tv The Cost of Everything RT July 13, 2023 2:30am-2:58am EDT
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cspi the f b i has lost in the norm as the amount of public support. and the equally important, this last support of the, the republican symbols, the house in western countries are exporting, developing nations for their own financial game. those of the highest words of a new presidency for him or he saved during his visit to uganda. a news of western nations and the system of dominance in the world are not generally interested in seeing countries enjoyed, you know, reserves of oil being independent. they don't want to see these countries adding value to their own resources, yet they're very interested in buying the raw materials from them, processing them, and then selling the final product at an increase straight back to those same states. leave any presentable. so do kind of been widely condemned internationally doesn't rise. they also said serrano is ready to help constructs an oil refinery on pipe binding. you've gone to the site mohammed randi who was with the delegation.
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so his thoughts on cooperation between iran and african on the line in such a keen on developing south south relations, especially now that set the global south is on the rise. they're normal for both the ron and these content of sticking to tradition, past century. where that this, the west was the center of attention. the ryans are looking to be much more global . and now that we have the north south for door between the ron and russian being develop can you actually can be a key partner that can link to the link to russia, the caucus it. and i think that the, because of the sheer amount of a potential that exists in u. u band or for example, can yeah. and also as in bob lake, for many of its products from these countries, which are more of less expensive for the run. but also since you run has the
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ability to export to these countries, it's much more preferable than western countries. and of course, the americans, the europeans, will act as spoilers and so little their regional eyes. they are trying to throw a wrench into the relationship between iran and it's, and from the countries and the iran, russia, and other countries have to be aware that the west is unable to do. so. are you going to is the 2nd stop on ebay and raises on tuesday, the reading president's also visited kenya, where he sat down phillips with his counsel pots, and after you've done to the president, is planning to head to as in bob way. iran has recently stepped off as diplomatic efforts and a bits over come west and sanctions on this. we have stuff besides with the saudi arabia and image of geo political shift as a new political unless. so had a saudi says the developing economic ties between iran and african nations, or the potential to the use of local car and see fit respect to this sanctions that
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iran is francy of space. thank you to us cool behavior and their west and the rise. this is something that they run has been shown a team impressed in the past months this and for, for an assessment presence for ac was and venezuela. there was sort of similar agreement signed between the $2.00 price series to use local currencies and turned in the event itself. so their rates and there are fees that you run. it's francis tablet said size based on bulk of car. see, we can say that joint venture is one of the significant options that 2 sides could be exploring and a forced air on has expressed is rather nice to put invest mission in fishery in pharmaceutical science. there is a huge capacity for developing a practical for ration that's added to that. i think um you, ron is also ready to establish that kind of investment oriented ties between
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africa and does not make the public less of this. i'll do be just a breaking news and updates. we'll see you right back here. yeah. we usually think that our tax money is going towards what we want to see. things like new roads updated metro systems, perhaps even better public services. we, we're leasing help. what we don't want to see things like prisoners in jail. but the unfortunate reality is that a big portion of tax money goes towards the system of incarceration and supporting and maintain the lives of prisoners. there are millions of people locked behind bars around the world and while living conditions vary at the end of the day, there's heidi. so is there a solution to this problem? and i'm christy i and you're watching the cost of everything. where today we're going to be examining how much goes into the costs of incarcerating and maintaining
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criminals behind bars. in the u. s. state governments has spent a combined $55000000000.00 on state prison in 2020 for over $1200000.00 people who are locked behind bars. while spending dates state from $18000.00 per prisoner in mississippi, a year. all the way to a $135000.00 per prisoner in wyoming. the average the state spend is $45771.00 her prisoner. now, what are the major costs of a presence, budget? gore correctional officers. the average annual salary for an officer was 534202021. but in high wage states like california in new york and massachusetts officers, megan w states like mississippi louisiana georgia. another factor that determines presence that of the present facilities. these are higher in states with older
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prisons that require more upkeep. and in states where there is a relatively large prisoner population. now alaska tops all of the stays with the highest incarceration rate of $625.00 prisoners per 100000 residents. geographically, the south has a higher prisoner incarceration rates compared to the west or the north east of america at $424.00 prisoners 480-0000 residents. and in total, the bureau of justice estimates that the us spends more than 80000000000 dollars each year to keep roughly $2300000.00 people behind bars. and this includes all of the federal, state, local, juvenile, correctional facilities, and tribe, you know, systems. and even was such a high budget, public presence had become overcrowded as a number of prisoners continued to rise. so like in most, in this turn to the private sector for health. private detention centers are seeing
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as a quick fix to the problem of overcrowded understaffed public presence. and today, privatized sick prisons make up over 10 percent of the corrections market, turning over $7400000000.00 per year. now there is a range of private industries and public agencies who continue to profit from mass incarceration private company to operate prison, food, and health services, and even prison, telecom and commissioner functions. this has bought a multi 1000000000 dollar private industry with things like phone calls, medical care, and commissioner. it costs offers. these private companies offer a correctional solution that prevents the government from having to sinking more capital into brick and mortar of new prisons and other long term costs, such as pensions and salaries and health care for new present stuff, property and cost. but they also projects by, by off and we a, c, c,
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a now operates the 5th largest present system in the us with $51.00 owned and operated facilities. this allows c c a to maintain a 44 percent stake in the $7400000000.00 private corrections market. who recorded 1000000000 studies agree that privatized prisons save money on the balance sheet between 19 to 28 percent. so why are presence such a good business, even though you're dealing with conflicts and punishment? well, to explain more well, bringing the best in the present manager, an author of inmate manipulation, be coded, and connie l e in prison, educational consultant. so let's start with you, anthony. first of all, in what country are present the most expensive? i would have to say probably uh, the united states, due to the fact that we may have a good amount of uh, individuals incarcerated. and then the level of care that we provide to meet their
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needs. and connie and what country are present the least, and the most humane, the least in the most. um say, most humane. i think i may have seen a new z a the netherlands, i want to say, i've seen is most humane. and least i might have to say, like, uh, maybe india, to what did they do differently in new zealand. so what are see institutions is more of a creation of a community of corrections so many of the facilities look like little apartments. there's just a different weight or i think they engage and i believe the population is able to kind of go out and work. so there's a level of preparedness for returning to society. i think in america
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we do some of that, but there is a level of step down and more of a controlled environment. feel like in some of the 3rd world countries, there is more of a responsibility for the families to take care of the offenders. so there are times where, like a family member has to go and make sure they have food. and they have sort of their basic needs met. whereas in america, like that's part of our care process. and anthony, you wanted to add a comment this week. countries like new new zealand will be doing like a integration model. so basically looking to rehabilitate the offender for re entry, which is basically what we obviously do here in the states. but i think that for me the models that are probably the least 2 main or the ones that have least amount of supervision. like i've seen some in central america or south america that don't have, they don't have any staff oversight. they basically do things from
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a distance and they basically allow the inmates to fend for themselves. which to me, are you wind up having facilities that are ran by the offender population as opposed to some level of staff oversight. and now i daily persons are supposed to be used for rehabilitation and reform and not necessarily punishment. but is that really how it works in reality? all right, so i've been involved this system for 20 years. so a level of accountability even in guards to re integration. so technically what we have to do is we have to take our we have to look at the system up based on the extremes of what's shown to us on tv, to pull some political perspective. we're suppose to look at actually how jails and prisons operate. because what you see on the tv could be an extreme that's based on human failure and not what the design of the system is. so sadly, what winds up happening is that model winds up becoming the standard,
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the standard definition, and then they start making changes that are already being done that's already been included, but somebody wants to be the here is how the system works. we, we do have, especially in the states, we do have our education. so we have things that help all the offender why they're in their stay. and then we also have things that prepare them for re entry. so we have models are education, social services, a mental health, religion. you know, we're chaplaincy programs. i mean, i are drug treatment programs on the other thing is also is that we could provide it, but you have to, you know, get them to want to take it. so there has to be some level of accountability 1st, in order for them to admit all that there is a concern. so if we do make a change of change, there's places where they have sex, offender treatment, you know, and before we're able to address their treatment, they must admit that what they have done was wrong. so we know that not just something that you're selling us, so once you get released you,
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you would still can continue to be a threat. so a lot of people may not be willing to take some programs because they feel if they take the program, it couldn't make that they're wrong. and right now they could be going through an appeal. so they don't want to say, well, i'm going to go ahead and take this program, but then if i take this program, i'm planning saying i'm not guilty. so now if i do this program, people are going to think i'm guilty. why some people say, well, you know, if i do take this program it's, it's going to get me out sooner. well, the problem is that the, that incentive most of doesn't work because you're not taking it for the right reasons. so that not only do you have the programs to provide, but people are taking it for the right reasons and not for anything external more from helping someone from the inside out. but in my experience in my 20 years i've seen that work up from the civilian staff and those that look to help to rehabilitate and see. and i know the effort behind it. but sometimes not all the time, because a good percentage of inmates will put the effort to do the right thing and leave
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and never come back. but there are some where it's like just talking to a brick wall and we could only do so much before we have to start saying, you know what? we're spending too much energy on this one. when so we have to start getting to the 20 and the end, but connie's from the civilian side. i'm sure she'll have a lot of insight on that as well. yeah. so i mean, i think that, you know, when we think about incarceration in america, we know that there is definitely a very high rate of incarceration. and i think that sometimes people assume the worst, right? you know, it's easy or mishandled inmate's getting services and the right 8th amendment, right. always respected, right? so they, they are entitled to be if they are in custody, not at in any way, shape or form of receiving any crew or unusual punishment. and so from a civilian perspective, that means if an inmate has a toothache, right,
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we don't let take all day or all week, right? like, are the services that we're always trying to provide? of course, medical, mental health dental. we provide them with meals, we provide them with programming. there are many instances where you have staff for going above and beyond to ensure that the population has access to things that they need in order to successfully transition back into the community. i think that the good news stories are usually not the ones that make the front page. and so we end up basing our, our opinions on what we do see, right. and what we usually see are the negative things that are happening. and, you know, it's kind of like, how do we say, oh, you know, that was just, you know, a bad one, right? but a lot of instances that is it, right this, this is something that happens in this situation under the circumstance. broad stroke brush to say this is how everyone treats all offenders in these facilities.
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what do we, in fact have people who are really passionate about the work they do? you have like a, i want, if i can. so if you look at what's in the policy for the systems, you'll see that the system has a high level of expectation in regards to what must be met, especially related to the offenders care and wellbeing. now having said that, we have people that fail to meet those expectations. yes, but that is that what, how the system should be defined? know those people should be held accountable because you are going to find people that don't do what's expected of them and, and people and do it that way. the whole criminal justice system is brokers don't guarantee messed up guarantee was not doing what's expected. so therefore, the system is still working just can't just gotta be held accountable that what we've done weekly is how these extremes are used them to generally define the system, but then remove accountability from it. so again, g a is, is just representing a system that expects that i will come around and say no guarantee is accountable,
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because there's nothing in the system that told them to deny the inmate of these services. like i level connie said, i ever seen an inmate sitting in pain when you have the facility that's operate in the way it should be operating under was that i have seen a scrambling on the other side of that liability. making sure that we don't a torch and i didn't, we do, i get back in a proper care. now having said that, that still requires strict oversight because of work came out that we had an inmate sitting in pain and he did everything to get called down to medical and do it. people are going to lose jobs, at least by the standards that i've operated. on they're gonna have to have a major excused as to why that they make was not brought to medical and why he was not treated as such. thank you so much, anthony and connie, but please stick around. our experts will be joining us here after the break. and when we come back, we will analyze the cost of aspect correctional practices. we'll have more after the break.
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the european correctional philosophies differ drastically. the prime justification for incarceration over probation or community service for europeans, is to enable prisoners to lead a productive crime free life upon release. the main objective of community safety by rehabilitating and effectively re integrating and re educating the inmates before releasing them. our report found that european countries direct more effort into social reintegration than punishment and practices in germany, and another lens allowed for inmates to prepare for release with citizen. during
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the time their survey, their sentences, their granted privacy and are educated to use conflict resolution skills. this is very different from american ex prisoners that continue to be punished after re entry, european imbecile freedom and rights. but in contrast, american ex cause are confronted with losing the right to vote and difficulties a penny, employment, housing, and public assistance, all of which increase the likelihood of re the china also has a unique feature with the re education, through labor or a system of special administrative detentions sentences under re education through labor were issued as a form of administrative punishment rather than according to criminal law. meanwhile, spending on prisons in england and wales is higher than in any other european country except for russia. in 2019, the total budget was $3400000000.00 pounds,
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which is considerably higher than neighboring countries like germany, a $3000000000.00 pounds and france at $2500000000.00 pounds. now the u. k as a whole has a 3rd largest 91870 after only russia at 519000 turkey at 297000. the u. k also is pushing to introduce longer prison sentences and change release provisions to keep some inmates and present for longer statistics show that the average prison sentence in england is currently the longest. it has been for a decade standing at 19 months with every country having a specific would it be challenging to come up with a global rehabilitating criminal program other than a present for the answer on this and more we welcome once again, anthony ganga. present manager, an author of inmate manipulation, decoded, and connie alley in prison, educational consultants, common present charge globally. so usually most crimes underneath is gonna be some
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level of drug use, not all of them. but there's a good portion where if you really get to this uh, you know, dig deep outside of the bottom of the iceberg, you're gonna find that there could have been some influence with some drugs the. so obviously a lot of our facilities are a, i wouldn't go as far as having gambling on this or, or such, such anonymous. so you're looking at behaviors that are compulsive by nature, where they're motivated more by that impulse than reasoning. but i would say for me, drug use could be one, but minds of drug use is not always a victimless crime because it could escalate depend on their what for that drug. so i know some people think, well, the only hurting themselves, and that's not always the case because overwhelming that that drug becomes their priority. they will sell their children to get that drum, i'm just, it is what it is. so i would say the underneath tone would always be some level of drug use and which it could have led to, um, you know, whatever crime it could be,
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but that's where it is sort of spins out, right? so it's, it's the drug use or a drug related crime. and then there's robbery, there's weapons charges that usually come along with that. there's often times coupled with, like in a salt charge and then you know, as those things start to spiral, then you end up with homicides and such. so if i had to sort of just take an educated guess on that one, i would say typically some sort of drug possession, drug and use is usually in a spiral from there. and do you think prisoners are exploited for labor or are they working for a reduced prison sentence or good behavior, which makes it an equitable trade? all right, so, so yeah, so let's, let's so, so prisons are very self sustaining. obviously we all know that, right? so some states do pay the inmate population
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a certain amount. it's not what you're going to find on the streets. it's gonna probably be very cheap labor, all but then again, there's also cost to reside there. don't forget, you know, i mean, they may only get paid certain amount, but they're also getting medical for free program. it's a free food for free, you know, whatever living arrangement. so i, by the way, you know, system have never even had care for medical or never even seen by mental health. a lot of the times when we're discovering a certain is when they're going through the jail. and it's been discovered by the bible workers all who work behind the wall, like the mental health professionals or the medical. but i, i'm not going to say it's wave labor because there's another thing that's being done here that some people overlook their learning trades in the process. i got food service workers who are coming out with serv safe and you right into, you know, helping out in the food industry. i got maintenance workers that it made to work in maintenance, but then the process, the learning how to be a mace in learning how to weld and then when they get out forklift. so i do think
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there's a balance put in the process why they're working. they're being educated by a supervisor who's like a trade instructor who's going to wind up helping, getting them certified. so when they get released, they could wind up getting some vocational tray, but again, prisons are self sustaining. and in order to say some, there is some labor that we do rely on the inmate population for. but having said that in return, they do take whatever they're being taught and they could apply that gift out into the real world. i, i know a lot of meet maintenance workers that 1st of want to be called out because it's something for them to do. let's not forget that they want to get out of their cell . but then when they, they get out and do them on the, on the best plumber and they get out and they get a job $4050.00 an hour, right from the get go because of their experience working in the, i mean, you know, i, i want to see it both ways, but in my experience, i just find that it does become beneficial if they take advantage of the learning
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opportunity that we saw behind what is being a task towards them as opposed to just saying, well, i'm not doing that, i'm not a slave what? well, it's not that it's your part of a program. at the end of the day, you do this, you can become a mason or whatever it is and you can go out. and i think one of the things that, you know, people talk about in this context also is that, you know, the population has no control over what kind of job they do, right? and so there are limited assignments available. and there's some, some positions where you have to be qualified to do the work, right? and so we may have to pick certain people to do so required. and you have some individuals who don't want to do what's required in order to hold that position or do that job. so it's, there's more, i think detail in the employment process as it pertains to an inmate in prison. i think it's easier to say, oh, it's cheap labor and, and everyone's on that you know, the prison system is benefiting, but no,
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here limits in these are the options available to the population. we have to be able to pick and choose and give people opportunities to grow and to learn, especially those who will be transitioning back into the community soon. because those are the ones who need to be employable, right? they need to have some sort of skill that they've cultivated over that time and that they're going to give, it'd be able to take it with them when they go. so as much as you know, there's a thought that they should be paid more money and all of that. there's also this restitution essentially that is being paid back for the crimes they committed and to the people they've offended. thank you so much, anthony yankee, and connie allen for your time today. while it's hard to think of prisoners as winners and losers, it seems like those incarcerated in europe went out over those behind bars in america, as they're given a better chance at re integrating into society after the sentence. currently there
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are various movements who are trying to follow norway is example of prison reform. norway has one of the lowest rates of formerly incarcerated population, committing another crime within 2 years of release. even after 5 years, it was still extremely low at only 25 percent of the population. meanwhile, this rate is one of the highest in the world in the us with almost 44 percent of criminals release, returning to prison within their 1st year out to this high rate to a plus real factor is ranging from social stigma, taishan and inadequate skills necessary for employment. i'm christy. i thanks for watching and we'll see you last of everything. the 4 minutes. the 2nd overall base holding a 1st come 1st as meeting. let's listen in. i see the house in member of space with
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