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tv   News  RT  July 11, 2023 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the nato summit, the officially takes off in lithuania, the host nations. presidents have said ukraine is prospects of joining the military . block still remain now savoy each. all. nathan mendez, tongue polk k of with evan, mood, devastating weapons supplies. we have for me to the new parliament amend bucks to insist that security guarantees for most folks would end the conflict of schools
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security agreement. once the cubic feet, they will be at peace agreements developing countries of the global south switch that resides from us soldiers to gold rushes, pop diplomats, safety, american power, and c. it's losing its print keeps station around the world. don't know who seriously discouraged itself is. the main was the currency. the show nissan. reliability has proved that the if the green country, if they suddenly has it designed to punish someone, will abuse its position. without hesitation, the 70 people have approve it killed and which is on the infrastructure and destroyed in the west plaza and getting back paid in northern india the it's 6 pm here in most coming, you're watching on the international with the very latest news from across the globe, and welcome to you. of the promises excuses on delays. nathan membership with main
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still on the list of dream for kids and the face of the landscape please, i'm shifting strategies in the ukraine conflict, members of the alliance. they've gathered for a 2 day summit, st. now is not the right time to accept you frame within its ranks. the message will be posted, the message will bestow into message we will be united from nissan lies. this is a both about the path forward for membership, but also about the most human impulse and practice military support. because unless we ensure that's in ukraine, when this war, i'm just making sure that you can provide. so some sort of information, there's no membership issue to be discussed about cry here, but you must be aware of this if you greenwood me to tonight to today during the conflict it with post them on the article 5 be proclaims, then other allied states would have to help defend ukraine, that would mean more of more details on ukraine's potential natures. nato
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membership saga, let's cost lots, warranties contributes rachel loss and ready to get to see you. well, can you tell us about any tangible progress so far? uh yeah, its ukraine was admitted into data right now, and then not only would it risk of world war, but nato also wouldn't be able to pretend that it was just a healthful bystander, aiding on an arming ukraine against russia. so much for their david and goliath narrative, which would automatically become a goliath against goliath narrative, which really wouldn't serve their narrative purposes too well. and the secretary general stilton bird said to most even at task is to keep the weapons rolling in for ukraine. why? well, it just happens to divert billions upon billions of western tax their cash into the pockets of weapons manufacturers in the west. make sense? when you can see that nato is really just up massive lobby for the western military industrial complex. and ukraine is really just a pre text, it gives them
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a green light to stuff their pockets through emotional blackmail of western citizens who are constantly being made to believe that it's really the only way to peace. so no nato wedding on the horizon for you brain or even engagement. cancel the cage if anyone ordered one that was waiting president stepped in was a bit of a romantic poem, i guess you could say maybe a high to about this toxic relationship between care of and the west. that's not somebody's the amount that you wants to put a situation where ukraine's nature membership comes to horizon. what is that? the more you get closer, the more it moves forward from you. so touching, it sounds like the last line of a really frustrating french romance movie to kind of ends without anyone in the audience really knowing what the couples fate ended up being. well, ukraine, president, barbara zalinski, a former actor himself,
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says that he wants nothing to do with this script. it's unprecedented and absurd when there was no timeframe for either an invitation or ukraine's membership. and when instead, some strange was in his added to both conditions, even for an advice in the ukraine, it looks like there was no readiness either to invite to queen to nato or to make it a member of the alliance. right, zalinski showed up fully expecting some kind of a ring engagement, weddings, whatever, and they didn't even give them why those little plastic ones with the hard candy soccer on top. well, speaking of being suckered, it seems that the state department spokesman also had a bit of a freudian slip. this suggested real disconnect with washington's public proclamations of love for ukraine. we believe the war has been a strategic failure for ukraine. the secretary spoke to this in his speech he gave
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in helsinki last month. i believe it was what that is. i'm sorry sir. excuse me. a strategic failure for, for ukraine. thank you for the direction of which is the above he obviously meant to say russia, but just to manage to get it out despite having a couple of shots out. it only does best and brightest in washington. so there's always the house to settle for some hugs. and some tax on the back to use. well, the key really has to be tongue for nato. what that clown ronald mcdonald is for mcdonald's restaurants, a mascot, and that to drum up business and keep the cash rolling into the right pocket canadian. but none of it is really good for the well being of the average person, particularly ukrainians culture that was on taste, contributing at rachel mazda and many thanks for that, rachel? well that's cost life now to syria is a full on bus, the to take any dial kabbalah and when he, thanks for joining us on the program this evening. it's very good to see you. now
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kids is said, it's a good day, so it's opposed to a few questions chances of joining the alliance for the for simple future. what do you think about that comment thank you all for having me on. uh, the english. uh, well, uh, the illusion of, uh, joining nato which is vertically divided over various uh, policies and approaches including uh, the war in, uh you know, came a, comes at the hills, all of the landscapes visit to on kind of which has actually is parked a lot of anger and disappointment in the 0 could the ability of that to go on as a friend, or a semi ally to everyone. as you know,
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the other one has approved that is also not see as of the fighters to ukraine in a breach. all of the a prisoner of was p o w is exchange agreement, signed the man cut over the other hand which prohibits the, the ton of nazi as a fight as to clean before the war is over. as on a breach that allowed the let's get to take some of those 10 of this back to a clean um, also the agreement of a joint venture to produce a drones fun. ukrainian soil between as little on angela lisky is another unwarranted escalation of hostilities. then comes the illusion of joining nato and the turkeys and their dogs. illusion of joining they are appear in
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union. we have all to remember that the lessons, thoughts by history tell us that you could not accept a mini muslim misstates. bosley as got almost statesman lives in the middle of europe, with a minimum population compared to the over $18000000.00. muslim population of to key if only for that reason took is joining the opinion and will never happen. only a police in our lifetime also has the support of ukraine joining nato into 10 of your korean as supporting took as venture to join the. the in union seems like a child of the exchange, a game of hide and seek game, which could not bear to floats in the foreseeable future. this oil is further
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complicated by vitamins. i'm not sure you should find the decision to supply a limit by the class of bombs to you, agreed to zaleski who's losing the war on all the phones. and this is on, on what onto the escalation of us to lift these woods. could lead to a very serious allegation, the via the restaurant ami um right. and the school to actually widen and deepen the scope of the military alterations in and uh beyond the canadian territories. and the so we have this to day nato summit now. so you are the incredible weather as far as the winter rods. do you expect anything to come out of business? so somebody they could to fix the conflicts on the ground is being so highly anticipated 1000 at this nato summit. what do you expect anything?
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and i do know that out of the countries within nato, that's on hesitant, some odd, even though pausing to actually ukraine joining nato. so i don't think this is going to happen, but i expect that we are going to come with the same uh, all the propaganda and support the statements of basically express. and i did this to supply you could and was more weapons of various sorts, which could only for a long to the well, the lord and ukraine. and so that it complicates conditions the and then the child says for a peaceful that a little got a solution to the crisis. so what plato is doing, what by then is doing what the other members of nature are doing is actually putting the legs can do, could in,
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in the corner force into their own conditions on this board is easy. who has no say in getting what is going and they gain hayes no more than a phone on a chess board being moved by the americans, deputies and others. as far as i know, the united states and jim minneapolis or i guess you'll clean the joining nato at least in the foreseeable future, because the steel clinton is uh, actually in the middle of a, a huge military. awesome. yeah. and that's, that's all i don't sorry about that. that's what makes it sorry to stand, isn't it? i mean, why isn't nature ready to accept cubans? the blog. 8 with this being so many who could statements from the west about as opposed to the need to dissipate russian militarily.
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because they don't want they losing the hoss within nato. well, what can you create in supply need to now, when it is in a economic, military and political, diana states, ukraine is not there viable states uh, in, in, in, in logical criteria at the moment. so what benefit can lift it gives the natal i think nato is already involved in the world. we all know that the americans, the brits and most members of nato, of physically involved in this war and this military obligation against a show which is trying to protect its own p total. it's on historic them that a 3 and a and so i can't see any, any logic in nato, accepting ukraine except to just giving it to photo motor land psychological boost
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. and now they have given, given the fact that to a number of the c 9, the lead the controller and number of nato members and nothing is impossible, but i don't see it likely. and just some of the, i think they will probably give some histone, the motor land, military and logistics support to, to, to uh, zillow, skate. and to try and just to, uh, you know, keep them in this uh, this uh, sort of imaginary world which i mean he believes that if he gets longer them besides, if it gets if you'll have 6 these, if it gets if you a plus somebody is going to in the want, this is cindy, this is products a go. he knows that he has already lost the war. and any military supplies that come to zelinski and the foreseeable future are going to be destroyed. that they could only in the best of cases for a long the war,
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which means costing ukraine motor soldiers more leave military leaders and more economic losses. these are the only likely results of any of this is us would come out of this summit. so many things feel with time today really appreciate your thoughts and your inside the down couple on serious for me on bus the to take care . thank you. we spoke to a frenchman but you were p and parliament evasion. vaughn, who insists said providing security guarantees to most go with and the conflict of schools, secuity agreements on the truancy ground to you. as the of the states they would be at xerox or disagreements. the wisdom about the few claimants the still need in february to do with with the, with the big the sense to become a you have been union member. the see i think the sense about collection. they go
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upset about budget, the ccs, about to 8 activities. and so on and said, if you crave east feed was the spend the sense, is it coming you way not of you quade hasn't been built, you won't be a new job. but as i said, when it was this condition easy, you quoted treatments on the dispute munitions of a week. my know, this is a huge issue for ukraine because when i see the we sent to you, they'll, well, we was 12 display me, the sense that the was for language about which to, to see and to be sent in a minute. you'll see peace of mind then it was new we would expect is it means good limits. debiose limits. we
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just to give you time to create to in full meaning that will be, this may be so you must just put that you left and so on. a son, we say well, i mean we can do a lot. so what was the beginning? is the, the meanest agreements? well truck, but he didn't say didn't do you was legally eating feet by so you do when people say exactly when to expect. i mean, we use the default. does it mean it's got to be minutes? does that because literally changes position mentally and the bill is truly switch from the on the weekends side. so the wind speeds cbp is that's too much. as long as the place he goes, there is key instead of that's the only 2 of them music. um, what we'll do is they want to, we can rochelle,
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they want to have time to shop on you played on eastern bush and stopped up to play . was a doctor told to withdrawal, but they switched rushes for a minute. the line for off paying for the reputation of the us dollar as a global was of currency has been seriously discredited. and make those comments off the holding. folks in most go with top diplomats from persian gulf countries. just as you know, good insights, you know, there are a lot of initiatives that given us some of the direction in which are explained by the fact that the donor, his seriously describes itself as the main was the currency shown is unreliability . as proof that the issuing country if it suddenly has a desire to punish someone, will abuse its position without hesitation because many countries are thinking about how to avoid such influence of the proposals from presenting and present. luna, who proposed to create a single currency for latin america and the caribbean. to discuss this problem at the break summit which we held in august this year, i'm supposed to assess the possibilities of creating
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a new currency in different ways. little experts have a desire to promote the development to be unified payment mechanisms that will protect against the arbitrariness of any external play to open the load. meanwhile, report was suggested, more than half of the central bank swelled, was trying to shift the holdings from us dollars to gold, and one of america's leading investment funds concludes the main reason for that. the president set by the confiscation of russian assets by western powers. if it's my goal, then i want it in my country has been the montrose we have seen in the last year or so. a level says i buy investigates on bank is also worried about cohens geopolitical tensions and the rising us national debt. well, those concerns the thing thanks considering bringing the national was a back home from abroad. the starts of the conflicts and ukraine. the us 1st and a half of russians. foreign exchange was of,
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that's more than $300000000000.00 washes and officials has suggested that that money should be $160.00, as well. besides shifting military assets, the goals countries are increasingly using the national current things in place of a dollar when it comes to trade about trying to announce the india using rupees and transactions with bangladesh to god based banks will ever see the trade with the neighboring country. was around $2000000000.00, so i'm glad that she is currently facing a shortage of foreign currency due to high important bills and the weakness of its own power and see against the dollar public policy. they cannot make strategy. comments hate the crumbling se stays that way, please us economic policies have pushed other countries to increasing the use that own national currencies for trade. so i think, i think it's all about the using the theater guns these as lots of leeway, the issuing country. so uh, i think, uh over the last couple of years and ever since they done that, it was the,
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except for you to kind of say, globally, the ability to use and response, at least the game. you know, it is possible to find out who has gone quite a lot. so i think that's what is pushing various countries to therefore look into the we've got to see. i think the key is getting democratized and ran the democratized daniels, dealing with a basketball season. you don't have to rely on the, on one, just in the case of the spring. so the alignment, 6 nations. now there is news that some of the 20 or 30 got to do you want to join the brakes. and when that happens by, you know, the b democratize, and then what kind of revise and you don't have to rely on the, on watkins important political strategies and not be influenced by issuing a nation. so i've got to see between nations at least 70 people have
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repeatedly died as they was floating in decades. this truck moved in india and thousands of people who being forced to leave the homes and the devastating torrential rain full in recent weeks. the heavier called breaking green broiled slugs again, not been india, particularly the seats of monitored for the age in new delhi, new delhi. the gallons of the country also was marked by which is july d, a more than 4 decades in more than 40 yards. also that the readings triggered flash floods and land slides in the state of the module for these claiming the lives of with these 70 people. in the last couple of weeks i spoke with the parties around 100 houses, also were destroyed. now entrust structure, what millions of dollars or fold down are interesting safe to see the cities not equipped to handle readings like these. what we saw in the last 2 or 3 days was more to logging in several thoughts of the cities, rules, choco, dogs,
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traffic jams, everywhere. so. so people trying to make call they leave from one box to the other by assuming clearly because there was just too much traffic and caused the off task in, in, in deep water, all to several thoughts of the city. so houses, especially drown floors in knee, deep water, all the people are really struggling to pull off with the readings that they saw in the last couple of days. the chief administrative, dandy arvin, kane, she wall. he came out, he told the city officials naz municipality workers to walk round the clock to give up their will on sunday for example, how, but that also didn't help much. many offices really giving their employees walk from home, several schools shop. so exploits really contributing it to climate
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change really seeing that this is an indicator that climate change is not as fragile as we think. and a lot more needs to be done. china is government says that if the japanese also show that was that contaminated by the food, because shame a new kid is also is safe, then they should go ahead and drink it. or some people's things are contaminated. focus stream of water is breakable and safe to swim. and then we suggest the japanese side make good use of that contaminated water for those people to drink and, and swimming. and you, instead of making the international community nervous, like discharging it into the c u. o. previously the, he was atomic energy agency approved japan's plans to dump the contaminated water into the ocean. several nations opposed a decision, including a number of officials from south korea. i you got the gen, i would like to say the i a is conclusion regarding international safety standards is limited to nuclear waste from normal nuclear power plants. now the nuclear waste from nuclear power plants that were next,
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it is crosses how i'm very concerned that director grossinger set in the media interview yesterday, that he would drink the contaminated water or swimming it. if mr. grossi is assured that the focus she met contaminated water is safe enough. i would like to ask if he is willing to advise the government of japan. a water deprives country to use that water is drinking water, no more industrial or agricultural water. instead of discharging it into the c, one south korea's leadership, however, has expressed support for the nuclear war stokes position. but the agencies chief was met by an 3 demonstrations as the arrives and the software in capital of to a trip to japan. protesters said they were concerned about the risks posed to the nations people, apparently, and for future generations. the we them with a, i think the i a e. a record is a trick. does it show some of the jets embassy for japan's book a shame of was a plan from ven guaranteeing any scientific objectivity. so i cannot believe the
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objectivity of the i a e report on this issue voicemail williams. a problem. this is a matter of conscience and responsibility for future generations, including our children and descendants for the rest of their lives. i will be worried whenever i eat, and i won't know it's all right for me to eat this. i think there will be a lot of follow up issues and that's why people are so angry dvd either more than 80 percent of the south korean. suppose discharging the nuclear contaminated water from for be see, man to the see. the one sided attitude of the south korean government, and the ruling party in favor of japan is really hard to understand. that is why i am here to produce the russian parliamentary speaker valentina mazda, bianca, has praise space, strengthening ties with neighboring china, despite pressure from the west to make those comments during a visit to badging question. met with the chinese made this change in pay is done with the lighting store,
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and that's when we say that the relationship between russia and china is a comprehensive partnership. and the strategic interaction. this is not a figure of speech. this has a philosophical meaning. i would say this is an ideology of the level of all computation discoloration has reached the highest level and it is an interesting filter, deepening and expanding our cooperation in various areas, funding teen them up and go went through a number of points that were discussed between at this 8 to meeting of the international commission on cooperation with china's national people's congress that took place between the russian delegation here that of course, my bianco is leading and chinese officials here, of course, at the top of the agenda was discussions on further developing the already very strong, strategic partnership between china and russia. she said it's not just a matter of words, but it's also an ideological task that actually spreads into all spears of russian and chinese society and on an international scale as well. she mentioned once again,
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something she mentioned earlier during her visit, specifically the fact that the trade volume between china and russia is expected to surpass $200000000000.00 before the end of the year. and that's a really huge landmark in terms of russia. china cooperation, she spoke a lot about the fact that russia continues to offer many stipends and scholarships to chinese students looking to study in russia. and there's a great interest in the russian language in china as well as there is a great interest in the chinese language. in russia as well. and she also said that russia, chinese cooperation is not only important for the 2 peoples of these 2 countries, but it's also important for maintaining international security around the globe. now the she also mentioned that ukraine conflict was discussed. she said that russia respects china, is efforts in terms of finding peace and this conflict establishing piece what she
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also called out specifically the united states. she said it was a war crime, the united states decision to send cluster munitions to of ukrainian government, a war crime that not only russia and china have come out against, but also even several members of nato. and she said that there's no doubt going to reserve be what's going to be a result of this. this supply of cluster munitions to the ukrainian military is no doubt going to be widespread suffering for the civilian population there. unfortunately now i was able to ask a couple questions too about in tina mcvey income at this press conference. first of all, i asked her if she thought that bricks would be able to become an alternative tomato. and i also asked her about the nato summit that is actually set to begin in just several hours whether she thinks there's going to be some sort of significant changes in the international security environment. as a result of this summit, in terms of my question about bricks of 19,
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of my being co said that she doesn't see bricks as trying to become some sort of military block. she said that military blocks in general are a threat to peace. she said that a bricks is really a platform for countries that are fed up with the aggression from the western dominated multi polar unipolar world rather. and that bricks is trying to become somewhat of a platform for these countries that want to be more involved in the emerging multi polar world in terms of the nato summit. she said that russia as a whole, is not really expecting any specific results from it. it's not respect. uh, it's not expecting anything good to come out of it, though she said her part about her personal opinion is that nato has only done bad for the world. nothing good has come out of it. and she said that the independent countries, like russia and china, are not countries that threatening the independence and sovereignty of other


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