tv News RT July 7, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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the the, the headlines right now here one on the international is the bike and the white house is points to dispatch dead, leak flush the volume to ukraine, munitions, but in germany it's against sending well make to it, maintains a neutral spot. radioactive water is set to be pumped off the coast of japan, as china, acceptance down on sea food imports. those details are up and coming. we are not sure in the mind that in which a lot of other countries are they are providing matter. we cannot make objectives.
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the india is 4 minutes to on a full day visit to the east for couldn't nation of townsend e. and that was the 20 chair. new dining focuses on building ties with emerging economies. we're talking about the global south and the ever blooming multi polar one. the well, we've made it all the way to friday, but what a busy week is being today, by the way, no exception time for your your sprag, no one else here. so we do pick off this hour now with news coming out of washington. and basically, despite a pledge to phase out cluster munitions in 2016, because basically at the risk poster civilians, washington is now points to send the controversial weapons to key f earlier in the program. my colleague, i peter scott, was discussing this with auntie correspondent shapers. it's been a rumored for quite some time. i mean, so in the context of, i suppose ukraine saving counter offensive that more and more weapons of the line
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needs to be pushed further further. so it'd be the latest in a long line of, of the weapons that we're going to turn the tide for your client. and these weapons are quite powerful. they're quite destructive. now, they've been used by both parties currently in ukraine, so they're not a new edition. but what is new is that, you know, the fact that the us who is claiming not to be a party to the conflict is yet again taking another escalade, reset. the us itself stopped using these weapons, used them in the rack and use them in previous conflicts. of course, but stopped using them in 2016 themselves and started to stockpile the munitions. now it says it wants to sort of start following the forwarding domain to this, to me going to renew crane the reaction even from us face to human rights groups, which is unusual, has, has been one of condemnation. and you know, they cite the destructive power of these weapons and these are dpi, cm's, you know,
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at the dual purpose and prove cluster munitions which can disperse tiny bomb. and it's over at large areas. and they have huge destructive power on the battlefield. but they also leave the potential for civilians to be harmed. by the way we can actually hear what human rights watch had to say about this. the use of cluster munitions in areas with civilians makes an attack indiscriminate in violation of international humanitarian law and possibly a war crime. the cluster munitions that the united states is considering sending to ukraine are more than 20 years old. scatter over a wide area and have a notoriously high failure rate, meaning they could remain deadly for years. so as you can see, uh these are quite dangerous weapons and they don't just at, they're not just effective on the battlefield against the military enemy or armored enemies. they're all so have a potential terrible lagging effect on local civilian populations. of course, it will be american children who are injured by these in the post conflicts
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scenario, or farmers plowing and feel the ukrainians and potentially russians. but also this comes in the context if you will call the sending of depleted uranium. so it seems just alucard attitude to these weapons is very much in evidence here that as well, america could condemn the use which they did to you, but they also condemned. are you sincerely when russian use them against terrorist? and we can actually have a look at that now initial open source reporting highlights the use of cluster bombs by russian forces in several populated areas including,
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hama and edward's tax. using these uh, imprecise weapons, only continue to cause a necessary so, you know, the russians have been indiscriminate. they've been reckless in syria. they seem to have no difficulty dropping cluster munitions around worship williams. maybe so, as you can see, and you know, do as i say, not as i do from, from the united states. and it's important to remember the united states has dropped thousands of tons of these new nations in their various military misadventures. going back as far as con podium visa and these new nations are actually killing civilians still today after those conflicts, which ended decades ago. again, another game changer, this isn't going to have a definitive impact on the playing of battlefield is just not going to happen. it's only going to really expand and expand the number of civilians and unfortunate accomplishments on the ukranian side, who would probably have to die before this conference slip just brought to it to an
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end. it also represents the reality that you find is now being used as a very cynical of biography for western weapon systems. and most of the things that are being dumped into your brain as i mentioned to you. and this week, i have never been used on the modeling battlefield before other know, being used in a vague cynical way by the military industrial complex that to gauge their effective a successful. so a dangerous escalation. another red line pushed forward this inc for mental move towards more, more munitions, more, more of the se at so we've gonna have to watch this space very carefully place. yeah, so when it came when it comes to these a very controversial plus the bottom, munitions, we call the opinion and inside of labor and human rights lawyer, a done provide a couple of us really the purpose of these types of munitions. so they're called exact anti personnel, munitions, meaning they are, their purpose is to name and kill people, and many times civilians. this will be used by ukraine for that purpose. and as you
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mentioned, this is a gift that keeps giving these thoughts, many of which is a significant percentage of which will guides, meaning they won't blow up right away, but they could block years from now and kill civilians. so this is a cynical include gesture on the part of the us. i mean, this is just classic, a bach we're seeing on the part of the united states, you know, criticizes people for when they do or allegedly use chemical weapons. of course, the last used a massive chemical weapons in a number of it's conflict. so this is just a classic case of double standards that the us use is constantly. i think you'll see some european countries condemn it. some us human rights organizations have already condemned it. yeah, i think there will be some upset about that. some, i think it exposes the us, it shows they don't care about the ukrainian people at all. this is about hurting russia and they're willing to do practically anything to do that, including fighting the last ukraine. let's get to some of the latest details now,
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coming into us here at all to you from the front lines are we understand a russian forces have made advances again to create in positions this right now, in the next republic, the russian navigators defeated, keeps forward, doesn't have a ton of cut off and the lima on around 90 ukrainian troops, reportedly killed renaissance, 5 surrender. key of soldiers being club ball essentially pushed back to the positions of the russian defense ministry also reported his forces are gaining ground in the heart of song and stuff. what all she region to meanwhile, ukraine's president and his uh well being to meet uh with the bulk area and the bulgarian counterpart of the both sides of nato member stated, the, the top so spiraled into a public disagreement even in front of the press of a key of demands for weapons as that, as he had high hopes of bulgaria would supply. i'm a president said he must suppose to ensure is that in countries secured the
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conflict, this conflict has no military solution to say, i do not accept the provision of munition, especially if it is from the reserves of the vulgarity and ami. because like you, i am the president and supreme commander, and i have clear responsibilities not to weaken the defense capabilities of demo gary nomics. now, currently your crime does have a high expectations for next week's nato summit. for the head of the country's military intelligence, as a key of doesn't leave, the gathering will deliver over the results that at once it's pick ups store. now, with all these don't cook the state of the art weapons, tens of billions of dollars, volunteers, and mercenaries from around the world. the west given t of more than it could have initially dreamed up. and yet, there hasn't been much luck on the battlefield. as things stand at looks like nato is just as reluctant to accept ukraine into its rank as t f is eager to join the natives. some, it is quite difficult for me to commend for a very simple reason. the expectation. so far society will not be satisfied. nato's
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promise to bring the landscapes country into the fold continues to remain just that a promise. then, based on all the back tracking and qualifying that we've seen from washington, it seems like a valve that can be easily broken. and the president has said, he has said this over and over again. you can would have to make reforms to meet the same standards as any natal country before they joined. he said this thinks he thinks that this can be due can, can be done. the crane can do that. after months of pleading with the wes zalinski has recently come to terms with the fact that nato is a no go at least until the war is over. and still he thinks support from washington might achieve something in the near future. he has long been holding out the beggar scott for f. 16 fighter jets, but not a single western country is ready to part with its spare military aircraft. sure. denmark and the u. k. agree to train fighter pilots but without the jets? what's the use and what ukraine's flopping counter offensive, looking like
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a huge waste of equipment for potential donors, germany's decided no way. is it sending its own planes and the words of nato's military committee chairman, the issue of jets just won't be solved in the short term. the discussion on the fighters is an important one, but it will not be solved in the short term for this counter offensive training those pilots training the technicians, making sure there is a logistic organization that can actually sustain these aircraft will not be available before this counter offensive your brains long awaited counter offensive is not meeting the west expectations, and that's putting up lightweight, initial reports of disastrous attacks against russia's defensive lines were met with denial. the main offensive hadn't even started yet. they said, as the absurdity of that claim became obvious, the west began to say the offensive was slowly grinding along, which despite catastrophic losses, your brains premier attributed to trying to save the lives of soldiers eventually
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to have announced the change of strategy, which is apparently not named that taking territory. it's a low effort explanation that's had western officials disappointed with the ukranian war effort and the landscape pointing the finger at the west for his own country's failures. yeah. would you ship going to, i wanted to come defensive. just started earlier. why? because everyone here that the delay would mean that most of the territory would be minds. why given the enemy, the opportunity and time to prepare defensive lines that authority? i'm credit of to the yes. as the leaders of our support, as i told them, as well as the european leaders, that we would like to start our contest census earlier. and we need all the weapons and the equipment for that you thought to do so many west, certain weapons, so much tax payer money, all to pay for a colossal bloodbath and sustained an ungrateful and insatiable proxy state,
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or i to the skies over syria. now where a russian 5 digit is intercepted and another unmanned american republic drawing, this is now the 2nd day in a row of us that falls really so stipend, regarding the incident, the timing of the russian pilots were at full basically saying that the russian pilots were being very naughty, a russian military aircraft engaged an unsafe and unprofessional behavior. thursday 9 30 am local time, while interacting with us and q 9 drones carrying out our d. isis mission and syria, russian aircraft drops layers in front of the drones and food dangerously close and entering the safety of all aircraft involved. well that's, i'm gonna show you in a video released by the u. s. f. also a russian su $35.00 fi to jackson, just about b c shot doing the reaper drone before it engages is off the bonus and then starts releasing a power issued flash as you'll understand a bit more as the pictures go one day ago as a whole incident that took place in syrian sovereign as raised by russian forces
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are in fact stationed at the direct request of the syrian government. now it's not just the past couple of days back in march, another river u a v that into the russian space over the black sea. it crashed into open waters below, after being sprayed with fuel, you can see it right there by russian. fly, the jet, most goes administrator, defense has won't, the us and its allies of the possible ramifications of wealth crossing into controlled s space washington's incursions into syria and space. go back to 2014. when the us going to ask strikes and cruise missiles on the country, claiming of the country was using chemical weapons, claims still to the states, to whomever proven. and many american little make us even have continued a cold for the withdrawal of us forces west spill in syria. those attendance as recently as much, had been rejected by those holding power in washington. let's discuss this further now, fussing dr. john list of statements a who in a who's joining us now from latasha in syria? a very good evening, steven. great to have you on the program. let's talk about it. i know, you know,
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the story like the back of your hand, the us military presence in syria widely considered illegal to non western nations . the us meantime, blaming russian pilots for the reasons encounters with his drones over the countries as res. i'm just gonna give it to you stephen, what's your take on this back and forth. the case of accusations just accusation, just for politics, the by the americans for politic use. the americans came into syria illegally. the american military came into syria and worked. was this separate this, the kurdish separate this into create to cause chaos and eh, and celia, the american military who came and installed the scene and resources of oil, gas and wheat and dark for bidding the city and that people from it and making dispute in people to suffer the americans, they are, they are the number one cause of the war in syria and to see any crisis to lead to
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last. this long distortion had been finished locked time ago. but because the united states, they want to keep the middle east in k all, they want to keep them at least intention, and that's why they are there. on the, on the other hand, as you said to the russians are in queue, you legally under the request of the legitimate syrian government. and that is the right of the shooting government under the international law, to have to ask aid from any country. and that is belie, russia has met its database just like the steven isn't, isn't it just, i mean, come on, i mean, i mean, come on, america's not even supposed to be in syria. it's still called, is it $900.00 soldiers? who regarding an issue we cited looting syria's oil and then they followed the over the northern board of the tough. you will the east and border to iraq. and you know, it's just incredible. you know, america depended on getting very upset because a lot of people to say that russian fight deposits are essentially the best in the
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world and is not just the american drones in siri and ad space. a french rough filed jets of also being that they've also been, i'll shoot away by russians to why fi to jets as well. i mean, when it comes to the legitimacy of american drones or even europe and drones adversary and as far as we know, it's totally a legitimate rush or is there any country really officially best to a god that a space? is it possible to use the roster is increasing the frequency of these encounters in syria and a space because it's a 2nd day that we know about this happening. but it's not the 2nd time we know about this happening. first of all, the c or the syrian, the defense ministry, and the russian defense ministry. and the russian media came out and announced several days ago that i, there is going to be a joint military training for both city and, and the russian military. and that's a 0, right? this is dan, this is, this is a, this is it,
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is that the soonest the air space, so they have the to be any place. and to do drills may force their drills anywhere in syria. so the americans, they knew about it, the old world knew about it, was seen on the media. so what are the drones doing in this, in the area where the drills are happening? what is the job of the americans? the americans, there are the ones was causing that guess they are the ones that seem like, i think that's the right question. sort of jump in. but you just said to me, you know what, all the drones actually doing that. now the pentagon says as part of i, d, i says submission, let me pull the other leg, right. i mean, washington langley was you, they were using well, hobby terrorist and most and every to achieve regime change. but it's no, no, no, it's part of a unseen tara of operation. hey, i mean, you know, when you look back to what happened over the black sea, the, those russian fight deposit is by the way, the sprayed that drove, you know, they, they were given awards for that by moscow. you know, and by the way, you know,
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when, when p f was launching, is contra offensive as post june 4th. and for the few weeks after that, russia was launching bombing campaigns in syria taking out the tardy alshaun. at last, 35 bullying campaigns in northern syria. now it's funding of us drones. it seems to me that the us presence in southern comfort zones around the world is being steadily pushed out of the 1st of all, the americans. they are housings of miles away from their home, so they do not belong, let the black sea and as we said, not in the but not, and the insecurity that's number one. number 2 about the big lie of a fighting tourism. i think it's just, i would like to know, what are the isis terrorist and radical bloodthirsty murders of ice is doing in this union desert right next to the, the american military bases, and being protected by the american minot databases. and every once in a while, every 2 days, every few weeks, the adults are just shows in the city and desert,
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who are being protected, as i said by their merchants, the i faxed you know, 70 and keep it a bus of civilians or a military bus on the highway between palmetto and barrels or in yes and to see any substitute. yeah. why? under the strongest country in the world and they'll all have the technology, they have the america, they cannot see those sales. 1 they are miles away from the doctors that one of the big plans that they are working and the are protecting the i says, well, it be the best interest it. but, you know, with the media cell, is it in the politicians that should sell it as fighting terrorism. but if anyone's done, that due diligence, they know that they've always been using terrorism to achieve their objectives. stevens, who in a journalist, it's always great to have you on the program, look forward to seeing you soon. well, china is imposing a defacto band on japanese sea food imports just following the island nation's decision to get this to dump water contaminated by the 2011 fukushima nuclear
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disaster comes off with a you ends, atomic energy agency release to report a claiming that proposed plan to flight all this atomic and radioactive water into the, into the oceans, that would be a safe, a way to japanese signed white wash their discharge plan, nuclear polluted water is nuclear, polluted water, no matter what the japanese site says, they cannot package polluted water as normal water and they cannot truck, the consequences and responsibility is caused by forcibly discharging polluted water into the sea. spilled water can not be gathered up again and the bad consequences of the plan cannot be reversed. we urge japan to stop trying to show it gets responsibilities and honestly responsive the legitimate concerns of the international community. they must stop promoting the plan of discharging nuclear polluted water into the sea and properly disposed of nuclear polluted water in a scientific, safe, transparent, and negotiated manner. china is bad on japanese. the food products comes while
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depends making final preparations to dump nuclear contaminated water into the sea. and will this issue has raised many concerns among chinese consumers over the quality and the safety of japanese food, the director general of the u. n's, atomic watch dog raphael raw see has real lighted the release of the radio active water saying that the scientific work of the age of states shall be trusted. the agreements that we have uh, with the, with the coal and with the government of japan are permanent in the sense that as i said, the other day until the last girl and perhaps you to your wheels in terms of evaluating, assessing the at we will be there, if we see a problem, a deviation will really mediate the race, the alarm, if i can say or talk to, to the government, talk to, to typical, i need to be for them to take the necessary decisions. one has to test the
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scientific work of the uh, we are new 12, we do not take sides. we look at the science, we look at the problem and we have an assessment. and then we can, we can discuss it interesting that he mentions of a trusting the scientific work that it has been reported that some scientist behind this reports have dealt with some disagreements and scores. when the director general was asked about this, he simply brushed it off and did not elaborate according to a global times research center survey over 80 percent of respondents in 11 countries in the asia pacific region say that the plan is simply irresponsible. 190 percent have expressed negative sentiments over the plan and 94 percent have said that the move will have a negative effect on the whole world, not just the region itself. and it is very important also to note that some chinese sea food vendors are incomplete support of china is decisions. so is, is
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a chinese citizen food safety is definitely of the most important for me. i would products on purchase through legitimate channels and we only sell them with the permission of the government. we will not sell japanese products now or in the near future with this issue concerns the health of future generations about how does the c belongs to the whole world and all of humanity. the japanese release of new fluid, contaminated water into the secret costs irreversible pollution. i won't choose to eat japanese food in the near future, and it's not just the chinese citizens that are worried because the plan has been controversial since it's announcement in 2021. we've even local japanese people also expressing concerns over the contamination of the water. jeff and his fishing n c. food groups have also voice their concerns about their livelihoods as the fear that consumers would rather avoid buying their products. and from japan, we go to south korea, where the plan has also prompted some south korean retailers to stockpile see sold,
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which has led to a search and prices in korea. and from korea, we go to the environmental group green piece, who has long been critical of the plan itself. warning the remaining radioactive materials can accumulate in the food chain and call it instead for continued long term storage. and japan has not yet specified the date to start the waste water release. but what we do know for sure is that it would take decades to complete the, in the emerging multi point of world africa and in the kind of corporate to see both of our economies rise together. that's the message from india as far administer as he kicks off a full day if his are to the east african nation of tons in the daily now focuses on building kinds with the motoring economies of the global. so a water approach to africa today is to trade more with us with us,
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to invest in africa, to work with us across, to create capacities enough. so that the rise of africa also takes place as countries like india are rising. and they should be external affairs, minister of india is in the country of tens. and yes, we do know that those 2 countries have had, by natural ties and have a long standing good relationship between the 2 countries. now the minister has had a long list of an agenda during his 4 day visit to the african states. and this includes the inspect. what's the supply project in pennsylvania as well as some of the, the details of tens are near will be meeting with them and the staff exams, the boss, as well as it was section that will be taking place on an indian naval ship that is currently in attends in the and not the minister went on to speak of fox, the relations and the ties that the country has with india as well as his
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projections in terms of what he sees, what people see would be the growing of africa and tense india as a whole, we are not as an extractive economy, we are not in the manner in which a lot of other countries are they have already model economic objectives for us. this is a broader deep partnership. do know that the relationship between india and tens in mia is characterized by it's heavy infrastructure, investment, large scale projects, as well as a focus on and natural resources. and we also know that there's been a lot of training in terms of human development in the resources sick to as well as chancellor was in technology. now, in the as engagements in africa, the holding queue collaborations in industry such as pharmaceuticals, to the communications and renewables and the inc to sprints. and as because of the software lines is a one that be searching v o. putting a gate that's learn more of course live now to loop into how about is all for the
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graduate business school director of the university of zambia. joining us now live from new secondary is a very warm welcome to you so, so good to have you on this program as we continue to witness that of the blossoming multi polar world. so which will be in the, in 5 minutes. so that getting a really warm reception in tons in a can you, can you wrap it up for us? what, what, what is the purpose of the face of an is it significant for both countries? when i think that the fair enough is enough for the friends and then you still use it to tons on. yeah. also shows are there a lot of interest, you know, in africa? i think i'm sorry guys. the new, the has been, but now the needs to engage with africa has a bit confused. but as we created a moment when i was, if you look at the yes, 1020 is the before, that africa was dominated by the west. because most elastic on countries i know
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with for months, for the news over the bridge into many runs on the european countries post independence, we saw the rise or finally that auctions between, you know, china, the soviet union, then, you know, you will slide got in years ago we thought for kind of countries on india has always had a special place in the relationship between we uh, especially since it is the lesser, as it was awful god. because festival india was also it bridges going to need a ton veneer which we are discussing now was mostly bridges for sort of see things from going on. these were a move from one point on to the door to the other on that side. so given its phosphorylation, you'll find a huge in general population in africa and in the to tell me something, i'm sorry to jump in and interrupt you, but just tell me quickly to kinda why does india is 4 minutes to say that he is not
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bad, representing an extractive economy you are making jolene just now to a former colonial times. i think i when you look at them, you know what in just saying guys find what's uh you know, um the marks that it has always had. so, you know, i enjoyed lecture ships on the book. this is with african countries. but you know, in dozens of large uh, you know, they shouldn't engage on each side because competition was, it's the buy in country china, on the india sporting policy with regards to africa, biscuit, and leave us a lot of time that we often must be uh, new logins on monday for such a development for them, they condense, i'm going to go off because funded particular for example, we saw what one did on the 8th to meet on the road, the expansion projects. i, you know, on the same projects i can do. i've used a boy in united pennsylvania and i've also got a bunch i so i think you're a really.
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