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tv   Documentary  RT  July 19, 2023 7:30pm-8:00pm EDT

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is unconstitutional and unlawful exercise of the powers conferred upon the government to declare war with russia by arresting president putin. i have cost positional obligations to protect a national sovereignty peace and security of the republic. so there is no way that south africa would really actually arrest vladimir putin. but regardless watermark boots and as we now know, will not be travelling there as a sort a live. rob will be there instead, something that he does frequently. so they live rover often represents russia at events and forms all of this nature. so it's not something surprising, especially when you add to this, the fact that a lot of our boots and will no doubt needs mr. i'm a photo next week in st. petersburg. when russia is hosting the russia africa, so much more, there will be lots. so the power, wait, so from the global are really not politicians, officials, so they'll be able to discuss the business and economy there. and of course, there will be representatives from the breaks nations as well,
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just to remind our viewers again, brazil, india, china, south africa. and they will be able to discuss how they are constantly continuing to shift the power balance in this world to create this more multi polo world that we keep talking about. so the fact that a lot of my boots and will not be traveling to south africa doesn't really change anything and doesn't change those relationships. it's interesting, i see because in the break, before we came on, i was doing some research and the likes of blue but, and i knew that i was like that they causes the america washington is closely monitoring the decision made a washington closely monitoring if a sit over on my side is it says, hey, yay, yes you can come. i'm a, he did actually say that if puts it in, doesn't want to come is more than welcome. nothing's gonna happen, right? absolutely. well, yes, so here is what she said that loosely, mazda, i mean, who are they gonna buy? just like putting, you know,
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we have this thing coolant of the capital, pulling the pots black. exactly, but they want to create this image. the vladimir putin is weeks up, let them have fruits and this scared that no one likes let them or boots in, which is not the case because everyone seems to be doing business aside from european nations as we know. and you, cranes, allies, of course. but we have heavy weight nations that are emerging and becoming real power houses in this world. and they want to do business with vladimir putin. so lot of our puts in not traveling to south africa, but meeting those same people next week. and st. petersburg doesn't really change anything, so this will kind of uh, puts in another for that as a, as a parent or also one terrible. i remember we just, we have this, you know, we have this black, great initiative, a queen who took above, i remind the view, is that the, the reason why russian pulled out of it was because the side of the deal was made. but, you know, puts in, came out today and said, look, we'll give the grain for free. i'm part of the way you west some countries find
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a way to, for you claim to get the grain out by road. which is, you know, you doesn't have that the, when, when, when you have fighting people and russia has, has had a great track record with african countries and with 3 explanations as well. there have a great relationship on the partnership for many, many years. so something like this is not going to have any impact whatsoever, but of course, in western mainstream media, that's how they like to make it appear. yamaha drama. yeah, absolutely. well, i mean, while the south africa is all position party known as the e, f, f was criticized the government's decision making, saying it didn't do enough to ensure security full lot of mean a lot of input. and if indeed he was to visit this looming breaks, the president put his withdrawal as a consequence of the south african states reluctance to sub on the international affairs and the inability to resist the pressure from may to. so the hypocrisy lice and the fact that the i c, c has not prosecuted individuals like judge boys and tony black for war crimes,
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raising questions about its impartial ality. yet all government balls through each rats, the noble efforts to fight against imperialism. the calls for the dollar was ation and for an outlines so that replace breaks nations on the stronger full team in the globe will always be undermined by a colleague the governments in south africa position purposes. and so that's a, not just the economics on the front, but even though official position in the democratic the lions have failed to recognize the number of factors. one is that is a, that's a crazy signature to their own statute. and therefore, they are legal obligations and that so that i think that is about to fall in the end and to fulfill the secondly, it is the sole responsibility of the executive officer,
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the stage to manage uh for the policy. and to date, there is no evidence that the government, particularly the administration of presidents, that over i'm of course, as in any man up in red, less in fulfilling its duties with respect to the management of foreign policy. it's n as in the president as navigate to, to this issue very carefully from the time that i see learned, was instituted and, and made and, and so the decision that we announced today was not so you know, that sort of decision is a decision that it was taken over many, many, many new consultations, petune the president on us side, the boys and president bush's as low as i, the brakes members days. and so this was
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a carefully mapped out and carefully considered decisions that took on board the inputs of ross you and president bush in particular, but also the inputs and perspectives of other freights member states. and so, you know, in the conduct. busy diplomacy and the management of sort of the policy one has to look at the number of patches that will influence processes that will guide decision making as well as be guided by the client is knows. so in this regard, our own constitution and laws, as well as actually choose an agreement that we've signed into nationality that we are legally bound to on we're gonna sign over 300 people. i'd be interested in a way of, of clashes between protesters and police in kenya. and that's,
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as of the political opposition is now allow me to take to the streets for 3 days of antique government demonstrations. of we had a sound of police while using a tear gas to disperse those people right there. and yet another chapter of on the rest and the east african nation residents have long been speaking out in well in protest against surging inflation and unemployment. a previous classes, as we understand, resulted in 15 people that and hundreds arrested. so we hit the streets and spoke to residents who voiced that concerns about the current state of affairs. the purpose of having the business is going to bring a change because i debate such, i don't think the president, i looked at him the truth now. i think he didn't need the business. going to sit down and he said most the night this is very busy. you will be able to see news on see the stuff, what do you like you to miss mama? everything is that stand still well bleeding with the government to engage with the opposition lead to as we citizens,
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although on suffering with the current cost of living, especially the low income illness. we will nothing especially now that the protests will run full 3 days, definitely subtracting our business because people are afraid, like 2 days, they're getting those up because got to see adding, because basing the security to move the shows, we do know the central business district studies is a big deal and a screen, something building the energy. and the whole thing that i bought, that demonstration of the use of remainder the vantage during the on going to update the boss in the folder to fire life to these by the dental and vision for ease of use as a by throwing pulled up
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into the stream or when indeed evaluate is the same with the lead on the, the gauge and move the and the business we did minimal activity the window the we've been up all night when the no, oh very cool. the only phone that is the time to learn more. here are analogy international and various mcgroon out mcgroon, a former canyon and presidential advisor joining us. i live on this house program from moscow, a very good evening to you. so what a story this is in kenya, we've been showing just awful pictures of mass demonstrations, a lot of violent sitting, some parts of the streets that i went to ask you. i missed, i'm going to, if i k a, if i can your thoughts right now on,
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on who will or what is prompting these violent protests in the country and effectively putting the country in the state of k or what or who is behind it. um it's the festival. uh. good afternoon from here. uh i don't i think it is good evening there and thank you for inviting me to us to deal. uh it's a difficult question. um, i think the 1st thing is that the cost of living is high, but it's not just high and canyon. it's high all over the world. and i think that the inflation was high unemployment. plaza b 12. uh, you know, i just homelessness and desperation as close to this. uh, but its been taking advantage off by a little deal and is that the last elections last year and now
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believe that they're going to jump into this and exploit it so that they can do stabilize the current government and hoping that it might allow them either to remove it from power or to force them to some kind of deal. so it's a send me a call, hopefully by new position, taking advantage of really shoes affecting can because the question people would have to ask is this. so assuming that the president invited a little dean go to a tall quote, book, or lucian, how the dots to illuminate the high cost of living, old luck resolve the issue of high unemployment. but the certainly it does seem to be a button on the government. so i do apologize for interrupting, but when it comes to, for example, you know, deacon on a crisis that for example, inflation as we're well aware of, of the competing ukraine has, as also
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a spread in an economic manner to some parts of your content. and i understand, you know, there's, there's some domestic social issues to deal with when it comes to, for example, government policy is the canyon government acting in a truly solve written by the, are all there, or excuse me, other, any external players might be interested in getting involved and can use internal politics. for example, i spoke with the, with a, with a kenyan gets a short time ago who said, for example, that an l g b t q, piece of legislation has been forced through the canyon government and it was owned by 10 years choice. can you tell me more about any of that, or is the external interference and the politics that has always been investigating into fietta is they need done on politics since independence is so called independence can. yeah, i mean, if we're going to get into the political debate or discussion about
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independence or silver and t, i think we will miss the point because i don't believe tenure is independence. so yes, breach in for example, and the united states, i've had struggled on kenya for 60 years since we had the so called the flag of defendants. so, and, but, but the point that you agree regarding the d, b, d, q legislation is not accurate. there is no l g b d q legislation cut in please, either pending or the b door as being passed, kenya is not you've gone. 8 gone to a pastor legislation against l. d q can yeah. has no, i love it. you're known to the secretary general of the communist party of can you just lost hours? she said that there is legislation being pushed through the canyon and government that is about l g b t, t. but that's all right in the go into. that's all right. listen, it's, it's not the main is not the main crux of why you may have told me right now. because like, as you say, you said to me, can you, you,
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you think has not been software. and in some time you said there are certain the western professional partners who have certain goals, perhaps in kenya. i mean, look, it's been a long time since since the days of, of colonialism but, but what might weston goals in kenya? amount to well, it's been the same goal before colonialism. my now and that is natural resources in africa. really, this is about resources. it's always been, it's either land mean it rolls, you know, raw materials. that's, that's the primary intention of the western governments. and because they are now facing competition from the chinese and recently russians um, regarding the, the kind of the bead on the dollar, the deluxe version of the corner. uh, they are easily renewed interest in kenya for instance. because can you see us
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cool down? would it be a unit of the interest in the lead you so, so that is there, but there is also new political, you know, interest regarding the home of africa and the rest of africa. because once they have the control of south africa, nigeria, acadia, and egypt, they believe that would be able to control that. i still love it. so that is, if you will, a news cromwell for africa. i think i think that's so, you know, just those last words you set that mr. mcgrew in a new scramble for africa. i think at this point, no true a words africa is getting so much attention these days from foreign ministers and presidents from all around the world. why? because africa is dining up on his own 2 feet and it's starting to express itself when i solve written 9 and the going in the going to a full not can you in the presidential advisor?
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joining us live on how to you international. a real pleasure having you on the program. thank you very much for your time. thank you. thank you. thank you for joining us as well. thank you. and has issued the scathing criticism of new british legislation intended to prevent migrants from entering the country, saying it violates fundamental human rights and must be reversed. this bill sets a worrying precedent for dismantling asylum related obligations that other countries, including in europe, may be tempted to follow with a potentially adverse effect on the international refugee and human rights protection system. as a whole. i urge the u. k. government to renew this commitment to human rights by reversing this law and ensuring that the rights of all migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers are respected, protected and fulfilled without discrimination of the bill that has to be backed by a the british prime minister originally suited acura. his parents are both
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immigrants that legislation with a bad migraine, so arrive a legally and set in motion the default ation and back to the country of origin or even of the nation, such as rwanda were in a signing request that's considered last month. the british court ruled with the plan was for the sang. rwanda can not be considered a safe country for asylum seekers. the registration has spotted criticism by opposition, politicians, lawyers, and various civil rights groups of the terrible illegal migration bill has passed old stages in parliament and will now become law. it's a dark day for the case reputation as a protector of human rights and a grief moment for those seeking safety and an uncertain world. but the fight for a fair and humane asylum system goes on. devastating to know that you case illegal migration bill is now set to become the law doesn't represent us or the society we want to leave in our 1st thoughts this morning with those directly affected. please
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join us in solely that richie was everyone seeking safety and justice. would love to learn more about this question live now through economic expos, kyle small hummadi, and who, who as i understand case you inside are and a m, a grey, your self, your original home country of afghanistan. you, you then relocated to germany. so you are and that you, you, what are your thoughts about? well, many of calling a controversial laura and the u. k. that's about to be introduced. i mean, how do you think it might reflect on the migration issue in europe? it is still a big deal when actually the, the union has usually criticized it's and i criticize this matter because it's not totally going to affect negatively you. okay. but also i was item seekers internationally, in addition to that is vibrating at least 3 international laws. for example, 1951 diffusion convention and also the european convention on human rights and human rights act, 1998. additionally,
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it's also violating the intervention against transnational organized crime and it's protocol to prevent surpassing parish trafficking and passions. so it is not only damaging the u. t. economy is also going to negatively affect my, who is from the rest of the world. for example, it is criminalizing as i'm seeking people who seek asylum to illegal methods, which is very popular now. and it is the only uh, option for somebody to use that you just said you just said. these methods are illegal, so sorry to jump in, but you said illegal methods. if the methods are illegal, then it shouldn't. this potential u. k legislation have some credence to it. it's a violation of law and that's right. it is legal because the legal system does not provide ways and methods of better legal migration for these images and asylum seekers. that's why we categorize them as the legal otherwise,
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it is in most of the other european countries as an accepted method for getting migrations. been to countries where i live and many other european countries accept immigrants that come to votes or in containers on any other methods. so however, we categorize them legally because it's not in the legal system, but it is conventionally i'm accepted system. and i want to reiterate that the people who come and choose this method of coming to europe and they will be criminalized, and u. k. b will be denied the right to seek those items and you take the could be excluded from the eucharist resettlement schemes. i'm the, i'm just, i'm so i'm just trying to, i'm just trying to understand, i do apologize for interrupting you, but i'm just trying to understand if somebody comes to the u. k. illegal, lee, then they should face the little correct. or you'll telling me if they come
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illegally, they should be allowed to stay. you know, actually what i'm saying is that is the use, the conventional methods of getting to u k. b should be treated as items see curves and these given this, right? so for example, when in france, people use the same methods on getting into the votes or containers the will be given this right to assign them seeking boss to h will be a legally, uh, dealt with as a criminal act if you come and if you use those methods of good. yeah, i mean it's really complicated, isn't it? it's, it's, it's, it's a, it's a, it's also a social issue that has been politicized to me, for example, there economic issues a, to a lot of migrants who end up in the, in the u. k, a lot of them of the life of a lot of the economy that in services and the services sector, they've got a big jump to do that. that, that, you know, there's a political side of it, that's a voting side of it as well,
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where the more votes you can get for your political party, the bad in the matter where those votes come from. but i mean, do you think, do you think of the european countries could follow the use case lead with this president? yeah, that's one of the problems they are far i part to use in many european countries that have already kind of approved this. and they have acetone governments to do that. and there are also some of the neighboring countries who will see more pressure all emma grams. and that's why they will want to take the same route on the same. it's actually raise the ground floor as a precedent for other countries. so at least i remember that for some of the european members of this. and for example, if it's lee and in france and, and some other countries, this has been praised and,
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and before i parties are and are asking their parliaments and their government to do the same thing. well, i'm just going to jump in and say just very quickly that you know, they knew autonomy and probably minister maloney, she come pain. she can paint on being and the immigration. but now she's about us on legislation to that half a 1000000 illegal immigrants become legal emigres in italy, kind of small hummadi. i wish we could talk more about this analysis on a immigration and economics expert. thank you very much for joining us. the nazi and thank you i thank you for joining us as well. this program coming to your life with a heart of the russian capital we all back soon with all the the
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hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered on peter lavelle back in more influential than ever. that's what many you've observed since tucker carlson was fired from his prominent perch at fox news. unafraid, an unrepentant carlton relentlessly punches up at the establishment and speaks up for the week is powerless. the cross starting tucker carlson, and the conservative movement i'm joined by my guess, lionel and new york is a legal and media analyst in milwaukee. we have gender for a brief read and she is an attorney. and in denver we cross the title, nixon e as an attorney and political strategist, or across our rules that affect,
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that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate, okay, let's go to line on the 1st day in new york. okay. why don't, i don't want to go to all the background. what happened over the weekend with these 2 conservative for, but you can easily come to the conclusion. number one, donald trump, the inside of the party. but the heart and soul of the party belongs to the general carlson and go ahead my friend. oh, he's a virus, he's a parasite. he is the future. 2 things have happened. bobby kennedy junior and tucker agreed to be kennedy junior, represents the prototypical see radical quit the central left at dr. crossing. is that right? but guess what? they agree on. that is ridiculous war and ukraine kind of a re, a re positioning of what left and right was historically, by the way, whenever the democrats were in power, the bad guys were always local homegrown, you know, randy weaver and david correction mcvey. when the republicans were in charge, the bad guys will always terrorist, well today we have this amount, all of them we have left her right now basically clamoring for war. we have left
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her wide, basically looking for a biomedical tyranny. we have left her wide basically looking to throw away everything. so tucker is the statesman, bobby kennedy junior. and by the way, if there is a god which i'm not too sure about, but if there is a god, bobby kennedy will go to the 3rd party, destroy what's left of the democratic party handed over to trump. and then maybe just, maybe we can have another go at maybe resetting the great reset, but not in schwab, be in terms, but an actual real probable term. well, res, such as the war or the the operative word here, jennifer? i mean, it seems to me it's interesting that lionel brings up bobby junior because bobby junior is fighting the establishment. and tucker carlson is a escaping week, reached protecting the establishment. and this is what really, it angers the establishment is that, you know, they, you don't have to fact check tucker because there's nothing really to check. and that's what really annoys them. jennifer, your thoughts? the? yeah. what are the most, is the tucker, especially even with the,
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with the g o p. candidates, he was asking questions, asking questions, but they don't want him to ask, asking questions. they don't want to answer and, and that's what it is. you know, there's really nothing to fact check him on because he knows his stuff. he's lived in this world. he's the, the leads he's loved amongst them. and he knows what's going on. but it's also tapping into as miles that it's tapping into the soul of the, of the page. remember, that's happening in the soul of the americans, the american on the american spirit. those questions that we're now ask you, which is why is our party moving against us? do they see they seem to hate us? and that's the main question i think that they're trying to avoid is, especially for republicans, is, is, it seems like they are trying that they hate us, that they don't want to do that. and that's a question. we never ask before we vote for somebody with an our next to their name or the democrats case with, with bobby kennedy with it, with a do you next to their name? we assume that they're going to do what it is that we, that we voted for them to do. and now we're seeing possibly for the 1st time ever
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met many here in the last several decades. but they're not doing what we voted for them to do that. they don't care what we say, and it's a sort of like a we, the people movement wise, you know, perhaps for the 1st time ever, at least in several decade. yeah. it's interesting, tyler, it was if you look at the uh, the, the data be one, tucker was still on his program. is it more democrats watch tucker than anyone on the left? and there are a lot of conservatives that are actually interested in bobby kennedy. i'm not surprised by that. okay. i mean, i would come into work and i'd say, i don't know how much longer they're gonna allow tucker to talk like he talks because it is. so we feel very different than anyone else. and you know, put fox news getting burned to the ground for as uh, as far as i'm concerned right now because tucker was the only one that said anything of interest. and he spoke up for the power list. i want to stress that go ahead. tyler? well, i think people have good faith, one is see a viable party system that enables people to have
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a home and ideological home. and frankly, i think both parties are very poorly represented the actual people in, in the process. and i think what tucker represents is, uh if he is the heart and soul of the republican party, donald trump, to the head of it. ron paul is the ideological godfather who came onto the scene decades ago and frankly challenged all the norms and was lambasted, was treated just a shadow of shabbily, as you can imagine by the establishment and what we're seeing. but we solve donald trump treatment as well as a, frankly, and i was tucker's treatment is exactly what ron paul was treated to, which is uh that you know, the, the policies that they support, or that they advocate and against, frankly, a corrupt, arrogant and deceitful establishment is what people actually want and believing. now we're seeing that i that casual ideological shakeup in the democratic party. although i've said before that i think the true battle is within for, for what's left of of any type of chance for a future, for american politics,
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that is not just a total fascist dictatorship, is within the battle within the republican party. drain the wrong pause. no ideological strain and frankly, the neo come on, you know, frankly that these people were, i've always been authoritarians and the bush, the bush. he's, i guess you could call them the bush, family's elk, who has hijacked the republican party since frankly, probably the late 19th sixties. and, and what we've seen is this uh, the rebellion that's going on starting again with dr. paul, like deeply respect, inch and deserves is not given the credit. i think he deserves. although i think everybody knows that he was the 1st to step out and really take on the war welfare warfare machine that had been uh that we had been treated to for, for decades at that point. and tucker, carlson speaks that.


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