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tv   News  RT  July 18, 2023 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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to the bottom, to take advantage of all of these and maybe just use them to their own advantage. as lovely as being now right now between china and finally, nelson mandela international day is being held this tuesday to honor the legacy of the former sites. a freaking president, an empty apartheid i called the day is hell's annually to remember, mantell is values which include a commitment to social justice, reconciliation and human rights. every year, the un calls for spending 67 minutes of the day helping others of the late liter spent 67 years of his life and public service. people around the world to engage in volunteering, community service, and devote time to social problems and the promotion of equality. i think the ceo of the notes and montela foundation professor bern horace say is there's no liter on the continent who can compare with the iconic cigarette the footprint of and i
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know some under a still very strong lovely sydney for myself. whenever i travel internationally. the name is, is recognized and is, is on it using nelson, one dealer as a yardstick for leadership in some ways is unfair because i think that quarter to leadership. it is very rare. maybe once a century will see or lead to of that quality globally. i'm not an expert on every can politics. but what i would say 2 things is that i think globally, we see a desperate shortage of high quality leadership. and if i look at the continent, i would have to say that the challenge on the content to on the continent is of the same book. i don't, i don't see the quality. there's no someone didn't like embodied to be found
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out on the continent at the moment. everything we do is get to building the, the adjuster side to the notion montela dreamed off. so whether it's already in child development work, or whether it's on food security program across the board, this is the work that is designed to find ways of establishing the kind of justice a burned harness, collaborating nelson, mondale, let dave know on the busy news day to keep ride off the date by giving us a follow on twitter. we'll make sure you don't miss the moments something about her there. the so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is on all sides. very dramatic. only personally,
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i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very create ticket of time. time to sit down and talk the. ready the reason is the
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use especially shares the same story that for a year for the ladies that cost me the money we want to buy the ocean reduced. assume
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we may need to use this to the shipping, the same insurance to clean the front seat to dirty clothes and so forth. you need to use the main shaquille. i mean, it's not there's a deal to start on the easily symbol. as soon as she saw
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my assault, right, the sucker, i need to be the guys to use. can you see what is it took me on this to me to so what was the not the whole thing that they say cannot worst of georgia on conduct. so, so on the, i'm on the find that the actual in an opening thinking should certainly be our dental shade. so if i'm on for the the 4 of us it to the key to the printer. let me know if you need to talk need feel is said to send it to associates x to come find me the send that i have the pleasure of speaking. you see, let me get to the phone,
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the restore. but unfortunately it, this were on the flip up. so should, should i get, i should take the car for a bus for him ready for this in the last one level. and what can i, could i go to shame said movers, seeing i should to assist you now. she drives i'm pushing in the system. this is a is the ideas was 5th. i couldn't change it because of a conflict of similar to the adults. there's a lot though, so i don't know if there's no sort, i guess the closer to the most unassuming, funny daughters almost finish of a similar problem is the
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did this is not 0. gosh, the, the device that you said from the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the connection, the host to move the the pin, which can, you know that she's the machine, the condition because those will get that you what the customer really need to just the so therefore the subject identifies the moment that i've looked at the most of this last school was legit to or should i learn? you choose which one you touched on. short term filter.
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escrow engaging was pretty sweet. this case, it does look like choose your visual specials, pursue community team to the see we use the most secret piece, the switch. it says the real gray beach gets terrible. usa is the most that you go in most that you good morning. good. good. that used to associates position to be awesome, but you need to be the c b disclosable sir. now do you provide me with the sheriff's investment people who give me a break. abram lupsi more than that goes there. will 30 gusting each of the. what i'm doing,
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and that's what i need you to be guided bus of what you said. we still reduce mean like watching for just this to. but in the super sky, he's a or choice you see is a really, and we just don't weeks way mom. i'm sort of beautiful when the should get to us here of circle, but i've got you so by step to the inverse of, i mean, we just go with the suit the needs and the city of the the is i'll let you to my bottle as much now i thought of someone stone was this, the procedure system stood you at the right now, mom, i do it enough the last night you know what you had chosen,
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but somebody washing machine is a notice to miss battle and that kind it didn't cause dispute as much it was book the kid pitched a good speech to the boys daily. at the pictures computer computer, you have not got a good picture to coordinate bridge. take more than one. it was pretty plain who was physically on hand, but you are, you are going to go to just in the renovation of the deal with pacific. i'm just a go ahead and relate to be shipped to some of the ability of them to put in a couple of them. still a piece me to one way i know to do is supposed to get the best to leave me with the do not steal from any of those tools. and with that, the beauty way, when i'm here with the kids going up as the most difficult for you, i, the needs of those is the problem is still putting down the stock on you should not have the money to
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the dispatcher. we mentioned as much as you can please read it right in front of me is i'd say i'm close to the current neighbors course. good. if i scroll for the king and i want to find the most, we choose to the media or the search for new words . here's the other words if it was shipped. sure. and then mostly you've checked, i'm sure it would be
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a lot more official. so most of the pros pushes for george. what george rick, i'm sorry to be difficult to do. is paradise. you do exposure to reduce your energy use different from each other which gives me what you usually i should be grateful
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to this piece of it to meet you when you are not sure. i'm not sure duty. she just needs me as to which is the 3rd to this to flush the one the points on the
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russian stage. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense. be the best ingles i'll send, send up the speed the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say even closer to the the,
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the flooding you, what they drove it to them? is this a new do? but he's got a little fussy, but it with us and with lots of ups looks time or think last name is the look a little unto slow and your last 2nd when i was this the oh it's a couple of associated i see these are the ones i didn't go more or less than that, but it's still in the but a story came to me at the palace today. okay, so he's and this is scott brochure at the point with the chat and when, when you've done like one motion sensor switch, the furthest of a sense of tobacco across the computer. was that someone going down the forest of say, to see what's the most music less experienced? and the message from bob was supposed to introduce the wire. and here's what the scholars say. we've actually been associated with a lot of times with the ticket,
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with resume research, to put the what's requested on board to resume the labor, be small, it's going through the showed award the most color monday. i should say if you go to a, it's a discuss the list. if you look at almost us, look a little equity in the use of being, you know, those clubs and we're going to keep the same the most similar to the book you familiar with. keith, he for the squad, the poor continue to use or for just the facility. that's a pretty good good. if not, we'll get you excited. me cool faith and let's look at you later. we have a few of them. uh, any day of the squeezes on the, on the oh yeah, you know so, so those things are, you know, the most of those are some of the vehicle let me see and i will is which will soon sooner success it to them
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to test the rates to assist idea of the the tuesday is the smoke here. joyce, this will come from the bowling because you need some show or smells to snow. single sandoval is going to snow skis was on the phone with us so we can, we'll chest to come. so the ones that can use it doesn't allow us to do more. one needs to do more tools to use the kids. you said i need to put new my boys looked into taking anything new to listen to the simple the ellison when
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we're sitting in the board on what's going on. so i put in a couple of days here. somebody else that will give us a joke, a woman as little as a good idea to chicago was a girl. did she? and yet, i'm almost sure which one was a need to for us to write because put the appeal to me as to the decision. i always always send you that some level of funding and probably partial me as a suggest miss. so much just was miss the the, the, the, the, the just the, some of the, you know, the day on the system to the little weekend was this sitting back to me or the over your story. the verse, of course, for sure,
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for the right saying and if explain scenario and the doors to we're going to enjoy the rest you. mr. comes with dental and present americans divided by to to fix group insurance to draw. but the disco contained in the sunroof. anything that everyone knows if i invite you on the home, why don't you don't have the students that are chromeboys in it. if there's, if showing different things, but or it's just, there's stuff up to the got the coupon, which they just think you'll have it on the vehicle. so the so if you swap,
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let's just look here. so the small display of those 2 chairs to the
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good news is which i'm waiting for tonight and i shall see that it doesn't show it in life unless you did the letter saying that the who are still the national book, an interested in the initial to go shopping, fidelmo in to enjoy it and wish to do to him for sure is not. it does create a storage radio and charge to come from one that's going to continue when you want to exceed human, you know, reduce the learning so that can you get them to know what i'm let me pull something with business stories that it's to can bonus don't wait, so can you, we can also look into that on come on. what is the entropy of muscles or the little stuff? sort of those folks in english. there's no way i can do that. i'm on our passivity former ship. there's no, you know, so to stick at the moment is that also for you guys is my,
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me is to use let's use that only. do you have a little chuck is saying, you know stuff, it's a bush and rush us a deep seen a commercial get an american long so it will be open. we'll go out and we'll go to that the before the one the when you try to keep the e mail from this, i'm going to do a manual on the message so, so i can see it. i'm going to save some of this for cynthia which can go to the east village completed, but most glorious because the need you know, i'm upset about so so use my boys shows new also, which was the cause. suddenly the 1st of the
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the, the, the way when you took the stand, it would give you more than one in borneo for the. yeah. yeah. up and you want to to me and go to explain the deal. now the for the money a month, a month on the christiane, at the another day at noon yet, but that has been the confusing pointed me raise play. then you must see. i do not go as they are on the eastern is one this thing the so much of the but the, some of the risk you some later than i thought close i'm, i feel i mean up until the slime in the middle of the dividing on the other,
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some college in your eliza could feel it better with the i don't want us to be some regard of system. the condition, the us with a key rather showed on and actually it all stuff. grades, russian, this store and do special. i'm not sure who the best on the system and of course it so could be some consumer that's available in my a pacific. okay, but i'm new to the let's give it showed us that all is the most professionally thing with of course toy eclipse. spencer storing issues new or the 1st of the front of the police are from the front of some the sale of whether the goal then kissed or not. so she's going there for us to on because all he pressed the place within the pressure altima. yes, i'm gonna swear to us you patel us of my option of the most of the if they will
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much the level of it. it's only just a say us the rest of the story to uh, to have it. you know, this little me as a kind of the associate scenario of the thoughts of learning a couple wondering why to score cutoffs. those are you still there? i know we did sort of sneak what the score, cut off percent sale score plus the best thing. well, we'll discuss the go over just a lot. so there was a fairly difficult would. i also able to fly up locally. the value of opinion must always take me 4 months starting with most of the about the size of the place to watch. instead of doing the
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fish cannot of what to do. so i'm going to say plum reason, wait, say let's switch us here and let's go and explain the list. but they didn't put them in the 1st 2 and was so we're doing a little behind the screen. she had to assess the amount of, of something to the subject to the go to the stomach. but just assume that i should think it's done. let's go for a, so continue it's such as me. i don't want to go through a flip chart in the store, which it shows to combine you the address space. can you do the naturalist? least of gives ation. when i see nick dorski, when i seen in the sky, when i said it was social money, the problem, what's number i knew filled up. i'm literally the motions to be able to actually
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get issues with really near. you're still seniors can go into your personal north and give i'll send you what they were pushing virtually. if you're watching virtually, if, if even the most of the streaming you see then mosley on you, so that as a would you need, or, you know, when you spoke with another youth them, there's a pool as always. but then years ago, for both to share with you as convincing up a gift card that the i think ukraine does exist, should exist. and it is precisely the best option i suspect for its future is to find that amalgam of the cultures that are within it.
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and turn it into something unique and flourishing. that that would define it in distinction but not conflict but, but simply the difference between itself and its neighbors. the acceptance. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. you do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think


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