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tv   News  RT  July 13, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the, let's see, what else, what was, what was this relationship to the, the, the, not a single point related to russian interest has been implemented. we have made good will decisions to extend the deal numerous times. but enough is enough that the man who can say is russia will expand the blocks the brain deal only if the country's interest so met on the was told that says that the target and also this out the nato is not ready to respect the solvency of other states, this is miguel to many or even the relationship between rushing china is a threat to nato. so dana russell's eye punches on the west and military blow could
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6 to expand its presence on to nuclear griffin, the asia pacific region and the rental range. we have a new and calls have been the leaving, doesn't says we've got the like the a variable in welcome. this is on the international with the latest world news update is good to have you with this check is rooting. policy has stated that on to a has not yet said yes to sweeten the succession to nato, but has agreed to pay the way this comes to sal is off the plot to buy food instead . russia will know to extend the black sea grain initiative later. this month and left the west funded they deliver is on its commitments of us knows there's a way to ask for the conditions on which we agreed to ensure the safety of the
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exports of ukrainian grain. there were closet is according to which russian interests should have been taken into account. however, not a single point related to russian interests has been implemented. we have made good will decisions to extend the deal numerous times, but enough is enough. so what? so i think it's very significant, and i think the context is also significant. so by way of a bit of background, the grain deal for assigned in july last year, the for ships leaving to great fund for in august of that year. and a huge amounts of grain have left ukraine for russia has consistently said that their side of the bargain was held up. whereas the western partners as a, as a cold, i've been failing to allow rushing grain to leave ports as part of the deal. and the deal was to allow, going to lead the black sea ports from russia and from ukraine. and um, this is uh,
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you know, been renewed 3 times by russia. every time rushes registered, its concerns that the deal has not been held up on its side. uh, bottom of food and now the russian side of also said that the un, those seem to be genuine genuine broker and this, what is the western partners the parties to the conflict a new claim which the seem to be slowing things down. so what he actually said was that, you know, we're not against the deal, we're not against making sure the grant gets to where it needs to go. but he also pointed out that only 3 percent of the grain that's leaving ukraine seems to be getting to the countries to actually need a lot of its ending up in europe. floating european markets, that polish farmers have been protesting on gary and farmers about this cheap ukraine. ingram seems to be floating into, into europe. while african countries are still not getting the going they need, which was the whole reason for the deal to be delivered in the 1st place. again, he says nothing has been done as, as part of this deal. and i have no rush as really saying and off is enough unless they're going to hold up the end of the bargain for russia. a rush is going to
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basically calm the deal and there's only 4 days to wait for the context is also interesting. nikki president or the one was very happy to portray himself as the broker of this deal. the green deal. one of 2 deals, which had been doing apparently in, in turkey one being the pc of which a lot of my food revealed recently as well. saying that a deal had been doing present food and also today referring to that that if, if the deal had been held up, this conflict would have been over a long time ago. so the context whereby no president tutors say we've had enough now and we're going to step off now, and i'm the gar hilde's in a little bit unless this deal is carried forward in the way that it was granted as to guarantee the greenwood flow to the people who need it, if that's not gonna happen, rushes now going to draw a line in the sun and say enough is enough. so it's a very, very interesting space to watch and they can kind of ride to the ceo of development . we imagines consulting companies face the world should focus on guessing gray and
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exposed to the developing countries that need it the most. i think it's less thinking about the context of the deal in the 1st place. it was a deal which was premised on the basis of support to african countries if we could take, you know, a lot of that was overplayed our analysis to show that some of this in class, you know, fast slices. and we work specifically for particular picking countries, not the entire continent, but none of the less definitely wasn't pulls in for avoiding inflation. we advice and african countries which they have seen, but it has been muted because of the deal. and in fact, it was the asking you to pass an on the african union for the president of the republic who's technical mackie. so who initially traveled to most go to actually press the piece as well as to press for this kind of deal to be done and tubs it to avoid the war. so be the, the fact that it is being
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a kind of politicized. then whether they're all the aspects not being held up by different bosses. really, this is a real challenge and it really should be addressed. and it is none africans who have being the evidence that there is not africans who happened to been the biggest beneficiaries from insightful. and although again, it was created moves for the african region. so, you know, is this, it is important to we, we think help, and this actually was much better for the african region. whether or not there was a politic violation of it for no, it's no charge for its time. a rush of relations is a threat to us, behaves like a maple, a maniac's us according to rushes for him. it is still low speaking on the sidelines, if the austin summers and your concept the specialized oldenburg said that even the relationship between rushing china is a threats and the to this only prove the urgency of our task of gone through the
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modem, forms of colonialism and had gemini, needa is non threatening to respect the solvency of other states. this is miguel a many which is expressed in no action, so deadlines. this leadership charter is more than 10000 kilometers away from billows. but the sort of deal is right in the fact that the big knack coast of the maitre some is in the list spending and capital are being heard here in jakarta of 1st and foremost. because at that time, it took an aim at 2 major partners off of the a c on the 1st being russia, which at least from a geographical perspective, would be understandable because the restaurant is part of the north atlantic. but they also targeted china, which is worlds apart from where i need to. uh, traditionally. uh so it's uh sierra vince lens. uh, just to remind our audience, the latest son with native, some of them villainous mention uh china quoting times and its communicate
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describing it ultimately as a threat to it's of interest, a threat to its values. that speaks of the fact that nato taken aim of china and possibly draw some of the chinese neighbors and ac on members into it's about parts to contain this, this country. now, here's exactly what i said gilbert. i've had to say about the, the danger of such a policy i shared hosting it with this just the united states and its allies are trying hard to change a scene, a sense of security architecture. nathan mills, the infrastructures are already planning to move to the region, including 2 countries that were invited to the summit in vilnius, such as those 3 of is new sealant, japan, korea. japan, by the way, is already given a signal that it is not averse to the idea of austin,
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american nuclear weapons, or according their own. this is a very serious and dangerous trend. russian foreign minister, all so sad that early in the day he had a series of meetings including a meeting with his uh, chinese coal lake, uh, quantity. they had a 5 ton of diplomacy and they directly, it is cost way. he's got a russia and china could use to counteract what they see as, as a threat from nato for expanding its policies. its influence and chinese representative also commented on the issue. here's what they have to say. okay. and they come to the china, russia relationship is built on the basis of non alliance, non confrontation, and the non targeting of any 3rd party. the relationship between the 2 countries has gone beyond the military political alliance model of the cold war, and has established a model of major country relations, which is fundamentally different from nato countries that put up small circles. so
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many ac on countries are indeed faced with a choice of whether they want to be dropped in into these big power rivalry or whether they want to proceed in the traditional a sound way. and it's just my personal opinion, but i think it's a good indication of where they're going to fall, or the fact that maybe of the asia members also want to be members of the brakes, including indonesia, which is hosting the ac on summit this year is a very influential uh country or within this and try a neighborhood. and the brakes, as we all know, is also like aussie um, is a government on that consensus based uh no need to fear in spaces, countries within bricks and within a subscribe to the principle all far shares or indivisible security. and hopefully that will remain to be the case for days off to windshield
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rate in india have cause flooding and non signs. and the nations move in states including the capital, 90 people have a force or they lost their lives so far on the river as a flood voltage show, no sign of ceasing a it's the he mater for the or talk on essentially the mounting these regions in the india have been the most effective, unpredictable abnormal reading, so to see have goals flash floods last slides and we have the last 2 cities of destructions in the fall. so a few few days in the last 4 or 5 days it has gives around to the people. this is
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in the last 4 days alone ask for local authorities, but it's not just our last life. also, infrastructure was millions of dollars. people lost their houses, new dahlias compared to some of these mounting these region is to fall back into almost over the devastation of that we've seen in the past few days. but what's happening new in new delhi now is that the site, it's not sweet. and as much in the last couple of days, we've seen a rat down in the neighboring seats, for example, for ya know, where we've seen greens the last to home, their dams. and now the river in den, which is the young, are the ones that have full flooded. so blue line arrows and denny, they have completely been in on the did the 8 of the deal there. there's some margin water and people have to have to do that. can wait from many of these new
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line eve as they austin, checked for jams and several thoughts of the cities, especially along the younger river line. we're still seeing that people are sneaking cleaning, their weight was gone. i thought all our things are submerged in the water flood water enter. now house around 2 am. we left the house as soon as the water entered our house. and now wonder where we will go. this is our shop in the moon, the bazaar. this is how we must leave. i'll have cleared my entire store and there's a lot of damage to our structure and products, hoping kitchen, including things up. but the water is coming from all sides. we are facing so many problems here. well the army and n d r, which is the national disaster relief management, which is on the ground with people be not happy with the government's response, especially in places like new daily. and people are saying that there was nobody who helped them to evacuate. they have to really get out of the situation themselves and people are more disappointed because this is really easy. you are
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the phenomenon, the feel of the government should have been better for bad. let me also point out to you that it is a jewish diction. all state governs knocked out the century government to move the government to take care of the city issue. the state issue was but we know we are seeing that people are being evacuated. people up in fulton shows the homes and many bases in, um, uh, notches that he monitor for the withdrawal. com, but also input job in uh, in new delhi enough in how ya know as well. so let me point out here that the seats of one job and hurry on. now be all the red boss feet of india. so what we can expect in the next few weeks, eas, food supply problems, not just for india, but perhaps also for the world. the u. s. department of justice has discreetly removed entire sections on his website that gave advice and information on the issue of child sex trafficking. the original web page version has previously
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been on touch since may 2020. it included 5 sections of fairly detailed child sex traffic and how it occurred in an international and domestic space, as well as child victims of prostitution adjusted to hotman's assets to comb box. these problems, the newest version of the web page is known as bass show. so with a more generic overview of holding to us media reports, preston findings administration has lost track of $85000.00 to michael and children with many at risk of folding victims to sex traffic is republican congressman. but on the pulling a new not has pulled it results of biden's policy. the department of justice specifically deleted a section that implicated the biden administration's open and border policies and correlation to the sex trafficking of children. the department of justice is blatant to move to distance, jo biden's, harmful policies from the global crime of sex trafficking should be no surprise to
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any of us who have seen the bleach and sexualization and abuse of children. this administration is comfortable with promoting. that's what i've discussed this with political analyst on, so making sure and starting so lovely to see you. thanks for joining us now. won't be here. justice department to start fund declined to comment on these changes. so could possibly be the reason they decided to read that to this section of the website. do you think as well, i think it, it plays into what if you're a commentator your analyst just said there, which is that it implicates the bite. administration's open border policy. essentially, you're dealing with an invasion, as some people would call it, but upwards of 10000000 immigrants come funding across the border and these last few years. and so if, as we know, the border is a major way for this human traffic, meaning such as drug trafficking, but human trafficking is now major industry in the world. and so if, if the,
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if the, if the administration's policy to basically have an open border approach is leading to increase human trafficking, potentially hundreds of thousands of not millions of children. but then you've got a serious problem that you have to look at. and so i will look at it as well. it is basically been politicized in a way that the, the justice department is not supposed to be. but we've obviously seen from last few years how clear that the justice department takes a political stand. and it seems to be doing that there's some talk about this. so this new documentary that's been released by mel gibson as well on child sex traffic. and there will be navigations, some of some heavy hollywood resistance that is being sold to this so much we'll take on us. yeah. so, so the sound of freedom film is the feature film i think you're referring to. i don't think gibson actually ended up being actively involved as a producer. i know that he's, he's friends with some of the people, including jim kept the use of the, the, the star of the film and they'll did
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a nice little promotion. but basically talking about how important it is through a social media, you know, to end the drafting of children. and so the sound a freedom of film is, is been a real, a surprise, let's say for a mainstream hollywood. you know, the film was basically shelves by disney when it bought fox studio a few years ago. and it took me, it was very difficult for the film to, to get released. no one in hollywood distributed it and none of the major studios. right. and, and there's, and so to this day you can look it up and people say, oh, it's because it's a, it's a right wing conspiracy movie or something. but the film is really not. it's very, it's very mild as far as any conspiracy is concerned. it just focuses on a real life character, tend bollard, whose operation underground railroad is the, has been saving a hundreds of thousands of children over the years. and so it focuses on some, some real events embellishes it, of course, as a future film does,
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but there's nothing very far out in the film. so you really, you watched the film and that's been a huge success in america. even i think top in, in, in, in a jones and a few nights and you sit there and you go, why, what hollywood be? so opposed to distributing this film, which obviously is, is proven to be very successful with americans. some of the wondered whether that might be a connection that with the justice department actually redacting his website just days before mel gibson's controversial film, a documentary was released. what was he made to the of the timing, especially considering the slides had previously called on the touch screen for 3 years to me. yeah, i mean to get it's, it's almost like they're calling attention to themselves. right. i mean, it would really, it, it was, it was bizarre because at the moment when this film is coming out, this kind of freedom film that's, that's getting the attention of, of the public and the press. right. and focusing on this, this issue of the trafficking of children across borders. and then at the same time, the justice department is redacting. that it's like, are they trying to draw attention for themselves?
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are they trying to make themselves look coworkers? it's really bizarre choice of time. so, and by speaking to you, you've been talking to political on the last time, so make it show and stay. thank you. good ukraine, mazda, this is the u. k. his sons president the legs gave what we saw. caustic reaction when a case of not being grateful for nato's health. but the, so i'm assuming that the lady earlier this week that by during the world's attention to the ongoing disagreements within the blog, he has done, boy went on to say that internal issues need not be as publicly, especially with russia won't change as one of justice but it may be, the minister wants something special, but it seems to me that we are grateful to the people here sits the minister of defense. lexi, do you have a bad relationship with the british minister of defense, a wonderful relationship. so call him and thank him today please. i believe it was suspended by elizabeth will start customer presence and ask is termed when she said that the issue of the morning she will wake up and called ben wallace to sanction.
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but i don't believe that this, our customer is healthy. we don't have to show the russians. doesn't have some, some, some, something between us. well, i guess the crating and bastard of britain figured that would be a good idea to put on assumed and go play the adults and do some damage control with the western press for zalinski. after the ukranian president showed up at the nato, some address like a kid who just got lost, maybe on route to a pinball game. and with that snarky mouse to match shafter, he was chastised by the collective west for being in great. he even made a video afterwards in which he said, thank you, 46 times, just to drive home with a point. it's like when you ask the kid to say, please and thank you. he says, please, thank you, please. thank you. 20000000 times this nato summit. seemed to have the purpose of showing up in western public support for continued transfer of taxpayer funded resources, weapons in cash to ukraine. but instead what the audience saw was the self centered spoiled brat attitude. and the big show of unity ended up being
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a guest that i think american people do deserve a degree of gratitude for from us, from the united states, from our government deserved gratitude for, for their willingness to step up and, and from the rest of the world. as well, whether you like you to know, people want to see it'd be no gratitude. sometimes you're asking countries to give up their own stocks. you know, we're not amazon. i told them that last year when i drove 11 hours to be given a list, that's a good example of unity. it sounds like they're all united against joyce, his attitude, the more whiskey ass like an named great. the higher the risk of american salary and on the whole venture. and then there's also the brits and europeans were bearing the brunt of the anti russian sanctions and the impact on their cost of living. so the whole message of the summit seemed geared towards keeping the westerners paying for this whole fiasco on board by pretending that everyone else is united in the cars,
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even when so many of them had it out with zalinski at this very summit. and why would they want to keep supporting the military industrial complex anyway to defend freedom, of course, as president joe biden set down lodge remains a more global securities. as is bad for more than 7 decades. no stronger, more energized than yes, more united than ever in its history. here, the work of a day or a year is the call. we have our lifetime. where steel furniture are usually will not call her. i promise you, well, nothing less than freedom and democracy are at stake because if they weren't then, well, westerners might start wondering why the heck they're involved in anything way over and ukraine's the expectations for the summit were so massive that you think from the headlines it was some kind of big historical moment taking place,
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but if it's remembered for anything in the history books at all, will probably be for that image of the lensky looking like he was there to deliver a package or to serve coffee. which by the way, he actually did later on and what looked like a scene straight out at the tv show, the office, except with former actors zalinski surrounded by a bunch of 3rd rate, nato bass bins. apparently, weapons peddlers aren't the best method actors who knew it's not like this meeting produced much else other than an increase in the budget for western weapons manufacturing without zalinski, constantly demanding more of them for ukraine. how could nato leaders possibly keep justifying this of seeing wealth transferred to their own from their own people? ask for your brains of storage nato membership. why don't the west want to do that? started world war 3 with russia. wenzel is, he's already allowing them to sit back and play armchair generals while the premiums to the west dirty work against russia and take all the risk
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poses on the baltic. states have violated human rights and harass thousands of non white refugees. as the statement for russia's representative during uninformed will do. and the security council meeting on refugees held it most guys request. so this should what stone god do. in 2022 lithuanian border guards refused to let through 11200 migrants from asia and africa. allegedly, people from these countries were forcibly placed in detention centers for 6 months without the right to freedom of movement. according to human rights organizations locked in and polish law enforcement officers at the border beat. refugees from the middle east, tortured, electrocuted, and said service dogs on them. sometimes even going as far as abducting these people and holding them in unequivocal premises. the russian representative did. now men's words during the presentation we heard about how poland and the baltic
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states have abused refugees, violated their human rights with beatings, torture other mechanisms that we also heard about how italy and re have essentially enabled hundreds of refugees to die by ignoring the fact that passage through the sea is one of the main ways that they are living. now, in addition to that, we also heard about how spain had killed dozens of refugees by refusing to allow them access to it. the enclave in africa. and then the russian representative had specific words for the united states who told out of afghanistan, rather chaotically, and then broke the country's assets immediately afterwards. here's what was said about the us withdrawal from afghanistan and its impact on the global refugee crisis would be you, she has failed to supply. the situation with the migrants from us kind of stand remains egregious. america's withdrawal from the country after
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a very unsuccessful military campaign, which lasted over 20 years, provoked a huge flow of refugees to various countries, iran and pockets done for us to bear. the brunt of this refugee crisis are now sharing the burden with other regional neighbors. the atkins, whom the us clean seemed to be protecting, were hung out to dry, left alone with devastation, poverty, terrorism, and hunger instead of reparations for the damage caused over 2 decades. the asking people now have to contend with sanctions frozen assets, and the humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale. russia assembled a number of experts, top level academics and others to speak on the issue of refugees and migrants around the world. now, among them was dan cabal, a labor and human rights lawyer in the united states. and he spoke specifically about the southern border, the us border with mexico and how us policies are exacerbating the problems of
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people fleeing and entering the united states via the us mexico. border, here's what was said by dan to balk while the us complying to lot about migration on the southern border. it's really the us that has a lot to blame for this migration. for the reasons i said. so i would say recommended the united states to stop supporting regime change operations in latin america and to stop supporting wordpress of military and landmark b u. s. u and illegal to utilize will sanctions, particularly against nicaragua, venezuela, in cuba. it should engage in fair and equal trading practices with the latin american countries. it should ratify the convention on the rights of the child and enforce it, and it should enforce its own child labor was. i also believe that a, you wanted expert should be appointed immediately to investigate the situation at the us border, especially as it involves children migrants who are being horribly exploited
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by the united states. now, it's important to note the us representative at this special meeting. now in which members of the un security council were present, ignored the many criticisms a level on the united states for its policies, but instead focused remarks simply on blaming russia and putting blame squarely on russia's head for the refugee is created by the conflict in ukraine. so that's what we saw at the un headquarters as the meeting took place. the, the firefighter has been killed and 5 people wounded off to ukraine, showed a fire station in the city of go laska sees steve sweeney reports from the see. a firefighter has been killed during the ukrainian shedding, which struck a fire station haven. the city of go long. the attack took place on wednesday evening. it was destroyed to find a truck, the local fire service or in morning for that folder and come right to you. hold on
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. yeah. as a result of an explosion that a fire station in the city of gore live got this one. firefighter was killed, 45 more wounded or taken to hospital emergency services, working extremely difficult circumstances and on bus ukrainian falls is often target them. a so called double type attacks, shedding the same scene again once 5 inches and paramedics arrived the local fight . steve explained the thing just based by 5 on how the service is stretched because of the constant ukrainian shedding of civilian areas for you on the police. and so, so our unit is constantly working under showing while we're saving people and the property of citizens, even fire stations are repeatedly shelves with varying degrees of damage to buildings and equipment, to attacks on fire stations and emergency services. all war crime had this incident taken place in a key eval uh no volved. it would have main headline news in the.


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