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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 10, 2023 6:30am-6:54am EDT

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of the holidays, a trip to the cross top studios next, where peter and guess are talking particular washington's justification of we're sending them. but we hope you don't use them. the nato allies about the soul run the to sleep. when i should reconcile leeside, reconcile themselves to based on the system of the phone, i would try to do the actual type i that will resist any kind of compromise, any pressure, any, any sensible, any last thoughts are lost. and that reminds me to mix up. we'll succeed in the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome across stock were all things are considered on funeral though. it goes without saying nature was a very aggressive military alliance. but who would have thought that at the core of its belief system was believing in unicorns the bible administration's decision to set a cluster bombs to ukraine demonstrates this. so, um, um regular policy here we have a data, a pentagon officials say remarkably russian victory worse than civilian cluster bomb depths. that's the us panic. so is open for everyone to see and it's pretty ugly gerard shippy, it's a big way. you're absolutely right, is saying that the united states, the glad early on,
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then plus the bombs and that this was on down to late a war crime. so now binds as this was a, but nonetheless we to okay, then the end of course, this is all this has been divided into ministration. mine shotwell long. no, no, we're not doing them this problem. i guess you, you bring it up. let's do it. so now we've had these with beginning, we've been told yeah, the java lives, the java ends, supposedly you're going to be of the, the game changer for ukraine. and then we had all the, how it says on the high mas, uh, we have the bradley flight. uh, yeah. the, the, the tanks, the left foot tanks. uh now, you know, then we have a few uh, a few weeks ago the, the hollow blue over the f sixteens. so now is the cluster munitions. and of course, these will thing then you have to wonder, well, what's the next step? because it doesn't look like the wants to give up. so it has to keep moving along.
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the ask basically still no hope of winning unless it gets it. i still don't bucks, that nato is not a party to the conflict them that would, doesn't want to get involved direct themselves in a child to see what else they can do other than go on on this destructive uh, you know, mine is it's, it's very interesting is that, you know, they, they, they, the escalation louder, but it's only the russians react to it and that, that is problem american himself. and we have discussed this on this program, but i thought it's really remarkable that you know, the, the, you know, most of the world outlaw outlaws, these munitions, actually a number of them, a members of nato do as well. but for a country like ukraine wanting to this to deploy them on their own territory. i mean, again, you're good and it's, it is, you have to scratch your head and seeing what you get out of it. you're going to destroy your agriculture, make land unusable on say, for maybe decades. if longer,
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i mean this is desperate before martin. you're taking the word out of my mouth distribution. yeah. absolute desperation out. seeing it within, within a context of losing sight of losing stuff too. because i mean, it must be very confusing for lensky and it's about looking at this thinking. okay, well, you know, joe bought him, had a moment to listen to cheat. you know, he, i see there was this moment of silence. he was just polyps, it was a few seconds. what else you said to and that was the key point. we're running low and i'm but we've known this for a long time. we've particularly on the show point where you can't really carry on functioning. but i'm sure it's honestly, i'm ready because i know a bit about plus to bombs in a few of the was october. they've been posted on the last one already and 11 and where i was covering it for you and it is, i did a report on just a bums test of homes up. you'll choose to what? i'll click there really. okay. there's nothing last. yeah. nothing more malicious, nothing really more gut wrenching. and because the people who get killed by cluster
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bombs are basically customs is about 20 percent and don't exclude the other problems around them. this old, almost around the ground was to explode. a couple of the ones that don't explode to, so they stay in the ground for decades. you look at allows, you know, 270000000 comfortable in the americans drops, allows for these supposed to problems. so what is the strategy behind this? i'm one of this is coming from your training and coming from kids. have all the factoring in the us. i think i think uh, i think what we're looking at is these are not going to be use offensive with an offensive strategy. i think i can be used in a different assume russian is, we're fine. we break the lines and come over and possibly what times you dropping it across to booms. you create just absolutely can see in civilian deaths by trust the bonds. and in this confusion, propaganda machine will less than i'm fake it. and to show this to be a russian atrocity look with the russians done. you know, we, we, we would just poor defense that we have to use across the board in that townhome a,
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a. now the images that we've got now, it is interesting on the incident with gosh, and, and, and you kind of in trips can images, we don't have much of, is that children disagreements. that's going to change the media agenda. and you're going to see lots of free hand up video, full list and media and the, the, the subject is going to be done civilians and the children are on the, on the crime. sounds pretty much to good george the, the be, you know, you know, looking at this and of, in are bigger perspective. so is that will be the building this nato summit. so we're not going to give you muster bonds where you can pollute to your own territory. but what a deal, what do you say george? well, it's, it's a real but with, without the other. and that's uh, the, that's going to be the message in about pounds. and then most of nato member states actually signed off on, i think something like 25 other study ones. so it's,
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it's almost all of them assigned on. so what are they doing known to the favorite journal as well? we're very, very unhappy about this. this is not a good thing. you know, we're losing a moral standard. you know, well, it is the moral high ground receiving the higher around to the russians. but of course, the americans now just the last in the sleeve when, when they hear is because it doesn't matter that what america's nato popping to say, america calls the shots. and our friend showed him the views on this on like it. some don't like it's on the think it's illegal, some though it's up to each individual nature member space and that's it. that's, that's it. that's going to be the position. but america calls the shots, give them that's a biden sort of made clear to nato while the war is taking place. so why did you say that as well? yes, the voltage stage bowl, um it got to get in and out. now,
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is it now is the time to do it? but none of these are serious military forces. i mean, they are the only country and they to they and obviously united states most your grains in they. so then it means war with the rush or you can actually, it doesn't want that. so that's it. you know, well, so therefore we're going to fall view off, cluster munitions and you know, we will give you a wide with the us, the board members, shavings are dying and drove something here. i mean the people are watching inventory and e and jake sullivan blank and they must think this is such a sweet hard d, a sweetheart deal for them now you radians. of course one moment. yeah. why would the american sign up to anything which would just take this conflict to complete, you know, level under level that most of us couldn't even imagine in our streams they want to contain it. but um, it's interesting because a couple days ago reveal cut a loss and i admit i was just, i'm the, some of the things they were saying were quite profound. i think there's money problem, not only how been a cheat hardware problem is also
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a money problem. and the problem with these institutions like nature and later in my experience of the coming, the voltage is in default setting is when things don't go well, we ask for more money. we fade what we do. we also have a lot of it sounds crazy, but that's what they do. and that's what's happening right now with nature of another. yeah. not just because he was just the most sick, authentic, so vile puppy but, but you could have a in mind money. nature needs more money to really wants the job at this point. okay. i mean the way things are going stilton burg, it'll be biting stilton birds war in the woke. sorry, keep going. know, so i'm back with the money thing. i mean, he still, somebody made a huge issue about um, now i need to budget was expanded by 8 percent this year, which he said was completely on preston. well, it will need to be, you know, needs to be spent of a lot more not on the east. so how we're currently reaching the cheapest set of gdp
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criteria, but it really is all about money. we're running out of stock. so running a village equipment generally, i mean if you look at the, the last week i mentioned and showed the bonus bank, especially bank to help in the central bank be bankrupt. how do you, how does the gentleman's expect to fund you don't do to understand is when this kid is sent, the is boss, thinks with these are these countries, if these coaches are running out of cash, then that means the war is, you know, i think still the money is about equipment and we need to push this is this idea of this program that we need more and more money. and i think the take away from it. as i said a few weeks ago, i think that some of the west and some more, i think what's happening now with nature with member states. and this meeting of this isn't i think that should have been the subject. i'm sorry, hold that thought. it's a very important all the time we're going to go to a hard break and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine, stay with our team.
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the of the, in the, the united states of america, the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt above the government of southern vietnam. in 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. the pentagon was confident that the victory would be on the american side, due to its military superiority. however, the vietnamese, during this war into a total hell for the occupants of the gorillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons. i live
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the village of my le, where in 1969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians, including 210 symbol of this war, all and all. during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than 6000000 tons of bonds as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. the american army under the price drew from vietnam, and only 2 years later did the pop and regime. and so i got involved. however, the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 vietnamese people became the victims of america in the dressers. the welcome back across the square. all things are considered on funeral, developing some real news. the go back in
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the americas market. as usual, we go to a hard break and you're trying to make an important point. so basically, we're just about to say the ship. now we're having a ship indulges as often there's only many times this one now is plus the bombs. i'm very much a losing subsidy, very much. let's put the train on the back foot. i looked on the russians. i know so let's introduce a new saying, which i think you're gonna see a lot of in the future, which is nature also more and more money. why? because i think for the 1st time, the west of nature, they're looking at the wrong one. now. now the no longer think about 6 months, and they said now that finally starting to realize this could be a few years and we have to prepare for it. well, george, i mean ukraine is, is bankers. can they sustain something like this? we have to remember also infrastructure is being degraded in loss of blood. we've just got a strikes me gentlemen, before we move on is that you know, that you know, for years and years and years, you know, and trump really got wound up about the g, d p the, your defense. so here we are with an ex suspend to war,
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but you still case going use like point 5 more for it. i mean, you know, i mean we've, we've seen all these world war to build, you know, have, you know, it's the arsenal democracy. everybody's mobile lines and all that, but nobody wants to walk away from there, you know, cap and she knows it and lot to use, i guess. okay. if you just let the premiums do it, george. well, i suppose it's a protection racket, but it's a protection racket. that is run by the united states and people, the european members ab fill them as it has been ball decades, which is the americans will always though it out of the americans complain as they all way into like trump, in particular. but even all of us are complaining that way. but why, what the europeans bull the way? because they know the americans will always step up. they will always cover up the money as prompt it. so it goes to they going to say, no, we don't have the money, but you know, you were going to hold everything. articles will still do it, and they will always do it. because ultimately, nato is an american racket, is the way america exhausts its power and directly so dominant then the well as
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soon as i'm of the way it does, the montes point is absolutely right. i mean, americans are preparing for a long war and they think that this is going to bring russia to, it's made some of that's the calculation of the russians. we just going to believe them dry and visually collapse and they will be regime change. you know, they literally looked at regardless the thing, but something like, as will happen, the game will, they don't really realize is that russia live essentially the success that you great will be a member of nato, irrespective of anything else. i'm actually will. okay. we'll just steadily demolish is just a nothing you just the, you know, a piece of a destroyed terror transit. okay. you want to crane and they to take it. this is, this is the, you know, they, they the junk that's left over of what we had said on our right where it was just made of of a flat plane. moat. no, i am an empty real estate that with martin,
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it's very interesting because if we look at the that we can degrade russia, you know, a break. it's a con i with her to me if this thing is over the last and 16 months or so. i'm kinda being a resident of this country for a quarter of a century. all these do, i took bravo break, the economy is breaking and doesn't work. it's all from world war 2 and like so, but none of them is proven that i mean even this progression affair, but there is no institutional support or popular support for some kind of, um, uh, illegal governmental, the constitutional change, the complete opposite that as well as in face of reality, more the beauty of the west i made so much salutes is also slowly erosion. and you know, there is a lot more chaff now being thrown up on. so making ease of use comments that they were talking about the tool previously. but it was a little fake news is also
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a lot of the what they're doing different regression. 10 of attendance follower was amazing to what lengths you know do how to, to, in the race. russians from the players have to take of it appear at the test. okay, so american tennis players didn't have to take a purity test when the, the racking legally, but russians, they are treated differently. keep going, i mean like on culturally argue with people in england, in the country and i, i try to explain to them you don't understand the probably 70, if not 80 percent. so everything that we read in british newspapers is basically from the propaganda unit, which americans creates and kids. and if you don't believe me, it just go down the articles and you'll go to the work of a 100 words down 100. if it was generalize that you're going to hit those 2 key words. so lensky says, and when you read, zalinski says, you know, it's, you know, i was originally the, we, it's really difficult to put this on a circular picture. you know, i, i think the, i think the, your opinions are basically going inside of this. they're getting tired. and then begins, realize that there's a lensky propaganda unit is some backfiring on occasion. because now the real world i think,
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is about an age. this could have been see how much credibility can do when you keep on changing the rules. you keep on a shifting, the, the, the, the power pulse. as far as the issue, i'm sure pronounced that not correctly. you know, um the worry was that there was gonna be a dusty volume. um, let's get even set it even with the cold them up somebody. or if indeed it's good enough to look at this crap because the i a is even there and they haven't seen it so which will claim in the reference of good data. so there is a certain lack of credibility and i think these fake news stories of back farming on the west in general. but how, unless level of social media and then you start protest that you'll just be disappeared, help you know, there's no opposition, george. and just with, with the time we have remaining emmanuel on the chrome, when george and i love following his career because he gives us so much material as a big know now of the ukrainian membership and make a big supporter. okay. so, i mean, it has been explained to me, is that, well,
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in see of the eastern part of the, you know, of the nature of blogs, the polls be the, the bulk of the baltic states. so it's kind of sad and this manage the price big states, but i guess they are. and then another person in the know, told me said, well, the crowd seems nothing else is work. so why do you know how to change his position? wow, that is these know to go george. no, to go. so definitely i know they go with macro this or is you know what he says on the bearing of what he says on tuesdays thursdays and saturdays. so there's no reason to think anything that my problem say uh says sir, is there is the person who is that. 5 that mesa was branded, he's also said that he's ready to, to, to, in, but for some reason he doesn't do so. um and i a day that he used to express skepticism about your brain and made now is the in favor entirely driven by his own political counters. ego means like the every french li defenses himself as on the
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colon and he's no, no exception. doc, i don't know the poland. i think that's more salient as far as germany, but we are the leaders of your because we have this way in your quiver sway in the countries in the east, in europe. you know, we have, you know, they officially grad countries and so on. and, you know, we're now much more important than that. they thing and squabbling bins, you know, bab up so it's full and you know, it is marching as a kind of would be lead out of the eastern europe and the germans who should really put an end to this nonsense are unable to do so because the sergeant schultz, is this the week eric and then yes, and ali and above our cars, our own scientists is not true. extraordinary. and vicious person. so germany is unable to provide any kind of lead where it will go to a map of, i mean, it, all right, so they did kill, i'm going to go that made it. no,
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absolutely not. i mean it's, it's very interesting. it again, we, you know, you're talking about media media generates these narratives. you know, nato is a completely unified and just, you know, it's been a you crate because of the crania issue is a, it's more unified than ever before. would it be just more and more disagreements going on, you know, down gary and saying they don't want it. they find anymore. arms shipments here. we after bombs, we have a very rig, a regular on even leadership of i q in europe. all of it's really low, it's about the i q of food. well for, you know, we're a global mark. yeah. and uh, you know, when we, we have this basic things don't choose to and don't. yes. you know, i think that a few weeks ago, wisdom media was a little cooler bluff on the thing is just based on the table as i get real, we're running the show. i'm just as going to be and i say you'll never hear it was basically a bluff. we've had a lot bluffs recently. you know, nothing was a limits. how many bluffs you can, you can pull off, you know, when you want to, if you want to keep credibility but hasn't been feeling us meeting will be a tony blair,
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but this crazy stupid actual decision of creating this account. so for the books, i mean, it's ridiculous. just ridiculous. no, no, no, no, no i, i know what it is they, they get it, they base service, it will be a little bit better. they'll take care of, lived there, but their color, they'll have their name on the door in boston. who knows, you know, you know, it's old, it's a teeth clean what it is. okay. i mean, they'll be able to, they'll have their own mini bar in their office. i mean, this is a huge upgrade george as of and they get to stay in much nicer hotels when you show up or maybe show bigger. exactly. exactly. and then they realized that i've sold them the again and the characters of the maids or they do live high on the hall gum is mother was talking about they complain about a lack. the 3 of us do not live, i in the hog and we have no more time. and i'm going to say mike, i guess americans and in budapest,
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one i think our viewers for watching us here at our d. c. next, i'm remember across levels the, the kremlin reveals that president who met, including performed in a few days after to get something unique and discuss their faith with them. washington's decision to, i'm sick, you have not only anger's, a host of countries including russia, china and cam bonia,
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