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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the will with lenders, as long as they do. what do you suggest the guide is a simply con. comprehend how as the old use, the civilian population was a human shield. so somebody giving this to a 50 as low as i'm going to assume later if i can get you to a couple of ship it on the score and a couple of what you mean, your blue story, i mean pick or one is going to school. i'm assuming your bus, it's a deal, a pressure wound deal and is a sudden i'm not sure i'm doing well. she knew the particular watch some goody bags from assuming i knew there's just because connor's mom over here. she, if i was reading the city there's on school, i'm assuming the, during the conflict this 1000000 story building became a convenient firing point for you. a fighters from where they rained file and civilians, because this is supposedly especially those cause this
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so they can shift the, the ruthless attitude towards one's own population is no different from bundio is doing the great pantry arctic war. these orders were given by the commander in chief of the ukrainian rebel on a b s. as huffman real 9, she gave it in the 1940s. i repeat, do not intimidate but exterminated. we should not be afraid that the people would cost us a cruelty that only half of the $40000000.00 ukrainian population remains. there's nothing terrible about this with the upset with the laws and yeah, look into this is a lot of with using it. we usually show him what he that probably made for us if
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coming out of the furthest interiors of rescue metal. the simultaneous music measures of thoughtful doesn't get them on a scale. we scott blue put originally, toys is focused on the recently declassified documents show, the bench was scaled at least 500000 ukranian civilians during the great patio table which says that it is safe. but the most, the method by which you are the dates where you can download your delegate there. so that was in your book. i just was wondering if there's any new cycle us see here that joy can you ladies just keep what works. williams hopes listed in your previous with the liberty of the this us. so joe doesn't hesitate to share on camera how he's going to kill his friends by having different opinions because you're more familiar with chris, you're scratching history, they do the whole you should see a for you, there's a skin really yeah, there's
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a real coordinator or would the should be like in this for me hours or one year, but sure. they usually we have to divide just yet because we purchased it, not, not the bus. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, a french journalist audrey on bulkhead has been investigating the ukrainian on these crimes and don't pass for several months. he was one of the 1st to recall and such evidence of k. i'm why don't you kind of fit on the bus? is this going on to it was a visual if you see the piece on it as of a piece,
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all please send that phone call. i did a say please let me know. the 1st cut me off, the one my cut me off. keeps every tree receiving keys of a mute high yield of a couldn't do the best send. awful. he saw this look. eleanor. ok. this cruise. ok. the most you in this video 25th you a f brigade service went so following the superiors orders, they showed civilians in places they didn't, they did the, the was able to find
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the most needed to speak with him to keep the assume of the order was given to the as all regimented mario put a stop was all right, just i'm to ask a source of global as that session with email. so when you're on your last system, when you're on your own us and as of so what i'm supposed to got on the verge of of the hudson, where i can see the cool here. i mean, if i see there isn't like a busy little key, i'll pull my she me up. that's almost like it's almost any high adria and okay. almost paid with his life. but his investigations and the attempt was made on september the 26, 22 due to doing a trip to as dumble. those on the substitute some well, you know, i see you to the magazine in doing so safely on big gallery the plenty on the ceiling because i see and it's not, i can't even see it was, you know, i think the alternate and is your to sup, realty, somebody who's, who's callous,
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is human. she did get easier from a boost in receipt, which you put, these are the 2 mall. don't some over or so to come, always use carlos on say to typically the full use of patients for additional news is you p talk to don't hold the english as you so pool. so pool said you a maximum, you hit the feet is missing question. so when you ship under those conditions, the glare proceed is the footboard new temporarily care. but that is what you should, but there are some, you know, because i have, i mean you may have somebody younger sylvester feel better put, put the money to deal with the modem, vendor risk, enjoy, complete freedom of action, the things to the work of bundle era. who, following jeremy's capitulation,
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territory controlled by the united states with an over of corporation, bundle before what people will studies reward. if this was the one that's good, you must, you want to move on the car to what are the schools the user? actually the expert. yes. you will do i be able to get you for you got to leave you a couple of them, but you know let's, let's get through on the cheese and they see age to 30 of $200.00, easily amount of not you to do it. you could or even in the 1950s, western intelligence paid for bun, dera and his family to live in munich. the ukrainian she is, lita had a new identity with us. the name of pope the he continued to direct the actions of armed ukrainian nationalist detachment under the control of the british m, i 6, an american c. i a researcher scholarship blogger 010. last
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bullshit them bullshit is up and they bought the order from the go item sustained me pretty as groups to make a point. so which goes to a move to send you an invitation for funding. you are out the door to us here to was showing the parking lot. did you get a minus course? of course the originally was the come stuck on those of with them so. so in this issue, there were joseph the detachment, subjective coordinated by nation is leaders who to fly to the west was to sabotage soviet power and the soviet citizens. musically, she had a still, i'm still here will for change review earlier. so yes, the policy there to presume doesn't have that. that's, i guess, be punch in there to see what else i guess school intelligence, christmas html. does it always think of you who do? what would you, please, are these most going to be ready to t?
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as on at the end of the 19 forty's, the us, as i decided to eliminate the dangerous agent fund era, a 1959, the ukranian nations nieto was finally tracked down and killed steep on monday, or we will restore them. i give them sufferings, games, people, me see of the good one for the one. if i go see what people mission did was just buffering is the voice. the, i don't really so bundle off to his desk, the vendor. and this quickly became part of anti soviet propaganda serge. excuse me, was the only is the way to talk with you soon to get the what you what would be an issue for you? you 1959 canada in edmonton, a selling move in took place and memorial service and on of the phone, the o. u. n. lee to alaska. yes, but okay, it's 3 nights 3. it's if i choose to those 2 worksheets, $3.00 to $6.00,
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but i've got to look for little grades, but he is going to mr. special crate on the federal. when i see you for the 3 to use to post, let's use the seed in the group. now just so let's go to the post as the study, i assume that i bought the landscape which is bit slow. but at the end of world war 2, canada became a refuge for thousands of fleeting ukrainian nationalist, but recently collaborated with the nazis models. because expo, you download your process, go creative on loganville efforts, the cannot create jasper to create a couple of stuff that i'm going to 50. just putting the utility screwed up with this need on the see about $12.00 after the collapse of the soviet union. bundio is from associates return to ukraine to build and independent states.
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the in 2010 president use into so many awarded step end bandito with the chief order of independent ukraine. the episode because there's a, there's lungs visibility when this money the video and you how to use some of those as to but to get some this lesson increase with the 1st floor to 1st floor. it is when you only play unit is a distorting awards on the bundle keeps the bundles law under his port rates in 2014, another crew to, to place a new crane and a new wave of national his glorification began this time of state level. the
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great and pretty minimal or uh good, uh, what did it say was the way it is producing can, but there are quite some issues with them as of use windows or furthest just to throw it off cuz he relates or listening to ideas zalinski where he thought that no, it's a show up with the guy with a told him is i deal with a student, i suppose, to be solution for some of up which didn't stick with me on the organize the deal. would you send me, elizabeth? look, you need you to, to me and then from that, let's get away of the fuse risk or the u. haul group of fledged results. somebody's been study,
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but one of the i'm not in the deal. could i even october? the 14th 1942 is considered the de, the ukraine. in insurgent ami, the p a was founded. it became an official holiday. the day of the defender of ukraine was actually so serious, cool, personal as a pulling out at the find the fuel filter that usual looks from the mission in 2019 ukraine post, a little wandering thunderous with the status of the war veterans. there's quite a bit of what they can't get away. a couple of options for him to get a list and you get a new course. functional is calling this presidency landscape decided to go even further june 2021 and keeps me kind of ski cathedral there. was a solemn funeral for the eminent bender as the member of the scale, you see a division raced by school. when you have been there,
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don't you think about that also goes to show us the substance abuse, which is a heart long and subsea portion of the 2016 crimes committed by g alysia soldiers against opponents population, which the genocide by the police parliament gives the same size the service men from the presidential regiment were assigned to see the vendor list off on his final journey. and you want us to the us use it that up with your cell phone, which is to goes through it through language, through way, cutting august 2nd. so from showing you know, what's slopes the go, i don't want my, the address and the gospel use problem for what my age of one, somebody's
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just a broker. so this is today, the spirit of bunder is a gain being involved all over the world. the, it's up to pretty customize what degree bundle package product key to take your notes as long as before they finish. and you guys get him developers 1st, by the way, use a tech fits on their way and i get out to know, could i use both of those up and then left to show them both of those up. and then there is a 6 digit code to, to is a fairly good at the have you have the vin from us american made generally an anti tank single use mess. so here it's will a little brother, the gym and made friends that house the same kinds of files just that's a better,
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a more modern version of the same unit of the same me. so i'll use by the nazi germany again, soviet troops towards it. but the other 2 are not system. okay, we're good. you know, we've seen the stuff. it's a new one, like google. it will continue to show the power at partnership and will continue to bolster ukraine's armed forces by rushing them occasionally. is that they need to defend their country, is a phone. the good of dealing is up to just for deals within somebody as an adult. uh who are, you know, and the noise is around this pretty baltic. the store on that through your small gulf garza the store on the city and you know, as you taking care of the guardian for it, the pro i go to the city of store the wheel or just to just be able to see it here or we'll see them on the issue just you'll be able to say using, since you have to chose to,
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that's what i need you to work on here. so you'll be able to start using for the muslims for about 15 for them. so no questionnaire. it's even a little bit of time to watch that the, the most like you're not going is line
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the the the kind of situation that you find on. so i think it's a great political opportunity to profit goods for the 1st time to articulate it was to say, listen, we have a multi, a whole lot of relationships with all the powers of the, of the world. and what to dictate relationships between african countries and those black ones is the national interest. and i would see that happening at the moment, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the, the wagner group leave their positions in south western russia. other saturdays attended me, saying fighters will now head back to their fields camp. a deal to end the mutiny was brokers by the ball, russian president and coordination with the russian president ritual. 6, the wagner chief, leave rome shoppers, butler roost, and indian prime minister motives visit to the us, patches of parts and policy makers. and congress, along with president,
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drove ida mistakenly put a hand on his dress. as the indian anthem was plain, the coming to live from the russian capital, this is the weekly on our to international. i'm rachel bl ovens here with the top stories of this week. and today. welcome to the program as well. i'm here for so it's have withdrawn from southwestern russia without incident, according to local authorities. overnight the fighters will have their positions in raw salvo, not claiming they are headed back to their fields camp, some new gods. the move came after the ball russian president had negotiations with the wagner chief in coordination with a russian president. let's take a look at the moment, the wagner chief left the headquarters of the military district and ross common dogs, which had been captured by his group and the attempt to meet me. he is now to be heading room earlier. wagner fighters managed to seize the headquarters of one of the local military districts where they demanded immediate route. here's how the
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group leader explain his decision to back down to a government here they want you to dispense pmc book. now we went to the march of justice on june, the 23rd. and today we go to, within just 200 kilometers in moscow. during this time, we've not shared a single drop of blood from off by just thinking right now. we've approached the moment when blood can be shed. realizing the full responsibility for the fact that the russian blood will be shuttled one side of why we turn our columns around and go in the opposite direction to the field caps according to the course, most of our correspondent was on the scene earlier with more on the aftermath of wagner's presence and ra stuff. a standing right next to the military headquarters here in russ solve on zone. as you can see, the situation has now completely, the escalated the roles have been de block so the traffic is now back to
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normal. you can see the military here are the back to work. the members all the wagner private industry company have gone as well. uh now i can see some of the consequences of what happened on saturday. um the military headquarters are right next to the surface. so this is where, uh at 10 was they have destroyed the escape, so they have destroyed the pavement here as well. the situation was quite sense on saturday. as there were shots wired, there was a loud bang as well. we found out that it was the fact that the members were shooting in the air, trying to disperse the crowd, the little attention from the locals as well, who were approaching the members. i'll see a wagner prior. is there a company asking them what they are doing? here what their purpose was and why they're not on the front line is that very here in a role stall on so on. at 1 point one,
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they became sold sense of one of the members of the wagon group accidentally showed himself in the 1st. he was a treated a right away. at the moment, older roads around role still have the zip laws. life is back to normal and people full of leave salvage whatever he's left off of this weekend. and a life is back to normal women golf for emergency russell on. mccain on service was also called on to help sift through the aftermath of the incident in the city police docs examined some of the prominent wagner point scots. they checked for any suspicious objects in the territories that were all surprised by the finders. one of the places inspected was the local circus, which has a headlines with an image of a tank stuck in his gates. the kremlin announced that the criminal case against wagner founder, you have denny for goshen will be dropped and he will leave russia to go to bella. ruth russian spokesman, dimitri prescott added,
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that wagner fighters will not be prosecuted. taking into account their efforts on the front lines in ukraine, the bell, russian president's press office underline the importance of de escalate intentions . the negotiations were held throughout the day. we came to an agreement on the end, admissibility of unleashing a bloody massacre on the territory of russia. the head of the wagner pmc accepted the proposal of the president of valerie, was to stop the movement of armed wagner personnel on the territory of russia and to take further steps to de escalate attention. we're grateful to the double russian president bluecross shingle for his efforts. he's known to bmc involved in the head for 20 years, and it was the president's personal initiative. he managed to resolve the situation with alfredo losses and escalation. as a result, an agreement was reached at the bmc will return to the field caps some of the fight as will sign contracts with the russian defense ministry. they have changed their minds and ask the ministry to come back. as for the others, no one will persecute them. we have always respected there who were deeds as fond
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of going ahead. you've given a precaution, the criminal case has been terminated and he himself will leave for bella luce, the evening conversation to things, disagreement was good and constructive. on friday, the wagner chief accused the russian military of targeting one of his company's camps and a rocket attack, allegedly killing as fighters. the russian defense ministry dismissed the obligations as this information for goshen. then vowed to march on law scout to deal with those he believe were responsible for the military to stay out of his way . i made the tensions western media outlets such as the economist and the sunday times were quick to change or to regarding the wagner group, or formerly referring to the group as a quote nazi regime. they recently opted for terms like rebels against vladimir putin. meanwhile, the new york times in washington post of sided anonymous, us intelligence officials, claiming that washington was aware of the wagner chief's plans days in advance.
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professor siad, mom and we're on the from the university of tehran, said it's not unusual for western media outlets to near the us intelligence community. these rhetoric, if we assume the thing you then uh they were behaving very irresponsibly if they were fearful of nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands. so that it shows that they are completely irresponsible. but also if they really didn't know, and i'm not sure they did, because after the events take place, everyone can claim anything in the washington post is known to say what the deep state and what the intelligent us intelligence services want them to say us. but if they knew within, why were they so foolish? why was their response over the last of $24.00 or 48 hours and the response of the western media that is so close to the political establishment?
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why was it so horrible? why was it? why did they predict think things and so badly? mm hm. so either way, if they don't come out in a good life, no, i'm staying on this topic. there was another headline by the, the wall street journal, which said that the, the us not incense to postpone the into the introduction of the sanctions on wagner for fit of siding with, with proofs in here. now how do you explain not considering that the us is always considered wagner to be of service organization postponing sanctions on them? seems quite extraordinary. well, that's why i always say the worst violator of human rights across the globe is the united states and it's western allies, because they are the most hypocritical. they speak about human rights, they preach about human rights. they claim to be the great supporters of human rights, but they will do, they will support the most dirty of the dirty if it suits their purpose. as we saw that when they supported the contra rebels,
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they saw that we saw that when they supported outside on isis and the as of a brigade or the battalion back then and other a such extremist groups. so if they see an interest in wagner, regardless of what it is or how good it is, or whether it's good or bad. mm hm. that's beyond the point. if they see it serves there that it could possibly serve their purpose. they'll support it. if it doesn't serve their purpose, they'll stand against it and so they have no moral principles. but what is, what makes the western regimes worse than any other is the fact that they have no principles, but they pretend that they have the highest of moral standards. so in contrast to many countries in the global south have back to the criminal is response to the rebellion. among them is china, which just as it rushes for an affair, is deputy minister and beijing showing interest and further reproach meant. the chinese side has expressed its support of the russian leaderships efforts to
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stabilize the situation in the country in connection with the events of june 24th. it has confirmed its interest in strengthening the confusion and further prosperity of russia. earlier russia's head of state had a phone call with his turkish counterpart who also backs the actions that the russian officials. meanwhile, are ronnie and authorities underline their support of russia's rule of law and called the attempted mutiny and internal affair. windermere, put, and also stayed in touch with the leaders of other friendly nations, such as is becca, stand in, cause expand to go further, ends up on this. let's cross live now to nelson wong, the vice chairman of the shanghai center for room pack and international studies, and they've all day club experts. nelson is always great to have you on the program . now let's start with this response from beijing. what does the chinese support of


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