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tv   News  RT  July 14, 2023 7:00am-7:13am EDT

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to go to the area of the some of the stuff is fact cation, stats watch on t. the r t comes under fire by ukrainian shelling, while the naked vance is on the battle, ground frames and bass that are to the u. k. for his reaction. when a q journal h 2 should not be at video launch is a rock entry. second attempt to add trees, interests are met and the wes coulton loved it, said the deal numerous times, but enough is enough to think about it the and on with the latest headlines in the world today. i'm fiorella, isabel has come under fire by ukrainian troops in this. she knew to advance on the battle gr reports from the front line, daily and tranquil. now it groans. that's
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battalion come on to the just deeper and we're just stuff. i've seen what credit has been attacked, trying to push back at the russian side for treason because of this morning for all is now 10 so far the striking it's a question he had sent cathy come to see the world we're now in one of of this getting an option to begin with domestic, the navy, which is lot of those comes a parent, had arrived at a bad time and was to have you ever
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since the tides ease to dissuade those months old, fresh sold troops to reinforce we see we are trapped the frog now within like 50 meters. say these, wondering if the next ship conversation, of course still be much longer worth a score coming up. i usually what i got lost the barrel.
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he's the time to get to what window is. we've detected the enemy and will be killed, run them. what was one's now? blas, the desert flood peaks its way through a trench abandoned by rush carrying for cover. again, they break, dropping the weapon, they downgrade me and come on. those will have sent another fresh. what happened to the previous squad for i'd screeching the hughes of not being grateful and now they have to wait here earlier this week, 3 minutes within the block hills should not be here publicly, is watching. the minister wants something special. they should chip with the british minister of defense, a wonderful relationship termed when she said that the issue of the morning she will wake up and call ben wallace to something to have some, some, some, some,
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some defense. well, i guess the crating and bass control with the western press for zalinski after the ukrainian president showed up with that snarky mouse to match shafter he was chest sized by 46 times just to drive home with a point. it's like when you ask the kids assuring of western public support for continued transfer, all was the self centered spoiled brat attitude and the big sure of a degree of gratitude for that up and, and from the rest of the world as well. whether you like you to know it's, you know, we're not amazon. i told them that last year when i drove the against the late fees added to the in great, the higher the risk of american surprise of the anti russian sanctions. and the so the whole message of the summit seemed by pretending that everyone else whose idea of them had it out, wasn't the military industrial complex. anyways, as president joe biden said, as is drawn from more than 7 or more, enter john d sheer to work with a day or a year where steel probably will not call her, i say, because if they weren't,
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then why the heck they're involved in anything were so massive that you think from the moment taking place, but if it's around zalinski looking like he was there to deliver a by the way he actually did later on, except with former actors, nato bass bins. it's not like this meeting produced it for western weapons manufacturing. how could nato leaders pasta transfer to their own? why don't the west want to do for 3? with russia went slowly premiums to the west. there. take all the risk. the only things the less can gain promises through the series. i think some comas, sudden pop, a special council was created for a special logo and especially every now and again when he travels these, you know, i think come to and the west is, is not only a couple of every given opportunity, but it has no cause any real serious and such a it was not, i can just look at what it does around the world. 20 is enough to understand
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a nature when to to defend us defenders of the for us foreign ministers. ahead of them it with rushes for administer our to corresponded oaks on her bass with a very rare of what's there? said gillum ralph m c is america being in the same room but actually sitting on one another separated only by me. the, the 2 diplomats read one another or changes were present and after that couple of during the was spotted anthony pollutions whether he had any engagement diplomat very demonstrative. so i guess the the answer found very curious dawning very similar. sure. and long standing at times how to speak to other by the organizers and the sierra it's uh a tool kit. uh, patterns data. each color is pattern here. meaning now here in indonesia and unity or rather they are warren, as a supervisor by men and women. and lot, it's rather meaningful that i'm at the top american diplomats pad. now the
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main issue on their jobs. recall uh many meetings going to move forward. what kind of pursuing, whether the soap of ac on weight or the differences in the morning is found allow itself to be divided and turned into air force. now, by that i mean, 1st and foremost the united states because the secretary will be award helpful course. if you are responsible, chinese actions or pacific region a right now containing china and observing at is yeah, saturate more regionally without attracting outreach. it with a special focus on counterterrorism. administered that moscow has been providing it's basis uh that that training is being provided by the here in ministry. and russia is looking forward to a continuance side. well, provided that again,
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the chairs, inclusive, knowing the visible security of the countries into a proxy actors for launched a rocket headed to the moon is successful. the mission is room june sharma, with more details. moments ago means moon. and what india ends to achieve is basically a soft 1019 somebody on to launch by the face of the windshield. well, the air cross will land on the moon somewhere in the south full of the moon and sample the moon. i saw the very 3 m. they want to explore the south phone or a really to have made a soft landing on them. and the russian president has commented on his meeting, but lived mutiny attempt last month. speaking to a russian dirt bell in, i recognize the reference on the battlefield, irving including incom, but were made clear that's all days after they attempted mutiny. that right now,
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we can finally to the president during his interview with the russian journalist on the attempt a new n e. the president has also express refills, besides his intentions to meet with pnc commanders for employment today to the commanders. and when asked if the value group does not really exist legally, so there is a group but ition. but this matter should be discussed by the state duma, and the government's post employment options to the commanders including months. but while stating that all of them could stay united and condition, all of them could unite and continue serving and nothing would change rule. many know that when i said this, but pretty gordon who was sitting, these guys won't agree to such a decision. all of this is now we do, but now we even get they have discussed a and see as to what in the same interview, president putin made it clear month unless the west delivers on its committees.
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this deal was originally to do a general as a deal, 800 and the world wish to prevent stress once again, that the ride with cultural products and fertilizer to l. peroration prices the use of finance and investment and the energy section. yeah, on the course countries, english. i have all right, higher volume of shipments from ukraine. we went through the world's forest countries. the rest went through the well fed, but enough is enough to make it. we are now being told to agree to the field. you will think about it all about what to do to because we did the green deal 3 times. the star nations aren't sending enough post panel, right? or the c o should focus on getting green exports to developing them. it was a deal which was feminist on the basis of analysis to show that some of that in fact, you know, finding it, but nevertheless definitely wasn't posted for you. but it has been muted because of
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the deal. the african union for the president mackey. so who initially pressed the piece as well as to be the kind of politicize that aspects not being held up by the basis of a real challenge. and it is none. africans who wants to continue, happened to been the biggest beneficial i will get. it was created new school the we, we think help, and this actually was much better for the average. and we just, we, half of the world's population were on that, that education terrace. people almost also humanities then on education. that's because most, they are not judge to book to the global financial system. according to a u. n report, there's trees with high levels of 259 and 2020. the depth of developing nations has air total debt rising from 30 in 2010 to 600. earlier we spoke with our that developing nations, our of dep, slavery sector general and highlighted the re doesn't what i think it saying is
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what we feel the need to fight to the level of that. if it's easy for people to access that very basic needs, right? if you've got to pay a christmas, there was a distinction made between developed ones. most of the children just do the development don't when service and that's well sort of a layman's terms in key west pass and you'll credit rates against the same thing with countries. it works in the same way. if you have a low, a credit, right? that is significantly higher, but frightens, they've got themselves into debt and we get credits again. the credit is so much hosted that they pay higher interest rates, which means united say read the dollar play when these. yeah, it's a really great question. feet the problem. it's a countries is paid and us dollars flat set lights and how it is we pay for this type b, i am asked. you know, you have so many they will most since i'm loving nice size funds in us dollars for the best smile that these simply means that you need to negotiate with the united that's are up for now step. and then there is fascist, teach anything for the hidden watch, arching and they close. the
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more less offerings that we are told to keep us health equals.
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