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tv   News  RT  July 18, 2023 4:00am-4:30am EDT

4:00 am
of the the yeah, the village in the bottom. it was much low up over the summer. stone, was this the little pastry interest? i'm still you with right now mom? i do it a very nice the last night. you know what she had chosen, but somebody washing machine is a notice to miss battle and that kind it didn't cause this stupid as much. it was the kid pitched to get peach. give us the boys today that the pictures to participate, to give the picture, to coordinate bridge take more than commodity. what did you plan? who, which is a good i have to chill area, are going to go to just in the renovation of the deal with the syndic of the. so go
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ahead and relate to the ship, those the most, a beauty of them to put in a couple of them. still a pc. the one way i'm gonna do a specific not to make me want to do is not skip from any of those tools. and with the beauty way, when i'm here with the business to hear from you, i the need of those is the problem is still putting down on your on us got going use a lot of the money to the dispatcher, me actually just bought the suitcase in precision, you're going to from, well that's the right spot in front of me is i'd say i'm canada. so it'd be,
4:02 am
i heard maybe if i scroll for the cooking and i want to find the most features to the media or the shifter stuff. here's the other one was if it was should i'm sure, and mostly i'm sure it was store. so most of the pros, pressure most about $4.00 to 0 are tough, which i think i'm to be difficult to do. so let's move per day as you do it as well. so thank you
4:03 am
so much use digital signatures, which gives you what you usually. all right, so i'm gonna shoot this over to you. it's not sure who you should do to shoot. you can use me as to when somebody, you know, to me over to the
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new center, we're going to move this to flush the, what are the points on the,
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the russian states never as i've started as i'm sort of the most sense community best ingles, all sense enough, on the same assistance level disappeared, must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians putting s r t, spoke back, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request for check the
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plug you what they drove it to them was this the new, but he's got a little fussy, but with us, with what approach looks time or think national lives the look a little until slow and your last 2nd on i was this, the, oh it's a couple of years associated to see if these are going to look. i didn't go more or less than that, but it's the end of the story, kingdom at the pedestal. okay, so he's any of these scotts brochure at the point with the chance when, when you've done the motion sensor switch, the furthest of the sense of doc across the computer was it. so
4:07 am
that's how we're going the force of say receive for the system. and those missions, let's experience an investor can bob was supposed to produce the wire. and that's what the scholars say with guys, with my search, the select the ticket with the resume of the search to which across the board direct to the small it's going to it though, originally towards the most color. my good. yeah, it should say you go to a, it's a, it's because of the dean list. if you look at almost us, look a little equity in the se, in, in the notice gloves. and we're going to keep the same, the most similar to the book, you know, some new excuse. you could ask, well, the full continue to your for the facility, but it's a pretty easy uh, the most will get you excited me cool faith and this will go to live with 2 of them uh any day until the squeezes on the on the
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vehicle lets see, and i will miss village wilson sooner success if to the needs to assist ideal to occur the tuesday, please smoke 2 choices for some people in the kitchen. you so much. so she smells, it's not a single level is going is there's no secret was cut on the phone with us. so we can, we'll chest to come. so the ones that can use it doesn't allow us to do more. i need to do more tools to use the kids. you need to put new
4:09 am
mall boy lucky to new, to tennessee, new to listen to the support was able to tell us to put in the stone to raise the have somebody else off the top of that will give us a joke, along as little as degree official go of the go to she and yet i'm all those to on the phone number was a need to for us to mean just put a new appeal to me as the decision. i always always send the text on mobile a sunday morning. probably partial mess. it suggests miss sonia, unless you're supposed to miss the game
4:10 am
for here just where there are several minutes on the phone with, you know, the system took a little weekend and goes next to send it back to me. or, you know, when you're storing it for the rest of your, for sure, for the right thing. and if explain scenario, i get those to where i work at a toy and come to the show. most of them to, to work with americans, wi fi to, to x, chrome insurance digital, but then it should just go into it in, okay. and that sounds really bad to everyone and there's divided by jones. why don't you don't hear this to the advisor. it does have showing different things, but our sisters usually for us to get people interested in the
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vehicle. so the, so just bought this just like you said it the the small display and then let's go look at those 2 chairs which the
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village needs is which when i shall see that it doesn't show the she did the last that the who are still the national book and in addition to the managed to go shipping's fidelmo in to enjoy it and wish to judge him from our show is not enough. parker taste as you and try to find someone that's where you and the concern you're bring one to exceed you and you know, reduce the learning. so let me get them to know what i'm let me pull something with business stories that is to keep going to start to wait. so can you, we also look into that on come on. what is the entropy on that? so just a little so sort of this person. i'm not sure what to do right now,
4:13 am
and i can do that. i'm from our pacific oma ship. there's no, you know, so keeps taking the mobiles also for you guys is my me is to see is that only the little child is saying, you know, stuff the most simple. most of those are in american long so it will be open. we'll go out and we'll go to that to pursue a little more. and remember when you try to q and a it that e mail from this, i'm going to include the menu only and i'll switch so, so i can see it on the phone and just to say do which can go to the east view. it's completed. but most glorious causes the need you know, presented both so so these are my boys to the new i said who it was. yeah. the cause suddenly
4:14 am
the the, the way when you took the stand it would give you most of the money in borneo city . yeah. yeah, up in your mind to me and go to explain the deal mother and we'll sort of mind them latham a on the 1st young. it's another day at noon yet, but there has been there a confusing pointed me at a study then you must see. i do not co got as they are on the eastern is one this thing the so much of the but the,
4:15 am
some of the basic you somewhere with me. because somebody bear with me up until the slime in the middle of the dividing on the other some colleges. eliza could feel it better with a lot of want us to be some regard. the 1st part of the book on special in the queue. wonderful knowing and actually the cost of typically russian on this store and do some on the shopping event on the system. and of course it so could be some custom for sleeping for the let's give it showed best of dollars. so the video is most preferred using what the cost for you going from the frontier store and it shows the 1st of the funding of the funds to complete the sale of the goal then kissed the national she's going.


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