the national interest and i would see that happening at the moment the,
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the, the question of the nuclear love, seeing the muscles, if you look on the initial do wanna call us a gift, can do live close to the be almost getting used to put value when you do oil change, but you also still this is done, the newest frame only begins systems to build a new do what i see these the buses. the little gear limitation says this to, to have done both the
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deputy commander of the russian joints full says general set of gays to the beacon calls for the fights. is the private minutes a company von and a group stop that rebellion dismissing their thoughts of strikes against baldness. rid comes this information you and verified footage shows a legit. wagner fights as near real stuff on drones, military commands, sense of the governments of the neighboring regions says a village convoys heading towards the city and ukrainian forces gather for offensive operations in the show must area taking advantage of the wagner chief guinea pig gardens for vacations, because according to the bush and the defense ministry, the, you're watching all the international most being a very busy news day with long story dominating the headlines. my name is peter scott and welcome to the program. results of calls to the top story versus federal
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security service has opened a criminal case against wagner, chief guinea pig gordon on charges of organizing an armed rebellion. and that's a crime that carries a jail sentence of between 12 and 20 years. while russian army general suggests that our beacon has called for wagner to stop us rebellious and obey the orders of the russian president. yeah, this is little go. so i have people do the commanders and soldiers. so the vault in a, b, m. c. we have come a long way together. we have fought together. we have taken risks together. we have suffered losses together. we have one together. we are one blood. we are warriors. i owed you to stop before it's too late. it is necessary to be the oldest of the president of the russian federation, decepticon, voice to return them to their permanent basis. the sole over probably the space fully on the leadership of the supreme commander in chief of the armed forces of the russian federation. on friday, pretty goshen accuse the russian military of targeting,
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one of the companies comes in a real case. a talk allegedly killing fights has evolved to march on moscow and deal with those responsible, wanting the military to stay off of his way. the russian defense minister dismissed the obligations of this information from his spokesman dmitri fiscal said that there was some present, but he may pretend it has been brief about the developing situation, and that's all necessary measures of being taken on. meanwhile, rushes f. s. b has called on wagner fights is to refuse the couch, big oceans orders, and to take measures to detain him. a big gordon statements are actually calls for the beginning of an armed civil conflict on the territory of the russian federation . and his actions are a stab in the back to russian service. men fighting with pro fastest ukrainian forces. we call on the p. m. c. fighters not to make err repairable mistakes, to stop any forceful actions against the russian people, not to carry out for gordon's criminal and treacherous orders and to take measures
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to detain him. russia's prosecutor general has grieved president latimer proving about the criminal case open the gates. you've given you precautions the head of the pregnant group, and it's found to again, he's be accused of organizing, an orchestrating and rebellion. this follows russia's defense ministry's revelations. they have said that the ukranian armed forces i exploiting the crisis in the massing lodge lodge garrisons of troops on the flanks of the back room, taking advantage of precautions, publications produce, organize the situation. the key, every jamie, the barcode tactical direction is concentrating units of the 31st brigade. on the $36.00 brigade of the marine corps, the armed forces of ukraine on the starting volumes for offensive operations. just a quick reminder, the town was taken by the wagner forces, and this is the place where the crate in armies suffered to a colossal defeat. they had branded by mood as
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a fortress and made repeated promises that they would not leave and would not abandon the town which they still eventually data. so right now they're trying to take revenge and the flanks of the back moods. they have seen some of the most famous fighting over the course of ukraine's carter offensive that began at the start of this month. we in fact have just returned from the town of solid. uh, it's a move in a sub out of box moved and the sizes over there on the front. they revealed to us that we recently over the course of the past of the 24 hours since 4 o'clock in the morning until about the 6 o'clock in the morning. the next day, the ukrainian forces attempted some 17 attacks on a small section of the front, so it is an important, really important direction for the ukrainian forces where they're trying to save space really off to the defeat that they had suffered. now the russian defense
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industry has uh also said that the whole allocations and will accusations made by you've given you progression again, a quick reminder, he had accused the russian defense ministry in russia's regular army, of carrying out a strike against a training site. deep on the home drunk killing again, according to per gordon loss of his men. and the russian defense ministry has said that it is like a fake the russian federal security service at same time and said that, well they basically, they opened the, the criminal case against, uh, the head of the vacuum group. and uh, that the cool leak on everybody on every wagner fights and know to follow the wood, isn't that it is in fact playing in favor of the key forces a. so this is the situation as it is as of now, of course that is a developing story and it is a big story for russia because it is a mid, a, uh,
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a vicious war against uh, the keys regime and the kid forces. so we are closely following the events, and we will be bringing you all the latest as to how this crisis unfolds. we also do know, according to treat best of the spokesman full bladder, my poor, and he's being brief to constantly on the situation regarding this crisis. and the he's, he's taking the writing his decisions accordingly. meanwhile, being given a all versus the thought on years regions to so that's a convoy of minutes here. equipment is moving along the highway as well as real stuff on don't. when you, on verified voltage imaging on line to pick spots appears to be wagner fights. as in the real stalled storming the local military command center. the rest of the regional governor says the current situation requires the concentration of all forces to main saint order and his appeals. a. com is witnesses, how reports at high levels of police and military activity and emotions. capital
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the police cortez was seen a scolding motor vehicles near the kremlin in the early hours of sunday morning. the situation in moscow remains calm, but security is being tightened as a precaution, as always, will keep you updated on this developing storm. meanwhile, in the ukrainian capital, new video footage circulating on social media reports and the shows debris from an ad defend system hitting an apartment building in key of the cities may have. it's all the eclipse comb says that these are the consequences of an era and the operation of an ad defense system. but now to ukrainian types on a residential area and don't boss by one. civilian has been killed. another wounded in case lay to strike on the done yet republic. all teeth are on the cost of brings us the details. a maria problem that was sleeping in her bed when that ukrainian shell struck her house. this is where she was sleeping right at this place. this right took place that around uh,
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4 pm. you can see bullet holes right here or, or rather shrapnel holes from multiple launch for all kids. the system shows chief survives miraculously for these. are you still at the time of the showing? i was at home lying here, then everything buzzed. i was scared to death, then lost consciousness. later i woke up, the windows were smashed fragments of shells. i hit the wall right near me. i can no longer even sleep. they shoot night and day to ukraine launched at least 6 shells from multiple launch walk it systems cold grad. this house was completely destroyed. how a woman, 58 years old. she was in her bedroom during the strike, she was killed instantly, her husband tried to save her, however, he received her concussion as well. all that remains of this house right now is
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this dog. she continues to guard the house, not knowing that his owners are now gone. well the man he survives, but he's now to off this old job offers are fighting for his life. but here was a man trying to find his wife. there was their bedroom here. everything was on fire and i climbed into this window. his wife was lying at the entrance to that room under the rumble. i could hardly see her to strike him in the corner of the house where his wife was. unfortunately, she had no chance to survive. another neighbor and i dragged the man out.
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