tv Documentary RT July 2, 2023 8:30am-9:00am EDT
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sponsor everything we say they didn't engage in any actual detail into indeed the factual evidence that max and i am the boss are indeed at raised. so it tends to be almost a look the other way said there is no intention really to engage with the platform and the ability to project this dissenting view to present the findings. facts like, uh, you know, the fading counter offensive new frame, which i raise the fact that these a very unfortunate young ukrainian men are being sent into emissions that nato forces would not be sent into into prepared, defense has added onto mine fields in, in some cases quite old equipments. i mentioned one of the, i'm a person that carriers that were seeing a lot of in ukraine and the, and 113, developed in 1964 so action in vietnam. yet it's being rolled out across prepared defenses. in the south of, of done that skin dumbass against these prepared defences, and it just shows the soonest isn't in my view. and this is what i mentioned to the
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chamber that ukrainian lives are held in at the finish. i, i did mention, i made a point to mention that to represent my visits to areas where ordinary civilians have been shelves with weapons provided by the nato countries. now i reiterated that several times because i feel it's my obligation to do that. as a journalist who's traveled stuck with these people, seen their homes burned, it's really incumbent that we use these opportunities to tell the truth about what's been happening. and these regions move on the war. and ukraine is not the 1st efforts by the west to present to russia as a threat to the world. as, according to dentist, goosenich come paid monitor to robert f. kennedy junior and new episode of going underground with option with tons that he speaks about the consequences of anti russian politics. and the full episode will be available tomorrow. they are not saved, but for now, here's a quick teaser congressional district that are represented in united states congress for 16 years was multi ethnic. and it contains many russians and many
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ukrainians as well goes for with ease up each other socially and, and, and, and people, families together, marriages between folks. and, you know, what's happened is a, is a horrible effort to divide people for political purposes only. it started years ago with the orange revolutions that were shipped to you to try to establish an area that was the co. they put russia forward as incredibly stretched to the russian world. totally based on on power politics and continued with the broken promises of not advancing nato power politics. nothing to do with the interest of the united states of america. and frankly, nothing to do with the interest or of the people of europe. but now,
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after hundreds of thousands of the ukrainians, men and women have perished in war. it should and everybody's lot to work continues . and it seems that the united states and data was pushing with war to before until the last your current in this is an abomination the from helping you create into investing in its american banking. john morgan stanley has seen the value of his investments in the country. rise funding the 50 percent. that's up to the bones it purchased, spiked this week. a bet on exotic ukrainian debt warrens held by morgan stanley. investment management is offering some of the biggest returns across emerging markets in the space of 3 months. a new york based messiah spokesperson declined to comment on the purchase, and whether it had sold some of their notes after the rally, as well. the windfall occurred after media coverage surrounding the shuttle meets,
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and in russia, insights do quite in prospect give initially issued bonds and a 2015 debts restructuring. but the value fell to $0.27 to the dollar at the starts of the war. the value of the bonds are based on economic growth in ukraine, which is not dependence on western financing, along with the potential to use frozen russian assets to pay for you claims to be construction. early up, my colleague, real research i discussed the issue with ought to contribute to present what i think is going on here. you've got a new cry in that country that before the spectrum of that generation, no one had ever really heard of. and i don't think it was on the right off of most people to invested right. the training government essentially privatizing all of the public services and setting them off and you know, so drops it enough thing. we saw this in, in a lot of the, a lot of eastern european countries in ludovic, soviet countries in the ninety's missing that happening with these crime for these big us institutions. go buy a load of these bonds, then suddenly a deal is announced by someone that a big american institutions investing at one price goes up. obviously,
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we don't know whether they've sold that. russ, regardless, they still weigh all this money that's going to ukraine right now. as a huge amount of money that is going into the country, it means that all the weapons as well known as entirely sure where, where all this is going, all that is going. but what we do know right now is that those who are investing in ukraine and making a lot of money, huge money very, you're absolutely right. because the fact is, you're going into a country that has a huge lack of regulation. so, you know, you wouldn't have to be able to pull these kinds of deals on, in the us for example. where would these come, you know, what are these big investment? buying some institutions off, but they're dealing with very loose regulation. and they're able to behave really like pirates and cowboys in terms of how they putting these deals together. there's no one saying there's, i'm assuming, of the lowest that we'd have, you know, in, in, in established and essentially say magic markets. right? real nice. i mean, by imagine, mock is, is a good, there's no rules here so we can do whatever we want and that doesn't affect the investments at home, right? say a and maybe we should explain to people about phones and how these are bought and sold a bond is a debt to the government. the government is saying really you buy
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a piece of paper which means you've left me a certain amount of money, right, right. now, the interesting thing about the bones market dislikes, don't socialize, i mean, most people you wouldn't go out and buy 700 level tesla, because you wanted to see how many dividends you're getting, right? you'll usually do need to speculate because if the market is confidence, then the price of the shadow go up and that's when you want to sell. that's the same with bones. so adults, it's not really about how much they paying you. so the actual fruit for it, you know, that they froze in the bones that's irrelevant. what's interesting is when these phones become, what more money and that's what we've seen happen when does it like this? he went to the us recently. he said, this is a good investment. i say, that's not what you say is usually if you're asking fee, who monetary united humanitarian night is used to be. is it supposed to be? i give you this money. i don't expect anything in the time because i'm doing that. we are doing that as a nation. i. e. america, if it's part of the goodness of our in house, we're not doing it because we we invested. yeah. so we, we expect over time, but i think that's exactly why he was in the us. that's exactly why they keep
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writing politicians with that. because they were essentially just selling off those assets. we would, you know, the stories we discover on the pry them home to buy it in a note of this stuff, you know. okay. yeah, i think we will know what's going to happen, but say you does actually run any does when the next election, at some point someone in his family is going to have a very nice board seat, probably on one of these previously publicly held companies in the price, i get paid millions and millions of dollars full. probably a one hour fucking cool, maybe every 5 years, if they're lucky. and they know the news this week, the kenyan at national human rights commission has launched an investigation into electric killings. and at times by security guards at the local pine, up a phone which is owned by an american company. and that's up to escape any investigation was published about the high risk volumes and the foundation that we had from some of the victims. the main deal, my god was bitten by the gentleman guards, but the room on my head and they left me dying. actually they thought i had already died and that's when they drag me to a forest nearby, where i spend the whole night. while i will follow him and conscious and informed
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my family members who took me to the hospital. a delmont where being seriously beaten by the guard, summer, killed and others when they are called, disappear completely in your mind. within your i do need defeats, we used to get grass for our livestock set, the delmonte site, one day these guard sauce and chased us and unfortunately their dog caught me. the guards thoroughly beaten me. they left me and conscious and drag me deep inside the pineapple field. later in the evening they carried me outside the plantation and left me to die at the roadside. and by that time i was seriously bleeding and woke . i spent the whole night bleeding beside the road and early in the morning the man carried me to the hospital. these guards beat us. they chased us with dogs, and some people died while in the hands of these guards. again, you human rights commission has expressed concern about the obligations of violence by personnel regarding delmonte potations. the commission also as the company to take immediate measures to provide help to the vic since the month of kenya is the largest exports of con, pineapples from kenya. and dr. delegation some by the plantation products,
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including u. k. a retail, john tesco, that even suspended supplies of journalists of frances library has more details since 2019 is reported that more than 5 people have died. if the result of being a victim, the big gods who we the one of the clubs know, kelly called the role 5 didn't want to guys have been charged according to court. the court. and it is believed that they have not been sentenced. and as in constituting the community that has been affected is seeking the ink printing for them and all that kind of prints called beneficial to their family members. protection against a future human tried several additions, and the change to the court system that they see has denied them. just these are the ones i lost. my brother at delmonte, his name is james kamani. his friend who accompanied him was lucky enough to escape the guards beatings. we reported it to the police station after his friend told us who had heard him crying for help after being arrested. but so far,
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nothing has happened. no justice. and finally, i don't think we shall, he'll hoping maybe the human rights body will come with a solution for this. after the guards kill people, they normally throw the bodies into one of the reservoirs behind the dams and tie stones to the body. so it won't float on water, not to what has been happening at the moment. i want to say this, it seems they are very influential person, so we're on touchable, we're always frustrating our efforts to get justice. after moving to various courts . later i was told my case has no direction and i couldn't do anything. i just left everything in the hands of god. since that date, whenever i come across the lawn to buy an apples, i feel like i have seen my sons blood on the month to feed in a statement that it is a taking the allegations extremely seriously in loans to an investigation into the claim. the company out of that, it is for me to the to international has done that the human rights,
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according to their incidents, the comp on his team has no to dine enough for the family of the victims this week. so rational thoughts is reflecting over the last weekends failed mutiny on his promise occasions inside and outside the country. but addressing the ministry on tuesday, president thought he may have fruits in claim the volunteer crusade against moscow . and that is to the chance they should do that because it's only through if you have defended the constitution as well as the lives, security, and freedom of our fellow compatriots. you have essentially saved our country from a civil war foot. you just in a difficult situation, you pass your loyalty to the people of russia and your devotion to your military oath, showed responsibility for the motherland and its future. we did not have to remove any battle units from the combat zone. comrades of ours have fallen in the fight against the mutiny ears. the mutineers saw that the russian people were not on their side. or just a quick reminder last weekend versus wagner,
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power military as of march to the bus. and the southern ministry come on sensor in the city of rest of i'm done taking it on demanding the sucking of the defense. been essentially for stuff as the bottom to see if you've got, if it goes in claims, the russian army had showed his face coming dozens of soldiers. barton forces then began moving towards moscow, but the whole was called to the meeting of the adults between apartment entries and the presence of the roost. alexander lucas, chunk of which were coordinated with moscow. the piece del sol, the volume of troops return to that comes on the groups. boston grunted. i'm the state in dollars for the greek different monthly and i discussed on football list and london's global policy institute, a senior research fellow george, somebody. and they gave us that take on those developments. the president booked in reactance in the very careful way. there was no bloodshed. and actually uh, this is this uh, this incident leaves putting much more stronger than before, since he has the support of the russian people. and he has brought it to
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a conclusion. is that now it's over. we've got over the west, it was a terrible crisis because a, you know, the country held together society held together all the key institutions held together. and what not to use by any um, uh, oh, opportunistic ideas about a extra constitutional change. but i think that's the majority will, would signed contracts with russian defense ministry to continue. so works at a say, have started, which is, which is the defense of, of, of, for russia in this war or in the, in the ukraine. is that just supported by the west? i would have thought that the, the wagner room, what remains of it will now be taken over by the russian government. i don't think russia is just going to give this up. i think it's much too useful. the meets,
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and he was on surprisingly dominating the headlines around the world with an anonymous us official reports of the setting cnn, the washington expats of the confrontation. so it'd be a great deal more violent unplugged a what's in the blink of an eye. wagner forces that's had been described by the western media as nazis and service became freedom fighters on rebels as they'd send a guns from the principal must go. washington even delayed a new package of sanctions against bar, not just by considering the group but service organization versus farm. and is that sold? i'd say that the west was hoping to meet today would succeed. it is a just recently, i think it some wishful things. it would be a very fitting description of western part in this behavior. so i so reports on cnn . they said us intelligence found out about the interaction being planned for several days before it happens. but they decided not to share this information. i guess they were hoping for them, you need to succeed. another cnn report is pushing to the same conclusion that they quoted us intelligence on. those who are poverty,
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expected precautions most world must go to encounter much more resistance and be a lot more bloody than it was just confirming the forwarding and concepts. the ukrainian regime has been openly talking about and expecting the collapse of the russian states zalinski and his medians. like put all the go down, it will have said it and uncertain terms. so all of them were upset when they sold . the situation didn't cause the raising to crash the opponent, but his army on high come back to let's after news of the wagner relocations, who believe this was published with the countries presidents claiming that could be a trick to disguise a potential new fact. groupon, the group of combat experienced and well trained soldiers and the soldiers of the vogtle group, certainly all numbering, perhaps several 1000, always posed a potential danger. none of us today knows what the destiny of the soldiers who be relocated to bela roots is to be what will be that tasks we do not know whether they will serve to pose a threat to ukraine at the right from the know whether they will support this
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migration pressure on the polish lithuanian let being bored is whether they will have any other tests directed against the north atlantic lines or against the crane . as these developers are, they're trying to log in. i say that the agency again, that he's going to attack it came from the who's well below is he's going to go totally me. so i'm going to take a train and there's both of those ones that you can retain on thing they leave. so i mean the defense, as he will tell you so fast as he will be book i hate putting these. they want me to can hate flush. i do with god, possibly terribly busy. do you have to use objective use for the then? so you can use for moaning to evening. that's my request to us, the mess of west on face. and it's impossible to even get that mid. a collision between 2 military planes on a training exercise in columbia has less at least one person dead. for each posted on social media shows 2 of the things taken pods in the exercise colliding before
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crossing to the ground in their local lab based on such a day, you do it both say the both products did objects, but both a bottle injured and one way to died, the investigation has been launched. the israel is moving forward with the funds to construct more jewish settlements on palestinian london, the west by not just by the international community, even the us condemning those moves as illegal. as all teams may have, an option to explain is the largest rally settlement in the middle of the palestinian territories is home to a thousands of jewish families with kids. and it is going to get even larger. these really high planning committee, the entity within the defense minister, responsible for planning area see, has okay, did the construction of mold and 6 to 600 new housing units and a number of sacraments all across the west bank. including at least the most pressure people of these really need all the promised land. as it says in the told rush on this isn't, but somehow we're about to push to one side of the country. now we're trying to
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settle and we face of all. and so of a level with dancing could exist. i'll answer eastern law child presence in our state, just put in a row. the expansion was a response to a deadly pair attack that happened here in a fall from the entrance to it leads to palestinian gunmen opened fire 1st at the guard and randomly of people at this gas station. it took the lives of boys railey is bringing the total death toll hall was really killed and terrorist incidents here to $28.00 the highest number in decades. part. the reason for the terror attack is for us to leave the region. and every time we are attacked, our roots will become stronger, and we will definitely stay here. so every hair attack, we are retaliation will be building more and more because we're here to stay. and we have the right to stay according to his really, authorities building model homes, reduce people throughout. the last thing is nothing but an effective tool to fight terrorist. and for years i have been saying that the appropriate response to
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terrorism is to fly that service. and at the same time, to deepen our roots in our country. indeed, we have been charged and the record number of terrace and also build it in our country on a broad scale, according to approve construction plans. i emphasize, approved, approved and not approved even by the is really government. this is a brand new outpost across the settlement. right now. basically, it's 5 months old, the things for 5 dues families who are ready to stay here until the authorities approved a new home. the idea they say is to create bouldering jewish communities in the area, connecting them to a chain and to defend routes retain because of the attack. that 4 of our friends died. they were murdered. and that's why we came here. because when the arabs ones to kill us and they want to separate us from here, we want to come back here and to make the establishment sir,
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and bigger scale was indeed unprecedented. so the half a 1000000 to assess there was leaving new york to find westbank with clear governments support and supplements that are considered illegal on the international law. and expansion goes on and on. the international community is furious. the united states is deeply troubled by these really governments report a decision to advance planning for over 4000 settlement units in the west bank. we're similarly concerned for reports of changes to israel system of settlement administration that expedite the planning and approvals of settlements. settlements are illegal under international law, as stated consistently, the e, you will not recognize any changes to the pre 1967 borders. settlement activities threatens current efforts to rebuild trust, to resume civil and security cooperation between palestinians and israelis. and to prepare the ground for an eventual resumption of meaningful and direct negotiations . the government of israel should reverse these decisions and hold all continued
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settlement expansion. but the u. s. b u n. n b u r, faraway palestinians are all around here and they take is rarely expansion as a threat. the talent of to the most. i a weakness of violent attack by do stuff. there's just recently was dozens of cars burned and houses damaged again in response to the shooting at the gas station, as like a gas that in the body it keeps expanding and expands in on a daily basis. this threats lots of alliance until the people. so that's on the call to on. so that's on the village the, the farming, it's about the on everything. and that is low open sides floods the sides. even though we're on the military control, i think we are the longest nation of that. i keep pace them in the world. i mean, we just have to fight back. we can't just sit there, let them keep going. we have to do something about it. we can just let them take our land. it's not right,
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but it seems that 2 states solutions that the world is worried. the supplement policy will prevent from being achieved is log out of the picture, at least for these rarely government. at a closed door meeting of the connected score and affairs and defense committee crime industry and tell yeah. who reportedly said that israel must stop palestinians. associations for an independent state construction works are expected to start soon, and he is getting ready to bring a new residence. as our author is, riley supplements all across the west bank and outposts no matter what. it is, not exactly clear how new homes and more to recess are assumed. the heart of the palestinian territories will help counter terrorism. but what is clear already? it is not going to help is the tensions reason. notional ality from elli supplement . one of those uh, some of the new stores, the save that we take on oxy international for all the latest developments including that situation. and then the rest in front of this is why it's so outside of the channel line, as we discussed on the but with another look at the some of the, our hope to see it on the
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are just not much of thoughts just because of what's the customer's name. what's your end of the top of the toyota? almost. i'm interested in the solar eclipse, as i'm interested in the other choose computer. sure. less than yesterday. actually, which kind of show us the way some of some of these can you have some, some just black and something on
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the moon. imagine the, some of you know, the newest wrestling a couple interesting, let's flip. i think we some of that you were the beats level and a bunch from a cause also say show in your business, especially thoughts for stuff that you've been ranches for sanderson, additional in the, in the elk with a fitted the fios if it does allow her to show it, yeah. i'll just do that. that will go out. it was charging me
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deposits during the day. yep. so we sent you a list of requests you come in when that's where the company at that, but don't want you can say hey misconduct and i'm to proceed seventies them. and then there's quite a to fill it all by tells us enough to tell us gonzalez's gym to steal. it sits on me, i can because i'm and i shall send you the bug. you see it's the position associated with the she, the associates, a but for this progress, pretty tells me that this quest to close the slides. so we have some of the live. yes, of course you as a full address is still the, from
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restrictions we should be the last of each see to, you know, just to of shipment style, a pensive watch it nation, us, so that the shooting it with your person, if it does go to the send, you can source or with the look a shall go as a spell. yeah. and, you know, france, i'm going to download your slope with which the story that i, it's the image natural them live. lots of let us pretty much on your who is this for 2 mostly to photo motors in particular. all the furniture. uh oh my goodness. um, just not a portion limit that's coming in book a sales nor a couple guys with the new months of the fugitive in this. it was the 2nd on me
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