tv News RT June 30, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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a few moments, i guess 2 professional men city and to keep the list of all but huge, but they use the suddenly, exterior, we are cells have serious doubts about the common sense of many western leaders. they have admitted that it is they who are fighting against us, not ukraine. russia stop the associate level says lesson leaders who found the value in the bottom of explains their own and fight against muscle. also has the presence cool on urgent news of the summer to just pay off in his home by the most in positing of him elton john conser process has been calls and crashed with the
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needs and fox over 600 different sizes, have been detained. over 3 nights of the kind of the security counseling needs to go is peacekeeping forces from all the officers and government local residents of the west african nation demanded. these troops meet the mean if they are really the deployment of monroe smith has serve no purpose. when you have a problem and you need help with the person who's supposed to help you, isn't acting in good faith, you have to do without that help the francis fighting for it, because me newsome is equal to france. what we're looking for is for it to eat, the good target company today. so that makes us global news wound up and this is on the international. we saw it was racing use of mine and re personally
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a open fly or an apple to the eastern european nation of moldova, killing 2 people he has said to have been taken into custody also being wounded by responding authorities. local media reported a minor had arrived on a flight from frontier and became enraged. also, he was prohibited from portions to possible control his building, so grabbed the fire um from a nearby officer the about, so i top sorry, rushing forward. mississauga leverage says weston need is have inadvertently admitted that they are fighting against russia as they rooted for a failed rebellion by the private ministry company. the most the we can you give any reassurance that the rush, he's not sliding towards the time of troubles? usually it will go up and those up, but if anyone in the west has any doubts, well, that's your problem. we're cells have serious doubts about the common sense of many
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western leaders use of western officials were saying that this rebellion shows that the facade of russian power has cracked, which means that they are doing the right things that i see in so doing, they have admitted that it is, they who are fighting against us, not ukraine. story. so thank you for your concern, but we can handle it. the foreign minister has made it clear that russia can deal with its own issues without the wes worries. but he has also touched upon the issue of children that were evacuated from the orphanages in the conflict zones. and he has said that the united nation has not visited these regions for in 8 years. and therefore, they have no real information on how badly these people are being treated by the key of regina. he has also say stress that russia positive legend reporting has stated that nobody is hiding these children. and that any information on these kids is available to the public. and so therefore, if a parent sees that they have
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a child somewhere in russia, they will be reunited and use the solution will move food. but so of course, we are very concerned about the fate of children who find themselves and conflicts on all of those children who are now in russian territory. they are all known. nobody is hiding their names. nobody is hiding the locations where they are, or just if those children have parents or direct relatives, those guardians have every right to take custody of them. you know, those children have ended up in russia because they were in orphanages. no relatives were there. we evacuated them. do you have ski the moment with these european so are concerned about in the legit? forcible confinement of children in the russian federation would do well to look at what is happening to ukrainian children in the us. if you get us. we have received many appeals from ukrainian citizens who have gone to europe as refugees about their children being forcibly removed from them by the authorities. and when it comes to the international criminal court or warrant against russian president
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vladimir, put in the foreign minister, has made some interesting point on how the west seems to be untouchable. mentioning the case that was trying to be built against the west actions in afghanistan and, well, how the prosecutor behind that case was simply sanction. so this the conclusion here really, it shows that the court seems to be silent when it comes to western crimes. you put this 1000000 lives to leave unity of heads of state is guaranteed by international law and relevant conventions. in the case of the ruling by the international criminal court, it is not as much a manifestation of and by liability and your story. as it is of the touch ability of the anglo saxons force, this decision on which they force the prosecutor to bypass all the procedures with unprecedented speed for that warrant to be concocted. and when it comes to the multi polar world,
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the foreign minister has said that the west is going out of this way to undermine the work of the u. n. n. u has mentioned that any sofas tends to take advantage of you and institutions are to fail. he's also hoping that the organization will expend even more and create a more just and multi paula world, where all space of the world can have an equal say, can we just in a bit of time, we're currently witnessing a fierce desire to prevent rushes rise as in the independent centre of a multi polar world order mules through store, which it has already been announced sitting next on the list as china, which is identified in nato doctrinal documents, the main long term challenge to the hedge, a monique of the golden 1000000000. it was a dominance is endings that mean you to it is time to move on to equality, even though if everyone is in favor of democracy, let us not forget that democracy is also required in international relations. and
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there's no to the one of russia's highest ranking diplomats has condemned the moves by sweet and accident to join nature. deputy farm is so good. we have quote said that was the last straw and most of the decision to leave a key agreement. i'll never think armed forces the simple c f e treaty, which and helps lead to the end of the cold war, russia and then try to discuss as a formal withdrawal from the treaty on conventional on forces in europe. at an upcoming meeting in vienna. the deal assigned by several more full pacts. countries . i'm more than a dozen nathan member states in 1990 a year before the end of the soviet union. it limits is the number of tags and the other combat vehicles, as well as up to the guns i think up to is an of the costs of policies. russia suspended is participation in 2007,
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saying that nato members were violating the agreement with excessive forces. mazda is withdrawal from the past is to be completed in november. i spoke to call 17 and government and of the head of the russian navigation for the tools. he says that rushes of withdrawal is due to continuous and under pressure from the west. and the lady was in the ninety's and this was too close to your b and security by the time the soviet union as members of the board to organization 3, d. c. c, 's, east. so it was necessary to make and the other thing because of the different companies we have to pay for the regional groups according to the dream. so he sort of start i, the girl says, all the other station or see during the screen is the. ready so it says for the $99.00 in the sample, so i'm in and the, this is very,
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very interesting stories, a us and the allies of new roof uh, the right to impose the russia additional obligations, as they say, according to the easy but they had in the trinity. so all right, so from the regions why, for the rational enters, that's why it was on sale uh into the nation to stand is the plantation of this easily easily seen the names of the 3 more companies or the 5, the city, the bottom may to alliance the lady. busy deduction in doing these uh, 1718 years uh added any fields to the discussion. and this was the joining the panel, the organizational in the process. so, so we,
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the, was a lot of trouble now and they say it was suspended. there is a all the way from countries to infinity, the strategic for, to have the such an agreement as to have any location. so this is by them. pretty simple. small will be waiting, store repeating, 0 boss. and then they'll see, according to the thinking, 1st of all of our national interest is made to condemn the russians decision to withdraw from the c f e treaty. and even called on moscow to return to his compliance with how surprising is it to his such stay was from the nato broke, which itself exceeded the quotes as for weapons evaluate to teach us. so yesterday, during the meeting the. busy of decision on this drawing is incorrect. so it messes 3 cl position is what 3 the most of these conditions in this environment.
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yes, international environmental the these, the approach on the western countries, it's impossible even to, to, to the scene, to start a new location. so it's impossible. now these being decided that rethinking this problem, but we need to be is the, the, the so the racial destiny. right. and we have a very simple sam, we, a whole new model is established in the air. the special needs of the issues, they must be sure. and this tight out was an spying. that's the gist of the pentagon. the recent statement about the chinese balloon, they shut down over the us earlier this year, confirming it was not the correct thing. information in terms of um you know, the balloon and the capabilities it has. as you heard at the time,
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we were aware that it had intelligence collection capabilities, but it was our, it's and it has been our assessment now that i did not collect while it was transiting the united states or overflowing united states. the highest of them plus in the continental us, those 5 as an item down one american finds a jet of the coast of south carolina in february. the isn't blue. i'm full of the times. relations between washington, i'm amazing with us. officials are using china of espionage and cat, assuming official visits. the balloon drama also spots up for among us politicians and media china trends our sovereignty. we will add to protect our country and we did. a chinese 5 alone is hovering over the united states of china, remains the pacing challenge and something that will continue to stay focused on trip was postpone following the bible. learn incident over the u. s. format extensions rising between the united states and china, over
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a chinese 5 balloon that the chinese 5 balloon that flew across the us back in february was able to gather intelligence from several military sites. then we shut it down. so need a clear message, clear message. the violation of our sovereignty is unacceptable that as well as live now to nelson, a long life chairman of the same high sense of rim and international studies, nelson eval, was a pleasure to see, is a. now this story is just come out, so i wait and this story i think does come out, but this report says, does come out. why do you think this has come out now? and what do you think of the statement that the chinese berlin, i quote, didn't collect any intelligence data as well. a might be less than full and all failing to see the whole picture about to me. this statement from the pentecostal is somewhat confusing because we don't know what was the occasion for the pentagon to makes that statement also is and seems to
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you to pilot that was flying on top of the already did confirm that they did not collect any information while flying over canada and the us for a week. why the white house do decided to shoot down? my 3rd question is why the pentagon has decided to make this statement. now, full months of to the incident once that's happened, isn't it? because the goal is trying to coordinate towards the white house effort to respond it's dialogue with by aging following secretary or state of lincoln's recent visit to china, or china's and pass it up to the us as make some progress. calming down the patient between the 2 countries or secretary gentlemen is planning to visit the by going to ask about you're going to buy more us treasury about barnes. but then why are they still calling the believe us bible now said i'm so it's off of the questions.
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but anyway, thanks for that. all right, with nelson, you know, all we like me to get any sort of reaction from china. well i, i don't think that we're going to get any direct risk balls from try that towards the end of because it's and it's an incident that has. busy happened or read and trying it has made it statement long ago, but i think there was, you know, something else that we need to look at behind the see you. there was no sign that the global economy is taking off or indicate it shows that most the countries around the world are expecting a downturn. economically, it was inflation an unemployment rate going up high. so rather than keep pushing up the tensions at a conflict, a jo, political 8,
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is perhaps better that every country needs to pay more attention to stabilizing that domestic economy and to low cost of the wellbeing of the general public. so having said that, we must not forget that the presidential election, the election in the us is coming up next year. the how the democrats coast stop. the risk of donald trump is a big issue they have to face at home. meantime, how long is the war in ukraine going to last at a where the president has decided to remain as the russian president are anybody's guess? so we, in short, we are facing great uncertainty is about time and ends need to stay vigilant. i'm prepared for all kinds of unexpected to happen in the days to come. that's what i take. that's a very, very different classic take in dates. but before i let you go, i want to pick you up on a couple of things. so here we, you said
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a few minutes ago that may be the, the us is trying to move over some, you know, smooth, smooth over relations with china at this point because of economic co restraints a, i'm the cost of living foot every day. americans in, in the us as well as this, this is the listing that over spending to prop up the proxy. well, in ukraine all the way likely, i know this is speculation on but on the opposite side. but i'll be likely to see any kind of um, quit for a quote if you like from china to say look, i'm happy to perhaps buy some bonds from you. a pop up here, a call a we caught use of money for that bit thing. well, i mean, personally, i wouldn't think that this is going to be easy for a while the us to expect trying to do to buy more
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treasury balls, balls, but a bad remind you that china is in the mode of decreasing it's holding of us treasury like balls at the moment, and yes, that as being a lot of speculation and hopes and pulse between the countries and all the countries domestically as well. that the us is really expecting china to increase its holding of us balls. but i think it's going to be a tough negotiations and tough decision for either party to make right now. so you know what, we went a bit more time. i do like tokens here. so one of those off topic that shows about china africa summits. how is that a finding out? i mean, we've got like 50 on some countries um participating in that is kind of making
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a move on africa of what china is a is a heavily involved in africa as development. so this is already a factor for the last, almost 30 years, actually trying to has been pumping up money into africa to help building of the infrastructure for the last few decades. and that's being ball stopped. so there is nothing you know, unexcused on it to, to expect between china and africa, except that the 2 sides are moving closer and closer. so, and this is something that we can expect to was this upcoming summit as well. all right, now as and well as well. it's a pleasure talking to vice chairman of this, i sent a written, fax of international studies. thanks so much for your time today. speak again soon . thank you. so thanks as the now falls
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is present, my call have left an e use summit to chat and emergency government meeting it with the unrest carly gripping his country. now it follows another life of chaos. an outrage on the street. so fox, the nation can tease to boil over the face of a police shooting a german teenager to attempt a traffic stop reported just 3 days ago. over 600 people have been arrested over the rights. the image, the l 9 by then crashes, several positions of even cooled for a state of emergency to 55 protests. and the resistance of, of, of nonsense continues to that thursday. well, put this far into gas, the games to the file. almost 200 offices have been injured in crashes with demonstrates, as opposed to us is have a smooth thumbs up for these damage buildings and set fire to cause federal
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security services, including and then link unit. but usually it focuses on counter terrorism operations with mobile dice and deal with the chaos. this was, it shows the off them, off of the devastation. you can see an office of a french financial services company that was run side by devastating souls are also broken into annotated while protests as well, and why it's taking more than a dozen associates present. my qual. busy seen with his wife pausing as an elton john concepts and power, opposition politicians last style. so that things and actually those being irresponsible while building the building, michael on his part, has condemned the rise ankles, immediate end to divide us both of us. and it has. meanwhile, this in the nation to address racial issues as police of the firm and support when the officer killed the effort of a teenager. this is
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a moment for the country to seriously address the deep issues of racism and racial discrimination in law enforcement. we also emphasize the importance of peaceful assembly. a fight for the syndicate has expressed his full support of the office in question. i'm putting the blame for the incident on the deceased boy's parents. the colleagues who i been filing a 17 year old criminal by neutralizing his vehicle. they protected their lives and that of of the road uses the anyone's responsible for the death of this thug on his parents. unable to educate this son, at least whether to associate with the expert who says the incident has re expose a range of intrinsic problems that falls as coney struggling with to succeed in the system in law. and these events certainly reflect a range of issues, discrimination, and equality racism, and police violence. there are many politicians political parties associations have
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condemned, is increasing police violence. personally, i see the situation from a different angle from a perspective of urban space, a space where we see social inequalities and disadvantaged people for whom indicators of security and violence are still important. where there is certainly some misunderstanding about this categories, as well as the degree of arbitrariness to the government and various associations that you shouldn't do their job to try to eliminate this misunderstanding this miscommunication and results all the problems. the problem of racism doesn't exist, not only in france, but everywhere in europe and in other countries, especially considering the emergence of social networks. we have paramount and this debate, the phenomenon of racism exists not only and from, but all over the world. let me ask you any counsel as voted to withdraw as peacekeeping forces for marty bass off of the west african nation called for those
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troops to be immediately removed. the un mission has been involved in for a decade now and lisman to come by the local terrace groups. alice site has been the most expensive mission on the us books, costing more than a $1000000000.00 a year. but it's faced criticism for fading to protect civilians from to have is a tax. now it's off the nation doing up, my father's would see the blinds. a withdrawal of some 13000 troops from the mission. within 6 months by diary, full remaining personnel will be evacuated. local stuff paid off on the basis dismantled for more details and multi based illness sent us this report. i started in new york in the middle of the year in the district been give me so so far is unclear. and is it set to, to be examined the by the you in the secretariat can save money is calling affordably, you may get 2 weeks to get ahold of municipal. however, frances insist on withdrawing the from is in the soon after 6 the most the end of
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this 3 of them are cool. monday and i already, you're on the most me this month is no longer needed in my grandma. there's one on on for really the deployment of the news and it has serve no purpose. when you have a problem and you need help, but the person who's supposed to help you isn't acting in good faith. you have to do without that help. when asked, we melons, i convinced that our problem dismentos smart because is the source of the lot of damage. and molly, we want it out of our country. we really don't want it on this. like getting the idea or criticism of minutes, months is that it has failed. when you ask for someone's help, and they're unable to solve the problem, seeing their intervention, it's a failure. so you ask them to leave your home of them and you can call in someone else if he succeeds, even if he also fails, you chase him away. 2 minutes my has the last at the missed the one on the 7th of it just said it was the middle in the monday, making it one of the did the list you any me so so this way to view the have you
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love this? the disagree opinion, this one has not been able to supplies the country fall sense of look also has been a kid this way to the presence of a forwarding keeper. so there were a really criticize a form in the ability to protect syrian so from a dentist attacks. this boy to deploying is assessable for us, in having an under budget of over $1000000.00 us dollars. doing the serial tools as far all the search to thousands of people have been displaced in stone. my lease is the very beginning off of 2022. i was just to keep dogs. so we are not able to stop classes, victory, not to a non states army. oops, no, many millions of believes a dr. munious must only protects friends interests for food on the mullins, and go with the news much because it has contributed nothing. if bronze is fighting
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to keep the news mean, molly, it's decided its own interest. it is simply because of its own interest. molly is not, can see it a country by the west because they are only money to defend the interest. nope, to secure molly. that's my opinion. well, know what it means. one more, francis fighting for it, because me newsome is equal to france, france, and men use not do the same thing. what we're looking for is for it to leave for the possible end of the minutes monday. so it's a flow so use to offer a song in the distorted beat univision individually on population for almost 2 in the center of the country to the city, but more cool money. and so has been rude, larry writing and calling for the end of many small as well. that's all for me today. my colleague roy associate will be with you at the top of the hour about how long it wishing it all a tastic. but the
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western publics are told the collective west must be bruship in slick, a strategic defeat of the kremlin, in the name of democracy. meanwhile, the chair bridge name is announced this ears parliamentary elections and next year's presidential election is suspended so much ukrainian democracy. the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles is all set and set up the standard assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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cases of missing children associated with that is to see i'm just, i'm the sort of it is a dss. them just for pitching out and get to the dashboard and set them up and just give them like a normally don't put people on your grounds. kind of a middle school. but again, the g. i'm done in the center, but i'm really am i, i'm going to show as little as collateral. that is point 9 in school, but she has to be the one that was probably the most. we were switching districts and moving to swing by and introduce she needs that he is not showing him a girl. and i probably am. i was lied to go for sale. i swing by just to be getting enough, which was really, really i knew of 2022. so i repeat with children once again being evacuated from territories controlled by keats. those right, so the political did it for you. if not, since you've got a bill here, you'll know that's what i'm really, really even.
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