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tv   Documentary  RT  June 27, 2023 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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is officer scott vista, but he believes ukraine's offensive face difficulties from the outset. i think when you look at things from a realistic military perspective, the ukranian counter offensive never had a chance from a military point of view. they had insufficient troops, they had insufficient training. and they lacked the of the weaponry to, uh, to effectively suppress and defeat the russian defense is the only way that one could justify carrying out this, this counter offensive. if you made certain assumptions about russian behavior that the russians were poorly trained, that the russian for poorly equipped that the russians reportedly led that the morale of the russian soldiers was low. so that the moment ukrainians appeared on the battlefield, the russians would run away. so that appears to be what the trainings were led to believe by nato, by the united states, by the british. that's the assumptions that appear to have been made in the
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ukrainian operational planning. and unfortunately for the ukrainians and their nato allies, reality was far different. the russians turned out to be very well lead, very well equipped, very well trained and very well motivated. and as a result, the training and efforts had been defeated on the field of battle. i know the news . india's finance minister has hits out of the form of us president barca, bama for the destructive buildings across the globe while he was in the white's house. but it came in response to comments from obama criticizing india and internal affairs. both the us to the general quickie when i'm talking about foreign matters. i'm speaking with moderation on the topic of the us. we want to good friendship but there are room. 7 works about indian religions, tolerance from us commission on international religious freedom. mr. for our president obama says something about that. meanwhile, around 6 countries with predominantly muslim population,
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were bombed for this very reason. take serious young men, saudi arabia iraq. was there no bombing? we're like, situation developed in several countries with more than $26000.00 bombs being dropped. how anyone listen to them or trust them when countries making political decisions such as these bring allegations against india. well, during a bomb is 8 years in office, the us conducts it strikes on 7 different countries. i've got, it's done. iraq, syria, libya, human talk is done on somalia based on american military uphold. since 911, the pentagon has carried out nearly 100000 strikes. the prism of obama came after the former president's co dot minority issues in india. if i had a conversation with prime minister moody, who i know, well, part of my argument would be that if you don't protect the rights of ethnic minorities in india, there is a strong possibility that india, when at some point start pro and bought well presidents of the image india
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institute ribbon to such depth believes in new delhi will never remain silent when it's intended with us a good sized. if you look back at india, new reservations, they've been blowing closer. but over a period of time, they had all the, you know, some sensitive topics on which either us, one of the shows all lawmakers on some things and all the us view of the long list of floating point in the right. so they just see them. they come on with this, somebody force which don't strike later on live in india. and india is now increasingly stopping by with respect to such staples which come up. so on the one hand, yes a, it is something that this model at all will come in india, you in any way to sort of, oh, nice thing like doing india. but, you know, we, in india, we've gotten used to getting such bob's and such comments from the us. see the big picture america looks up on himself as a city on the other beacon on the top of the hill. the top one is the values of
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democracy. and when i'm a make up for most democracy outside of the word america in of a looks to reinforce and felt its own sense that it hasn't multiple effect democracy. the reason in bozo and, you know, let's choose a summarizes others visit a spectrum, democracy and so to, you know, topics logics. 10, i think is driven by the self image of america and americans ribbon, they assume that they are the, the most likely of democracy under that model review be to call low. and if they don't follow them, they will be between they won't proceed. i think fundamentally assessed on this. meanwhile, iran has that is gates. it's an entire week to exposing us to ality over human rights and said lights on washington's actions in early years after the is lemme revolution sees the use of july. they have more details, a spare one is marketing what it calls the american human rights, where it quits for accounts. instances of us rights of uses. anybody on the annual
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occasion marks a series of tragic incentives all following within the same time frame when hundreds of iranians were killed into yours. after the victory of 1979, his womic revolution rights activists say in all those instances, the footprint. so the ones can be traced one of the most tragic incidents was the 1988 don't inc. and they're wanting an airliner by the u. s. navy, which kills all of the $290.00 people on board. the implant 35 years on iran is, are still waiting for an apology from washington. these continued actually on through these decades. and what we are seeing that the americans are still doing the same things, do a common thing, the same crimes in different ways in one way or the other. they are doing the same by putting sanctions sanctions that are killing people. king service civilians getting patients the american human rights week
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also marks the 1981, the bombing of the headquarters over was that as long as the problem with parting carried out by the formidable officers organizations known as the m k o m a k. at least 70 leading officials, including the justice chief i it's a law. well, how much of a history were also among those killed in the blast? these moments republics, as the m k. o is responsible for the killing of $17000.00. they want us into our tax. now today, the worst is beginning to decouple from the 3rd group, but it used to have at least support and funds they do, palm beach in the, i don't think there's any iranian who doesn't know about the blood that was shed by the modification carlock. they killed ordinary people and statesmen, like former president, russia, and former minister behind are the m k. o have also killed our nuclear scientists. all of this has its roots in the us is evil intentions to push the pre m u. k. used to be listed as a telescope and that you was europe and canada within 2012. the west villas at the
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grove from the tariff, blacklist following the same step by europe 3 years earlier. following the west smooth v. m. a. k. relocated from an american military base, any rocket to albania, and france. since then, american and european officials have been taking part in b. m. e. k is annual summit some. perez, albania is estimated to have been hosting some 3000 members of interest groups since 2016, which is present for you. it has run into problems whether it's our called the albany or police rate, on the m e. k base is all over the news now. that could be a good desk chair. but the point is that we can and we still remember that they were on the list of good service groups and they released that then they remove them there from the lease. and they support that, then they worked with them every year. you have missing so many where you can dip a presentations, attending to events and some it's uh now yes, but that's a good point that they have stopped that support of the
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1987 chemical bombardment of the last city of sound dashed is another incident. whichever one has highlighted washington's role and responsibility. thank you. and good citizens, iraq's chemical weapons were reportedly produced using materials supplied bother us, and other western countries shipped out to both sides mcclare. so we could be the chemically bombed women, children, man and youth, because they did of the status of sawdust, eli, and other places he was in humane. i believe the us needs to stop such actions. from the c, r a led 1953 to the top of the 1st democratically elected governments. anyone to the position of sanctions on the country that has delta harsh humanitarian impact. washington has left dark memories that have yet to disappear from the psyche of the one in nature. to hoss as a washington has so far shrugged off its crimes in avon. and that's why they mark the american human rights week every year to spotlight and question,
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the west term sort of approach to the issue of human rights use of generally r t one and over to africa. now where an investigation in kenya has said lights on claims of gruesome violence at the local pineapple plantation of the countries human rights party has opened a probe into a number of killings and assaults by security guards. it's a local form, which is run by the american base, global fuel come from its the multi stephen was busted, his body was signed by the side of the road. he was 22. he had been strong with the y, a says an eye witness. the last time anyone saw stephen alive, they said he was being pacing. we wouldn't comes by security guards working for the food. john delmonte didn't want a company. nobody deals with the processing pending and also producing defense types of goals. and especially they buy an apple, that is what is normally growing up the engine fain. that's all the guys know money,
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but we people not to it. just bother and also tuesday, but not all full lot of things, but to me what is being from the is did monitor even the happy people on what's happening or what as uh, how they know what has been happening in the family been boss some of the fuel tank was up to now, just these hus note of the deal, and the way they keep on basing on they keep on addressing won't be based on the government. and they based on the account, the government because on the national government that's and that's the most happy at all because it find that stuff and the beacon fools all the time to be just passing it is not. it is other thing that can cause someone's like in the, the, i think that the deep one in 50 people existing until they get the hands of the 5th a 2019. i don't that's been happening to the warranty company. and especially they
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look cause the be facing the challenges of they investigate, show people above the bodies or the kids that are being at an age. going back to the body, they got that. incidentally, i buy it when we get to young. my auntie was all alone side of the above, the se, that's the way you get diabetes. that is also being a big deal by the gods. will not be a god. they've done vision or they come by names or in the off i that's what the leads to have been positives. anything was stopped by the company in the do, waiting for the a sentence in the invoice or because b, b, y b to boys and the, just over to me, one of the community, a member. so what we know is that according to what has been supplies of the company, but normally if i retire know jane gina,
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according to the information we are getting, is this thing. that's why they wanted this. i'm not going to saying that's why it is not going to associate detail is not going to buy any more. and the products are coming from delmonte to something that's really quite sure he is do, kenya, we're going to wait and see different, useful, or the fact that companies or the companies that normally buy a product from delmonte. if they were to keep on engaging the install, the in the business with a company, even though the, all of these i get shots, the pressure being existed owns. and by the way, from the west is not about to achieve its objectives. well, that's according to the countries presidents, as long as these policies election campaigns ahead of the pole in august, the sanctions imposed on this involve way over 2 decades ago by western countries must not stops and bump winds from developing that country. link on trusting bodies
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relations with russia had been steadily developing over the past couple of years. there's been cooperation in education, industrial, and total areas with a variety of biological projects. launched moscow on her, ari i have now agreed in the knob and agreements on the mutual recognition of education, as well as the joints of projects in this space industry and an exclusive interview to offer you the russian on buses to, to the country. says this friendship is fostered by the fact that both parties the eye to eye on international law and the principles of not interference brushes. and bob was on the same wave hold on the same page. are we read the book of the international relations are on the same language i would say. so it's very important. this usual, on the understanding that has been existing between most current, colorado for many, many years. and you know,
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it's very important that the forthcoming russia, africa summit by the end of july. but also isn't butler, corporation and strong friendship will demonstrate that they've done all the model and inspiration for the rest of russia, africa framework. it was a very important initiative. african leaders demonstrated a understanding of the uh, core problems. uh, um, both of this terminal and conflict in, in the round of ukraine. so um, with this notion, oh gosh, i'm there for 2 countries. i will continue dialogue, you know, to, to,
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to come to the digital results with confidence that is terrible. in times we'll have to but i sure, as in bob, a like mind the countries will come for all the difficult is old obstacles on this way to sustainable development of just a quote, the international relations we offer to africa the same, the african or 1st russia mutual respect, understanding and willingness to cooperate, that we don't pressure arise
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a child that you know, we don't uh look for a substitute. most of them um you know, show that we, we built on our strong size for asha to interfere and to internal affairs is absolute nonsense. i'm as we've never done before we, we will, but will not do it. so don't expect us to, to follow the, the american ways, but a different, in a sense. and finally, the raging will ensue, don has claimed another unintended victim. and that's the members of the countries . muslim community usually makes the annual mecca pilgrimage to saudi arabia. millions of muslims had been stephen into the holy city of mac and for the hodge pilgrimage was started yesterday. but the ongoing voice to done means only a small part of the country's muslin community has been able to travel for the
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occasion. the conflicts is now and is 11th week and has left 2 and a half 1000000. people displaced a spot for humanitarian crisis. we had from those disappointed not to be heading to back because of the current conflict in the country. many are not able to go and perform the retails of the hodge. i have a dear friend who is supposed to go this year, but unfortunately, she was killed in this war. this war is a huge problem. it's still told people's lives were supposed to celebrate the occasion to find the law the and the day before it and celebrate and rejoiced with the pilgrim says they performed the results and mca. but what can we say? one? liberal grad, temporaries, 10 of the lowest. i personally had obtained a visa for going to kingdom of saudi arabia, but i could not travel as the word came out of nowhere and my boss, but it wasn't cited triple agents a building, then violence and looting took place of the agency. it was new location of the
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rapids simple forces. i could not go there and get it back. then i was surprised that someone stole all the passports in the agency and stipulated that we pay and exchange for getting them back. so unfortunately, i cannot perform hodge this year. this is a tragedy. what's happening so down these unfortunate pilgrims travelled in a difficult situation, leaving behind the homeland full of problems. the country is no suffering. we just pray to god to help us. i think there are many people who paid a lot of money to participate into the rituals of hives this year, but they did not because of the situation in the country. that's how the world is looking this tuesday morning for all the lights is 12 days due. consider subscribing to outside of gum tunnel. one has to be discussed, will be back again in 30 minutes time. obviously, you that the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the welcome to was a part. historically, any new technology has been matched with a mix of fear and excitement, but the advent of artificial intelligence has created a new possibility of humans becoming redundant, if not completely obsolete would be a high revolution already on the way. caching will still set the rules and the boundaries both for themselves and for that live discretion. we'll discuss that.
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i'm now enjoying, but g, l e s a n a i f, assist and an expert on indian a i. mr. ellis is great to talk to thank you very much for your time. thank you very much for having me in this show on that. also for choosing this topic, visit the video 11 does days. most of our absolutely, and a lovely starts with the perhaps a very personally biased question because you know, after years of my covering, uh, global politics and seeing how decisions are made and implement that i have huge doubts about ethics because we live in a day and age when the, the influence of vested interest is enormous. when i disregard, we don't just for values but basic humanities all around. sorry. it's very hard to believe that anything faces discuss, can be implemented truthfully as a policy. what makes you hopeful about that? hello copies? lot going right. the rates, uh, not just about technology, but in general,
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and i like that to be honest. i'm not that of domestic. when y'all, she pointed out like, oh, how much will be the implementation part when it comes to, right? because as of the house theme doesn't all think it takes more, i think, of watching or ethics. why say right? but companies like to go, mind save, you care about the ethics, right? i think in recently you see, i saw more about the creator of the be the coming and say, oh it does is scary, but then the rest and why did you release it? right. why, why? i mean, they're being the latest adult. if you look at the original hoping i the whole company started to save you money from a i, and then you launch the store. i'm going to for the in between. and then you don't mind that i'm worried about this thing. so this raises the question, right? how much, how much all worries, genuine, in this case us. so i'll be hosting from time to time. brother, we looking at more climate change or any of those things, right. it's, it's very difficult to get people behind on the go. uh or how do i say social goals
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and, but now that we are, and that's right off uh, lots of people losing job like a border maybe gilbert to have this as being made by the stores. we have to do something about it. let's, let's talk about that in detail because, um, you also have a, someone geopolitical perspective because you mentioned that the, i think the discourse of for now at least is dominated by the western prospectus and sub course from a lack of diversity. can you give some examples of that? so uh, ethics, a subset of over culture, right? of how people both see you. so i kind of things is not the same. the other part of the word, the same vision with you. for example, i will give you 2 countries, claudia and japan. these 2 countries are share and then i'll go to our federal technology, right. and the job will be done to batch them together as is ation economic power houses. but when you look at how they approach they, i do recently it's, it's a totally different idea. for example, victorian policy makers has laid it out that a i is a to it,
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right. it should be to have upgraded by a human. so it looks at the extreme and of a spectrum, you know, i as a do it as you like, jump round. they being, they have a robot run day, how robots i can get to the other. so it's a lot more. how do i say go to bit technology right now, the japanese documents tutors, and these, these are these look for building society by, by and all where humans a i, n roll woods reside together. so the extreme end of the spectrum. no, you're a big house. um there in between rush hour hour, difference down, bundle. do you as an hour difference on bundle? if you can get it already for some point of view, your privacy, right, the 2 comes to is done, go just i, where many people lives to live, enjoy the family. the idea of privacy may be very much different from lot and person in this house, right? oh, okay, but privacy is something that essentially directional within, but when we deal with the artificial intelligence, it's essentially dealing with the collective psyche because artificial intelligence
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feeds on the big data and, you know, simple logically, you know, all societies a different because they, you know, approach was problems in a different way, and that was chris, genuine diversity if, as you say, the current discourse and perhaps the current technology to some extent is dominated by one strand of thoughts, one way of flies, isn't there a threat of extinction? north of humanity, but as these diversity within key humanity. absolutely, definitely. so there is this uh, business part experimented enough. it also be under things, but that's the only problem, right? you have a tony that is coming out of control. you have a live art and you can change the task of authority by pulling the tony by default is going to the left track. there. find people are crap. and by pulling deliver, you can change of direction to the right track, but only one person who stop. so this question is, what do we wow, that's impressive. now i keep asking this question, i know where i need someone from a new country or
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a new region i'll discussing immediately. so it's quite clear if i offer, especially if anyone from ural are doing extra for me to go, they will say they won't do anything. because 1st of all, the europe is generally say by pulling the work there might be one person to say the white highlights might present, but they're marketing one person, right. i. ringback dime, some people, the one person's life easy, pretty valuable as a fine people. but the woman you bring this question to india or china or somebody, you know, you shouldn't go to this thing finalized is always bigger than one. so this is now imagine this guy know the 20, but this was 90. got lots of bits of driving car. dude i as an active managers and like the what is the philosophy, what? uh, mr. ellis, this is a very interesting uh, foster experiment to consider, especially given again the current state of jo closings because uh, western countries historically have lunch for more wars with 5 bigger a. that's those them,
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any of these certain kinds of countries that's supposedly i'm not concerned about the value of a single human life now you politically, and i think it's unlikely as well. the world is moving away from western head, germany, and towards more diversity towards multiple direct to do seem to same tribe happening in the field of a i i think one good example. i think the vehicle thing about they are people tends to avoid talking about china because they've been doing some phenomenal work on the new recently. yes, i know i have done, but there's more i got big lives than us. right. there's even a thing that's i know i use leading day i right now who's looking to india also it has like a totally different all right. do from what us or jane. all right. one is before i became old, i said, we know. yeah. you're right, because we are the biggest export of the talented me i v v on the sunday i'd be been always also, but with, with the technology, we have a problem wasn't be home fantastic. i and i kind of the kids are to be decided to choose a i have to sort of ours,
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what's your economic problems like the big created this say i still have to do besides the day i for we want overhead good problems to be at those would be i'd be artificial if there is any educational issues, we are the they are on because of which of the biggest economic sector and media we thought it was $50.00 and it was a what, what goes by the new board. we want to make it more efficient by using yeah, that's why we've been doing a no easy this long. these models coming out and why do we have done? we haven't use the language models. and we used a program called box of need, which is a national, a language dr. summation issue to do because we are going to do it with the language on hundreds or on a visual language. so we use this box, you mean there, i'm, you have creating joyce to rich people to access these kind of phenomena language model technology. right? you tell people who uh, speak to these models, us through this process by voice. adobe get government benefits and get farmers wisely and many other things. so that's where we've been doing. and that's where we
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want to be the leaders of the start of technology across at all. been good. and that sounds very inspiring because, you know, and you're working, provide many examples of how a i can. it's not narrow uh, the gaps that the exist between privilege then disadvantage improves. done that, please bring some very negative certain development. and i think an argument can be made that there is a natural synergy, you know, between a i and such huge countries like india or china that you're bound to use, big data. but all always in the west, you're here this here, all of those big browser at the tall attire and control and what have you do those issues concern you? are they as much a read to you as a to some of your western colleagues? yeah, i think this is one thing, so when i even know where i tell them when i'm working they i, someone from us or some of us immediately brings of the dominator. or are we going to be leaving under, at a i rule or machine other going to take over? what if i to that to an indian most,
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most of it is my job safe. so there is this different bus, but the right, the focus more on jobs above doing next is what it would perhaps play that. and i, and i got those rolling which are rising today. i of the monster. but it's like, uh, i'd like a hammer. if i have an i'm hummer, i can, i used to do with a needle and my want and the same i can use the deluxe on wednesday. if it's the person who is folding the home or no, you know, people like it, almost all are coming, all those to be the extension of the product. so that a, i move dominique, the thing is binding me by an agent a i, it doesn't have any motion. it doesn't have to go through human evolution, right? the dominant, straight v, how i assume it's the 3rd of the associated with the intelligence and beeping some of the bar in the board to do that. that's i wasn't sure. but mister ellis, this is a very interesting question to consider again as an assist or as
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a philosopher, because i am for one a, a big fan of the ancient history, ancient literature. and what strikes me is a sort of the human eyes ation of the humans that is going on. i mean, the split between the mental intellectual capacity of the psychological or ethical capacity which always distinguish us as a species. and i think my concern is that any new technology comes to, to him would charge a certain aspect of our nature and desensitized another. and i wonder how does a i play into that? is it more likely to balance those in balances,


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