tv Documentary RT July 4, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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to states against the eastern continuing to achieve the offense, governments have read the beds, relations and, and now i think for us is paying the price of to, to, to, to get that, that the, the government did the full living here. i made the components the soul in the incentive field. i may agree with the prism that on the on controlled accumulation of debt by western countries is increasing the risk of a new global financial crisis. that's the warning from russian president vladimir putin while addressing b shanghai corporation organizations. online summers are those are the, the good this is dealing with the international security system is degrading. the risks of a new global economic and financial crisis are increasing against the backdrop of the uncontrolled accumulation of depths of developed countries, social stratification, growing poverty around the world,
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and the deterioration of food and environmental security. southern if there is no sudden notate that russia will continue to challenge western sanctions, while the people of his nation are becoming more consolidated. been as the president also praised the resistance, the seo location to west and economic pressure emphasizing that 80 percent of trade between russia and china is currently conducted using a national currencies. which brings the wall is one step closer to ditching. but the chinese leader also addresses so much on the potential obstacles. the blow cause a has quoting for vigilance, against attempts to incite a new, comfortable unprovoked confrontation within s c o regions. iran has now been formally admitted into the seo. the summit need is extended when well comes to the radian president who said he posed the dollar orientation and the break away from western currency had gemini,
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amongst his top priorities. the hey john, many of the western world forces the hedge and many of the dollar ends. in order to install a new world order. we need to remove this global practice of using the don't like national exchanges. we need to switch to national currencies for around the 23rd, somebody to the shanghai cooperation organization hosted by india, is the attorney for and test that wrong to expand for the 1st time as a prominent member of the a, c o, v i c o is a major security and trade co operation organization in the original region, which was established in 2001 by russia, china. because x then curtis, that did, you can send those back. his dad later included india and pakistan. everyone has been an observer member and to shanghai cooperation organization since 2005. and now it's full membership as believe to be are significant economic benefits for the country. and on the hit on your chan to patricia the world has now become multiple or is no longer
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a place for the u. s. and you'd have to have the less wood. and as our leader, once in the u. s. has been through the garbage can. if history today, we need to strength, no choice without neighbors, dollarization as one of this objects, but toss the agenda of this. there's a c o session for around the fall of the dollar and the global financial service company in the end of usaa insurance, that are several of the countries banking system from the rest of the world. now dish and the donor and using alternative currencies and say that way sort of runs returning to the global markets, showing how i can move in as a sean high corporation. organizations can help or control reduces depends on the dollar risk and health regional countries. significantly tips if economic growth, because the us dollar has more of the law as the world economy. now we can bring the us, but they'll probably by using local currencies, no trade with the regional countries. many people in the wrong believe that the revival of the 2015 nuclear deal is the ultimate way out for the country to resolve
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its economic clothes. that was b a. when your court test for heroes remained only on paper, some people see new opportunities and there was collaboration with the emerging economy. he's in a lions, there is such as su, amber x. who learns that one? are we doing the presidency of mr. one, the we used to be inclined to want the west. we made many mistakes including the nuclear deal, which let us to rely on the west. but instead it was an hour economic growth. so at that time, they intensified the sanctions and our economic problems increased. now i believe mr. races approach is a very positive stands for the future because we need to bolster our economics ties without neighbors. vh member countries of the a. c o represent around 42 percent of the world population and 25 percent of the global gdc. so there's an immense economic potential there, even when one was an observer member between 2 remarkable economic ties with the seo region. according to the latest reporting period,
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there was total trade with s c o members was almost $42000000000.00 out there for walls. full membership will definitely see a spike in trade with s c o members states. the one is also on the road to joining the berks group of emerging economy is comprising brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. it seems that everyone has from 100 slides minded partners, which are filming in new multiplan rewards order that is beginning to shift the power balance away from the why says when a poor world view usability are 2 to one. several bloss close by ukrainian missile strikes have been reported in the russian republic of don't you ask a local message? at least 2 people have been killed and 3 others wounded including ago, your tax was allegedly tied down with nato supplied weapons. well kept fine for my
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hi mazda tennessee system is set to been shut down by at defenses. so, here, ask media outlets, how pretty suited to the mazda of cloud of fire and smoke rising of a block size. all lowercase have restricted the movements of locals on the streets . as a result of the crating and selling gulf and not the don't, yes, with public safety, my cab got a hospital has been partially destroyed, as, according to a local roommate to the missiles were allegedly fired from a multiple launch walk it system a number of civilians have opposed to the being wounded with guns to bring you over this house. as soon as we get, i'm going to bring some key of is planning to strike these apples. your nuclear power plant isn't nights on the 5th of july with a miss, sol containing a nuclear jersey bomb will head. that's according to the head advise the to the general director of russia's atomic energy agency. c correspondent, states we need brings of the details from don. yes, i heard the report that you created for these overlays should be planning to launch
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a strike against is that for real g a nuclear power plant with a top sca you miss all owned with a dirty bone on big nuclear uh why is now this comes off the uh, both russia and ukraine have been trading bulbs over the past few weeks with each side, accusing the other overlooking over about to launch on the imminent attack. then on tuesday morning ukraine cox, the main external power line to the nuclear power plant, causing it to rely on back up to pause. now, this is a power line that shows a nuclear security on you, your safety. in closing the international atomic energy agency chief, i fail grossi uh to raise concerns over the uh, the precarious situation up. the phones. now, the plan has to be under the control of russian. full say, since march is your largest, but it is come on to frequent attack and frequent shedding from ukraine. any false is printing russia, the russian. i'm positive to the united nations, to send
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a note around the security council just last week, holding on the general sexy antonio detailed is to force key up to stop. it's publications now in terms of lensky, the ukranian president, 5 bach, and he accused russia are planning an explosion at the site. and he said that this could be carried out at some distance. if you crating it on, policies weren't allowed to get closer to the site. now, the international atomic edge, an energy agency reply by saying, well, actually there is no evidence to suggest it's now, but it's remember that they have a team permanently based at the nuclear power plant. they reports every day in grossi, again replied, and he said, i never all g with the president of ukraine. i could only say the, i was the, don't see that teams are reporting that every day. now, this is a response to the lens. these claim, that's a so russia had taken a, uh, uh,
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cause with explosives to the nuclear power pond on head. almost like mind. yeah. have you so that has been denied by the international atomic energy agency. now, of course, these are very, very worrying times that this could lead to the biggest nuclear catastrophe since to normal in 1996. you as president binding has on valve the list off his nominees for bi partisan boards with the physician and the advisory commission on public diplomacy. folding into the hands of a politician with a bond that controversial post elliot abrams assets and 3 republican administrations, including donald trump's, where he was responsible for account, paid to try and replace venezuelan presidents nicholas madera. previously, during the reagan and presidency, abrams found himself in world in the iran contra scandal, a secret to us operations who illegally fund anti communist rebels in nicaragua, according to using the proceeds from weapon cells to iran. and 1991 abrams pleaded
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guilty to unload for late withholding information from congress, but was later paused and by president george h bush and back in 1992 abrams had tried to mislead. so that's about the elements. 13 mazda covers more than 800 people in el salvador, by the local us trained and equipped military. according to the state department of the us advisory commission on public diplomacy as tossed with appraising government activities in order to understand in full and influence foreign publics, as well as to increase the understanding goals on support for such activities. the boats duties also include the assembly and dissemination of information of the issue and go reports to the secretary of states, the president and congress on this side of it, i guess now john, because we like american political analyst on senior research and it's a full issue insight many thanks for joining us on the program. always lovely to see you now. while elliot abrams is certainly a very experienced politician,
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his diploma reputation is far from impactable. what's your take on his nomination by president? by to, i guess the setup piece would be that for 5 years, he was chair of the ethics and public policy center in washington dc. so it's sort of that, you know, i wasn't a criminal, i was a criminal, i'm not a criminal. and i've interacted with lovely it for a long, long time, including when he worked for senator moynihan, who i worked for and then interacted with him during the trump administration when he was charged with dislodging nicholas madura from venezuela, which you know, was an abject failure. and i think, you know, i think the reason that he was appointed is less about his expertise in the americas. but it's more his connectivity to the jewish community. and that on stage, particularly in washington, particularly in the congress, particularly on the conservative side. those who,
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who oppose the gpc away between united states and iran, where, you know, you're bringing him in secretary, blinking being of the jewish faith as well. so i think they're trying to sort of, you know, so bring your enemies closer. and i think that for me, the most disturbing part of it is isn't elliott's nomination. but it's for the fact that there's only been 3 of senate 7 members on this board for the 2 and a half years of the by the ministration. so it's sort of interesting that there were 3 now there was a nomination for, for there still missing 3, and president biden, you know, part of his whole eat. those has been diplomacy interaction, how the state department is so important secretary blinking the same way. so for me, you know, i'm concerned that only it's in there. he's not the best representative of a good diplomacy. but more importantly is, why is this a commission, you know,
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less than 50 percent strength, 2 and a half years into prison? or yeah, that, that started may have interesting or have been done across bite and was nominating eventually republican. i mean, what does that say about the us presence with the politicians to choose from? when there, there is a component of that commission where you, the president can't name uh for members of the same party. so he, at some point, and this is sort of standard, you know, lot of commissions that the congress sets up try to keep them bi partisan a, but it's a, as you just pointed out, you know, there's still a lot of other republicans out there a lot of the over there, democrats, there are a lot of other independence there. a lot of people don't take part part in the political process, but some, you know, elliott, you know, he certainly gonna bring an interesting dynamic, you know, to the meetings. but he also, you know, has a reputation. i mean,
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i encountered it that it's, you know, his way or get out of my way. and i know he generally just doesn't have time to talk to anyone. he doesn't agree with, you know, particularly you know, venezuela. his most recent official charging government during the trump administration didn't go well. nicholas endorse still there. he's stronger than he was when they were when he was there earlier. uh so, you know, kenny, can you bring some interesting perspectives? you know, certainly, but um, yeah, i think president biden could have found someone else and i wish he tries to find, uh, you know, 3 or 4 other people before his departments. it's incredible that the staying power that abrams how's that isn't it? because he be though, what do you think i, he's modest to survive and us politics the so long despite all of these scandals that he's been involved in. you know, well, you know that that's not unusual to washington,
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both democrats and republicans. you, elliot has carved out over the decades a, you a, a consistent pathway. and when republicans come into office, you know, they tend to recycle people when democrats come in, they tend to recycle people in the, by the administration has a lot of obama people, the obama people have evolved ministration. and a lot of clinton people push one bush to at a lot of bush one reagan, you know, have people from ford. so it, you know, once you're in the cycle, and in elliott's case, you know, he's, he's well written. and you know, sort of like a, john bolton and in some respects, that he's had a long history of writing or being provocative. and a lot of times candidate seek that out, you know, is history with you work for school, henry scoop jackson, who was a very conservative democrat. i also worked for pat moynihan, who was
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a very liberal. i'm sure you have very liberal democrat, but you know, he's a, he's a survivor. you know, i'd say, you know, as you pointed out, he did plead guilty. he was pardoned. and you know, that in itself would seem to be disqualifying the pleading guilty part to being on an advisory board where you're supposed to inform the secretary state on best practices and how to make diplomacy more effective community dogs. he thinks the he um he's, he's a little challenged and in that regard. when he, thanks for joining us today. great speaking to you, john. compare lake american political analyst, i'm senior research at assess for issue insight. thank you for your a nuclear agency. cave russel grows the has green line to the controversial plan for tokyo to release radioactive waste water for me. so longer function, it's the shape of a nuclear plants enter the pacific ocean globatiza. so the decision to move forward
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meets the standards of environmental safety measures, despite outcry from neighboring states. plan as he to has been proposed and device is in conformity with the agreed international standards and it's application. and if the government decides to proceed with it would have negligible impact on the environment. meaning the water fish pen settlement for 2 years to pa and has been pushing to release by pushing the waste water into the ocean of a growing space that is storage containers could be filled. tokyo will partially filled to the waist. what would it be for, draining it as a precaution. the whole process is expected to take up to 40 years, causing concerns among environmental activists on the neighboring nations. rushes
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green piece of senior official cold depends decision, immoral, or china outright dismissed the decision, demanding responsibility to humanity and future generations. you go see the report cannot green light japan's ocean discharged decision and cannot prove that the decision is the only safe best or most reliable option. we urge depend to be responsible to humanity and future generations and stop the ocean discharge plan. international and independent, showing a specialist on from long police departments, no rights and makes those decisions unilaterally. as the consequences of contaminated water in the pacific would be reversible, it is a contaminated water. it causes a damage to the marble and it will be in a reversible and as long as the environment with the neighborhood. because the water, the codes that would carry it, is nearly a call since around the world. if it was a huge concern of neighboring countries,
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even though the united states, for example, have released this water in the past, the must be in so. so, um, apple put water and a lot to assess a cloud, it labeled with so many nations in the region and such a cost to insure the area of, of fisheries and, and for tomorrow. but if china is excluded, and russia is excluded from the monitoring group, i think that there's mixing politics with, with public health, with people who have gone to receiving new investors for plans, $4500000000.00, oil refinery officer and agree. but with the consortium which included us based general electric expired on the 30th of june, while addressing the 25th annual african energy for him last month take on this energy minister underlines the importance of supplying power as an affordable rate
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with the pressure to repay the loans within a short period of time, reduced energy producers will be able to supply power to the end user at an affordable rate. ensuring more africans are connected to the power grid. and gone, does energy minister also know to the, despite the applicant being rich and not to result? is there a financial bind me is that affects the production and transmission of electricity on the continent as more than 600000000 africans don't have access to clean energy and struggle to cope with power outages in kansas energy ministry. spokes person told us that africa needs affordable energy for the population. a p, b trying to increase of access to power and thought efficiency. however, our power has remained expensive. this is because we get excessive capital in to a plastic top,
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which has kept the target and this high. and that is how, sorry they use the age of the power in uganda, or the 19 percent of the population is selected to the groups. and so many as of developing the development of the set told that the expected accidents did not about to go close at 50 pass info. so by the time i was talking to to that 19 percent, because the tires is very high to 5, paying to 891011 of us sense uh uh, unit of power. however, the, the provide as of the capital we get to the loans accessibility. sometimes we get to also the dollar or the exchange rates use. it'd be tight. yeah. they got me touch it. they come pay to look around for provide us or affordable loans. and i just set that up next. so you know, here's how is the latest episode of the 360 view and we'll be back with more in 30
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minutes. so you then the in the middle, kyle has received a term make over as consumers have a band and a dairy farmer instead of different brands of whole 2 percent and skim options. now range from a soil almond and out. i'm scroll down hughes, and on today's $360.00 view, we're going to look at what is causing the world to become more lactose intolerant . let's get started.
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a new ad by the creators behind got now has got people talking. international correspondent, roxan of solano explains why this take on getting people to drink. milk may have backfired. well, scotty, i don't think actress unco medium aubrey plus i intended to get in the middle of the milk wars. with this commercial, the world's 1st and only milk made from what, what now started with a simple idea. i saw a tree, and i asked myself, can i drink this? as it turns out, the answer is yes. if you make it into the commercial, went all it's showing different flavors and it's not until the and when you see the fake unappetizing products, do you, honda part time, realize it is
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a power the they even created a website and there some dice. scrolling through to the bottom, you read a disclaimer saying wouldn't milk is 100 percent fake, completely made up. and the whole spoof is actually spa sort. i'm paid for by america's meal companies. is would melt real. absolutely not only real now it's felt then what did i invest in? the only issue is most millennials and then we will drink. would milk? as you said, be for scott in the meal aisle has changed. there are tons of different products labeled milk making non very alternative these very popular. but the question is, we're just drink would milk or can it was all of these options. i tell you, i'm not a moved. i mean, i'm sorry i had to enter my joke on that one. i'm sorry, but now i would not. i'm one of those the plays and you know, there's a reason why god for the cows on this earth make milk. why? why i scares me. of things that are altered in sort of a,
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a and the scientific era. well, for me is like there's so many products space supplement theory, you know, like pastries, la tease obviously. um sandra and brad with butter. i know it's hard not to not eat or drink me. right. and i think it's important that we know what actually when they say meal, what is milk every other ever? we have lots of other questions in this world. now we just added one more into our repertoire. are trying to thank you so much for reporting on this. yeah, there's almost 79000000 begins in the world. and while that number sounds big is only one percent of the global population. but the number of people who are choosing not to drink milk from the cow is increasingly growing. now the choice to consume milk alternative is subjective and varies from person to person. all based on individual preferences, belief in dietary needs. some are choosing the alternative because they might have an allergy or lactose intolerance. well,
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others choose the alternatives because they believe it is healthier for their body . then there's those that believe in drinking non dairy, because they're choosing this past because they believe is better for the plant by me, either methane produced by cal's or the possible in humane treatment of cattle on dairy farms. but with retail sales of a plant based milk alternatives, topping 20900000000 globally last year. the increase in availability of products and the marketing of options definitely is causing real competition for the dairy industry. in fact, statistical data reveals milk alternatives are the largest category of a plant based food exceeding meat ready made meals and ice cream products. what effect will this have on the future of the dairy industry and world wide availability? well, to join us to discuss is sylvain shop why is a community research and professor in food distribution and
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a policy at del jolla university in halifax, nova scotia, canada. and he's a former member of the universities and faculty of management. thanks for joining us, dr. charlotte, why? thank you so much for joining us today. i want to start off this conversation. are you seeing an actual decrease in demand for milk from dairy farms right now? actually the consumption per capita has been dropping steadily for the last several years. uh, so consumption overall is quite steady. but with even with more people to feed the we are seeing a drop per capita. so we are drinking less mil now with dairy products, a bit different dairy products. so depending of the product you look at, demand actually does go up from time to time like butter. for example, a few years ago the demand for butter did go up uh for other products as well. so it really depends what the of the product you look like you look at. but generally
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speaking, fluid milk consumption is, is way down per capita on both sides of the border. really, why do you feel like this is happening at the present time? well, 1st of all, i think that a lot of people are considering reconsidering their relationship with with dairy. i mean, we're the only um, uh, mabel's honors drinking milk from another mammal. and when you think about it, it really can feel awkward for some people. there is some history, obviously it didn't happen overnight. the, we've been doing this for thousands and thousands of years, but now with science, we know more about nutrition. we know more about health. and so now there are more options. all of a sudden the people could actually get their nutritional fix elsewhere are consuming, other types of food and the end. thanks to science, thanks the research we're able to provide these options to,
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to consumers. that's why people are starting to reconsider their relationship with milk. and very generally speaking are very farmers currently trying to do anything to help encourage consumption of their product. again, as such a large scale as we've seen in the past. i mean, one of the largest and lobbying groups used to be, especially in the west, was the very fibers, especially amongst the education department. are you seeing the idea of stepping up those marketing campaigns again as one of their possible approaches? i actually believe that right now, we're in the midst of a dairy war of sort, cuz on the one side, of course, you have the dairy lobby, which is incredibly powerful on both sides of the border. by the way. they have voice at many tables. they're quite influential, politically and economically. but on the other side, what we're, what we're seeing that's new is our plant base companies, uh, companies who manufactured products. so using vegetable proteins, they're out,
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they're actually uh, not only advocating for their product, but the crew they, they ultimately criticize dairy in general, ult lee is certainly one company that comes to mind right now in america, you're seeing the company advertising, in many newspapers, uh, ads they put their putting as criticizing dairy, so it is something we haven't seen before, but you can see that right now. uh, both sides, i guess are challenging each other. but still, we have to recognize the fact that the dairy lobby in north america is still quite influential and powerful. have we actually considered what would happen if dairy farms around the world actually started closing? and do you see some of the same lack of consumption in present day? how could potentially lead to that? it's not just the supply of milk which will be affect. i mean there's
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