tv News RT July 1, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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absolutely right. the american people own this information. they have a right to know what the government is doing in their name. and the only way we find this stuff out is when somebody leaks it, for one investigative journalist is able to do his or her job. and develops the information on his own. and i mentioned the vietnam moore, there have been times in our history where we have learned things that we needed to know that have kind of changed the course of history. that's right. or this documentary, and several books that i've been reading recently made me of that. i'm not saying he would have done it. nixon was crazy enough to actually use nukes, to make sure we want the warrant. vietnam, she actively considered it. mm hm. the only reason we know that is because thank god somebody started finding out and reporting this stuff, right, which scared us enough to say, hey, what are we doing here? and we put an end to it. well, whether, whether you're talking about afghanistan or iraq or, or now, you know, the situation in ukraine, we have to ask ourselves, what are we really doing there? and we need the media to ask those questions rather than share lead. that's right.
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because that's what they're doing, that's exactly what they're doing. any of this, this goes to the demise of investigative journalism in the united states. i get that the news industry has changed. i get that, that paper hard copy. newspapers are having a tough struggle for me, but the 1st thing that they cut out was investigative journalism. and rather than developing sources inside the national security structure, they've come to the point where they just just, whatever press release the c i a dependent on gives them. and then that's good news . by the way, this kid john picture is his name. he was part of the national guard fund. he was in a chat room for gamers and in that chat room, apparently, that's where he devolves to all this information. you have to ask yourself how he had the secret security clearance anyway, but i guess he worked in the i t department, so i gave them security clearance by the way because it got stupid. yeah. but the some, the situation is the same at the c. busy a at the state department and it's kind of
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gone where you've got to have somebody that has access to everything because they have to have the ability to actually send out and receive everything. so they get those high clearances. they're not supposed to read the documents. they're just supposed to process them toys, but you're going to be some candidates hired. he's an i t guy, you know, he knows how to fix computers. right? real smart kid, you know, one of those, there's a lot of them. oh yeah there's, he gets a job they high or they give them security clearance and he's not supposed to read them. but he has access to those records of the world. the most sensitive reporting that the american government has, including personnel actions. you know, if you've got an officer, let's say, here is c, i a station chief overseas. and you've got an officer who is a drunk or who beats his wife, or who might be working for a foreign government. yeah. you have to report that they headquarters of course, in an ice only channel or you're not a tech guy. you're not us. and that you have to have somebody on staff who's going to actually physically send it physically put it in the encryption machine and send
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it to headquarters. that's the 18 year old kid with a high security clear that says this kid, i mean, he didn't do it because he wanted to change the world. he's not like, uh, you know, some of the others we've seen that you do that you talk about on your show whistle blowers. this guy's not whistleblower. this guy says no guy who is just putting up some credit reports as far as that's really the critical issue here. he's not a whistle blower, he's a leak or there's a legal definition of whistle blowing and forgive me if i keep repeating myself, right? that's okay. but the definition was, the blowing is bringing to light any evidence of waste, fraud, abuse illegality, or threats to the public health or public safety. okay, now the reason that a whistle blower does that is supposed to be irrelevant if it, for example, chelsea manning revealed the murder videos. huh. right. whatever her, her justification was, is irrelevant. the fact that she did it is what's relevant in this case. what jack
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to share a revealed is fascinated. yes, but, and it's important. i want to know if we have to find a good, i want to know. i want to know, right. a lot of this stuff that's and there is a fascinating but there's a difference between that being illegal and that being a policy issue that he has a problem with. well, what do you mean? what do you mean by it being a legal or a part? in other words, they do, the oversight committees on capitol hill were informed that the united states is going to have special forces, boots on the ground, and ukraine, even though you and i know that that's unacceptable, as american citizens who are interested in this kind of thing. it's not actually a violation of american law. you know, it's funny. yeah. i, i get a sense that the media and going back to my profession now because it bothers me a little bit. they were doing the job of the police and the f. b i, they think they were actively searching. yeah, yeah. investigating and reporting like something they're chest. and by the way on
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the wrong, i'm not saying anything wrong with them. reporting what they learn, but they're not an investigative body. you know, they shouldn't be acting as they should be waiting and give me information to report it. but they're bringing the crap out of this get unlimited deserves cuz he said they've done some really good rates, stupid things. right? yeah, i get it. but, but it's not their job the job to do is it for me, i mean grad about it. yeah. in their own reporting, they said, well, we have this copy of a video and there's a coffee mug in the video and we're trying to identify the maker of the coffee mug to see where it was purchased and see if we could g o. locate the source, why you're a journalist, you're not an f b i agent. it's not your job to see that this kid is cap shared and then prosecuted spend unit to make matters worse. he was arrested and charged in a federal court in massachusetts. the eastern district of massachusetts, not known for its a espionage act across the fusions. so now they're trying to transfer the case to washington, and that's fascinating,
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that they are looking into the guy. and i can't say that i haven't read stories and found the stories interesting about who this guy is and how some kid ended up with clearance. that's all well and good. sure. but if there's information out there that tells me that my government, who's been telling me all along, but ukraine is made up of nothing but superman. yes. and that your lens there you go in the man della and that they're doing great and they're kicking the crap out of russia. but in this report. busy the link, it says really the united states doesn't think that they're ukrainians, they're doing so well. that's right. things that are offensive is going to be um, let me see, i'll read what it says here to you forced generation and sustain much short falls. the likelihood of such an operation being successful is not good kind of will result in modest territorial games. and that's what we learned from that information. i want to know that we have the. 7 right, products, right, this is something that daniel ellsberg has been wanting us about since 1971. the government always lies to us and they lied to us about the policy and then they
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lied to us about the success of the policy. now here we are. what 53 years later and literally nothing has changed. you know, i little, i want to bring up something else about these documents i could go. i was wondering for a long time until he until jack to share was actually caught you. whether this was what's called an authorized leak, because every one of these stories as it was appearing in the media, media administration, look good. for example, we learned from the leaks that, that the government was gonna sell missiles to russia. the us intervene and they ended up selling the missiles to ukraine, right? that makes map josh sides. yeah. us. and that makes the white house look so strong and so influential. the same thing about day b is really we're going to use really and they said the lesbians and the south koreans and the moroccans and the cypriots. we didn't like the south korean defense minister and foreign minister, and then like magic there deposed that makes the white house look strong. and i
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wondered if the whole point was to leak these dock because there's nothing here that makes them look bad. no, it just reveals things that are fascinating and we audit that's right. and the point that you raised a moment ago that there's really no way that the ukrainians can be victorious and this conflict. what does that do on the west side, that allows the white house to then go to congress and say, we need billions more money. what about that? so what if instead of that the people inside the, by the ministration or finally realizing this is a loser? and if he stays out this whole ukraine thing, it's going to make fewer people want to vote for him because nobody really likes a war and the, yeah, and uh, and it's not one of those wars that makes you look at the war president, you know, not pushed in with the iran, iraq, so maybe there secretly trying to see if they can kind of de escalate the but that's, that's a good point. now we're under a lot of pressure from the chinese, from the turks, and even from the united nations, to at least encourage the ukrainians to good and go shooting table. something for
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the russian government has been urging for a long time and we keep saying, no, no, no, there aren't going to be any negotiations. but maybe the purpose of leak is to just test public opinion to see if the american people want us to get to the negotiate that is fascinating. so that's why the way the media treats the story has a hell of a lot to do with how the american people react. you stay right there, young man, because i want to continue talking about this with you. by the way, i have a pod cast, whereas a journalist as a lot to you know, as an entrepreneur, i tell my stories and i share a lot of stuff with you about wins and losses as well, including the stuff that like john and i are talking about here right now, it's called the rick sanchez podcast. i invite you to go and check it out, especially some of the last stuff episodes that we've done. they're pretty cool when we come back. we're going to talk a little more about what's going on in china. in particular. how is china related to this leak story, a new crane? well, it is, and we're going to tell you how stay right there, the
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what we learned about china. so it appears according to the documents that china was warming up to russia all along and was being very supportive, even though it said it was neutral report also signals that in u. s. terms, china was willing to provide russia with, quote me full aid. that's in quotations, that's a word they use legal aid and even go so far as to disguise that legal aid, as humanitarian and not intended for defense. now that's fascinating, right. joining us once again is john kerry, he's a former intel officer and host of whistle blowers. thanks again for being with us . my pleasure. what do you think of that whole thing with china? and the us apparently is saying that the chinese are giving a to russia. i found it ironic that the united states would be angry. yeah, go ahead. where do you,
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we would begin with something like this. the fact of the matter is that the united states provides a legal aid in every one of these kinds of conflicts all around the world. a lot of it, a lot of it all over the world. we could count dozens of country, amen. afghanistan and libra, syria. libby, uh, i mean, we could go off right now ukraine and now ukraine. so let's say that this is true, that the chinese are providing legal aid to russia. so what, that's not a violation of international law, that's an international commercial transaction. big deal. i think what the united states is far more worried about is that the chinese has made serious inroads into what for 70 years has been us a gemini in the middle east beginning in the middle east and this is going to spread. now the chinese just recently negotiated the resumption of diplomatic relations between the saudis and the iranians. yes, this is something that the u. s. has stood stead fastly against the saudis. me, ronnie is hate one another. we want them to hate one another. we don't want them to
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cooperate and to improve relations. what happens next when the chinese get acceptance as to their offer to mediate between russia and ukraine? yeah. then the conversation was the, let's key. and he said donald is frequently. yeah, exactly. they had what, what both sides describe does a productive phone call it. but here's the thing though, john and maybe we need to take a step back because you and i sometimes we read this stuff every day and after a while it goes over or has been, you know? sure. so you just said something that has me thinking and really concerned as a citizen of the world, china is giving legal aid to russia to use against soldiers in ukraine, who are getting legal aid from our country. yes. do that, worries me. it's bad. look that are totally well fine here. it sounds like world war brick and 3. it does. it sounds very much like the vietnam war where the
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russians and the chinese were cooperating on one side, the united states and nato were cooperate thing on the other side. and we had essentially a proxy war, but it was in reverse because we were the ones that were bogged down and they were, that never seemed to end. this isn't something that's new, this is something that's been done for, for generation the week. but, but, but going back to the thing on the point i made at the beginning, i'm a journalist and i want to know new information. yeah. because i'm not going to pull it out or maybe i can get a better understanding. that's right. i'm not saying i know that this happened for all we know that china did not give lisa laid correct. this document has a leak where somebody in some embassy somewhere. so mad tashay, that's right. that it to somebody. and that's how it got into this document. and now it's having me and you have a conversation about it, which we showed me because it is true that china is a, is doing the opposite of what it's saying. and it's not really that neutral. and it is giving it to, to, to, to the russians. this thing could be a conflagration, not just a regional could get out of hand quickly. yes. see this is,
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this is one of those situations where both sides have to have to work hard to not overreact to, to news like this, right? the united states, let's say the united states genuinely believes that china is, is providing legal aid to russia. okay? we've noted it, what you do then is you make it the full amount of to march. you said you're in bass that are in beijing, into the foreign ministry and say we protest in the strongest possible terms. this contract providing legal aid. that's what you do. you don't send a carrier battle group into the taiwan strait and, and send an, a wax plane along the border and overreact. it just makes it worse. so why do we do stuff like that all the time? is a political because way, by the way, and not just pick on joe biden, but, you know, every reason he does, he's an old dude. looks really weak and he looks, he needs to look strong. so he's going to send point, right? yes. yeah, good point. yes, easy that's, that's an important point that you may,
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again, this is not specific to joe biden. every president does this, every president wants to look strong and wants to look tough. and at the same time, the united states far more so than russia or china needs to, to reinforce the notion that this is a unipolar world, not a multi polar world. that we have the final say in the international structure. and by god we want to keep it that way and very quickly that's beginning to spin out of the us as has it. i, you know, i've had to get it recently on this show sitting on this side who told me just the opposite. he said, that's good, we need to keep that uni poor environment. we need to be in charge and we need to let the russians and the chinese and the iranians and the indians and everybody else out there know that, you know, we're, we're the bad assets. we're the ones who matter. i would disagree strongly with that because i think multi polarity keeps us safe. for example,
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in uh, syria. okay, the us has a true presence in syria. it's not huge, but it's a troop presence. that true presence is a violation of international law. there only 3 ways that a country can send troops to another country. legally. it's at the invitation of that country. it's if that country has attacked you and it's at the invitation. and with the approval of the united nations security council, we don't have any of those 3 things. the russians do. the russians have been invited into syria by the internationally recognized government in damascus. there is a difference. there's a big difference whether you that automatically makes it multi polar. now, why hasn't the us attacked brochure? i said, why have these relays attacked by charlotte? i said, because the root, the russians will respond and the russians can respond legally because they've been invited to do. so. that's how multiplicity makes the world safe. just from what
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you're reading final question, do you think there's a possibility the that we will see some kind of compromise in ukraine based on all these meetings we're seeing that. so let's ski is now undertaking with, for example, she absolutely yes. for a couple of reasons. first of all, we know from these documents that there just aren't enough ukrainians to go around . yeah. they're just going to run out of people at the end of the day. number 2, rapids. not enough weapons. number 3, the american people are rapidly getting tired of financing. this thing, this is costing us a fortune. we have bridges that are falling into the rivers below them. we have the international airports that are, that are international embarrassments. we have schools that are in dire need of repairs. we have international, i mean, in interstate highway systems that are just designed. the thing is, i don't think it's going to be a winner politically. i agree with them by an administrative i agree with continues in the way that it send it to the american people really care. and i mean,
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at the end of the day, really, how many people in united states could have found you creating a map a year ago? exactly, and you, sir, are a pleasure to have on, let's do this again. okay, i look forward to that very much. thanks for having really appreciate a job. all right, so we appreciate you as well for coming here and talking to us. and you know, what we try to do here is have a conversation because we really think that we should not live in silos. the truth doesn't live in silos, the truth doesn't live in boxes and neither should we. so check us out. check out my podcast the rick sanchez podcast, and we'll be looking for you again right here. when it's time to do news again with direct impact the the,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the very cities once again become cold rows of rage over the face. so pollution to a 17 year old news on tuesday. more than a 1000 people have been arrested overnight. the ukrainians show that landed on this house struck the kitchen directly. at least 9 people are wounded and they you find out to be attacked on a town in the domestic republic. process suspends the 1st to see the news channels thing. it likes to repeat, following a report line, so the west african nation,
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the very, very well welcome to you from the entire on the international news. so we're coming to life from us. let's take a look at the top. so is this out more than 1300 people have been arrested overnight and fonts, public outrage is continued and testified nationwide. oh, the faithful police shooting of a teenager of our here in descent. the speaking ahead of the story as it trouble on friday night, the country's into a mrs said the company out would prove decisive for the 5000 offices are deployed to confront the rights processes, louis spyware, since football, the police damage building, as i've said, fine cause so far,
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to pull sable in 200 offices in just in the trashes. this further shows loose it, i'm value i schools in the central city of leon has demonstrated his class with offices. also rally against police. violence was bind across the country so he won't police stations with tom to see the night to an office of the page. financial service company was run. second riots is in must say these are the guns so and so hunting, voices. meanwhile, presently i knew my car has put some of the responsibility on what's been happening . i'm parents and social media people. i really like calling a parents to be responsible. it is the parents' responsibility to keep them at home . and so it's important for the calm of everyone that parental responsibility is for the exercise. and i called on the sense of responsibility of mothers and fathers into that platforms, the social networks are playing a considerable role. and the movements of these past days we saw, and several of them snapped track take talk and several others by some vine and gatherings, being organized in
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a sort of copycatting of violence. this among the youngest leads to a sort of escape from reality. and we sometimes have the feeling that some of them are living in the streets of the video games. the vin talks to kate at them. let me find the science supervisor. i'd california state university who believes the issues that have led to the current classes have been rooted in fox for some time. this is not the 1st time that the french had been content on this for the you had put them on notice back in 2012 and it sticks to that kind of policies. and that to discriminate and guess people have come a so it's to actually is also rooted in the colonial mentality. and that seems the friendship, particularly the alternatives, have not gotten to where we're that are we can see how the president himself,
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when visit, he visits african countries. it's always, this was a monster snobbish and, and the good on deals uh, colonial literature that we've seen from him in several of his stops these in our area, congo or other other places. so in a sense, it's a system problem that the french have have to deal with that are 60 cases that have been the same as this was not you uh, the victim a became. so it's not to you under mrs. has always been seeing the blame all those time, not to cover deep roots of the problem. moving to the front of life of 9 people were wounded as a town in the domestic region came on the planning of shipping all these roman, called sort of people from the site they attacked the hell early couple that lives here in this house survived. and miraculously,
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the ukrainian shell that landed on this house struck the kitchen directly. and both of the, both of them there were in the house at that point. thankfully, their kids and their grandkids were in the nest at the time of shedding. at this moment, the house has completely burned down and is destroyed, the young repair. but i knew it. i wasn't the garage when the sailing started straight, close the door to the garage and the door was crush. my wife yelled for me. she was in the bedroom where the ceiling have collapsed on her. i went out through the garage window and pulled her out. the explosion was instantaneous. as soon as she the house, everything went out at once. the house is completely destroyed with all of them. according to officials, ukraine fired several rounds bowl from sylvia made multiple launch rockets,
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systems and nato made a $155.00 millimeter hobbit stairs. now this one is, this is a shelf from grad multiple launch rockets system. it landed right in the middle of the street right next to the kindergarten, which is only about 50 meters away. well, should i have on the, after the 1st wave of showing, i went out to see if anyone needed help. i met a neighbor and while we were talking, the 2nd wave of showing began. i lay down in the grass and he fell right beside his car. if his car wasn't there, he wouldn't have been so lucky. you and father sent a hose at the time of the assess showing my son was in the room at home, and my husband was at the car. i told my son not to leave the house a shelf. so here, my cell, good either a piece of shop, no gloss in his hand or he's in the hospital now, my husband was also injured on his arm, but what should we do now? for city of use in nevada is adjacent to the landscape comes under constant ukrainian,
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shedding nearly every house here. every apartment building every bus stop, every hospital is full of fish, wrapped all holes or houses are destroyed just like this one. however, local residents are still willing to live here in hope that this conflict will and very soon and be useful. finally, come per month, cost for emergency don't ask republic. one of kias large as well as the says you quite a security officials also to have a p do. that is if he denounces the claim orthodox church, which is ancient bias of russia. i suppose the transition of his money to feed to a different organization connected with the kids leadership. less of all the time, the, how about the fee is the deal. so he's done nothing wrong. he was being heating and cooling. thank you. we're a judge. extend is cod house arrest until the end of all this. back in april he was charged with inside thing. wouldn't it just hang,
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could i justify one kid called russian aggression just as a new class present that as a proposed bill to move the celebration of christmas and the date on the catholic, kevin, the, instead of the traditional orthodox one. you said the russian idealism, including in religion, had been imposed on new finance. the move was part of a crime stand by the volume playing orthodox church, which is traditionally traditional ties with moscow. monks and now prohibited from entering the 2 chests lava and to those and stay the most of these. and mostly within the next few days, we heard from demick and joe, this jason, michael says the persecution against the touch of his government has been ongoing for at least 5 is this little mention of this because this is part of an ongoing propaganda campaign where i know the broadest of all possible sensors,
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the ukranian regime is being given a blank check by. ready neutral was a utah p and union and the united states what was happening to. ready the ukranian orthodox church is an ongoing past, secure sion, it's concerning that metropolitan pothole has been under how you start asked them that this has gone on since last april. behind this, of course, we can trace this back much follow up to 2018 when the ukrainian government and kia has voted, as i liked of parliament as a, as a government moved to rename the church. and it's very rare, particularly in any. ready pretending to be a liberal democratic state, to use an act of parliament for subjects to change its name, to reflect some form of incentives for religion, you know, to put into parents. this is the most school patriarch, kate, you know, this would be a 10, you know, during perhaps world war 2 when,
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but it was. ready or was adults hitler on his ally miscellany to re label the catholic church in england. vitale and catholic church. so as i phone say to look, you know, 5. so her suspended the book. all same rights of a 1st television child play me. it has read both information about the classes in the country. the french channel less shannon for is responsible for the consequences of the serious violations by broad costing, from information about looking at a fast so the book can be superior accounts. so for communication is suspending the programs of the tv channel less yet and full from the packages of any paid audio visual service distributor. for a period of 3 months implicate a fast. so it looks like for us is hopes and dreams to stay in between the foster of good books that have gone down the drain once again. and there's lots to the west african nations need every day to suspended with immediate effect,
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