tv News RT July 18, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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to transmission once the transmission is changed, it's your $100.00. they are doing a job as long as they acted on behalf of their clients. i will defend the lawyers because that's what their job that 30 percent was agreed on. if it was a $100.00, they've got 30, if it's a $1000000000.00, they get $300000000.00. i. i don't think it is the job of the attorneys, particularly in this case, to clear things up for the citizens. something that our now congress has a duty here for oversight that they are clearly not. um, not, you know, not standing up for, well, that's an interesting and then once again, that's gonna go security as well. i also have to order how did this change, how, how do you think we would have it different if jeffrey epstein was still alive today for whatever reason that you know that he went on with jp morgan still be fighting this f. c was still there, is this because this actually because that's the past. and so we're looking for someone to give us answers. well, you know, it's kind of hard to answer that question because the reality is, the 2 things,
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the, the problems that we have now and the death of jesse epstein are industry completely linked reason jeffrey epstein can't possibly be alive right now is because of the contradictions that you and i are talking about. so then where does design maxwell play into all of this? i mean, she's the other person knows the information besides the bank accounts that people of that were involved with that. where do you think she rolls out in, in all of this? and why is it, jp, why are we not talking more about her this settlement again because of the connections that she, i mean if you, that she has to intelligence. if you look at just plain maxwell, if you look at her father who had a book called, robert maxwell is really super spy. if you look at just letting maxwell, if she wasn't in intelligence operations operative, she'd be the black sheep and the family jimmy, the only person who isn't because those because her siblings are her father. we're . so again, we get into an unfortunate circumstance where we're talking about the citizens of the united states and possibly other countries that will go a name that have a right to know what their, that their government is up to. no good,
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particularly when it involves the sexual trafficking of, of, of what i see young women could be young men also, but we don't know. so we have seen the 2 banks. i wanna focus still on this settlement. we see to bank settle. are you thinking there's going to be other other businesses, other corporations that are going to be held liable for their dealings with jeffrey? i've seen, do you think they're seeing this already on the wall going? oh my gosh. are we next? uh well, i put it like this. i think you've got other institutions that are looking at their options for a way out that are planning with their attorney saying if it comes to us, how much do we have to pay? how do we get out of this? because i think we're looking in the same way that you look at a web of shell companies that people use to hide their funds for ill gotten gains. i think there's going to be a web of banks that are used to re route accounts and re route money through to justify the, the amount of money that epstein had when he really didn't work a day in his life. well, but that's the thing. we're talking about banks. yeah. there's other things there's, there's electric providers, there's the water people,
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there's the water utilities. there's all sorts of folks who service that island that and had to know something was going on as a lawyer isn't hard to prove that they continue to offer services, knowing that something wasn't right about that either or they can do to offer any services, even grocery delivery to jeffrey, i've sitting after his 1st couple of convictions. well here's what's very difficult of the um, the woman who started this case in the us virgin islands who's a, a government employee or whatever the case may be. she works with us. virgin islands government, 3 days after she started it, she was fired, she lost her job. so it is very difficult to do this when the president is said, if you go after these people, you're going to have some significant problems and in your life. so yes, you know, when people feel like look, i'm going to get paid to do a job. but if i run my mouth too much or ask too many questions, bad things are going to happen to me. people tend to keep their mouth shut. hey, go turn on some water or fix the electricity and leave and don't ask any questions . and there's a bonus in it for you that it's the way the world works. wow,
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tell us all this time except now we're getting it in a literally a live motion at action live action as we get growing. thank you so much for joining us. stick around just because when we return out to the break, we're going to get to this conversation and look at if this could, we mean a new era of accountability. in the middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. a particularly 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position, income inequality ramp, and illiteracy. this respect by the portuguese for the local traditions led to
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a mass unrest. in 1964, the liberal race in front of mozambique for a limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but that guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the fighters against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders, the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency . however free limos 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the overthrow of the fascist regime in portugal in 1974, the new authorities surrendered. a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie. but the victory had been gained at a high price during the war, mozambique had lost tens of thousands of his sons and daughters is
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the largest 112011. the largest squeak ever recorded in japan is were interested. a 14 me to to nami, devastates the focus cima each and you play a pallet tons, the nuclear reactors are flooded, sparking and her wrist. it gives us the id if i go to the funding source, the anytime in june is living in japan. and this nice to go to the area of the nuclear meltdown. config. ashima immediately drove me to talk to somebody about the
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bus in the foyer investigation stats. watch on tv. the welcome back. i'm sky now. he's in, you're watching the 360 view we're discussing, the largest settlement yet for victims of jeffrey epstein. and if this could finally give us insight into his quiet list total and was currently nixon joins us to continue this conversation. okay, let's start for gets curious. sorry about the business side. do you think this settlement will influence the business community and their policies moving forward? other banks will think twice before interact with people who have been convicted. i
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don't know of a sex crime. yeah, i do think i do think that they will be concerned. i think that the people involved felt that they were protected in the same way that alex will cost a cost to said hey, this is a bit protected by intelligence. so i think that people felt that they were protected. if you get involved with some ship tannery and the government's involved, don't worry about it, you're going to walk. i think now when some of these more powerful corporations are approached by intelligence and said, we're going to do this, that or the other, they're going to have more concerns. they're going to be uh, they're going to be looking out for themselves a little bit more stringently concerned that something can come out in the long run, regardless of whatever promises they get, the kind of shares what i find to be curious, we have seen bank start stop doing business with customers over ties with russia or stop doing banks based on political opinions. and even during told that it was businesses that were staying open and not taking the vaccine, we've seen businesses in the past stopped doing for one reason. political reason. first is another, a social reason. why did it take a settlement like this in a,
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an idea of sex trafficking which is clear wrong? why is it taking this to get their realization when they've done it for other reasons? well, i hate to sound redundant, but because they felt they were put to they were protected. there's a difference between someone who acts and believes that there is some level of um, you know, that could be held accountable in some way as opposed to those who have very powerful people saying, don't worry, we got you covered. and i think that's what we're looking at here. we're looking at banks, let's not forget when we look at these, but a banks, when you look at a h. s, v. c on an or you find connections to drug cartels. you find that. so i forget a those are still loud. why are we solving wire? they stop, hsbc got caught a laundering money for drug cartels. they went out in higher gym call need and brought him on. the board, cleaned it right up and off. they go. so they know a lot of times they can buy their way out of this by high, you know, just bringing in. so like high powered the neo liberal actors on board. we're
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talking about the separation of church and state and the west all the time. maybe we need separation of the banks and government, but we both know that would be uh, unrealistic. unfortunately, government do feel though, if we do start seeing the standard, are we asking for trouble for down the road for possible allowance of discrimination by certain business? by encouraging business to interact with him and not with other depending on how popular, how strong those ties are with government. well, unfortunately now i, you know, i understand where you're going, but i think it's too late for that. if you look at what happened during the during cove and such as in canada where the government said the banks, oh well you donated a few $1.24 people literally donated $25.00 to the truckers had their accounts shut down. so we see that the people in power will arbitrarily and capriciously use their power against the least of us. but the most powerful for the most part,
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feel as though that they can at the within community. and most of the time they do, this is one of the rare instances where, you know, some, some sunlight actually hit what was going on. and people like you and i get to discuss it. but unfortunately it is just you and i, this is a bigger picture and this because like you said, this goes back to security. so let's talk about jeffrey. i've seen this security. what country do you think benefited most and what you say security, what exact actions do you think jeffrey, i've seen what service was he providing to those? and the intelligence agencies, in my opinion, and this is speculation, right? cuz like i said, it's hard to get this way confirmed. we do know that there were a lot of cameras involved. we do know that there were a lot of very high ranking, powerful people involved. it appears to me that this was kind of the classic honeypot that basically they would bring people in, they would get compromising video and or pictures and information regarding people that they had no business being there with. and then ultimately they could influence their decisions at a later date. i would say that an operation of this magnitude was more than one
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country since it was in the united states. and since it admittedly a member of the trumpet administration said, i was told by, in that disguise intelligence in the united states, clearly the, the u. s. intelligence was involved. so you just ask, have to ask yourself, who, who would work with him? certainly the 5 eyes you would have to success. this is basically, this is really intelligence, the 5 eyes, the people that they work with on a day to day basis. and in all likelihood were here getting the information they needed for their nefarious activities. why is there not? and i get it, you're out, you're literally asking the kid to visual it the cookie jar thief. why are we not seeing large cries by politicians on both sides of the as because i will but i, but probably 6070 percent of those like an office right now in congress had nothing to do with jeffrey i've seen in any way. but why aren't they calling on both sides out for congressional investigations into ties of our intelligence with jeffrey, i've seen, are you concerned? my fear would be is because they know this is still
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a program being run in other ways. not. not he that yes, definitely. that they understand the dynamics of power in washington dc and let's face it. what happened is, jeffrey epstein, you know, who wants to get people don't know literally. jeffrey epstein was put in a cell with a man named nicholas tart, hardly only who was recently convicted for murdering for people when he so they tell us we're going to look out for jeffrey epstein. we have to take care of and make sure nothing happens. and they put them in a cell with a guy who's basically a mafia. gorilla school, literally, he strangled this guy. did that. the guy just happen to have 4 people with an unrelated, so we kill, excuse me, 3 people. so we killed the other 3 just because they were there, they put epstein in the cell with this guy and he committed suicide. so in viewing that particular scenario, if you're i, where i ask what we knew about jeffrey epstein, based on what we learned, we'd probably, regardless of what we knew,
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it would probably come out. i don't know, nothing. right as well. yeah. we don't even go anything. but as a part of the problem with this, and it's not just the way, it's not just the american, what other intelligence agencies are, you mentioned israel. and the fact that does a maxwell's father was given this huge stately fear of or by the israeli government . and he was not actually a member of, here's apparently government socially, so which is never which is on heard of before. why are these factors being the front pages of the new york times for get the government? where is the media and covering the story and putting these issues on the front page of every newspaper every day until they got their answer. well, all you have to do is read a couple of new york times stories, and you get to the 2nd or the 2nd paragraph, and it says, anonymous intelligence officials tell us that fill in the blank turn on m s. n, b c, cnn file. all of them, all of the above and they have intelligence officials, former retired, whatever intelligence official saying this and that. so there was an incestuous
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relationship between the us and media if that's the right word to use and the intelligence agencies to a point where if there's told that's an area we're just going to leave alone, they're going to do it and the people that they are putting on sticks on stage are literally intelligence operative so certainly they would work with their comrades to can, to ensure that we remain in the dark about these types of extra food. talked about the america in the us intelligence. we talked rise really, what other countries do you think we know? do we have in my 6 what other countries intelligence do you think would have had ties to jeffrey? i've seen him would find a beneficial to keep this client list on well, since there was a member of the royal family who was intricately involved in this operation. and not saying what he was from the other end of it, and that he was accused prince andrew, shall we say he was at a minimum of twos to being involved with young girls. certainly i would say in my 6 would be involved. it would be, i don't know that they were, it would be reasonable to conclude that if in fact, this is an intelligence agency knowing that one of the jeffrey happens
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a proceeds associated with a former, intel is rarely prime minister and that a member of the royal family is allegedly involved. those are the 2 countries that i would look at 1st. but again, if you look at as an example of what happened with crossfire hurricane the uh, we had most food from roll we had down or from uh, australia. so the 5 vises uh, you know, i think is one intelligence agency at this point. okay, so then going forward from this thing we, we had a problem with trust the media, we have problem with trust in the government. shouldn't both of those be working to prevent sex trafficking rings? now we're looking at private business being held accountable for it. is this a positive step? do you believe and accountability, at least for business? and will we ever see that happen for government and the truth? we have how strong the government was tied to epstein. i would say no, it's not a positive for this reason because what we're getting is a shell game. what we're getting is all we caught the people that did it, and this was just some bad people doing bad things. so the accountability would be
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to trace this back to the intelligence agencies and find out who was behind this and what it was which they can't do. so you can address an issue if you can hold the people who are involved, accountable, which we can, we can, we can have the mask of who is involved, then we can go after just daily, we can go after bill gates, whoever people who were involved in on, on the periphery, but those who actually the puppet masters are going to walk. and so therefore i don't, i don't see this is a positive development for accountability. you would have thought $290000000.00 to be a wake up call. but i guess when yours, because jp morgan and you realize you still have a lot more to lose. you keep your mouth shut. thank you so much for doing is currently on this issue and will continue to fall. we will keep this in the headlight when everybody else isn't. i am sky now. here's and this has been your 360 view of the news affecting you say show us the
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visual specialists cheap. i'm not sure if i give them just the let's see, but it's so cool. yeah. so, but also about, okay, as a joke, along those very efficient gloves go shooting and usually it's jim was up to for most of which just of most of the table some of the table. it's almost if i don't pick it up with him. but the 1st is there was some ways to grab a couple of them from national origins. if i need national origin, i need to show the pro. so look at that. and i can go jump in and you know which
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sessions one is not enough, but i'm much see a little good. the workstation and much stated at the guidelines that there's uh rough uh, conduct st. tugee strikes on input inputs, city to the naval drug facilities that most of the suspects we use in a quite interesting fact on the crime. main bridge continue to at the is divided by the queen conflict with the current head, the nation, india refusing to cave into western pressure to the mountains, keen footing putting up russia make in quality in africa. we as you know, just age baldwood k as president says, and just financial folks of wants to come to that is the only way for it to put, especially when it's asking for one financial system that save us us. no,
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we are asking for a financial system that is fat for everyone. i know the seats to provide the migration for and also optical by throwing money at the problem. the problem is the 100. what is the view roads and assistance delivery the a very well welcome to you on the inside of the international news. if we come into the life than most, and i take a look at the top. so is this out? welfare says is false, is have conducted with how does the missile strikes on missy and all emphasized in secret, ample cities, a desa and nicholas following cubes. deadly attack on russia's bridge to climb it. mazda says the high precision, so i'd say the side way. you could enable drones,
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was being stored along with a shipyard. i have an oil facility right here, and photos is also reported that it must save you cleaning and run it cycle is repels on a crime, mia? earlier on tuesday, the 28th drones being intercepted the times the strikes came shortly off, the rushes present by them. it wasn't cold for a minute. she was supposed to glance attack on the main bridge which moscow has as far as an act of terrorism. a muscle both. so this one actually didn't like another terrorist act was committed on the bridge. civilians were killed, a child was injured and left without parents, the family had left to go to crimea from the belgrade region. i asked to provide all the necessary assistance to the injured girl and her relatives to f. s. b. the investigative committee and a number of other agencies, had been instructed to investigate the incident in detail. what happened is another terrorist attacked of the key ever seen. this crime is senseless from
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a military point of view, it has no meaning since the crimean bridge has not been used for military transportation for a long time and cruel, because innocent civilians were injured and killed. of course, there will be a response from russia. the ministry of defense is preparing the corresponding proposal as well. i says, obviously its harris cause you said to ukrainian naval drive. this damage is the bridge and the uh, the as of monday. the route is a key gateway from the russian mainland to the pin is the the fact killed the mother. i'm father, i'm injured. the teenage daughter and the happened. the pharmacist 1st vacation to quite may have brushes. investigators have open the criminal pro, been to the 2nd se, uh, the finance point, the finger squarely integrated security service authority. se works over the underway, underpaying the bridge. i'm reopening it fully to traffic level affairs and
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security specialist mugs la moda photos early that he believes such incidents are a when the attempt to shift public sentiments in russia. the only way for the coverage game. so only hope not only of, of, not really of winning this conflict, but coming out of it in any type of complete situation is to shatter the morale of the russian people to make them turn on the government. they know that conflict cannot be one military. they know that they're already exhausted out of artillery shells and vehicles that can usefully be supplied to the key every game. that's why they've always been more concerned about optics about the information war. then with any actual strategic value, which is why they hit the civilian part of the bridge, both the us and the united kingdom have green lake, have for you know, green lit for the coverage game to launch attacks in cried mia. uh,
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so there beyond complicit. they're actively involved here. very well talk to us officials, the distance washington from the dental is the same. the decision making for flesh and science is up to you. we don't take it upon ourselves to determine legitimacy or legitimacy of targets at the premium. they're fighting for their own country on the, the courage bridge. this is the situation that we're, we're monitoring, of course. uh you train us to decide how it conducts this war. in defensive it's, it's territory. it's people. it's really power rushes definitely. i'm about to, to the you and has told the session of the security council in new york, the folks point to weston involvement in the bridge attack. and i'm just hoping to stay if there is evidence of what we still have to figure out to what extent weston, and in particular, british intelligence services were involved in the preparation and implementation
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of the terrorist attack. there were too many indications of this. all these facts indicate that there were no crimes that the west is not ready to commit in order to preserve its heads. you money, no matter how much you trying to act as defendants of ukraine, you'll actions give you away. one of the main points made in his remarks. so was that the reason this war is continuing is primarily because of assistance provided to ukraine by western countries, most specifically the united states. now the united states representative argued that supplying of weapons, the key was not pro, loaning the conflict. this was simply necessary to enable ukraine to defend itself or russian colleagues say that somehow this assistance is the reason the war continues. but once again, russia is trying to turn reality on his head. the security assistance including weapons, the united states,
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and more than 50 of the countries are providing is for ukraine's self defense. now, prior to the remarks we heard from the united states, russia pointed out that washington is not planning to replenish its own stocks of cluster munitions and is instead sending them to kia then is essentially turn ukraine into a dumping ground. now, china spoke before the council and also raise very serious concerns about the use of cluster munitions and the efforts by the united states continuing to pile weapons into key. yeah. to inquire so and to an irresponsible transfer of close to bone skin easily gave rise to humanitarian issues. humanitarian concerns and legitimate military security needs should be handled and balanced way. what's been only 24 hours since the black see grain deal. i was essentially canceled by russia not renewed, and in that time we've heard the united states began its old shatter,
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arguing that essentially, that it's russia's fault that russia is trying to star the africans, the russia is to be responsible for any results of this. however, the details that were put forward before the security council by the russian representative of point out, for example, that the saved corridor or that was provided under the deal was being used to some of the weapons and for attacks to be carried out. a gas ross and targets and that's a clear violation of the deal. furthermore, russia and put forward that if these violations, the deal were just sees so they would renew the agreement. however, that was not put forward. now it's also important to note that very little of the grain actually reach africa, much of the grain was consumed by prosperous european country and efforts by russia to provide fertilizer to african countries at no cost for free. we're actually
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prevented and blocked by the west. uh, these are details. mustering leaders are not acknowledging. here's what was put forward by the rough russian deputy ambassador. but you could lead cause was through a whole yeah, the grain deal was one way game. the least developed countries did not receive even 3 percent. since these facts are too hot hating and speak for themselves, the black sea initiative was simply re full mess it from humanitarian to commercial without too much noise we can brush it will be ready to consider is restoration only after receiving concrete results and not promises and assurances from western capital, so what are the planners so size and a half is by the risks of those that involved in the black sea grain deal off the roof and it's about space attempts to continue the grain deal without the participation of the russian federation. must take into account the risks associated with the fact the great export route pauses near the combat to area processing. but it has no way to check if the forwarding back a sol,
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so which at the i agree from your brains. if they don't read web post instead, because it would be a very convenient way for the west to supply levels to print and no resource. you know, on that, on the rece referenced, you can control the skies for each rustic and a sheet a train. so the trucks, you know, transporting less than western arms, it's the median best. so formerly a tray helping the green craters, and there's a desk with weapons on board rest because no way to check. and russia has no way to store it until these green deal using the force. so i think the message from ralphie's, if you don't feel.
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