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tv   Cross Talk  RT  July 14, 2023 10:30am-10:43am EDT

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has had a lot on his way and his advocates or exported $1200000000.00 worth of good phone medicine and what is too low compared to the the african concepts reset. of course, ahead of the $600000000.00 market advert actually costs if he is launch the limited to $1.00 has to be look into your verse, define signals you're dealing with. you're wanting 2018 onset ross. so it was really, sanctions are not a concert latin america or design ties with the us. so it seems that there is said for its absence, and it was better than those of a line that's all failed ukraine. yet again, pointing the block. it seems that the p is more clear than ever had to thanks for tuning in the the
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the hello and welcome to cross out l. nato fail due crane has no intention of bringing camp into nato. this has always been a trick to feed on russia as the process of getting the news director of the swedish independence, transnational foundation for peace and future. rick davis, as well as host of the miss the winston show on t and t rate analysts. alright, prospect roles and effect, that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always of this summit that was held in bill unless it was built up covered and important things to take away from it. not that it ukraine, made it in or bit what really matters here, discuss peace and it didn't security for all young good. and that is not in the
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because i, i wrote a book about the last few minutes and i went, went through all the docket or deterrence and defense, then security, then it is as population say, post legs is no reflection. so the web piece is not that, and it's not a defensive a lines. oh yeah, the, it's primary mission. this is just to stay in business. that's the same questionnaire because, you know, the, we've always heard they'll be what dogs, apparently the ukraine was not invited alliance. they are fooling themselves in the media. just lie about, i don't think it's a surprise to anybody who's paying whatsoever of making it into nato at this point on a stick. in order to can said that about afghanistan, the goal is an epi, membership and donita was something that they in, in order to justify the continued it initially is really quite amazed in can goes along with it as opposed to lensky and his crowd are paid. people, mike, let me go to you all the allies agree in condition they are farther away for inviting him to be alive. they are farther away than they are into the kingdom and
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ben wallace, he echoed the us saying, we didn't really baffles me. how this was never can see the default lensky just standing on his own completely excluded from. we've been able to agree in recent times, they've been divided over a success to starting more united than ever. you only need to do a very quick google say live explicitly states. there is no checklist for membership, but it does up hold democracy, including tolerating diverse, it's 18. so no ukraine has never had any chance of being in the net. well, you know, it's, that's a very good point because they talk about democratic knowing. so it's very interesting is that they say that ukraine has to win the to become a member. i mean, i don't understand the logic here. yeah. can you figure it out in they tell us towns and there's not a word about peace negotiations and, and political support and good work. so that today are you fine with now in a historical perspective, to look at nato as being in various states. yeah. awesome. everybody in the west
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who knew anything, including birds, who is now ca, director. but last 30 years you can be, you may, you may do expansion of nature, which is a good means war. and now you had a couple of days before the video. somebody never have done what they did in 2008, which was a response. i mean, they just have totally intellectual flaw. yeah. mysterious. it's taken off of youtube, but it is absolutely right according to what one year ago in 5 months. you can't say that holding rock obama on ukraine. i got back there and but all of a sudden the last 16 months. oh, there it is. well, let me, let me go to mr. here here in columbus. go ahead and i think that it is very towing . i think any time that you're not allowed to ask course, again, the machine is very powerful, very strong and very effective. i think a lot of people different. i think that this one from the jump, i think a lot of people started to question it. they may go through algorithms and shadow banning and that kind of thing. but i do think a lot of people, i would need some sort of
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a situations arise and i think that that's what we're seeing now. and i hope that continues. think about this here. so let's say hypothetically, ukraine wind. so if you could crane most likely will lose this work. why would logic of any of this here? go ahead, mike. you know, none of it makes sense as those goal pace keep changing. i think nights um ukraine would have to retail the territorial integrity. and if you kind doesn't succeed in 21 board is then into the conditions. as i understood then what's board is. so you obviously your eyes in distress about this expansion of direction. an x is an actual order. then we had these goals 0 in finland, being another encroachment that'll give you credit and then suddenly it celebrate himself in the foot. no, you've actually justified who has broken his promise as has been stressed it to go, which is margaret savage east? well, a future of nato, i'd say, to break walter, be a member of that alliance. russia will there now young a very clearly in the treaty that the, into what they called pa a part, you know,
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know, they are thinking now planning interest and extremely important point. is not in the photos with activity outside of the 99 added. so load, hang on, hang on. we got a hard break. we'll continue our discussion the sentence and i'm here to please watch my new show so you won't get anywhere else. welcome to playing weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 change, and whatever you do, don't think because i'm probably going to make you probably don't wanna watch it, because it might just show but for the mobile $1000.00 euros. cuz i merely watched here this, leaving just totally opposite, opposite nature, little spot for the jobs. i'm older of as territorial integrity in sovereignty, u. s. n d u is cons candles. the training kind of the culture manager were
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discussing the nato summit. the a right before we went to the break i was talking with, keep rolling, go ahead from the bombing of you. it has done the thing and then they did not in any way in with the, in it's treated un charlton base. papa is but is optical 5 if i could find that that the fact is that each breaking actions and i would a solution that loops change or more years than others who would look into. and if you ask me about the future, it wants to go global by means of pi popular movement in the west. another country is that, well, they're numbered. it's going to a separate strategic extra opic bit to legalistic or anything like that. but you, there's always this talking about artic. everyone should read articles. one of the treaty polls cannot get involved, pers must use diplomacy in the ghost of 1st article. and i mation of their own. um,
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uh indeed, yes. and i think that it's that out loud, because it's, it's true that it, i hope that have yard for nato. i think that nato has its blush, and we're, as we're seeing, it seems as if you may be correct object defeat here. and it is going to for the direction, for nato, and with now i think that there's probably a little wiggle around in this situation and make it, uh, you know, it and, and kind of save face for involved. there's no way for them to back out without looking silly and i think just trying to figure out how they can make that play without you know, making both of them single room for the med shouldn't even say at the agency. i'm going to tell you what they get to say center parents, we won the that's exactly, that's the, you know, room like, you know, you know, again, they were pretty on the conditions when 37, yes, they're still around. again. i thought that what, what did they have to do with me? what i mean? again, this is another fiction here to sell to people. let's go ahead. might i just did it with these economic cabman discussed such things. so it baffled me with said or i,
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if we don't get nathan reassurances from the g and e in regards to that school, the security guarantees it doesn't matter if we're, if i'd like to ben wallace single, we don't want to import war into the lions that happy to attack russian facilitate the death of russian soldiers, but they don't. whether it just gonna line up take photographs and pop each other on the back and lots of dioxide as far as i can tell. well, it absolutely sure. and all of this nonsense they like to talk about here. that is a veteran usually follows that. it's gonna follow this one for sure young prism that to use somebody with one to lean your to link to do your tablets phrase folding down your hammering on. and then finally, the one we said we have a statement from mrs dalton back in the direction that p is u n o s c mediated mediation, et cetera, to me in this world. and they certainly don't do it because they have 12 times more military expand. it is not to waste money, but salt land. do you know that we're going to live in a multiple,
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our human rights, etc. i need for the u. s. and it's french american countries in the future world, or 50100 years from now close to bonds as an example of it. when you need to interviews possible, i'm seeing it. yeah. well, missy, with the act of desperation and, and i wouldn't put it past. it's all about maintaining had jimmy rhodes ukraine. is this the example? okay. ukraine. they don't. at that. they're young, young men to be killed. yes. a 100 percent. i'm so glad that the word respiration was used because that is exactly backed into a corner and you're absolutely right. or government doesn't even care about the people in his cannon fodder. many people in a high level, high positions of power set it's, it's a very brave and bold thing for you to people of ukraine are going to sing and it's people, as you know, oval. and so i think this is for sure and active desperately, when you said the governments here don't care of. okay, and i, i, mike, it's really interesting how this lensky, i think they were a little surprised because you know, you say i've done it or, sorry,
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you're not the time. i. yeah, smacked by again. ben wallace say more often, subsequent tests than 47 times been as well. it would be to crazy and is, is to just add in a statistic that i came, that goes by cluster munitions have been on not effective on the buckle, is desperation to keep this fight, get $24.00 elections. i think the likes of jeep this going to 2024 and tries. and that's where you you chris, for what us, paula. take 1st for what is the national interest for year? yeah, and i'm glad that mike brought up was given the nature of the reason, i really worry that these groups around the world. okay. they're not as young as well. then all the time is bumping in weapons. yeah, i mean, you talked about the split function and the cost of on site pinion about that, like a lot of ownership or leaders. and because if you look at all the way or finding the seems to be, we'd be surprised that if you would create a new lead because you might have gotten wrong here, is that the confrontation and sanctions and being
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a behavior and work of foreign policy. i'm, i'm, you was an, i say that that was a pass in the soviet union has disappeared and that was the place on their club that today on the on lines is only one thing, an expansion. it has not really, i don't know, but it's not useful for the future of the world and, and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and next time, remember the just the week monday was the way and i will put some of these up on most if you need me when you get this in the
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selling while building on the front lines in the loo gone square pence that also this our 3.
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