tv Documentary RT June 25, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT
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balls, but they pretend that they have the highest of moral standards. meanwhile, the security forces were deployed in the russian capital to secure the highways leading into the city counter. terror metrics were declared by local officials and we'll stay in place despite the deal. being confirmed, miscast man has declared monday a non working day. moscow's mayor has also said that there are no restrictions on entering or leaving the city. and the situation has remained peaceful in the streets, but as a precaution, large scale public events were postpone. and several checkpoints were set up on the outskirts of the russian capital in the moscow in 2 regions. traffic restrictions on the major m 4 highway still remain in place. media bloggers and politicians have also been warned by authorities against distorting official information, are to contribute original mars that has the details on the situation and the russian capital. the things are a little bit different as russian president vladimir put announced earlier,
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anti terrorism measures have been put into place here in moscow, but also in the greater moscow region. and we have reports of checkpoints that have been set up and also national security personnel that are on alerts. now these anti terrorism measures have also been stood up in a nother city. but on this, which is about part way between here in moscow and are also found on where wagner group fighters, based off against russian military earlier. now what exactly does this mean? what are these measures? well, the last time they were used was in 1991 during and attempted to by a communist party hardliners against then president mikhail gorbachev. and they're really, really rarely used. but um, exceptionally in this particular case, and what they mean is that checkpoints are set up that interception of
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communications, including email and telephone calls can occur. searches of bags or cars can occur at check points. people can also be asked to produce identification. so these measures are really exceptional, but um, for now, people are out and enjoying the weather and things don't seem to be too much different here in downtown los to check out our website, r t dot com for a live update about the wagner meet me. attempts and the latest developments in the peace process and stations here to our, to international for more continuing coverage. our recruiter out america's biggest financial giant, black rock, has admitted that wars good for business. but what he didn't know was that his remarks were caught on camera. our cheese not as sharp digs deeper. one of the
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world's most powerful us asset management firms. black rock has, hadn't a tori is reputation for a long time, but no thanks to drill is same. ok if the scale of the firm's influence looks like what some would call a conspiracy theory. as the company's recruiters search bar la did not shy away from disclosing this, let me tell you which one you can buy. obviously. right now. you know, they feel like they're going to do that as far as
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if that was not enough. the recruiter went onto explain how not only those do you claim conflict benefit the was economy, but also how similar corporations do not want it to stop brain again, this is a rush pressure build up your brain, right? economy is very large. local trade or, and pro it's exciting way. right? but hey, that does not matter because you craze. president zelinski is indeed grateful to not only black rock support, but also to all the corporations of
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a similar nature. we have already managed is to attract attention and have corporation with such giants or the international financial and investment rules. as black rules should be morgan and goldman sachs sides. american brands as star lean or west of the house had already become part, allow us you brain way. the agree leaders seems to absolutely adore block rock a company that allegedly pays off bulletins. but maybe it's due to the fact that ukraine is one of the world's most corrupt countries. as of 2021, ukraine has been rank 122nd, out of a total 180 countries in transparency, international corruption perception index for mold in 20 as the u has been supporting ukraine. and it's reform agenda chuckling corruption, which is a major ropes to code to a countries development and problems counted to
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a you values isn't in juggles part of it from corruption instead capture are in dynamic and ukraine. but it really is as if the u. s. is preparing his tax payers for another long and costly war like a gun is done. and that's according to a member of the us financial elite, former chief operating officer, a paypal and angel, investor of space at hoover and facebook among others, david sax. but it's worth recording that the american public was a shoulder for 2 decades, but we will, we didn't have dentist. and unfortunately, it looks like we're headed for a similar kind of outcome in ukraine. the only question is when and how long bite and we'll be able to put that shaded proxy wolf choice that's could have easily been avoided. in the, in this scenario seems to be ukraine being sold to a money hungry foreign company that is reported late only profit in from the
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countries problems are trained, caring, potentially hazardous materials do rolled into the yellowstone river in montana. early on saturday, the incident left the railroad destroyed with multiple tankers falling into the river. 3 of the rail carts, but the roads were carrying hot, asphalt and 4 were carrying molten, sold for all the hazardous materials spilled into the water, the chief of emergency services. so the boats spelled substantive substances solidify quickly and water, meaning that the potentially harmful effects to the environment could be limited according to local officials. no one was injured in the incident. india and the us have signed a series of deals ranging from defense and a i to micro trips in defense during indian prime minister movies visit to washington this week. that as the white house courts, new delhi, and a big display of a nation away from china. archie is really up to try and go,
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has the details look at them best these? so when the red carpet was rolled out for, and the rental modi in america bn pension was to show the whole world just how close india and the us are now. and one to be in the future along the way that the relationship you choose united states india is one of that will be one of the finding relationships to the 21st century. ok, we got it just like we did when the media tried their best. to explain that all this is intended to send a signal to be doing this headline says it all. china was the ghost at the us in the a fixed. although when mr. moody and mr. barton were dimming their speeches. they didn't say the word china, but the people on capitol hill are much more outspoken when it comes to how d. c, a new daily shared common interest in challenging badging. india is also moved off
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the center on things like, like china, you know, they recognize china expansionism is a challenge in that whole region, not just the south china sea, but as a some of the border to sweets they have what china, our nation's economic and security interest, i will, i, for many of the most pressing issues, especially in the growing hostility of a chinese companies policy in the himalayas. i'm in the indian ocean. now, what is the actual lynch been of this friendship that should define the 21st century american business giants are looking to bombard the world's 5th largest economy with tech deals even mosque has promised his tesla will soon have a presence in india. apple wants to have a quarter of all as i phones produced in india, there are deals and loads and loads of fields from jet engines to micro chips. you name it. now, you know what's really quite fascinating, not so long ago during the times of the cold war,
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washington tried to gain leverage against the ussr by bill king, ties with china and eventually flooding it with hijack. here's how the former us secretary of state described the logic behind such tactics. china had to be able to count on american support against direct soviet pressures threatening its independence of territorial integrity. it must not be permitted to maneuver. i sent a necessary showdown complex as it might be to execute such a tactic. it was always better for us to be closer to either moscow or picking then either it was to the other except in the living in case of a soviet attack on china, china's communist, who could care less as long as there were other interests in mind. when kicked off as an initiative by the nixon administration to reconcile with badging 50 years ago, remained alive all the way till the 21st century. just before stepping down president bill clinton showed he was the biggest fan of bringing the rising age and
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power house into the global trading system. this is how he then promoted the so called china trade bill. if you believe in the future of greater prosperity for the american people, you certainly should before this agreement. if you believe in the future of peace and security for asia and the world you should before this agreement, this is the right thing to do. we know the next chapter of this story, president trump, who flushed older remains of what once appeared as friendship. we are now making it clear to china that after years of targeting our industries and stealing our intellectual property, that's aft of american jobs and welf. it has come to an end by the looks of it, indian is following into china's footsteps from only a few decades ago. one big comment is full, always requires a good new friend,
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hungry for technology, and of course, geographically close to the enemy. does india have a plan b? if someone fresh in the white house decides to dump the friendship? primitive ceremonies reception at the white house did not go without some confusion . jo, bite, it put his hand over his chest, while the indian anthem was playing. standing to attention for on 15 seconds before realizing his heir. meanwhile, the indian government approved plans for us ship maker micro on technology to build a $2700000000.00 semiconductor testing and packaging unit in the country. but that will put new dally at odds with staging, which bands the operators of key domestic infrastructure for making purchases from the us. chip maker. i mean, security concerns in 2020 want the indian semi conductor market was worth $27000000000.00 at is projected to reach $64000000000.00 by 2026.
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however, despite the projected growth, india has yet to establish its own semiconductor manufacturing facilities. journalist john rowley says, now that attempts to coerce india with hard power have failed. washington is trying to work with offers and can't refuse. a prime minister, monique certainly feels very confident now because he is in the driver's seat. uh, and in the relationship with the us, the us has it over the past year, us as exercising norm as pressure to get him to bow to their wishes, to have sanctions against russia, to stop trading with russia in the american media. they're totally under the clearly, totally under the control of the white house. and they will reflect opposition to white house. and they've been vicious through the american media over the past year for test and vicious in regard to india. i was just really, really shocked me at certain times closer. and because the idea was to,
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to about make mode about making the about, make india kneel before the united states and it didn't work. it didn't work. embody stood as dram, the indian people, they stood their ground. and now america, you know, the white house is going to try the trauma center. we're gonna see if this works is they're gonna offer him a business deals, i think, right? business deals probably some financial assistance for the certain types of cooperation that are beneficial to india. i'm sure that i'm sure there's gonna be a really some, some, some really wonderful deals coming out of washington coming out of new york city ride new york city wall street. so we're gonna see a lot of sweet deals coming out for india. india is going to think, you know, is it gonna, is it gonna fall for these keep tricks? right? is it, is it going to take the bates? if it takes the bait, then it's going to be stuck on uncle sam's hook. and that's a vicious, bloody hook. so does india really want to be on that? that re, that's sinister hook that the same as go throat them on friday,
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lillian activists, how the, a protest demanding un peacekeeping troops. we give the country without delay. the government says the mission has failed to deal with security challenges. of the government of molly calls for the withdrawal of the new summit. without delay, newsome, it seems to have become part of the problem by fuel and community tensions exacerbated by extremely serious allegations, which are highly detrimental to peace, reconciliation and national cohesion in molly and jesus in money. no one wants to know
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k a t p. so how much is this she can and she told me earlier we heard from a parent african political analyst who believes the un mission is not helping result the crisis and molly serving only western interest instead that i can get us . we're talking about a symmetric warfare that is with the total risk. why are there? so the question arises, what is the purpose of the peacekeeping mission?
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because they are not involved in a fighting, they're not there. we have a war, we have 2 sides. and what is the need for a useless mission that only follows the selfish interest of different on groups? there is no reason for their existence in molly. molly needs a new course when it comes to the fight against terrorism. not a peacekeeping mission. the reasons for the mission existed in 2012 given the advance of service groups. today we're asking a lot of question about the reasons for the presence of these forces. we know the solution because we already have those forces troops on the line of contact with a terrorist groups. they're the ones who thus work together with molly and soldiers to fight the terrorist. there is no need for a peacekeeping mission. that's all for now. be sure to check out our t dot com for all the latest breaking news and updates. we'll see you right back here at the top of the hour, the
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the good. yeah. to buy the yeah. portion. enterprise going the lines to please go or to release a soft, don't you? there's only a dorski until by the yellow unless it gets closer to the school. if i do not solely definitely deliberately, despite the concept of the thing, is because the last man can you manage for the morning and do you spell your last name?
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spelled b o you philip, at the most stuff i deal with putting it to the most students cuz a lot those are just coming to me even though my mom and i both are and what i didn't feel, i seemed a little them over the tea, which sam gave him given us and can you give him that little bit of a little must be a little it just give them less. you mean the way people for some period that if not, i'm going to, you know, the, i'm at the very end of the all, i guess give them less. you may know a coupon. what that, what i'm actually 5 number, if i do, i, but i will report to reduce it with any pro to me. so that is what is the 3 of the way that the one bed the way it's up point to point to point to point 5, that's as low as possible. i should fit appointments,
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and i feel that what's on motiv plus 3 of them, which i don't think i've done that. your last here. i'll give you additional booth and that's the plane. yeah. and that's what was the lucy said yes. keep them in february 2020 to lead the kobe over on the does the kids go along with her daughter natalia, to both the own and the 23 foster children from john? that's to know what your task they say it's saved their lives to the look of the ways really. yeah. but when you look, see him some simple monthly where you for that, that's them with new, new voice media and you called our field rep, conclusive for the so depending on the so most of the site.
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so i guess the photos for the key for me to use my photos of machine, that's normally the one that it would just be just a few, a voice voice for most of the, for the exclusive can we use volume store and do too much, but she doesn't want just to send me a little bit that we just charge you at the pump send you. i certainly did that, but i still don't have to be no, no, you're sophia. yeah. what's your city a model and we'll see you guys. this will glitch by similar which of cost cuz i've seen little from english to the phone and couldn't use my this 3 html i'm scottish yeah, which is the blue body nissan. from us for the police going to not somebody needs done
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a video citizen so that you take the cc me that i have. it's a new site to fit in this bullshit to fax to you, which gives you the new we have some venue or 3 and i saw how much you get the new lose. so what that they must with lead to the most that and this leave with the cool a pretty for the like you to it's a little it's nothing isn't own each gun while i guess on the um, is it like this plots and the disney channel? the gallery july 30th so uh so it says that uh
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a noise deal was slow and daughter the telephone line guys. yup. was when you are you a go to work on the digital sticky store was not gonna use me. is that the most thought so, but the nature of the base is arc the uh, the full color deep knobs and move members' lovely for florida. so by using the mileage on the loans anyway, sounds familiar to you or somebody else. and i was in the concert company home with them. yeah. for the, for the cost to get out of the, from both both fun with reading the funds. not always nice, of course and watching with us on your word control panel. if the media of the, the doors to clean units. uh, yeah. the myers to sit down from berkeley or from
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the . yeah for you the full. um. uh so you know, one year for one finds some blood. you, susan, i'm filtering stuff that i sees keeps up with credit. they would prefer the source of variance and go with it in the run as far we've the government, the beautiful, the city of the ship was the, was the key out of the street to ya. do much to any of those one of those 2 things, which in cartersville yeah, the, one of the evacuation kids, the safety in russia has been described as genocide by the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe. even citing the number i did to the 19000 nominator says it's untrue. pretty legit you and then you can go and you called at the body
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building. can you explain his i did i it's a new problem. as much, shall i use new boy, just see how much you all of see what your thoughts on that i'd really like to move . but since the, both of them are all 3 of a little thing, a couple of you know, going to any positive, do i need you to give me a talk to me? it's familiar with my scene and those values me. however, in march 2023, the international criminal court jurisdiction is now recognized by russia the us and showing the issued and arrest warrants for the commission of children's rights in russia. maria level the below the i guess it was nice and couldn't mean you'd have to keep the and you're going to yes, mfc for most of these to see if this is the some way you will with the support of the glad it's comes of kind of specific user through each? no. no. is it he asked me to fuck this for uh, could i even using him? why was he request cvc? still on his side with a flat its yes, definitely me a lovely man cuz he looks like in the case of what when you uh was to particular
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line is due to me comes along shift on, coming down for somebody on the snow was not done within the hygienist night the oh, nothing used to put the new a cuz i needed to see if that was waste across the needles. got the name of the appointment hygienist i need to use of somebody request. would you please walk in with the govern dot um no, he posted with the 7th done posting. it was more than a little some good. and i just see what else i need to or like say, ocean. come on tatiana here. a man of a know to well how the ukrainian army evacuated children from a few months ago. they hid in a kindergarten basement with touch on his door. so i stayed there for nearly 6 months with other neighbors. when we visited, let's see. when you, when you and sonya is of volunteers came down to the basement parents who had hi
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isaac kids in a back room. yes to the summer. so does nice one of the 20 percent due to the early simpleton for the joseph. hopefully, those are still valid and that's why let's face the roland children. my mother will skip the units what i was able put up, and i hope to see you save the post the funds out homeless and willing to susan. this is a good one. if someone is fema nidia scuffle goes on your vehicle. so anyone refrigerator really geared towards meeting them, sit down with one particular alarm, particular crucial symbol at juvenile. however, the minutes we did take several children to ukraine, while diana remained in hiding low into the city is dried and you know, has the north shift don't cry and skim orange or funny margaret. let's see what she did see. let's see. now, does the 4 do of the here and quite true for you to associate, to store me,
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which so the look here is for this sort of choice, you know, see us national. i finish as i said, you must a new i am the cut the closer to my own. so the fund, the wireless. well then you cut up no issue on your credit and all the things i've heard you are hardy. we'll just go to the side, just risdon. so towns near the front line waiting for the russians to come was publicly announced on ukrainian tv by the head of the of the civil military administration. is that us to the last ocean lou wisdom that is to get a quote of the lease. and if you would use a headache, your suspicion from the side several the show is supposed to think of what our new uh it will look like zillow. see.
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