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tv   Documentary  RT  June 24, 2023 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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to do is the address by the russian president vladimir putin because you can, you progression has been questioning the authority of the russian military come on for a long time. but he has always said that he is on the side of russia, and he answers to the russian people and to the russian president vladimir putin, himself. this is the only authority, but he agreed to admit and to accept. so now, well again, vladimir put and made it very clear what he thinks about this gamble of you've given you precaution. the wagner chief is saying that his forces have taken control . now if a local air failed and a military command center, mr. pitt goshen appeared in the video conducting tolts with russia's deputy defense administer, but also military intelligence, chief, all of this and the real stuff on the as subsidies the we are at the headquarters. at 7 30 am rus stubs military facilities, including its air fields were taken under control, plains, leaving for combat as well as humanitarian flights are working. as usual,
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there's been no problems. you know, we do understand that anti tank minds have been placed by the p. m. c forces were reportedly seen at the entry points to that city. meantime, allowed bloss themselves a gun to fire being heard near the southern military district. headquarters with local scene running away from the area of augment troops are probably seen also on the roof of the army facility or the regions governor. those locals to refrain from traveling to the city center basically turning up one to stay home. but in the middle of all of that is all these roman costs are wrecked with this ripple. pulver stands off here in a sense, overall stuff continues to the people in military uniform or fall private ministry company. wagner are still a block and also the streets. uh right next to the ministry headquarters here in the rust off on dawn now. uh there were quite a few people here. uh, earlier, however, uh,
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shots were fired. were heard an explosion as well. and people started just running away from this place. i could have been uh, the reason for that could have been one of 2 things. uh, they don't want any civilians here in case something is going to happen if they will try to take the headquarters the military headquarters by a storm. however, a short while, while later the people returned and are once again standing, trying to find out what is going to happen next. as we understand were heard from various news sources that police from the church of republic are coming here to and will this a illegal happening? what's uh, what's going on here and at that point uh, hold for the oldest civilians will be gone. now, i've heard the people from the wagner, private citizens,
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company streaming and civilian says, saying that there's going to be an air strike and basically trying to scare the people away from this place. tried to scare them straight. well, we will remain here for now as the situation unfolds, vermont calls for a marty raw cellphones on reports of lodge 5 breaking off. now it's an oil depot in the city of auto. and you know, as you can see that blue smoke from yourself. we understand a 100 firefighters throughout the site, no casualties reported at this time. but we do have this report now from one local correspond with the district, use it, and it's about $1232.00 residents of the level. spangler, on their share, the strong, with lack of to that to sovereign, was heard this morning, the trucks, and then them, you want to throw down the street. now, even from the city center, you can see a smoke rising from the entrance to the city. judging by the on social networks because of the fire was a helicopter crash. i don't need the governor for him to fire the oil facility has
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been extinguished. would have been more than 105 for it just attended the c. but do you the code into initial data for the victims, you know, video and the explosion. and before i begin to the year before any official configuration of the same time authorities confirmed to proceed on with activities in the region of the interior of, of wagner. private, known to company formation, counter terrorist operation has been implemented in the region. the russian authorities qualified this as an all the comments. so now in coming from moscow was the russian administrator defense has called the ongoing events quoted pretty guardians, criminal adventure. and said that many wagner soldiers have reportedly already laid down their arms, and the ministry of defense is urging others to follow suit. we appeal to defy this of developing a bmw csl squats. you have been treating the precautions, criminal, adventure, and participation in an armed insurgency. many of your comrades from several units have already realized their mistake,
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seeking help to ensure the safe return replaces of permanent deployments. such assistance on l bought has already been provided to all the fighters and commanders who have requested it. we ask that you show discretion and get in touch with representatives of the russian ministry of defense or law enforcement agencies. as soon as possible, we guarantee everyone's safety. meanwhile, as we have assigned a wagner assets all being seized on search, all thought he's of a confirmed that the p mc wagner offices and some petersburg, they have been rated by the police security in the city. also on high alert, the correspondence shaped bows. now hush this report this morning in the city, we did visit several of mister precautions, ad business premises, and we need to confirm that several of them have now being rated and taken under control of the f s. b, and here of wagner is impressive. corporate h q
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a just on the outskirts of st. petersburg, a significant military and security operation is underway. and we believe the premises have been seized and are being searched at the moment. of course st. petersburg is a city of origin of, of, uh you have danny pedagogy and this elusive, an interesting entrepreneur of qualified as a pharmacist initially and then progressed into various businesses which culminated in 2015, which is foundation of the wagner pmc private military contractor, which has grown into a very significant military force, of course, famous for it's at work and back much fast. so in st. petersburg, the city is tom, there's a, there's a large ash, jude and celebration on somebody which hasn't been canceled. people are getting on with their business, but there is a sense that at the kremlin and the government in moscow, particularly now that we've hired, present, improve, set out, is still very clearly about the position in moscow. regarding mr. goshen and wagner,
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st. petersburg is quiet, but as we can see at the assets on the premises that belong to mister pre goshen, we can tell you that we have seen a f s b specialist and to those areas. a cellphone house in petersburg to moscow now by local authorities have announced a counter terror operation that have been introduced here in the capital, old mass, public events in the city council of the situation of the streets. it does seem calm for now. it's a beautiful day here in moscow. the moscow mass saying there are no restrictions on entry and exit to the capital. though we understand there are numerous check points in place. and not as a police cortege was seen escalating military vehicles, very near the credit. lin, the early hours of the morning now the russian intelligence chief instead of wagner, is attendant to spot the civil war has failed saying russian citizens can discern where the truth really lies. meanwhile, the heads of multiple russian subjects and russian officials are voicing the
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support to the russian christ. a good idea. bocavicius has always been with the russian presidents and today, every citizen of the republic expresses their full support. the president of the russian federation led them to put in. no one is allowed to trample into the mob. the names of our sons would die defending know, follow the ones. who do i protect and future generations and them up. so let's see . sure that the situation will stab allies, the president will exercise his powers and food and combine gina bow. kara, as always, will stand beside him. everything that is happening is a knife in the back and the real need me. i have repeatedly warned that war is no design for voicing personal grievances and resolving disputes behind our lines. it's about stability, about the gauging of the state, about the security of citizens. there is no justification of such actions. i fully support every wood of light to move, let emerge,
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boots in the fighters of the municipal defense, and the russian national guard in the chechen republic have already said. of the areas facing intentions will do everything to preserve the unity of russia and protect it statehood. the senate, the timber regions, supports the president fully the guarantor of the constitution and has a clear understanding of how important it is to have responsible and consolidated position from the whole of society, residents and leadership of all subjects of the federation. without exception in this current situation, and i made the reports of ongoing clashes and the south of russia, of the russian president held a telephone chat with his turkish count. deposit expressed a support for the kremlin, a lot of my food and also maintaining his connections with the heads of neighboring states, including bella russo spike as don and kaz, excited to keep them informed by how this entire situation continues to unfold. now,
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they watched the media jump on the story pretty quickly. fair play headlines, speculating of a clue, and quoting and verified information that did essentially add fuels and the media via a reuters, for example, posting an article. so i think a source informing the agency about wagner in control of the city over on yes. information that has already been denied by the cities, officials who are there on location. well, we were talking with a host of the silk and steel podcast. uh political, i'm listening his story and i called john he spoke a bit only with my colleague peter scott. he gave us thoughts about the latest developments with the wagner group and it's so cold ministry mutiny a precaution that has always been working outside the system. you know, we seen at the bottom of mood operation that he was already a voice in his discontent. oh, quite openly. and i think it's only a natural conclusion. because at the, at the end of the day, p mc, wagner cannot exist outside. i said as
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a military force outside of the russian defense for long, i mean that's, that's not normal i use or they will be absorbed or they'll be disbanded. and apparently he doesn't like that prospect and he's making almost a desperate a bid, too. i don't think he will change, make up much of a difference. how could he expect anything else? i did. the fact is that it's not the way i would do it. if i you don't, you don't go. i'm not just your intention to change to voice your, your different opinions with the russian establishment in russ stuff on the down, which is 13 hours drive from moscow. right? you do it when your tanks already moscow, you are sitting in kremlin as you and honestly change the management. but now, 1st of all, we already know he doesn't have the support of the russian military because precautions 1st said his reason is because his troops have been shout by the russian lot or. okay, great, you don't have the support of the russian military. you have 25000 troops. that's
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great. do you have your support? no, i mean, what are you going to do with the armor? collins on the open flattering of russia without air support. you're sitting ducks, and you're still searching the hours away from moscow. he is not in a good, very good position right now, given this is present a situation that means a russians type problem. we will not launch a major concrete office if by the same time the, the so called craning or offensive. i. so we have seen it has to be a total of yeah. so they came out and they got demolished. i those things there isn't any shape or form to launch another one. and you say, do i say no, yes. i don't. i don't think they'll can expect different results on the last time, you know, last time they came out with armor columns, white in the open space without air support was minimal. artillery support and predictable. when they got demolished, they said they'd do it again. you what just happened and 2nd time, there's
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a presidency often results to historical comparisons. really the end is the description of current events and in his address seat of a nation. today it is such a part of those with the, the 1917 revolution and the chaos that was created in russia. do you think that's a fact, a lot of a comparison of the similar similarities with today's events. it's interesting, mister putting made a reference to the 1917. the bolshevik revolution and the fact is pre goshen. what does he have? we know he's not linen, it does or he doesn't have a coherent etiology behind him. what he has his money, he's pain, group of mercenaries who came straight from prison. they are under his command because he's paying for the bills and the, you know, you can't, you can't expect mercenaries to be loyal. they will not be loyal. as long as they're getting paid right, and they're, they're not going to be charging the kremlin for some edi alpha higher etiology,
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illogical goes. so, you know, this, i, this is, it's, you know, it's often said, history repeats, you know, uh 1st, that's tragic feedback. as far as where at the farce level right now. yeah, i say she's actually not in a great situation right now, because right now is there's a open break between him and the russian government, and especially with mr. putting his speech, you know, on a certain no, no, i'll a certain times, put an extra point out. this is a rebellion. this is against a russian state, and we will put a stop to that. and i don't, i just don't see what kind of support pre goal should would have. uh, you know, behind his little little whatever what he calls it and, and he is, uh right now he, he claims to control raw stuff on the dung. um, great. what, what is going to do? is he going to venture out and send his armor calm to moscow, where they can easily be slaughtered by the, by the russian air force. i mean,
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the search history is trapped, is trapped. all right, so what do we know at this point? it's themes, the private military company, wagner, that's been so successful in the ukraine conflict, particularly in recent weeks, is staging and a power military mutiny and demanding major changes in the rushes upper echelons of the ministry of defense groups. chief you have got a quick ocean and blames must go for all of this. the president pollutant called it a stab in the back and we all getting unconfirmed reports of gunfire and roll stuff on and on. and again, unconfirmed reports of bob's and a 5 is trying to shoot down a russian shop on the, on yours region. we are sifting through all the updates. we'll get them to you the moment do we have official confirmation? your breaking news continues on off the international at the top of via the. ringback the
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation, let it be an arms race, and it is on all sides. very dramatic. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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very unclear to get a time time to sit down and talk the i'm action or time. see and welcome back to going under grab real, go single, around the world for me to buy in the you a. do you remember the famous words of and they do as president ronald reagan, new cable cannot be won in less than never before to afford decades on from that address. you as president joe biden, this week declared, the threat of tactical nuclear weapons use is real stuff in short of saying the end of the world is imminent. and just as russian nuclear weapons were being delivered in belarus, a former adviser in president putin's administration made global headlines on the
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war in europe after cooling for new strikes in order to save humanity process today, kind of gone off on re chapman of the presidium of russia's counsel for foreign and defense policy was the advisor, and he joins me now exclusively from moscow for an exclusive interview. thank you so much. that provides a guy got enough fire coming on the show more then the beller was a delivery of russian tactical nuclear weapons. your article in roger and global affairs. crazy. the headlines, as i said, seymour hersh devoted a sub stack to it. he runs, i call him, where he expose the north stream, attacked by the, by the administration. just briefly summarize for audience what you actually said about the need to attack, use nuclear weapons to attack european cities to end this war. and perhaps to save more people than they would kill. yeah, the extra i didn't polls for you use of nuclear weapons. of course, i mean i said that unfortunately there's all kinds of reasons where
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we are living through a few of your cities cheaper. there presentations, 75 years of peace and let people forget about the horrors of war and the new blood disorders is stopping to work. i mean, yeah, and think about these. i believe in the west coast. yeah. is ways you can get from the war on the borders, including the, all the new, a simple power that it was on single. and also digging into the situation where the west is going and it is received in the declaration model to take a look at nomics regulation and declaration only means not by come to conclusion that uh, the more we stay in more imminent, i global nuclear or becomes or so my advice,
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those are those people thinking about the issue is to sleep the rest of stock. uh, this war in the great retreat. and then to do with their own mentors, instead of bumping up and the most of the and the more. i'm not going for use of nuclear weapons. i have been towing people and a my why the older is that it we should start to climb the ladder of neutral insurance and installation and the only for west doesn't sound a little, doesn't come to his senses or the west. meaning, most of the united states because a european is the most measure of the juncture. i mean the only slate and also come and come to the assumptions. the nuclear office can be used that you did say, but you did say that russia should strikes nuclear, using nuclear weapons in a number of countries in europe. and i should just take issue with the piece that
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you speak of in 75 years. most of a global sales audience. this thing in on this will nothing piece. i mentioned reagan earlier, they know central america that he was of the united states. and of course, you know, the us is still in syria and there hasn't been peace for 70 years. just explain what the counsel for for an and defense policy is i think people wrongly say that you were an advisor to put in a just explain the influence of this article has in russian policy thinking today because sometimes people just say, oh, you're right there. i was led to be approved and then you're advocating tactical nuclear weapon use on europe and countries. and it's all about to happen next week . you know, i'm in, i'm a, i'm no, that's almost do either or anybody. and they have never been in that in government council. important defense policy is the oldest family communication in russia. um, uh, yeah. uh it is. i do 2 years old and older,
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sliding immunization from that time. it is a, a group of interpreters journalists, thinkers of business, and i believe that they are responsible for the future on country and to that issue helps to devise a strategic course. and then we have done that many times during our long history. we also run many the sedation analysis for the government and uh for the public land and special research trying to influence public opinion. but do we a non governmental though? our son? well, member's name, john much responsible for the writings or other members or for the reports of the, of the counsel, our highest confusions. you know, venture likes should be level for a and many others, but it is not a government organization and i am know that for more advice i'll get on. i think
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we've established, i mean, well, get on to some of your critics in, in russia. but do you think that your uniquely able to understand the stakes of this war in your a because at once you were a member of the us c, i a try that will commission as it was founded famously by roc a fella with z a big they have brzezinski, alan greenspan kissinger being a member of eric smith of google's, a gas storm with a british labor leader. you were once on that side. now your full on russian patriot, disappointed by the end of that globe load. that's why you work and understand what you understand. i can write an article like this, as i'm sure my was always on the side of the russian. i think the 20 years 30 years ago, i believed that we could integrate with the rest, not the rest. and that'll do mean by the way, ah, ah,
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i see uh my movement who should have saved the rest of the changes. so she forward of being a member of that community, but they didn't have on the whole and the reasons really low otherwise and decided to go sure russia way. so of course, i participated in all these institutions and commissions and the english main per phone be, i understand probably a little less than thinking better than anybody in russia or, and many in the west. i mean, it is take something to unite alexander, duke, and whose daughter was assassinated by the nature of backed forces in a sense of all kinds. just a people like kind of gone over curious one day glorifying with the west and the next the extreme russian patriots. and of course, of the bygone, the national security council spokesperson said to the middle times that, uh,
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it's reckless and irresponsible. you said in your article i, i invite his friends and i'm friendly for our fire because i believe so does my professional human and uh, uh and, but you would like to do that because uh, the issue is it really is a life or death socialization and of course, the risk usually not ex, now of course, hopefully it will be the use of nuclear weapons. but persuading the we're central and west with leaders who are degrading to stop and to retrieve of them the world war 3. the last one in the history of humanity and i will try to and it is on the horizon i, i'm getting closer and closer to that is why i decided to write this article
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and to get my thoughts to which i have been circulating around in moscow for quite some by many companies are doing really with my foss. so i'm disagree. so i'm agree, disagree public. how many would your favorite killing using those tactical nuclear strikes to avert the mass killing of a full fledge really fledged, a global nuclear war? as i said, i mean that assumed to use nuclear weapons is a terrible model challenge. carol model decision, norway, it will charge us, or whomever will use it and, but sometimes you have to choose. uh uh, uh, that far as i understood, does they ask you because uh, who do you save the child uh,
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to or revise the child was able to manage. uh, it is a philosophical, uh, terrible choice. but i decided to become unpopular, taking the choice of saving, which amount is there a cost analysis? one can do that. the rich in moscow field things are going terribly and the war is being the while it's expose a terrible situation. the men's gift cards being a lie, all those years of negotiations being wasted, wildly vast majority of russia, the middle class is the middle class of the working classes. feel, you know what find the rushes on. the map is a great country again, not a week goes by have to say on this program that we show rusher is forging alliances with latin america or african southeast asia. and that in fact, the war signifies a new world order. the decline of western europe, perhaps for centuries,
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who knows and certainly the decline of the united states as a hedge a month. i yes. um, uh, russian. uh, i was choosing by history although my do oh cool website. oh, uh h to become the uh, agent on the same area yet. uh, but then the liberator of the so called the world. but we told him no global majority of sancho global. so from the west and you could, we, i'm the mind of that. and we, and it might need, uh that, uh, manager cpr or to which you are then the west. again that i'll probably change years ago that new to the, she get reordering was the foundation. the whole system of colonialism done then they'll go on is reach. i gave her the rest,
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the possibility literally impuls is always to go. i cannot make an interest culture and above all, to suck, i will g and be in his favor. that is finished because russia decided to fight. yeah, i mean, the day of the many russians, the opposed to a lot of improvements political party said this was happening and should have happened a long time ago. what did you think over the phone to do with deputy and then the name of the institute international and that political and economic strategy saying your suggestion of using a nuclear tactical nuclear weapon on european cities was as helpful as a guillotine for a headache. and all those neutral sympathetic around the world will turn their backs the u. s. and they to a pumping equipment and now munition to, to europe. they are increasing their involvement. they desperately need to move by rush or to isolated on the world stage because a roger is not isolated and then an attack directly on using like an easter egg.
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basically, you're optical neurological comes along. is it a coincidence or, or part of a pat? i guess i have noticed beneficial also my visual articles in uh less than most especially land or something unless like some chemicals are saying, i mean no, no, they do use the fluids because they are pairs i think on our, on the willingness to use force as they were presenting on our uh, uh, patients, uh for so many years. i think that we were wrong. we had been wrong for many years by not stopping the, the expansion because we tried to war. and i haven't been telling for 25 years. some others too, that is, it is not something to relate to. now i am saying that we for western defense and extension was and russian is not stop to that would lead to world war 3.


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