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tv   News  RT  July 15, 2023 3:00pm-3:28pm EDT

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in the the, the attempted terrorist attack on the russian civilian and that's how most of the costs of policies editor in chief montgomery this among young journalists concerning yourself. because of your claims name. christina model, serious behind boss by k us for at least 30 days. and that's all that he wasn't able to pay $900000.00 in failed us. the indian prime minister arrived so the you a to boost your daddy's ties with it, with the rich golf country by signing an agreement on trade and national currency.
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the hello and welcome to choose 10, 10 pm here in middle school, when you're watching on the international with the very late as well as news updates is good to have you with this. now i top story this, our russia high school b foiled assassination pull and targeting all these editor in chief margarita simon young journalist. because any assault chuck can attempt to terrorist attack, as well as the suspects have confessed to working for ukraine as we're talking about yet. another attempt, it's her attack on russian civilians organized by the key of regime, which was carefully supervised by western creators. everything that is happening shows once again that service nature of the zelinski regime, which is responsible for a whole series of terror attacks were unlikely to get the reaction from specialist international organizations. pathological hypocrisy has long been the political
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tradition of the west and liberalism and his unconditional sco code has detain. 7 suspects involved in the assassination attempt. 5 of them online is below the age of 18. they'll be kept behind phones for at least one month as the investigation continues. earlier, all tease shapers took my colleagues fairly isabelle through the details of the plot. a. it's a same plus uh, you know, a very disturbing revelation of yet another what amounts to a terrorist attack on russian services and the f, as b says it's detained in raids and relays on and in moscow. and we actually now have a statement from the 1st view in the course of the investigation. the detainees confirmed at the preparation of assassination attempts on behalf of the s b, u, for reward of 1500000 roubles for each murder. the investigative committee of russia will initiate criminal cases, aggravated by extremist and terrorist motives against the detainees. it's
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a significant plus that they maintain that uh these individuals have been offered significant cash rewards for each chilling. again, i know the echo of the cynicism of this assault on to on arm defense, this women a k 47 rifles a or really for me at least an individual i for recovered a lot of emulation and a lot of the power flags function cycles type of uh, equipment, paragraph, 8888 being a reference in nazi parlance to heil hitler. and we actually can have a look at some of the footage of one of the suspects that has been captured exclusively on the physically to. but unfortunately, i created the new nazi group, paragraph $8.00 to $8.00, after which i conducted the secure to service of your crane. who put a police, let's was put on a face after that received orders to kill mercer and we conducted reconnaissance for which we were paid $20000.00 roubles. and let's be sure to go then secured the agent. there was a k one. 05000000 roubles and cartridges for
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a collection for sold, trifle buried for one murder, but would have received 1500000 roubles. we know that these individuals now had been conducting, again very dark at a news for these individuals to hear that they've been followed to their homes, their place of work, senior subject, a high profile russian, a journalist. she'd actually stood for president in 2018. so quite high profile, of course our own margarita, simon. yeah. the editor in chief of r t i colleagues here. and she has been targeted as well by this very a nefarious plus and margarita somebody on has actually issued a statement. also, it was really beautiful as a federal, was this not the 1st, but the 2nd attempt to write it in the past in the 1st probably came as a shock because it was the 1st time. at this point, i'm already used to be there like a head in the field who's constantly being chased with a gun. and the most unpleasant thing that i want to see is that things worse than
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this. shame is worse than death. between them is worse than death, leaving with the feeling that it is worse than death. and the hope that these people who have been arrested on time this and have enough time to make amends and start their lives. and, you know, we know, at least uh, these, the prosecutions on the anti terror law here in russia has been opened against the detained individual. this seems like an escalation, but unfortunately this isn't the 1st time there have been several pair attacks against the russian journalist and prominent figures. why do you think they're being targeted? yeah, well i mean, of course, when we look at the context of the events in ukraine and in the wider sort of western world, any, as you know, defense us. the reality is, of this conflict who began it, where it came from, who was funding of the cetera is going to be challenging. unfortunately, some people who descended from the narrative and had different views of actually paid with the lives diarrhea due gonna the daughter of prominent russian philosopher alexander, do been killed in a, in
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a hushed year of london petoskey also killed in a targeted uh, you know, assassination and st. petersburg again for his views again for a platform and get this sent in view. and of course the, the latest person to have been attacked as a her pre lip, and it was named in a another horrific car bombing. his driver was ill. luckily mister, for less than now is a covering. but again, this just display so dangerous a time. it is for people in the media who decided to tell the older side of the story and how the west is essentially turning a blind eye to this. you know, i'll a car to morality when it comes to. uh, their guardians, are freedom in ukraine. it seems there's no crime or a terrorist attack that can be carried out against russia, or supporters of russia or dissenters from the narrative. you know, and we know how deeply involved in the key of regime in the prosecution of the war . the funding of ukraine we know to be involved in my 6 is the c i a,
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we've known that for a long time, a journalist have looked into this and it's been recognized. so to suggest that the western intelligence organizations don't know what the s b was doing when it comes to prosecuting targeted killings on russian. so finally, on this occasion, it fail due to the work of the security services press tv corresponding told us that while jonas carried out by 2 of the democracy values really are designed to kill jones. that's a clear. and this is incredible, this fast, which is very easy to criticize the concerns to physical welfare and is learning the
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style of the democracy over entirely toner and journalist government. and it's just a simple story. it was found elections. now the job and the income is of it. so i know the time the time and these are really do so that's, i think it's just a matter of time to learn to every time to to rely says don't kids clock down on the orthodox church and ukraine now as the head to all the kids to chose can offer, has been placed in jail for at least 30 days of his failure to pay a $900000.00 bail metropolitan pulse as he's being prosecuted for his face. yes, miss susan, i do not agree with this decision. the judge has shown that she is under pressure
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from the people who are interested in this. i don't have 33000000 who are even now, unless the prosecutor can pay for me. i'm being prosecuted because of christ, the church and my face before being jealous and have a handed over his cross on toilets. shouldn't have been under house arrest since april. he has, has accused the cloud. you might have just justifying washington question and then slicing. religious hate charges which the metropolitan denies. meanwhile, ukraine's parliament voted on friday in favor of changing the dates of old folks christmas christmas from january the 7th. to this, i'm going to want to crack down on the religious institution sending from a december 2020 to bill, which advance the ukranian churches activity the
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the size of the metropolitans fail rate his questions about k as legal system as the coachman bone, dis, $33.00 times higher than that of a suspected child traffic. a dentist for ro day at the end of june for already was detained as he attempted to take it 11 month old boy into the you to sell home for $25000.50 of which was to be given to the child's mother. earlier. this week, it was reported that he pays because have a $27000.00 to secure his release as of $800000.00 less than the
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metropolitan. michael told us that such contrasting treatment shows the truth, face of ukrainian justice system to the court. a showing that its true consent is that this is michael richards, larger than the funding imposed of the bail imposed on a child. the actually dream is more afraid of the presence of the metropolitan freedom because he acts as a symbol of resistance against the to be effective knots, civic cation. and that is what we have seen within the creation of the soul. tablets of church act to the nazi ita and you claim. so having him removed from having his freedom removed and him in prison allow use, effectively a crew to be, you know, from lived within the, the ukrainian church for more of the, you know, the traditional last at august church which is the majority to be removed from
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their possessions and for various changes to happen to the left optical calendar, which would realign the church culture to leave it with the west until this old to be done whilst metropolitan pavel is in prison. would mean he would have a limited capacity to act as any form of you know, lucas, of resistance to lead people to resist the changes are being imposed on the orthodox church. the past occasion of your claims overlooks to just become a whole topic of debates, not only in ukraine, but among conservatives across the world. when we us vice president mike pens was grilled by ex folks. news. hope talk a call state just on the issue, go to our website or to dot com, where we analyzed some of the former tv hosts claims that if washington wanted to make ends. the goal in ukraine nights, the india i agreed to strengthen the use of the national current
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season cross border transactions. as, according to the memorandum signed 5, both countries, central banks during the indian permanent indian employment as to how talks with the you, a president on zeus, and you can only corporation and the energy and infrastructure sectors. according to a newly signed agreements, new delhi will make payments and rupees for oil along all imports from the gulf, states, from industry moody, high line to be strategic importance of cooperation between the states. as my last little trade between india and the oil ritchie way equals to reach one hundreds 1000000000 dollars landlord south already was into sub place as an investor in the indian economy. meanwhile, india essential bank that has issued a report containing funds to decrease the us dollar shot and global trade. and the global south partners, samples are taking steps towards shifting away from trading in dollars, doing international finance, on trends on using the chinese you want to pay for oil imports from russia. and so is neighboring pack is done already. this is saudi arabia,
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a top oil producing nation officially agreed to trade crude oil and non dollar payments off the decades of being pegs to the greenback. come most about india is full, not foreign secretary on basset essays, new delhi is said to be moving towards the dollar lines. ation with results. so ready evidence a farm. but as the other, they made a statement to the effect that the india will be indian, govern, see in international phase. and we find that, for example, an agreement on unified payments interface system will be single and be now assigned with the you a. we have time to do that with more and more countries we have signed it in a very limited way. this has been the agenda for a long time. what is called the doctor that exists and it says long term agenda. i can't be implemented the overnight. no. but never the less steps of being digging and not hopefully talk about deed or regulation. because that has
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a much larger political meaning, uh, body of the effect on the ground. we auto the dollar system and stepped into the national currency in international trade. we've got a great trade at $85000000.00. we've signed the comprehensive economic partnership agreement with the how would that be? and we now have a dog at all for $1800000000.00 in a few years. and it'll go beyond that. so there's a very strong people do people of bond that we want to capitalize on. and in fact, it is not all of that. what we've done with the u. e, for the eventually replace the use of this of system windows and go back to the 2 countries form and they close it, accommodating policies, all the trading in was and did ends. and having this unified events into phase operating effectively on the go be a way newtown boss of the to russia has called for the creation of an alternative
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to the dollar within the framework of brakes as well as the i c r, which iran recently joined as it seems to me that we should move towards using national currencies or creating a single currency between like minded countries. for example, within the seo or breaks. these are major organizations. they have a huge economy and surely moving towards creating a single currency aside from the dollar going to beneficial to our economies. we think that, of course, we need to decrease the level of our dependency on the economies of those countries that to so to speak, use their currency against other people's, against other economies. there are no reasons to use their currency and have been ongoing. a long breaks man, popular ways of current state administrative. so when a permanent, well it economies and now trading using that own current state is increasingly doing business and valuables on to one india and the several arab states on now also using alternatives to the dollar and mutual trade. let's discuss this further,
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shall we less plus live to. so it is not a professor of political communication at the university of toronto. many thanks for joining us. it's good to see you this evening. so a breaks power and see is the topic of discussion for quite some time. now, how do you assess the latest comments by the radiant on both of them? as you know, as you report as you're on is one of the criteria, is that safe for us? in making sure that to us attempts to recognize that it is going to face. and i think that's important, not just for you, but, but i do get to it of us agents. i mean, they're part of the world. and because of the consequence of us government's use of dollars to that you find policy gloves, even the country is not confronting the united states, realizing the fact that the sooner the alternatives to dollars the better
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everybody in the world would be. and that's why you see countries like india, n u e that so that's the confrontation of the states of trying to use their own kind of season stay. they not only from the dollars, but also the sifting system which is controlled by european and american governments. and an ear the alternative to the breaks kind of see is the all countries as you know, a talk about the big kind of breaks currency. ready has been, has been announced, officially it's going to be backed by a go and dollar is not back like was it. ready the last time you thought it was, the goals that kind of see was in the 19 seventy's, richard nixon ended that policy. and if that happens, if you have a card and then the all the people who are investing in gold would be accepted to
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that kind of see because they've kind of see what the interest gold doesn't create interest but, but the kind of see what. so there are lots of effects just to look at these alternatives and not only put those bases, but so kind of a space i'd be able to go the next break stomach coming up at the end of the day. how much of the conversation is dominated by this tool? cuz the other breaks car and see which countries do you think are really at the forefront as of pushing for this? uh, this idea of a bricks, currency. you know, the announcement came from russian officials, if you the, all the russian duma announced that some months ago last week. i don't know if you reported this or not, but that speak as the sign card cooperation organizations, annual meeting. the chinese analysis measures to make sure that the cause courtesies of use among member states of the child quite cooperation of is
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ation eat on doing the addition decently. and also the chinese government announced that does need to establish a development shank high cooperation of those ation. s o n is given the fact that china and russia on both ends breaks. i think. ready these 2 organizations that are going to look at time to time to make sure that the policies of the united states is precious independence. countries is going to fade more than just current, say actually happens, it is implemented. what kind of an impact would this have on the world? according to me, what would be the most significant ramifications that we would say? as you know, 1st of all, the members of these organizations, big countries, even as you know, is interested in joining briggs. psycho cooperation organizations as
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a number of inputs and countries as a major fe is that they are going to benefit by using the look of kind of this is staying away from the pressures that come from using the doctor. so that's, that's one change. that's one benefit for the member states and none member states a trade in, but russia and i'm not members of these organizations of countries that are trading and training. i know not members of the servers ships, it gradually will realize that using a engaging in a comic activities using local classes with members of professional association. is it going to benefit them economically? not just, you know, this is method method just to love us visiting us dominance, but it can obviously, it would be beneficial for these countries to
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a stay away from the dollar given this not tradition of the off the other. and the fact that between decline and if you rely on the kind of see of the country that's in decline, that's not the best obviously in the countries or the other. i think that's it. so you're going to basically see, to the extent on the system in the world as we are moving towards the multipoint as well in the rest and countries and what's going to be in the global south of the majority of, of different suzanne. so i think an interesting lots of wash fluid has audi profess off, and it's got communication at the university at the wrong way. thanks for your time . appreciate there. this is the question of south africa and presidents have discussed a number of significant issues regarding bilateral relations on global affairs t's . no, no. julio conditions more lies on what was on the agenda during this phone call
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between the 2 leaders ahead of next month's brick summit. and johanna is back to the level. was that african please? is the pause that has been confirmed that the conversation was based on the blacks . the great deal and an african piece initiates, are on frames, plays, and puts in that has reiterated to so i think a place that i'm a whole set back to commitment and all of the exports. and not using the highly likely that to be able to discuss the break somebody to which so that's what that is hosting in august with the presence or the absence off, placed and puts. and it has become an extremely, i'm quite so crucial to pro, match it. and legal conundrum of this, of course, following the risk warranty issued by the international criminal court to against president could say that that has been a lot us did use that the bids could happen visually. but present been the cause.
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the has made it to us that the summer to will be how to live at in person. it is us. this is sometimes i have all the years now the government heard, i'm a, a announced that was seeking some sort of legal solution that wouldn't allow it to host the present person, but also not violate the obligations of the icing. see which a lot of people, including divided and restriction, has been sitting. so that for go, has been doing. there's also been reports that it will make because at aust, i'm the 5 and the ministration to punish the last week for what it sees as the country supports to offer russia. and i must say that this is definitely something back to you as soon as it can stay like so. laugh because ross is growing is was
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the, is the last week. cash that has become a big the wisdom countries. and is they a propaganda? and did the magic, if it's a to gather some sort of drifted between russia and so that freaked out have not to be helping. and the house failed the number of times. and south korea must have landslide. some slides have left at least 20 people that the government devoted thousands moved to evacuated from the homes. 3 days of torrential rains on the korean peninsula. having the state of a significant amount of damage and casualties. according to government reports 23 people have died. 14, i'm missing, and thousands will have already been evacuated. these numbers could rise further as more heavy rain is expected on slides, a hand during evacuation efforts by preventing trains from assisting with the extraction of civilians. i mean, the raging military conflict and rush just on the boss region. some locals are
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finding ways to carry on within normal lives. and the town of shuck tools, good children are taking up sports like kickboxing with the help of a 9 times. well, champion of them and so i tease that, steve sweeney got an exclusive tool. if the training grounds were new stuff up on the sports is important for health and wellbeing is a welcome relief to the diety, bombing and shedding, have been done, boss. some of these children would have lost power, and so even siblings, many will have followed those fighting on the front line in defense of the homeland . 9 times kickboxing will jump and boost and bump to dana is holding a special event here for the children of don't boss. also warm up exercises the children don't the protective putting them books in god's before being put through that paces in the ring groups and explain why he organizes events and the importance of the children. this training is important so that our children are not sitting in apartments or basements with their phones and the internet. now, all the children are busy with themselves. parents are at work,
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and now it's summer holidays. children have to engage themselves. and in order for our children not to be bored, not to sit at home, we whole training in the summer so that children work physically and as a team. our children regularly come to the gym. they do not miss their workhouse. and this is what i'm getting to the children. and when i see that they come to my training sessions with a smile and a desire, i understand that this is what they give back to me. his assistant, who was once a people explained how important kickboxing has been to him. i'm also mean for the children for me to books and days, which i have devoted to my entire youth and adult life. when i started a family new and believe that i wouldn't become a kick boxing coach, i'd like to raise children. i like to help them grow. i think that with the such a character as our children have with the difficulties they're going through. that's how future champions on board through hardship,
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they have good mentors to help them. so will the children seem to enjoy the workouts, but any of energy with smiles on their faces. they work out with punch in bags and also training in the past when they're not a go. we can do pushups here, have a rush to know something, a volleyball. sometime i've been doing quickbooks, and for 4 years now, i trained to protect my parents. my loved ones and my future children, today's event wonderful joy and happiness to all those who took part some movie and spot to take up. this fault for.
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