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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  July 1, 2023 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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in the old metropolitan people refuse to deal with saying he's just done nothing wrong speaking according key f, where a judge extended his current house arrest until the end of august. now it was that back in april, he was charged with inciting religious hatred and justifying what he has called russian aggression. now, just days ago, ukraine's president introduced a bill to move the traditional orthodox christmas dates to a line with a catholic calendar. he said that russian id or gee, and his religion had been imposed on ukrainians. even monk so now prohibited from entering the key for charged laughter. and those remaining must leave within the next 3 days as well. we discussed all of this with journalist on the academic jason, michael. he says the religious persecution by the government and keith is actually been going on already for a number of years. a little mention of this because this is part of an ongoing propaganda campaign where in the broadest of all possible sensors the ukranian
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regime was being given a blank check by. ready neutral whether you had a p and union on the united states. what was happening to the ukrainian orthodox church is an ongoing persecution. it's concerning that metropolitan pothole has been under how you start asked them that this has gone on since last april. behind this, of course, we can trace this by much follow up to 2018 when the ukrainian government and p as voted, as i liked of parliament as a, as a government moved to remain the church. and it's very rare, particularly in any state pretending to be a liberal democratic state, to use an act of parliament for subjects to change its name, to reflect some form of incentives for religion, you know, to put into parents. this is the most school patriarch, kate, you know, this would be a 10 that, you know, during perhaps world war 2 when, but it was
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a war was adults, hitler and his allied miscellany to re label the catholic church. and england redid tale and catholic church. in the conflict with tens of thousands of people have died. the west is getting quoted rave reviews from kia for its weapon system sent to ukraine. and that is the point blank message from the u. k. defense ministry, which claims britain's massages have been very successful against russia. we're extending our short range, high velocity and large wage module, me solace audio 2035, otherwise known as to us trick and market. these was last me saw those. i received rave reviews and ukraine, where they have proved it pulls into weapon against fixed when at croft world, the building on these current capabilities to support almost an assault brigades come bought teams. the oldest comes as moscow says, the british maid stole much shadow missiles, are being used to target severely and infrastructure in going bass out into the
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list. the u. k. supplied challenger to tanks, loaded with shows with depleted uranium. now nicole is a long lasting damage to civilians on the environment many hundreds of years after the shots of fi. it will be discussed. this with for my pen took on senior security and list of michael maloof. he agrees the ukrainian battlefields are being used as testing ground a battlefield such as this, do indeed become testing grounds for the quality and effectiveness of your weapon systems. ukraine gets trained on some very good equipments for very, very quickly they, they seem to be quick learners, although they go through that equipment like crazy. and i, i think it's that. so this is going to pose a problem for the west coast to continue any sustain supply of that equipment. they have the problem for the west, just sustainability of supply and, and that's quickly dry enough. russia really has not quite forward its best stuff
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yet. so i think that we're going to be seeing a long, long drawn out conflicts here for some time. and i would suspect that the a russian counter offensive could begin a problem perhaps sometime this month plus the right fee. ukrainian, the kind of sensor is bogged down that it takes time to there's a learning curve on that equipment and also supply and it's a very limited in supply that will not be able to be sustainable. and i think that's also a tactic rush. it is counting on, in addition to more swarm type of warfare in terms of going after targets. so good to have your company for this program from moscow as muslims around the world have been celebrating the annual holidays. israel's supreme court has ordered the eviction of the last remaining palestinian
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family in the building that shed with his rarely sacraments of the court ultimately rejected the families final appeal to keep the home in ancient building and i mostly muslin part of jerusalem will pick up the story now with the middle east correspondent, the new uh 68, was born and raised in this house in the old city of jerusalem. these walls keep precious memories of her deceased parents. her marriage, 5 of her children and of they had to live here. but soon she might lose it forever . these rarely authorities have ordered the expulsion of nora and her family. i feel like i've been sentenced to a death penalty with every passing 2nd. i feel like my soul is banning today. i woke up scad. i drive that soldier straight to the house. i got out of bed panicking, running to make sure that there was no rage and everyone was safe nor i whose family has been renting this place since 1953 is a protected tenant. this privilege status dates back to the jordanian rule and
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later was adopted by israel. that means neither she nor her children can be evicted unless there was a payment delay or unauthorized renovation. clearly not the case here, or if the family doesn't stay at the property, a set of trust that has always, nor his house since 2010, and that is behind the legal battles. use data from city to the cameras to convince the court that the woman doesn't leave in the house, referring to a 4 month period when she had stayed at her son's place, due to a proven medical condition. the family believes it was just to protect you. and they will hate them as of luck. so they are targets in my house and all the houses around the lock. so most you probably saw in the news that the saturday school is the asked nick, glancing over the whole area in the old city of jerusalem. and they want it only for themselves to build their promise down pulse they want to get rid of the arabs and gain full control over can we requested
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a comans from the jerusalem municipality on what the grounds are for the eviction. there was no response so far. they have been 14 court cases. it gains nor has family in the last half a century to eviction orders. and the family says many attempts by the municipality, the israel custodian, and even the antiquities authorities to evict them. they said as unlawful, east jerusalem is as part of occupied palestinian territory. an under international human say in lower than the level of like international i just thing is on recognize us protective population, protect that population was lights of, got in feet on the international law, and forcibly displacing palestinians also occupied. typically, actually constitutes and will crime and degree breach of international the family members complain they are being harassed by jewish settlers and neighbors. nora says they fro garbage water from the balcony. she blames them for the deaf of 5 trees in her little rooftop garden. there were also stones thrown at the windows
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police the family says are rarely on the ground to help, which might make the perpetrators believe they can get away with everything. foresight of the state. the wizard is actually encouraging. the settlers methodology and the settlers behavior by being that and protecting them instead of protecting the people who are from the case here, it is not as lambs the, there's the 2 days. i'm god forbid. this is the case who does actually if i stay and so i'm going to basically guessing evicted from the house and then bringing in settlers the international community, condemned force displacement of palestinian families in numerous reports by you and human rice and humanitarian offices. you and foreign diplomatic commissions, there are constant calls on israel to stop this practice. it has little effect the, the you and estimates around $970.00 palestinians almost tough children are currently at 3 east, co forest eviction in east jerusalem alone, including the old city. we met a group of young activists in norris house,
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foreigners and locals. they came to show their support and solidarity with the family. they take shifts to make sure they are present in 247, not to miss the moment when police knock on the door, as it is rarely do are citizen. i am not afraid of being arrested, which is a great privilege because i know that our palestinian partners for them being arrested is a terrible ordeal. and i can last much longer and have more serious implications. but this is non violent resistance. and so we're not afraid when we go out of the house is riley police were waiting for us, cold by jewish ladies who got quotes by our camera. they checked out ideas and ask the purpose of the filming. when we told them we're covering the eviction story, they asked if it's about a movement or a jewish family. unclear why it was relevant, but it certainly was an unnecessary question. no jewish family has ever been expelled from the l. c t. using the trans,
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i ask the officer why they don't show up when norris house is attacked and the families threatened by sense, there is the newer in her family. all the last palestinians left in this building. most of the house is on the street. i populated now by door south, or is coming from different parts of israel and from abroad. turning the moves named quarter of deer with some of his old c, t into a jewish one. legal battle which lasted 47 years now seems to be lost. the court notified nora's family, but the eviction may happen any time now within the next 2 weeks. but the plan is to stay. they're not ready to give up on the place. may have called home for generations. right? phenomenon r t from jerusalem. the american green bad could be on a rubber like street as auction, teen, or is now bypassing the us dollar. in the 1st, it is settled, a $2700000000.00 dec payment to the international monetary fund using chinese new
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$1.00 and other reserves. it keeps in a box of f car, which is known as s b r's, or the countries the central bank pointed to its liquidity at a host of other currencies. other than that thought of that a very useful he using that's why they've gone to the new one. meanwhile, the origin time delegation is scheduled to visit america next week to wrap up shots with the i m f. one plans to reduce the south american nations budget deficit and address inflation. the global lender, however, declined to comment to us here at odd c on this story. well, no surprise, because d dollarization continues as countries around the world are increasingly using their own national currencies and bilateral trade by passing the american greenback . next month, the bricks group, which includes rusher and china, is set to hold a summit in south africa where a new joint currencies expected to be very high on the agenda of
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a 2000 and countries right now looking to join what may have called the most significant blocks in the emerging multi polar world oil. the rich states like iraq, saudi arabia, the u, a, e r o, actively exploring alternatives to the petro donna video. i discussed this with daniel shore, a professor of latin american studies. he says the washington is very concerned about the, the dollars action trend, because at the end of the day, it does mean america losing its grip on global economic control. so this is a very big deal. this comes to the chagrin to the dismay of washington. they want to see dollars supremacy because then they can show can control economies around the world. they think they can deplete the foreign reserves of a country like argentina or venezuela. and then use the traditional methods through the i m. s. and the world bank to entrap these countries through debt. and they can
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come in swooping and implement their quote unquote, structural adjustment programs. and that's how they've controlled so many of these quote unquote, 3rd world economy. so the fact that there is a strong un now, and it, that exist as an option, is a very, very big deal on the global scale. a says 1979 says the don't thing, shout being leadership to use diplomatic means. and the economic means around the world to strengthening themselves in the us have used coercive means they've used invasions in bombings in drones and of course, sanctions. one 3rd of the world right now is under us sanctions. so i think the chinese soft power model is the new model for the world. ready many countries are seeing this is a credible option. right before we wrap this out was program africa is grabbing the range of its digital economy. the continents crypto currency markets surging more than a 1000 percent in recent years. and one country nigeria as the title of the
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most savvy crypto nation. and believe it or not, nigeria, tops from brazil and 12 other nations in the races, develop a digital currency exchange system that is, according to a global study by you gov. of the west african countries success is driven by government support of a nationwide block train policy which allows nigerians to tap into the freely and dollar market. here at opposite you, we heard from some of the traders by who say that digital currency is quote, are going global the future christian and you guys quite a normal reason these guys festival nigeria is sheriff, we're pretty sure is one of the largest in south south africa and are a major portion of that population. i use also the just on the mice. so
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slowly, not sure, i got the 6 into technology which victor as part of the blow jeans, technologies need same the people freedom me things and use using freedom because it does, it, does this, the amount of money to do with the, the bulk really think it's in the box, the book they bought from only relates to financial a transactions on the you out of your freedom to do was want to do, you call the cost same the amount of one you want to save the amount of money each queen and you will not be quite shown to by the government's policies. one thing is for sure that the currency is going global, is the viable form of making money on the definitely i believe at the time with comb, way evil in bonds will be able to treat freely regardless of the restrictions right
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on the facing. and then you're on or off countries with the credit of trade is no longer no, he's no longer allowed us endanger here. but i believe it time is coming. when we come to you will pay for $0.10 for my kids with crystal currencies. with these questions, i know that it's a simple way of holding you're one of the craziest is in cruise on all of the above . the currency is going global too well. meantime, by numerous governments worldwide off preparing to unveil their own government issued for crypt, code congress seize. as many analysts say, the fee it monetary system, as we know it is in its death throes and the boldest looking to move away. not just from the but also from paper. the current, more details on less that onto the
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy from foundation. let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. the only personally, i'm going to resist, i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very unclear to get a time time to sit down and talk the russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community. not getting hold of all sense and up the, in the 65 to 5 must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin media machine, the state on process coding and supports the r t spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube. the question, did you say even closer to the
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i me me up. i need to ship a position associated with the money. i have to have the full size is a certificate of, of the us a but for the progress, the little slide out there was the 1st quote the, the goes to knows and then the bus, the
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policies for the hard too much of what the one that you would things up with southern keeping you from a guy that on
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this number. so, so what's the, what's the customer's name? what's your head of the average of the toyota most interested in the solar eclipse as it gets to choose 10 if possible. the other choose control the rest of your search, which is kind of show us what's in the middle of something, but he's gonna have some, some spots and something on the
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legend and some of you know, the newest wrestling a couple of interesting, let's flip. i think with some of that you were the beats, will you? but show me a couple options. so short of your business solution for lots of one of you will start working on that you've been in the interest. so the goal is to form some additional work with updated the fios if it does allow her to showing you, do that that will go out. it was me
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the deposits de? yep. so we sent you a list of new cars to come in with us for the company at that. but don't want you to use the human scroll and i'm to proceed seventies game. and then there's quite a to fill it all by tells us enough to tell us gonzalez's gym to stay on the coat for sit on me. i can because i'm a natural senior the for give. so she is a position associated with the she, the associates, a but for this progress, pretty tells me that this was to close the slides. so somebody up some of the live. yes, to go see was a photo system the from a guy, you know that i that it's
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the new judge with the sense let me of for you still at 8, it's me. it's not a through z press for to move in each culture. section 3 should be the last to
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reach the you know, it's just so if she hasn't style a pensive watch, it's nationwide. so the, a shania or, you know, person, if it does cause them to send you fence, who's going to go and look a sugar i suspect. yeah. and, you know, friends, i'm going to dilute the slope with which the started cut that i it's like image natural, them lots of little screw, lots on the machine to found water to the landfill. miss grey was inconclusive. and just not a way to sort of let me know if that's coming in, because there was no problem guys with the new months of the fugitive in this. it was the 2nd on the media opinion. fleming are going to meet
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the risk of a job search at the post i'm going to, i'm not gonna send it i, i'm gonna go to the shop the do to see what all of what the fuck you with the show that you have pretty much
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as i mentioned for choosing your waste and the assertion that the the other person are so i'm assuming for sure. but in the best when i get wrong before do a voice it will cry let's you this beg,
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middle voice during the hot dish out there. do much, they may never done it on sluggish flush or show your cause. sure your minds go chauffeur, silence. grandma level to go or someone mom with the island or he was the especially you. what they above was gonna freshly flood chase to are coming from with the positive simple car trouble. we catch up to the yeah. how do i show how to g g o s of desire to learn how to loser? so for us to kind of just allow me to us in the morning, go and print, not enough to show that which was much more of a shift and that was what she and they told me you were coming to us from this ashley. so when you speak to lowers me, us times me of
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the the,
12:00 am
i'll look into the cost to ship the for 1st this guy said stage school logan was supposed to stay in the .


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