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tv   News  RT  July 9, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the, the, the washington approves cluster munitions to be scattered across the battlefield in the great and conflict . a move that has created this tension among some american allies. also a head for you can see several residential quarters now look like this. home to an estimated 20000 people, the camp now lives in ruins. the head of the united nations refuses to retract his criticism of his ready reigns on our refugee camp and jeanine at the organizations . human rights council would call us at all possible waterfront also, it was not tons of biden's. okay. okay. the white house says it's awfully
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irresponsible for anyone to think some point of this in the wake of the july full and celebration, the running down the top stories for the week and full this our old without the predictable mainstream narrative. so this is saucy. and so ukrainian, a cruise missiles in the skies over russia, local officials say russian at defense systems intercepted 2 of them in the ability and border region. as a result of the forwarding diaper ya, sol mailed in the town of be, talks was destroyed. nobody injured a media report saying dismiss all is i could have been targeting the does know gorski nuclear power plant in this more than region, but also it could've been targeting and nearby military field as well. to meanwhile, is the highly anticipated do crating on the counter offensive essentially fails to make any significant gains this week,
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washington analysis will be equipping key of with very controversial cluster munitions of one pentagon official has suggested that any unintended casualties from the um, so with the price to prevent the russian victory. i'm is concerned about the humanitarian circumstance as anybody. but the worst thing for civilians in ukraine is for russia to win the war. and so it's important that they don't bite in administration's decision to supply cubes. regime with cluster munitions is yet another blade has manifestation of the aggressive anti russian policy of the united states, which aims through prolonged the conflict and ukraine as long as possible on wage war until the last ukrainian by supplying cluster munitions, washington, william sikes would be an accomplice in mining the territory and will fairly share the responsibility for the deaths caused by the explosions, including those of russian ukrainian children. the transfer of costing munitions is
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a gesture of desperation and evidence of powerlessness in the face of the seine of ukraine's talented counter offensive. washington's that move has actually created a rat split among allies who have essentially long shed a very united staunch regarding the complet in ukraine. the spanish defense minister, the german 4, administer, the british prime minister, they own express opposition to scattering the battlefield with weapons that so often ling go for years off of the conflict as spain based on the firm commitment it has with ukraine, also has a firm commitment that certain weapons and bonds cannot be delivered under any circumstances, no, to cluster bombs and yes, to the legitimate defense of ukraine, which we understand should not be carried out with cluster bombs. i have followed the media reports for us as a state party, the oslo agreement on the convention own cluster. munitions applies. the here,
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k is signature, e to a convention which prohibits the production will use of cluster munitions and discourages they use low cost of munitions. can be dropped by arrow fired from the ground, will see releasing hundreds of smaller boat minutes, which then fold over a larger area. they are reported to have a very high rate of not exploding on impact, but essentially results in civilian casualties for many years to come in full but senior security policy analyst of the pentagon. michael miller, if he says the countries that are opposed to the usage of cluster bombs should stand for. and i think that it's remarkable that uh, a native country to some 2 thirds of the nato countries actually have, are, are signatories to the convention to prevent cluster bombs. and it's, it's incredible that they'll still go along with united states and in allowing that to happen, they've got to stand firm now and, and make
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a stand. they haven't done that up until now. and i think that they're going to have to, and i'm hoping that this could be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back in which they say ok, that's enough. and that's in fact, they're going to resist this as long as they fall in the united states. and this looked for the united states has taken up to date. and it's, it's, it's nothing more than an escalation of this conflict. let's say please stand up now to the united states and, and resist this decision making turn around. they can, they can say to the amount of quick pressure on the united states that they're not going to do it. but they're, they're weak. they always talk present week unless they start showing some these countries have got to say enough. yeah. and, and, and minute can do something about it and make presentations to the white house to say that this is unacceptable. meantime, ukraine's president lensky went on a tour of a number of nato member states. this week he made
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a place of more items on time o, but may have been left disappointed. a number of his european count, abbas dismissed his request, saying at the end of the day, they 1st must insure the security of their own country. as the conflict this conflicts has no military solution to say, i do not accept the provision of munition, especially if it is from the reserves of the bulgarian army. because like you, i'm the president and supreme commanders and i have clear responsibilities not to weaken the defense capabilities of demo during all me. know the global public sentiment against the continued western support of the ukraine culture is growing. i, for example, the protests of the us consulate in toronto and the money that kind of the take of stones and say no to nato, i protest, organize as of cold for peace and for also what to withdrawal from the military bloss. they say that developing their country's military funding to social services for their own people would contribute to the end of the ukraine conflict. now this
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is not the country's 1st and the nature rally. similar protests have taken place across the nation since the case of the. now all of this happening is the canadian prime minister head split the idea of the upcoming nato summit. on top of the agenda will be the potential membership for your trade in sweden, at a collective funding increase for nato last year's meeting. so the block leaders declare russia, quote, a direct direct to the allies. so we heard from demetrius scott is so lawyer and joe list who attended the n. c. nato rally into runt. the main message we want to convey is that nato is a fraud and the next essential threat to humanity. first of all, data does not make us more secure. nato is an aggressive military alliance. it's record of violence and aggression is clear. so we're talking about not only an aggressive military alliance, an over militarized military alliance,
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but we're also talking about just override looting of the treasuries of western countries. we would like to see the canadian prime minister adopt the position of neutrality and peace, which is precisely the position that the vast majority of the world has to ship. uh, you know, almost nobody in central america, south america, africa, the middle east, and asia itself, almost no country is providing weapons to ukraine or imposing sanctions on the russian federation. what canada is going to do is what canada has done ever since to join nato, which is going to slavishly follow the demands of the neo cons in washington. and this is something to any country in europe for elsewhere. there's thinking about joining nato should think about very triply, be triple what you wished for? because what you're going to experience is what we've experienced here in canada, which is a loss of sovereignty. but un secretary general has refused to retract his condemnation of israel's rate on the janine refugee camp this week. earlier, i'm telling you a good that as a branded be is ready actions as quote the was violence in the west bank in many
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years. the un 6 human rights council went even further, say the country has violated international laws and israel's actions could be considered. a war. cry is ready for these operations in the occupied westbank, killing and seriously injuring the occupied population, destroying their homes and infrastructure and arbitrarily displacing thousands amount to agree just violations of international law and standards on the use of force and may constitute a war crime. so again, people were killed and dozens mobile and a jury that is ready, right? so we can get more details right now. let's uh, lift the lid is i'm at least correspond. it is rarely forces have withdrawn from the west banks. janine and people can now bury the dead, the in 2 days of a wide scale offensive by the idea of at least 13 people have been killed. israel says terrorist members of various,
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i'm groups involved in weapons and explosives production. but for the people of janine, they were resistance fighters competing. these really role that they as well as most of the international community c as a 70 year long military occupation, with 5 to jobs and drones for the 1st time. and nearly 2 decades they attacked their westbank from the skies. the idea says in targeted and destroyed weapons depos, i want to the factories entrances, leading to the underground tunnels. and that smells all the refugee campo jeanine. the city satellites with israel calls have of tara was also heat. israel claims the attacks were pre size with the militants networks targeted. but as you can see, several residential coulters now look like this. home to an estimated 20000 people . the camp now lies in ruins. the mentors i want of at least 500 families who had to flee the facilities royalty off to the operation kicked off refugees since 1948 following the stablish mint of israel and the war. they are now once again
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displaced number i called on own countries around well to stand with us and support us because the palestinian people did not obtain their rights like old countries. why does the policy and child not enjoy his rights and lives like all the children? that is why we ask the world to support us and provide us with protection. even though the operation is over, the months or family cannot go back as the home was destroyed, so that they're just identical with the army broke into our house and said the duck on me to bite me. they took us out and kept attacking the house on them, the arrested one of my sons issue with them, the other son. and after that, the district the house is really offensive is over for now. snow boots on the ground, armored vehicles left too, but as prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowed israel sees the need, the army will be right back. we have an ocean all to you. we're closing from jeanine refuge account and the palestinian administration. the police and powers of
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once again on least the battlements. this time in an attempt to disperse o riley in honor of adama treadaway, a french citizen of my lee and descend, who died in police custody in 2016 will show you the brother of the deceased. that being well aggressively handcuffed right there and taken away by police, they said he had been acting public officials. i used to find that other man was detained by parental authority for the media report, the riley was offended by more than 2000 people. right. and they sent a couple of 100 as well. of course, as you know from so laid off over the past couple of weeks as nationwide chaos erupt it off for a police officer, faithfully shaw his teen algeria. and this during a traffic stop killing highlighted product concerns about the racial profiling. and in an effort to avoid further riots and fires that scorch the nation over the last couple of weeks. french authorities have now faced a temporary bond on oil company,
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rather as well. speaking unity with french journalist alexi pooler. you says fonts has devolved from what was a beacon of freedom. the name of friends could hold false to me. and so i bet the whole world remembers that france has always been a country of human rights declaration, a country freedom, a country with the right of asylum. today's france is a country of police brutality. but no questions are being asked by the authorities, not by the minister of the interior drill and dharma mean, nor by president emmanuel. my crone. this means that there is no desire to change what is getting worse and worse. and this is very disturbing. the response of the state is a rejection reality, and these are the un, nor the you are interested in how france uses its police force. so this is an international problem. the problem of racism within the french police runs deep. and this is not yesterday's problem. in general, the french government does not want to offend the police and policeman. in france,
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there is real power of the police to indicate which dictates the course of the ministry of the interior. in short, whether it is the prefect of paris or diminished curve of interior or a manual ma chrome, no one has the political will to address the issue of racism in france. the authorities cover up the fact of police brutality, but this brutality is realistic, documented. but the role of the police is to protect the people. francis democracy is in a bad state. a manual mccord's response to the recent protest was an immediate censorship of social media. freedom of speech is no longer guaranteed. freedom of assembly is not guaranteed. in fact, freedoms are shrinking everywhere, protest over the reason the koran boning in sweden have been ongoing and practiced on it for a fortnight. now. a demonstrators are seen burning swedish flags and charging birds with one destination. of people gathered in islamabad and lahore to express the
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state. no, but the swedish government allowing this done to install the you and the council on human rights has agreed to hold an urgent meeting, a pack of stones request and we spoke with locals. who said that the burning of the holy book is unacceptable, is it simply creates instability around much of the way we most of them is one to leave together with the world. but they are doing this things and we can't keep our silence. we can sacrifice our lives with this because if there is a slums in there almost limbs, we dom on the wall, it's community you take notice of such incidence of binding. the koran and private occasions of muslim sentiments. silence is alex up to. so this is important for wild peace. we are expressing your grief. if you bind the koran, we see a pain in our heart, and we can tell the rate that non muslims declared the burning of the corona's free speech. if they could read the koran, they will see that all of us, most students to protect other religions. given muslim will do the same as by
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burning their holy book. they will be declared to terrace. the major steps would be a jihad, holy war. only jihad can stop things, desecration only rallies and sing words from your mouth. can't be helpful. why do you? all muslim countries must be united and a joint action is needed. we will fight together. all muslims will be united one day for g. when stuck allow the koran bindings a half and they provide a wide spread response across these bomb, it was a swedish ambassadors in iraq. saudi arabia as well. they will, they're all facing possible expulsion right now. i'm a rock over cold. it's different about from sweden and iran, even bod. it's invoice from visiting. so i mean time a demons who's the movement has signed all in for. it's coming from sweden and we spoke with j. a political and list of use about a who suggests that the,
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who with these move to block swedish impulse could actually be a model response of other islamic states to follow people see, or someone government, they're basically, uh, drawing the line a linings and to be the basically want to model the weight for other assignments, nations to follow. and that maureen, that they're costing understand is basically saying that any nation, any western nation that does, it creates the religion of islam that can solve the religious belief, all over one point. 8000000000. most of those worldwide, that's a country that at the very least we should cut o economic ties with. and that's the message that was delivered. and the decree that was announced today by the minister afraid however, no, it's more needs to be done according to the center of government. and what they're calling for is for all some nations to join forces together and take a stronger stand. not just against the suite, the swedish government, but all western nations that are engaged in this anti religious movement against
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most of them. this is just the waking and pharmacy double standard in the west. they're saying that it's freedom of speech to a stand and desecrate the religion of 1800000000 muslims world wide. while at the same time it's, you know, if somebody wants to burn the pride, rainbow l, g, b, t flag in sweden, they would consider that to be a crime. in fact, in some western nation, that's even that, that is considered a crime. and you could be arrested. all right, so it was on tongue to biden's. okay. okay. even asking about whether or not it was is irresponsible that's according to the white house press secretary for all whether or not so the buying family wasn't here. they were not here. they were a camp. david. they were not here friday. they were not here saturday. they were not here sunday. they were not even here monday. they came back on tuesday. so to
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ask that question is actually credibly irresponsible. that's what maybe incredibly weird because the press secretary said, as you heard nothing of the biden's row at the white house on the friday before the package was found. but according to a pull report of the presidents on hind to until he was the joe biden as well, he was also in the west wing that day, recording an unrelated statement. so now the book is, are a little getting involved, taking bets on just who the mystery blo belongs to. look at this, some of the dressing, perhaps it was a well elton john or snoop doggy dog. maybe even just the 1st couple of themselves . joe and joe biden, but according to the betting industry, the most likely culprits are either actress, angelina joe lee, or of course hon. tub by your has a very impressive track record with narcotics and prostitutes, apparently as well, little according to his personal laptop. for now, let's, i show you
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a video from the july full of celebration to the white house that's the balcony that with the biden's dylan, joe, and that goes hunter. let's replay that for you in just a moment here. let's see. 100 looks a little bit, a little bit of shuffled and then wipes his nose right there. because of that online for the use was quickly made the connection between the bike of loan and the oval office and good old hunter. nothing beats 4th of july, the white house. meanwhile, back of the big guys house room or has it you were serving cocaine for dessert except 4th of july at the white house on cocaine? yeah. nothing like watching on like show hi. on cocaine. like your son snorting cocaine in front of the whole world. you guys are the most extra family ever. cocaine topless, transvestite kids and fireworks? well, joe biden. you said to me, bro bought respect to the white house to use like with a political, i'm less than full america show on stone. we also are told with us,
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i told show host steve multi bug and they both seem to say that the numerous guy, those surrounding the biden family are essentially unlikely to effect next year's presidential election. the job i'm doesn't care. i mean, joe biden is did, could be in big trouble if the accusations that are in congress right now and from whistle blowers about bribery schemes with him and his son hunter, when he joe biden was vice president. and after he'd be, after he left the vice president's office, and then of course, now the, the appearance of impropriety with his son hunter hanging around the white house i that's brought on that's brought on by joe biden himself, whether those bribery got got accusations are true or not, if that were true, then then by and did it himself. i think trump um, on the other hand, has done things here and yes, but other people have done them and nothing has happened. so it doesn't it's, it's not a great situation by any means. but until the scenario changes until you have
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trumps supporters shying away from trump in the primaries, which i don't think they will have until you have someone else running against bite . and besides r f k junior, which right now i don't think you will, it just looks like it's going to be the 2 of them. again, it's almost highlighting a fact that we have been consistently st. problems with this president and the presidency right from the beginning. and even before you can say, going back to the basement joe. but the point is that it's like, it's just one of a string of absurdities. and i think that's really where i, i located. it's like the absurdity of, of, of biden's presidency and how, you know, flood makes them just out of sorts. he is, his lack of a lack of eloquence. is it to say the least right? when he even knows where he is, so that you know the idea of the cocaine scandal at the white house, it's like it compounds the absurdity of this whole administration. as this continues to come out with more evidence, more whistle blowers, i just think this will. there is no way that you can avoid this, you know, for it,
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for i didn't in the, in the next year. but us treasury secretary has wrapped off her to a china and a growing tray, a dispute between the 2 countries, but so many other issues as well. i've done it yet on. however, i did find a self should we say in raw, the hot water bucket home, off the blowing of the us diplomatic advocate that says, no american official should ever about to another international official the i'm here in the scene to carry for refreshment, biden's director for his meeting with president and chief last november to deepen our communications from china, including issues never,
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ever as an american official does not. now, it looks like she's been summoned to the principal's office, and that's exactly the optics, the chinese love. these conversations were direct, substantive, and productive is not chinese at protocol culture to do that. but it is in japan. do you think that she may have mixed all the countries while doing that? because as we saw on the video, the chinese representative did not follow back at all. after being given many opportunities over the length of time but jump jaelyn, did it anything is possible. i mean the us, they really don't make any difference between chinese or japanese are korean. i'm y'all have seen video clips of us senators, greeting the tie, one leader,
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tying one by a korean greeting. i know how sales so, so this is us basement. so i wouldn't be surprised agenda y'all and was, was mistaken as well. the importance of the meeting between gender, y'all and, and her chinese counterparts. it's really about supposedly setting the us china relationship back on track. now whether that has to be accomplished or not remained to be seen by didn't know we, it's sole bar phone. what's the public statements released by you all? and that doesn't seem to be happening because y'all end is uh, it's basically stick by the bite and then ministrations, policy of isolating china, restricting height and advance. so mike, the conductor sales to china was the same time choosing china, of violating the spirit of free free market capitalism by restricting
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recently the sale of a dolly and germanium to united states. i mean, when you decide you was a tech attack, sanction, check this, this was a chinese response to the chip word that us wage y'all is line. is that yes, we are doing what we do because our supposedly national security by you are not supposed to throw sanction back at us. that's not fair. i talk sick, a gas leak in south africa has left at least 17 people that we understand. children are among the victims of the tragedy struck this week and a town near joe had his initial report set the gas leak from canisters belonging to minors who are processing gold and a shock where the incident happened. the country's president has expressed his condolences and so we get the streets of reaction from the ways. but as we know, what happened is that there was a, a cylinder above them as i must be opening it up to let's. busy let's take
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a guess cool so that they can catch it to use it in the, in the mining activities. and then they dropped to the door and left and then as they the, the guest. um, we went outside and just killed the, everyone. we try to engage it the minutes that dentist a new you know, a space that people or part of the team, the role unto themselves. they are causing have org and destruction to our property . well, at the moment there's not much happening besides just community being the trying to communicate with each other as to what exactly is the way forward and with things off standing. we have been told by a lot of citizens and community team members that they are not able to give us the voices and their opinion as a this is not a safe story or a safe case because off of the illegal mining happening in the area as of said they are on the, is not a lot of safety happening in this area. as i'm speaking to you at this moment we,
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i'm not safe. there's a lot of danger. and even doing this in front of the camera, we are told that we are being watched by the people that are threatening to the community members, not to say a word. and those are obviously the legal mining lead as off of the community. if you can see them, you can share anything from them. but basically that they are watching you and anything you say on camera comes back to you when the camera is an offer. we have tried in numerous times, it's to get so few voices from the community members behind as and around as. and no one is willing to speak to us. everyone refuses to speak, but at the moment, just as we all know, 17 is the number of the people that have lost the lives as a result of the guesstimate that has happened in the east officer, hadn't his book and, and, and foremost it to him in cold and to know and to government is trying to curb. it's legal, mind me that has caused us all of this. i'm know for you to get in
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a box spring, johannesburg. you know that story continues online right now. it's a t dot com as to the updates to all the other headlines you might've made business hours edition of most of the mean time for me, role res, to site and the entire news team here. thanks for joining the a highly let's city with the temperature is 3 degree higher already from the neighboring downwards. you know, right? because i think down ships haven't chucked up the trees, but in type got in the name of development and he's our 1st to become a skeptical like a single core. we are all going to your organization just covering all degrees with
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the phone. so when you distract nature, it takes the the on december, the 16th 2021, the ukrainian parliament approved little number 5831 the stipulates ukrainians, including children, can become organ donors, postuma state, without the notarized consent and without relatives consent, the organs can be sold a special database, accessed the corporates with foreign claim.


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