tv Cross Talk RT June 30, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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that was transiting the united states or overflowing united states. so you probably know, remember the story. china is believing in crossing america with trucks and light a down to buy an american fight had shut off the coast of south carolina in february. and the incident blew up already. tons ties between washington and beijing with us officials very quick to accuse china or s b on osh. and then cancel the official visits. the balloon drama are also spots and uproar among us politicians on naturally the us media. china threatens our sovereignty, we will add to protect our country and we did. a chinese 5 alone is hovering over the united states of china, remains the pacing challenge and something that will continue to stay focused on the trip was postpone following the spied balloon incident over the u. s. format extensions rising between the united states and china, over a chinese 5 balloon that the chinese 5 balloon that flew across the u. s. back in february, was able to gather intelligence from several military sites. and then we shut it
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down, sending a clear message, clear message. the violation of our sovereignty is unacceptable. well, earlier we spoke to nelson wong, the vice chairman of the shanghai send, have a written packet international studies that mr. wong's site is that dependent guns statement and admissions about the balloon, while it leaves many more questions. now the nonsense. a late statement from the pentagon is somewhat confusing because we don't know what was the occasion for the pentagon to makes that statement also is and seems to you to pilot that was flying on top of the blue or rated confirm that they did not collect any information while flying over canada and the us for a week. why the white house do decided to shoot? now, my 3rd question is why the pentagon has decided to make this statement. now, full months of to the incident that's happened, isn't it? because that the goal is trying to coordinate the ways,
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the white house effort to respond it's dialogue with by aging following secretary or state or blankets, recent visit to china, or china's and bass. so the to the u. s. has made some progress coming down the patient between the 2 countries or secretary yelling is planning to visit the by going to ask about, you're going to buy more us treasury by all by barnes. but then, why are they still calling the balloon a spy book to moscow is calling to get yet another example of religious suppression . ukraine. cold water has extended the house, the rest of most of pilots and pebbles. the leader of a monitoring po for 2 more months or ukraine has been seeking to take. he has a chat, a screwdriver of from the russian orthodox church, arresting priests and harassing people. the goal is to replace the local clergy with its own and government approved religious administration, despite numerous spiritual leaders, including the pope urging presidents or landscape to end the persecution of
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christians just for a moment. here's a look back at recent events. the key has also now cost a bill moving that celebration of christmas from the orthodox to the catholic calendar and rushes far and intelligent service. meantime, besides these, i know it's a lot by you crate and unesco just this week to remove how many orthodox roddicks from the country and send them to the you kind of kind of from that right now. so we did speak with academic jason, michael, who says that religious persecution started back in 2018 when keith was given con, launched by the collective west. a little mention of this because this is part of
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an ongoing propaganda campaign where in the broadest of all possible sense, as the ukranian regime is being given a blank check by nature. whether you'd a p and union out in the united states. what was happening to. ready the ukrainian orthodox church is an ongoing past secure, and it's concerning that metropolitan pothole has been under how you start asked them that this has been going on since last april. behind this, of course, we can trace this back much foamed up to 2018 when the ukrainian government and p as voted, as i liked of parliament as a, as a government move to remain the church. and it's very rare, particularly in any state pretending to be a liberal democratic state, to use an act of parliament for subjects to change its name, to reflect some form of incentives for the legion you know,
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to put into parents. this is the most school patriarch, kate, you know, this would be a 10 that, you know, during perhaps world war 2 when, but it was. ready or was adults hitler and his allied miscellany to re label the catholic church in england. vitale and catholic church. it is a sensitive debate and that discussion does continue on line right now. the all pets section of ox heat on the the the hello and welcome to cross ok. we're all things are considered. non peter lavelle.
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western publics are told the collective west must defeat russia, inflict a strategic defeat on the kremlin, all in the name of democracy. meanwhile, the camp regime is announced this year's parliamentary elections and next year's presidential election is suspended so much for ukrainian democracy, the processing ukraine's so called democracy. i'm joined by my guess, anthony webber. and we're thing he is an independent political commentator. and here in moscow we have sonya event, then, and as she is an independent journalist or across our girls in effect, that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated. that's a let me go to you 1st. i mean, i find it really quite curious to say the least and watching over the last 15 months, western of public officials coming out and say, we have to protect them operate with there is no democracy in ukraine. there won't
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be a democracy in the west. okay. we don't fight them there that will have to fight them here and we've heard it over and over and over again. then we and we hear that rather casually from the authorities in care of that well, elections are suspended right now. this is on the heels of nationalizing the media . whether it's all, it's one monotone message, though opposition parties and opposition figures are either a on, in jail house arrest or exiled in the west, continues to talk about the virtues of democracy in ukraine. your thoughts, anthony? well, this is all being kept for the clock from ray or have the appropriate certainly in the okay. um i'm sure in the upper right side conversations as well. um items must be remembered. search will also i'm sure to manage certain i've uh, selections. uh, friday, just kind of a sound when they type with that. um,
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many other countries with my walls and type uh, elections. uh and also have new jersey signs of low but even try and recycle of carpet. and i make, uh somebody there's actually, you know, is it stays locked. so right. uh, uh, no, not to have action. so then i think the reason is that brand new people in you trying to are dissatisfied with the southern state government. and i want to show you how base and our course we have a very big about 400000 data amongst a you can find in little x ray, i don't know thing creating very many, many more power cash. it will say ease, and it's funny, consolidating. very, very want to uh shotwell, and the opposition. and the guy, the um, the site to the west country where i think so would be in assess taking the if the
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game surveys defending democracy side goals must be democracy. the because it isn't, may i ask them being there for, for some considerable time. say let's see what happens is, but it's funny to deserving. yeah. sonya, it's very interesting. i guess we could pick pick out 2016 with the advent of trump in brags it was the rates are very tepid these days when it comes to democracy. okay. i can remember i thought it was a british publication. i think it after brags that he said, we have too much too much. of course the we have to, we know we need to, we shouldn't have referenda anymore. we have too much democracy. meanwhile, speed up to today. okay, we've already talked about ukraine is suspending its democratic procedures, but you have in moldova, they want to ban and mold open part of it because it's pro russian. what they never mentioned that it's probably anti government. that's why it's popular in bold area . they would, they want to start banning parties there because they're pro russian,
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but maybe they relapse satisfied with the government. and sophia, also the alternative for germany. it's the number to party now in germany and public opinion polls, what are your bad, my friend? they're gonna start finding reasons to band that party too because they'll get all do it in the name of ukraine's democracy. apparently. sonya and go ahead. yes. hi. i'm interested in the during the day. yeah. will very small village somewhere in that meeting. they will the election, the se, alternative majority. so the 1st real time already. but what happened today internet is, is really, yeah, it's crazy. you know, we have to also take a lot to that. it's for them for democracy. and already a long time they are saying, oh, you know, they are right, we extreme is and so, and now they are really going to suspend the sparkling,
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and it wasn't hold to base yesterday in the, in the bottom and understand all you know, you spreading, say, use the newspaper by russia. this is the 1st thing they call it in germany, and you can see, oh your, it's, you know, all the parties who not only are you can say they are supporting the know the even then they have to say something positive or even neutral. then they start saying, oh yeah, but you know, we have is us, you know, because you know about your eyes ways you're brain as well. so it's, yeah, it's a democracy. doesn't know the whole proceed. ok. see and you're any more assisted. hello guys. really? i wrote, it bothers and i hear in everyday people friends and why the word germany, democracy is gone. it's in everything, it's call. and if you go to the suspense political parties, i mean, you didn't do the same as what you love it. and then july and 1933 you for bits all
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position parties. while this is happening again, it's like a day show that i is the. ready the ah, yes, i was going side so that, but from we've tried the situation with all the money side membership and then has become a member, political science, i have the restaurant in the public where the problem is so low and associates. and indeed all these policies on the private, russia, by some precedent countries including. ready logic game, and i thought no matter what. so as of the big side of the public, i've been to the side, you know, on these policies were probably crying to russia. sites are, these are the hottest deals of the arguments for various the rails. of course you have a provider and to the sonya if i'm not mistaken, there was a uh, there was a vote to the referendum in,
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in the netherlands about the european association agreement. and the public didn't pass it. but then the government just, well, you know, they just disregard the the, the democratic will of the people of the netherlands. 8. am i correct? and by remembering that correctly, sonya yes, yes, yes, it was the 2016. and the majority of the people said no, we don't want you. great to be far. oh, it wasn't association treating up yet, but you know, the for uh for this and i said no because the russian, a new crane. so they have to sold this yours and then you know, it could help you recommend them. but they say, okay, you know, we're not going to say you're not going to implement this because i would just put something in the, in the, i don't know how they manage this, but they go to the government. so we are going to say something to install the problem is to use the union that, you know, maybe did, that's, people said no,
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but still we have to continue with this whole association treaty. and this is what they did. and this is democratic, the middle of the, the whole restroom system in the middle of. so basically today is, i mean is, yeah, that's democracy in uh, yeah, well well, you know what, we after in the wake of the gross and nonsense that we had here in russia over the weekend. um, uh, it's a, it's quite amazing anthony. and how the west continues to miss read what, what's going on in russia actually, you know, in the well, there was a name paddic rejection of the cloud s behavior of this individual here. but of course no walls are taping in. we're, the ponies days are over, i mean this, the, you know, what they do is they come instead of stepping back and trying to understand what's going on with their looking is for ask for a mation of their own prejudices. and they certainly got it with that episode, anthony. so yes, the progression of sex,
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ration them about the less will be great. brown date, right? wrong thing, cost of loss. i mean, obviously there's more to come out, but it does or the, or the rest of the security. so i have to say to you about this, a good falls. and so the cost of people live to say, you know, i, grandma, how vacations. so i was taught to be my useful or how america the, the allies to trauma. i'm going to stay safe or is the front line or to the right to decide, belies russia as well. i'm a but it was a, i just find the and the does on the line why people working. some countries completely misunderstand the, the russian got so. but anthony, let me ask you a question here. i mean, if the c,
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i, a, the, i mean, the c i, a by it's profession is to lie to the public. we all know that. but having said that, they claim that they know the inner workings of what's going on in russian domestic politics. but they can't tell us who blew up the north stream pipelines. how is that policy? how can they both be true at the same time? anthony relatives way to be raised quite $393.00 on the applied side of the site base. then all the site guns are due rates of.
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