tv Going Underground RT June 24, 2023 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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when is for us from doing uh, the date this uh, you were shopped into the showing. uh, what do we do with the frontline? what do you claim it does show very clearly that there are some people with the, the part of military people that are not to be so interested in perhaps maybe on financing. what i'm trying to interpret some degree or the old personality and talk to mental premium, don't we all we need to go alone and we wouldn't want to know what we will. so it may have of cost to some degree, some level of interest from because so many people on the outside that outside in for the girlfriend, especially when you look at them and, and they don't want to be one of those things to make to make it to work of send them because nobody would want to deal with the news. but you know, i do recognize territory and oh, sure. in the last thing that kind of is, and that's why you don't see any support from the nato countries. you don't in park where you didn't have to little. remember i'm going to be the president of the gods,
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the blood printed on. so many thing you something that you were present over show you started that we will not agree brand new guys more in it as well. so we just did the, we agreed and for being a what i believe the action was wondering if i can watch for the data. do i need to do to this thing or the leadership of the war? is the one even here in a need to be trained to do it because if you allow for that manual, what take your entity, you also would have that same of individual. so that's are totally what i think. what are the lead us of taking on that? i'm sure that this thing is going to be such a very way in the works is going to be to the benefit of rush, identify when you guys spoken to it today, really appreciate your time and your info. i have down the golf with the 2nd nigeria is 2023 former presidential. osborne. thank you or thank you for me.
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thank you. and and address to the nation earlier today, president who is involved will those guilty of treason would be severely punished. he branded the falkland, rebellious step in the bond, conduct threats to russian stated shares. good. i'm addressing all the citizens. right? yeah. so, so the armed forces lawrence, both agencies or the special services the fight is a c'mon does a now in that block authority assurance. so fighting against anybody at times by the doing this to really, really like if i q the last night i spoke to the commodities, any areas as my i'm also addressing those into steve onto the top of the grapevine and all the values. today. a brochure is fighting for its fuse. yeah. go fighting against aggression from neo nazis in the amount of at least 12 against us. these guys, the military with inflammation and cannot make the car if the westwood was running the we meet with fighting for the life and security of home, he would draw, suffering, play, and independence for right. it was a, be, i agree with you to remain in russian a country with
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a 150 at all. what else did you see what you it's about? so when they liked the foundation is being decided much in those and it causes us all to be united. the unity is of consolidation and responsibility. we really need your immunization and everything that makes us, we must be put aside co upset. i see any differences that may be used in all used by all enemies to disrupts us from within the shade. so who the actions that that's all unity, basically renegade years and gifts against those fighting and the from city. that's the, it's a stop in the box against our country and all nation for, for looks you and this stop was delta russia in 1970 we, while the country was fighting in well, well, what was that before do it's victory was stolen from me. so what would that, what intrigues and bickering behind the nations bodies 10 digits of a great, cuz how much they get used to the election of the destruction of the army and the collapse of the states. but it was the most of the cost to have it created. and the tragedy of the civil war. it was better when russians went against russia. i knew
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enough when i'm brought the ones against brother, even the various adventurous don't, apologies, forces profiting that system. told the country of pa, you'll get a, we've got a we will not let that happen again. when you grow, we will defend our country, an off site to go from any threat is discussed with including internal treason identities. if you want, we are facing now, is a reason you out of the big organizations and personal interest, they have like the trail of one's country. one's nation. the cost of which box is fights is and commodities with slicing along with the armed forces, the towns and villages of dumbasses, where they sold the bottles and gave the logic of the new russia. that's the unity of the russian. well, it is the name and glory have been betrayed by those who are trying to organize in on for 1000000000, which pushing the country towards on a key structure side, and ultimately to the feet. and the capitulation, when you look like a pete, any internal rebellion was built and deadly threatens was stated that to us as
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a nation here on the, on the, the, it's a blow against russia. but even against how people at all action to defend um, other lines, again, such as the threat will be harsh view, is it got sort of old eyes who deliberately went on the top of the trees in a peasant on her belly and preparing terrorist attacks of it with a negatively be punished, we just have to worry about valley so they will build up held accountable by going by still get done bus beyond full system given the necessary or waste ways we use the additional empty terrace security measures have been imposed in most got email the most or region and a number of other regions, so with a decisive measures will be taken to stabilize the situation and run it all on done . which still remains difficult of the what of the civil minutes. the organs of governance is essentially blocked. the way of moving, yes, that's presidents of russia. now, come on to mention that as a citizen of russia come up, i will do everything in my power to defend the country, to defend its constitution, most of the lives of security and liberate. since i made the citizens with those
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who organizes and prepare the item for balancing the stones tons, weapons the games they come back home, right? so the trade rush off, they'll lift, which will be held accountable for that. or you can get them to those who aren't being drawn into the way that goes. i cooled upon you not to repeat that right. and your project will nights and something that any and lots is a patient in these criminal actions, whatever on the see what i'm showing that we will defend and protect what is the site for it to us? together with all model alonzo in the me will either come any old deal that of with them will be coming with even strong cuz people will see it through you. but if you want to revolve, can i tell you if you have give me put goshen has denied accusations of trees and tightening. he was saving the country from ruined mo, blaming the ministry of defense for the current crisis. so how did the feud between fonda and the russian top ross escalates to mutiny? sees it goes down or breaks down how it all started. a quick reminder. it will begin on friday when we had done the founder of the wagner group. you've given you
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pre gordon, he accused the russian defense minister yields shelling one of its trainings sites deep on the home front. the russian defense ministry denied all such claims. they said that it was the video that was posted by the telegram channel is affiliated with the wagner groups, which was important to show the aftermath of the shelling. they said it was fake and that nothing of the sort happened, but you can, you progress. and he was already hell bent on uh, continuing, and it is now now that in hindsight it can be, we can say that he had it all planned in advance. and this is like a, it's like a chess game for him. and he did obviously saw that if you move that head in the sub, so this is he or throw nation m i a to edit attack helicopter is reported to have made a hard landing with one person injured in the instance the i call just believe to have been taken, pausing baffles between the russian army and the bulk of fights is aside from bass
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through a photo circulating on social media reported they showing that they agree of a k, a 50 to helicopter, which his claims were being shot down by the vault. the group in the city itself is reported, the crew will killed the logs. the scientists also reportedly attempted to shoot down and not the russian army helicopter. the crowns, however, is the temp employee decoy slosik times. the missiles also in photo own is a large fire is amazing as an oil deco molded a $155.00 to the currently battling the flames, and also spraying nearby storage units to keep them close to prevent. suffice. friday, no casualties have been reported as yet. well, in the washington capital force isn't being deployed to secure approaches to the city barricade. so being set up with troops, reports be taking up positions in southern mosca, military equipment was forced the different sides, moving across the city with them and personnel carriers stationed along. 1 always on the approaches to west and most good. well,
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that's well local authorities have announced count so tara moses will remain active despite the reached agreement. that's according to the head of the constitutional committee of the federation council. the situation on the street remains calm with the most famous thing. there are no restrictions on entry exits to the city. although the only limitations on the use of personal transport and means of communication with multiple check points on the outskirts of most good being put in place for extra security checks and the public events cancel. media blow goods on politicians of also being roland files, ortiz, a games distorting official information. most goes, matt has declared monday, a known working day and then now security surveys on services on the highlights, and that the count of tara operation. and in order to minimize risks, we have decided to declare monday, a non working day, with the exception of authorities in essential services, the military industrial complex city services. we ask you to refrain from traveling
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around the city as much as possible. traffic may be blocked in certain blocks and on certain roads, city services are operating on high alert. things are a little bit different as russian president vladimir putin announced earlier, anti terrorism measures have been put into place here in moscow, but also in the greater moscow region. and we have reports of checkpoints that have been set up and also national security personnel that are on alerts. now these anti terrorism measures have also been stood up in a nother city. but on this, which is about part way between here in moscow and are also found on where wagner group fighters, based off against russian military earlier. now what exactly does this mean? what are these measures? well, the last time they were used was in 1991 during and attempted to by a communist party hardliners against then president mikhail gorbachev. and they're
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really, really rarely used. but um, exceptionally in this particular case, and what they mean is that checkpoints are set up that interception of communications, including email and telephone calls can occur. searches of bags or cars can occur at check points. people can also be asked to produce identification. so these measures are really exceptional, but um, for now, people are out and enjoying the weather and things don't seem to be too much different here in downtown laska. it's the case president who has held a phone call with a lot of my page and expressing his support emotionally. that is also, since we've been in touch with the heads of neighboring states, including beller roost as they can stand in catholics done to keep them updated on events. and i want to be rushed to the farm industry. time says, and other countries appear to be watching with play of the rebellion plays into the
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hands of russia's external enemies. we warn western countries against any hints about the possible use of the internal russian situation to achieve the rest of the goals. our country will continue its suffering course to ensure its security, protect its values, strengthened its authority in the international arena, and form adjust the multi polar world order west and mainstream media didn't take long to pick up the story with headlines, speculating other 2 and pointing on verified information, adding fuel to the media file. royces for example, posted an article so i think it's still with caving voc that i had taken control of the city of photo and as of despite that being denied by regional officials. for now, wisdom politicians us that to beach us monitoring the on folding events in russia with food giving any official reaction. press headlines, have been speculating with the boots in the era will be of and what that he'll be
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of a sway host on the silt and still pause, paused political analyst on his story on college shocks, but with my colleague, p disclose and gave his thoughts on the latest developments, a precaution that has always been working outside the system. you know, we seen at the bottom of mood operation that he was already a boy, seeing his discontent, old quite openly. and i think it's only a natural conclusion, because at the, at the end of the day, p mc, wagner cannot exist outside. i said, as a military force outside of the russian defense for long. i mean that's, that's not normal. i use or they will be absorbed or they'll be disbanded. and apparently he doesn't like that prospect and he's making almost a desperate a bid, too. i don't think he will change, make up much of a difference. how could he expect anything else? i did the fact is that it's not the way i would do it right. you, you don't,
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you don't go, i'm not, it's your intention to change to voice your, your different opinions with the russian establishment in russ stuff on the down, which is 13 hours drive from moscow. raw, you do it when your tanks already moscow, you are sitting and kremlin as you announced the change, the management. but now, 1st of all, we already know he doesn't have the support of the russian military because precautions 1st said his reason is because his troops have been shout by the russian, margery, okay, great. you don't have the support of the russian military. you have 25000 troops. that's great. do you have air support? no, i mean, what are you going to do with the armor columns on the open flattering of russia without air support? you're sitting ducks, and you're still searching the hours away from moscow. he is not in a good, very good position right now, given this is present a situation that means the russians, i probably will not launch a major country office if by the same time the,
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the so called training office. if i so we have seen it has to be a total of yeah. so they came out and they got demolished. i those things there isn't any shape or form to launch another one. and you say, do i say, you know, yes, i don't, i don't think they will, can expect different result from the last time. you know, last time they came out was armor columns, white in the open space without air support was minimal. artillery support and predictable when they got demolished, they submit to it again you what just happened 2nd time, there's a presidency often results to historical comparisons. the really, the end is the description of current events and in his address to give us a nation today. it is such a part of those with the, the 1917 revolution and the chaos that was created in rush reducing. that's a fact a lot of a comparison of the similar similarities with today's events. it's interesting, mister putting made a reference to the 1917. the bolshevik revolution and the fact is
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pre goshen. what does he have? we know he's not letting it does it. he doesn't have a coherent etiology behind him. once he has his money, he's pain. group of mercenaries who can straight from prison. they are under his command because he's paying for the bills. and the, you know, you can't, is that you can't expect mercenaries to be loyal. they will not be loyal, as long as they're getting paid. right. and they're, they're not going to be charging the criminal. and for some 80 hours or higher etiology illogical goes. so, you know, this, i, this is, it's, you know, it's often said, history repeats, you know, versus tragedies as far as where at the farce level right now. yeah. as i say, she's actually not in a great situation right now because right now is there's a open break between him and the russian government, and especially with mr. putting his speech or you know, on a certain no, no, i'll
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a certain times put an extra point out. this is a rebellion. this is against the russian state and we will put a stop to that. and i don't, i just don't see what kind of support pre goshen would have, you know, behind his little little whatever what he calls it and, and he is right. and obviously he claims to control ross stuff on the dung. great. what, what is going to do? is he going to venture out and send his armor calm to moscow where they can easily be slaughtered by the, by the russian air force. i mean, the search history is trapped, is trapped. the, to keep on top of all the latest updates by following the website. all the don't come well the back of the top of the out was more we'll see you then the so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy one
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foundation, let it be an arms race is on all sides. very dramatic. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very unclear to get a time time to sit down and talk the file. rick sanchez and you know, i've been doing news now for what 30 years, 2 different languages all over the world. and here in the us, i've interviewed for president's front of the $1000000.00 business. and i believe new should be honest, directed, impactful. and that's why we call this show direct impact. the i want to start by showing you some pictures that are going to be hard to take your eyes off of both because it's hard to look at them. i mean,
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because it's hard to look away. i mean, tell me, as you look at some of these, see this, they almost looks real. don't say these are gang members, but not just any gang members. many of not, most of them belong to the notorious criminal government us out about through job or m. s. 13 is, are often referred to credited with being one of the worst gangs of the western hemisphere. and you know what they look at. huh. they look at the government of all, salvador has been rounding them up more than 60000 of these characters and they've built a prison that's going to house as many as 40000 of them. think about that for a minute. a prison for 40000 criminals, mostly gang members. all who seem to look eerily similar. there are 2 things that i find striking about these images as i'm looking at them. maybe youtube, the tattoos and the crouch. i mean,
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look how they're shuttled from place to place and the most on dignified way. they're not allowed to look up. it says if they're there so dangerous, and by the way, most would argue that they are, which is why they don't want them even making eye contact. and now let's talk about the exaggerated face of the neck and the body tattoos which are in a strange and almost ironic way identifiable markers for these gang members. but tattoos are in some ways how they reportedly flaunt their membership in the gang. the self identify, right? it's also a sign, a deposition or the hierarchy in the gags. i didn't know that until i read up on it . these images of masses of human beings and this almost movie like setting spaces so perfectly un handled so machine like. so the humanizing, it's as bizarre as anything we've ever seen. and the fact that the president of el salvador president unable kelly is uh,
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committing to this even if it means violating their constitutional rights seems. busy well, you know what, in some ways, understandable and, and in another way kind of worries some but what makes this story even more interesting is a geo political angle, which comes with history. really. let me tell you why. of the problem originates in a peculiar and very circular way in the united states, where many of these gang members come to and where they were once jailed and then deported. and how did they get to the us to begin with? they migrated to the united states over the past several decades when their countries were racked by wars and crews, and most of all outside interference from i hate to say it, but from us from washington in defense and for defense of multinational interest. one example i just gave you want us to encourage the civil war. in guatemala,
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we did because we didn't like the country's democratic, democratically elected president. that goes back to the 1950s, but the war lasted until 1996 and in the 1980s our government. these stabilized other countries like el salvador, for re, for necessary reasons, are kind of gone, would say our state department would say, combined all of these wars let do the depth of hundreds of thousands of people in massive migration moves in the us. those immigrants, mostly poor in the world, had a hard time fitting in many joint gags and were eventually center jails where they became hardened criminals. eventually they were deported back to their country as gang members. and that is where this vicious cycle really takes whole look. i can't get through this, i explain this to you because i think we think it's important. always go beyond the headline and explain the genesis of the stories like this because otherwise you're
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never going to know. you just see it on the local news is something gang, but mark killed another gang member. we knew this to better understand how we got to this point. and i think it's important, you know, who else thinks it's important? i wanna introduce you to a lease or a lease or lu rodriguez as we would say here united states as we all. 2 of our names angela sized or americanized. he, he's an urban piece leader. uh and uh, often referred to as a gang intervention, a list. you know what he cares about this. he's also a writer. he's a poet. uh, he's a community activist and someone i've had the pleasure of talking to before. so i, i bring him so he can give us. so we'll you know, on the ground perspective on this situation, we thank you so much for joining us. thank you. my pleasure. i guess you, i gotta start with the pictures of when i 1st saw these videos,
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i've never seen anything like it. it looks almost surreal. i use the word dehumanizing. what's, what was your impression when you looked at these pictures of these, of this round up of all these guys in el salvador and these present their building for him as well the method demonize them. and so there's a lot of things they do. that's wrong. i'm not justifying gang members doing what they do well, people don't realize all is that these are human beings and you wouldn't be integrate capacity. and i know because i work with gang members like them. i've actually work with m. s. 13 and 18 street. i've actually been to a salvador for over 30 years. i've gone there working with them. i rented 10 presents. i've been to whether my life's been emerging on doris. i spend many years and many people. so i know the kids that are hurting calmer taiser and common ties in others they need to be given a lot of care to me. it's not about just putting them away. it's about giving them
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what i call the it's tougher to care for me than tougher to be on. uh, you know, just be a tough guy with them. you know, when, when look at, it has done is created a bigger game and to get it presents and they've got more arms that's always done. and so, yeah, you can fight these games with a bigger gang, it, it was done in united states. you know, the 1st things united states, especially industrial, united states, were irish immigrants and eastern european immigrants and italian immigrants. they were the kids that were parts, didn't have anything. they came and worked in the was, you know, come or jobs and, and guess what happened to it became gangs too, but don't you have to let me but i, but i'm just thinking, as i'm, as i'm listening to you, say this, i'm thinking and i'm looking at these pictures, these guys i'm, you know, with these guys look so hard and i mean it's almost like it gets to a point where i'm not sure you say everybody is sell salvageable on, you know, gods are. and i get that, you know, and i'm a catholic and i understand,
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but does it get to a point where they are almost like, impossible to be able to salvage with, i mean, look at these guys, they think, well, that's a good question. and i think if it needs to be answered and i agree with that, i mean i wasn't know, solve it on 2010 and the violence went down. 70 percent. they're talking about the by this going down like 50 percent now. the bothers went down even further. why? because there was an effort to bring these gangs together to have a piece to get them to this arm cuz i was witnessing when they were turning over all their guns. i also helped create it wasn't just me were other because as soon as it boss, if you will do that well, but jones were created in these bridles were m. s 13 and a can speak, could come together. they could do garden integrated skills, they did murals, they couldn't work together and actually help but faith that was completely undermined by the us government because i, i, i saw what happens us government put this thing you can do, this can work with gags. you can't negotiate with gangs,
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and then the sour during government at the time. it wasn't look at it at the time. the story to know all of the store and has worked on it. and it went back to work for a restaurant. is that you said something interesting in other solutions could be try, try to get to them before they become arden, try and get to the younger ones, you know, teach them new skills and yet it's always seem to me and i've always believed that we should put more money and recreation and cultural development in education. it seems like we lose you and i live in a country now where every thing is about a police action and military's ation. and i think maybe that has to do with money. i don't know. it seems like some people think it's, it's, it's more efficient, easier and certainly more profitable to just stick them in jail than it is to help them. right. but what you're thinking by what's happening with this big prison, to shoot to prison outside of the largest and americans, apparently,
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40000 people can be held there. that's what i hear, that you're going to be held for 30 years, at least, maybe their whole lives. let's say it's $20000.00 per person because in united states and in california, it's like $46000.00 to hold. a person in inmate in prison for one year had up 227-0000 in california of 270000. so what happens and also i wonder when you have to pay 20000 say it's not quite 40000, it's 20000. it's billions of dollars to keep people locked up away from the end and you know what? they're still human beings. something's gonna happen with them. and that's what happened in california. we created, disagree, the housing unit, we created a super max. is that a now that they're being re looked at because they actually did more damage, but people came out more worse than when they came in. i see where you're going here though, and i'm just doing the math in my head. obviously. if it costs $46000.00, minimum to keep
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a person in prison in california. if you had from the very beginning. and i know this is crazy because it's a lot to give them, but giving them the $46000.00 and created a job, an opportunity for them. i don't know the thing is the given them the job and they probably would not have become gang members or maybe i wouldn't have become, i guess i'm, i'm hoping you know, a yeah. what we used to say in this came out of the 92 uprising los angeles. when blood encrypts, we actually, you're not even with mexicans. so people don't know that part of the only know about the violent. they don't know that people are trying to get together and they had a statement, give us a hammers and nails and we were, we bought our communities back to lose a powerful statement with nobody took them up on it. nobody gave would. okay. can we bought our roads? can we build new housing and build better schools? give us the skills and i'll tell you what, let me, i wasn't getting. remember, i would get a book. always do any bestselling book here. again, a book called cause you back about what i went through. my own son was an a gang of
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chicago. it's been almost 15 years in prison. there were both doing good right now . we're helping others. we change people's lives. and i've been doing this for many years and i remember in the early seventies when we were getting hard core gang members because you either got tell me that these kids and missed their team. they're hard core. but i've been hard core people, but only i, i've got to say we can change their mind at least a going. you're going to think less of me for saying this, and i apologize if you do. but i have to say it because i think it's something everybody else would think when they watch this. i'm looking at new lease. i don't see gang member. i don't see past. can remember. you have like a decent guy. somebody is dad. maybe somebody is grand dad. when i look at these guys with those tattoos on their faces. yeah, well, i kind of see when i was 16, you would have seen the same thing. i don't have time to have my faces, but all those tattoos came ok. let's just go back to that you kind of would.
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