tv News RT June 30, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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the the, i need studios we are selves have serious doubts about the common sense of many western leaders. they have admitted that it is they who are fighting against us not ukraine. russia is top of different about it, says weston latest black silicon cognitive abilities and expose themselves that they are in a direct fight against most of the pictures of cities continue to buff across from somebody on that. chrome takes time out the policy as an elton. john showed me then heading home from an a huge summit to deal with the wreckage of 3 knights of ryan. both with the program.
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the un security council agrees to withdrawal peacekeeping forces from molly, of the coals from the government and the locals of the west and african nation demonic those troops go up. really, the deployment of mendoza has served no purpose. when you have a problem and you need help, but the person who is supposed to help you is an expert in good faith. you have to do without that help. francis fighting for it because the newest may is equal to france. what we're looking for is for it to leave the cold. there is so much to talk about tonight as we come to you lie from must go at 8 pm on friday. let's just go straight into it right now. so a rush or foreign minister says west and leaders have inadvertently admitted there in a direct fight against russia. there's a rooted open lead for the attempt to newton the of the wagner. private military
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company, the most the we can to give any reassurance that the rush, he's not sliding towards the time of troubles with us. we will go with them as well . but if anyone in the west has any doubts, well, that's your problem. we're cells have serious doubts about the common sense of many western leaders use of western officials were saying that this rebellion shows that the facade of russian power has cracked, which means that they are doing the right things in so doing, they have admitted that it is they who are fighting against us, not ukraine. story, so thank you for your concern, but we can handle it. the foreign minister has made it clear that russia can deal with its own issues without the west worries. but he has also touched upon the issue of children that were evacuated from the orphanages in the conflict zones. and he has said that the united nation has not visited these regions for in 8 years . and therefore they have no real information on how badly these people are being
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treated by the key of regina. he has also space trust that washer positive laws and reporting has stated that nobody is hiding these children. and that any information on these kids is available to the public. and so therefore, if a parent sees that they have a child somewhere in russia, they will be reunited and use the solution will move food. but so of course, we are very concerned about the fate of children who find themselves in conflict zones. all of those children who are now in russian territory. they are all known. nobody is hiding their names. nobody is hiding the locations where they are, or just if those children have parents or direct relatives, those guardians have every right to take custody of them. you know, those children have ended up in russia because they were in orphanages. no relatives were there. we evacuated them, get ski the moment your opinions who are concerned about in the legit, forcible confinement of children in the russian federation would do well to look at
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what is happening to cranium children's in the us. if you get us, we have received many appeals from ukrainian citizens who have gone to europe as refugees about their children being forcibly removed from them by the authorities. and when it comes to the international criminal court or warrant against russian president vladimir, put in the foreign minister, has made some interesting point on how the west seems to be untouchable. mentioning the case that was trying to be built against the west actions in afghanistan and, well, how the prosecutor behind that case was simply sanction. so this the conclusion here really it shows that the court seems to be silent when it comes to western crimes, because 1000000 lives to leave unity of heads of state is guaranteed by international law and relevant conventions. in the case of the ruling by the international criminal court, it is not as much a manifestation of and by liability and your story. as it is of the touch ability
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of the anglo saxons force, this decision on which they force the prosecutor to bypass all the procedures with unprecedented speed for that warrant to be concocted. and when it comes to the multi polar world, the foreign minister has said that the west is going out of this way to undermine the work of the when. and he has mentioned that any sofas tends to take advantage of you and institutions are to fail. he's also hoping that the organization will expend even more and create a more just and multi paula world, where all a space of the world can have an equal say, can we share some of the day? and we're currently witnessing a fierce desire to prevent rushes rise as an independent center of a multi polar world order mules through store. it has already been announced sitting next on the list as china, which is identified in nato doctrinal documents. the main long term challenge to
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the hedge monique's of the goals and 1000000000 it was, it was the dominance has endings that mean you to it is time to move on to quality . but even though if everyone is in favor of democracy, let us not forget that democracy is also required in international relations. and there's not a lot to people that being killed off for a citizen of touch, weakest on apparently open fire at an airport in the eastern european nation of mo, dover, the man who reportedly being taken into custody after being wounded by responding authorities to the local media, it was reporting that he arrived on a flight from tennessee and became enraged off to being blocked from passing through possible control lead to a grab the firearm from an apple security officer and local officials. according to the event, a terrorist attack investigation is underway of the whole. the friendship president, tim, i know mike are on is less than a you summit to charity emergency government meeting often may have him continues
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to grip his country. we're talking about the 5th, not in a row. now, if you're it continues to vote over off of the fatal police shooting of an algerian teenager during a traffic stop on tuesday of a $600.00 people arrested in the riots that have targeted government buildings or shopping moles and bus depot isn't just about anything else. that can afford to flame the means the ongoing filing classes or several politicians have called for a state of emergency to meet the class of protests in the persian, a suburb of non tear continued on thursday nights with the police using to a gas. and the 200 law enforcement officers have been injured in the classes, protest as long pyrotechnics smoke bomb to the police. the damaging is sort of part of the city and the federal security services, including an elite squad with mobilize to be with the cable. and the following shortage footage, i show it's just a bit of the off my,
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for you right here and see an office of a french financial services company. rand psyched by right as the other store fronts was smashed. and what had previously been inside was either lucid or destroyed and well protest as a rocket and more than a dozen cities across the country. president micron was seated with his wife parting as an elton john concert in paris a possibly can sold by the lyrics a candle in the wind. the hope is there some politicians last out of him saying it was irresponsible for him to be enjoying himself while the nation was in chaos. and calling for his part has condemned the riots and called for an immediate end to the violence, the un spokesperson. meanwhile, others, the nation to address racial issues as the police have stood firm in support of the officer killed the algerian team. this is a moment for the country to seriously address the issues of racism and racial discrimination in law enforcement. we also emphasize the importance of peaceful
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assembly. friendship place syndicate has express. it's full support of the officer in question and in and out deleted, tweak and pin the blame for the incident on the deceased boy's parents. brought her to the colleagues who i been filing a 17 year old criminal by neutralizing his vehicle. they protected their lives and that of of the road uses the anyone's responsible for the death of this thug on his parents. unable to educate this son, to learn more about this now course, and live to a unless or show up with a me in joining us from algeria to discuss the essentially what is just an ongoing story of tragedy and destruction in the french capital. a very good evening, so thank you for joining us here on the audio you international. i know you've been keeping a close watch on the protests and problems. they have been unusually intends with hundreds of people detained to some serious disruption. what do you think truly is behind it? is it simply because of one person? think faithfully shot by the police?
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yeah, it's the i'm the to be with you, but i see. i think the probably the fast was really hot on the play house. we have seen the cost of see some of these wireless joining the last few the think is not really because we're believe the, the past. so we case, i believe the some, the issues between the french so slightly. there is a sense that between the rational auditors and media rates for the flat to be a country looking for maybe for more looking for jobs looking for more stability. i believe that there is some i some, the issues inside the society and not a problem. the thing is, this is the reduction of this police inside
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the best society, based off of my son, he again go in what size of the economy, because they saw inside the face and all the time, like the higher the economy issues right inside the society's army charles for the society and for the economy, the hard sort of jumping, but we know we told me about, you know, the whole multi multi ethnic society these days that we've been talking about now for, for at least 10 or more years. you talk about economic migrants or economic refugees as well, looking for a better life. i mean, i, i should ask you, mr. booth. i mean, i mean, you know, you go to a foreign country, you're looking for a better life. fair play to yeah, no worries that, but it is looting. rand staffing and voting prophets. are you the right way to go
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about, you know, i guess, assimilating into society. you know, we say that we are, i guess, any final thoughts. but there's something in the countries they went to brass ultimate in your opinion, okay. especially from wages. france is making an appeal. it is the something 60 electricity, 70 percent on the 50 percent of the need. francis it's making more down more more powerful villages. so this is the videos, the labels on the textbooks. that's why it's a joke. so i'm just going to press the button
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to, to work in the case because there are lots of other sources. so i think the injustice inside the pesa site justice between the origin. last, let's say the origin this i think, but this option, it's a wrong it's, it's been so rough. it's so rough auction, at least in the sun, and how this reaction policing reaction isn't there something that is on the, on the bill expressivity due to some extra extra extern right? which is called government to excel immigrants exist in france. but let me tell you something about the workforce. in fact, they work in the construction, they work in the country and they are really to differentiate. but they don't talk
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about the, the yes we, we saw some negative things from this, this deliberately, which we agree. but we have to shut them like they used to defend the press, the west side of the countries. how do they the change the way the image is pushing the western countries and the what's the economy to that they should raise lation weight is because it's all pressure and the government only will lead to may. so they have to be so far. and that is all, i mean they, they can narrow their, what am i talking about? they're always talking about reform is missed the boat to mean that that's opponent taking at is fine. it's been a bit. but as you say, as you say,
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i think i think there are, there are, there are 2 sides of the story, but i really appreciate your go straight statements that, i mean, you, you know, you talk about a, it's true, as you say, migrant workers. typically, all the backbone and a life blood of many of the western economies these days, whether it's in the services industry, the taxi use deliveries this stuff and the other, you know, these are, you know, own important parts of this as a society. but to show up, we're gonna have to continue this conversation. another time i list a show up with a me and joining us live here on ology international, a real pleasure to have you on the program. thank you very much. it's all the time . so china, apparently it was not spying, that's the just solve the pen to go into a recent statement about the chinese balloon and they shot down over the us earlier this year, confirming it was not collecting information so well, that story continues online right now at odyssey. dot com and that's so let's give you some updates now regarding a part of that for higg now. and we've actually 0 been on bucky the fast so because
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we understand but in the past it was now suspended. the broadcasting rights of a french tv channel saying it's spreading false information about the crisis in the country helping us the frame channel lashan and for is responsible for the consequences of the serious violations by broad costing, from information about looking at a fast. so the book can be superior accounts, so for communication is suspending the program. so the tv channel less jet and full from the packages of any paid audio visual service distribution to, for a period of 3 months in book a fast. so let's get more of this right now, costing life to a local jonathan olive oil. com gauge. joining us here on, on the international. good evening olive oil can, can you tell us a bit more about the accusations against this french rule of caution china. why, why, why is it being suspend? and what it looks like, fonts is hopes and dreams to stay in. but you know, false as good book has gone down the drain once again. and this off to the west.
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african nations media originated suspended with immediate effect. french television, else, the i 4 broad costing false information on the security situation. nancy already struggling with terrorism. the decision did come following a popular so known as the technical. our project does the info in question in which the regulates of shoes. do i have a new so mommy of making fools and baseless remarks on the security situation in between the fossil and the whole as to how each of these militias reports were made on the 25th of april this year? we, according to the regulatory bodies, tamani stated that to harvest a bossy relativity and that to the state troops were using volunteers from the local defense force as deals to protect themselves from the onslaught. and without even mentioning any sources, also stating that the present opportunity costs as chemistry is occupied by the
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hottest, and that's more than 15000 people had died and more than 2000000 that had been displaced. now these are just some of the comments that to be generous as me to which the see if these, these are 2 boys up on this d and substance further stating that these commons. i simple speaking nations and malicious integrations, that i like you to create, even though i'm based within the a condition and a continued to weaken the necessary collaborations of thoughts between the army and civilians. now you too, ma'am, but that's the key in the fall. so a has been experiencing a search in violence, but on groups with the vitamins he's been forcing people. odyssey of homes local, continue to state that indeed from he's working overtime to cold chaos, the in between a fall to end. that width actually kind of fighting because the phone is into feelings and imperialism. not necessarily because of travel was, as some would say,
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i mean fonts. and she can clearly coming home to roost in the west african region. and as a menu or calling to say you anything that is built online, i cannot stand for ever. and i guess that's exactly where things are standing. the jealous comments are deprived of honesty. she did not mention the numerous initiative taken by the story just became a fast so to insure security in the country. no of the success is achieved by the army. know the losses suffered by terrorists. the news was biased. the angle was chosen to demonstrate that the withdrawal of the french army would lead to complete the case in this a hell region. the john lists comments were ultimately inflammatory lawyer. we, we know this isn't really the 1st time that a french tv channel has been buying them, but again, a fast. so can you tell us about any of the previous cases, perhaps, as well as the suspension also does kind of make increasing attempts that by people
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cannot authorities to restrict to be operations of independent media as well as really and see frame sentiment. but from a distance it might have come across as though the french you can not catch a break, but it's really all the own doing. and they all to blame for all of this because it is the 3rd time in about 6 to 7 months. that the key to fossil authorities that have done this as adjusted to june says spend a review phones international is december 2002, 22 also on the tuesday issues of lending it's platform um to a to receive, to intimidate the car seat in april it's suspended overall cost by the prince, $1.00 to $24.00 news channels off the interview, the head of ok to north africa. know both range of bronze and from suite to it's kind of a african, a space close meets a populate, an african in front of police is happening suspended, even in neighboring monte, which is also run by a ministry to, into fighting to harvest forces,
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crosses won't come in its former calling these indies to how regional with africa is really weary thing and why they didn't says that it is no longer a time to control the state of west african countries that it is now under pressure . and i'm defiant. and the reason for many reasons, and this is just the latest example of the on the ground. people continue to off with the problems will learn to respect their neighbors and create independence. or will it continue to middle these ethnic, tennessee? or we have all these comments from the book and i'll be minister. we can talk to just very, very briefing on the volume stand by for us who have a nice friends. 24 is not only acting as a mouthpiece for these terrorists, but worse just providing a space for the legitimate ation of terrorist actions and hate speech. that was a level jonathan olive oil. com got you on a slide from joe, but thanks very much. we'll see you soon. i of the un security council has voted to
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withdraw its peacekeeping forces from bali that's off of the west african nation called for those troops to be immediately removed. and un mission has been molly over the last decade was meant to be combating local tara groups u. n. s. that is being the most expensive mission ever for the boarding, costing more than a $1000000.00 a year. however, it's face criticism of offending to protect civilians from terror attacks. now the resolution would see the withdrawal of $13000.00 troops within 6 months. from now we have this report from a molly based john, and i'll start didn't use in the my leave the you in the district been give me so so far is unclear. and is it set to to be examined the base value in the secluded cost money is calling affordably, you may get 2 weeks ago or a for municipal. however, funds to assist on withdrawing the from is in the soon after 6 the most the investors to offer them a cool money also are to your new most new smart is no longer needed. any money
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grandma is the one on on for really the deployment of the news. and that has served no purpose. when you have a problem and you need help. but the person who is supposed to help you isn't acting in good faith. you have to do without that help. when asked, we melons. i convinced that our problem dismentos smart because is the source of the lot of damage. and molly, we want it out of our country. we really don't want it on this. like getting the idea or criticism of minutes my is that it has failed. when you ask for someone's help and they're unable to solve the problem, seeing their intervention, it's a failure. so you ask them to leave your home. and you can call in someone else if he succeeds, even if he also fails, you chase him away. 2 minutes my has the last at the missed the one under this event to us. it just said it was the middle in the money making it one of the did list you and me so. so this way to views the, have you love this, the disagree opinion. this one has not been able to supplies the country fall sense
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of look also have you been to this way to the presence of a forwarding keeper. so, there were, have really criticize a form in the ability to protect syrian so from a dentist at, that's this boy deploying it, assessable force. and having an under budget of over $1000000.00 us dollars doing the serial tools as far all the search to thousands of people have been displaced in a storm. my lease is the very beginning off of june to turn to, to us please to keep dogs. so we are not able to stop classes, victory, not to a non states army. oops. now many millions of believe the duct administer must only protects friends interests all food on the mullins and go with the news much because it has contributed nothing. if bronze is fighting to keep the news mean, molly is defending its own interest. it is simply because of its own interest.
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molly's not can see it a country by the west because they are only money to defend the interest. nope, to secure molly. that's my opinion. well, know what it means. one more, the francis fighting for it, because me newsome is equal to france, france, and men use not do the same thing. what we're looking for is for it to leave the point, the end of the municipal and me. so it's a flow, so use a offer. so in the distorted between into you and the end of your money and population for almost 2 in the center of the country to the city. but more cool money on so has been through glory writing and calling the for the end of many small 21. civilian and organizations have signed a letter sent to the us defense secretary slamming washington for a tax in syria that kills civilians. 11 points out that the most recent strikes are not an isolated events. significant evidence indicates the us defense department
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carried out at least will strike the code a civilian in the name of fighting terrorism. in this case, a washington post investigation indicates that a month initially described as a serial ok, denita appears to have instead being a civilian the he pays no threat to the united states civilian deaths on the unfortunate anomalies. but for all the systemic problems, requiring committed leadership and accountability. and while dependent on the status that talk it was a top alti either. later the washington post as report of the 56 year old man killed in the strike was a shepherd and the father of 10 post the guns, an investigation with the help of the syrian civil defend itself. the article is quoting the dead man's finally a period and a prophecy. now us officials are well adjusting their initial state. we're no longer confident. what killed a senior, a q official very we believe the strike did not kill the original target. we believe the person to be archived to. meanwhile,
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the civilian organizations are claiming that as a systematic mist identification of targets in washington, the military operations of the un general assembly has approve the creation of an independent body to investigate the growing number of cases of missing people in the country. since the syria and conflict started were enough to have that number as reaching any $130000.00 best buy more now costing lots of geo political analyst up by some of dollars who's joining us now from syria. very good evening to you. so thank you for coming on the program today. i know you know the story of the life now of an innocent civilian has taken while us come on to said they were targeting an outside elidah. the big mistake to make apparently the guy killed as a shepherd and the father of 10. how does a country with the intelligence network and military capability of united states of america make such a big mistake? to thank you very much for having be in
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your program. first of full review of we, when they turn to the hill published and the washington post, we would find that this is a not the 1st time they are speaking about systematic, systematic, a wrong sod, arrows and incidents like that. when we are speaking about system, i think it is not. this is not the 1st time we are speaking about of guns done while speaking about cameron iraq. and now as here, this is the 1st one, the 2nd, the 2nd thing which is the human rights human rights organization, aust. for that going to be able to t uh, the accountability with the did the lease in either one time. does that to someone that already had accountability for these kind of crimes, the parents, if they went up and investigation, okay, they would open investigation, but what is our results? maybe nothing. and we'll,
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maybe we'll watch as you're going to ask you what that won't good as an investigation is over 3 months, is located as an investigation. what, what, what can they do? some of that is outspoken. they accomplish, you know, is it any way that that's what it is or the kids he is innocent to pass on. he is the father often children. this is, this is the small picture, the biggest picture which i think everyone should knows. uh, it's not the only this person or the color we are speaking about after an image of september i, and after 20 years of what they called in united states, the counterterrorism operations, the campaign of counterterrorism operation, we are speaking about 5000000 passes already killed in as in, i've got a son, iraq here on, on syria. now,
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5 me doing. and we are speaking about 78, medium displaced from the, from their faces. the american showed us, they are government, their administration above a trade young dollars. a spending good for the worse because one of our good addition when without or what are the visa human rights organization? this is a main question. the biggest big sure that united states. why is there a soldiers? now they are a good buying box of syrian tooth or is in the northeast of syria, why they are stating on why they are a city cotton. why. 5 you, they are training, i see is members on distributing event and if i was there, i'd be so that's why they are doing all the disease. so because mixture with that, which the americans would be an hour or so with us, they are government, they're excited to go on. their say i a, is there a, there, there are people who are as most a minutes now. others have who will i to is that i. 5
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