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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 30, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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like a g political competition, going to the detriment of those countries that are being assisted as a rep for now, my name's beat to scott's. i'll be back again at the top of the all the latest news on views by 10 on ok. i'll see it on the take a fresh look around there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power type vision with no real opinions. pictures designed to simplify will confuse really once
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a better wills. and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the the hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered on peter lavelle. western public's or told the collective west must defeat russia, inflict a strategic defeat on the kremlin, all in the name of democracy. meanwhile, the camp regime is announced this year's parliamentary elections and next year's presidential election is suspended so much for ukrainian democracy,
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the processing ukraine. so called democracy, i'm joined by my guess and the new webber and we're thing, he is an independent political commentator. and here in moscow we have sonya event then. and as she is an independent journalist or across our girls in effect, that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciated that to you. let me go to you 1st. i mean, i find it really quite curious to say the least and watching over the last 15 months, western of public officials coming out and say, we have to protect democracy with there's no democracy in ukraine. there won't be a democracy in the west. okay. we don't fight them there, they'll, we'll have to fight them here and we've heard it over and over and over again. then we and we hear about rather casually from the authorities in care of that well, elections are suspended right now. this is on the heels of nationalizing the media
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. whether it's all, it's a one monotone message, though opposition parties and opposition figures are either uh, an in jail house arrest or exiled. and the west continues to talk about the virtues of democracy in ukraine. your thoughts, anthony, a well, this is old being can sort of a clot from the appropriate certainly the okay i'm, i'm showing off of nice. ready countries as well. um items must be remembered. search was certainly not managed. i have uh selections uh friday just kind of a sound when they type with that. um, many other countries with my welding type. uh, but elections uh and most of nature and signs of low, but even try and recycle a carpet. and i make uh somebody there's actually this is chase lot. so right. uh, uh no, not to have action. so then i think the reason is that right,
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more people in the right and who are dissatisfied with the southern state government. and i want to see how base and our coast we have a very big about 400000 data amongst you probably need a little x ray. i don't know thing creating very many, many more power. cash it will say is i'm the easiest part of the consolidating. very, very want to shuffle and the opposition and the guy, the um, the cycle west country where i think sold would be in the state. if you guys have a defendant democracy cycles the mostly democracy, the because it is, it may ask them being there for, for some considerable time. so let's say what happens is, but it is funny to deserving. yeah. sonya,
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it's very interesting. i guess we could pick, pick out 2016 with the advent of trump in brags it was the rates are very tepid these days when it comes to democracy. okay. i can remember i thought it was a british publication. i think it after breaks that it's like we have too much too much because the we have to, we don't, we need to, we shouldn't have referenda anymore. we have too much democracy. meanwhile, speed up to today. okay, we've already talked about ukraine is suspending its democratic procedures, but you have in moldova, they want to ban and mold open party because it's pro russian. what they never mentioned that it's probably anti government. that's why it's popular in bold area . they, they want to start banning parties there because they're pro russian, but maybe they relapse satisfied with the government. and sophia, also the alternative for germany. it's the number to party now in germany and public opinion polls, what are you bad? my friend, they're gonna start finding reasons to band that party too because they'll get all
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do it in the name of ukraine's democracy. apparently. sonya of go ahead. yes. hi, i'm interested in the during the day. yeah. whoa, very small village somewhere in that too. yeah. they will the election, the alternative would you want to be? so the 1st real time already. but what happened today internet is, is really, yeah, it's crazy. you know, we have also political party that it's for them for democracy. and already a long time they are saying, all you know, they are right, we extreme is and so, and now they are really going to suspend the sparkling, and it wasn't hold to base yesterday in the, in the bottom and, and the, you know, you spreading, say use the newspaper by russia. this is the 1st thing they call it in germany, and you can see, oh you, it's, you know, all the parties who not only are you can say they are supporting the even that they
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have to say something positive or even neutral. then they start saying, oh yeah, but you know, we have with us, you know, because you know about your eyes where you're drain as well. so it's, yeah, it's a democracy doesn't know the whole proceed is only looking see in your manual assist. good luck guys. really, i wrote, it bothers and i'm here with every day people, friends and why that have been that allows were in germany, democracy is gone. it's in every saying it's call. and if you're going to suspend the political parties, i mean, you did, you do the same as what you love it. and then july and 1933 you for bits or positions parties. while this is happening again, it's like a day to yeah. is it. ready the yes i was going to add, so that brought from we've had the situation with all the money side membership and then has become a member political science. i have
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a referendum of public where publish so long associated. and indeed all these policies on the private, russia, by some precedent countries, a crazy. ready logic can cause no binder whatsoever from the public side of the public bane. i just don't like to say on these policies. we're probably crying to russia. sites are, these are the hottest deals of the argument that varies the real democracy of, of, of i, even of the bed song, tonya, if i'm not mistaken. there was a, uh, there was a vote to the referendum in, in the netherlands about the european association agreement. and the public didn't pass it, but then the government just, well, you know, they just disregard the the, the democratic will of the people in the netherlands. 8. am i correct? and by remembering that correctly, sonya yes, yes, yes, it was a 2016. and the majority of the people said no,
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we don't want you. great to be far. oh, it was an association treaty. not yet, but you know, the for a, for this, and i said no because the russian, a new crane. so they have to sold this yours and then you know, it can help you recommend them. but they say, okay, you know, we're not going to say you're not going to implement this because i would just put something in the, in the, i don't know how they manage this, but they go to the government. so we are going to say something to install the, the union that, you know, maybe did, that's, people said no, but still we have to continue with this whole association treaty. and this is what they did. and this is democratic, the they are bullish, the whole restroom system in the middle of sunday to be today is, i mean, is, yeah, that's democracy in uh, yeah, well, well, you know what, we after in the wake of the gross and nonsense that we had here in russia over the
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weekend. um, it's a, it's quite amazing anthony. um, how the west continues to miss read what, what's going on in russia actually, you know, it would, there was a name paddic rejection of the cloud misbehavior of this individual here. but of course, no walls or table again, where your opponents days are over. i mean this, the, you know, maybe the, what they do is they come instead of stepping back and trying to understand what's going on with their looking is for ask for a mation of their own prejudices. and they certainly got it with that episode, anthony. so yes, the progression was a trace of them about the com that's will be great, the data rate, wrong thing, cause that will also mean office save as more secure mouse, but it does or did or the rest of the security. so i have to say to you about this, a good falls. and so the coolest people like to say,
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i a very well how vacations. so i was taught to be my useful or how america the, the allies to try. i'm going to stay safe, or is the front line or to the right to decide? belies russia as well. i'm a but it was a i just finding the and the does on the line why people working. some countries complete the mess um just um the, the russian got so, but anthony, let me ask you a question here. i mean, if the c i a, the, i mean the c i a by its profession is to lie to the public. we all know about, but having said that, they claim that they know the inner workings of what's going on in russian domestic politics. but they can't tell us who blow up the north stream pipelines. how is that possible? how can they both be true at the same time, anthony,
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but later today to be great, great, great, great off the applied side of the site base. then all of us are going to do rates of above back because i wouldn't say that i proud to say something because of the whole propaganda law is. uh, i think think about this complex uh, rush is in the wrong. and are you trying to check the rice? and if you replace a lie, often they not office guy, but as a society, people will actually, uh, believe it, but uh, the boss, western come physics also looked at bodies actually in the interest of lots in the walls. and for us, i mean even send the cranes and dress and it shouldn't say one thing for us i bought from a guy, but as corporations, as for the so be the consideration of this complex. and those data loss of
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lying guy, you know, are given the impression that they say something. so the night on coal was undergoes we, they slide, but man for they sit, they read them off to say, and bobby's police actually each the day were put faxing office it in for us because of course are you trying to is direction, but not sure, aristo will say is uh, which table won't says for you. well, that's home. of course they did. a one agenda here is a plundering and it's a lot of it is already happened by the way. it was a 100 by who was 1st in line to plunder it was, it's really quite amazing weeks after the coke band. they were on the ground. all right, we're gonna have to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion about ukraine, so called democracy and stay with our team. the the,
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i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. the point obviously is to place a trust rather than fit the job. i mean, with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the robot, must protect this phone existence was on the
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screen of the bus can do. i just need to get the key at the washington state. the pals to complete the phone of send 2 professional men to keep the list of all the useful that we can distribute you the who show same wrong just don't need to ship out the kind of get
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an engagement trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground the welcome act, across software, all things are considered. i'm peter is about to remind you we're discussing ukraine's so called democracy the . okay, let's introduce our, our latest guest areas and so far in new john and from around he's a geo political analyst. welcome to the program of the 1st part of the burglar. we're talking a little bit about ukraine's domestic politics are in the lack of democracy. and now we have the upcoming a nato. so i'm, it didn't build this. as on the i, i thought the only in nato brought in democratic countries. so if you crane is suspending all of the like total in depth uh, and democratic processes,
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what business does it have to be in nato? it's supposed to be a club of nature of democratic countries. go ahead and around. well, um we all know that uh, be honest with to this is that nature is not a consent with democracy. it's actually a very hostile, imperialistic organization that seeks to further the agenda of united the states by any means necessary. and to the extent that he's even willing to undermine democracy is in the european countries. of course, many people in europe are now complaining about the fact that they don't really believe that the governmental officials and the votes of score of really any reason power and their, their voice. they feel that their voice is not being heard. the process is going nowhere and the country keep engaging in this
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a proxy warfare against you, again, fresh, uh, uh and you know, with their, their budget is being sent on procuring this uh, there's a listing regime. this is a very corrupt raise you in, in, in this fight against russia. so it was never about democracy. it was about the, you know, moving natal to the eastern, you know, a starting a proxy war with russia. and we can, in the country. that's was their objective. in fact, if you even go back and re read the articles published in different uh, same things like the rand institute would be know that some of the sanctions that they impose any randi word calibrating to their measures in order to be able to later on use those formulas on russia and china. so, you know, considering everything that has happened and the,
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the trajectory that the united states and nato countries are about moving a horse to reaching a certain type of school. i can't say that, you know, the double ascended is here as always, and ukraine, you trade can go to that summit and they can talk about democracy all they want. but we know the actual truth. we know that the deal is most likely sports like this are based on incentives like the economic resources. corey doors, you know, we can, in the potential adversary's and competitors on a global market energy market and things like that. so i, for one and many others. we don't really bites network uh well, well i'm like my question about democracy was up to obviously facetious and use a perfectly understood that sonya just kind of curiosity. if, if nato believed in democracy, which we just heard,
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it doesn't. and i don't believe it believes in democracy, but let's just say for example, if there was an election in the netherlands, should ukraine be allowed into nato? what do you think the populace would say i don't care what the leads say. i mean, your leads are against farmers. the that was a leads are some of the worst people that have ever walk the earth. farmers are good people. okay. and now they want to bring in another agricultural country into nato, into the european union. my point is dear, with the public support that if, if nato actually didn't believe in democracy, go ahead. i still think they will not support is because they know that, you know, do great as they both within 2016 visuals. you know, to be part of the association treaty as would be part of the nature. all. so they know that this is across the country and now they see what is happening with suspension, military operations. so the public in the netherlands now,
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i think the, they know that you know what is really going on. so no, i don't think they really insane. the print quality and your name and nature, and then the saying, i mean nature ok, so close to the russian border and this is what they people also see now that i mean there was somehow, i don't know if it was written or wait for the oh but it was after the collapse of the soviet union, they said that, you know, they will not go very close to the russian federation. this is what and do you see on the west is doing all the time and, and other parties, adults. so home, the article about it a few weeks or 2 months ago need to actually was set up by s s. s member. so you know, the 2nd to the nazi regime. they were founders all and so i mean we still have these fascism in euro and maybe for
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a while. and um only s as long as republics in their independence. totally majority is good to the servers like in the twin. yeah. we see. does it all the time now these buses, as people now are gaining ground repeated also with you. notice that you stay tuned down and everything. so at ease, uh, you know, they would say okay, uh you can do your may to what you know works from natal is yes, you can do one of natal only when you, when the one. well, i don't know. okay, that's yeah, that's what i want to go anthony. i so yeah, that was an extraordinary statement. by stilton bird, they had of nato, is that you can join the club once you do feed russia. i mean, if you were in care of what would you be thinking, you brought us all those way, all those, what you made all these problem is, is you open the door, you shut them through. it's been you slamming closets and say when you, when give us a call. extraordinary, go ahead anthony,
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which is in the course of june. i'll see you currently. and people are probably around what was upfront conversations your night sites, sites at by getting some afraid of them. and about to say, i'll also put moods i actually use, i have nice of apps because, you know, getting back in, so i'm are we have the best of the re getting a gorbachev or uh, a virus. i'm a premier agent in the direction of uh, well peace, which is a tremendous old and uh, a game about last time presentation in the south side. right. so i'm rush, it was, was sent to your appliances your right sides. so i, you know, times it may have dawn, we've got the politicians on the well stage because dog, a bull efficiency or more control by our go to cooper. i shouldn't say guy about the public boss. we certainly have
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a situation where night. so it's original insight and since surprised to be defensive, the useful a problem. yeah, yeah, yeah. they think that's a very good point. let me go to like, my guess i didn't do is go to around here in the article 5, the volunteered article 5 of the nato treaty is always brought up here. but it, with the, with the nato, his behavior in wanting in the future. it will never bring in ukraine and tonight it's never gonna happen. i don't know why so much time is wasted on it. but we're going to, we're going to continue with the, talking about their plans. it's not, it's a violation of article one of the nato treaty, they're not supposed to be an aggressive organization inducting a country like ukraine, or moldova, or georgia would be a violation of their 1st article. but i don't even think stilton bird notes. no, so 1st article he gets takes us talking point from jake sullivan, go ahead and the ran yeah, yeah, exactly. i mean the point is that if there is no conflict,
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then nasal will cease to exist. the entire sea of this organization is a live on the basis of the never ending wars. and you know, like going back to the topic of whether they're going to, uh, you know, allow your trade during the nasal organization. obviously, it's not, it's not going to happen. it was just some base that they dangled in front of. there's a lensky regime in order to live with them into this trap with the russian best. and obviously they're not doing too good. the counter offensive is going very badly, very poorly. there is no clear road map as to what they're going to do and what their plan is because they have done lots of things which many security and at least with a quote to be impossible. and then all your cool, but they have done it like providing the ukrainian forces with the police of
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uranium, which everyone, i mean, if you had off the, uh, security, and i wish they would say the nature of organization is crazy. but it's not that crazy. but now yeah, yeah, my friend, bye bye thing, but us on but sorry. yeah, i agree with you, but you know what? it shows their complete disregard and disrespect for ukrainians, ukrainian soldiers and ukrainian civilians. this is this a so call us it's so cool. sonya, you know, they're fighting this proxy war, it's a ne told proxy war against russia and ukraine is the fodder. and that's the kind of moral compass these people have pursuing this work. they don't give a hoot about ukraine. sonya, now this match and this is what they did before and sir, yeah, i understand. they don't know that above people that i mean, okay. a lot of people plan to you're
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a part of the large majority flat to rush. i tell because, you know, they are russian so also they're now stations coming out to soldiers a few of the use they are, you know, say all the time they which range somehow in, from ortho virginia and you know what they said the 1st thing. it's not about handling weapons for training. i know they say you have to pay the russians. this is their, you know, time, or you want to what they are say. as you credit is our sophomore in the us. you know, these, these people understand this, they, they kill people, they kill children, elderly people, and they only want to know a lot of them are the elderly children, mothers with children. big old old a man are on the trunk latch, but they don't really care about this whole dish. no, they don't even have a natural. is this, why are you comfortable? vinson is going to bed. this is also what is no. so i mean it's just, they don't care about people, they never did and they never will. this is,
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did they the leads the readings? what do we have these days in the annual with seeing with all these sanctions and counter sanctions at western elite, don't even care about their own people. that's also that allows you to have as all the time we have fascinating discussion. i want to thank my guessing where they ran and, and miles scope. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at archie. see you next time. remember across the, the, [000:00:00;00] the new session over not right now. moving up, i need to ship it as a to associated with the local church. so see if the boulevards you much and watch cool as rich was a job project. so the better because you put the room in attendance and want to
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know what that of all i just want to unless you just click on the choose control, depression, some of the stuff i need for you press the yesterday, which is kind of charlotte. see what the number of or send me an option for this thing up. so let me just plug in from that. i will start rolling charter decrypt daughter you to and you can yeah. north share service and love scored good from advocates, a supported k. i will be this looks like a good idea switching. did you validate the acceptance and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do the have the state department to see i a weapons makers,
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multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you the most of the people that live here. and they said that there were at least 3 shots flyers that ukraine once again, use the american maids. rockets for multiple launch a system called hi mars. see if people are killed on the 8 wounded as residential buildings and that against the public come under ukrainian, shutting off the correspondence addressed as a meeting of the un security council highlighting house shutting of civilians in the don't. boston frequently goes unnoticed in the west. i now get the floor to


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