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tv   News  RT  July 17, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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all i need from national regional needs, national regional needs such as the pro. so look at that, and i to him to jump to the you know, which especially when you sign up with the much see a little good. the workstation and much stated at the, the, the, what the condemns. are you putting in the word i talked to on the fly me bridge as an act of terrorism wasn't killed the mother and father i left and then told the severity in did the says negotiations of the black sea going deal, which is due to a slide that they haven't broken down. okay. i think he said it was, i'm willing to renew the agreement if the weston bill is commitments to the process as it will no longer guarantee navigation and safety in the event. see
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another great. and you, under the coordination center into care will be dissolved, the every will welcome to you from the inside of the international new seam coming to you live from must have, let's take a little bit. hopefully this out. we saw a top sweep bush, a has a choose you, great of committing a terrorist attack on the climbing bridge, killed a mother and father i left the door to so they the blended investigators have opened a criminal probe into the over 9 at the preliminary findings and be gauging the cleaning special services. the rest is a major transport route, connecting main that russia requirement in peninsula correspondent don't call to discuss the incident with my calling unit. no new audio. we've now got official confirmation from both of russia's investigative committee and russia's anti
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terrorism committee that this was, in fact a terrorist attack carried out by key ups forces using drums. we also heard from the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman actually, maria's har, about who echoed the findings of these reports. she said that the key of government is a terrorist regime propped up by the u. k. and the us, today's attack on the cry may a bridge was carried out by the key of regime, which is a terrorist regime and has all the signs of an international organized criminal group. decisions amazed by ukrainian officials and the military with the direct spots dissipation of american and british intelligence agencies and politicians. the united states and britain are leading a terrace state structure of these statements actually came not too long after the 1st train. uh, since this terrorist attack took place successfully crossed over the crimea bridge . and actually we've got footage on your screen right now. that was taken by one of the passengers. and one of those 1st trains that were able to get over the crime in
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bridge. and what we're looking at why this video is significant is because it seems to confirm what the russian transport ministry was saying about the fact that only the road on the bridge was actually seriously damaged. that's despite reports earlier going on that unconfirmed. of course they were saying that there was some sort of critical damage made it towards the foundation of the bridge. so now we know that the, that was, these reports were inaccurate. now in terms of what people were saying around around the time of this attack, ukrainian media actually was earlier before these official confirmations came out. your brain and media was saying that this indeed was a ukrainian attack carried out by drones. they said this as well before we got official confirmation that this was a terrorist attack from the russian authorities. but we also heard the head of the crime in parliament actually accuse ukraine of just exactly what we've heard of
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these official statements as well. he said that this was a ukrainian terrorist attack, especially because of the fact that this bridge is essentially a civilian installation. and it would be the head of the crime in parliament said that there is no way the ukrainians would not have known that they would have been exclusively civilians on this bridge at this time in the middle of july it's, it's a peak holiday season. monday morning, people coming to and from the crime in peninsula i really popular tourist destination and all not perhaps we believe to holidaymakers. we can't confirm whether they were on holidays, but we know a couple are debt. that's correct. unfortunately, we have official confirmation, specifically from the governor of russia's belgrade, reaching out to people were killed. they were a couple, a mother and a father. and the authorities are trying to get in touch with their relatives, not just to inform them of this unfortunate to this tragedy, but also the fact that another tragedy took place, their daughter was in the car with them and she was injured as
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a result of this attack, she's right now in hospital being looked after a by doctors we've actually read and reports that she's not in critical condition, right? in middle middle condition, there was another attack in october of last year, where like you said, the ukranian authorities did not come out to confirm it. it's only after the following months that we started seeing ukrainian officials, ukrainian media personality is coming on an essentially owning up to the facts that they carried out. this attack essentially couldn't be denied exactly. everybody was completely undeniable. and their justification was that this was some sort of military target because they claimed that the russian military was using this bridge a to supply troops in the crank conflict. but i mean the only people who died in that previous attack as well were civilians. 5 civilians were killed in that terrorist attack. and again, we're seeing 2 people civilians killed and another young girl, unfortunately injured as a result of that. so it just looks like, uh,
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it keeps after this bridge and they're willing to go to any lengths to destroy it even terrorism, it's quite man. so he said quaint conductance of the services act to the effect of tension away from its recent fate is the native summit. it's capital offenses in the us. what is the latest you decide to attack this bridge? to shift the focus to what happened to failed nato summit, the pushing one step away from a block that it developed. it's n t rushes strategy where there is less and less room facilitate, excuse team. they're also no accomplishments on the front line, which is very bad for by the domestic and international agenda because they seem to have been given enough for weapons, but they don't know how to use them and it doesn't work that way. now they're happy that they manage to damage the bridge guided by the logic that give us more weapons and we would she be even more in order to stay in political power and maintain the support of the people? it's necessary to fill the information agenda for this some kind of events needed, in this case a terrorist attack. thus the terrace nature of the zalinski regime. but let me
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increase, which is a big challenge for rush and crime in the terrorist act itself is complex to matching drones that go through the entire black. see, this is technically nothing easy, tough. they did it without that westman instructors and the west. i'll pretend to be surprised to see if they knew nothing about our cisco. there's a topic with also, i'm political honest nicola maple ridge across the thank so much for joining us here at our team that we've seen the latest attack on clearly what is the civilian infrastructure? russia has called it a terrorist act. why isn't this being reported as a war as well? the investigation is still going on, so it will probably that need some more details. but surely in the west today this morning since this morning, we're not talking about a war crime even though it seems apparent that there's a smoking gun in it yet. but we're not talking about war cries because in the west war crimes, sony are applied to the ukraine or people living in the end of every human. but
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outside of the cube, ford countries where nato is deployed, they never speak of our products. even though we've got crazy figures, i think actually a best quite scary figures coming out of the watson institute saying that a native wars and was conducted by nato members since a to a 2000. and one have brought more than 2000000 dead across the world. directly and in directly, and we never did speak about war crimes or whatever for those for those people been killed by members of native state. so they gave this money to not speaking about a weapon. however, this is a war crime. this is a civilian bridge. civilians have been killed. it doesn't seem to have any military specific purpose that would justify killing civilians. so it's uh, outside of the international law, humanitarian international law. and whoever is behind this definitely has committed a work crime this morning. you know, you mentioned that briefly about the media, how they report now they recently cited the west of me to recently cited anonymous
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. bear with me top keep official saying they were inside from disposable. now there's not being any official combine. however, what role does west the media plan the beginning, you know, especially when this is such a fresh app has happened this morning, i think charges there the way people think and see what these depths as if perhaps non consequential. yeah. destiny. they are steering the opinion that when we go back to edward bernice or walter lippmann in the united states and beginning of the twenties and thirties, this is how them in mass media works today and the norm song. he told us about this as well. and manufacturing consent, as soon as there's an incident, it's all of a sudden, already immediately politicized. and there's always a bad guy and a good guy. and if look, would take a look at what happened in good show or the ghost of care for him. and then the
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coach ridge, they've already analyzed in judge and a few a few seconds after the incident a few minutes after, without even investigating. and so this is the manufacturer of consent. we are conditioned to believe that there are the golf. the good guys are on one side and off the bad guys are on the other. and this is, this is a huge paradox because we are led to believe in the west that we are the founders of democracy that we have access to free speech. but that's not true because all the main media today are pending the same narrative. there's very few, not a lot of room at all for debate and discussion and what a serious row has to do after an incident like this one is, is in the say, ok, queen bona. ready who could be behind as to who, who has the the means to conduct such and such an attack? why would they do this now with this of a couple of questions we should be asking ourselves today, instead of a of a analyzing a closing the case thing, okay. it's this, nothing is just a, a tour of richard filled out and, and the sooner the better, it's a,
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it's secondary to it to whatever happened. know, that's propaganda. that's not real journalism. i think the, you kind of reminded me of that. i'm surprised at the west of media haven't really said oh, no rush up on the themselves. yes. maybe that's to come later on in the day. but yes, russell's pharmacy spoke to maria. is that correct? now? she said that the attack had direct deposit information of american. i'm british intelligence agencies, as was politicians. what are your thoughts on that statement? it's possible. how does it other things that, that you're creating army or is doing today? the thanks to the help of the nato supplied us and u. k. u intelligence. we know this, we've got uh, with this morning it's, it's a fact that nato and us drones of were flying or the rack seats last night so that, you know, of course, the us as high every implicated it and what's going on. and ukraine cannot do anything on the ground in the year or over the seas without the help of the us army
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without the help of nato. a nato has been in ukraine, at least since. so there could it's up in the 2014. they built the ukraine, you know, army, that they try to, to transform it into some specific anti russian army. so, but they are all over the place and they're kind of and even if they don't have so many boots on the ground, they definitely have counselors. they have got a lot of intelligence, they've got all the satellite images they can share with the ukrainian army that they are showing today. so i think it is, it is unfortunately it is possible that the west has participated such an attack or that information that that they have. retreat have been used to fabricate this is that yeah, like i have you here and i'll just rudy up on this is the 2nd time the bridge has now been targeted by your name is led to fatalities. does it make sense for my men see point of view, or is it a soft target the plane to show that is she doing something?
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so this is a psychological operation. again, as he said this is it, when you, you, people are comparing this to terrorism and terrorism is, these are as used by people who don't have the military might. and then we know the ukrainian calendar offensive is not working as plan it's, it's stalling, actually. there's a lot of, uh, disgruntlement within you opinion army, this frustration there's a lot of fear also within the ukrainian army and soldiers. and i think this sort of operation is trying to, is trying to give a message to the rest of the ukraine who is doing it in favor of what's events. these are to say, look and look at we, we destroyed a part of the, of the crime in bridge. we're on our way to crimea. but from a military perspective, if you take a look at the, the buildings which have been spent in the counter offensive, the thousands of lives of young ukrainian soldiers dead and is counter offensive, which is not working so far. this is, this is really miserable. this is really
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a small, small play compared to what you create was hoping out of his counter offensive. and it's uh, and it's that i don't think it's, it has any military intention again, so it is, were killed. and with the woods out there, bridge a russia has helped the people from crime. yes, it is 2014, even before the bridge was built. so i don't think this is gonna, of course, this damage is part of the image of the rest of it. it says again, it's, if it's it, as it is a, a terrorist attack for the small attack on this bridge, the bridge to meet even fall. and the bridge will be rebuilt as it has been rebuilt the last time. i think this is a, this is more of a cy ups operation. tiny percentage shows it tends to show that the ukranian army is quite desperate if it has to go the bomb a bridge in the middle of a huge counter offensive, where they're spending billions and receiving billions of aid from from the west. and this really seems quite, i would say sarcastically, ridiculous,
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because this is not the way the ukraine is going to win the war need and needs. they come out love the presence of india. so thank you so much for joining us now about to thank you. ross that says it will no longer guarantee navigation to safety in the back seat under the gui. and the image to the question has revealed negotiations to renew the parks is broken down. as a rush, as conditions would not match, his farm is, is declared of the step by wasting the deal frame, a will be dismantled. this means the withdrawal of guarantees for navigation safety, the closure of the maritime humanitarian corridor, the re establishment of the temporary dentures zone regime, northwest and borders of the back seat and the dissolution of the joint called nation center. and this symbol, without the russians participation, the black sea initiative will cease to function as of july. the 18th.
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alright, us break this down for let's get more details from a 2 correspondence 20th from moscow. i'm the stumble. so let's go see you may, the 1st, if you could please can talk more about the tub. a nation of the black sea grain deal, especially know why. so as we just saw, the russian foreign ministry has said that it would withdrawal. any security guarantees when it comes to the safety, navigation, and the northwestern part of the black sea. but not only that, we also have the great, the green deal joint coordination center entered here, that is also said to be the solved in the near future. now, we must mention that this deal has been really good to ukraine. it allowed the country to explore dates, grains safely through the black sea. and this deal was brokered by the united nations into t it, but it seems like now it is officially coming to an end officially terminated on july 18th. that is, according to the press secretary,
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the mutual fest called who has said that russia is simply not ready to renew the past. and that is not surprising, really, because russia has long been saying that the objectives of the past have not been met. and the objectives being that russia has said that he wants to control global for security, especially to countries that are most needed, such as countries in asia, lots in america or africa. but let's take a listen to the russian president himself. and what he said on the spider once he hasn't, the so called green deal was justified by the desire to support the forest countries . i have already said many times, out of the entire volume of shipments from ukraine, primarily green exports. just over 3 percent actually went through the world's forest countries. the rest went to the well fed, prosperous european. but it, despite this, we've made good will decisions to extend the deal numerous times, but enough is enough. so we are now being told to agree to the extension. once more
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saying this time the promises will be fulfilled. we'll think about it. we have a few more days i will think about what to do. and as the russian president has just said, 70 percent of the cargo exported was sent to high income countries like the e u for instance. well, only about 3 percent was sent to countries that are in need such as of gotten this done, somalia, so done, etc. now, this is no longer about the promises or the assurances that the objectives will be met when he comes to the grand deal. but at this point, russia is saying that only until we see acts until we see results. will we consider renewing the pact again based on the fact so that updates the tells us a name, a sharp, she's a pull some of the best course of the live now to yes, and he's in is stumble. yes, in good to see once again. now let's have this present, he paid played
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a key role in, in getting this deal across the line. how has this pleasant my, that 5, i don't responded. then all we likely to see him getting more involved as it stands, all eyes on the black sea initiatives. the turkish president has a double the initiative, a highly diplomatic and sorry, unimportant diplomatic success on behalf of the turkish republic. however, taking into consideration how the united nations has carried out its obligations and of the fact that the united nations has only essentially facilitated about 3 percent of the exports to low income countries. it's safe to say that much of this initiative has served as a black eye for many high income countries. now,
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as this does come as a surprise for some countries, the turkish president has been well aware of the cremeans objections and has been vocal about it over the past year or ever since the deal was brokered. this is not to say that these, the suspension of the green deal will not take effect or sorry, that the renewal will not take effect. it will just require a lot more diplomatic effort, more so by the turkish presidents. in a statement earlier today, he did say something i believe was incredibly important, much like what the russian presidential statement suggested. the church president said that many of the objections, what are the obligations when ultimate, for starters, and of that much of the food and fertilizer products and exports will be facilitated as part of this deal. suggesting that the obligations on behalf of the united nations were either not match or that they were match,
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but not to the satisfaction of the crumbling, suggesting that ukraine got the better part of the deal. and right now, the crumbling is in a position of power. the deal does and it tonight at midnight, they have reiterated that it will not be going through. but this also means that the text president and his cabinet or his administration will only work harder. and in his words, he did say that over the last few days, him and his team strengthened their diplomatic efforts moving forward. they will only have to keep on strengthening that you do not need to lie to this initiative is an important and successful diplomatic effort recorded in history. meeting the initiative facilitated the export of more than 33000000 tons of grains to the global markets. averting a global food crisis and many low income countries, my foreign minister will conduct meetings with his counterparts. and once i return from my travels,
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i will meet with mister proves and we will find an opportunity to discuss all these matters when we meet in august. we will also discuss how to facilitate the exports of russian food and fertilizers. so based on what the text president said when he was question as to whether or not the grain deal would be suspended until the tech's president meets this russian county parks, he did suggest that he might take initiatives even before the 2 leaders meet in august. that the diplomatic efforts will be ongoing, but we will have to wait for the next presidential return from his 3 day trip in the arabian peninsula. the gulf. and of course, come back with a number of trade deals and facilitates more diplomatic efforts. excellent. uh that was the us in the, in is stumble uh, thanks for that update to both of you. in fact, thank you very much. good speaking to you. let's close live now to
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legal and independent. i'll list will cod this. uh, this is a top subject, obviously, everyone's told him by this impulse and what, what do you make of the black sea grain deal being terminated? well, your 1st reaction, sir. yes, i'm here in mos in beacon, but to blast. all attention is on that subject today because it's very important for our economy and they couldn't meal, they actually couldn't come to me and then i would receive it. that's the good news about that. the that the, the negotiation of all that a degree deal and $4.00 is really bad news because we see that there wasn't kelly in the, in the marketing the price of the things in degree deal. give the, our, you've some benefits for our economy. and don't reduce the price, but it may be
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a good one, this the bbc, it for some countries induction. again, coincidence because if we see the price of the sun for this with, depending on that green deals, for example, the bread and it said there were some stability on the few months ago and etc. but the price still high. so i understand in one part because they have to be trustworthy price these assume that it's still high here right now because the price of will be a high but or maybe the some parts of the the document. then people have dec, elbow cool, about the maybe the future, the price. maybe you go down the road or does that price? so right now we don't see any over dice from ice reductions in this uh, opposite of the price reductions, maybe receive it. the next movement of the next days and all the people here acid to all eyes on this subject right now. indeed,
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we'll call you knows russia thought is sort of said that only 2 percent of the grade that last few cleaning and how the is another deal actually made it so i couldn't countries in the need, it doesn't look like the deal never really works. yes, because of the way you see ad there must spark of that green going toward the west and countries in but keep learning the use of the continent. we see the confusion that for example, in the some parts and the border of the ukraine. and this some people farmer said. busy we have a so much says those so many projects the from the ukraine for my serial from ukraine and go to a new market. so would that for this? because the for the stuff pro create up there, the do one low price, and we see the different government, he invested eco, we don't receive debt grant, good, good to the debt, cdls and etc. so we see the price hop right now,
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very high. you hi, this is the, our, this is the big problem for the i would put countries because the need that's pregnant. so right now i don't understand what's happening. what's happening? what's the, why, debbie? this deal, the, the, the 1st and so did the countries, eh, don't a, did just some attention for our country and received the united nation, for example, as the 20 percent that projects. and it's really important for us to spend that cetera for some areas in the company. but i don't believe the more of the 20 percent dead before i decide to cut off the unit in the united nations. the re think it's very true because we see that the did the, the most cost of that before we got quite a few minutes, but they all times the price the ohio. so i don't understand what's happening right
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now. yeah. because that she brings me to my sort of next point where russell's president puts in earlier he discussed the future, was a great deal with his south africa accounts a lot, several bravo. do you think russia and some african countries could come up with a separate agreement? for talk, this whole thing, russian, food and foot. so as a surprise to the continent. yes, i think i think maybe this is the best option. uh, maybe to export the products directly for the us, but it can continue to grow up then country the but keep with us because if you go in for the other parts and it said that created so many problems, i understand the president of the structure after that reasons and so i see some time. is there a reason to dig that this evening? yeah, we understand i, i believe you must part of the people here understand that you that i that's going
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from the president of the direction for the i think, but he's either far, i think the right now the president have 14. the 1st thing we need to think it's in the city can continue to take one decision because i think that on that fight, i think then punching us soft spring too much when when we have for example, when decision would suspend that ring deal, for example, for the wheel eh, for expectation, for an example, the country country is not the i think i, but i talk about because i'm leaving here. but the other countries things you call you the is you and it said, but they think the 1st thing is to put the minor 4 in the country, then take one decision who get half the benefits for the countries i think is the best option right now. and with the good marketing also here, the, okay,
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the time the ass legalize, but i didn't the but as, as it was a pleasure, as a thank you so much for your time. right. thank you so much. the bound to south western russia where i moved see a very close to an s u 255 to jet. has quest into the as of see during a training flight over there of the isn't a paid on social media. officials say engine failure is of this, but to calls upon it is a said to check and to from the ick off i was getting back here with it from the same we are the while. that wraps up. there's a very busy news. i'll do trick kind of all to come there are lots of interesting. so is i will be back with the
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the i'm action or time. see and welcome back to going under ground rule. go single around the world from you by in the you a want to make of last week's nature. so many things, if you a near a nation on the board with russia, which has a new limits partnership with china. well perhaps today is 60 percent of us read the so called small boy nuclear weapons gas north west. las vegas might be
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instructive with me now from washington.


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