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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2023 2:00am-2:30am EDT

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why do you regionally one another, but only some issue is also a bit slow, but my niche cut off my roof, you will board on thing and i'm also voice. miss allison, i step would you improve lenient schedule to use the brother machine, you should have them to fill out them. this will pick you up, which from the mining choices interesting, was that all symbols that came up with them sort of middle, it should be able to maximize that. of course, you know. so school punishment read the book, olga, olga units. only so many, many, many, many little things completely just leaving shift after world war one plus became a breeding ground for the ukranian nationalists underground terrorist organizations the o u. n. and zeta. the o. u. n's militant wing, ukrainian intelligent ami u. p. a. for short. it came under the control of the young and ruthless step on bundy era, krista copeland's cooper, space code and the middle east. across for to show on buzz to stay
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in touch with some of the most. the most common you that's with the excel is to look like you are us to meet. you can do a center, we can use the easier go to the rest of the big bathroom to the scale organization was eventually passed on to a new generation of ukrainian use. the most the,
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the step, the stone said he wants to live with you to keep away to 3 yellow and you don't just need to look a little square. those goes off us, but it still has not to fail. okay. what's the, what's the log into your email? this? it does not cool crisco on the feeling that these things it is obviously, but it is the more yours or your store, which is obviously go i you, that sounds to me when you guys, when you ship the station, you start watching. if you have to move the prospect the seller's platform use of the decalogue, the 10 ukranian nationalists commandments was written in 1929 by 25 year old step on then cascade, who later succeeded bundio at the home of v o. u. n. montero was assassinated in munich in 1959. been with us to lot the last for both of you choose to see if this new role is to the system. the government grants can easily with the leading edge which it's true,
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mostly the because the system is always the decision to void manual as mutual interest. the shame in that explain you guys could possibly claim you probably deal with the most of mine behind the ukranian nationalist cool document in the thirty's was fun. there was spiritual father. it needs to be done some of my neck, myra, of hit to those ideas. and sharp little dumpster for a can you give those to see when you know, when they were supposed to finish those showed all of which but you know, for an additional support for the new kinds cool deal. even of with them, pretty cheap. most people also stip on that uh the, in the 1970s, striving to implement guns, those ideas,
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funds. they are organized to or is the tanks against the pro russian and pro publish intelligentsia. the blood of soviet diplomatic andre miles had most of the level academic gymnasiums. yvonne bobby, i'm publishing tier administer brought his love peter skis on the hands of those who came to be known as band or is one that the h e up to one with a glove? never heard of which one will a school be pretty good? you see me look them, but reason it was associate here. joseph, there's the ones here. and of course the upside. is that the book up in worsley, the right is the will be words mean use the word at that them stuff will be switching on you go, you know, who just took that to be successful. give someone can move from gainesville police . i don't think i'm going to put any of his chest away from message message. please go ahead on the
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. the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all something set up the in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz vote net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services for what question did you say
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a request, which is the the many years later contemporary bender of follows with the adult, the same methods. motion of it all lies. this is voltage from august the 20th 2020 to the manufacturing is had and hora is alexander to get the leading proponents of the russian will concept going to diarrhea adobe, and was just being killed in a car bombing right before his eyes. it's now being proven, the attack was organized with the aid of ukrainian security services. the beast
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will definitely do that. monday will skip and will be switching on your golf. hike us as a part of the song, god bless you and i see it by the, by the detroit, we'll get to the station at the door a bundle together, basically these to the what kind of the municipal, what's a huge difference, even of ukrainian new notes is now kill pro russian politicians in ukraine, with the most brutality which i'm over here and that only to put that to category. if i can imagine what that is subject to to us and that single person, you are the 1st thing you might, your 1st will read. it will be exciting news on the part of the,
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at the point you can just get some stuff the monday of to be me yet so that again, i'm going to be start up as told me that the lives of collections really let them about that. but in this case, um, we do the, the system you knows, and that's going to be looking at that the, this voltage shows i'm of, of ryan's thing to nationalist attacking the head of his songs, family, youth and sports department. dimitri septic tank the at one point a nationalist pulls out a gun and aims at dimitri. but the weapon misfire as the a moment later, another attempt, again, a misfire, the dmitri several
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chunk of good, lucky that day, the defenders to it would still be carried out in the early hours of june, the 24th 2022. there was an explosion. the officials home in his own cause control no less than a video test and a plan that he needs to g. you see you soon because you know some of the jenko dimitris mother came to visit him that morning. the 1st thing she saw was her sons car parked outside the house. but the gym and the community mostly for the just the patella incentive and they put up to the official senior for the off of the would be
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a little confused on known actors that planted explosives in the vehicle deputy, pulled on new much go single open when you put them, can you to put the switch the table for the which q is that and use the menu the home was will use this to the only problem would be the cost of many install the kitchens, but the $1.00 you're you're going to pursue, dimitri died a few minutes later in his mother's arms. and this is how pro ukrainian officials reacted to the terrorist attacks partisans of score and other victory dimitris of the chunk of was killed, a pro russian activist and trades. it was blowing up in a car and one of his fillings courtyards this morning. this will happen to every trait to today politically motivated mode is of anyone that ukrainian authorities
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suspect of being sympathetic to most of the rampant ukrainian nationalist. don't hesitate to post reports on the elimination of those key labels. separate test, the who is disturbing. 6 2nd video shows that trench dug somewhere on the outskirts of guns, in which several bodies in civilian clothes liability covered with a. b, as all regiments ex, command mugs seems your end posted the video immediately off to ukranian troops entered the city during the account of offensive. with the caption, they'll be pay back the modem, new trains to raise the rates dates back to the late $19.00 seventy's. when bundled era and his associates arrested by punish authorities for murder,
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i agreed to cooperate with nazi germany. special services the listing the works of an interest in dylan and the uil stuff number was me 0. and so just giving these a soft instead though, my main thing in the internet see walk through these photos when you're looking for stuff. yes, majorities of one data centers in your total is much it and it says the will with the deal is for the reward. be a very simple the welcome to the see, are going to use it the one day of school with usually a new quote that, i mean really i sort of, i've written a concession from a german military intelligence officer that he'd recruited step on bundy era long before that you, i'm an attack on the soviet union has now been declassified by the f s. b. this is a genuine and unique historical document. no one doubts its authenticity. we never to deal with the component of the sports that the no, let me see to let you all know that over deal i've got
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a controlled i have to chose us about does it give you a bit thought of you know, to do a deal of the toner units, uh a deal is uh, was easy because that is so nice. you can do this, do i have to do that? so could i just get this on that list of 4, which as 2 of the union, and that's i guess case i use thirds will cause to push it to the good. that's a good that was for the 1st moment. good. the iare that the bill as known as soon as you completed the audit. that was yesterday. that's the only one that was not going. it was the medical id claim, not even use that. so could i speak not so many stuff, but then it in me and you can put it in the option to not only pre em you could could now was of the what the we just curious but as i pull it up was that when did it go out, it says at the slow, explicit sag less than way to come in. that's the con night is just an ideal said the can you the to the bundy, i think the mobile up our ocean that we can use. that's interest. save us. keith was to bring in that to detroit is up a new for me or cause
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a new bundle for us to feel kind of good news actually post. i just googled no. could i use that? that's what it was when they bought a blue project. trust me, i mean is that what's and you have yourself to interest in that. i've always, if you lose the storage unit, it's the nice thing because that's the worst store organize getting that so that least it will go with some i'm not sure to know why it says at the end, but did it do used to live full? cuz i knew you'd like june to get them on school again. you're right in or stop by the above. that is that they do get the most. can you me as good as we have of the dispute? sure. if that's in yet gimme a scatter me. and the digital service because i use it in august 2022 the f as be published. unique documents concerning the interrogation of o u. n. member nichol. i move uh they confirm ukrainian. nationalists cooperated with hitler's intelligence service. the in august 1943. i was visited in my apartment in the village of ease of light,
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the volume shook a bunch of wrist. he gave me the following orders. one to serve and work on the slave. a gentleman, a considering is an ally to the strength and propaganda against the soviet union, among the russian and ukrainian population. 3, identify those sympathetic to the soviet government and the red army and report them to the gestapo. all the police during the war o u. n. members, but there was associates followed orders from the germans to clear territories liberated by the most from so called undesirables crystal christmas. so at least the fun. absolutely. i put it on a disk on each on the display issue. and you still get your, your cause. i still don't wanna be sure the condition is totally between the personal co welcoming she what the research it was on the go away with the jumping go. the 1st thing i'll send you is unless she was original kind of things,
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unless you need to reorder screening, screening showing your table, which is extreme, which was easy because the reason being that the issue with the bundle there's that need to are you at the moving show, are you going to move new boldly be what would you do? you got the better or succeed is for, for being an issue on the bottle. it's you can you lose you? i'd be almost video or even 80 years later, there were still witnesses of those terrible events may file 6 call. the last witness of the above a massacre now lives in jerusalem. and he says, he'll never forget the day he lost his loved ones. he was just 5 years old at the time. sheets. exactly. yes and vision easy for us. well,
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salem is, was tempted to push a discount for the sale of the lake, which she stays going to go to the different levels. dylan can be here for you to the, to the holy position. sure. but when you when we do a temporary deal, particularly since the deal. next we have some fruitful total government issued to show you it's a simple but i will just as nice remembering those terrible
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moments is getting. honda and honda from these miles sitko ever yeah. during the interview, he felt on well the when he dirty coverage, he was determined to continue the interview. the the in autumn 1941, a ravine about 2 and a half came over to as long and more than 50 meters. deep became the mass great for 150000 people, including the highest family. these people were murdered by bandwidth to help the non c occupies decimate the jewish population in key me, especially since he was really sending me justice because i said
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really, what does it do the thing showing particularly exactly. so what could i ask? who i could step of now. yeah. yeah, yeah. we also can you say the, the kind of situation that you find, although i think it's a great political opportunity to call for goods full of defense time to articulate to the world, to say, listen, we have a multi, a whole lot of relationships with all the powers of the, of the world and what would dictate relationships between african countries and those black ones. he's the national interest and i would see that happening at the moment the
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the, the wrong kind of group sizes withdrawal office sounds a days attempted new to me in russia. thing sciences will now head to fax. the. com but the russian president have proof of the deal to end the crisis, which will see the evocative chief leave russia for the on the 1st stage visit to the us of india is prime. minnesota touches the house of the policy makers in congress, along with presenter buys, and he puts his hands on his chest as the indian national anthem to say the able and welcome see you. you're watching the weekly here on, on see international with the late as wells news updates,
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and the round up the stories the shapes the week is good to have you with us. log in and policies have withdrawal and from south western russia, without incident into quoted the local authorities of a nice the find says left best positions and most of on don't. claiming the headed back to the field thompson, the guns, the move came off of the belly, russian president held negotiations with the groups. chief here's the moment that you asked me for goes in left the headquarters of the military district and most of on don't which have been captured by his group in the attempted new today. he's now supposed to be heading to bella. ruth voc, the fight is managed to seize the headquarters of one of the local military districts where they dom, onto the meeting with top ross. here's how the groups lead to explained his decision to back down to a guy walked the other. they wanted to just find that p m c bulk. now we went to the march of justice on june. the 23rd. and today we go to, within just 200 kilometers, must go. during this time, we've not shed a single drop of blood from off by just right now. we've approach the moment when
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blood can be shed. realizing the full responsibility for the fact that the russian blood will be shuttled one side before we turn our columns around and go in the opposite direction to the field camps, according to the bottom, could with more than say, is ramon calls. the riff was on the scene earlier with more on the often most of the events in rough stuff. and we are standing right next to the military headquarters here in russ solve on zone. as you can see, the situation has now completely, the escalated, the roads have been the block, so the traffic is now back to normal. you can see the military here are the back to work. the members of the wagner, a private business or a company have gone as well. uh, now i can see some of the consequences of what happened on saturday. um, the military headquarters are right next to the circus. so this is where attack was they have destroyed the escape,
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so they have destroyed the pavement here as well. the situation was quite sense on saturday as there were shots fired there was a loud bang as well. we found out that it was the fact that wagner, members were shooting in the air, trying to disperse the crowd for a little attention from the locals as well, who were approaching the members. i'll see a wagner prior. is there a company asking them what they are doing here? what their purpose was and why they're not on the front line is that here in a row stall on zone at 1 point one, they became sold sense. one of the members of the wagon group accidentally showed himself in the 1st he was treated a right away. at the moment, older roads around real stalls have the zip laws. life is back to normal, and people sold lease salvage whatever he's left off of this weekend.
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and a lot of his back to normal room on call for emergencies. thrust off on police dogs will also use to help sift through the off the mouth of the incident in the city. i check for any suspicious object scenario is occupied by the sizes. one of the places inspected was the local circus which hit the headlines with an image of a ton of stuff and it states the criminal is announced a criminal case against the voltage chief has been dropped. the criminal spokesman also said voc defiance as well. no. to be prosecuted, taking into accounts their reference on the front lines in ukraine, the by the russian presidents press office on the lines, the importance of the escalating tensions. the negotiations were held throughout the day. we came to an agreement on the end, admissibility of unleashing a bloody massacre on the territory of russia. the head of the wagner pmc accepted the proposal of the president of beller. it was to stop the movement of armed wagner personnel on the territory of russia and to take further steps to de
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escalate attention. we're grateful to the russian president lucas shingle for his efforts. he's known to bmc evolving the head for 20 years, and it was the president's personal initiative. he managed to resolve this situation with alfredo los as an escalation. as a result and agreement was reached at the bmc will return to the field caps. some of the advisors will sign contracts with the russian defense ministry. they have changed their minds and as the ministry to come back, as for the others, no one will best to keep them. we have always respected their, he really needs s phone devoted to had. you've given a precaution to criminal case has been terminated, and he himself will leave for bella luce, even conversation to things, disagreement was, was, and constructive. the russian foreign ministry stays mosca, receive support from a number of countries to his response to the rebellion, including china. the chinese side has expressed its support of the russian leadership efforts to stabilize the situation in the country in connection with the
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events of june 24th. it has confirmed its interest in strengthen because usually, and further prosperity of russia, elia, president pierson held a phone call with his turkish towns to pause while the rain you know forward. he's also on the lines best support nelson, one from the sun cost center for wim, pack, and international studies as a sign is interested in russia means it's of us that would have concerns about the development stuff for a ministry, a response to the of trying to a towards russia, i think, came at the right time, which shows that to the child that does support the leadership in russia and which is very, very important that this critical stage structure is a close neighbor. and as a strategic partner for china as well. so well, i think it's when only natural that we don't walk to see any social instability of the chaos in russia. the, the incident itself as being
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a widely covered across the trying to a different levels of media including social media as well. people are talking about it for the oppress china, a mostly concerned about the well being of the russian people went about the social stability of russia, which is quite natural, but considering that the country is in the middle of an ongoing conflict in ukraine . so i think it's natural that people are very much concerned. mazda curacy forces with a fluid and the russian capital to secure the highways leading into the city, kansas. her emotions would have caused by local officials and we'll stay in place despite the peace. still monday has been declared to a known working de la scale public events not being postponed, while several check points was set up on the outskirts of the capital. and the most going to the regions. traffic restrictions on the main highway have been lifted
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media, lopez, ons, politicians, and also when bowen's file storage, he's against the store's thing. official information. bugs and troops was said to have built within 200 kilometers of mosca before they finally turned around. the bean had taken them the m full highway towards the capital northeast. steve sweeney sent this report from the route. this looks like any other old re sunday, but it could have been so very different. instead of the trucks and the calls that we're seeing making they way down the i'm for to what was the washer and capital bosco it could have been tongues on, but it t vehicle was now some 10000 fighters on but it's the hardware was reportedly some 200 kilometers outside of most go further down the info, waiting for the cool to mike to so cool mauch on most go. now we have seen some ability vehicles and some soldiers on the outskirts of most go defending the city for the only people of both sky. they were largely on the tubs, the ball,
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the restaurant from the shop throat. but as usual, people were going about that diety business. they ignored the cold by precaution to take up arms and join his group any in any fact to have the opposite effect. instead of a southern disunity, the people remained united with many promising to defend the city with some 200 kilometers outside the russian capital moscow. this is the for this point. the volved difficulties advanced on their so called march, but just as we could do twins in the overall shooting capital. now there's been a lot of speculation about what did happen, what didn't happen most go, has hinted, the western countries even knew about what directly involved in what was that failed to attempt questions hopping off as to how those policies were allowed to advance. why they would stop, but of course, that would have pitied, rushing against the russian brother against brother. people were of course,
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naturally keen to avoid what would it be down to, to be a being a bloody civil war. but as you can see, the road behind me, the info which leads to the russian capital remains open. traffic is able to pulse freely. the atlas babies come on. the situation remains under control. this is steve sweeney in the most good region salty. the website policy dot com live updates about these logs, them you to the terms of the latest developments in the peace process. and of course, stay tuned here to on the international for more continuing. katherine, which was all smiles on 6 on the big money deals. this week as well, since enrolled all the red carpet for the 1st state visit of india's prime minister . as, as the white house quotes, new delhi, that bits put some distance between it and bathing all seasonally between cover poles.


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