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tv   News  RT  July 19, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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you're going to be a battle about the normal versus the crazy. there are people who have never really been a part of the system for a long time of including black people of people, of color, regular, plain old gay people, not with any kind of 2 s l t. sounds like a mercedes of people who have just looked at regular, common sense of facts. and what we're seeing right now is a can common and destruction also of the entertainment systems that used to feed this. you guys as well, basically looking to dump cnn. you've got a girl who wants to dump a, b. c. you've got major strides right now. people don't understand. as bright board said, you know, politics is down. percent. as bright board said, you know, politics is down stream from entertainment. this is change drastically. what we're doing right now is going to be the medium of exchange of ideology. this is that this is the marketplace of ideas, but also what happens. remember going back to what, what tucker did with mike bench tucker, didn't ask him anything tricky. mike pens, you think somebody would have said that, mike, you're gonna have this story to say basically when he base it,
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you said i've sold my soul to the global as a lead. that was the end of it. but keep in mind what's happening was that was the end of it. but keep in mind what's happening right now very quickly. bobby kennedy is, poses an existential to the democratic party. prediction. gavin newsom replaces button rush in when maurice is vp cala harris's out and they are now changing everything. bobby just sped up the removal because i'm telling you for the 1st time, it's based on a couple of months ago, even though there's no way there's a real chance that donald trump could be the 2nd chance that donald trump could be the 2nd grubber, cleveland, and actually be the 2nd non consecutive president, because right now he is number one in the republican field. and because of bobby tucker, and by the way to tucker is the bill buckley of his time. you may not be in office, but he is extremely critical. so we're seeing right now things that are changes and one more thing as we're talking about this jordan and comb or talking about hunter biden's checking account errors. this is how, how out of their mind they are,
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how out of the it was already cares about that time. so i get ready. 2024 is the waters, tyler brought up a really good point, i think. and did the do the salvage, the, the, the political culture is going to be resolved within the republican party and considering, you know, there are a lot of my expenses and nikki haley is out there in jennifer. i mean, is it possible that you wouldn't be republicans and actually in lock step get behind donald trump? is it possible now with considering what tucker carlson had to say, go ahead a. hi joe, and i'll tell you one thing i live in wisconsin in right now, there is a, there's a chasm. there's a shift of and people are realizing it, but a lot of the people, you know, wisconsin is a great, it's a salt of the earth place. but the conservative here are completely in a conservative, at least the porch front that have supported the ideas of styles by dr on paul, by others, by an anti war anti establishment. that those conservatives here are hated by the
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republican party. and i know that's happening throughout the area and, and i, i can tell you, i mean there's, there is one, at least at least one state representative as of the past 7 days. as of last week was literally stated, i don't care what the patriots say about me. this is a republican state representative. and, and so these people i, i hope that they could get in lock step. we'd hope that there could be unity, but you're already involved and acknowledgement that you care about your base that you care about. these thoughts of the earth, a good, the conservative, the people who are staying on the floor. another for terry isn't up, terry. and as i'm another this big farm, a dictatorship, enough of all of this. and those are okay questions i, i know of not looking to blind i, attorney to blind eye to elections where there are questions about what's going on . our elections is there for you. we look into this and, and these are people who have been demonized, who've been months well emptied it. yeah. but jennifer, you can, you can,
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you can question the 2016 election of course. but you can question the 2020 election business pop pockets. and the we live with alright, and we're going to go to work. we're going to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on tucker call. so in the future of the conservative movement, say, without taking the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people, the robot must obey the orders given if by human beings accept, we're such orders at conflict with the 1st law. show your mind, anticipation, we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with artificial intelligence, we have somebody with the in the
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a robot must protect his phone, assistance was on the mortgage to searches for the garage. so see comfortable with the product was that was good. this was something good just so basically of course with me, the last thing was these really comes to movies. do you imagine we have sports
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or some movies this we would show on the paper for the the to take a fresh look around his life, kaleidoscope. it gives him just a shepherd, reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better world. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this? but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the welcome back across stock were all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing tucker carlson in the future of the conservative movement.
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the okay, it's go back to denver and tyler, you know, one of the things that i've talked about years on this program is how the professional managerial class has been able to capture the political, the political establishment, both parties here. how do we break out of that? because tucker gave us, you know, i think a pass, you know, common sense and challenging power. it shouldn't be unique, but it is at this moment in time. go ahead, tyler? well, i mean you, it's, it's a, that's this, the essential task. and then what, what you're seeing is it's happening now. and i think the age of multi media and give the internet age of all the different outside outlets and resources and sources. our agitating people and making them realize that they don't know what used to be a very managed, controlled environment. but the problem is how do you translate that into electrical politics? and unfortunately, as i know from my battles and the delaware republican party, years back,
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beginning with, frankly, finding out that these people do not care what the, what the base things, what most republican voters think that they're going to do. what they, what they feel is, is right for whoever their masters, happy be within the, whether financial or political establishment. and this is where we have to, we have to really the where the rubber meets the road. and people need to realize that they are empowered and i think unfortunately, you know, this is why you've seen election fraud become a real thing because they've realized that people have awakened and are no longer going to go in lock step or follow just whatever they're served up by the establishment and in either party, i would hope to see the democrat party burton see the lock broken because that means this is truly an evil institution compared to actually, you know, the, the i used to kind of skoll side of but they say the stupid bodies are bubbles in part in the does that democrats are evil. but i think in, in the age of constant information where people can see the truth where a they,
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tucker carlson, even though he's been taken off the air is more influential perhaps than ever. that, that there are avenues to, to, uh, translate this into electrical victories because their people are gonna stand for these candidates will not be i will not answer the questions that are, are the essential questions for the voters. they will not stand for stage managed politics. you know where it's just, i mean it's, it's, it's essentially a fraud. i mean, the entire thing is that potemkin village really, you know, everything's okay. everything's great. well, it's not. i mean, 6, the exact opposite of what people want and what they expect. and it's going to be a long process, i think because the, these people, these parasites will not give up power easily. and it will not that that a stranglehold they have on the american politics may require the debts unfortunately, well not unfortunately, it's on people's cases, but it was a recard generational change where people like hillary clinton and others finally finally dropped dead frankly. and i think, you know, she deserves it more than anybody i just developed. and all these deals with all
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these boomer era politicians who have destroyed american politics turned it into a farce. and a totally 3rd, as you know, it was certainly had his share of corruption, but it was do, sir, is now just thorough corruption. they'll have to dine pass. so i think i think i would cite the lincoln and principal, abraham lincoln. you can. yeah. and he wants that you can full some of the people all the time, all the people, some of the time. but you could not full all the people all the time. that's problem as well. are talking about pulling people line on, you know, let's look at these, these met issues here, cove at the national security stage. here they and both parties and the sabbath spent the gravitate around these med narratives here. meaning you can't question them. ok, that is the problem is that when it comes to national security and health, i mean we all should have a right to question it. but know you're shut down for a line on the only thing would be in addition to that, um, you know, originally there was something which i never thought i would see. so originally
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there was something which i never thought i would see. and i think it's relevant, it was a phone that came out the sound of freedom and it was about a child gravity and human driver getting insured child protection. that it wasn't, jim, could these all and not mel gibson, but it was saw to be email gibson and it was about 10 ballard. and these folks who basically worked from supporters and good christians trying to fight get this child trafficking. i don't know about you, but i think most people would be against this when you saw the concert incidents when you saw the concerted, choreographed, and orchestrated movement and in, in, in reactions to this by this professional left who, whoever these media folks are. it's amazing. they saw the people who concern themselves about that were part of some kind of a blood conspiracy sector, whatever. that's number one. number 2, let me tell you the problem that the republicans are making right now. the democrats stole the election 2020 legally. they know exactly what to do. 20 legally . they know exactly what to do. nobody but nobody in the republican party is saying
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we're ready to go. we have boots in the ground, we have lawyers, we have law firms. we have observers. they are going to have this snatch again from them. so as much as tucker and bobby kennedy are doing tremendous things. peter's, there are old fashion, plain old hardware rules about elections and how to steal out of preventing from being steal a stolen that whatever the generation of the republican party is, is forever degeneration of the republican party is, is not doing. but i remain hopeful. and again, remember, tucker carlson is the bill buckley. he may not be in office, but he is a spirit of a neo republic, and i do use that word. and bobby kennedy is a godsend. remember if he goes 3rd party, because let's face it, this is a guy who basically had his family destroyed by the same organizations that are trying to destroy this country now. and what a great payback that would be think that's it's a, as i would, i would just know real quick. it's funny because tucker carlson, son his name buckley in, in, oh, nice. okay. the circle is close to get,
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getting him over 11 of my biggest prop, my biggest problem with the g o. p. i'm not, i'm a republican. i, i can't be in a party with lindsey graham, sorry, i just can't. okay. and there's a lot of other way my mid romney the rest of them. i really can't be in the same club as people like that. jennifer, it really bothers me. is that so many republican establishment, terry? and say they go along with the liberal narrative on almost every single issue and the in a particularly and like mitch mcconnell, he seems to be comfortable in the minority. you know, i mean, i guess he has time to count as money or something like that. or i just don't see the vigor to want to establish an agenda for too many years. we were republicans have been followers, mountain leaders. okay. and of course we did everything to obstruct trump. go ahead, jennifer. a why he brought up a good point. no, i don't want to be in a party with, you know, lindsey graham or mitt romney or some of these others. but there's
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a reason people use the term, reino, and when you break that down, republican, a name only, they're just democrats. we don't want to be in by an established establishment. democrats. all they care about is they unify with each other. there's the old adage and anyone that's lived in washington dc knows this, you know, they, they sit and fight in front of the camera and then they go and have a drink afterwards. and they, they kind of laugh about it. it's all a show and i think more and more people are seen that you're in a party and then that, you know, party that just the that hates and that is pro war pro establishment. you know, a really fascinating thing is beginning to happen and that's at the, the grassroots level with the people. if you don't mention your political party, if you don't mention what political party vote with a general people that maybe support what bobby kennedy is saying, um or something else that you've got the new conservative, the tucker conservatives. if you will, with the robert kennedy democrat with the kennedy democrats,
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if you get those people in a room despite how to avoid it, we've been, you know, reprogram to to think that we are those 2 people in the room tucker republicans. kennedy, democrats will agree on almost everything. yep, they will agree that the government needs to be held in check. they will agree that we're supposed to be a few questions. they'll agree that the vaccine loc, as will romeo want to ask questions about this perpetual war military industrial complex, and the want to do that. and so that's what i think the establishment is the most afraid of the fact that people are finally asking questions they're pressing back. but there is push that, you know, it was george orwell that said it's, i am of universal to see. truth is a revolutionary act, and that's how they treat people as revolution. not as revolutionaries is, as rebels as instruction as others who are trying to just ask questions to get to the true, to say, i'm not buying what you're selling me yet. and it's hard because you can talk about,
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well, here's what it's hard for lawyers to, there's pushed back against against good constitutional lawyers in this country. well, you know, tyler, i been on the jimmy door and show twice. i mean in, because of it's a, it was a pod cast, it lasted a long time. i, everybody knows i'm a conservative and a pretty rigid one on the, on most issues here. but i can talk to jimmy door for the longest time, and we kept looking for a way to disagree with each other, but we really didn't. okay, and we've max blumenthal also. i mean, it's a, well, this is all engineer to divide us whether there is a division. go ahead, tyler? well, you know, it's, it's so interesting. you mentioned that because of jimmy jimmy has been you know, he's the, he'll tell you just the easiest, the comedian who realized what was going on and had to speak out as an american. and for years he essentially there was this notion that you had to sort of disavow tucker carlson as you agree with him in the sense that, that well, you know, tucker i, you know, in the same thing with alex jones. frankly,
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it's everybody had to always give these sort of preliminaries if they were not, you know, have it supporters that, oh well, you know, alex jones may be crazy but, and they, they started doing that so much that i noticed the jimmy no longer says well tucker carlson as well, you know, off the ranch or whatever i'm doing. i've noticed the transition i noticed was right, is it exactly the way you did? i remember? yeah. it's finally finally coming to reconciling with the fact that these, these labels and these, these i audiological or political sort of compartmentalization of people were for false. i mean, we agree on more than we disagree about. and then we certainly agree on the fundamentals of what this country should be, and this absolutely frightening the hell out of the establishment that is, as a totally ruled on the basis of these artificial, this artificial divide, i mean, in any sort of rebels or, or people who would challenge that to me? i worked for newt gingrich when he was minority whip and the an inch is speakership . he only lasted maybe 2 or 3 years, a speaker,
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roughly from the time of the revolution. so they asked him, put, put in dennis hastert of all people, you know, it was might as well been bob michael, who was the the previous uh, the loyal opposition. minority leader who as you said, you know, did, they did nothing. so you know the system as an abided people like this. but what we have now is an entire sort of parallel infrastructure. this rising up, it's far more vital farmer, truthful and touches people, or reaches people far better. this, this media fascist media propaganda combine that. we've had in the corporate uh, you know, corporate media for years and that's gonna make the huge difference. yeah. be kennedy's all over all this. i mean, these are easy. well, if you need to. but bobby kennedy and tucker, carlson gave me door. i would even say they have a lot they, they've given us permission not to hate our neighbor and that is refreshing. okay. you weren't, we don't have to hate. okay. that is an inspiring message coming from the gentleman folks we've run out of time. i want to thank my guess in new york, denver,
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and in milwaukee. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at archie. see you next time. remember prospect rules the, [000:00:00;00] the more expensive and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, do not watch my new show. search like why watch something that's so different little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead. i changed and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state at the top. so is this our rushes at present puts in? well, not so time of the upcoming breaks on it in south africa next month. this white and black country having existed it would not, on an international warrant for his arrest, issued by the hey, agreeing to disagree a much more to be used actually in america some it fits tub is nothing confusing to find the pro ration had been suddenly out of the world bank predicts it wrong. so the economic growth this year, we looked at how table we train sold to find the back against the west. sometimes
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the live from las go. this is odd. see, my name's melissa. i'm only in 30 minutes of news and use stop. now. rush and present value of a person will not attend next month. rick. summit, indiana is that's according to the administration of the south. i can present. now this comes off, the south africa dispelled speculation as to whether random inputs in would be arrested on international what if he would visit the country. so i've, i've, i've been present several rub off of the said that taking his russian counterpart into custody, to fulfill the warrant issued by the hey, would not be in his nation's best interest. it would be a reckless, unconstitutional, and unlawful exercise of the powers conferred upon the government to declare war
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with russia by arresting president couldn't have cost positional obligations to protect a national sovereignty. peace and security of the republic. so that because a visual position, the democratic lions really assumed they kept among the pages when it went to court to try and find some government plans. how to enact interest warranty for letting me important. should she set foot in the country for the brakes summit which will be taking place here in august? now, the democratic alliance was the part to compel government on how it should go about enforcing the arrest warrant of letting me put in. should the russian president set foot in south africa? the argument here is that they do not trust the government to their own devices and they would rather have a public key stated health center on the plaza. and his government plans on going
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about enforcing such interest work. so it was on the other hand as argued that the contents of his coffee top it should not be made public because that would jeopardize national security. but also, the risk of the russian president vladimir puts in here in south africa, would be tantamount to a declaration of war. because russia has already said the interest of the sitting president would be a declaration of war. i changed it now. so it was also argues that it's a genius, the very greenville south africa's constitution to engage in the war, and that it goes against his own of, of office we, she took when becoming a precedent to protect the country from such a circumstance. but the meta is so as to how government would go about arresting, flooded me, approaching remains to be argued and it will be so coming this friday when
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the lawyer representing a sort of the boss and the government, indeed go to argue as to why they cannot outline any details of such because that would jeopardize the security and that in the woods of the process would be responsible for the country to engage. and now it goes without saying that south africa's governing party, the applicant, national congress, which the is the president of has always declared that russia is not only a friend, but a conrad, which was official in south africa's when of the liberation struggle, which it took for some for decades against the minority white government in south africa and that they see them. they see russia as a friend and an ally, and especially with regards to the invitation,
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they have extended to the sitting president, all 4 brakes countries, things and i saw a criminal court in the hague issued the arrest warrant earlier this year open. there isn't any member state to detain by the inputs and if you step foot on the territory and the imperialist, come and take the definition, do believe. so i'll ask that list i'm from, i'd refuse to be dictated to by the west. i think of the most important message to not just america but to the in you and they tool from the soft getting precedent is that change? so i forgot is a southern states uh, and it has all the rights to come out to define its own foreign policy. it's not a proxy or subsidiary of need to america. no. the and the president is fully
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aware that the decisions that he had to states she's cabinets, make my payment informed by the interest certificate. that will bring you more details on this story. later in the now they may be files of all the pots on the map from, but the 1st election, the american surveys in 8 years was supposed to bring the 2 regions closer together in freight. i'm spirit. however, those hopes have stated somewhat, often much disagreement over a joint event communicate because it's a new crime, proved a major stumbling bulk with a number of relaxed to the american and caribbean that is refusing to quote, strongly condemn rushes operation, which the e. u had been pushing for the final version of the declaration with reports of the slashed form, his initials, 16 pages down to 10 disagreements. a guess also left outside the us
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led sanctions for bypassing international. using sanctions and blockades, without the support of international law is something that only serves to penalize the most vulnerable parts of the population. we need peace to overcome the significant challenges we have to face. instead of eliminating hunger for so many millions of human beings, we're spending billions of dollars to feed the war machinery, which only causes more destruction and famines. the see lucky you summit is the moment to say enough, like when you're really angry with somebody. and so you just punch a wall really hard and hope that they notice the resilient president statement here really captures the tone of this summit between the you and the community of latin american and caribbean countries, also known as the larger. but it can best be described as, i guess. tense is only because latin america. yeah. for them it's kind of like agreeing to meet up with an old high school pals who, you know, wants something from you every single time you see them. they pretty much say that,
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but they also try to frame it as something that's good for you and then your best interest. so they even went into this meeting, the 1st of its kind it 8 years with really clear objectives to get support for ukraine to get his hands on some resources and to get in touch in on the region, slow dance with china and russia. so right other, the gate lula lambasted western sanctions without directly confronting the vineyards yahoo we was talking about though, and more often than not, they just blindly agree and follow us section. now the honduran president joined in on this particular pylon and put brussels on the spot, demanding that the e u. stand up against some. washington's punitive measures taken against latin american countries. the seal of east summit must approve a resolution demanding the end of the blockade against cuba. it is necessary to en
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piracy and the confiscation of goods because we're all exposed to one day finding that our monetary reserves had been frozen in foreign banks. or we do not have the possibility of chartering transport for the goods that our people's need. we demand the elimination of the barriers that prevent us from normalizing our commercial relations with sister countries like nicaragua. so there's been an undercurrent of grapes in resentment throughout this entire meeting with europe's colonialist history in latin america and slavery and africa brought up and the prime minister, st. vincent and the grenadines, who's also present a pro 10 for a c lot. also a vote. restorations apparently spanish president pedro sanchez invited you printing presently bombers with you to the summit, but apparently it was opposed by some of the latin american leaders. zalinski confirmed that himself, venezuelan president nicholas venturo, was not present at the summit of his vice president delsey rodriguez was keep in
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mind that the us still has a $15000000.00 bounty on maderos head. still meijero acura would the same anti sanctions message as his regional counterparts, and it matches that he issued from the same time as the state as the summit was getting, getting into year i got locked out of the voice of venezuela will be heard there. the truth of venezuela to demand that the sanctions ceased that the blockade cease, that the aggression against the venezuela ceased pluck. brussels hasn't exactly been in the habit of standing up against washington's agenda, but it seems like lots of america wants to see proof of some kind of backbone that isn't just a trojan horse for washington's interest. and brussels has been trying for years now to see a trade deal with the latin american region. but it's all foreigners are pretty livid about that potential, particularly when it comes to beef from latin america. and it's potential to depress the prices of


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