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tv   News  RT  June 29, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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will do this looks like your idea. did you validate the the headlines of this, our, a russian defense committee chairman says the bottom of the, the was driven to meet today through greed, add a little bit. so i'm vision. also his funding was cut off the chaos. a rob, it's on the face of bronze. well the 2nd night in a row with a 118 princesses detained me. outrage of with the police feeling of a faint elm julian teenager. tomorrow,
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who recalls is i'm positive from sweet and also a cool on is burned in a demonstration and spoke with permission from the authorities on the train in human rights of phones. the launch is an investigation and legit and massive subsidies by security goes locally us own pineapple farm. we hear from some of the except for my review. they thought i had already died and that's one to drag me to a forest nearby where i spend the whole night. do i be like the guards thoroughly beaten me and they carried me outside the plantation and left me to die at the roadside. and by that time i was seriously bleeding the very warm welcome to you from the entire thing into actual use, even coming to live for most of them. let's take a look at the top. so is this out?
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the head of the defense committee in a rush as low a house of parliament, has reveal details about how the volume of moves attempted mutiny unfolded over the weekend. now you said the goods lead. it was driven by greed an exorbitant ambitions. when he conducted the revolt, upon being informed that his funding was being cut off instead of the local police to a few days before the attempted mutiny. russia's defense ministry stated absolutely correctly, that all armed formations must sign a contract with the defense ministry and to everyone except the faulkner group began to comply with that decision. i repeat, it was an absolutely correct decision. only that gentleman refused. then he was informed that his group would no longer be allowed to participate in the special military operation. what that means there would be no more money, no more financial or material resources. and for mister precaution, money is
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a factor and important, perhaps decisive factor. that is what happens 1st and foremost, they wouldn't advocate any more money for the 2nd. there was a reaction based on exorbitant and foolish ambitions and 3rd and overly agitated state of mind. this all devolved into deception and treason against their comrades in arms. let's get more all this as i'll think also the image is joins us. mamma, could you tell us a little bit more about the details of this story, please. on saturday, the chief of the wagner group, you have guinea pig goes and has decided to lead a rebellion against the russian government, marching from the southern russian city of at a stop on the way to the kremlin. eventually the rebellion failed. thanks to a deal brokered by bell or russian president, alexander lucas sancho. and amid the situation of course,
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uh russian president vladimir put in, has addressed the nation. but now we have under a car stop, cut the fall of the head of the defense committee in russia's lower house parliament coming out with even more details on the situation and why the attempted new didn't even happen now according to have just a few days before the attempted new in need of the russian defense ministry has stated that the full on formations must assign a contract with it. and while everyone agreed, the chief of the vitamin group was the only one that refused to do so. and so because of that, essentially, that would mean that the back in a group would not take part in the special military operation anymore and would not get any more of financial funds from the russian government itself. now, with the cocktail of no money as well as a big emissions the as they do,
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my official has stated that this is exactly what led to the events that in full to unfolded over the past weekend. so i have a sort of interesting science about for that update. we really appreciate it. thanks again. as the grading topic wages on nato. c. 5 said, the country will need to defend rush of all the any meaningful discussion about, keep joining them and fuel lines. are to say, both has been looking at why the idea of the piece tool remains off the table for the west. as ukraine's long awaited comforter offensive fails and fails badly, you'd imagine zelinski is natal sponsors might moderate their expectations, right? i mean, it's really not going to plan with german leopards and american bradley's burning and a skilled gains on the ground. shirley stall, and berg and company are now looking for verse gear. well, no, it's actually quite the opposite. the most urgent task now is to ensure that
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ukraine and provide such as of an independent nation in europe. because if present tooth and wins this war, then there's no more membership issue to be discussed at all. so the main focus should be how to ensure that to claim a race and adults the precondition for any meaningful discussion about the further membership. so rather than accept the grim reality on the bible field, nato is no telling you cleaned it unless you, when you don't get to join the club club that will find it increasingly hard to justify its existence. in the aftermath of an increasingly likely ukrainian to feed, maybe that's why the landscape has bought into this absolute victory fantasy popular washington in london, but a 1000000 miles from the reality. his soldiers face in the ditches of eastern ukraine. wait, ukraine will not agree to any of the variance for a frozen conflict. a new frozen conflict is a war war that it will start on the flare up. and the only question is,
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when the reality is that in ukraine peace has become a dirty word with kevin natal tripping over each other to justify the rejection of any pragmatic and to the conflict. the chinese and africans have all been sent. packing as an ascii is pulled deeper and deeper into the quick side of this more fund able to negotiate as a sovereign leader. his delusion seems to be growing day by day, even suggesting that the credit should back ukraine's entry into nato a letter she is out of me. but what deride for us and now to ask that he crane be accepted into data. because natal members defend not destroyed, it's nathan nations defend nations, not attacked their neighbors to destroy their future. russia, as the aggressor knows, at best russia, which is entering an error, opens surgeons and systematic weakness is more interested than anyone insecurity. and it's internationally recognized borders, which means russia is also interested in ukraine in nature. the view from moscow is of course, very different. with a veteran, i'm of the sun diplomat, seeing
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a far more realistic road ahead with a wave of wave of western game changing weapons failing of the west economic and cultural war against russia. doing likewise. it seems the only adults in the room are the russians. the united states is making few tile attempts to defeat the russian federation on the battlefield with hands of key of puppets. washington announces the location of more and more packages of security assistance to the zalinski regime. with further deliveries of military equipment, washington only confirmed it's obsession with the idea of inflicting a strategic defeat on the russian federation. to do this, pushes its clients towards more and more desperate adventures. the lives of the ukrainians mean, nothing to the american. all thirties has ukraine, tragically sacrifice has an entire generation fighting a fratricidal war against their slavic brothers. it's becoming impossible to ignore this conflict cynically engineered over decades by neo liberal,
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leech and washington, and their shadows in london could spell the end for the defense of alliance, called nato and alliance, that's killed a 1000000 since its inception. i can sadly now add a dead generation of ukrainians to its green tale, the needle leadership. and i have a difficult time say saying that the leadership of the, those that are, that are in the senior condition are living in a fantasy with russia. it has balance very valid security concern. all we have to do is look at the track record in the, in the, the debris that nato has left. you know, you look at everything across the middle east, yugoslavia coast of all serbia, i mean after dentist and this is just a mess. and now they're going to have ukraine added to the resume as well in the rest as a is decisively winning very methodically. they, they're not leveling
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a ukraine, is that nato would do if they went to that freight, they don't want to negotiate with vladimir, who they, they want to roll back the borders to 1991. and that's kind of questionable why those borders were there. anyhow. i think to for the 2014 who was not successful enough because i think the really wanted to capture crimea that did not happen. and so it's got a project we can get resurrected and this is where we are right now. the cast has it running to it in the face of fonts for the 2nd consecutive nights officer police officer killing out jerry and teenager. joanna attempt to traffic stop positive present michael on his condemn the process despite earlier saying that the kidney was horrendous and inexcusable. i was listening best reading,
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some acts of violence in the past few hours against the police station school city holes against the institutions and the republic. these acts totally unjustifiable, and i want to thank all those who works over night as the night before, to protect these institutions and bring back come back with a balance of recei deal. i would like to express the emotion of the entire nation about what has happened and the death of young nile. we have a teenager who's been killed. it's inexplicable. it's inexcusable. i hope that the truth will be established as soon as possible. and just as done the how do i suppose this is of interest of the medical classes with police during the mass demonstrations more than a 100 police offices have been reported, ended fires in gulf cause and damage buildings to the government has the place to deploy a total of $40000.00 offices to quell the unrest. some politicians have been calling
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for the state of emergency to be declared. funds authorities have claimed the vines as being coordinated yet stopped short of naming a co the what we got as a routine traffic stop to and density when the police officer and legit. the open the fire on the teenage of a failing to pay his mom's warning. you may find the following with just the 7 of the survey, the on social media,
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it shows 2 police officers. so i just saw the vehicle. one is pointing his weapon at the drive of the window and the car drives off. one of the offices is said to open fire and the vehicle flashes shortly that off the the to the idea behind the wheel died. so they offers this 5 attempts to save his life. we heard from i'll give is spoke about racism by face please tools amazon or the i'm going to also all the post. i see this is an act of racism. the french police are races towards africans in general. not just algerians, bowman, we ask our authorities and the embassy to launch an investigation into this matter . so we don't lose more of our young countryman started. if he was another foreigner or a french citizen, they wouldn't have treated him the same as an african. they would have conducted the stop in a practical way. that's really i love the feasible as an human race is behavior to
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was that's how old you were in the young man. they could have taken out the mattress of all those an opening fight and killing him. the french police are known to be racist and unjust. and the decisions particularly towards immigrants took off the french police run to fad because the police are supposed to protect people regardless of the nationality. if he was french only 4 and not the police are supposed to protect him, you'll conduct this policy is a french visit there came here. he wouldn't be treated like that. would we as old periods, are despised by them? they hate us. since the time of our liberation from their occupation, and they have hated us and us stem on a civil rights, i've ever says people in falls have a rights to be raised by the police coming as it was by far not the 1st line loyal force and offices have engaged in brutality against immigrants. it is very clear that the process will continue because defends governments as a field. so,
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you know, we've just these for the, for the discriminates for these mortality. and so we'll expect to see, continue with this form, at least what this does because it seems that they are missing dots, new one. so see on and of such a bike box that has been populated by specifically the police will see size in front of them. you know, this axis know what if people want to see yes, would be x one on people. most times you'll probably see the little minute isn't full since i'm such an act is done on particularly delphi guns. i'm the data outside residents in fence and nothing has been done to put the whole suite. and so i would say for the police office, i'll pull it out to the guy who must be possible. something must be done same because they've been in the office. i both don't know, give peace that if i'm in the of 17 year old in the house. but what i want to say, as i could see lifting the book the book. and if it is books, it will be to send a signal to the police of the size for myself once will be in such
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a not because it is very bad to targets. i know. but to, to use hope, let's get off sort of people and it says the something is going on. well, and so that's long, most of the course that i just about to governments which, you know, it's for keeping me full searches for the to can you know, a national ceiling wise, although they is investigating a legit killings and other boots of the times. why security guards an american own pineapple farm escape? the revolt has the town to repeat the buttons on the foundation we heard from some of the victims. the main deal now was bitten by the bellman guards, but the room on my head and they left me dying. actually, they thought i had already died and that's when they drag me to a forest nearby, where i spend the whole night. while i go solomon conscious and informed my family members who took me to the hospital, a delmore where being seriously beaten by the guard, some are killed and others when they are called disappear completely. i think the
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defeats we used to get grass for our livestock set, the delmonte site, one day these guards sauce and chased us and unfortunately their dog caught me. the guards thoroughly beaten. they left me and cautious and dragged me deep inside the pineapple field. later in the evening they carried me outside the plantation and left me to die at the roadside, and by that time i was seriously bleeding. well, i spent a whole night bleeding beside the road and early in the morning the man carried me to the hospital. these guards beat us, they chased us with dogs, and some people have died while in the hands of these guards. but k inhaler, roy is commissioner, has expressed concern about earlier allegations of violence, my personnel guarding them on tape on patients. the commission also is the companies that take and we didn't measure to provide help to victims. some buyers of pound patient products have even suspended supplies, including u. k. the retail giant tesco, we got more details, i'm a local dentist. there is no an investigation to be human rights or bodies. often
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demonte been opened from one of the additions of dealing in our fault or by security gods since 2019. it is reported that more than 5 people have died. if the result of being a victim of a god, who with a one of the clubs locally called the wrong 5, didn't want to guys have been charged according to court. the court. and it is believed that they have not been sentenced. and as in constituting the community that has been affected is seeking the inc, bringing fundamental the kind of plates hold beneficial to their family members. protection against the future. human tried several additions, and the change to the court system that they see has denied the same jobs these because the national commission on human rights. and now what do mounted delmonte to take immediate action on. so to ensure an voltage both to have a list of all this on the, the month to feed in a statement that 18 of, of taking the allegations extremely seriously in loans to an investigation into the
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cleans the company out of that it is committed to international has done that a few months rights, according to that evidence that comp on his team has no to dine enough for the family or the victims that i'm gonna say, can you find hold on vision is a ma, sites in the south of the country and cove is at least 40 square kilometers. i think the company, the largest ex, was kind of pineapples from the east and africa nation. the foundation has been sold by more than 200 security guards. locals have accused them of carrying out. horrific ex the money the so when i lost my brother at delmonte, his name is james kamani. his friend who accompanied him was lucky enough to escape the guards. beatings. we reported it to the police station after his friend told us who had heard him crying for help after being arrested. but so far, nothing has happened. no justice. and finally, i don't think we shall,
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he'll hoping maybe the human rights body will come with a solution for this. after the guards kill people, they normally throw the bodies into one of the reservoirs behind the dams and tie stones to the body. so it might float on water. and what has been happening at the month, i want to say this, it seems they are very influential persons for on touchable. we're always frustrating our efforts to get justice after moving to various chords. later i was told my case has no direction and i couldn't do anything. i just left everything in the hands of god. since that day, whenever i come across the lawn to find apples, i feel like i have seen my son's a lot of one of the results. so all the independent investigation have not yet been released. legal, the takeover, local experts on the situation. the employees, tens of thousands of people so that people perceive me to have a good friend of a food. yeah, it does look for most of the value chains of the planting to process seem to have
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those are compared to the districts during the export area. so then mondays huge as one of good corporate jobs in the country. the established way back to the history of over 100 years in junior. because in the, as the list on the social media, a lot of the 4th of them coming out showing that the outside of the corporate culture and the, the corporate bramble judge screwed up there the be not in existence. some of the human rights abuses. so huge differently in different perspective, in different places to you, my blood factories to do really make articulate the moment to go down to, to the government is beautiful. the give you go to contribute is massively to vehicle number of the country. it's a systemic issue, which has been there for us so many. yeah. we've had governments in place to pull them nothing because i've not been the ftp of the company has,
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has been in existence in existence and all the years. that's such complaints have come between the cms, the community and the company. nothing of substance. once the company may be interviewed, just the community, then they think they can be able to speak and talk from this thing and maybe come to amanda tundi or how they can. and so these china has approved a new role on foreign relations. it is a thing, something the government is legal and bases for imposing count, images against accidental threats to national i'm economics of jersey. so that is ation includes 6 chapters with devices designed to promote the country's own interests while respecting international law and the you and jobs. but it gives way using the right to counteract. and those are in danger. the norms of international
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relations, specifically those as amazing sovereignty and national interest to potential experts in on tongue and believes that legislation is meant to resist us of stability. a tide of sending very strong signal that it's prepared for what's coming and not only what has been the trade sanctions from the u. s. the involvement and trying to prevent ship and ship making equipment. also later this month it's expected the us, which is we're working on more sanctions against china in the form of preventing us citizens and companies from investing in china in certain areas. it, they know it's coming. obviously, the very sensitive about the taiwan issue and us interference. so they're making it very clear that china is not going to be pushed around. unfortunately, it sets up this kind of tit for tabs. a situation from china is perspective, definitely. that's the u. s. has been the aggressor and they've been responding,
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but it's downward spiral if it continues. that's trying to make it very clear that taiwan is a red line. i don't think anyone who's been watching the international situation has any doubt about that except in washington, who they feel that the trip trying to probe around the edges. see how far they can push us through arms sales to taiwan, to high level meetings. these types of things, sailing ships up and down the taiwan straits. these are extremely brockridge or they were happening by any country happening on the coast of the united states. there would be very, very swift dramatic action as was evident during the cuban missile crisis. mario has been called is i'm about to the pharmacy didn't also put on was burned, and a demonstration is still come up on commission from the authorities. morocco said it was an insult. everyone loves them throughout the world. regardless of the political positions or differences that may exist between countries,
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the kingdom considers it unacceptable. the face of the muslims should be disrespected in this way, nor can the principles of tolerance. and the values of universal is reduced, accommodating the views of a few while showing so little regard for the beliefs of more than a 1000000000 muslims. as further shows the mind being detained, of the demonstration. he wasn't the one who committed the agatha hearing. some of them, however, but was rather a bystander who attended sits a stone at the demonstration solutions of his velocity permission for the beginning, as a sanctioned riley, under protection of law enforcement offices. you have some local them. yeah. i think it's very disgusting that the swedish government allow other people to burn something. that means so much for so many people in sweden, but today i didn't even know they did that, but i'm a totally against it against anything provoke of those religion. and i don't think
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it's a good idea to do that here in sweden. and i don't think it's fair enough to go around and burn like bibles for the other religion because you don't believe not just be because you don't believe in something you have to do is respect. other people are the people that believes to me. so for my own opinion, i think that is wrong, and i would like to see that these are not ok to nearly 8 other people. freedom of speech is very important, but i think you're burning and really it is. it's not the freedom of speech. it's another thing, it's a provocation. a right across the muslim world came swift with the case for a minute. so saying that those would allow me access to our responsible on even complicit countries, such as saudi arabia, iraq,
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and the egypt also expressed. the discontent even russian president vladimir president, spoke out about a demonstration issue in denouncing the book, building as a prime prime cps. it is a shrine for muslims, that is a shrine for all of this. we know that it's in other countries. they do things differently. they don't respect people's religious paintings. and yet they say it's not a crime in our country. it is a crime. it is a crime of disrespect and incitement. i'm sick, terry and strife. while the other side of this news, i'll be sure to check out, see the interesting story is, will be back at the top of the, our local news. the this is a southern russia and
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a relatively small area between the cost the and see and the call cuz there's mountains, you'll find in extreme a variety of climates and of nature. this is in my visions, i'm showing thomas and together we're going to discover the magic of a rush of republic. the by the middle of the 19th century, practically the whole of india had been under the rule of the british empire. the colonial authorities at most, that heavy desk, bringing the people into poverty exporting natural resources. and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the physicians of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing signs of disrespect even to those who cooperated with them. the facts of ignoring the religious
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believes of the hindus led them. you may have, as the voice, mercenary soldiers serving under the british crown. 3000000000 began on the 10th of may 1857 in the garrison town of may river north of india, the form of abuse. the rebels quickly took over daily that he rode the resistance of the indian people lasted for one and a half years. however, the forces were not equal. the colonial authorities dealt with the rebels, cruel, late fee and slaves. the boys were tied to the mouth of the cannon and were shot right through their bodies for the amusement of the populace. these type of execution was called the devil's with the obliteration of the mutiny resulted in the death of 800000 inhabitants of the indians. however, the british empire never broke the free spirit of the indians and their will will resist the, the, the
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trauma and showcase completed sabotage training and to get done and served in 3rd reich units as an s s captain. as secondary command of the enough to go about sally in between ukrainian nationalist cadets. he was awarded to merit crosses and a nazi metal. along with bond tara viewed being an o u and from the age of 90.


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